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' ,,)t//f u 4 Vl /-i

P-4 ' < t ee /a'AA'| e<4

/r:. OaS/6^/ p<o.€Du.<e ua4 etV
: .f" ei'
e d$/3, ol aua/, /aa/"/ a/az is ca///ed' aa1' a/t'V
-/o//oauf 'rrys: qzi> con&'nrt"2
ff';ffi;Ai s"r,"t a. q/*ff: .b*,(
7tA6;,h^o a,/e- Ca) Oe) A"a f oue /aai (bM l'Jhzr
@ o^/ .hol t o7p-/rr"to Lve laa/ + sercmlc bal
/ cr'7ru'J rA/.'
lv" unl ./oo/ (a/c,4 l'tM
@ Dead /oa/ I a77'aTrtate '/oo/ +
/e//nfigb@ ck?, ) batr
@ oe"4 /az( f seunc'
a) <e /ect : @ k c<n?,41 f*r s"4 ,og'z- /t'c//dr/)
@ maonV 'taa'1gt4
F) corapztte qfect?le n7,f,,7_,frir_^_" ,*,

ta- a''l/ v"'v''-r - o7
-,^,-.6ED za+Ds

-- 4,*Z- !*d--gtntr-11i* !!4Y4
E ^. a1-|('/a
battl/at7 h ca,rl
Desnn a,n t*.tor "*^
/tve = k^i/'!- /aad ozt //o,it 2 i

aektC el &mr| ? - - -. t./s tn/^" )

" Akt:.t /.YYocn J I
l,^n 3=
o.2Kdm' E#EFJ.-'",,
fi"",h l*-T f l
too'm'' . ., L
-'=--; : 4)'Z ehoKn'/ =o/'//'^uit=to'vlnn
A, 3e/.&
t9 V1 t'i
rirastr^t '
)-IH I
m*dt g*'t u:t -
ce,nent:s,,, lrr+)m
^ .=

'h "X,ffi ffi;:,:T:;

'f1^ANf J"lfrii^- **'' ' = i,?^;'' /#2 ''
i u""l,t +'o9!'.th'k?,v1a6'qsx21's = ,
iT^dI''ifi'* T-c+at oS eo-nu tt^*rloi"tlo'n"c'- = | xt^" ""

'mbol' ' ----Ee/t-

' ' S'qG
rJ/alJ: :4417t:t
o/. /ao,,1,4 JhA = /x/xd../ x2s = 2_,
//ao/ y'.,,a4 ha,4 = o, >
lr'le Zoa4 : 2. O
1'ata/ -

r?.gau- z,,"il' o+ht "/ 4"",'a1*orO

= 20 Ftu/m,
,9e/y' daJi t d/ ura4 = 1.181., x
let m (4/tl r r . xc4,r44'
dlazk,1?rix h./tn
/-'x .uo./2.,',

= / X d,/aXJ,A x2d.\ Z = /Z t/U/m

70 taL /oz4 2n tte. an tt 4t/ (
_ /5, ?e ++,2) +tZ
/", m (")
= 40'25 k^t/m .\
Q!) €//c.iue taatt : Stncz, -fi,2t zcohai-,t / tadt a^,1 mhttaz()
,J -t v"fl at to/ a44 6or11n
'lggar"., feca'rc- tlylt = A'75 kcry,L)
(Zl.n Taz t'- s ' I)
4tlcn d.,taz .tuf = gdao m'fl
,' , Ef/c.hve r9/, = te = d'75x3ooo = 2250

0D 7c etftm 4bcknr'ro : fu'r a Jbd4 a.a/4 ra-L ?7cctve A/*t2'4 h

tkz ,samz- a,a ataz{J &^t4naa.
,', e//ccnve &*/rerz =t2 = /Ad rnn
Qv) g/endorqea 'zatza
s4= te'
= ?zso
. 22..50 zL:" '",ba "ot-.a/:::z -
^J 27 y'ar a ?? 9Y*
e'o @
aa f24.25 -"-"
//e?7'"1) -/qas-
M E9:4
bt) ry4;fu-/dy (kr) fo J,( = 22'5 au/ no ee"u'tt"$ /"''( /"4t'-3'J
71 4= o'+55
Q ) /crr,a:Jsib& Con/'/ /^9s/e \tlrgJ=lor=\/..
0'455^0'?€ = o' 4'37 't//nn
TalaL /u.(A,, (.P)
It*al 6oryruo e .Jfra!4 dure/a/ed = ftc
6-: +r'21 'os - a,4dz
(/oe) (/da)
4./"/4 (4) * I"a tt"o- /d{r7tus/b/'- lrror? c" /a.
!/rc,T.e1 &ue/df'l
l/,* chot<* f /a|n iu /Lt,< antt /5,tr/ ,
4oactlor , O* ^7 utat't^ A VatZb- axt 6ta(. &<l a.tall a'. a ,/u',L't,tt'ttT
+/*:o(xt/t . 3 o y'l-/au/'&- d/4, 6T/4 *a'etnc,p ,
t*'o? 4' zz't'zt-*"a 2'7
i. '' --,)^
'.J..y ,)OL/D u./AL L gU/PA,<T€D a7 7//E €A,/23 4/.R03J-U4zzs
' --.ry:
' Dcsgn 4n )'n1crldr a/"/z f a y'ato-:hre/e4 .4azra;7 d;t' <cc
.'-rtabr f *"or. yoo- z,eth,7te <,/a4ri s.t-tbT4^,*..
. <tt/y'n1tt at (z ei/. 47 no nn ttuol. trthr.tcct V *oe i & 7tV. trn"t^
2 c?t//^lt hajtlt 7 eae4 .f/a cr y'-t 3n.

L,* '+
CO soa'd wna se 3.,n2.*".1
Co) 4.aua4* /nr
&z ert/z 67 Zc-ass-aatt :! " drrtcns.vna

Wtth .r/crena tb ^lov" y'?-@ . 'rl" .u'ta'dl 46 zt "b 6e de:t3a"l '

1e4 .ftlg ttu'at ler-r @l c<.tbla .7/4 ?b raa mrn ft a a/a,/'/rq tc// dcy
any' </rn&o rr- rJa , 6ooto cdrryftru(E -th.'/ a./r mzzonry' =a' % //rt'a -
uaiq lnc* c/- co,?trassrve, nn//ma- ),
"ir',omZ-t 2^* 7 'zart"t-
( s
' 'zti ual AO x LlyprA^7 c, skJ urch 2.l.Sa
tuaa ltura = /^/Xo./443. = Z"r za/21
aaiu'@/ t0 nn /)-a-1= txtx o'otx 2lr'r = /'36
' '/|otrt.t- J
zruc /aCtr t,5'
-7?lal €,16 a/n-
@e./ttf of ttoo rnnl rt.h = /x1Xt'/t5' 2.g k^t/-L
frulruv ba/ 0'2 "
ave /da/ 2'A
Tntal 4.7 4a//nL
sc// .,re/fht ( ,e <uo yanl|x aoa;f 7 6ftoz-az
'. 1a tArultco x laln(
= Lcftlr
= , olt xcYo xz x to = izk^t/n ,

.'. to& ,h"/ o,. .tfi --(s.u++J)2.!5 +/2 = 4t54 /'q

Qcctlve /rrlh t/ a161!/, = 36o0 f 2X /!.a = 374s ,n n7

gtn.t- lA2. a/a4 ,J Srypatle/ a-t til-o,4/A 4y cro*s' az,lh, tb q7e'f"'eto'yr4
l! t r, 3o@- aa aclul ,/za<qetl ,
- zlo ntq-tec4'q -& in-d. qa*"J a: cp<t'u^/t*/ rl 7tt-t Jr4t^Ja;:
*1:y a h.@:.o,:" 7 a'ur'eara,/l
t:,."t I /,^' =r: s7aomm.

U,ei lht, lwzeho4

/ f/et "t o/l = tao mry kly' = .

dt *a.4. "l pro. = €p-- 3 (ot = S oO ,) n,

-fp . 37ao
/do = s7 --4-
o, = -coo -t
^ty' ,
2./.?r ,a4L s's N 'taftltc* co'q/.a"'l/-
,', \fAfr.n,d, ca- ey't,..4ztrt'= \t.c. = /,O
$ccfue ci.t <ft,n = /'ot(tolal e/<'atnoa) = /da rt./1
srrz- jz ralriat- I J/vcn t Ital 23 d"A ,lt.boral a,qe(,ratabox4 rolrint)
at ili CoV a 1 6atbn -sc??orls.
ar'fcatue hryu -- d'75x (ach.a.e A/r^..) = a,A;pad,) .2zgmrl
g/tn/zvzyt raho.: a,re-
22.5 al- nr t^io A t*yY-l
"'' l;"r:
sr to4rl d,1 ""7* - "+- /od = - nstlat;d
., at - lrix rcthcal)
f/o?cz 34 e 22's
frr a cAx&zau raha a7 22'5 eu4 z?ft e2z':o'/"/d rt / rat' 't*aa $z'r
$ Aull<t<l rran zzUL 3'3 6/ li.a' '
/ st?ap y'qdtr - ,< .='0, QsS ^*4'ek^bon t z_
.tetln -- (y fi< = d.ttss(a,/r) = O'?37 *'/u4
'y'tc,,nt$/uz (//
btC = /"-"(1)6 = t' ?s/too) rcao = q*s 'z
4c*a ./o"/ - / = lo'zs ttt/rr
7A2) te.l"rlJs/itd h"./ 13 'vure t/u@l /t2' aafu/ /a4,
)ao in a'a s?*zl' az au4 a'"a 6z' ,nt&- q axz- 5rr*-
//-4 artlt
cAi&,u.z1 .
Ext 3 sdL/D t1/4LL W7t/ P/€t's
V"r"" am t,t/cr/o/ uall o/ a' ctrt'qlz
,/ , ',. n, fo- uaL r'u lJ owr a'
t.qm crTP't'nt
a ecc
4 -(: ?Y:"::
Rcc,,?'aT.:"r';;-;; 7- , pr?r
zo fs,k /n, n...*4; *t
4 u,,.//b bn b /'rk:_ rsiffi*_::$O ::b 6;{

)l2oot< <ald aiaa ar'6'l
c,oose ltu&ness tl ** ct//il h 2oornm ; ?erJ ard412a0
. tfo*^on / ?-,, 4.a'/L9d2-
€/ a.,'Af o/ .41'l//4n = g600 mm c//c . 'z
o7 6r"<ain at/atnl
*i !roo-, "J. no"'*i ct -t"'y shoryta/
Tt =ra ,
/rA n-, (7e. y n ra'". la<ri cozTdr'un ac- s ',in y '/?'e'ov'/ =
0 '?6^//"ttl
/;"a^7, -r.i n^a /mn rao/ htf *
= *i;':r:;:_? .,

",f -,in, f
r* ==("irrolt "" r "*,

bqq k^/
,','mht = //2+e2--244'
cross-sechorcl ao'' V e*';; /;'4= ry::;:?.*('rxo'r)
fY' 4 ' /'2''/a*'1er t1 A-*
. Ef1".t!e--&e!( .' ze- guTpoTf conlrhon'z al &- /o/ aad 6oin4
azre Cu4 ti,at ta-a/ve il .l.A recfiaz)b (/a/"/ral a4 .l/24 a/r 2,a ta^4oul)
//e nu' zl7 cch,/. fugal
= O,75 X achu-L 4eLjnc
F 4,7, x sedo = +o sn MA4
gillcchue tA-trfinus ! 7/,-LU44 ,eo?y'alfed 6y y'/ eys at 3{dd t/rvl
acz6.e ,\ ar.4lr/e. , tk4,rlnr.4
d - 44o _z_ .gl 36 do _ tq
e o.) 2oo Up -2 oo

4y l'a<a,r n*r7ab'6an /on 7at(".3 5

T S6y'lc,1t't co -qlrrrirr? = 3C -
l'o +
J. ;;.,- =-rc x achu'b.tuiAa
rqn "'frkrlv- €
/,o4 A 2oo = 20gmm

.Sk,tdstzza 'ra.ho :

,, I'g4'=" * /4.

ol e .+r- ls ,tc/ec /e/ az ,!/en/srrw ,&,,t "" i'rlo
p(rrntJJt l/.. -g4c 4 2s tozleuted 'fr'r a </e zal,rvu. *'? *,V::-
'anl ztyo e ccenlrril , sfress /*/", A/ nnaa ,>?tu/F 'tv" t'-'
7aJ&- 3,3 ,J s?res: /actln = O.r, , _ n,sz/a.?f) = O,il t
/64' stTess )U t/t/en O/ fac ' " - ' 4n
z*t ,a<t miss "t/
rtu' de:9n
:"#T:; I 7so^(czo'ts;:een'auaare*)
ka/ =486aN
/e,''nssi6a = o'(4 |ze 'rtoa) )
;o >(/'zq+K^/
' ' /" ;;'-;
O rro t*.o dtsg
n tt s|e '
Ot c4v/rv /'vtuL
ext/vlPt€'4 0E'9/G/V
Desrln an 2nkr/b/ ana e7a- a'z--;br/
ce/1/d9 4eryht o7.a'n stury.4e"1X e-'^:^ !*
is u'uhffenc4
and ti: s.e - /ont. Ao!tri;fffi; ito/t01'1"'
lltm zoaT ='
/zNat/n f"t t"4 f/*
y'rdft1 y'toor =
de/^t uii ovamlL at&aut ely't'at
<'o/qhort: det |tz le/cct a- ewil7
ili6 r*- dld a- a<.t&atrt o7 ea't bzV El:/' 'b /oo't4'u'

iii*ts ts assr-1to/ fr, catci'*"la' q *//'")xt aold s'/e 4z/t4nz4 /a''5 e '
dc/tlC o/ C6',- ,,.oo/ at'./ /t1ors" = tZJ 24t0 = 32k /M
ua'tl 6al";1'(K/"t V i,cl tuza't r/ = v r*/*l)
-k// J a7
--/ u);hb / llt'.- 3 xt xzko,,i {ix2o: 16t /tL1
,',7stal /a ad . 69 4,,t7n
Comlressue stress deyely,l = q=* =### =064A//in;

QTecAve hezV4.t- ts qyal n at7,

d,75 7ri,/zt tlz- a-czlsl 4a4,4f ) s /t'l(t-
tL fts ba b /nr'adN e* e/.- hV aa,4 bolfan E+ tie- l/a//,
.', €ffech''12- 4t1/t' h.= 0,75 (30do) =:22to r-
€t9*_4!y' 'tlne.n 0/a azi,f t,.ta4 zr q7.a1 r'o ?AP - l'' rl' l4-n-
€ut- f actul ttu'duezt ol 'lLj- *to /eaieo,
,' , €VSzl;ue /tuA ,e,rj ! A /,oo+too) = 1r Jnm > ta

s/ct&,rnem .zab'o =sR =2 : 22sD - 17

Le, 33 |

Tkut rb'/ a- .s /t ndatv'ness Zrtu o7-n *"1 71' ze-os'zeccohrc"$

a7 ax'cttr'
(a*'ot'to"4 t 4 &ke/r) /a"* allA^q fram robtt
inkt4/ahot k <"=O|E+
;'d;,;;:;- d r,, zouE, l* r"1 .< tre'x, tlt = 7'r tu/n mL a'u/ n 6rhn tft t
' "' -

tta 6o-" colwr,rnin" Cao,q4 fjrunl i I a"r"l =i'74u/nm) ,

.', 4lo Lut Q' slze'n ": 4c' 0's4 x 0'7 +' 0' 3 1 ? / "r44n
4//oaltL < trzn(ac- =o '3?4 6) > 4'Au/ J e?/'t d^/e /"F"/ 1034)
," 7n4- dBUn /J gd/tz- <,"2 ar't|aate '

E1'4//1PZ € -5 c 4 r/ / zt/ /,u4 z-L /^//7H c<ass - uAL z 3

Destltn. an l'at f e.>-t or UalL gT o tn'u - t 1*' by/
anj - br<-t
cez0zq'tte'<4a* o7 <atl Jar./ 4e,'{,* 3 m, 7l''' udJl' il cb/fc '2'1 6/
)nlc/sechizizt uta/z
uta/h zoomn
lfu<- al
mm c/c ,
al Staa mm
::l?::q*;f1 r"o,fr-- /sxtt/u g!
,l ea"4 r4""r = tz'T(tt/n
Re/'k/ 9t verl bc;/a/ '

J !nner/eq
Oatv 4af
T s/ =3eoo --4
€e/ect a caliry caaz P, tu /c.'r/aJe o/ ea/cu/ahan t/ t;/*:
tttul* a*l s( dndarne'r: ra4b aJ/'€| /"/az Aui"42?' 25D mfl ArZl
= ot

(/u1t*r"- el ed.'/1 .bo4l = roo -m tul 9"vt

?k( lot
a,te,ckt 'F &t'
@l tut'
&t' toaf
w; at^A 'l*t
ao,/ .r14t ,r/oo" = /6+2 < /2'5 = 4t2'/n
+l, f/oo/t
rt- ,"u'=**f *.::'::ffi"t^/!'"i7
cefraterynt "/
XPxo,r'<3<2o = 3't&)/n
p' roo7 { l/dt + '!bf
a'jl' a'aa'
7ot*t y'rrr./
= load "'a

= 4l *36 =771il/m
fry.<'"--3-Hts o-1
co,ytt 4stue Chcss dere/oVaed: tr= #h = ASSs{ni
ff/ccAre ie,f,tl- Jr erad tb 0,71 fi,az.o TAz- d(.,2<4 ,lniiZ- nra-
"riffi-T-r7du/d'1 al az zop a,uz,/ ha/tun a, soo,l y'oor,
.'. €/lcctlv<- f ait = ,'7€(3ooo) - 225t mm
al c elfeLl le tfua(mss 4 ? eattrg tuaza d/ di /''"rys ts 'L/2 e''r/'
u--AA;Fr'* t'". 2^**"- a/ e&4 o/ /az 7r,.o '4aten ' dular teal
cmrztat/z a solr'd ap4 , 4eicz- th ' e4acSa2 t/4u&n4 /J er4'a/
'fo a/Aut &t*nezn uA& etla/x /oo mn. 22z,rq/ 43/t cazrlVrub z'1> a'
sod'd a/all alti 4ldss za//z . '74- c,r,aJs t a4 ca.q bn- arazunzd
q4u6b/rt 1z a /rer o/ /r//*4 et/'"| lb /44 /tut1ae! qr rron ..
alau arld a/ fttknc,n' qa h 14,/tc2- a./a4 AL.i:t^a'n.
/"'nr- 2- 36donn /a.,/ao mm
fp = ,1 la = 3aonn Np = tsal = 2do nn
.,, 3A - edze_ = rt ) .4 . J99 = s
aJP 200 €at /oo
&7rr,*x 10 Tabb 3,5, Jc//fer/4? co-e///tien?= ,/'09
Jznez &4 4/..hue ltu?lnqa = /'O8 1/oo) -- /at mm
6//echue alouem o/ (r4 ard4. t" = 3 (08+ w) = t3qmm
€/<ndt//>i vdl/a S< ,fe 2250 - /1
= --
ee Bq
6r a,l/enlzrnetn ,rzha 6/ 6 a'u4 =.ero eccc n*'a'Q , &t' c'1'ess
y'a"lt a 6t""ro/ 1o^,t'r ?abb- 3/3 6e Za;"^, rzlrrrpola h:'tz az'<4 tt * 4t

e%A'|. ,b 0'Sg
._l _ l"ryru, ue- t/ralj due@
Hcrl@) 6a4ta Co|Ttte-ctile 6re.t5 Terture.t = --1-J.lrca

s 4ac./o7

-!98 - 7's6 ttt/mn'

= "*z
&, - o,sK t
9e/tcl' 6rt&s: o,,i/ o/ cvbfr'lt ske zyt4 = Vfl'at/ut2
2210/ t@f / /,< //l- | ,
(Avn ba'a'rc Contora'n)ue- fhc'p B

/a<= 0,74 4unL i "tY"/ P'6/at/nu)

itlen"' )r'- daSn ts sy-
w4t ts OAJ'€Cr€D 7A C OA./ c €/vr44 7€D .1X/n/ I o,1DS
/ ,/e"4 caa 6z .razzl lo la_ 4 cazcz>d->.aH A/2_. 414r,
a€am^Xt a/t/e4 rotdtl a!- /oa4 )i {css &a dru- tfu'.d /44 Crdrd_
see 6 oha-l tur.*
.* alz ataz. arta- 6elartazy ol ma.pztrv arzy'z/
'uad. tu dq<r"rb 1+on att 'a^ZaL ;6"*4 dtl*tbzee/ /aJ.
@7?e.rr'u?'it.o", A, beon du,j
7:.fu.eTuafi'ry a'u4
Zorrt c"ila"*. zzn i*esseo
Cola,xly\hd /oa/z a,re a7 bat- xature, a^d az
&z: t/zh<+
a4on// 23 ca/azk qt T ettli,* a- .bcel 4ea.u,)ze ,n"4 '+de-
.<trc,.zt aJA.l4 /r
sa /evQ/nt' 7ur. e"4 a,u
7e )zrutg 6a a rryorJo"2e ,<z?e.rt cu<dz;y
dat ibocted bay'.'zbz,
"_rr^--' ['r].J- z,t au n
(i ) /etiaz /".//74)/v? zL lotouid4a( 4y ae- znprrtoL d.trect* /e/a.,t
€44 coTta/rl,-aal zaal ,'a.tkt4 a/Z b e. /
(tt) duryzLron, a/ a. ,_rlrcnq& ) aai
,taa o/t4 tta- d"/;;"-'il-' b,ctatayk
.:: fti? ya- concfratel Z,ol a-uXtt b/,cead/< *
"" u4 tD oe thaoatl a^4 a/.qb, A/ ZOo.
ASsk I
fs a coiurrio k4 "A./ dn rzaadzzy , a.e/d,h naL
/'1/len 6te4-e
cleck u retUred 7br 4- ,/q.q/. fiearrix* <tre'a. Tztz Vetrtussi6la'
AY'-l ,stTerrq a.rc 'ollzad 6y ez,lau^V tt- boL. 2or7u*tt,nu
€llssr Q Sa Tace nt ao"d /a^- a,te 'l:rkd an ralL J,€
i- 4 l|L b'"*rr"tr <tr"ts =zeeeC.--2z^ aQaau.6Z, ,ju, O Canc,rele'
1,2 bnc< ,, L 4u Trovided . AV$ Tcrcz* inanzat- nt ftt-
aloual&, beatz)'* che,p N rut' h' bz azsa,ut) be/au.' la+ ted 6/ao< '
zd. a*f3 f be 6&J/o e rs./o, f {lress 0h la'- bed 6/o & 6? aatr*,n,.ud
6.UmpL€- 6 DE /eL/ OU <a//D |V4LL /,,//7// l/ERs O/vDeK
4 C ?NC€A/7,< 47€D ZOAD
oesrSn an ezleztotr ,* b*u"*2 atn
,y' a- aw(sAv
A/94 Carv'y n7 €tce/ t*ctrlea "/ A- /q at 4., - Y""r.fl. dou"tt
23 s eautoQ tled a+ fu at'al Vtoov lr*. zL /'./,,y n9/ 6'-
-L'; -"*r. aa ./9//ods
ovtuiCt/re-d "9
ri,r/a-" ,.)r'"" /on ttt- ve/ .7.<ssQz = 3o kru ae"tt a/
C ,
eentrc el lte- u',al'L
A) PN/ ,6"a-1 =bal 71a7-
(4- ll n"r*fo,,",*nd tu'r leaLh o4
0,n t7lo,e aLi,,!/
J L , ," ,,
,- v + ";; z-------??- .-4 A -f
F_ 4se 4s@
gohJ uL"4 d/ ltl /of'rt cr,,ab'r con Q,lrt1!:bae!
.6) Q-co\ za*r
-,J )

Ze t /4t' a..,dz l4zE<nesJ be = 2o0 mm

r'fravl dz- pte7s ai AtlA4 : Al= +donm a,al o/ tArzth ess
ty': 44d rrtl
//Slurruzlf oca/lt,f, a./4 = 46.2&X2oO .vm
arcc< &/ bea,rt4+ -clrcss ,:
--'-++! Con(cn/Ya tcd f. = g6kat
--^- l,Pdd = 1

4eori'n7 s Uess aft ue/fzd = "_4 = eorrot = g,7-r ,t//nm'

4b 2oax 2oo
Se/ezl- the 6rta*s ef crurr/ndt -s /rerEth = z'5 'tt/nz/ an/ mozl-'
Ol ry?e mJ. -7/z PernzJrbl'.- 6e onn4 .sl/e'4 790v1 Tagc- 3'6
* gilf h : /,, tU/mm2 at4rci ,! g r2a/aru &aa lt-z aatzry'
lcn.e, +lL fuu,l z! .rf,
.ln"k ta" h""retlr" ffusr ?,rl'cal /a*l ol a- destjn *'!7.
at az.- tuf el .4t- ro/^"4 an on o/oc< 4,44 a/re r5./ 'a' a/ 'o'ce r1/7a t-Ect

/aa'l 'zs shoun an J4' 6" to"^u @/ ltz Atpertrorl, llt' conaanta /e4
/ou4 ac& o" o ,1.ry4 =/ = 2{Ql zx4 latr ao
A T-
='nli/" r.*'.
l'i^\ :4/.16.72 f 4-/s7m.n 2=^" ,

4l\I -4 %.4t"',
+/t7:',1 ".
E ! ...tcnfn-T /h.z: ef L&2'r ce'zat/,,ralc,t.
k* f
crasJ-s c cy'>azuLL lb ba7- (1ls 7x zzdl-f 4adx2"d)
'= ),74q pr' m,n'
/oadrnz.' se/y' ue/343 4 e&z @ atalz ut;" ltz
4e AaJ/
: 74'rlza o,z + o,+t4r3"6 x 2o = (5'/0o knr,
Za<.l Toa/ /oar'/.^f .-- 4./57 , X
,/ -- '^' 2?
",/e62 - 3O'ooo
tonrehlro/cd = , - ' e^t
zot'L k"4" -- tZ+'Za
cayres.riot<- stress deue/ov-.t - la- ;2?* = o,r/ /r.)
q/:4!2 lh'o(ne:s : -rte uta4 c: 6on&.d t)/t4 p/ ej's a^d i6
72z a/e f tez 44e- :

7l - 4oo =z
-t4..) 2oO
7/?e .s:6y'/(n' ao- ey'l lczaa*
^7 71"-
a/'- / | -7<-
- - /" t J
-7iu4 (tz yTeelve y'tuc1oe,:-t
= l, = ttTr(z o, = 23Sm.4
' ---\

Z:!:Jg!€t 4s
o -u*4 l/,4 al 6ot4 r?.*/ b,,,4
o,7f Caalzz ,T (7"i/:/on*.
< : :3!3 %zenue tezjnt-
ru"o) lizoo u w
t:*2ry^-r^zy, =
ffia"; f;';
, 4V /rr"<a)b o/ crcoftry <1"%€4 a7 zsnt/mmlazzzl
morla't- y'k n-r, .tk/- bL.c co*riror,r""oiA
:fl"K_a7V,tt/nz1; /4 ,4440D.,v
/eYms-r,jQ &r1ore-ss,ve <6-ess
lh' = /&q = o,7gx o,7 f - a//u tt L
& a
-7Az -!h.erj
sf. /"*-/yJ ,r al //u41 te.. ,k*b., n/en<- dz- /wy,t
0€,1/0N 0F /,I/A/L N/7H
4 o- of '4 k" 4 62'
L,)a/) dr//1
cd@/Avleal 9-"r4 4ecazaz y ,- f*'""^f .,,
/ca.aorla ,

lr 7/a ,* cloJJ- se6a,'t'L a//a alalhA&' 4a

n ce; lst ea' hl at tlt, ^0/ril/ //'- Fe4/'1t'
fu te&tce l, aatr
h of'ltiAl'
0D Zlcre ,! 4- cnanie 271 ,rhn/cr1erJ /&6D '

AL/.'r t^'" fi.

al d'y-ey : //1fl) 7nz4n A//ea-
CTASS - fechon

,^/t, t/* /"J-'s 'tb aP- .c oy aorc/,

7 ".--J m;"" ;; ';1"u^ar'z i"
,r*- *r*, Yl
a- 3no"t" tY "f::.:^t
rt ,u' ,oho e/ eff c<hue P';y'r +o "/l:hu:

+6Fii 6rt', u" a76- * tloL E1'- e't-fechve "t^''"pn'o 'atltdt4ed

ii"'n A"n't aLih re7'roa- H'h
t6 tAL 4 te'ra!, @f '-'rap 7l "t''* ' "'
let t/,t- attal tA'c?ne ss 1tz = c
€STectue a'''ea = (Z ' a) t
€f./ech,.re ek"ctne,n ='+ t - (,- +)t
/o'V 4, a z.r-,4.',e., ao
. l6ove tl+ ,/eve/ aV ll- oTrnrr'?, efrec,lue tfuL<nea t gu'L lo
(lt- acrU-l ttt olnora LJAJ'4 1s qL / lo t - Td-2- tu/../rara e//ec4v<-
lat"tnvn lur-- Q-ylc+j :/,--g\t - -- - -@
-----t- -t' 2L)
-7dz aelU, 2'tt/L.v?/,7.2ftt ?X ch'/L tt4 ru'*t/7 Co ttr7"'rct 't'a'
ct rr'ro aorr.i"P/ nr"uA a- t- ei'* &- a//h/ak- a/t2o rua;"e sl'es*
V"o<fo' - -^^@
/I^= #*-^
-. ^.w
lwe " ;/- /"ry''n..u
a*7^) f/,(y -::.:.:::';fffi,,
'f ?"*L|ff":fry
ffi[#",ffi'!# ffi#, ^I'il:, ./a uaz a"'la

f:f #
7J .i",tt
*< *q"f ##;{'1
62. euct, by'rt^7

ffi#r";'wi:;'tr, b tr'rx-,/,:6';w * t*"

uluchetlet JJ ftt r'Y-.
€x AneLE -7 OFs/eA'/ a€ C2z/O 't/4-t L---!!-/:?! 4'9u/4/JZ- (onc4ete,
)tsr1n az4 oXctror ataL ol q' 'lLut s/07?/ed. d17"^"/ b7 nomm
d4''11 s
.9/a/t urth a cforV htiu 'f's-' -* "3
e/'-L tu a /za"
ldr& ,nt rseci^f ,e ; ;{t';''e/c ' Ako' ^'/4'1L o't'a' o/
rlJe qvOA )o€o m'/1 a'l^ a.&tlz'zc* o/ 2oom'n '71"'u
olarutng o/
aa f//du'r 1

T^ 'k;"11,fl1**fre^/m
) '/ n /oor n"d'f ' t2 '9 N/ l*
4e azsann/ a') 2ooltm fu

lct" lt4 wall tlt'o<ness

"ffi" i .. fr T, fr {r, # _li:*:Tr4ifr";,
., "
ry a,w, W
g"/f aei/tt o/ tdz 7.44
_ //,a 0.2xg.o)x2o x2 - x 2+ENf

/-f 5/ -
'5 L^r/'t
-Zten tatal /oo/
ldad -te+rt.sf
'/5'+/2'Sf = "' ' t 7y7 Uzt$7 ttu/
erZrcutz4e4e' o1*
7'#'ffin .!f
:;:"# fi,:
b"= #r],#L*,
(ltoo) 225o mn o'ZS =
€ff:w thtknes s : ,4c* ue 'b tale an ?fec"le +''/".tu'n

40 accoLnt ftr /le- red.ucrScn i* ct're*, Ze a- *d /

.q4 xtotma>
effccfi',/e a4zi. = (L-a)t - (3eao' fao)zoo =
€//cc6 r'c ttr'.<4oD = c==' S +x/0 '
e /60 mr/1
Afutre Az- "fu'l y Az ./"r*V th- EVec6le Cat;ctnzz iz
e%Al /T €lt- Acful tLt4nat = 2oo'nm
i, -74t- a,vz%!e ?/cchvz Atulun .

4r"= !""t'- = /75mM

,9kn/+rnzn r"n =fi = 49 ga
a g/a,/rr',o T aha oS 4 a'ual zcta ecee'tltt:otftt-':/'unf'l'"
3'3 ''4y I'iut nloyha'rz anl oo
ts oblaltl fa"^ "dI&'
Ks = o'7/5
l,latJ'rluxrn &tqrapt'te Sttlp d/e/o/e'l
n /^- p e a
s/.5x/o"!a,e _ 0.3f at/un>
.6,r u-lfu "* - n ' o//u s4xto?
"t ul
Chose 6rrc(u"'il o1 cruali^X '<*vryftl = Vs 'tt/nnL
' t 0'/t //*"1-
,rur tar il+"Ll , ltr', &'i" . o,,1-^ve
, (f^JtrqtJ=

7t'- al&daL .t tur1 -fac=O'53x0'7lf atT'a ;

-w 2 fi'(oS4)

IV4L L S suSXEcTED 70 €cc€^/lR/C L o4Ds
h/a//s 2, 6u/&zt+s 4're commonQ b"'1"4 atitt so n* eccenhi$ '
cohfl IAL . on'con)af h""t 't not /1*'ryH ff'r- zb /e/crnznt
;;; ;-k',* iaao,o^- eccentuc$, tt t': dtVVcult &'a-

:lqh,.m,r;ff3 z :;ry :', i:7if

ale a5
ld//0ur3(),r)tlalvee t/-
o/fxit d't
."1-.,b ."t !.! *,,il2, tu- cr4ptt
(t,r) reia+ rte sqlncts / tl'tdt nt lean O'/ ) 6ca'/1e

^'ff': eccenrnt$ ouz houe 4o le no'/-

ass - ssmat t"'7"'i"'-,'at"zt
e oy'
j"+""'t"t oy' 1't*
de7"n/rrr7 o/? tat- JJ41't'rton,- tu
^);; de.le7'tu'4o';fl oV ecccnh'J
dt'ttln./, ccv tatn Suie; 3'u"'" V'
trr- 'r"v'tio') '79/ a'/e at y'a/t"w;" t
'Ay rrtt (€econi ' t't rnote lL'an
Whc, 1/.- oy' o- tol"'"/" 1'oq 0r 'floot
f"- ecccnfr '"tf d'u'
tu'c tlt' - lL'L<nzjr al tla ua'/'t att' y
. .,:-: ':
30 '
;ftl''}' ""'*

-/" €oi?nf *:r.o ,'n-**:J,:fffin::f

slabt al nZrru/ $an [te
';:;;i';q td.u '
,; ;i /o 7at 6eaz orr ttz' enhte uitleh ol

i, "^a'"r'!^,4y """''{'*'l
t"dln't'etotg *
* ?. X,r'u."',u)i")-
dy'ch- u^4 ot y'ta ata'/1

lrd c- qetrl a,. aan /aol do u'tol /tal '' 'ttA:f;'tr:;';

enbnag /*t lo unq ,?z,a .frl- t

Ec c
L u)-r-- 1tt

pu"n y'< z1"a 1 6ca,',iry ?rcaluze

l<._ ^ ---*- a ---) i

le_ wdjt__ a-4-,Lu.4a

A, 4-.4or arcl ellyr Qtr ue,1ft f/aars , <aeu ,/xt Taut- aruta jeaa",q 04
/tt- ex/er,or ual , eccennif 2r assa',t44,4 orle Stxl4 //- tA,4nw.-71, i
b1r^? a/ t/& Wraa ca tAL //aor" i 1/!/4 J"an 7, mole ty'br41 30 t nqa
f^a t^.tL<ne?1 , /b, r(Xt, "rt ,J (0r,/rk&,,/a4t, anel ,4r r.l^ ec(et/y,zib
mu,tt le-
asJa,/ned , Tlao zL carn le seen /fut eceenh,$ /zattfi
u //u;!'$ ol &e- .shts.
a/* c'oaz" duuac"/ alouo ooe f r e'tler,o'r ata/A ' 2n ith//aa
aoth. r,t,"r,,cil x ca't<"/ I -,%"2 W f &i 4e/ ar (ao/ n
c,tlet sdL oV ido aa&. in ula cc24-e-) lltne u a neI texcbrT rruntnt
ndut.d ar. ian 4, -te en t". fu -, . 7A; 6avd"4 rvi?"l* zt q,iu r't"/'z* n
M eccenlnc ka/, lo'r",tlt, y lb dfrona 6e,1rteen 6* /u', '/o^/" it
/6/ , ate lale a.L lk - ,l)"t, a llt4atue eac'l 7zxrr /aa/ t:
^)/ih/, lo arl at a 4t7q1a2 "Vut 1o //a o1 tto' ltuo(rca //-t- dJaL,ntoi 1/
an,l nn lv(.,/alt eccenh..c$ z, drfrri,nil, Zcrna,r$ I d&,y /n.reazu.
nrll /*-z ')nc/e?/e- c,11 $t- lxtey o7 s/als/4 cana at tlz ,S.p'*,
DE I/ON C,(./ T€</4 ,O4 iN €.CEt/rK/.422 / Za4D€D h./,+/, L
M<n ltu4e 7J a,n e ecen lr/.c /o"ol ., a.r,r. x a z/<tal /2421,,,,7

)fltvrr,lt aluc4 tt /t+ + Cate!- Corf7./a..Ue azrd loxalL ; /rczcea .

','t- ,&ogn
/ ^ k4 dza,i"7 mtwry 1J %a/4. on tte, a,at zftau tk^,t
?( (,1'1,1 zot 7c;'\i- t(rtlro4, 4enq a" />r a,t
Va:<,4&- , e cc " t/rr'crl/, /._,t-l
clolh ate /es5"*1 on U-t- o7 ="r 2 *;"" , -7ntto , 1aa_ rt t
/en7n cr'te i'/ /2't zn tc>utb- s tre/n f
/r<o - @
,At e[4- cq/al /-ool tto)2 on tAp, maz1nly /e al ard t/e, r,tlqal
4t ndnT ,no/nq.t
.lz n . zk attu/ b44/ z! tc.,{q, br/ er- a//€a o/ Jechr4 4
/ E (n-* ,rec hana/
anl ti- 1r@an rt"t2./4,U4 z ,.1
'ria'> a4/; cory.'estlue ,slre$= /""= # - ' - -€9
4 ?,R{1n4 S fve sz = f"d /t4
Jar(st o(uz 10 aendqa 0a lz .4ot4 7oryrcssrte
= z ttzwtt' (-/')
(7ue) rz'*'tl
4.. decc yibed alove, t1 -4 ].%t,
fre n& ru!4/ rurm Co)'t1p/"c.t4i/e 3 b,cs -- N /14
I 4Z z.=%
MA nr4t ta/w €l r,s ih che,n -_ .=- /14 w
4 --i-

,/w toTtt/o4 deliJ

4 crltr/on merhbn2-d a4ove /edac24 4o
a N
>.o - --@
{t1arfur7 co/rToraJtue .g arcrs r t/,- "fi//t1tt!rtt cT/ fe.rto/t ,,J a/l/.ed,
p"l 4,.*/#*
t,tt Co/V/e4si(/e- 9t/esJ
O4taun'zl aboue 'dfu wt
/-t- n@U t
llt' ALtaa Cotgrecs'r| (/ac) Zy n"Lte lbn 251
alou),'btL '
f b"l-'t
"p;;d"/ - t/t' eacess t3 soby' di tb
eccetkic'i 7r2"/e Vt9
iye,t^'t'^{, ,-"'*.::: ,ffk; a,6ove <,iawtot ntt d'- 2/r',<
til Axtal cott HesJlle <Fess <

a// CotYTvPve slr'ess 4/ '?J

4"=#<1"" ' /:=\
oblat''t/ alave stouto! n'ot ezc""/ f4"
bt) Tolal co7/f/$sJ le '< l-'u"s
6,,, rture t'a 2 t% , fitt /5 ' ' - 6A
' tss'f"' \---l
-4+4 =z
adu'q a'a rh6'r'n li-t
, e : eceenkft'g y- $ o) t' r'"t %'i/ a'"r' av7':'t3
- {s_$ *+14i , F' , '4.*'a
b.t / :q.^*
npt /t:l-la +a*
a/. 3 hoan th f? . ,4 , . t.-\
ptr) loaA N aut N ;i//'ahd unl-//
utu|,1 dcA at a l.lularn4 e ,
P,odl Q- 4 9.7a e 4 fltry.|:h4/''
m = Lvx ,
nvl Mat)t r?/aa 4'- "!/JA"n I b'L4
lx.r a- e",tuab"tel b! .*- :*"
d^A a'"Vl* f oq*'/*/" ,','
attat- a&iol ,"y "g* y" zryyrua'te' la
f, ^/drh; no n^'4lt n ea44' 7/ttt '^ttl- )i*- r'" a"7'*'"
c.'atral Potilon 4> tcntnt
tl al
Lk / '; "
)--t-^J ca1'
,^t-.^^ ^\ /z/'ebfd tu &- d'te4,"*4
'-' /"*o: GAePn)
(Vt) rt" cor,'7r+:tve au'd lczoiL .

ty uat"y' be./a"1 e1a*""t !" -- f, - {=,+i = +

z v z- (J/7)
ut'4e Z = Z/Y
. hu'l comgnn'ue s ke.a ( tm*) = 4+ h
(uin) ( nry au -v<')
Au.L Corrr7"r"o.ue s&o'o - il tnAco-ta ler-
att 't-

s7<€SS O/JTR/gUT/o/v dAlOER €CC€^/4c I2ADS i

7b' /o^/A t' eccenbra.l!/ /o.*a uaz [ fi'"i't ac-ia'/- /'"'1
and a 4"rutn2 'rr'rvr^at, -rlu e lu4 ca'4 6. corrbrni/ n tb a, stry6
,/eJu,tta,1'-t ,b,LL aoaa7 of a dtL lumu' dtu.A kno,'r,1 c,o ely:ve,nnL
ey'.t- J tress dtL fnlub'on rautAg frdn
. eccenlrif . IV ae co'naAiM-
'/p^/ o' d a- bend)n* r,6r4r/ut ue
aA Mtal / Jet tdz Strerfi dlstrib"h'n
4"- t6" vusu'ljwtt h"l. o
€41u nb* e cc< n ..h : 4 a,ul ar a, cafunnn alen &tAlee+e"/ -rb
_" l._

-i? ".K- bol /</h../ aad later"t .koL , A- "t a/d"'l'

a,re ,'/aced 67 an qTdn^A-i /e'thca/76'rcn-
acfikf 4t a- stab'<'/t etl4ral4b elf "-4h le
' lN'-Nt ,:
f w2- '( zv)
Usrry velnoh PrinuflL ol tuh^w
6s€ = Wre
- vl- ,p
F- 6,,-, '.Q,_--'.---\-
cnisfe e I ey),,^'!,"t aa'ea*n$ '

<, < \ -/6 stfr., _c =t// lea

Uarta,6onol ,t(T6s d&hll4hoz @;th cha,.t? "n ecce wlta4

/- b"4ry
E (Aa"pad 79om r.t - rza)
Exancze : a,,a. S,L.O
so, /i/4 L c U,/VD€R EcC€/1/7R/c t04D/ €
/- O"-j" ,- itler/tr
1)esrXa &11 r** ala// (A-O E a, e kzgted &4/A^?
cvoss- 4u/d11t,
,tri4orh nX. u. etu,el con('re (e vool J/a,6, -;7,* p/"vtt z: -ghoun,. *iq. .
flss"umt fry,a,nXu1t" 6earutztrt Vtelsa,re' a"ltl b"/t;,, a'c - ro kat/aL. 7lt- Jfu//

Aegat 6 3,sn a/4d eAe aalt * fl xed "6 focir,labon 4/od le/azr,

," 2"

Raol Pt
?"r . <,t.e/a...a,Qt
9aLltn t /el tlL t a'/L ltu:d<hcss 6e e4zl ,5 Zoa mm iy'ar 2 /otl?aJe
4/ cala4bAA? €e// .^te/t4t-
'1ou144, //r." tt-,/aa'tl 73 ecccrlh/a /a ctv'a- o/ 1t-'- t',',t2/al Sloa'"u
ot E17o/ on e/A'" 3//z o/ zt''' cual ' /t/or,'I lg-, Lo|e, a sa'b /-!y'b
./"rppo, a J a2 /,,//r ld'e' A'/ a/a'u' , ea4 ati'z tt' assu'n't)'n vet,st
l/ott at tra h'/a/ryu'/"'rL /a't' ad/:a' ca't't fu it a.' 'tl6k''4;'n fJ44e'-
lcco/a^X9 t( iaa le .seen a-?t
-r:l'u, ::&'f 'y!.y::'

+#Ltufa-f :
r,14. I o
= 6ka/n
11; lo.'l {to,,t
ot!) cer at. y

6 3,

t"^1..1^ *'shoYk sl*{*


' /14 :./xt,'. = 0,0?t 4nn-

2 t'Gx/o"
t carlnestlve 6a"; - l.+ f.t = p211 a2 'pIg = 4'36 r'lhnL
/t4aa nu.t

/trlturw,,rl cozyor<,tst'te no"n' - ;::;:: rl"-o'o'" = ":

/, ::f
€lTecAtte nt: sN& /tf"u reitdn* ",1 paay' dzl e 614 tt(z $/"o'4'L/ ba/tu'n
&,tr..Jb//1 ' //e-- v 'ilt-- 0'7tt 3'8 =2'gsh'1
qy'ecf, ue llr,tner ]a,'- uA.ll ,r eyVrrt""1 &/ craLs ,- aa/4, *,7*
: Siv,".
be as stzo'ad E/tv^124,t ta cL t t4.U ,J/At frerJ @l c/.r/r&An 9.vea b/o1tJ :
f^a1 6eta/ecY
,aets 37: 37oomn1
, aJ/dt4 o/f/?/. ale /dan,1
'-^It<rs lv-3t"=6;oomn
- 3 t , - go0 mn
' j7':
f'jL //(/ xl _r,
___ lr
.Cl 4.A _ \#-sp r 4
.t ,!,il
-ff= -; -ez 4
c\,"4 -#---g:r
A-t tt aAove -zit,z> yaiil-c, tl,,- rb/1.fld* Co-eg/c/ent 1s..,) >t alloznd
*an fatA s'5 a'^"/. it 7! ' s'( . /'0 ,' /z,u,t <77eefrve &,.clneJJ y'ue= -2o0mn
3 /en/zrqzn .'"alo
= lR = 23fl - t//"z.t
'|o- ,4 = 6 rrot ^ -- /+.2mm
e Vuv'l-* <ac.nrrtai = - -,
3r, -- Jt!!:
,.' t
rtr sQ. tq,tZ a*l A/r= 1'oV at Itett /aent t: o4a/"'1"4 i hn.7a/h- A,3
a Ks= 0'639 '
A z i 2... 1- Tncr&'xj- r^. tkessu
iJ a-//auaAc- fat ..j-.,,"^ 30(rt ,/tu, -rb cccen/r,t$
onr,l, d'/e
,/rr- kotz> conlmusrue a/ress /<Va'ed
4<= k,;4-
* j+=,=,*#,*
4-uco 1639x/'2s ffi.l
t'018 = 0,3{<fl

y'o so u/nnz
CAoou btcl untth al c/'|"ht^d 't id4lttl qaot
nottea Qle /4r ,
6aatu co^/rqYess i /e' {trers= o '5 u/ m-L
:.7lL d es,,J, e.s ,e6/4- ,

Ex+urL€ .: A.? clurzy uro, L ./A,/tfR d(c€/,v7R/c 1oAD

Oestgn an ,rtcnbr q./a/t of a, lta?z .r kr7..d buld)y ca//ryi|1f ecce4t"l c
hatl A,L A wnryt chort qoa*. o/ ./oa// //oa/ ol 4 n /a,/ 3n an c/&'/rr /&'
f",y. .'*..
y'UaLL,t :
tuf* F e.a'! '&r"/ is am; a'auae ,,,t" ,f
i) 7+on 7o/-- tzu/n, er) tga m y'/oor 4 l-u/.",. f ee'f '
<t-/u!!Z: lel uo dtLt1n a tatt;f a"'u 7$r /lz
PJ/r/eJe, le " t(t, avqal .tt.c'<nLa be 2So ma
|rt t4 eacy' 1e-7 6erq /da 7t1'4 tb"<.
Aad!r€.: loatl 74o,n *y. SzaT-"
t46d fori fAot '= zr4 - tt<t"/
zot"l k"d t*vni,f = /+k"//nl'"
-7/' al ,t'pa'A *k wneyul fi*,v' t4 c/&:'L r:d'"
7fu) tera/anr, an,c /""dht -/l'- /<)^r''
4t^* catu. 7+o/t/L &t ataty/ttv ai* on eiL'Lor:r 'tz-
dl Aa- aJ'l aa stu ,rn ia h' i ,r' (co"';ot"iw'6 ao*w'
'1$1. Lo"a a.6kf a.? A- ""'aaz 7 ,- * ) ., .

AV- 2 trL'J/h"
. I t<-,+|14" +:r
I tt^n V", *"* -wt. ^ /4 tx 4/2-=
r250ntr-1 *b
/+xt xqL= )l <d/4
t) Lo"<l 7t'n {Xn,kr W& -- d2'=
C.1u,t t!.ialt u^&4
P-J/ <' zce./a4'r4ad^' ) ..E )

tI>- e'|)'ll (a4s'^';'l u"')t L'ut^^r a7' 4 t''1uot( =20 P/an'

O/) sQA a)etgAt 6*
' N:. t'\ o'z <3)2o x3 =36 k'tt/ra !;"ilc$
Tetat 1o) /a/ - 24 + t^L+ w3 = 8{r^//n1
of eact .&a77, - /aattuoo = /osm
C"y:4:y=_4y@ i Ne a!t.,w'- t//a^14+ 6za't'^7 {'//r'e'4P/
a ^ /la/^f n ar' leil4'ry
,- u."^l"ra^X zn"n"/ trtlUnl d//L u4"1/41
M<^ of 2o0mn )r n. n, -*"0"8)
l o 4zs'xts" )
= x(t +'t') - zr'.te)
I \fl"r\ :i:::''::;r''V
t'" ?t/, "6fl.Y, tt'-"7o'e tu 6'
mnu24l '2r rt).aed er/ltJt '
(t 14 on e^4 ht ="4"' )2459 3 r'l"mn/ /'4 t 3
sectzn 7/aAu4 7 "M 4 ' z=;ul'=TrzaoxtnL=/d'1'ri
cb?yles't,e €*ess du- tu 8 /1't 6, !^u 4 2"- 7,?ffi'f = Q't(a/uaL
co,1^f/ rtren &t!' 4o a4ta) /oo'l *' *a g'f*?;ff#'=d'vzr"/*i
., tlutnwn., carfes$t<- -dresr eac4 /e$ f2. # *! =4^+ld - ,i L
: 4 'Ya:P'it/ '0'565'!/nn -

ef/<.bUe fuiti - O'E 4 - 0'75x3a00 = 2 zs' rvtvJ\
F/r'-u!3 tL&nen t T4/ /.b- Co,l, 'x {an- llz:rh lla. .twn o7 ac,ri/ loA'uo
VE $r"-W^. tttla yecl,te tLtt(ruzn
' le = ? ( too +/o9 '- B3 n'4
</r xdar, ralo s<-- /33

u"r"rh4 -rl _ 44qt 4/ -_ 5.27 m/,

fpvalat t'tooo
.c e
= 53c ' t,2
o.osr nrl

frt S<=rl o'a317 ue o6fu1T Ue stgass fiotzt fr'r'r r^/b3'3

*d €/t.-
E1. lutr znkyatahon as ks=6 '6Y5
C loote bn'ck tnub aj a'/LL!lnt* <lro94 z. rou/unt aot'{ no'h'r lle
Baa'tc eorryr""stvu s#e4gI /ca = 4' ft ,u/ww>
P(rr^r'Jst b Q- com/u/tbtoe st/cts d/!z-i6 74ra ^^'9
1o, = $/c< =0'61t'<0'rc = 0'6t13 trlnn"
CoYlawve slrcss dan/o/ed du', b aaat fr.- X --fo = f; -- O'fzsnt/u,rr
ftluaL Ve'rzu'l s' bk- conf.r.rttvc "clress 14 a4ul
74ra a^d 6r^"L,?
/acb . /.29<r /.< = /,2ex k" x d.1t = l.S /nnL
C^/<,/aL tl1toi^rr'm can'Tlett t've' € kax d.,rehlzA
4L . o.gis u/,14t.!L < fa."b
des94 4y' ttt- ua-/l r.,t,fy!L.

4iv,ry vvatz- t!/ Td /tulJ€R L€,4F c,4ARy,/,,JA 4^/ €cc€/t/7R/ c

{X,.3Jo . Des,yn a, e<ler',u.L uatL y a, .s/'4j/L st r7el /Luld.',t tt-'-
;i*'1ry E al.L., <.fpr/s a4 e'a.e1frrc bdl o/ 'ZzN/n at"an eecenh'ctf
of 2 fn4 , -ra ual 2J aa .t'u ffer,-ad oka arlscl €,4V,otlt c" Ca4l/ele, -,^

ir"f * ?r'- b/ a^d fu?t 4v, o 4/ad<.. rle5nt' t4''- uraa tr

etp,L ''b 4'o m,
t"r^4* F
-rk J!.:kAa, 7^.. criftca-L lt*-L 74,' deryn zs
lalcvt a.t ttr, b &xe a/ tta daL n/ef t e-
. z(t He- obra'lL /&|l/1eL4
.74ia"ralo.t1b1) 6/acd
al erL- cd,.ir, a-tdtL Je 2sann. .e? 4rz
/L<r"n o/ tr/n./ ,.,^/ athr /eat'ca A''-
po nn $r fllrPor4 oy' ecr'a-eAy e ef
wettnt a .,l secfic,al V'ro7erh e.c.
cavrry da.c tutcn , >
A.rea { Crosr Jecl n o//= e= /dox/dao = /t) nn/r,l
1-441r" le4* 4r/r/{ eace Ffic
'edci .kay' I ,
ra dtx* 6 1. ilda^:
9e c"5a'ai n?/rlh'4 Z --
; ; ,
= /'7x /o nn7'n
"ter a€. ol e^a .13=1t x a./ x4)20 ' a <p//,1 (*TY{#;,',T.^*lD
Loqa)7 on
t-..* /.-, : s,7,,r tnp-ced/oa./ : Mr= 7lu/,n
3./f ae/9h ? -, A7 = F ttt/n
I o't"l 7o,4 - 61-" ,S!r/^
-ioth.l, 6e . 7x tosx (2s.) = r75x / 03 N-,rM /k^
^dt T
ltnu- botA tAr, /@v'si l*e q/"1"-*iVa2ts, tl-t, AU,^7 "'t'"'ott;s
slateol e-fa,"tt7 67 lt'- .l,ut ./eauea, 3 '
g7' Exlor r')-'11"1f ra
6.rt4. on ea& luV = na. !75/!! =
2utor ^bz6 ca,-r'ea tk se/7 atetltt- ptr Aa 62',/,T n."unt
7tt- /b@ 04 tA.t oukr ^/ul. o//e w, -- ? tu /an .

m = X7 '6 /0- A/' a/ t'1

X aa

co,f '.st lv<- sttt s da,,e/ye.d ln :

i'onw /e1' t (oy,e,<<,ve cr'c<s d,tu zb ax,at /",1
?.rrt 4,.ee/4'L4j*
'l,-.!e !!!d
= /tox/ooo = o./s ^//nn2
v - tl4 - 87,txn
Coru/o/.rdrle- .r/ duu ?i he,,/.it Mtlt ,t Jc6
.z ItTx/0'
d,06 t"//un
t ao'Utte$lve +!
"trr.= f n
= f. = 0./9+d'lS ' ^r/'|n

OuterkaT I Ccr,rt|ete ve ltels dt+ /p axta't tu/

4..= l</ = go0o/ooo lJ/uu L
= 0,09
k /40
c1rymef3tle gfrer-e (tuu/ofd dla 4 z. a.
' 4^ " 1! *)'sxro!
z = /.(7r /06 = 1,pgnt/awL g,t3,t//nnt
,tlattratuwt eoa74/.6tve s t ctl- f+ A' o' o< +o'0f =
: s'@ b 6obi fa- e'"'t"t^'i-
+fsrh'4-449 ttta'/t
" )"f .l*y."*
1-Yat = o'75H = o'7t(4'o)- b-)
"lr;*" : a- u'd'rL lr ft --a"t+*;'rrd 4, ('+
€77eeAte- C/.,*aer1 + car/t/1/
<i./ t, = 4(na+/oo)-- /3_::n
slt e"ss ./ul,'o = g<
Sooo/lBz = 2z'3
ndttrn =n/w
Qltualrlt eccetttrra$ = € = - /EQl('- tt'-z un
1 -s-=
fe -4
tua' a'z &- ctr!! f tu
Hen<" fnr tr',t- *a e/to= a'd't /o'v
"i= < k 0't/3 fu mmta'r rl-
€e/eet 6.rtck ,t ru6 y .tutrt;f ":"v* ..zfnhnL
coTrbrertlue ot rryt',
f'fu- = Kst bo-" co'|ff?nlle r ''Pj3
50 q3 (o's?)-- 0'2e i/nuL
= faz= Qto'ct)
2s'/' '3
A2ILL tAere >! atn ecccnlrtr.tl7 q bfu"F , o*,, ,rweto-!' f
a/IouLed m $l' stturu 3o/r+ fu!- ecce'htq , /118l'i'uu/4 sf/<-rJ
&labfed /,c. 0'2 tt)/n nL ' f/ena t** dur7'r )\ ,r.n/4.,
^ rl
;yx6?tt )" Jo^d d a ui?4 te tt ./oaa!'4 u/14 eecc:nlh'e laa'dry
)tsryn n etle''r,al salrtl a./o./l t4/ tt Pted 7br a- 'tr47(z 'statyr
u)ar'e houa<-, suvTo-rh n7 bea+tz 62 g'6m c/c toaacl c'eaefion IJ /ooLp'
At o7 u/41 ,3 e?/tl 7b 3 , 6 u a,M/! lt ftj !< on
6.1. e.,a ,t-f /or| ,
a- coLd -/ou/^da.b on 8/ack. be /,2,t '
3dt;'o/t i (ertti ol a ba./ = A'( m
7 ,r,+ul .hk aV de.tryn * fakert at etu- 6oXon ey' At &az '
let 't/t 'J"e/c ca a .foLat a./d11 ol tl/*aer! 2 Oom,n Atudt lJ c,ryrzu)
uitA 74ys a7 l/ +oomn a,wl uAtA 40a7a4 1a llp- h,da,/ -ri:-
4r tke- 7ct t7,oL e- aV ca"lz"dh"n o7 Se/l .retJ/,", atul
<eetaxl //a/erhe. ,
fie eccenk;u$ o/ h.d";? 4b te dekrd,rel eh lAo ca,,tz -tb

1*on lnt caeA aval fftfl)e4. ar'- n!4t/a/ a4J )i cdya.lte4 z+oa
fir, ? t' g ' ve >'t be /atts :
+ =3t "444--_t__r_

*___ 1e ,g nt t
-ryt "7
t Stoonm
unler ecz e n*tc

DJt-a,ta- j+am 6at /rbmea t ol

€e.,1on (4) nnL ?Y.4
f4) f a) mm-
A zoo x 4ao g,trc4 gtto'
A 2oo v3eoo 72 X /4' 300 2/t,1/o

*t Y /A fld' 9 24 1ot nn3

zz4 ( taa)

-','/2-- 2eo- 2oo = go m'n

a= ry
7Az moaznt a/ ttuah@ d/ Itz a)o4 u/ t4 a- //e/ alou'L- 2t- Cenloila/
Az.'J r co-yt,r"t"d tai1 tt''.<e' ,:y*<,''6 , ,..r",n"o/1 o,, 36oor",a b'1f a'/aU Ha'

,J / 2a mlt ttue aLL\21 1j O, aLe- J /-/r- af Ut- nzatlft-L A.tur, uJ iHt 3 2:oonri
/""7 cu "u f to tL7h lr-,Knza an tta o 14a!.12- //,j, t-u./nl ala .@tl t4'''
/1ter al 280 mm x +oo mn
tL--------!.---.._ 3 600 t
,,:,* / l -
la(fhrL |
[ lA nr *'*f
* tdf
-1 J

-l4o l(
_ I 3(0o,< /20- " .. /!:3j3!- * 4!9:-^2-eo I

J'eciopl aul
modt4qa Lu rl'4 /cr4e.t *t Cotipr.r! tq? lcxz,un fbreo aze
zc= __af_ = isxra,- z..xl u-'7 j
-- Yl : &"4a21" ? a'J/'^z

Y, 2;A- 'n "1 al6r. y'"Dh1 A

t'/ ^./
A = S.S.< n1 _ 4,lx /2a.r3 /r: rl-t+ancz
"V e*rana'
l4re ft'dt ta
1o>- +e'at ot
Prr R, La./a4/L.v2

4-5c.4ry: cor.enlrakl reac,bn = /af = reoA,v 1a'rn

,5./y' ue1t( @f th4- .ta.lL . df . /t3.t^(3r,4^2,
' szL^t
ro kt ,/oa{ l4 -- Lr| f t.!u - / oo t57 = /sa'l t^J
ll r^/"y no.a-t- 74 = r:ooxtoJn go - g)t /o6,1,/-21't (: =^fl)
corya xssiue- 'sfrcas dal A ax/"/ laa"l t3
4"-4- fali
o r/05 g = o.2N/anL
Colo/.ltve s//?ss odaz ..b 6endty nonunl'
{rt .4-
- = 8r/o: = o. Q a//nn L
'co zc ) x/a, tot
y,r __ 2,t7 rl/,rnz
7e n-r'b r b.c-,.s d/r" ,b le"d.V rununL = Ito = 2; =
ma.t<J",/u/,21 Ca n"Trcssr ve- -etr.cs .
tl _ 0, ( tt/nt a A, 2 + 0,
ntat )14a (hu?ressrve .rters o,2-d,t7= g,03 ttt/,,auL
E-f/t:hyt l'gt : &v<2 =
lutL retfratn t 2 t 7ro ur lel et t^t' bo"fu'l 't'd
lpatial 're< fra/* at taL lof /- uatZ; ao ef/ecAve legtu'ts
atztJ .b d, trsx acrut leli
_ A"=d,te (3'6) >
3'0 6 m
a1/!.t ve l4tckr,ess a^4A </entr.mess ,r"4bv
7,"V ,l /,e , : = -cf. 3too nm
M d?4 o/' 7,e- = uj - 4aa mn I .3f00 _tL . gi z
atlrcknets ef f/et. /y'- +oo mm aA - 4oo=q,' A^ 2o =

1:tcknesr y Na4 = Au= 2oon-

y'?"r t 6-':. aAove t/hlkl
/ ttu z\to .r"lv,t, 7+a.,a TaZA- 5.4, ahy'/.fl ^1,
co-ef//'&t t sbtinel. 6y Lrrc,. tn/erp'1a.hbk 4.4 s c=l'25
' ', €'f/ectu. t/L/y,<het' = te . = 2so m m
€/<ndctness -rahb ^zs(zoo)
=,se = .3oi,!O3o = e. z
\u.tvato*l eece,/nd.$ . A = = s/ nm
= # #%q\f:
= 5L - o, zss
F,^ t-tL 3.3 fa'r r'R ol /2.2 arrl €/t= 0'255 ; tAL t lrccs faetur
)J Obfat;ud b,t I n*" r/"//oolaJ)a h az k,=o t7

select l.tuK. 'rAl, s7 azilitV then4t4'= taatTnn- a",d bz6/@a El! mz

lA1,^, badit i,nVr."'rns sy'ress = /z<= 0,tt rt)/wuL
mdxhltm c,n?ler_ttve ,thcss dcuebped o, 6 / nnL
permtssih&- Cot o/ersve =
, 14 c'rea^L €ters - f4.= kr/^ = 0" 67xA,t/ .o'.t4 r'J/l",iML
ftn af 2.s % 1s /e.,njlLd. t7 ta-z ezcess lJ sod+ d,"a /-
AZce"tu,n$ at t""il+. 4p\@ -ta,o- perttussibrr- c.dt/-4r.errrtve tA-erJ
' 'r*b./'18/*= o6ir//,4:,"fEf c^c11,.a.!te/,
I H-*
?..1. ,{, .e c/adaA,r*4. @
14rf4Attl Atut -,,<A^,/s t, €4_r€ly zaADeD u/4!l:
7Iz laj<a-/ ,tAad,r1t a.At on 1b- ?/a,.a* o7, ll"z A,tal/ d.4A f t-
t^^ ) " 4. V".V-iiu,h'-
4ra1o"oveyse ./oai atts
."-.,-i".,1,,- 4o
-t^ ..'" ,."' on
ll-. ouda /",..* in
^^ tr,toon ; -hh ac /c'ri:
z"-j . 6e/o"t:
-7lL /Bt.aAj' occu'rt 2n ,9lcny c..ta/k aL/uc| y'ra','21.r A"/ 4la.t- /'U
,^ /'Jecod ca4e- @aau4J llorwu-/ty
dLa- 2V e,*.rtor urtl" o/. a 6at'1,d,;& 0
UalA a,ull ea"/"'t//f ue,l'h , ul']c4 a4e 4o uJti4 Lad. ,7rt .S?tnle
/oanl ca.u le e/lLa ,laLo.rL or &otnue r-sL

t.- f\ F\ Y'\
F\ \ r-\
P.\ B\ F- .A-

ftce slat,y'"i? aa'lt'

x/ L a)r<z^r oF )uALLS guco€cr€D -70 r<A/Sv€<3€ zo4D

fr y'za'zorczs- doal. oa ac aa,/t gc acze.tca a 6cn&int r4r',a<a,ttt,

7/1.3 4tna14? yzztnaaL ea,a 4- oof,a.t ailh ttu- UerhZaZ,12a4 aeAt g,
0n tA2, ub4 1D get- a y<ju//a./*- 1za4 aaly
a.t aa nu.ualuA e ecot'tnz,rf
t!- t:- oy'a ,9+'efrd 4o ,**ou 'bol * s)^a7*, ''
1,t3"r^l ^ra./L
'/D t a'b '$'-blectea! 4 a t/er,iul- eceerhtc lza./ 4ex,
. ,n.L -/Ar, Ze4e+
, &z y2s.7 o/ ct - p,"eca,&ae ,r &,- 14,141,- . - 11- -
\t@vte qeltJn a qr.

. Natk s,,jeere.t ,, m2"1:"'*:yr;7,,-#_'..*

a3t k"l 6ean,y c<,,a ., y'-,- tt""i.;y-*"tz.
;;7"^ a,/d a,r/a/A <,rdh

1^*"a" e& V" : f;'L -2o ,t ,l r.,4/;<4tc.t 4o an,rtuo niny


ry\r: , .ftdtttq
.fr. .tu\/tr fresra4e,
knn c- A- &",.A" q ra4 dah a-
ciee,K Jo'r .k
cru,at ove-rtaralat u 4.2-
. za. ovn/tt*;7
etet5 an t t co,.t ttor 6i.l*na)
. ooerTa.n"d
E kt aqrb4 el L Ve,a,.* L^./o o,a +X

u.t"tt, tnetu/li7 its JeE *,?i.

. .O" dn ,3o , a /-or"_,- o7:alrj
tJ rn*oluc'A " ^)/-(h cr dV*L a"

h,,_ ts"r4=
so.$ * n"r,*"4 -/a4,,4 le.Ldrnn t,Fardz,o
nlau./t.4 ua't/- *ndc -b laate o '/ot1o ' , 'f
I /ee
?J i:rod4ed &y noo' @/ 'rtu a/alL a"'1, z a*'"'" a)
e ttt"q
/id,zdort nr'sta-tf.'.i a//, "r;*^ts a,re 7,'autdctl ' A//!*-''/
COxa''a"rrtt| tlp- ,gtre ss 'iotyilntril $4 At- Lla,tr - secfion V /,a. adL
/nuz is kutUy so.t a, /e / an . t 2?a
K_ t __+
r-71+-4 r, --''1 -''--t' iV, 2:!4(-_!!!t
+tl-/ /t-*
drthr,luho4 ;,r
4; 'Arf ,t -"1L
[------1 I=--f v;a n ;a;;"+
-rr'.,,J-a tlt- t{eo1n "V a- anL .r': iove r*1 !/
free < tan/li-uJl'Lin
''essive .rfret: -zb le l,uh
0t) 7ct ilz skcrs 4 6z atttn 2',',i6
L/'J St^t',/\ ay ,-t ot/c"rfu'7
r.%' a/'4 / ts
ti'r- '
00 Aea..,^, llcJ t/,.rz or) tt4 Jai( -bL u,t ' Verruui4lz'
'sDL/D h,tA L. u oE< Mut Zd,+D,/a/A
l,rrq&!.t-l-. 0*,J" ",, ""/" -rt , gr a ttyl" "1"-'/ *T"!*-,f e ,,
Z.s;-lurlt^- 7AL loa"lziV on ltL kra'12 onas l Ve rtlca/ /"""( f 25 /u
'/ .frow /t--" raolC aui a;u/ o/ Bla
tl/mz . i/<.t- palz ts ,zia/ u'L4
mela/ an.Aar a,t ltz- //oq/ o / rao/ /euc/s .
<:!gg i /et Z'rz ctu4n6s o/ tiL aratl 6e 2oo.m -f? /a- pz'y"te o7

caluLUll^* 3e// ae' a^'( JecidrAl. fo/ar4b .

laa&.+ti : .laM ^r
/ram J .2,r<,r/,n
_4 J
3ef Nl. dl t/i- aJa,lt =(o-2 xt#'s)L2o1 = /4k//m
zd tal /aaa . w. 3? k /.t/n
6c"cl-ip mownc c{a 7r2 t.liud 4aat .&- 4e4cn &4 at/./'4.'l al- tar-
4.a'z "aa'y' at /tz mtd ,le,?t,t, a,"-l zt r ;
l, afuae 4 '. 1.3,t t ol daz
A! al^tl ptesrazre
7t-t aoL is azsenz/ lo le zowb"anA et lotA enA.
nt = s'/ /ood /os3Eod ,r'- -rn/,n
Pla x3
/o =
r4z ztt L
-zvp:h - d_: e2?,!h-_qlu n
4rca aV c.ldrs ^ rec66n
=,i - 2oax/ooo= 2x /osm,rl '/'d
'gechb,";'L mpdq.ha = z.
=i!. z z, = ./L x /aao K(2oo)2- t6 1466 z n,,17,/ m

€#,",*## -=r:::;,_
co,'2tr"rs7vs stress
-d= #"4,
7,7 R ' 4ea/ad.'.r.r.-^-
<.!/a- Q9
//r- l.fta;L < l'ress lecor^"'a crrfu-/, al zt,"l .l$t'.t tJl"re. tr''j-
lu<ct a<rc/ cayo'?rtla, lua- h et- ,efi.fJeA k^t/ a'utl 4a4
4 ta' snY -"tfr ,, + /4/2 ^
= -- sskN/m
Tf =r + -+-- = d't6-/'/f = -t'oi A//runz (7/) ta cawytvact'uz
= u./6 ,fttess)
/ -----"-- ?-clryf:y::*:L,
€/e.hL'e 4cryr'r is $)f i ta
acturl 'bla. ::n.2. /0a4h al ry!( ar" 7ruud"4 al r'oV a 6at/om,
E//e&'ue leqLt- = 3sd0
E/ecltte lhi:(avr = acA.'t'l l4-.'.4t1're . 2 oom*l
flenr-e- s/enltness ta4D - 3t,a/2oo = /7' g
€tatva.4att eccezr5-taf
= e. Z - ffi = 2-Z/rr4
P .-
t, 2'J
/raw t # s.<,-/z,s ond arr-olss,$k*J t/alld-r
0//a/4rr/ E l]'t'r' /n/eVa/46rn aa <r=-a +s
atLa( tn'otlat
'ge/J"t 4.,c* uo* y cr,-iu2tu*n,9a -z'S,t//nuL
flilz tlz r &.a.,. 6",r,nt 511ue -r*ot+t4 i< - o'74 //na>
bu Co*?h s< ru , ,tlftc; //.LL "rb a4/aL /a "1 7S
l4n: <, /,< = d' ?3 ^d'7+ = 0's2 'tt/' n t o""tt!
axl"'l /e
/tufnuw/4L Coure4xlue/ rs stre.ts daz- fu cowAt'"2/o'lP/',n-
b^/u* ,",t "^b /acb = /'2sK'f4=
/in<'- tL eln/c2 2'/a4on Y/ /r Jabk*c/t1//'
SOZ/D ,//1J4ZL tJ/74 /n/€4.9 at DE< t^./t,^/D za4D/^/e Zraokel 'ttcr1'a1
Ra'wt':.3 t4 : O$ryn a'1 ,nl.//Lr/ -!bh/ A'a-/l /'4 P/e7J t*aa 6a6/
Jhri /,ra'le tu* ,"u, try* f :'!.:1.11i.4'iffr,
&TADa 4'** ol c'/t-
;;tr':';"7a-.' b,on** i)) ;^
' Joz ,cno'i* 4nt
'.l.ok e"pt a/ lu( h tl'vr€ t a- (pnct'+tlrz'/el 'k"/ a7 6gkat al a'zz'
'ecccn/rri? tt7
sa --. fiLL tv 6ed u/ t4 n/l;l ,2nc44rs al lh)-
pp o,rotis' 'rr1,t7 'lTVut d at tkL jefrbm ' ,ls't'ae atr"''{ 4eaurye

= t6o 4/L/cn fiJdfl<'tz

-rs( -1-r4+
lllj €lrert dntrii"h.'l
at cr*tl'{
LL^ve * --V-e"aa
a/4t3 XK @E
.E!^a:l , *l tA- tt"elnetg al t44 tra-/r 4e 2aon7m.
y'.tcul/L s'b/fe t4t l/ers o/ dt.i14 26onk (ttra'test.-?OC)nn u4aL4
4t- tane^ba.lcA /ta4/,'. 71"a4 YlrrtlLhbrl O/re a!:anatr rtr eA- /z.r/a:.-
qt Cala,/trtort o/ <e// Ue,.rr (. aaz{ Se.ndrtJ /ra/q,lte..
*g!ry: Assntt- 3oo aget4n /1A'- o/ &c- conco.dr.*el kad /ran la-,
t/eah.4 ) ,* ( lcp la<t @f aalL / A'At4 */r,L .o7oneal/ a.te4
/ecd = 2x3s0o _ 4o4/ nq
|a't do"
t e,y ea at n7.
seq actt.' oy' t/'a- .u4'Jt/b/^a,,:.,-!T i,'^:. ; "r:;; J;, o = s6. 4 kal

ounl-t "to4 ./rol . +g kn;

fo ue/i.'l Ztaal ' t'/= /// 4
, -, t J *'-
)aAq ")./f
&-L eccclfrti$ ol //e- e'o' ol H'a LtttL u//a
^Jg/ect ,r*.t'rr '/*"1 4 cozaatlz"'t"4 4"4
l4c - 4-5ooc(3 3) = /q Stooo /J-mm /H- t
6r,r,,/"nt rwnuttt' /,:,4 cuad b"4 of A^t-'
ul e,re- l . ^) tLd /0 rcssd'e
ol turJL Z : lezYt4 a7 o'7 "lu*r co'u'lt'olL
ft. leYb
- stol!3.s)L^ 4ooo 42/soao
^,A,14, - 'f
7t tol ,1,1"u+ ftlc =,5-7n ,u-*'
t - s7f
ecceairaS = =# - /o/ +0o
:,s6 .,,t
F lf.chua
Secfiantt P7o7er/tvt - ",^.r.
tuw) -' "t 4,0+ tn n
A-- (+ooo x zaa t 2ov ^
hut @/ tTarJ - secho''/b7
( e , lre .f ?ret41 (ft ''4 U)-")
= /O4 mryi
(l6il-ouy12*^roa1 2-
/."\ortr'?4to/ Znerha' '3 , eso!)!43+ktoox /oo)(zto
4 2aOX 3aA , 4aoo'3cov (/so-
/o?) n
: (3't2Yo'nn
( 2 =3/7 )
€/Tesses: t /i4J4; t\1w4 ca,4frus/ve
' !"('f
= t !:24 "rc,/ ,= r''/3+0 /f '6 3zN/mnL - ./.
92.<to+ 3'tzxto.'1
- - s'7xt04"1q5 =-o')3 M/nt7*#i"l
l4d'X'l r'jr''m ttot,t', :k<.n - 0
- '7h,U)) ehr4e rJ tcntrcn 'ttl4 w,,'.e tkinl'lL' /e'ntu4i bLL
V-l,cLr- ,,Jli"ll\ lJ A' os7 r'q.rvL $:r h'i.< L^a/h o/ ''nhhirt t/reta4
/"t7. R. zA
,/a|/naL , lerye zlt- 't;ecTJan ?r 3*o<94 "
az q cra&e/ Secltt' tditl
7n-r- ctal! la' fr 4- A'*7"1
lb- c/44 Ltla- u'a a't't''z'n'z' a'41 a/
zelo stless at ?Lt- y''aa E '
'att4 can"Tutt /tu- co la/4;/-
sun crac\ed depe4 &t d, '/L//er' le d^d
JfueJse. aud ' eot aore ttl &t- /t'*h'tg v*/ut' '
<hcb - '-'o)
+L = -:--:
i- ,/tr '-n- - e)
,' ,
bdt , =
, ^ 2., e44.,, 2oo , mm
Uiele 2 = !-/,- d, ts A ctt/1e d -tb be 1<$
t/LL ltu&rca5 'y tlo ,oo . f/nc' d, ts 7et h fu-
/eztt""rz't<z ' -
a '/ co"ze7+e *9 a2' a/t?/a'bk-
E/ecl',/L €lt4ntn |s utnoatn, 'a/ave *uo ane nzn' l''u'an'
6:tresJ -/'o cl//*4oaJn , flz' V'aOa'-
artr *lApf eo,'</t'44 lo c&le , 'l eoru' -ll* P'/obL'"'?
a'- 4u -solu'
Jy 4t ay' a'vJ covvec ho>t, Ouz- a'"r a44'Ltnr' tun
Lv/i'ta/// tzncva&td
iytt, *^1 eheck t%4. 7/''' TeuJeA tfi'ers
far /tr- de-t/tn
d* r?i4uA ov, fn a oracled ,'cctat 2J -tian rt +'@ '' :0":
a,vlctacked /Vth d, t ass*r"'/ a'o /++ m )'' lt /le- flztl
-7lA4ya/e ei/.u'tzbrtu/m lvea
w = /'!d!
a)he-"/e 1 m a4iltttt/nt eom//esst le 3&ess
+-= 2( 2 x//7ooo ,tr/naz
' bd' 4eo'\ /1+ = o,Ql
'slress da + ! -: = 0'205
&na"ey =
be/7n/5Jia' cOrU/e3JiL/e €t?est : t{/e.hL/e 4et14t- a'851
a' Vatb'a'L
res t/@int- ts /Wtdt-d a* Zl-e- loV" a^d f"a
rez'takb a/ &'' l o/hm '

." he = O'gt Cgszo)'- 2275 nn

Eflecf;te th,ctness = tl]L(ncar of 4leeh,/e recld,-- /4+h7rr1
s/<ndeiness yaAv = J'4 = tAP"' ZlZf zt
/4+ =

;tn,r ak^.4 n".urt ri4 u/r4 7o474ect b 1'4e' ef/ecfue sechon

e= J? - +s= 24m'r1
e e O'/7
tue /44
ho,u s.s A/ .sR ot 2t a4/ 9 'o'tz, l'2
'ra&.s sDe'n y'-act"x
ob tota-oA 64 ,LL.t/ lntlrpl*cv o?" 4= 0'37
C4oose bnck uzi.6 o/ a/(t!rr/At ,tlleryt| = /a'ot/ntf cnul n'ar/tr
17r- tvlt
644t Cotxtr'rett/ L/a sudJ = fo = d'9/ z'/nrtL
pernu\5i6@ Covltrressiue s*ets 1tu, rt a4/al 'ba/
/ae- kf.<- a'g7(0'14:-d'3('tr/'an> - ., L
bnVrc-'true rtres5 /eue/a/ed & =:':';W.,
/ueral /crrrt'k!/'bb- glress.
cd7t1/'vcss/t/e 2-
/a"t = /,2t4lcK = h2t(081) =0'f54//nn
Cotyoresstrc ;; = d'Qt tl/naz
l/en.e. +,Q' c4a/cz ol 1' a4drr/ iab9acr't"/'
!EJ/6A/ oF 'eH€4,< r'v4Lt-
4 ,/ovtz qtataL ,ba/. Ta,nZaZ 4 /4e-
Vrau" o/r
A' uteA t*?' A-
drt- ab a1^,t 4aatrs:
o) ge/'tm/c /i"a, ,lonzautal anl tn ttu- V/az<z- V l*-',- Na/L' dJ
IrD on an
th-o bn
'o u:rnd Ltadn+ a4 czfu/oy
zzM/at aalL 1z"a'zemt*e4 z$ a,n z'nzbna/
crass aJa4 "'9/F/A 'f /?.

3 43ra'a or auJ

+JJJ t-

.ttl €t/e4< anzz-


crass a/&/L or a- sh'll.n/,t7 at'a acls

-rku't a,
xSa 3,i &r uar. -Ln ea<z- 7 aa- catr ttVl/-7 ' a- e tos,s a1z.z ts
ver/ .t'. ya cn lwa nsn;h1'Y lt* sc23"'c 'beA -'6 ft2- f "'L/un 4n '
.7da b"h'ig an a gA244 uJ4'U tS s tt'^t'z n y''7. -rl' at^zt
lao t" 6e- be rl"on\e{
desrgned tb
'.$ regrt-
fe!/Jf /d--
ft')- '7t//^'t't^* fu// -74t2:raa
/at/'14t lt '74u'>' faq'r"4 1L
/'r7. 4 . ae c/'a'o<t'tt
1)1 sleor Tarce' \w /7'
(/t) 8( h/'/ * znewaL
,4)t rc7/'Ll /v4/"
0v) dr/er twr'lr uf' T4dment
tzz corlc/d?f' tLz- desltn c'/t lcr/a t ot/n r xod y' /a*e /a"?s '
.SHan< fd,<c€ : ''A4 /atar Tbr<- ca'44r/1 4( slz'a't 4e fup+'n
"ti.,ffi6. + 4z,cks" z/'L' J4ea'' a rer ttlcd 47 tz"- aan.1alot
'*)-) &of".Y let/' / a4 i'1 tAe-
rrl .to,*/ a, nun" 'r/a 'b/?"/: oulte'
i-orrr, ,L t ru-' </tc ss dule/o7ed tn
rb/'rt 1s 7iuoz Qz
,+""^V1E f Atz"'tot rnota't 1at 'L
t!::l!-bl'-- = -t
-=- rt'rex a7 cToss recrta o/ uaz ti
?/r, -clea4 fes/rfancP ol t4e bedia'* ''anz'L/'r /'*::^:
caln te
pQu ltu- /ric h otal rle- ilztuad- "sletzr:hess
e7lessed a2:
uac-- r..+
-4 /y'ca- - C3'l+)
le s(/es "t -/' " 'k ^41^l /"4'/'
aUlete lca = ea'\lese :^ ^;;, zzt a/a.r uat<*Q
i)= olt""ta34ea'/
+al(n ery1-dl "b o ' t 'v'/mn '
-- aru'l e+f / u?/1 '
?'tt fnefi '4'
la"h" ./ tqq
y''l/6t '
" ti uauly' lalen as t/4

onz cat tuo

'" ian
.in cao?.0,u
7'7") - -(3'/5)

V;;7 f-*
Y ,!::'#;:"^L':
Ae nlig mon'mt' al ttz' boronl
,r.n,*rt an^d ;t n/= t 44, ,- ", ,: -f 'rll*r_, r"rr-
uiere f; ! i'h,/t::'t-X::,,Y -!;-!'oi"' i,''e/a7e/'
/.*r- n4At fl1tm tr"!ry ') 1 ,, /1, L/z
y'zo= ::1:= -A-' 76 rl.t

t/? a7 tt't' u'nz "

ch ,^nt oy' inelha-
V 'o'^^t
./oil" /e
nt p'tluvnin{ man4oftt ! 'ztz 'h/era/ /,-tct- cata-e- ove.4'/4 7
r-::- -
tf 4Lo14o/rt aldut //'',-
utt- tu"it ahatt irs loe. 'rl-
1" ,, qiue'n bY fto = 2 4' x4 i -. . k.n)
'? !: ": - c3, ta)
74t- slatiltz/ktr rno ttlt aAazt
= utL
m.o-2 \.
' s laAt[;? a/ lA2- uhL 23 a chia/e/ 6/ &!- 7q//a.,Jtk7 conllha*a \'
Vezh xa/ /aah tnd'uc- <*ess lz l/t- Je.:U a,
\o , lA/
ltl: za te./ vezlc{ 1ta4 an lt'o 6aon
u -rhere are lyVet a/ ?h'esJec M 1/j-
ralresJec al arj- 6azp. a,,<1 &y .'.4'e'1
ta44 4t'<1
stroo . colrtlesstve
"i Sleatr.,
S' ond trrsrl" , 714- a7/1e//a- '74- /esry'a are t
cot^y'r"'rt, ue' a
9 ci) -<lr-r s: les.s v<aae -l- ----fs'zo)
S vzo,r+/9*l
0, lv?a4tltuL?n corltrcsriue .sZre-rs dct'e/o/eJ
f. 14*+l'< ---G'zt)
'Tl1/! canbhon 7: z$ ll* oV
Srl"'t|/az' a ata'/l ufu eccenlne /aa{ '
\J ta"
\J 7t t- desf n c// y'ar/a- a4'e elt' Ca^'L- lr an e cceftlr/ (e9
/.a"./2/ a"l, ll<-a'e 7's - - (3. za)
y'. I t'la /an = /'25 t'fl'r ' ' '
vbla' v""lu'- A7
74e plcsJive
con 3ttess cat't ezct"J &'- Terzut
,i 2 i; /a/ec''1 t 2y' &t- eae.-ss
ar td$ &tz 4 6end''7 '

,tr) /v/a'<) tutzm tc zuito- t lress 61e'ue/oVtd:

It La-/.*
y'Lat m<'tonr7
Oe<r7n t 't norn f mta.lz' on &t' agsunf,rto,
CarL ZeC/J t Ory mvlin l lenztan,
lt = /.2-/.n I fae - " - .(s.z+)
€xa trJ/6^/ oF Jt/Ea< ,/at/ L/r/28< 3Ea{n4-j!!Z!3
2esrgn a- r\ea/)' d^4 andeT seumtc /o"A;'7', A'v- / ata/t =,4n,
a,u/ S rrt hrSh y'a rcsr:A a- Aovtzantil e-aT taTake .P /a P/'!"tz
4ssu,ono 42f, seu.,t /aazl ft 6e utotltr*y &:ht4
u'ted aczpet lh'e'
le/cnl' o/ tb- aal . €ar(4rz'^e a ecdonlos e a'/ f, ' 7z''- 4144
ilia .'t, met4l d/n.aot &'tr& lof a'il't( 6ot'bn 'cz/Pazls '

€4!y: 1et tfue tttrctness: "7 en" an// 5e 2nommt a trz47z24

fn td- /.'//r/ose f ealc4bhlf, ce| a/ery|ttos a"'4 cealonoz VraVr"9a '
6ate a/rca- = 4 = l'soZ ?lio) = 7x mzflz
Sezhonal n todalttz d/ lkt- al'ea l!
J. (isoofa2oo)
z ,r
- (('75//a'fln
= --t,'8
= = j 2't =
.< 4cc/a4^-'3;,
ge/l oL/al9rt a/ *4- uJaL ' A= ?.tX Z'\ O'2x2O " 5+1"/
/alc.vq.L "/eid = f e /'/.r{ = d'/ 154) .5'4.2^/
(D Sleaz slress: )cv./?eed r,ica.r s*err =Z =
f =€#.a,oaa%i
7tuJ lJ fa,r ./ess lLzt Zac = o'7.7 Z* , A.4.r- sie.// sb.s! ls
a)/cht4 t44 Izru't,
and strcsJes:
/zcas/le .</tess &tz zb ,gc/y' a/eu'll' - f.; r.ry " o,it'r

6en a^/ n a nurztt dt<z zb /*zr''t 'bJ "

f! - s, ix ro3( gooo) ga ra{tv-nzt
ry = =
,gtYcts Au z$ f/e xure ts
' ttL t .,-LU: : 2 'v/m mu
f'a-- € = ffi6s'
0 '0t

lao alolc
-TAt ma4l rlu/m CovroT<'/>r tve a'u{ lcnstt' 'ghcssea ca'uaed h
Me fl/mmL
/.- fr.+ 4/ = a.0/+0,412 = o'072 u")
1c = /"0 - V"^= o'oi'z'o'0/
- a'\+s n/nnL 6c""7''n'
6e/a'r a//"d"zb' v"t"4 '
46t4 hLL 3 ae rreA erle contoTess)'ue *'/ fu
OD OVer t"'rrntY fltanant: ' 6,'/
tl /o3x gooo fut'f /o- nn
2 =
zaznl '^ho"'h" "t'(t"''"/
/'"' 'u
€/Techve heryat ' aeluaL legt/' ' oo" tk4 Jq/a/n)
4e e 3ooo mm
Ell echue ltucknou = a ttlul
,. te = 2ao,4- <ooo
S'/( bdtrnea raba -- s<=2 = A
A4 g/f/o _ /qo mm

t/t volurt eccenh'c'$ = A = ; =

5+X /o-

Htnct- ZL = 45vo
1+ ue.'7 tuzl
3l/c'/it4 = 3'5'tt/uq'e2
ee/ect 6rt'4 u'ak y c'rLt4A/'?
ua" tatr tqr'z tl'l -l
/ -./
- - /u/hm
6ntc con'|tletsiue ftre4 ov e?ual'/b 0'25
Ca*/drn? lLt- vwU:r<y' 3 trenaet nz aa?'1' N
Ja/2' '
{xA/14p/€ 3./€; De.f
/GN of com?aulD u./4zz
Desryn 6a cor,Vvd uotr lto let'tt e/ uA/d, ts t,An Lf 4 e
loP o/ t e c./i/L/ (Aa ) . 4ssa,tne t''trnd /rersi/re ,i ?ktJ /o /o4o/J/7r1
ar<d u '^.r7--l', dNlT' futd , 7<- 'Ja/t- Jeaaif, Tresu're b, ltz
Jo 7l
,J t2o 1u/n2 .
F2J J Jo/uhin: 7-,4!- ttut<netr at t&- laae a/ a<,- /rce-
Jt4ttd]4/ <oal ean 4z -te,/eeled 4 ?z-t-
rert. ol ////o 4 H/6 . 3/r2/A raa'd dtl/4 a/re n0/',117
u<ed ,'7 & a- ,fltzrru'.,m 4eytt y '5tr7. hY 4e/Jt t!

rs bzyox/ t,.E n dttta Fl/az tcTs a.te lo be /r/tcldza

oJ un &rokr"ss eant be tnweaae/ -'ba';4/"rea4'
baze- af alyn ne* 6aa fo < /2i<'tc/ , lel
ttuvlncts 4e aJrat /4 aa Soornm /', A'Lt caat- '
4 caV,,6. of 4a0mm x /aoz'n )r /ov'ul d.41 A y'i'
zhe ca.lczr.hh ona qlre ,aafu' &/ / m 'd^t 4 f
t.r'0.^ thj. A4/1 . 7t' dr/e'L o/ c-ra!J' sech o4 / lle Lle/Jh e
a'uzl le "2,<n tl4ot ral' al Alt' baa-z arre:
fi = taio (soo; ' 3 xros nmL/n ^
t/ooo tJ/m
w -trxt'zx o'3 + o'4xal*lzoxto' =
* --rooo (ffil, /99- = /azoooo
/-44n /4'N

7i2- maltllLtn cen?/ess)le aa/ tcxlilz- c&esses cazu

"/ a'te:
J - 14/ n4 //aoa J /6 20ooo bt-
'"- V-i=;;;7'@'
=: O'O3f o'tt = O't+

/1 : -0'0slo'1 ' o'08 /zdmz

Petm/sJr6t- y'euiL- skerg €rr = o'o7 (/'25) = o'a87'c't/nmL

€fL:!y-!:glt 4e-- /.5H, leca'uat- -l'.tt ret r)a'f 2r //atded
at €L
do tto.n a|tte. &2- lry
zs ?ee.
"', h. = /'t (/Foo) = 2700 mm
Fy'lechue lhtckae!s; = a c,rt'/ l!"4h.s!-- Sooh'|m

3/endwtte.ts ra'ln /az/zt' Y'- + = "4 -'

€ruvolcn t e-ccenlti,f = e . 4 = /{7 m'4

= 4J-- o.s
<, Zee./adjt4.-/ elg 4
m ?aZ!'- 3,3 h I o./ -A/t-- 0'9 , -L?ctg /a.cttr z,t o4la,V
67 A xz*r / *"r'Po/a'h o n tc = O,7?t 4aa'e co>T/e!t/t/e .Sher' ,

tle moaor"T e4ooscn zzAc,ve 23 =O'f 6 ,1)/r./mL

/.ym/'Jtr'bU Cor/1f).rerJ/ve J.lzss . /act= /.25tsl*= /'25 xd'7?x a'/1
= V.ff z!/mmL
-rh( /s -/a.,. gt'eatot tlan ldz ,?aa/tw7n aarlar$Jtve s hets d.ue/a/oet

g.Al4- c'l:-"<: -74 " aJa.Ll ztztat 6e sl'alL a?a."'z ? overhzrnt'iXt a*ca
cl.'ddtt abk lr.r- loe ol tkz- facuxdat'an , ' 4 ,r* f lkz ct"ll ct
-?9 lrt-
. fd.n&h:, . /?.( af /e a rfaliki^d, Lll ece . Arsa,.nL- ta-'-
Lr./'rial. ^
' o,
P//ouu;i 2
O?th o7 y'ounda'l"n = 7oo mm
utdd o/ ./o"rizo+a, Llaa't- (ttd|+ sao)/g = (oonm i/s
(;,:du i 7J,"ailo n n ca.a 6e se/e.tcal c,t &t- '/4Y f a7a /o e/
/eprn&,.r* 0a tLa 4e5rt ol utaA, d*4 E /aq/'Ld44n 4a1 i't/erutf
tL /atJnt "/aad).
lct t4e r/e///,(f diaer<'a, 62. I

t/. 4ao mn t2
' so, ,fln a'ao,/ 6= 6A0 rnm

. 4ot mn dr' 3s0 mn d3 = /50 m'q

t 7az lad ue/tht d/ Az /aandanb)a /r
td^ -- (/)<d'4xo', * ,"i''^'''*
/No'Qxd'4 't- 0'5//xdStj2oaoa
+ Q x o.( '< 0" /t)24eoo lr,.l

=. /?Eh /u/n
7le JtdtLt/n, tnonnt c"t: j1fff$"au"
,"" *r* -/?8/ogr'5q58'u-'/y'n tr-
a4,14/7'!tu4-ea az4..t cart/&4 td4'
t"/e!/ect tlt- acoue cu4tl /aJ!tu:
*"t onl alcve ltt '/eul
ttzn 71a ovc'rla'r"')7 )'v2"1" 't
,rl) Ttat'l .,
mo = (x/,8)/oaor(ry +o', =324o n/n

al sya aja/r,.t AVel h{rni^4 ?S :
-7le /ac* ou
in - lls 5?54 =nr 2/,5
32 40 /U.
-u/4 rru n | l,alm t t4 atrame overA'zuV <4aut"l 6' /''1
uluLh ?s l*r""1 "'t ea<P' '

/et tAo fncttvn& ca-e7Srt'izt ieittee n /lp- eozcvele aud /'lt' sdl
be talu at' d. + , ttln XtL sLdAf 're-crs tama nglataT /a"4'v1''
et/tth//es su./e ,5
Fr = I wo = 0'4 (t?sSO - 7/ +l' ^//'n
lfuvi zaal'al cpr^} flo-a ?J A = /'8(/oao)t=
fa-e*r o/ -rffi aTatnzt .efiay,1|. ts /S= 7=# = f ,*
-7r&- rwr"th,.!t,
/"h "/ <7t$ r<17.t r<d ara?t S'h..4,H.,!y-YS,
6e a/it4, p7e r ! ure : a/2- - r4\t )tlalm oeal'/lctr
-----_o+- /arc t Ja/r/e dn tZL ro;l
OcaunJ al tb, lre &u,tl )t ;J
4,= Abwo n nt. /q81o, + 3240
. = 33tro f 54d"o
zo = /{0'6 / x (o'OZ
.. )-
/'//m = 37/Od
7t9 m/ruru,tm /0resJ..//e a//m'
/,= Y9-4o - 33rao-7qoo = -2a?oa !L''
Jb/rc tt ,! -,.n'"o, n'1" uLlrh eanzal le' rer/Lld b/
go1L. h,t o- forh o71 oy' ; 6a4- L'uu b< on cantaet
uiti tatL '
; k:,-" znct'"th ltu' Jeo"rl"F
"i(- .'',ff
l, ld = - 9/ o
u/o tr
u_ d, _-a/D'

+,bd (= a)
/6 -4)=t't"=at4o n,[W-
' ;7
ftam ldt- q/uiI' a/a 4)e ha't/e
z ,! J24O_ -O./(3 dl
t - 2 =-nt|;
ot-' 't- o'rt3) = o' H m
s (a

4't = 2-ge-
6d = 3J!Y:) = 76F8o r)/ nL
7tu' rruxilt1lum 6en/ti7 7rc:su're )J I6880 z't7-z

a 3af bea.4i^6. frersu,fe o/t /2oooo^//m,- ar/uch,r5 a/ /4i,2 IAL LirL)z,

€vn'a1t.r tnc-t'atttaT .llt' C<tet1A t' a/ eA4. ro\l f4t f ,lA'- 7ze'az"'e a'ua
6<. a.trlfiin eA4- .L/r';6 .

mPou/t/o '
.., ' t't)r4
lv " .P/L4S74RS
la.ta/s 4eYat f atAtch
exrtmPzE 3' 17 : D ettltn a. cazye*r'/ u'tazl b/t, /o/
/c/4/ '/0 ta.e. tz/ 7 tL. co7'nn' ' 4stcznzt' at*/
73 /.7m /rdrn tt - g nu'azl

PTesJu'ae 44 rcoo ,rt7-z arn-ol ,j *,fr'.ry dzsh,buted ,

JI -!' :|1rrk-J
35! T
6- --,12?ok- 4r!* 1
u_ 206o--+r I

CloJs- '9c.hbn t/i.l- I l60o

c ross - t ech'on
.. R. r._"/"4*l; @
' solaT/o.ll, ?/2at- | : let z/'' tA2<k4e!s o// ca'' a'all 6" 2oo --
atnd Vi/a" krs 4e o/: a/rd24 2oo m'4 a''1 tL'(*a ?'ss 3sn m'n ?a'/'l
2ooo'n'rl c/a . Ze/ '** co4ial g/2e da 300 x /ao mm ao slaotn a li '
7A,1' deetr 23 cazrted fn'bn-o- V-nA at b9t,/e"9t4 e7 t/'!- '<'/44 )
a /'ch B cer?fue -rb cen/re e&ttan <* o/ lAt-' 4a^o cozaecah'te V i/az|ws.
4l tt'- /faf,e7h.A o//e'e4 fr a /a,/4 e,l4, '7k-a- /b//441a/J
o./re ,nado ,!/zu4 u;el lAt- dutcr faco' a/ l4-a' uaL ' 7-L crth'a/- lettoc
of At- /at6n lJ ai a'' la'rL. 4)-
CroJt- r'ectt.'& turea /e e1' 4a7 =l = (2aoox2oo) +/Soxzao f A/a//i, dy' l/.'' 64f (dtr /a/r.z y'an aa'tt tdz /acz')
, - 6"oio^tooxno)+Aooxt:;axsz5) - 22 nn
rfonent o/ Jferla a7 ll'' 3ee''dn tJ 2-
( /5a)- - /2oa x Et) [27t'/t4
. -^^ / ,^^ \' , norZao) TttZ-too) I 2oo
J = ':::-:::-' +Lzl ./2
nn+ Yq
= /'8 +8 //04)
toaZ.'*, f. At/ / 0+x4r/i? o : 6 74 kt+/
Se// uJetJh? of tA" daaL = /0e
NetJtL 6f cofl,ry - 0,3x0't '2x2( :
'n Eal W.lTht =w -- /'5' 2 k N
B,na,iV riono,,t aA,n ft cod N t = (ztt t'7 ) 49:? x lZ = 2' 8? k^r-'n

.flress at tle 6aze aze : ' 2tqtto4rv-tm

e &t'r
7/zz olrn-ol ca''n ctc t o" t/tt' u4'tl 79on ''Ln'ho''(o
d tn (a' C7'4JJ Jecldn h alt'a at'A q
d/a ^N* '
Strtss date /a4e
/-'^;";;'';; eovf'4i?{
.fbre fa,r a a/ ltom
oa t/* lbn ay' ?tt- aluol ' -zlo tw'4t 'l't't't"t'l
or ttv,u- fu/td""t d'tvec
/-uozl is
-ftret ! pro/.tt<t'/ Q at "1 .tya p6 0-37 tu/nnL
y'n. /n 2 /oe --
Zl ffi,e*-,,rl

71"-t tu.azrmant Vots, bb- Comratestrue a'ul. (.ao/h- Jheue4 (; tLt' maz7nr/ a'r'e:
. f. = 0'035 +ot7 = O.*os /,r/;/t -
4t= 'o'o3s +0'37 - o' j3r ^4"ln>
'fLL, Sechon ?J naa atL,ytt?- az tLu "/avarb- s trt'n 1J 0' 3 35/1//t'4r/
which , J -{a/r I igher'skc'n tttln
tL-t- a.Ao,/a,k . va/J./z- 6o, otz n4anL)
/ r'erni)\t t(t- . o.O7 Xt'Zf = 0'51/l/tvt6)
t2Z4-: z /et /It- se cion -rtm)&+ 1t /t',t / ,/a./ - t atttt 1t4 J?ze.
Af tb- P/a.e ."/ be !;oO x +aa ,nm /To|bch^t 2raid.'- .dz rt ln h {g)
A = 2o@(2aa) +s|o
(40 ')4o)
= -t X l.'mm ' vt4
2 ulam.L e/ c ?' 4/ a/e^ tr"
d4ic.. /4.a-
2do) Qdottoo)
eooo x2ad/ao 4560'<
= /40
Mofient e/ zn'lha 7- i - 2A00x /4o * 2!!43!:!)"+ z
@ c"n*ia^t a<'t l-'
= 3 d66 7oq) z xo'txzlz4 =
/7 ll/tv
'^)' (0'5 x o'2' t'! )20 + (2t o'2^ b()20 a(o

jo. w = /744: . 0.o3sn//nnL

rt 5r /o)
f, =h 28 ?Aoo = 0, (/or/14i0 -/4o)

rnu/m tewrle st ess d'/6s ^//mnaz

2s 4 = /,r'f.'-
7le 7nA\i
>"oa''f "d sec6 av
ufuch rs male &.'/h lt L 4'/'/dttklbd' u** ' Z c(itrttT ,
340ua le/ou can bo taed. nal.t /l/'21<'/ 3/2e u -qaomnx5a|nrq

I =Qooox
uo) +Lt25o*oo)
= 55tltoi-m'
lzt e': ctnt'o /&l 4;7ana' /)o*
oalor /4ca' olL +A'' aall

+ e! t3.
t= rr""tt^l"'
ssxrc4 =

a, 4
f = 7't+(/o') nt'
't t
w = l'ss (26)0'.) +t'trf
tt/ n ttL " /Yl - zgoooo(sao48)
j .0,/z
-!^ = W -- /q?do = 0.03-S l^= ,1, 7, *?4 /o
4 9t o+

.4t = lr- fo-' o.ots,u7r"]-

'f6 t l^+f" ' 0'
les / wn'

r lreiLa2
r-nz tmts/5kW,,*h ol Pid = tlb= s]davu'.,. tp = soo mw

r'n*ig'^ a'"t t {P' 2ooo vrwn +aJ= 2oa ,'at^a

R' a eeL4t-?41'l
2ccc -4 '$ - .E! =z.s
sTt 4- rt' """
tL: : 2.e
1,.,, t.J,U- 3.4 +-
^ :ii-
.ti! __ ,
4 o'J .Cu)
:^)trn'^t.t' ct-etlii' ' tc'n1 a- "ii^rya*) a'D lL = 2,o( ' l4uLl'ri v
) / . = 2xzda ': qae oitl \' -tf 1'* )
,, ef).zJ'L'e L/-c.(x:'a c.'
/y'cchc,; 1.4Lt :: /.t X./-7cc fs 4 ' 2s{o inn
'" .2

azo rra-i c 9 4::

tyr.-- = (.37s
.; /l = "f-^?
44r I
ecLe'llua't'/ A :
tui/,o -- ,",
292JL e /-i2
€11ui'.bat l?o ro
. 2/, = ttY4aa = (",\8h1nl
i' - e '9t

1,:,3;||:;u":F,:fi ;"* i,i^i'ii:"5 /ne//a'r ryP- - tul

i 1,"

4;. cinyr"s}iut' eiTes' = *:-

I'L 1,'L, "t!11:- ;a'tT/ux'uc ''=) 4!/,"1,'
r!'ir= rirtirlril!',1;
cbrr/1.,3^ttc s /re-"n ')*u!-icrJ n'/rsn//n',u: : l"-

'le2Ltt LL Jt'e''' -' '.|:t'c - 0"4t7 nt/&1h1L 1 1t

Ht rtc- t'a- t't-'/'e t.teA vtr) r'J't4 'krLh
r' "x"t'-e' Elti r't trt tA-t' t'n*'t:tr t7
y ti't/uL'"'
A'aiC' in |*.,'t 4/\' t-''":f
**lh.h*tulcan,"/u'ci.el';.i't'aqlchaid-jh$t'!itjhiJ"J4'u- iat'
'zi* :'hl'lf a'al r1ui1n E tAt' /uL't"/"'h n ;14'(
,1t; r|n ' criecA .f'r
;lrriots:'l fv taut e't&rY't' '
provisiorrs oll)artitiolls
'' Inll.ll, ar" lrruvi,le<l lirlly ol \\'ith opcnings ils Pef tlre needs lor
gcrrer:al Lypcs of fLrrnes rre sll(rwl] irl the figures
or' [il,r iloor'! antl wirrdorm.'l he lbur diilcr't rrl
lixr)l( \\i{lr t'llening (Fig 1r
f*'fr,i.;, f,,,," liim( (lrig.lJ, llrll) inllllqd fr:rr'rc rljig 2)' infillcJ
o,itti",iint infitl".l ll?nle (Iig 4),

I .y' L.---- - -, --J-vr

-- frame

B ric l.i

Fig.I BJre Franre

Fig,3 ln{ill with o pe ning Fig,4 Partial lrr fill frarrre


Ihc ]ltocleling offlrc bdravior.o1 ill-llilt-tl finrtrts undet latefal loa(litrg (al)(l r1]ainly
eiulhquake inducecl loarls) is a cl)l,lplex issLre tret-rtuse lhese stfircttlf€s exhibit a
higllly 0on-

linenr rcspo|]-so lcsttlling lioln thc inlerdctiorr l)etween ll)c D]lsonfy inlill parel arrtl lhe
solrorrnclil]g lianrc. N4lsorr).y;s nrostly alesig cd to 'all0wable:jt|css' stADdard. althotlLLh it
nray bc bellcf to o?ltty orlt thc'(ltsi8l1 ulldef "llltinute shcngth" lncthods irl teflns of oost
ejlcctiver)css. l{ou,cvcr, in tht'c0se ol desigrriug a structtlre ii)r ultilrlate stleng{h, the
crr|r'crrpi-rncling liriltrtc nrrxlts llced b bt lin,rut atrrl ilr!j lirilulc Ioatls [of difTcfcnt nlodes ol'
lriluf0 llavc lo be itoll1lntl(,(i in or<lcr to dcternlirle lire Llltilnate oap.lcity of tire shtlctLtrc and

additionally the serviceability criteria have to be checked wofkirrg loads. Al rno(lcfalc
loadi|lg levels the infillofa no inlegral in-fillecl Iiarre sepamtes l.reur lhc strnrruncling liaric
and the irfill acls as a diagoiral strut (lrrg. l) r\s rhe |rtking l,rar'l irrcreascs, failure clccrrr.s
eventually ill eilher the 1'mnrc or Lhe ilrlill. lhe rrsual rnrrtle ol'liafie liilu.c is cilhcf (l.c lo
lension in the rvindward colunrr or (luc to rihear on the bol!|nn trr. bcans orvcvcr.. il tltc
lian)e streDgtil is sufficient enough lo frevelt its of tlrcst mr.)(lcs- tJrc
thilure by orrc
inoteasirg lacking load eventuirllv plodnr:cs lcilure of the inlill. In thc lrosl cr)nl11()l
situations, the ilr-plalre ]atelai loacl applied at o,]e ol tl)c top corncfs is f(sistccl l)y n lrLrs\
lbrmgd by the loadeql collnln and tltl infill :rlolg its cliagonal thar conlects thc lolclcLl o,rlrrrr.
and the opposite .bottolr-r corDer. The statr: of s(ress itl {hc inlill givcs r.isc to a pfitxri|nl
comptessive stress along the diagonal ald a pr.incil)al 'tensjle stress in the pc,qrcndicLrlal
clilection.'llhe sequenco bl occu|rencc ol dilfe|errt t'ailr,u.e nroclcs hns bccn li)
nulirlctl bllsdl
on llrc relative Iateral strength betwoe llre i lillanrl lljc liame by Wood ( 19 /iJ) 'l lrc Inr{rsurr
ol lhis felative lateral shength is given by the pamrlcicr
ft1 -

fram e-in[ill

fra rr e-irrfill
Figlrre l. Stt.uf rDodel analogy ofirr-fillcti l.r,nures.

Wlk f.,44,r\ rlr.. l'lns{ic rnrr]c t r:,rpr,:iry ol tlre e,, )(fs nt the tianrc.
,(,./is thc conrpr.essivc strengLh ol'll)e iniill,
t,,,is lbe lltickness olithc illfill and
/,,..t1r( l(:nglh of the irrfillparrel.

1.3 Modes ol'lailrrr.cs in inlillccl fi.anrcs

lnl;lled lirnre s{ruorfcs ale cornlnonry usetr in bLrirdings. Masonry infi ecr r(c fianres are
Lrre r)'rosl coiltrtot) type of struclufes used lilf ri)oltistofied conshrctio|s irr the cleveloping
courltries' cven i' those r,rcritetr ir seisrricalry aoli.,e fegions. Thc infiI wa|s \viI have
openr)gs stlch as Doofs atrl, lvltich arc ihevitable pat.ts
ofat)y struclLtre.-fhe presence
o[openinBs rcduces lhe latcfAl slilfness ol thc: Inl]ll |mne opcnings rr)aY bc eilhcr srrrSle ol

rnLrltiple as peI the reqLlifefircnt l'rovi(ling Drtllliple opening lirflhcl fcduces thc laltrrl stillllc:is
irr the past by
l,arge nunrber ol'expcrinenral rnd alllllytical studies hirs bcon underlakcn
many rescafchefs all ovef tlle wofld to irrvesligale the eflec'l,of Qpenillgs
on lhe latefnl stitl]rcss'
ol)cnings llrst nrlrrlylicrrl
stfenglh, lailtrre nrocles, lnd other Pfopellies of irrlillecl fiarrres with
slLrclies rnainly llsed linite eleme|rt hqsed techniques to strrcll'efleci
oI openirrgs orr liirllrcs l]rr(Jcl
rncthods wcfc trse(l
latefal Ioads.'lhe equivalent iiame melhocl anrl equivalenl diagonal stnrt
ort lhcse sLtlulcrj
wi(lely. llqualions lbf estinlaling dia!:ollal st rl \\'idth were lblmLrlnled brs()(l
rrrr g'rirrg Irr irr
nIalytical tedrniqLre-s Lrsecl afe slill in'the p11'uess ol evoltllion 'rnil slill sludies
Asped |aliot Positi(u's
that respect because ofthe complexilY ol lhe Plobleln-.Dillcfolrt oPclling
Pasi stlr(lies have conclLlded that mnsorrry infills wilh openings also Pfovide
signilicant amotrnl ol

stilfness ro lhe Iialnes. lhe IAteral loa(l carfying caPacity of Ifarncs

is also ilnproYecl by irr{ill!

*Il op"ning, as conlPared to blre ftamc'" lt has boen obscrvcd in bolh exPcfimcllLal

changc df slictlllv dtrc lo

flnalyticsl stLrclies that the lailufe tnotles of nrasont,v inllllecl fiarrlcs
p|esence ofoperlings i the wolls Othef iflfol1dllr propefties, strcl\
rs' doli'f'rahililv clllclililY'
ancl erlefgy dissiPatiorl oaPacily Afe also clcpi'tldelll on size'arrd
[)oalion ol oP(]llinlrs in llrc irr{lll
in lrrtrsonfv wlllls ()l l{l
walls.'[his shows lllc irrrpottartcc oftonsiclcIi'rg the ell'ccts ol oPerrings
is no{ lool(ed up'rrr irr \l!rllil b\
liames irr alralYsis an(i (lLrsign ol'builclings llllcreslingly tllis isstle
nrosL seisolic co(les, solne of which use sirrlple thtrlrrL) |1rles
li'f (1)rlsidcfliliorr ('l olcrrirrgs l|'
nrasonry inUlls.'lherclb[e' revision ol sci$nic oodcs is csserrlial
fof otlfclll lln lysis 0rr(l dcsiir'rr
lafge nLlorber ofcxPcrirrrcrrltrl
ol builclings. lhe feview ()fpas( stLldi':i suE3esls lllai thougll

arld rn!lylicrll in the p'?ist lhcrc re nrarry 8al) afrrrri irr (lri\ lll(l
slucJies lras beelr rrn(le{at(err

Scismic Analysis ol Masonry lr'lille(l l ranres wiLh arrd

withotll Oponirlgs Post rtstrr|cli lr'rs l"t r

ooncefns itr tllal ltgioll llrt

ca ie(l oul itl prfts, and nlofc inlpoltilnLll' lld(lfesscs only ths local
has not l)ecn st$(lietl
cllect of graviiv load on lhe behaviof of infillccl frarnes with opcnings
were lllso nol corrsid0fcd in lhc Pasl
crtensirely. Also lhe ellacl ol'sl0b alld ils stiffenirlg eflccls
l() sinl!llrlc thc brhllviof
stu(lies. Basedon this, lhe nnxlylical rrlod'ls are requifccl 10 bc inlprrvccl
lionl rcseilfchcrs worl(inT ilr lllis
olinlllled llatrres wilh oPenlngs /\ collective elfbll is fequirecl
llle inlb lation rn(l cldld availablc orr such buildings dnd sLrl)seqtrelrtly lo
arca lo colhle

alrcl at \llrious ioc'rtiorts in Ll)i lienlc SLlcll
a colloctivtr c{1br1 \'ill i)'
. l)ossible siz€s alrd shaPes
able to dcvelop a uniibrrn mclhocl ol tnilvsis dnd dcsign
ol sLrch btrildinfls \\'lrrrlr rrc
conslrtrcleLl all11ost e\el ) whorc'
panels wllich slrccessively
the latefrl stiifrress oi these
As pr'esence ofopenings decreases
a btg tote tn
llC frame Thc position ofthe openings plays
,,,,l,,"es fhe seisnric capAcily
paners, as positioning the
operirlg in the iddle ol the
of the infi'
decrcasi,lg the raterar stirrrress
operting is very impo ant
facrcf in deto nirring
Also the size oflhe
panels gives wotst loslrlts
to a clear decfease in
in{ill pa'lel, in lhe opening size lcads
the l.reral stiffness oflhe ^s'incfease
tlle ll{cfirl sli{lncss ofthc
irrhll panel
they hilve clcaf
in rnnsollry irfill pancls cannot t)e neglectcd as
trin.rlly, lh€ prcscnce ol openings
o IIC nllllled strLlctur'es'
ell'ect on tllc seismic capAcity

1.4 lnl'itlctl li'arncs rvilhorrt opcnings lq5l:

0rl(l arriir.Y(l
:'xl rcsul(, dlrritlS llre la>l fire rlccaLles r'lh'\rrltls
lluscrl .rr b,rtlr exPerilrrerlLfil
r-ia'tw ancil(wan' resr; rr4errrabi
w(xxr' rvro"."'j*",.., re62; 1]]l ::":::' :
proposed. lhat can be
.lillercnt liilufe .--^.,r-
t)1odes or
^a masonry in-filleil lrames were
rrl., 2007). a,nte 2002:
arld Amde'
^L^^L ^-,t
;;;;;"u"'''"t* (wood' re78; el-Drrklral<hni' 2002; Ghosh
et.l ,2003), giverl belowl
whieh represetrts c|trshing of the
infill in at lcast one ol
(CC) nrooer
l). 'fhe Corner Clushing
2 l(a) 'Ihis rrlode is r'rsrrally associari:d with in-illled f|ames
ils loatied colners, as shown in lrig
serrrorlrrclecl by a lialne with
weak ioints itnd slfolrg
oorrsisting ol a weal( nasollfy iniill Panel

ntcnbers \'llhllr lr\

(DC) ro(le' which refrcs(nts c 'slrirrg ul lhc illltll
2).'lhe l)irgorrltl CoNPltssion infill'
'This nlo'le is as'ociated witlr a |elarivcl, slcrr(lef
-ccot|al |egion, as showtr in Irig 2'l(^)
bucl(ling dt ille in fi Il.
whclu failLrre lestrlts fronrout_of:plarle
ieFfesenls irorizontal siicling shetr
l).'t'ltc Sli(litrg Shc.|r (SS) hrodc' wlrich
mocle is associatcd rvitlr inllll
2.i(b) 'lhis
lr.r i,,irrts t,l .r nras('rrfy irrllll 'rs sh'r"vl irr !ig.
weak l)1or'tar joints and alslroDg fmllle
across the
(Dl(1 mode' lvliich i:j seel1 it1 tlrc forn] of0 cl.a'k
4).'tho Di{gonlrl Cr|ckirrg
pancl and ollen lakes place with
simLrllaleotrs initiation ol
i""ut".,*t it.*""", ol ibe irtlill
-lhis nrode is associaled a weak iiamc of alr^Ne
the SS nrocle, as slrorvn in Irig.2.I(b) "vith
with tr tather slfollg infill
with weak.ioints and strJng mcmbers in-tilled

fofm of plastic'hinges developing iD

5). Thc lilrnre Flilrrre (FIi) mottc, whiclr is seei in the
as shown in l;ig 2l(b) Thls lrode
lhc colunrlls of the bealr-colunn connectiolls'
a ft ame l'ith $'eak ioints and strong membet s infillcci with a
rtssocidtecl witll a wcak i't alrie or

rathet str<.rrtg inlill.


crLr sh Ing

col-ner {.Ioe)

detach{nent compressloll
(ir) Cl( nloder D(l modc


crusll lg

cor-nef (toe )

cf Ltsll|ll!J

(b) SS mocle; [rl? moclo;,DI( nrocle

Figulc 2.1 i\'Icrtlcs of Inilrtre ol nrrlsorlry in-lillccl li trDl(s'

1.5 Inllll rvull wilh opettings
lnlill walLs in the iame arc lleqtiently cdnlained in door and window openings al the
(lilferent locations, which rcduces sliffness and load cauying captcity of the diagollill stlut
rleperding upon lhe sizc ol'opening alld its locxlion. |f openings are small, |nd otrlsi(le the
rrre oI ihc rliagorral stl.|rt. ils efl'ect nlay be negligible ill stiflnoss calculatioDi.e. firll eflect ol'
ec;r"rivalcnt rliagonal strut v,,ill be trl(en inb consider-trlion becatrse the olhef dirgonals ol lhe panel
bcoonre slflrt when the load is rcve$ed.ll the openinps are largo nlld centlally looated it fir!
inLorlefe lhe cliagonal bracing aclion, thcfel)y cattsing prerrlattlfe shellf lhillrfe ol the sr:ctions ,rrr

lhc cithcf side ol the ol)('nirg. Dxpcrirnental and analylicnl sludies show thal cenlmlly locrlcd
opcrrirrgs rnay foduce lhc slillircss and slretlgLh (,f diagonal stnrt llbotrl 75% .nd 409/o


l.(r Iruilurc l)nttcl ns for ft'antcs

'Ilre 'l'o faoilitatc tlre
lattenrs lhilure lbr all fiames are displayed in Iig 2.2.
prcseu(ati(n ofthe |esrtlls, the fian]es are ( leg,'rizeJ in fouf gforrlrs lltefllnte\arc categofized
In lour gfoups:

a) IlAre lia,ne (r'elercnce lranre),

l)) Solid inlllle(l tiarnes,

c) lrrlillecl liarres with openirrgr;. ancl

rl) lnlillcd lianrcs wilh lianrcrl opcnirrgs.

'fhc rnocle of li,rilulc of lhe bafe l'fame was combined ficxurai yieldi|lg at colurnn
) llare Irrarnc
bases and bon(l detefiofitiou of thc bean'r reinlbroement in the conllrred core ol the .ioint region
l hc nraximIm latelal djspiac.ehrent \\,4! 72 nrnl und the laleml load fcsistiig capacity \\,ns 5.(,

l)) Solid lnfillcd [,'ranrcs As the displacerncnt lbvel increased at latef cycles, tl]e ultimate load
slar'tcd to decrease- fhc test wAs stopped when lhe fr?rmc losL about 20 9'u ol its ultirrrale slrerrgth.
'lhe obscrved nrorle ol-f:rilurc is diago al te,tsion Ihilufe an(l sliding sheaf at the ve|1ical and
hofizorltal.ioints ol'Lhc infill (Fig.22). l-lre slrain in sleel rcinforcernent nrensl|.ed dL ing lesting
did rol feaoh yielclirrg. valiatiorr ol strain in |einlo|cenent of FIl.Alvl0.1 ([rc lo (:),clic loadine,
i' slrourr. llre valiarjrrrr of Lliotsnrrrl t.,rci. width lbr Fl{Alvllll is displa),ed. 'llre ligulcs
the gradLral tr.anslef of the laleml loa(l fl.oul the inllll {o the R.C, liatnc as lhe (rfirck irrg ol'

c) lnlilled lrrarnes $'irh opcning rho mo(rc ol ririrLrfe is cri.gorral rcnsiorr rurilu'c arrrr srirrinlr
sheaf at the ve{ical and horizontal ioints of the inljll., llowelver, the prcsenca ol.opcnirl8
(clepeocling on ils size ancl location) cuts {.lrB fl in Llirgon0l \lruls lh!- rr,r ln,\ite actioI ol.rlrc is adversely .rffgcted as rhe opening cuts the oompfcssion rrain tiiagonrrl. 'llris c cct
is nrore pro'oLtncecl in the case (,1 lN,!ie ol)e,ing (Coof). Iror.exarrple. lrltn N4l:6 willt ci(lc ([x)f
operring has slightly largef fesistancc itr l'r push Llrf((riun. a/lil l\,\vrr r.'sr:tilncc i, tlic f.ll
dire(tion ljr.r. I I{AMLi7 r rth .rrrrlal 11,", (,, ,
(l) Lrfillcd F'anres wirh Frarned opc.i.g As sccn in [i! 2.2, lhc prescnce ol'liilr]irg irK)Lrr(l
openrngs fc(|0ces stfess ro ce|tfatiolt arouncl ihe opening altd ootrscqLtcrtl) a scfious fe(lUctio iI
In.gjc oc ol li ning l11)urxl llrc
the wall shcfiglh is not expected. I1 was itlto notioe(l lhal, the
openi'g pfevented sevefc dafiage, and oonseqirerrtly the infills rernaincil i.tegr.nrcci.'r'hc pf.scncr
ol fiamirg a()und operirgs increase(r rhe loacr carrying copaci(y oI irrfific(r lirrrnc cornprrrcrr u,itrr
the of untlameLi opening. Fof exanrplc Il(AN4[8 (witl) si(lc r.arne(l ol)cring) w.s
thai l:l{AMD4 (with side unfi.amed openingt by about 27%, iI latcf{t lord resislance.

-r ittro$l
lr ,, tfrTffi{_r
IjTlr\Nlt2 I S,\t ftrl


.i.ry. . ]ffiL ri,_


Fig.2.2 Coifig0r.lion of the specinrars !ld ll)0 cIncLinl, l)al ter'rrs a1 Iiilu rc.
t,lryjlitiillt ll;ill: llil*ili:::ii,,rrjli i';,1,;,i;:; rt;t,i::Ji;;.il ll. ,", ,,,

i,,,,,:.,'.',' $l ;
if i
ni, lr; i -1,,r $ [i.f ; :,,

iirililill,iilliiil;;iil;t;lilitirff;ti;i,1,:ff;;1,,ttrt.ii:ji;i1,:,! 5,(c
ri iililIrliirr,,n ll;iiji ]jfrillilil,li*1ffili:',ny,",,"n::jr*i;
.;rltr'. q1np,,11(.111s
rrrnr l,r
,l.l.e r,:.,.r1 tirr inr,:rrrt .,.,.,,.. ,..-


'I'ypcs ol' inlill u,alliug

\/irriL,rr.r lorrr.r ol cunrt,.u.,lr,rn cilr

il ii::j
,i,;t b. ",,,,....,
::i:l: lllll:nlr, iilllir;iiliil,i",ij;;:,

,i:ti,.] ,,,*;t,:rJl;l,,
, c r'r u, i
,,,,,,,.(r r ( : ' rir)'|r' i;,;;i.;;'i;l';",i,i'liiii
,,1,c,'i)s. . , ...!.., i.,,,., n, L
,l]]- lllil
'u. ',;'L'i- lii'ilil''"lrll;,:;il;l;il;i::iliii;::,llll'Ul.:;,i,:l:lll;
NI:rsrrrr r.y irr lill rlalls

jlllrtr;irjj,iir'1'l;l:i,I:,ii,;r;"1:iH::l,';;i':;;:ii:l:t,ll.;;;ij::l| ' ,,\\n

;;1":ll:li:;,;;Jl "
Con cr.clc infill wa Ils

"{. slw" ri



l'ic-aast corrcfelc iullll lvoll pancls

(lorcr'clc irrirll wirlls Irr LL('r)-,rirlly irt thc ]irr]1 o{ lilrg(' pfccirsl c,)ncr'(1c llilrrcls ll)irl 0r1r slofci
lrigh iircl .){idn ol . \ri(lth diclatecl by (he 9r2!irm-l] spucing. Ihcse llrg. l)incls nra) bc lolr
Iunc of bo{Lom sufporled l'lrcy typicall) l).rrrf ()lllo tlle floof slarl) usin!l il L)(x)l itffan8uttrcrtl.
irn,l are boltcd barli t(, tht'slructurc (jn llrc l!!(lrL)\rvc or hclo\\.

lntcgfal fallcls rnay ['e c'laLl i1l othcf nrrlltrials il) pio!lly oonclcl(j l)atrels irfc (:ll1(l lll st()l]r)

PaDel weiLrllls o f ilpPr'o \ imatel), l00ktr/tn'h[c tYPic l. wi(ll pairel wicltlrs ol belvrcelr '] nrr(l
.!rcl lreiSlll ol -1.5 t{) 4.2rr. 'l lle ula)iirrrunl l,i,:c ulr partcl is tcstr'ictcd l)y tflttlsi)o
con:iiderdtions ar(l (:fahc liliing clrpilc;t)' (l)(',tll on sitc an(l al the concrljlc \ ()fl(s)- I 5 to l0
ronncs afc 1\,1)ical lnlrirntlrrr \veighls (ri Prccilltl con(ril(1 Pltliel:i.

Iil|rl,('r li ii r(,1 itllill rrrll:'

lirrrl)crirrlill walls iiIrb(.r sr]r:l1ors (\l ()t) iId l40rnnr,.ltl)tlr L() si)rrrr.l.l lo.l.6rr)
u:ie strrrrdrrrrl
bclwecn lloofs ar1(l afc Iiimilir in Ion)r t,r l!lil slcql illill1.rlll1. l irtrlrct scclir)rrs irfc t:rrL l{r
lengtir lrld lrr:c plirce(l al 4(10 Innr (,f 600 Inrr', .'l)ircirrlr
'llrc rlisx''lvitrrli !r L)l tirril).r irl
(ontl)arisotl lo stcrrl ls thlL il is no{ as sir'()trg I (l iL i5 rr()l l)ossil)lL- l() |s. tl ir lrrll r.vrrllr rir irr
,,v,rllr r,i r l.,.Ec, t.r.r,,rr..
CBCS Scheme

Fifth Semester B. E. Degrce Examination

Masoirry Structur€s
Time: 3hrs
Ma! Mrrks: 80 i
Note: 1) Answ€r FIVE full questions, choosing one full qucstion from erch modulc, ,. ,
2) Use ofIS 19091987 is permitted.
J) Assuhe misslng data ifany. suitably. , t.'
Modute- | \
l. a. ofbrick.
Discuss different types ofclassification
. ji 1oS v"r*.)
.g b. Explain in detail the properties ofmortar. g\$ 1oS vtartst
" Explain qualities of good bui lding srones with requ ired standard vatues.1rc,l, (06 Marks
€s oR

i z. a. State and briefly explain the facrors affecring,t,. (r.\hi.urnnry.
"o,npr.r.iu. Le
(06 Ma*s)

$* b. The rypicat noor ptan of a buitding is shown in rie

eZb. \

ff *ln"l':r'1,:i'ltr"Ti:xT'l;i:';:i"':'*:ifrFq*]::,li"lii;H-'.



9* , 1 \flJirrfo owing terms as apptied ro masonry srrucrures:

Fi A fr\ ii) i, Pennissible compressive srengrh
2t A\., Stress reducrion faclor
iii)Shape reducrion facror
; i nV (06 Marks)
-t N\J b. Design an inrerior wall of a two-storey building to ca l l00mm rhick RCC slab
wt with;.0m ceiting height. The wa is unstiffened and h supports a 2.65 m wide slab.
Live load on the roof= I.5kN/m, Live load on floor - 2.0 kN/rn,
-F Weiglrt ofterace = 1.96 kN/m'? Wroffloorfinish =0.8 kN/n1 (l0Marks)

I of2
.1. With suitable valucs explain the Ibllolving:
i) llfflctive lreight ii)Lff€ctive lenglh iii) Effecti\re th'ckncss
(08 Marl's)
i\, Sl€nderncss f:tiio
is l00mn thrcklviLh a ceiling
b. An inl(rior \ol;J Lross \\dll ol d l\ o-sLore) buildrng
Lompressile 'Lrenglh l0 N nrnl ano
Lri*ht ol j 0r1, lr i..onsrrutteJ sith ;r brrck ol
uir'1]" n,-ror. rf]" *u\\s trc fu\\y reslrai$cd bod\ a! top and bottom
iii) Slendefness tatio
i) l-lleclive lhickness ii) Flfliclive heighl
iv) Stress reducliolr tirctof assurlllng eccenrriciry e = 0
and v) Permissiblc

compressive stress
M-sgds - 3
in consideralionlitoads and design of masonry wall
Ilxplain the stcps involved
106 Marks)
\!ilh ooeninP.s. height of each floor
b. i]"'liiii'i li"iii'i. ,\ all of a rwo-store) buildins or slorev
",ria al3 6m cen$e to l
,rir.iln. tn. *"f, is stifitned by l00mnr thick intersecting walls
at a distancg of
.."ir.. n'r" *" ,*" U* a door opening of size 90omm x 2000nrm
as follo$s:
:00rrlrn frJrn or'e ul fle $itll' A'sulne lhe lodding
(10 Marks)
;J I("Jl lo-dirru l5 (\'nr iir I loor Loauing = l2 5 kN/nr
ofaxially loaded'soliil wall' (08 Marks)
6. a. t]rielly discuss tlrc sleps involvcd in the design
cdrr) l00nrrr.lh'c( RCc
b. ii.l.'*n.rn i,uoi',. .u'.. $rll of a l\o-storey buildir)g to
.1.,1, rrrrh Jn ccilini lrcighL Thc $all is unstllferrcd
dnd it suDDorls a 2 o)rn wroc
.iut. r-iu" rooo * ,r',. ,oof = l.5kN/m:, - Livqloipo; floof ,
kN/m' (08 Marks)
*",*"'"t tu",* ,,,.* ace = L96 kN/m:' Weight of floor finish = 0 2
"n Modulc' 4:
(06 Marks)
'1. r. What are in_lllled fralrles? Explain in briei of 80 kN/rn havrng
b. I rvall :ocm rhick using rlrodular bdcks can ies at the lop a loadcr'oss walls and is of
of l/l)'Wall is 5ln long between
a rcsultilnl cccentficity Latio
should be the
1..t,,,.i"* n"i*f,, belwcer RCClslabs al top and botlom What (10 Marks)
thejoints are nol raked'
strength ofbrici an.l g'adeofmonir? Assurne
lhiik caries an eccentric load of 90 kN/rn at the top
r. A N ll 200rnN
l'hc rvall is s'()ln long between lhe cross walls
Thc clear
...",,t'i.ity lulio i5 l/l0 (10 Marks)
hcight bctwccn RC slabs is 3nr' D€sign lhe masonry
walls' (06 Marks)
b. Iixiain with ncar sketches dilfcfcnl modes of failure of in-fllled
. Modulc - 5
a. llxflain ihe design critcria ofwalls subjecled !o transverse
loading .. (06 Marks)

b. llesign a reinforced bfick lrlasonry lintcl subjecled

lo lriangulaf loading ior a
*ind_orv opening ol span l 8m The lhickness
ofthe wall is 220mm and the height oi
: the b|ickwork alove the linlel isllnr'Lenglhofthelvalloneithersideofthelintel
having characteristic strenglh
is nrofe lhan halfthe span ofthe linlel Use brickwofk (l0 Marks)
of l0 N/mnr and mild steel bars
Nasonry' (06 Marks)
10. a. Gi\re thc assunrPlions and limitations ofreinforced
given belowr
b. Design a cofipound wall for the data
llt oi rvall=1.?n Coping at top=400mm x 100mm
is uniforfirly dislributed The
Assume the wind prcssure is cqrlal to lo00N/m'?and (10 Mark)
SIIC ofsoil is 120 kN/rnr.
USN l0cv753

Seventh Semester B.E. Degree Examination, Dec.2013/J^n.20l4

Design of Masonry Structures
Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks:100
Notet 1. Answer FIVEfull queslions, selecling
dl least TWO questions from each parL
2. Use of 13-1905-1987 code is permifted.

I -ff Explain various tests on bricks. (10 Marks)

Explain with neat skelches various t'?es ofcracks in masonry and remedial measures.
(t0 Marks,

sn 2 @) Discuss the comrnon workmanship defects and errors in masoffy construction (08 Marks)

@ Explain the factors which influenie the compressive strength ofmasonry. (12 Marks)

3e i) Explain:
Shape modification factor
ii) Stress reduction factor
iii) Area reduction factor. (08 Marks)
Explain following types ofmasoruy elements with sketches:
i) Solid wall with piers.
ii) Cavity wall.
iii) !'aced wall.
iv) Veneered wall. (12 Marks)

4 a. Explain the following:

i) Effective height ofwalls.
>6 ii) Effectivethickness.
iii) EJfective length.
' iv) Slenderness ratio. (08 Marks)
b. Design an interior wall ofa two storeyed building to carry 100mm thick RCC slabs with 3m
ceiling height. The wall is unstiffened and it supports a 2.65m wide slab.
!6 Live load on roof= 1 .5 kN/m"
E: Live load on floor = 2 kN/m'?
Weight of tenace: 1.96 kN/m'?
' Weight offloor finish = 0.8 kN/m'. (12 Marks)

5 a. Discuss the design criteria ofeccentrically loaded masonry wall. (08 Marks)

b. Design an interior wall of two storeyed building with a storey height of each floor 3m The
wallls stiflbned by l00mm thick intersecting walls at 3600nrn centre to centre The wall
has a door opening of size 900 x 2000mm at a distance of 200mm liom one of the
intersecting walls. Assume loading as below:
i) R"ofloading = 15 kN/m
ii) Floor loading = 12.5 kN/m. ] (12 Mrrks)

I of2
eccentricity ratio.
war' r'flelmDe equivalent eccentricity
and N
^_r .,.
pe^sign:n interior cavity wail ofa {{rE Marks) slorevF.t h,;r,r:-^
isrm. "* yyan* *i#,Jiy i*".i.""lffYj[:Tflfl]f"i1,r]incjlgrt
:- -::- rhe wau us sL,rrene{ t'v Inrersecring wals.or200in *,.u oreach storey
roaorng bon roof= t6kN/m ,"""'*
and toading Fom euch floo.=-t.2.jufrii
,,, *,,uu

Fig Q 6(b)
z-e.Exniain horizonrarand ve(icar:
e' ili J:'"*:tr*,Tjiick masorv
i #;di;1, :,,1 *l"fl
(06 Marks)

ii] Coping at lop = 400mm.< t0Onnr

"" :Tllir;,il1$rl!:ssure
is equat ro r000 N/mr and
is uniformry distributed
S.B.C. of
(14 Marks)
(8) Write short notes on:
xa. Shear walls.

"b. Infilled fiames.

yc. Composite wall beam elements.
d. rropenies of moitar.
(20 Marks)

2 of 2
$l l) ,. ,.,....1

{-9 Yisvesvaraya Tccbnologlcal Universig

E€l$[e, Kor[8lakr _ 590 0t&

Slcheme & Sdrdotr

, St sii96 ^.
l/l[961f){\,/ sl-,,.r. cb^':s,

al wote,, orbsori Sto,

c"XF s1.,.-1st'
sj r^.r'h,. s>,
s\{r" t^.r-ot
R:r? \ <"r\n-.t5v.>

Di*5 ono-t g.roctr, hrvor =r-rt-al. Cr6-Rt A

Y+t t-l ,rr^.( Lo ot-.t"tr cro-ur\ '
*ta sne+of2 (1gla1o{;ee
'r\e^\ I cMF( .Tnete\s\-dc

Q.*'"\|.'5rsh67 de{-ecrs { ersrats

\1. ) l3 d ,\^ r\ 9 uf r,s1r..5y n-6y rso4 F
1i) f5aod @rt
Qif ) vo,s-L't lc.\4}l I o,.\iOo".,p-nb
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Fuvtprs c.,l-feutS3 krelr- st-raqrtb
i)) 5t of *-r o", n^"y r"..,,1 ts @ql
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'rcrs"rtrr Qi i) -Tk icp-F\o sl $ -lcr g<far
T9 ! c- S 'T\\surr.v
Vrli) 'T\\surrnv br r$".'s.q
\x/ '-fSo (x)oiro-"* \uxd,t1,
rva trrr e-Xp\ r.-r *tfuy

sa p E;
.p\n-l0r.\io) iui.irn {ac5vqp,
t h".*']t-s. @n.
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Tlde : coa", \ sQVTS
Qicsffon Sotud!,tr r|id6
Nitlrbef Albcrled

&el \!) 919,"."t$"1 "f eav$ r6q11 re4'L5 b)^+

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19) W^.1 -13.'i"no> u,s := \ 0!'..>!r


Lo*d. e-\C.^\ a,,&os RroS = 6- 9 6 nx-,)-,r-

F\ opr = 9.3 F.o)rb,:- ,

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Seventh Semester B.E. Degree Examination, Dec.20l6/Jan.20l7

Design of Masonry Structures
Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks:100
Notei 1. Answer FM full questions, selecting
at least TWO questionsfrom each part
2. ase of IS-1905-1987 h pemitted-

l^. values.
Explain any five tests conducted on building stones. Give thc salient (r0 Mrrks)
b. With neat sketches, explain different types of cracks in masonry. Also suggest remedial
measures, (10 Markt

2a. Whai are the factors effecting strength ofmasonry? (10 Markt
b. With neat sketches, explain determination of compressive strength of masonry based on
elastic iheory. (10 Markt

34. Wlat is equivalent eccentricity? Draw the stress distribution diagmms wh€n i) eccentricity
e=0; ii)0<e<16; iii)e:t/6; iv)e>t/6. (10 Marks)
b. Explain the following:
i) Permissible compressive stress
ii) Stress reduction factor
iiD Shape reduction factor
iv) Increase in permissible compressive stress
v) Permissible tensile and shear stress. (10 Mark$

With suitable values explain the following:

i) Effective height
ii) Effective l€ngth
iiD Effective thickness
iv) Slenderness ratio. (10 Marks)
b. An interior solid cross wall ofa two storeyed building is l00mm th^ick with a ceiling height
of3m. It is constructed with bricks ofcompressive stress loN/rnm'and Mr b/pe of mortar.
The wal)s are fully restrained at both top and bottom. Determine:
:+ i) Effective thickness
ii) Effective height
iii) Slenderness latio
iu) Stress reduction factor assuming eccentricity e = 0
v) P€rmissiblecompressivestress. (r0 Marks)

Explain the design steps involved in the design of solid wall subjected to uniform axial
E loading. (os Marks)
b. Design an interior cavity wall of a three storeyed building the ceiling height ofeach storey
being 3m. The wall is un stiffened and is 3.6m long. Assume )oading as follows:
ftom roof= 12 kN/m
fiom floor = 10 kN/m. (15 Markt
I of 2

6a. Explain the design criteria of walls'with openings. (0s Mrrkt

b. Design an interior solid cross wall subjected to eccentric loading of a storeyed building
supporting un equal conuete roof slab. The wall AB is shown in Fig Q.6(b). Assume
triangular bearing pressure and loading as lokN/m'. The storey height is 3.8m and the wall
is fixed to foundation block below. (lsMtrks)



Explain the design criteria ofwalls subjected to fansverse loading. (06 Mrrkt
Design a shear wall under seismic loading. Length ofwall is 4.5m and 3m high to resist a
horizontal earthquake force in its plane. Assume the seismic load to be uniformly distributed
across the height of the wall. Earthquake acceleration = 0.19. The wall is tied with metal
anchors at the top ard bottom supports. (14 Marks)

8a. Explain the following with advantages : composite wall beam elements. (10 Mrrko
b. Explain with neat diagrams differed modes offailure of itrfilled frames. (10 Mrrko

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