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A circular curve of radius 600 m is to be connected with two straight roads, which intersected at an

angle of 165˚. During the design of the curve, the chainage of the intersection point is 2576.58 m.

i) Prepare a table for setting out the circular curve using the tangential method.
Choose an appropriate chainage interval, which must not be greater than R/20.

1)Deviation angle, IT = 15°

2)Tangent Length,IT1 = R tan (𝜃/2)

= 600 tan (1/2 ×15°)
= 78.991 m

3)Chainage of the = Chainage of intersection – IT

first tangent point,T1 = 2576.58 m – 78.991 m
= 2497.589 m

4)Length curve, Lc = R × 𝜃 radians

= 15°×𝜋
600 × 180°
157.080 m

Chainage of T2 =
T1 + Lc
2497.589m + 157.080 = 2654.669
5)Long chord = 2R sin (𝜃/2)
= 2× [600 sin (1/2 × 15°)]
= 156.631 m

7)Major Offset = R- R cos (𝜃/2)

= 600 – [600 cos (1/2 × 15°)]
= 5.133 m

8) External Distance = R [ ( 1/Cos θ/2 – 1 )]

= 5.117 m
Point Chainage Chord length Distance Tangential angle Cumulative Bearing from Distance from
no (cm) (m) from tangent tangential angle tangent point tangent point T1

T1 2497.589 0.000 0.000 0° 00’ 00” 0° 00’ 00” 90° 00’ 00” 0.000

1 2500.000 2.411 2.411 0° 06’ 54” 0° 06’ 54” 90° 06’ 54” 2.411

2 2520.000 20.000 22.441 0° 57’ 18” 01° 04’ 12” 91° 04’ 12” 22.441

3 2540.000 20.000 42.441 0° 57’ 18” 02° 01’ 30” 92° 01’ 30” 42.441

4 2560.000 20.000 62.441 0° 57’ 18” 02° 58’ 48” 92° 58’ 48” 62.441

5 2580.000 20.000 82.441 0° 57’ 18” 03° 56’ 06” 93° 56’ 06” 82.441

6 2600.000 20.000 102.441 0° 57’ 18” 04° 53’ 24” 94° 53’ 24” 102.441

7 2620.000 20.000 122.441 0° 57’ 18” 05° 50’ 42” 95° 50’ 42” 122.441

8 2640.000 20.000 142.441 0° 57’ 18” 06° 48’ 00” 96° 48’ 00” 142.441

T2 2654.669 14.669 157.110 0° 42’ 01” 07° 30’ 01” 97° 30’ 01” 157.110

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