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The Evolution of Machinery Control

Systems Support At the Naval Ship

Systems Engineering Station
& Timothy Scherer and Jeffrey Cohen
Naval Ship Systems Engineering Station

Introduction for a list of ship classes that NAVSSES is

Machinery Control Systems (MCS) have evolved providing MCS support.
rapidly with the development of smaller and
more powerful computational and display While software and hardware designs have
technologies. Over the past three decades evolved through the years, the technical
machinery controls have moved from approach and current designs for modernizations
hardware-based logic to software-based logic. are based largely on successfully completed
The use of relays, push buttons and light-bulbs systems. Each new control system uses lessons
has been replaced by processors, graphical user learned from each of the previous programs.
interfaces, keyboards and track balls. Suppliers
have also evolved from using basic circuit This paper will discuss the support that
cards and military-specified processors running NAVSSES has provided the fleet using a
machine language to Commercial Off The Shelf historical perspective to show how MCS support
(COTS) processors running high level languages evolved. While the organization provides steam
like C11 and JAVA. Networks provide control systems and fluid systems automation
communication using industry standard as well as networks and bridge control systems,
protocols. These changes have driven changes this paper focuses on the MCS product line.
in acquisition philosophy, life cycle support, A discussion of the early support for gas turbine
training, and modernization programs. programs and their associated control systems
will be presented to provide a perspective on
The Naval Surface Warfare Center, Ship Systems how those programs influenced the current MCS
Engineering Station (NAVSSES), has evolved organization. The progression of support from
into a center of excellence for machinery early programs through in-service engineering
control and machinery control systems. Tracing to leading modernization programs will be
technical roots back to the advent of boiler addressed throughout this paper.
controls and later gas turbine control systems,
MCS personnel have provided support to nearly What Constitutes A Machinery Control
every Navy surface ship. Since 1996, NAVSSES System?
has been developing new machinery control On U.S. Navy ships, the MCS provides
systems for back fit on US Navy, US Coast supervisory control and monitoring of machinery
Guard and Foreign Military ships. See Figure 1 systems, including: the propulsion plant, electric

& 2011, American Society of Naval Engineers 2011 #2& 85

DOI: 10.1111/j.1559-3584.2011.00321.x
The Evolution of Machinery Control Systems Support At the Naval Ship Systems Engineering Station

Figure 1: NAVSSES MCS Support

power plant, auxiliary systems, and damage monitoring and control of the machinery plant. On
control systems. Looking across the fleet MCS older, legacy designs the MCS is centralized with
controls and monitors 86 shipboard systems (see all of the required plant information connected via
Figure 2). The MCS controls and monitors cable to a central location and connected to the
designated systems throughout the ship, including appropriate consoles by functionality (propulsion,
control of the propulsion plant from the bridge. electric power, auxiliaries, fuel control, damage
The system also provides bell and logging. control, ballast control, etc.).

The MCS is comprised of hardware and software, Most current machinery control systems are
including the user interfaces, required to enable distributed with the capability to control the

Figure 2: MCS Controlled/Monitored

Shipboard Systems


The Evolution of Machinery Control Systems Support At the Naval Ship Systems Engineering Station

Figure 3: Notional Architecture of a Ship’s Distributed Machinery Control System

ship’s machinery systems from numerous machinery space. Overall communications for
workstations throughout the ship. The control and monitoring must be maintained among
distributed control system relies on a network to the three levels of control. The safety-related
allow communication between workstations, control loop (i.e. the engine inner loop control)
control equipment, and controlled/monitored resides locally with the prime mover.’’
devices. Figure 3 is a diagram of a notional
distributed control system showing the The NAVSSES Role in MCS
interconnection of devices on the network. The NAVSSES is responsible to provide the Life
figure shows a core, mesh network with Cycle Management (LCM), In-Service
control layer devices and information layer Engineering (ISE), Software Support and
workstations connected to it. Research and Development (R&D) for
machinery control systems. Dating back to at
CAPT J. Preisel, USN (ret.), the first and former least 1973, NAVSSES, then known as NAVSEC
DDG 51 Program Manager at NAVSSES, PHILADIV, had a Controls Application Branch in
describes how the machinery control system the former Machinery Automation Systems
scheme is implemented for the propulsion Department. Since that time there have been
system on a gas turbine ship: numerous organizational structures, but the
control systems group was established as a
‘‘In each of these systems, a similar scheme for necessary organization to meet an increasing need
propulsion control exists: Propulsion control in the area of Naval automation and control.
(thrust control) is maintained at three
hierarchical levels: on the bridge, in a central That initial automation group has grown to five
control station, and locally in each main MCS In-Service Engineering (ISE) Branches and


The Evolution of Machinery Control Systems Support At the Naval Ship Systems Engineering Station

one Research and Development (R&D) Branch. Offices at the Naval Sea Systems Command
These branches address the MCS life cycle. (NAVSEA).

There are five main life cycle areas of MCS In-Service Engineering (ISE) Support
responsibility at NAVSSES: ISE Support occurs primarily after the ship has
been transferred to Navy custody. At this point
 R&D there is a transition of responsibility for the MCS
 Acquisition Support hardware and software from the shipbuilder/
 ISE/Software Support integrator/manufacturer to the In-Service
 Technical Warrant Holder support Engineering Agent (ISEA). The ISEA provides
 Modernization Solutions engineering support to the fleet, including
engineering improvements, troubleshooting
fleet problems, providing software support of
Research and Development
the original software, ensuring accuracy of
The R&D role is to work closely with ONR,
logistics support documentation, and providing
Program Managers and the Life Cycle
training to fleet personnel. In many cases a
Managers/In-Service Engineers to complete the
laboratory is established and for developing,
bridge between the science and technology
testing, and maintaining software changes as
(S&T) and the acquisition communities.
well as hardware improvements.
Another aspect of the R&D responsibility is
to establish the necessary resources and
Modernization Solutions
perform the research and development of novel
Modernization support has meant the design,
survivable automation and control concepts for
development, test, installation and logistics
network architectures, hardware, and software,
support of a turnkey replacement system.
as well as the advanced sensors, actuators and
The new MCS typically resolves obsolescence
controllers necessary to support future Navy
and supportability issues as well as improving
missions. Figure 4 illustrates the flow of
user interfaces and reducing workload
technology and requirements through the system
through automation. Software is designed
life cycle.
and developed by the Navy which eliminates
licensing fees and improves total ownership
Acquisition Support cost through re-use and commonality.
The Acquisition Support role provides for
the review of new construction MCS from Technical Warrant Holder (TWH) Support
requirements through design to testing and Generally, this support is for developing or
delivery. The NAVSSES role also includes reviewing standards, specifications and rules,
testing or independent review of vendor (e.g. Naval Vessel Rules), supporting major
software (e.g. Factory Acceptance Testing or initiatives such as commonality and open
Land Based Engineering Site testing) as architecture, developing system certification
well as production and trial support. Support requirements and performing certification
is typically provided to the Ship Design testing, and providing information on an as
Managers and the Program Executive needed basis for fleet problems.

Figure 4: Technology and Requirements Technology Transition Technology Development

Flows in System Life Cycle Activities

Warfighter Technology Needs


The Evolution of Machinery Control Systems Support At the Naval Ship Systems Engineering Station

A Brief History Of The Navy’s Gas Turbine The first major gas turbine ship testing occurred
Program and its Impact On Machinery on the DD 963 Land Based Test Site (LBTS)
Control SystemTesting at NAVSSES in 1973. The purpose of this
Much of the current Navy’s roots for distributed testing was to evaluate system integration,
machinery control system expertise are found in performance, control characteristics, and
the development and testing of gas turbine shipboard applicability. Included in this testing
systems. The Navy conducted in-house studies in was a propulsion control system that provided
the late 1930’s to determine if gas turbine program control of the shaft’s speed. Testing
engines could be used for marine propulsion. identified problems in both the Propulsion
In 1940 the Bureau of Ships (now NAVSEA) Control System and the Integrated Throttle
published a report including recommendations Control. (Nufrio and McNamara) The
to establish a naval gas turbine program. A nomenclature for the DD 963 machinery control
program was established and a contract was system was the Engineering Control and
awarded in December 1940 for the development Surveillance System (ECSS). The ECSS
of a gas turbine plant. This plant was tested at contained:
the US Naval Engineering Experiment Station
(USNEES) in Annapolis, MD, starting in 1944.  Propulsion and Machinery Control Equipment
USNEES would later become part of the David  Electric Plant Control Equipment
Taylor Research Center and be subsequently  Propulsion and Machinery Information System
merged with NAVSSES in Philadelphia as a Equipment
result of the Base Realignment and Closure  Propulsion Local Operating Equipment
Much of these systems were hard wired with
During the same time period, the Navy Boiler and significant signal conditioning. Some signals and
Turbine Laboratory (NBTL), which later evolved information were communicated via serial data
into NAVSSES, was established in 1941 to provide buses. A centralized digital computer with an
the US Navy with the capability to test boilers, embedded computer program processed the
steam turbines, and associated auxiliary systems. information from signal conditioners and the
In the 1950s a Combined Steam and Gas Turbine serial buses. Engineers and technicians who were
propulsion system test was conducted at NBTL. experienced in electronics were the primary
NBTL had developed expertise and experience in support for support for this system. Figure 5
steam turbines and propulsion systems, and the provides a diagram of the ECSS.
Navy took advantage of this expertise for testing
the first full scale gas turbine plant. A control FFG 7 Land Based Test Site
console was used for initial gas turbine control The next major ship class testing was
and monitoring (Carleton and Weinert). accomplished at the FFG 7 LBTS in 1975. The
purpose of this test was similar to the testing
As the Navy’s gas turbine programs continued to on the DD 963 class LBTS and included the
grow, NBTL expertise in these programs grew as FFG 7 gas turbine’s Free Standing Electronic
well. The result was that NAVSSES became the Enclosure (FSEE), which provided local control
primary location for gas turbine testing for the of the engine. The necessary hardware for the
Navy. Once the Navy had committed to using machinery control system was also included.
the gas turbine engine in the propulsion plant, The testing of the system identified numerous
NAVSSES conducted propulsion plant machin- control system issues, including integration
ery performance testing, endurance testing and issues. One such integration issue that was
integration testing. The control systems for the resolved was communication problems between
engine and propulsion plant were integral to the FSEE and the machinery control system.
these tests. Other control system problems that were


The Evolution of Machinery Control Systems Support At the Naval Ship Systems Engineering Station

Figure 5: Diagram of the DD 963 class

Engineering Control and Surveillance

identified included: control system operation another Land Based test Site to support this
issues due to electromagnetic interference, set ship class. Additionally, there were significant
point problems, software design problems, and differences in the control system equipment
grounding problems. Integration testing would that warranted a land-based integration and
continue to expand with the control systems’ test program which preceded shipboard
increased complexity and become a major integration.
reason for testing in subsequent shipboard
systems. DDG 51and the Introduction of Software
Other systems testing that followed the testing of The DDG 51 MCS had numerous attributes
the FFG 7 propulsion system were the Rankine that differed from previous machinery control
Cycle Energy Recovery (RACER) system from systems. It was a significant step forward from
1984 to 1986, and the Reversible Converter previous designs, transitioning engineering plant
Coupling (RCC), which was eventually used on control from analog to digital. It was also more
the AOE 6 class. The FFG 7 LBTS was modified advanced in the areas of distributed processing
to test the RCC upon completion of the FFG 7 and software based control. Each console has a
propulsion system testing. During this time standalone computer based upon a military
frame the CG 47 class was introduced into the standard. A text based computer interface was
Navy. With a propulsion plant similar to the DD used to display alarms and indicators that were
963 class, there was no large scale land based now stored in software. A data multiplexing
testing conducted on the CG 47 machinery System (DMS) enables communication between
control system or on propulsion system the MCS consoles. Figure 6 provides a one line
integration. diagram of the system.

The next major gas turbine propulsion A software based control system offered
combatant was the DDG 51 class. Due to the numerous advantages over the previous
issues found and resolved during previous gas hardware-centric control systems. A software
turbine tests, there was a demonstrated need for based system allows parameters and set points to


The Evolution of Machinery Control Systems Support At the Naval Ship Systems Engineering Station

Figure 6: Diagram of the DDG 51

Machinery Control System

be changed more easily through changes  Ground detection circuitry

in the computer program or user entry into a  DMS interfaces/communication
user-defined field. Significantly more
information is available to the user. All of these areas were to be tested statically and
dynamically with the hot plant.
The DDG 51 Land Based Engineering Site
(LBES) was built to test the propulsion During the initial testing only the main propul-
plant, the electric plant, MCS and DMS well in sion consoles were installed on the LBES. The
advance of the delivery of the ship. A primary missing consoles were simulated until they were
purpose of the LBES was to provide integration later added into the LBES MCS configuration.
testing of the propulsion system, including the Full systems integration testing began on April
control system, to allow for finding and 26, 1989. Testing that was accomplished in-
resolving problems with the propulsion plant cluded (Preisel):
before going to sea.
 Dynamic overspeed trips
In 1988 testing began on the DDG 51 Land  Torque and speed limiting
Based Engineering Site. Testing objectives for the  Main reduction gear tooth contact checks
MCS included:  Full power testing
 Program control testing
 Wiring checks  Brake mode testing
 Alarms at design set points  Dynamic system responses
 Data transfer  Remote system tests
 Data displays
 Control circuits As a result of the expertise that was developed
 Propulsion Control Transfer during system testing, NAVSSES was selected to
 Safety circuits and permissives be the life cycle software support agent (SSA) for
 Modes of Operation the DDG-51 MCS in 1989. This selection was
 No-break Power Supplies the significant milestone that allowed the Navy


The Evolution of Machinery Control Systems Support At the Naval Ship Systems Engineering Station

to build a foundation of technical excellence in For the backfit effort NAVSSES took the DDG
MCS and software engineering. 111 MCS computer programs and modified
them for DDG 51 configuration differences.
Initially, the DDG 51 MCS computer program This hardware was interfaced with the new
was approximately 80,000 lines of code in integrated bridge, network, digital video and
CMS-2, a source code language used on circa other equipment at LBES during the 2009–2010
1980 military microprocessors. One of the first timeframe. This hardware and software
major changes in the DDG 51 MCS software suite was installed on the DDG 51 and 53 in
was porting algorithms developed by a technical mid-2010.
support contractor to correct issues with shaft
speed control and other problems. Shaft speed In 2010 it was decided that the DDG new ship
control was initially an open loop control system construction program would be restarted. The
that did not reliably produce ordered shaft DDG 51 class support schedule has extended to
speed, and transient response was unacceptably 2025, when the DDG 127 is scheduled to be
slow. The new code was developed and commissioned and the first of the FLT 2A ships
interfaced to the existing subprograms to create will be modernized. The modernization program
a new Shaft Control Unit program. This new could extend to the year 2042.
program was then interfaced to the engine
controllers and other consoles. The new DDG 51: Software Support and the Capability
program was tested on the LBES and delivered Maturity Model
to the USS ARLEIGH BURKE (DDG 51), where Six general categories have been identified as
it was tested at sea (Halpin and Odum). sources of software changes:

Since that software change, hundreds of  Fleet Problem Resolution

software deliveries by the NAVSSES SSA have  Ship Alterations
been made to DDG 51 class ships, providing  External System Life Cycle Manager Changes
improvements or solving problems within the  Obsolescence
system.  Ship Construction Problem Resolution
DDG Modernization
Starting with proposals in 2002 the DDG These changes impact not only the software but
Modernization program has been supported by support documentation as well. A Software
NAVSSES from evaluation of alternatives Support Activity is responsible to ensure that
through requirements development. A new MCS software meets its requirements and fulfills its
architecture was implemented on the forward fit intended functions in the operation of a system.
ships, DDG 111 and DDG 112, with the intent To perform this role, the SSA utilizes established
to back fit this system in older DDG 51 class processes to:
ships for MCS modernization. The forward fit
ships will be supported in the same way as  Ensure software development and
previous DDG 51 class new construction ships. configuration management integrity
 Support software acquisition, development,
NAVSSES took delivery of new control system test, and production prior to deployment
hardware in 2008 and modified the LBES  Manage software requirements and interfaces
simulator/stimulator and switching equipment  Maintain system requirements allocated to
to interface to this new hardware. In late 2009, software
NAVSSES was requested to finalize the  Oversee integration testing
computer program for the DDG 111 in support  Supply/Install/Support tactical software to the
of builders and acceptance trials in 2011. fleet


The Evolution of Machinery Control Systems Support At the Naval Ship Systems Engineering Station

 Review shipboard engineering changes for projects and attain a Maturity Level 3. For Level
software impact 3, the SW-CMM states that the ‘‘software
 Duplicate, troubleshoot and resolve problems process for both management and engineering
from fleet activities is documented, standardized, and
 Document and track all software problems and integrated into a standard software process for
improvements the organization.’’ In September 2000, the
 Ensure software is viewed from a systems Machinery SSA was assessed at Level 3 for five
engineering perspective software programs: the DDG 51 class MCS,
AOE 6 class MCS, the MHC 51 class
As the SSA workload increased on the DDG 51 Machinery/Ship Control System (M/SCS), the
class, it became difficult to meet the SSA ARS 50 class MCS, and the Integrated Condition
requirements. In 1996 NAVSSES engineers and Assessment System.
management realized that there was a need for
more rigorous and structured processes as the CMMI
SSA responsibility increased rapidly. While the As the SW-CMM moved to a systems view,
software products were of high quality and rather than just limited to a software view,
schedules were being met, the environment was NAVSSES revamped its processes and rolled out
having detrimental effects on the workforce, due a new Software-based Systems Process that
to short deadlines, late changing requirements, complied with the new Capability Maturity
and high workload. It was also recognized that Model Integrated (CMMI). In 2006 and again
the DOD was adopting the Software Capability 2009, the organization was appraised at Level 3
Maturity Model (SW-CMM) to evaluate of the new integrated model. The MCS
organizations that were developing software. programs were significant to demonstrating the
NAVSSES made the decision to develop a value and benefit of the SSP, which has been
Standard Software Process that was compliant applied to all software-based system products at
with the SW-CMM. (Kraynik) NAVSSES.

SW-CMM was developed to guide the adoption Supporting MCS In-service Engineering and
of best practices in software engineering in an Software Support Beyond the DDG 51Class
effort to address numerous shortcomings in For many shipbuilding programs it was not
software products. During the 1980’s many financially viable to build an LBES with hot
complex, software-based products were plant to test MCS. To reduce testing costs, the
delivered to the DOD that did not meet expected MCS control consoles and local controllers are
functionality or quality. Many, if not most, connected to a simulator/stimulator for testing
software projects were grossly over budget and problem resolution. Examples of this type of
and did not meet schedule. In the 1990’s the ISEA/SSA lab include the AOE 6 class and the
SW-CMM became widely utilized, and in many MHC 51 class. In 1994 NAVSSES was
cases, DOD programs required organizations designated as the SSA for both the AOE 6 class
that developed software to be SW-CMM and the MHC 51 class. The AOE 6 class was a
compliant. natural extension of the support provided
to the DDG 51 class, since the consoles were
The DDG 51 MCS SSA was assessed at Level 2 manufactured by the same vendor and were very
of the SW-CMM in September 1998. This meant close in technology. Support for the AOE 6 class
that NAVSSES had a disciplined approach to continued until the ships were transferred to the
process that was repeatable on projects that are Military Sea Lift Command.
similar. Upon receiving the assessment of Level
2, efforts began to expand the deployment of the NAVSSES began supporting the MHC 51 class
Standard Software Process (SSP) across multiple Machinery/Ship Control System (M/SCS) during


The Evolution of Machinery Control Systems Support At the Naval Ship Systems Engineering Station

the mid 1990s. Numerous improvements were NAVSSES has since re-architected the system
developed for the class, including an autopilot and software.
function. The autopilot development effort was
the first MHC 51 software change in the class. Another important aspect of the CG 47 ISC
The MHC M/SCS is currently being replaced by program is the implementation of physics based
NAVVSES with a new MCS under the Foreign embedded training, entitled the On Board
Military Sales program. Trainer (OBT). The distributed nature of the ISC
MCS allows the capability for ship’s force to
Standardized Monitoring and Control train on one workstation which is connected via
System, Smartship, and Integrated Ship network to a plant simulation, while another
Controls workstation is in control of the engineering
The Standard Monitoring and Control plant. NAVSSES developed the second
System (SMCS) was to be a standards-based, generation of the ISC OBT to be a more realistic
open architecture system with standard simulation of the engineering plant. An
human-machine interfaces workstations that integrated model of the CG 47 class machinery
were functionally configured by upgradeable systems were developed, leveraging off of the
software. The concept development and design first OBT developed for the MCM 1 class
was largely accomplished at NSWCCD in modernization. In 2002, the first gas turbine
Annapolis with testing accomplished at machinery plant OBT was successfully installed
NAVSSES. SMCS concepts became the on CG 54.
precursor to the Smartship program’s machinery
control system. On Board Trainer
The On-Board Trainer (OBT) is a software
The initial Smartship, USS YORKTOWN (CG application that provides a means for crew
48), played in important role in providing a training without operating a live machinery
platform to evaluate enabling technologies. plant. It provides a real-time training simulation
As a result of the success of the technology of the machinery plant that results in reduced
evaluation, the Integrated Ship Control (ISC) wear, less repair maintenance and fuel savings.
program was established. An element of this The OBT models the propulsion, electrical and
program was established to replace the auxiliaries systems to provide a full simulation
increasingly obsolete CG 47 class Engineering of the machinery plant vital for ship operation.
Control and Surveillance Equipment with a It provides on-line individual and team
distributed and more automated Machinery watchstander training during both pier and
Control System. This system was tested on the underway conditions. The application is able to
DDG 51 LBES through the use of switching run at any MCS control console.
equipment and signal conditioning to
allow the new CG 47 class MCS to operate the Each MCS console can be placed in either
DDG 51 hot plant. This was an effective and ‘‘Simulation’’ mode or ‘‘Plant’’ mode. In
cost efficient means of validating the CG 47 Simulation Mode, the consoles receives and
MCS. sends data to the simulator software and in Plant
Mode, the consoles will exchange data with the
The USS TICONDEROGA (CG 47) was the first MCS PLCs.
ship in the class to receive the ISC machinery
control system. NAVSSES provided on-site The OBT is composed of three main sections:
support and simultaneous LBES testing to the Instructor Operator Section, Controller
first several ISC modernizations. In 2001, Simulation and Machinery Plant Simulation.
NAVSSES’ MCS personnel assumed the The Machinery Plant Simulation provides an
responsibility as the ISEA/SSA for the system. integrated, realistic simulation of the machinery


The Evolution of Machinery Control Systems Support At the Naval Ship Systems Engineering Station

plant which is controlled and monitored by the ECS as directives. MIPS coordinates sequences
MCS. Manuals, operating guides and In-service for system alignments, performs starts and stops
Engineering Agent input are used to develop the of equipment, sequences and manages system
OBT’s machinery modeling to ensure realistic recovery activities, and performs system
simulation. The simulation runs in real time and reconfigurations in an automated fashion based
is controlled by the Instructor Operator. on these directives. MIPS manages plant power
by computing power availability and
LPD17 Engineering Control System consumption in zones that are dictated by
Similar to the DDG 51 class and the CG 47 class system alignment called ‘power centers.’ The
ISC, NAVSSES is responsible as the ISEA/SSA ‘Power Accounting’ feature of MIPS is used to
for systems that have been transferred to the then further define how loads are fed from
Navy. The LPD 17 Class Engineering Control power sources (generators and/or power
System (ECS), one such system, is a VME based converters/inverters), to connect and disconnect
real-time distributed data acquisition, control, loads based on priorities, to add power
processing, and display system. ECS provides a generation as needed, and to communicate to
remote centralized monitoring and control of other ECS ensembles and domains outside of
propulsion, electrical, auxiliary, fuel, damage ship to coordinate power usage (Henry et al).
control and ballast systems, and performs both
remote and centralized equipment health assess- During the Detail Design and Integration phase
ment and maintenance functions. the Ship Control System Integrated Product
Team was formed with the lead systems
NAVSSES was involved in specification devel- integrator, its subcontractors, the shipbuilders,
opment and design reviews early in the program and the Navy Technical Team (NTT) members.
and later provided on-site design and production NAVSSES is supporting the NTT, overseeing
support. In 2007 NAVSSES was designated the design, integration, and testing. NAVSSES is also
ISE/SSA, and a SSA Laboratory was established supporting the integration testing of ECS to IPS
in Philadelphia to provide a software on the DDG 1000 LBTS.
development environment as well as provide
troubleshooting capability. Other Ship Classes
NAVSSES provides support to other ship classes
DDG1000 such as the LHD 8, LHA class, the LCS class and
The DDG 1000 has the most complex the Ship to Shore Connector program. This
engineering plant control system ever designed support can take the form of developing trade
for a US Navy ship. The engineering plant studies, analysis of alternatives, requirements
control or Engineering Control System (ECS) is a development, and leading Integrated Product
component of the Ship Control System Element. Teams in the acquisition phase. Production
Within the ECS boundary, there are three support at the waterfront has been provided, in
ensembles: Integrated Power System Control some cases with on-site personnel, as well as
(MIPS), Auxiliaries Control (MACS), and support for sea trials. When designated,
Automated Damage Control (MADC). MIPS NAVSSES is the ISEA and SSA for the MCS.
monitors the power plant equipment and
performs Power Management. Power MCS Modernization Programs
Management is a generic name for functionality Modernizations have been a major aspect
that integrates the high and low voltage power of the MCS efforts at NAVSSES. This paper will
systems with the electric propulsion motors and describe in some detail the technical design
manages power and loads to support ship characteristics and implementation starting with
activities. These activities are decomposed by the the MCM 1 class and progressing to current
Ship Domain Controller and are provided to programs. This level of detail is intended to the


The Evolution of Machinery Control Systems Support At the Naval Ship Systems Engineering Station

give the reader a sense of what NAVSSES does  Reduce crew workload
for modernizations of the MCS.  24-hour parts support
 First Class wide modern control system
MCM-1Class Integrated Ship Control System  Enable on-board crew training utilizing
In September 1996, NAVSSES proposed a simulation
replacement system, the Integrated Ship Control  Allow for expansion
System (ISCS), for the MCM-1 Class MCS using  Original ISCS Hardware
COTS equipment. This proposal also included
an On Board Trainer. The MCM-1 ISCS ISCS design was predicated on the use of COTS
replaced the existing unreliable and hardware, thereby minimizing initial
maintenance-intensive analog propulsion development costs and utilizing the OEM’s
control and main diesel engine governor existing support infrastructure. The following is
systems with a new computer-automated, a detailed view of the system.
software-based digital control system. ISCS
monitors and controls all of the ships Primary ISCS hardware includes two sit-down
electrical power generation and distribution control consoles and three local workstations,
functions, including those functions that directly eleven Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs)
involve the ship’s primary mission area of and four ATM switching hubs. The shipboard
mine-countermeasure operations. locations of the primary ISCS equipment are
shown in Figure 7.
Initial tasking from the Mine Warfare Program
Ship Program Office stated the need to develop a The control consoles and workstations use
Service School Command trainer and install large hi-definition monitors. The consoles
ISCS on fourteen MCM-1 Class ships which and workstations, using a Windows operating
included two in Bahrain and two in Japan. The system, run the ISCS User Interface Program
initial planning for ISCS contained several goals and other applications. Since ISCS is a
that would enhance the quality of life of MCM distributive system, any console or workstation
crew members: can perform propulsion and/or electrical
control functions, however only one may have
 Provide State-of-the Art Commercial-Off- control of the propulsion or electrical plant
the-Shelf control system at a time.

Figure 7: ISCS Hardware Location


The Evolution of Machinery Control Systems Support At the Naval Ship Systems Engineering Station

Major parts of the ISCS control system were Monitoring Software, the Bell Logging Soft-
assembled and consisted of equipment mounted ware, the On-Board Simulator/Trainer Software,
in stainless steel, watertight enclosures. and the Integrated Condition Assessment System
Eleven PLCs contain the circuit cards that
interface with the machinery plant. Each The Control Consoles contain the ISCS User
PLC is a system of two cabinets (Alpha and Interface Software. This software is the User
Bravo). The Alpha cabinet contains the PLC Interface to the Machinery Plant. Its functions
processor and Analog Input and Output are to provide the user the capability to monitor
modules. The Bravo cabinet contains the the status of the machinery plant, send
Digital Input and Output modules. The PLC commands to equipment and help diagnose and
processor contains signal processing and troubleshoot ISCS problems. The User Interface
machinery control logic. Software is written in the Visual C11
Programming Language. It utilizes bitmaps
Three Generator Local Control Electronics stored on the console hard drive to display views
Enclosures (GLCEEs), one for each Ship Service of the machinery plant.
Diesel Generator, contain electronics that
provide the Ship Service Diesel Generator’s The same software executable runs on all of the
control interface between the switchboard and control consoles and thus provides the same
the PLC. One Gas Turbine Control Relay Box machinery control and monitoring capability to
(GTCRB) contains electronics that are used to each console user. Equipment control capability
perform automatic control functions for the is broken down into two parts; Propulsion
ships Gas Turbine Generator. Equipment and Electrical Equipment
responsibility. Each console has the capability to
The primary Local Area Network (LAN) monitor the entire machinery plant parameters
hardware is four ATM switches, or hubs. The at all times. Only one console may have control
Ethernet ports operate at 10 megabits per capability (Propulsion, Electrical or both)
second for each PLC and for all consoles and at one time. A Transfer of Equipment Control
workstations. algorithm/hierarchy is established in the control
console software.
ISCS consoles, workstations, PLCs, and ATM
switching hubs are protected against power Like a typical Windows program the User
failure by Uninterruptible Power Supplies Interface Program contains menus, toolbars,
(UPS). Each UPS is fitted with a network windows and audible sounds that provide the
interface card for monitoring by the ISCS con- operator with an easy-to-use interface with the
soles. Other miscellaneous ISCS hardware machinery plant. The look and feel of the
includes three operator chairs, four stainless Console program is that of a common
steel hub enclosures, one color printer, three Windows program. The user interfaces with the
portable data terminals, and two CD stack program via a combination of track-ball
players. movements, right and left point-and-click
maneuvers and the keyboard. The Operator
ISCS Software chooses buttons and sliders to provide
The ‘‘heart’’ of ISCS is the extensive amount of machinery plant control.
software, which runs on the Control Consoles
and the Programmable Logic Controllers. The console software provides the user with the
current state of the shipboard equipment.
The ISCS Software suite consists of software There are eighty different picture views of the
modules including the ISCS Control and machinery plant, which the operator may


The Evolution of Machinery Control Systems Support At the Naval Ship Systems Engineering Station

Figure 8: MRG View

display. Views may be displayed in quad (up to equipment. Discrete and Analog signals are
four views may be displayed at one time) or full received by the PLCs, processed and available
screen mode. Each display contains a number of via the fiber optic local area network (FOLAN)
monitor and control boxes. These boxes are the to all of the Controls Consoles when queried.
user active locations on the screen and represent Information is displayed through the Control
the shipboard equipment and machinery (e.g., User Interface Software.
temperature sensor or diesel engine state). The
state of a box is determined by its text, color and
flashing state. Figure 8 and Figure 9 show a ARS-50 Class Integrated Machinery Control
machine (MRG) view and a system (Ships System
Service Air System) view. Following the success of the MCM-1 ISCS
program NAVSSES was tasked to analyze the
Each of the eleven PLCs contains a separate aging control system on the ARS-50 Class ships.
software program written in a Ladder Logic It was found that the current ARS-50 Class MCS
Language. The PLC software provides for Signal posed numerous maintenance, obsolescence and
Processing and Machinery Control Logic. Signal supportability problems. Rather than upgrade
processing consists of signal conditioning, alarm an already outdated control system, NAVSEA
and status change processing and signal out of decided to replace the ARS-50 Class Machinery
range checking. Control logic includes Diesel Central Control System (MCCS) with a new
Engine and Diesel Generator Engine State system and tasked NAVSSES to do so. Using
Logic, Propulsion Program Control, Electric lessons learned from the MCM ISCS program,
Plant Auto-Paralleling, Gas Turbine Engine a new control system called the Integrated
State and Control Logic, and Auxiliary Machinery Control System (IMCS) was
Equipment Logic. developed. The new system was be a distributed
client-server system comprised of COTS
Console Commands are sent through the equipment and embedded software and was
Control software by the Console-in-Control via intended to be used to control and monitor the
the FOLAN to the proper PLC. In turn, logic in propulsion, electrical and auxiliary machinery
the PLC sends out the command to the proper systems. Additionally, an OBT was developed to


The Evolution of Machinery Control Systems Support At the Naval Ship Systems Engineering Station

Figure 9: Ships Service Air System View

train ships force in the operation of the new  Supporting the CVN-78 acquisition
control system. program

The IMCS was completely developed and lab Before 2000, control and monitoring of
tested but due to budget cuts was never installed non-propulsion plant machinery systems
shipboard. Although much of the ARS software (e.g. JP-5 and Potable Water) on US Navy
and hardware design was based on the MCM Aircraft Carriers had been accomplished
ISCS project, there were numerous key changes through a combination of manual operations
that would shape NAVSSES modernization (e.g. physically opening a valve) and
programs for years to come, including: compartmentalized hard-wired remote
electronic panels and consoles (e.g. JP-5 consoles
 Methods for developing Graphical User and IC/SM alarm panels). Information was
Interfaces limited to the space where these controls were
 Managing MCS data with databases located and provided for limited machinery/
 Methods for MCS data communications equipment situation awareness to the operator.
In addition, the control/monitoring equipment
CVN Machinery Control Systems was routinely in need of maintenance and repair.
NAVSSES has been involved with in all phases of Since the late 1990s, many of the hard-wired
Carrier Machinery Control System Programs. electronic based consoles/panel and manual
This includes: controls had been replaced with computer-based
control systems. These replacement control
 Designation as the ISEA/SSA for the Distribu- systems have been evolving and range from
ted Data and Control Network (DDCN) simple stand-alone control systems to complex,
Machinery Control System (MCS) fully integrated solutions.
 Selection as the designer/developer of the
Smart Carrier Program MCS Distributed Data and Control Network
 Developing major MCS upgrades during Machinery Control System
Carrier Refueling Complex Overhauls The Distributed Data and Control
(RCOHs) Network (formally known as ‘‘Integrated


The Evolution of Machinery Control Systems Support At the Naval Ship Systems Engineering Station

Communications and Advanced Networks’’ or monitoring provided immediate benefit in

ICAN) was a system integration concept workload reduction, and acted as the enabler to
and acquisition strategy intended to use permit the reinvention of procedures and
Non-Developmental Items (NDI) and COTS consequent reduced manpower needs for
technology to integrate voice and data systems in shipboard functions. The new Smart Carrier
NIMITZ class CVNs. The system included a MCS also paved the way for the reduction in
core network fiber optic cable plant with a total ownership costs (R-TOC) and provides the
redundant ATM/Gigabit Ethernet network baseline for future aircraft carrier designs.
backbone supporting the following families of
systems: Integrated Voice, Machinery Control The new Smart Carrier MCS architecture was
and Navigation/Ship Control. developed to increase survivability, maintain-
ability and expansion potential. The SC MCS
DDCN was initially developed by the has been successfully installed on the CVN 68
shipbuilder OEM for CVN 76, but a reduced (replacing the DDCN MCS), 70, 71, 72, 73, 74
scope DDCN system was also developed by the and 75 and integrates ship systems such as:
OEM for installation in CVN 68 during RCOH.
In 2001, NAVSSES provided extensive ISEA  JP-5
technical support to ensure the ship would meet  Firemain
deployment requirements. In 2002 NAVSSES  List
was designated as the DDCN ISEA/SSA, with  IC/SM Alarms
support from SPAWAR Charleston for Voice  Potable Water
System engineering. DDCN ISEA/SSA  Reserve Feed
responsibility included the CVN 69 (during  Bilge & Drain
RCOH using a modified CVN 68 design  CHT
baseline) and the new acquisition CVN 77 (using  A/C Plant
the CVN 76 DDCN design baseline).  O2N2 Plant
CVN Smart Carrier Machinery Control System
Recognizing the intense workload and the asso- The SC MCS was the first machinery control
ciated impact on readiness and mission system in the US Navy to use an Ethernet
effectiveness, the Chief of Naval Operations I/O LAN. The I/O LAN is the network that
(OPNAV N785) and the Program Executive connects the controllers (in this case, PLCs) to a
Office (PEO) for Aircraft Carriers stood up the remote I/O chassis. The I/O LAN is configured
Smart Carrier (SC) Program as part of the US in a survivable star topology.
Navy workload reduction effort. NAVSSES was
tasked to develop a new MCS architecture that The SC MCS provides monitoring and control
would fit the needs of the CVN ships. Smart of designated shipboard systems using
Carrier Program initiatives reduce shipboard multi-functional Human Machine Interface
workload through insertion of enabling (HMI) workstations, Programmable Logic
technologies to enhance sailor quality of life and Controllers (PLC), Input/Output (I/O) Drops,
reduce total ownership costs. NAVSSES used Operator Interface Panels (OIP), Core Network
numerous readily available technologies already Ethernet switches, Ethernet switch boxes and
implemented in Navy ships to reduce or data servers. Figure 10 shows the relationship of
eliminate repetitive manual tasks. Many of these MCS components.
tools are based on COTS technology, available
at a cost far below what in-house development MCS information is distributed and available
would entail. The automation of functions throughout the core network for use by
such as machinery controls and equipment equipment connected to the Hull, Mechanical


The Evolution of Machinery Control Systems Support At the Naval Ship Systems Engineering Station

Figure 10: Smart Carrier MCS Block Diagram

and Electrical (HM&E) Network. Operator power source from the ship’s normal power
controls are processed by the PLCs via operator distribution system.
commands through the OIPs and HMI Displays.
The MCS also provides self-diagnostics of The MCS links existing and new sensors through
equipment and signals. Input/Output drops where their discrete signals
are converted to digital signals and distributed to
Fiber Optic core network switching units make the HMI and OIP through fiber optic cable
up the core Ethernet backbone. Theses switches
distribute information to the HMI and data The PLC Groups, Core Network and HMI
servers through dual redundant fiber optic Workstations form the architectural framework
cable paths. They also provide interface to other for MCS signal processing. Together these
software programs including the Integrated elements are implemented in an MCS designed
Condition Assessment System (ICAS), Flooding for survivability and reliability. There are
Casualty Control Software (FCCS) and the multiple PLC groups which process monitoring
Advanced Damage Control System (ADCS). and control signals. These groups are designed to
be functionally independent of each other for
A dedicated Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) system survivability. Each PLC Group has the
Power distribution system powers MCS system infrastructure needed to process the HM&E
equipment. Power is distributed between the system signals associated with it independent of
UPSs. Some MCS equipment has an auxiliary the remaining MCS. The failure of any single


The Evolution of Machinery Control Systems Support At the Naval Ship Systems Engineering Station

Figure 11: PLC Group workstations connected to a group’s Industrial

Ethernet Switch (IES) extend the group’s
independence from functional to operational.
This operational independence allows the group
to function as a self-contained system.

The core network refers to the Local Area

Network (LAN), which transmits system
information between PLC groups and HMI
workstations over a redundant infrastructure of
gigabit switches and fiber cabling. Information is
also sent through the Network to MCS Data
Servers for data logging as well as to other Smart
Carrier systems to support their function.

Without the Core Network, operation of the

MCS would be reduced to the PLC groups with
local HMI workstations. These groups would
group will not affect the function of the
remain operable since local HMI workstations
remaining eleven. Figure 11 provides a basic
are connected directly to the PLC groups
diagram of PLC group communication. Each
through the IES of that Core Network’s Gigabit
PLC group has an Industrial Ethernet Switch
switches. Figure 12 provides an overview of
(IES) to process network communication within
communication in the Smart Carrier network.
the group and connect the group to other MCS
devices. PLC groups that process signals
CVN 78 Machinery Control System
with critical ship functions have local HMI
A new Machinery Control System is being devel-
workstations attached to the group. Local HMI
oped for the CVN 78. Lessons learned from the
Nimitz class MCS backfits are being applied to the
system design and development. One major dif-
Figure 12: Commu-
nications Flow ference between the two programs is that where
the Nimitz backfits are focused on a direct
replacement of existing controls for a set machin-
ery plant, the CVN 78 machinery plant/equipment
and concept of operations are also being devel-
oped in parallel. This creates a situation with
additional challenges and steps for the MCS
development. NAVSSES is directly supporting the
NAVSEA Ship Design Manager in the areas of
requirements development and design review.

LSD-41/49 Class Machinery Control System

The LSD41/49’s legacy machinery control/mon-
itoring architecture used a combination of
manual operations (e.g. physically opening a
valve) and compartmentalized hard-wired
remote electronic panels and consoles, for
example the ship’s Enclosed Operating Stations
Console (EOS) and Local Operating Station


The Evolution of Machinery Control Systems Support At the Naval Ship Systems Engineering Station

Figure 13: LSD MCS Overview

(LOS). Machinery status information is limited New LSD MCS

to the space where these controls are located and Like the MCM-1 ISCS, ARS IMCS and CVN
provides limited machinery/equipment situation Smart Carrier MCS the new LSD MCS is
awareness to the operator. Further, the LSD41/ based on a distributed control system
49’s existing machinery control/monitoring architecture that is designed to provide both
system experiences low achieved availability and remote and local monitoring and control of the
requires frequent repair. LSD41/49 propulsion, electrical, and auxiliary
systems. Propulsion systems consist of the Main
In 2005 the PEO Ships Program Office tasked Propulsion Diesel Engines, Reduction gear,
NAVSSES to replace the current ship control and Propeller Shaft and associated support
monitoring system as part of the LSD41/49 Class systems. The Electric Plant consists of the
Midlife (ML) program. This new control system HMI interface to the Power Management
was titled the Advanced Engineering Control Platform and the 400 Hz system. Auxiliary
System (AECS). systems include AC Plants & Chilled Water,
Compressed Air, Potable Water, Waste, etc.
AECS consists of a Machinery Control System processing will be distributed among
System, (MCS) Steering Control System (SCS), I/O enclosures and User Interface Console
embedded Onboard Training System (OBT) and processors. See Figure 13 for an overview of the
Local Area Network (LAN). LSD MCS.


The Evolution of Machinery Control Systems Support At the Naval Ship Systems Engineering Station

Figure 14: PLC PLC I/O enclosure. Each PLC receives inputs from
legacy machinery pant sensors, processes the data,
and broadcasts (produces) its information onto the
LAN. Applications within the Human Machine
Interface (HMI) consoles and panels connected to
the network monitor for and read information

The HMIs are the primary user interface to the

system. Figure 15 shows various types of HMI
equipment. Each of the consoles and panels will
be capable of controlling and monitoring the
entire machinery plant. Console control cap-
ability will be divided into logical control
domains (e.g. Propulsion and Electrical).

All consoles are able to monitor all machinery

plant data at all times, although only one (or
some) consoles have control at any given time.
The MCS is configured as an Ethernet-based Figure 16 shows a sample HMI interface. In this
‘‘producer/consumer’’ architecture and is designed case the HMI shows a Quad Screen display
for potential expandability, reliability, availability showing four simultaneous views of different
and maintainability. Each I/O controller group will parts of the machinery plant. A hierarchy for
contain at least one PLC processor located within transfer of control between the consoles is
one of the PLC enclosures. Figure 14 shows a typical established within the MCS software, replicating
the hierarchy of the existing control system.
Figure 15: HMI
Computers FFG-7 Class Digital Damage Control Console
The DDCC replaces the Damage Control
console and associated Interior
Communications Standard Modules (IC/SM)
with a new Programmable Logic Controller
(PLC) based control and monitoring system.
Monitored ship systems include ship damage
control zone alarms, the fire main system and
the ventilation system. An included video
monitoring system monitors Main Machinery
spaces. This system is currently installed on US
Navy FFGs and on Australian Navy FFGs.

A dual-monitor display pedestal console (see

Figure 17) located in the Central Control Station
is the Human-machine interface equipment
for the operator’s interface to the DCS plant
equipment. The dual-monitor display is capable
of displaying the Damage Control System
software on one display and the video software


The Evolution of Machinery Control Systems Support At the Naval Ship Systems Engineering Station

Figure 16: Quad Screen HMI

on the other display. When a damage alarm is Endurance Class Cutter (WMEC-39) and
sensed by the system the correct video of the Off-shore Patrol Cutter (OPC).
space will automatically be displayed.
National Security Cutter Machinery Control
United States Coast Guard (USCG) Machinery and Monitoring System
Control Systems NAVSSES has been designated the ISEA and SSA
For the past 4 years NAVSSES has been for the NSC-1 class. As has been done for all
providing Machinery Control System support to major MCS platforms that NAVSSES acts as
the USCG. NAVSSES is currently providing ISEA/SSA for, a Hardware/Software Integration
MCS support for the following USCG ship (HSI) facility simulating the functionality of the
classes: National Security Cutter (NSC) Class, MCMS installed on NSC-1 was established in
270’ Medium Endurance Class Cutter Philadelphia, PA. This facility is comprised of a
(WMEC-901), ALEX HALEY Medium mix of hardened (identical to shipboard) and


The Evolution of Machinery Control Systems Support At the Naval Ship Systems Engineering Station

Figure 17: Dual- installed Main Propulsion Machinery

Monitor Pedestal
Control System (MPCMS) posed numerous
maintenance, obsolescence and supportability

The MPCMS provides for the control and

monitoring of Propulsion and Auxiliary
shipboard systems. The MPCMS major
subsystems include:

 Engineering Control Center Console (ECCC)

 Local Operating Stations (LOS) and Alarm
 Pilot House Station

The Engineering Control Center Console

(ECCC) that is located in the Engineering
Control Center (ECC) is primarily
responsible for monitoring and controlling
the main and auxiliary systems of the
machinery plant. The ECCC consists of five
major parts:

 Propulsion Control System

 Processor Alarm System
 Vital Alarm System
 Other Controls
 Miscellaneous Enclosed Components
non-hardened (same functionality of ship HW)
equipment. The objective of the HSI Lab is to test
The USCG tasked NAVSSES Philadelphia to
the entire functionality of the control system as a
design, develop, test and install a replacement
complete and integrated system. Tests are devised
for parts of the MPCMS.
to exercise every line of PLC and Console code.
Test equipment is connected to the PLCs to
NAVSSES is responsible to provide a new
simulate machinery and shipboard conditions.
machinery control and monitoring system to
replace the existing MPCMS installed on the
NAVSSES has developed and implemented a
USCG WMEC 270’ Class. Efforts are being
MCMS Life Cycle Management (LCM) Plan for
made to leverage off other NAVSSES Machinery
the entire NSC class. To date NAVSSES has
Control System (MCS) projects and retain
successfully delivered software updates to the
the existing MPCMS machinery control and
NSC-1 and NSC-2 ships. NAVSSES has also
monitoring functionality to decrease risk, help
provided for a technical refresh of computer and
alleviate program workload and costs and to
network components onboard these ships.
provide commonality of parts support with the
270’ Medium Endurance Class Cutter US Navy.
(WMEC-901) Machinery Plant Control And
Monitoring System Thirteen (13) WMEC 270’ ships and a Training
The U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) 270’ Medium Console currently located at Yorktown, Va. are
Endurance Cutter (WMEC) Class originally within the scope of this project.


The Evolution of Machinery Control Systems Support At the Naval Ship Systems Engineering Station

ALEX HALEY Medium Endurance Class into the system design. These industrial devices
Cutter (WMEC-39) Machinery Plant Control are Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS)
and Monitoring System components with a history of low failure rates.
The U.S. Coast Guard Cutter (USCGC) Alex Its reliable COTS equipment is integrated into a
Haley Medium Endurance Cutter (WMEC-39) system with a robust communications
Class installed pneumatic Automatic Propulsion structure to provide a highly functional,
Control (APC) System had numerous low-maintenance system. Each COTS
maintenance, obsolescence, supportability and component of the MPCMS is described in this
operational problems. The ship was originally Technical Manual as well as vendor detailed
the ATS-1 USS EDENTON, commissioned in documentation.
1969, and had some modifications completed
during its conversion to a USCG Cutter in the The major components of the MPCMS are the
1990s. ECC Console, the Pilot House Console, The two
Uninterruptable Power Supplies (UPS), and the
The Automatic Propulsion Control System two sets of Governor Control Unit (GCU)
components include: Cabinets, the EOT Servo controllers, and Shaft
Speed Indication systems. The following section
 Controllable Pitch Propeller (CPP) System will describe the equipment of these major
 Shaft Indicating System components.
 Engine Governor Controls
 Machinery Control System (MCS) The MPCMS is comprised of both hardware
and software, which together provide the
The Machinery Control System provides for infrastructure for consolidated management of
the control and monitoring of Propulsion and machinery plant systems. The MPMCS performs
Auxiliary shipboard systems. The MCS major its function by processing the monitoring and
subsystems include: control signals using multi-functional Human
Machine Interfaces (HMI), Programmable Logic
 Main Control Console (MCC) Controllers (PLC), Input/Output (I/O) Racks,
 Propulsion Monitoring System Electric Cabi- Industrial Personal Computers (PCs) and
net Industrial Ethernet Switches (IES). Data is
 Alarm Switchboard and IC/SM 20 Panels available throughout the networked system for
 AC/DC Rectifying Unit use by the various systems.
 Bridge Console
The new system is comprised of several distrib-
The USCG tasked NAVSSES to design, develop, uted independent networks and sub networks.
test and install a replacement for the pneumatic The port and starboard shafts are completely
APC with a computer based electronic one. independent control and monitoring systems.

MPCMS is the interface between the operators The Throttle controls, including the integrated
and the machinery plant. It provides a means Engine Ordered Telegraph (EOT), has its own
for the operators to control and monitor the independent control network between the
machinery plant by providing for remote Pilot House EOT and the ECC EOT used for
indications of key machinery plant parameters. indicating and controlling the EOT bell as well
It also allows for control of many devices with as the EOT position.
the machinery plant
The MPCMS Processors known as programma-
The MPCMS achieves increased reliability by ble Logic Controllers (PLCs) communicate using
incorporating industrial processors and switches Ethernet IP. Three Industrial Ethernet Switches


The Evolution of Machinery Control Systems Support At the Naval Ship Systems Engineering Station

(IES) are used to allow the PLCs to communicate has grown to support the multitude of systems.
to each other as well as the consoles also known From R&D through Acquisition to ISE and
as Human Machine Interfaces (HMIs). modernization NAVSSES has established a
Center of Excellence for Machinery Control
The Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) Systems.
Racks in the ECC Console house the processor
and communications modules as well as I/O ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
modules which receive inputs and send outputs The authors would like to thank and acknowledge
to the field sensors and devices. the following individuals for their support dur-
ing the writing of this paper: Dr. E. Michael
Three Industrial Ethernet switches are used to Golda, Dr. Stephen Mastro, James McNamara,
establish network connectivity between the Port Richard Halpin, Dorothy Kraynik, Vincent
and Starboard control systems, between the PLC Tolotta, John Buckley, Michael Iacovelli, Robert
systems and HMIs as well as between the Pilot Stahl, Debra Dezendorf and Mark Ennis.
House and ECC console.
Additionally, the authors would like to
The MPCMS was successfully installed and acknowledge the efforts, accomplishments and
tested in November 2010. This ship has since dedication of the personnel who provided the
deployed with the new system. support documented in this paper as well as the
many sponsors who have provided advocacy and
Conclusion guidance throughout the organization’s history.
The MCS expertise that exists today has its
foundations in the Navy’s early steam turbine Lastly, the authors would like to acknowledge the
and gas turbine testing. Much of the knowledge late Richard Cunningham for his vision, technical
was gained through testing and integration on acumen, mentorship, and ability to meet any
the Land Based Engineering Sites and in the technical challenge, thereby establishing NAVSSES’
In-Service Engineering Software Support Labs. initial expertise in software-based systems. The
These assets have been essential tools in fleet support that NAVSSES provides today is a
developing the skills of Naval engineers, whose direct result of his efforts and accomplishments on
experience and expertise have played a the DDG 51 MCS program and his technical
significant role in successful fleet introductions counsel on numerous other projects.
and modernizations.

In addition to the tools and facilities, NAVSSES

Preisel, J.H., ‘‘The Evolution of Machinery Control
has established rigorous processes in the form of
Systems Aboard U.S. Navy Gas Turbine Ships,’’ Naval
the Standard Software-based-system Process to
Engineers Journal, May 1989.
ensure that emphasis is placed on planning,
management, systems engineering, software Preisel, J.H., ‘‘Testing at the US Navy’s Gas Turbine
engineering, and quality assurance. Systems Engineering Complex,’’ American Society of
Mechanical Engineers, Gas Turbine and Aerospace
Congress and Exposition, June 1990.
NAVSSES continues to innovate and to improve
its processes, skills and expertise. New methods Nufrio, R.P. and J. McNamara, ‘‘United States Navy Gas
are being implemented to improve Naval Turbine Propulsion Machinery Systems Testing,’’ Amer-
Machinery Control Systems and reduce costs ican Society of Mechanical Engineers, Gas Turbine and
through Open Architecture and Commonality. Aeroengine Congress and Exposition, June 1988.
Carleton, R.S. and E.P. Weinert, ‘‘Historical Review of
As machinery control systems have grown in the Development and Use of Marine Gas Turbines by
size, capability, and complexity, the organization the U.S. Navy,’’ American Society of Mechanical


The Evolution of Machinery Control Systems Support At the Naval Ship Systems Engineering Station

Engineers, Gas turbine and Aerospace and Aeroengine AUTHOR BIOGRAPHIES

Congress and Exposition, June 1989. Mr. Timothy Scherer is the Branch Manager of
Hauschildt, M.R. and L.B. Ward, ‘‘U.S. Naval Machinery the Automation and Control Research and
Automation Concepts,’’ Naval Engineers Journal, April Development Branch in the Research and
1973. Engineering Department of the Naval Surface
Warfare Center, Carderock Division,
Ingram, J.D., R.M. Adair, D.M. Gildart, R. Cunningham,
and J.R. Mailhot, ‘‘DDG 51 Machinery Control System,’’ Philadelphia, PA. His previous positions
Tenth International Ship Control Systems Symposium include: Machinery Control System Life Cycle
Proceedings, 1993. Manager, Machinery Control Systems Branch
Manager, and Gas Turbine Electric Power
Halpin, R. and J. Odum, ‘‘Propulsion Control on the DDG
Systems Section Head.
Class: 16 Years of Lessons Learned,’’ ASNE Automation
and Control Conference Proceedings, December 2007.
He has a Masters of Science in Electrical
Kraynik, D.A., R. Halpin, and J. Kitson, ‘‘Transitioning Engineering and Bachelor of Science in
from SW-CMM to CMMI: A Level 3 Organization’s Electrical Engineering from Drexel University.
Perspective,’’ Thirteenth International Ship Control He has over twenty five years of Naval
Systems Symposium, April 2003. engineering experience in machinery control
Amy, J.V., N.H. Doerry, T.J. McCoy, and E.L. Zivi, ‘‘Ship- systems and electric power systems and for ten
board Controls of the Future,’’ Naval Engineers Journal, years led the Executive Steering Group for the
May 1997. Research and Engineering Department’s
Sturtevant, G., P. Socoloski, D. Bartlett, and L. Totimeh, Standard Software-Based-Systems Process. In
‘‘U.S. Navy Smartship Integrated Ship Controls – this role he led the effort to attain Level 3 in both
Technology Roadmap for Performance Enhancements,’’ the SW-CMM and the CMMI. He has experience
Thirteenth International Ship Control Systems in numerous ship acquisition and in-service
Symposium Proceedings, April 2003. engineering programs as well as establishment of
the software support activity for several ship
Tolotta, V., M. Henry, and J. Cohen, ‘‘Embedded Training
for Navy Shipboard Distributed Machinery Control classes.
Systems,’’ Thirteenth International Ship Control
Systems Symposium, April 2003. Mr. Jeffrey Cohen is the Branch Manager of the
Machinery Control System Carriers and New
Henry, M., M. Iacovelli, and J. Thatcher, ‘‘DDG 1000
Development Branch in the Machinery,
Engineering Control System,’’ ASNE Intelligent Ship
Information Sensors and Control Division of the
Symposium VIII, May 2009.
Naval Surface Warfare Center, Carderock
Tangora, M.F. and J. Mariani, ‘‘US Carriers Exploiting Division, Philadelphia, PA. He is also the Life
Technology To Pilot Toward 2010 and Beyond,’’ Cycle Manager for Naval Surface Ship
Thirteenth International Ship Control Systems
Machinery Control Systems. He received a
Symposium, 2003.
Masters of Sciences in Engineering Management
Lovejoy, R.S., T.A. Marchioni, and D. Vought, ‘‘MCM-1 from George Washington University, a Masters
Class Integrated Ship Control System: Proof of Concept of Engineering from Widener University
to Class-Wide Installation/Implementation,’’ and a Bachelor of Science in Electrical
Thirteenth International Ship Control Systems Sympo- Engineering from Rutgers, College of
sium, 2003.
Engineering. Mr. Cohen has over twenty
Smith, K. and D. Vought, ‘‘LSD41/49 Class ML Program: five years of Naval engineering experience in
Advanced Engineering Control System (AECS),’’ machinery control systems in support of
Intelligent Ships Symposium, 2007. numerous ship classes and has held positions in
Perotti, T.A., K.A. Colville, and J.B. Cohen, ‘‘Aircraft the project management, design, development
Carrier Networks Evolution; Distributed Data and and test of Machinery Control System software
Control Networks,’’ Intelligent Ships Symposium, 2005. and hardware.


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