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Assosa University

College of Computing and Informatics

Department Of Computer Science
A Project Proposal for
Web Based Vehicle Insurance Management System for Abay Insurance S.C
Assosa Branch
A project proposal submitted to the department of computer science of Assosa
university partial fulfillment of requirement for the degree of Bachelor of Science in
computer science
Prepared By:-
Mizan G/medhn, Rahmet Kemal, Rega Kassa,
Advisors’ Name:
Main Advisor Mr.___________
Co-Advisor Mr. ______________

Submission date: 21/11/2019 G.C

Assosa, Ethiopia
This is certified that the project entitled on <Web based Vehicle Insurance
Management System for Abay Insurance S.C Assosa Branch > developed and
submitted by
1. Mizan G/medhn
2. Rahmet Kemal
3. Rega Kassa
A Project Proposal Submitted to the Department of Computer Science of Assosa
University in Partial Fulfillment of Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of
Science in Computer Science
Advisors’ Name Signature Date
1, ________________ _______________ ____________
2, ________________ _______________ ____________
Examining Board Signature Date
1, _________________ _______________ ____________
2, _________________ _______________ ____________
3, _________________ _______________ ____________

Submission date: 21/11/2019 G.C

Assosa, Ethiopia
First and foremost, we would like to thank M.r Nemmsa Gufara who is the manager of Abay
insurance in Assosa branch he give full information about the work flow of the Abay insurance.

Acknowledgement ....................................................................................................................................... iii
List of acronyms ............................................................................................................................................ v
1. Introduction .............................................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Background ................................................................................................................................... 2
1.2 Document Description ........................................................................................................................ 2
2. Statement of Problem ............................................................................................................................... 2
2.1 Existing System Description ................................................................................................................ 2
2.2 Problems of Existing System ............................................................................................................... 3
3. Alternative Solution and Proposed Solution ............................................................................................. 4
3.1 Alternative Solutions ........................................................................................................................... 4
3.2 Proposed System Description ............................................................................................................. 5
3.2.1 Significance of the Proposed System ........................................................................................... 6
4. Objectives of the Project........................................................................................................................... 6
4.1 General Objective ............................................................................................................................... 6
4.2 Specific Objective ................................................................................................................................ 6
5. Project Summary ....................................................................................................................................... 6
5.1 Motivation........................................................................................................................................... 6
5.2 Project Deliverables ............................................................................................................................ 7
5.3 Methodology....................................................................................................................................... 7
5.3.1 Data Gathering Method ................................................................................................................ 7
5.3.2 Development Methodology.......................................................................................................... 8
5.3.3 Development Approach ............................................................................................................... 8
5.3.4 Testing Methodology ................................................................................................................... 8
5.3.5 Development Tools ...................................................................................................................... 8
Table5. 1 software specification ........................................................................................................... 9
6. Scope of the Project .................................................................................................................................. 9
6.1 In scope ............................................................................................................................................... 9
6.2 Out scope ............................................................................................................................................ 9
7. Project Schedule and Preliminary Budget............................................................................................... 10
7.1 Project Schedule ............................................................................................................................... 10
7.2 Budget plan ................................................................................................................................. 10
8. Staffing Requirement .............................................................................................................................. 11

8.1 Core Project Team Roster ................................................................................................................. 11
9. Risk Assessment ...................................................................................................................................... 11
10. Feasibility Study .................................................................................................................................... 12
10.1 Economic Feasibility ........................................................................................................................ 12
10.2 Technical feasibility ......................................................................................................................... 12
10.3 Operational feasibility ..................................................................................................................... 12
10.4 Political Feasibility........................................................................................................................... 12
11. Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................. 13
References .................................................................................................................................................. 13

List of Table
Table 1. 1 project start and end date............................................................................................................ 1
Table 1. 2 software Tools .............................................................................................................................. 8
Table 1. 3 hardware specification ................................................................................................................. 9
Table 1. 4 Schedule plan ............................................................................................................................. 10
Table 1. 5 Budget plan ................................................................................................................................ 11
Table 1. 6 Core Project Team Roster .......................................................................................................... 11
Table 1. 7 Risk Assessment ......................................................................................................................... 11

List of acronyms
AVIMS………………………Abay Vehicle Insurance Management System
CSS…………………………..Cascaded Style Sheet
DBMS………………………Data Base Management System
GUI………………………….Graphical User Interface
HTML………………………..Hyper Text Markup Language
MySQL………………………Structural Query Language
OOSAD……………………..Object Oriented System Analysis and Design
PHP……………………….....Hypertext Preprocessing
UML…………………………Unified Model Language

Table 1. 1 project start and end date

Web Based Vehicle Insurance Management System for Niyala Insurance S.C

Start Date End Date

Nov-17-2019 Jun -10-2019

1. Introduction
Vehicle insurance is one solution to manage risks posed by the road transport industry and a means
to ameliorate damages arising from accidents and other mishaps. With compulsory insurance in
place financial risks arising from the operation of vehicles can be better managed. Damage to
personal property (such as to vehicles and personal items), public property (road signs, lights and
other infrastructure) and personal injuries arising from accidents can be managed without imposing
an undue burden on private or public persons and organization.

Vehicle insurance is contract between insurer and insured whereby the insurer undertakes to pay
the insured a fixed amount, in exchange for fixed sum (premiums). The insurer agrees to offer
compensation for a financial loss that occurs when involved in an accident. It is remunerate the
owner of the vehicle against the losses or damages arising for various future risks which one
anticipates. In other words when an insured pay the insurance company then he/she is buying a
security blanket for his/her car. If he/she is in an accident the insurer company pays for repairs of
his/her car. This shows that whatever happens to the car is covered by the policy.

Due to this motor vehicle insurance has developed into an important form of contract arising out
of connection with the use of motor vehicles including third party. Motor insurance policy may
also be affected to provide cover against loss or damage to the third party arising from the use of
a vehicle.

Vehicle third party insurance is mandatory in most countries around the world, which is an
expression of contemporary trends in securing compensation of victims of traffic accidents. For
this reason the functioning of this product is relevant to many subjects: vehicle holders who pay

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premium, drivers covered, injuries and damaged parties seeking for compensation as well as the
state which impose the obligation and decides about shape of system and its rules.

1.1 Background
Benishangul Gumuz Regional State is one part of Ethiopian regional state and is be present in
Western part of Ethiopia. Abay insurance for Assosa Branch S.C. was established and it is licensed
by the national bank of Ethiopia on 2010 G.C.

The company registered head office is in Addis Ababa. The insurance company provides different
types of insurance services to their customers are Life insurance, Vehicle/Motor insurance, Health
insurance, Fire insurance, lightening insurance, travel insurance. Currently Abay insurance of
Assosa branch has one office.

The organization gives insurance service for non-life risks. Ato Nemmsa Gufara who is the
manager of the Abay insurance S.C Assosa branch said that “Among the non-life risks the majority
of people register for vehicle insurance, all most about 95% of them”. There are many types of
vehicle insurance policies available.

1.2 Document Description

This proposal document is all about web based vehicle insurance management system for Abay
insurance which contains some description regarding the need of insurance process (introduction),
history about vehicle insurance system for Abay insurance (background of the organization),
problems of the existing system (statement of the problem), the in scope of the system which is to
be included in the proposed system and out scope which is not to be included (scope and limitation
of the project), the importance of the proposed system and its beneficiaries on (significance and
target beneficiaries of the system), different methodologies such as data gathering, development
methodology, testing methodology and so on which supports for the development of proposed
system on (methodology for the project) and lastly about its economic, political, technical and
operational feasibility on ( feasibility analysis) .

2. Statement of Problem
2.1 Existing System Description
Abay vehicle insurance is an insurance company that gives customers guarantee for damages on
the car and on third party properties. When one wants to have insurance in Abay vehicle insurance

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for his vehicle, he/she first brings the car to the organization. Then the employers do pre-risk
analysis by checking the library and quality of the vehicle. Then the employers decide whether to
proceed or reject the agreement. If agreed, the employer calculates the depreciation cost of the
vehicle and the premium cost to be paid. If the customer agreed with calculated price agreement
is made. Finally the agreement is approved by the organization manager. After the manager
approves the agreement, the customers file, given a unique policy number, is handled manually in
file handler.

Every customer who has insurance for the vehicle should also have third party insurance. Third
party insurance is the insurance for the damages caused by vehicle. This third party insurance is
not optional it is mandatory. An agreement is made for a year called terms of service. When terms
are completed the customer should renew the term unless can’t get service from the company. The
company have the habit of informing customers to renew their terms when they are left month
before completion.

Once the customers made an agreement they can get service soon in the very next day. When the
customers face damages they can call the branch and the branch checks the belongingness and
terms of service of the vehicle. Then the company sends technician to place of accident. The
technician evaluates, determine damage and estimate the cost. The company then pays the

The company also has the habit of informing its customer to renew their terms before the date of
completion, just before a month. But usually it is difficult to pop out a customer who has left only
a month for their term to expire since we have lots of customer.

2.2 Problems of Existing System

The existing system poses different working problems. It performs every activity manually. It
handles file on a paper which lacks security, backup, confidentiality, timely access of customers.

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Manipulation of customer’s data is very difficult in the existing system as searching individuals
file is tedious among thousands of users.

This manual system is vulnerable to error and it is very time consuming. The insured person is
obligated to fill a proposal forms in order to get the policy numbers and to make a payment
according to the policy purchased. And it takes weeks for a person to make financial report under
this manual way of operation. Time is not the only matter but the report may also fail to represent
the actual value due to some error. Recording customers file using manual method causes the
company to decrease its efficiency, accuracy and productivity.

Some customer cannot read and write by English, so to solve this problem we develop both
Amharic and English language supporter web based vehicle insurance management system for
Abay Insurance Company.

Some of the problems in the existing system are:

 Requires lots of paper

 Requires much manpower

 Redundancy of policy number

 Individuals cannot be treated timely

 Users can’t interact with the organization unless they are physically present

 Preparing financial report manually is too tedious

3. Alternative Solution and Proposed Solution

3.1 Alternative Solutions
There are different alternative systems of possible solution for the vehicle insurance management
system such as:

 Mobile based vehicle insurance management system for Abay insurance s.c in Assosa
 Web vehicle insurance management system
 Free mobile SMS based

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 Web based vehicle insurance management system for Abay insurance s.c (mobile + web)
 Web based vehicle insurance management system for Abay insurance s.c(Web based

We select web based vehicle insurance management system for Abay insurance s.c (Web based

Justification: There are different reasons why we select web based vehicle insurance management
system for Abay insurance S.C (Web based only) .even though when we look on the web based
system it only considers the community who lives around urban areas in which high amount of
internet connection exists and broadly uses personal computer to access the system easily. The
mobile based has its own advantages and dis advantage for instance developing the system is very
advisable in case of addressing the system to the whole of the people but the system becomes
complex for the customers and it becomes difficult to retrieve data’s from the system through
mobile easily than using computers. The free mobile SMS based also can not address the whole of
the system functionality through free SMS, but if we use only web based system it is fastest to
retrieve data and it becomes more acceptable for different reasons such as: it is easy way of access,
retrieving data purely and so on are the basic reason we select only web based.

3.2 Proposed System Description

The newly developed system makes the company move one step in the direction of its way to
success. The new systems try to help the organization and the customers in giving service in
facilitated and timely manner. The developed system guarantees save document management with
a much secured database. Individuals file are not vulnerable to attack posed by unauthorized
parties. The organizations task is eased because the new system records the customers file more
conveniently than the manual. The developed system also support easy manipulation of customers
file as it tries to identify each customer through a unique policy number. With which the system
can search easily the policy number to get the individual file. Doing this update, delete, renew are
a matter of few seconds. The system can also provide a sophisticated way of doing the most tedious
and difficult task, the financial report for thousands of employees shortly with greater accuracy
and less manpower. The new system also made a new improvement on the function of branches
making them work together more conveniently. Every employee in every branch can access easily
customer’s information being on the website. The customer can interact with new system without

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physical presentation, being on the website can access his/her individual files and can see different

3.2.1 Significance of the Proposed System

 It saves time
 It creates the opportunity for giving different feedback.
 It is used to give effective and efficient services to customers.
 It gives fastest response for the customers.
 It enable to decrease the work overload of the employee and the customers.
 It enables to decrease the duplications of data inputs.
 It allows to create secure, comfort, and easy way of data storage.

4. Objectives of the Project

4.1 General Objective
The general objective of this project was to develop a web based vehicle Insurance
management System for Abay vehicle Insurance S.C for Assosa branch.

4.2 Specific Objective

Towards achieving the general objective, this study addresses the following specific objective:

 To evaluate the existing system of the company.

 To collect and analyze functional Requirement of the company.
 To collect and analyze non-functional Requirement of the company.
 To design web based insurance management system for the proposed system.
 To evaluate the proposed system prototype.
 To test the proposed system
 To develop GUI both in Amharic and English language

5. Project Summary
5.1 Motivation
There are different reasons that initiated us to develop this system, from those reasons some are
listed below:

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Technological Perspective: At this time over the whole of the world technology is growing time
to time and this has its own advantages for the development of one country and people.

User’s Perspective: The users are not fully satisfied because of different problems as listed above

Existing System Perspective: In today’s world, everything is digitalized and paper is being used
less and less every day. The existing system does not have easy, secure, comfort and proper data
storage for the customers.

Supporting System Perspective: according to the proposed system it will cover and support the
overall problems which happens in the existing system.

5.2 Project Deliverables

 Tangible: web based vehicle insurance management system software, source code, user
manual, full document of the system
 Intangible: performance, Speed, security, quality and efficiency, training for system users,
operation skill obtained by users

5.3 Methodology
5.3.1 Data Gathering Method
The project uses the following data collection methodologies to understand the problem from the
existing system.


Since we are developing a project which is going to try gathering some important information by
interview with office manager, insurance officer and others stakeholder who have concern within
the office business. By using this method we have got detail information about the existing system,
work flow and all activity of the insurance office for our team members.

Practical Observation

We used this method to get the right information about the organization and also to understand by
viewing how the existing system works. We observed that how office registers the insured person,
and we also see “the registration and update form” when the business process is on.

Document Analysis

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In this method we try to discover written documents about the organizations structure, business
rule, and detail activities that is relevant to the current system.

5.3.2 Development Methodology

There are different types of software development methodologies (paradigm) from these we will
use Object Oriented System Analysis and Design Methodology: The reason why we select
OOSAD is that it is a software development paradigm by building self-contained modules or
objects. This methodology have the following features increased reusability, increased
extensibility, proved quality, and reduced maintenance burden and managed complexity. [1]

5.3.3 Development Approach

The development approach that we selected is agile model because an agile model is a combination
of incremental and iterative model. It has its own advantages such as we can iterate back if error
are occurs in one phase and we can return back to other phase to fix errors at any phase of the
project life cycle.

5.3.4 Testing Methodology

Our group selects both the white and black testing methodologies to ensure the functionality of the
system. The reason why we select White box testing is to check each line of code of the project to
ensure either it is correct or not, and the reason why we select Black box testing is to check the
functionality of the whole system this type of testing methodology does not have direct relation
with the white testing methodology.

Developmental tool

Table 1. 2 software Tools

Software tools Function of the tool

Operating system: Window 7, 8.1,10 To install different software’s such as Microsoft,
notepad++, Dreamweaver, Xammp server,
Sublime Text 3 To write html and php code
MS word 2007 To write documentation.
MS-power point To prepare power point for presentation.

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Script language: JavaScript To validate forms.
Markup language: php, html To develop the interface and connect with
Xammp server To run the php command
Database Server: PhpMyadmin (MySQL To store data’s entered by the system
Edraw Max To draw UML diagram to develop our system
Table 1. 3 hardware specification

Hardware tools Function of the tools

Flash To hold files, software’s, backups

Laptop To do the project

Pen To Write interview responses from the organization

Note Book For taking response from the organization

6. Scope of the Project

6.1 In scope
The scope of the project is to develop and design the web based vehicle insurance management
system for effective and efficient management of the customer’s records and provide better
services for users. The system is responsible for Conduct Pre risk analysis on the vehicle, Calculate
the premium by the price to be paid customer, Make contract with the customer, Make third part
contract with customer, Approve customer’s contract, Renew the terms of service ,Manage
customers complain, Prepare backup for customers file, Generate report, notice, project support
online payment.

6.2 Out scope

 The project is only used for the purpose of a single office.
 The use of GPS for exactly locating the vehicle.

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7. Project Schedule and Preliminary Budget
7.1 Project Schedule
The proposed system has completed within the given time frame, so the project is schedule feasible. We
display by Gantt chart below.

No Activities Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb March April May June
1. Title Selection
2. Data collection
3. Literature
4. Writing
2 Proposal
5. Proposal
6. System
Analysis and
Data Modeling
7. Design
8. Implementation
9. Final
7 10/10/2012
Presentation E.C
Table 1. 4 Schedule plan

7.2 Budget plan

No Material type Amount of Price of Each Total price of
material material material
1 Flash disk 2 160 320
2 Laptop 1 10000 10000
3 Pen /pencil 3 5 15
4 Printing 2 70 140
5 Transportation 3 times 30 90
Total cost for project is=320+15+10000+15+140+90=10565birr

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Table 1. 5 Budget plan

8. Staffing Requirement
8.1 Core Project Team Roster
Table 1. 6 Core Project Team Roster

Role Qty required skill Name/position Name/position of

of first alternate choice(s)
1.Requirement 3 Data gathering Raga kassa Rahmet Kemal,mizan
Gathering methodology G/medhn
2.System requirement 2 Software Requirement Rega kassa Mizan G/medhn
specification developing Engineering skill
3.Architectural design 2 System Architecture Rahmet Kemal Mizan G/medhn
developing and Design
4.Detailed design 2 Object oriented system Rega Kassa Rahmet Kemal
developing analysis and design
5.coding/implementation 3 Bootstrap(html,css,javas Rega kassa, Rahmet Kemal
cript) and XAMPP Mizan
6.Testing 3 Software project Rega kassa Rahmet Kemal, Mizan
management G/medhn
7. Deployment 3 Software Deployment Rega Mizan G/medhn
8. documentation 2 Fundamental OOSE Rega kassa Rahmet Kemal

9. Risk Assessment
Table 1. 7 Risk Assessment

No Potential Preventive actions Contingency actions

1 Performance Installing strong internet connection and Trying to enter a correct
Risks teaching the clients by creating a lightweight command to the system,
UI. changing the devices which
were serving for several years
by new devices etc.
2 Safety Risks The user data may be lost or corrupted if not for Trying to maintain storage
proper management and storage. This can be devices and creating the
negotiated by using reliable databases in the opportunity for backup system
back end.

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3 Security A major risk in the system is the security of user Denying accessing authority of
Risks data as well as their personal information. the users
Firstly, the user authentication will have to be
very stringent. The communication between UI
and database should be secure. The database
itself should be secure

10. Feasibility Study

10.1 Economic Feasibility
The system is economically feasible because the proposed system can uses software and
hardware tools that are accessible by low cost with a limited time. [2]

10.2 Technical feasibility

The system is to be developed by using technological system development techniques such as
PHP, Java script, css and MySQL database without any problems and the developers have enough
capability to develop the project in addition to this, if the system is damaged for different reasons
it will be easily fixed by the employees of the organization and it does not require a high experts
to maintain it. Therefore the system will be technically feasible.

10.3 Operational feasibility

This project is confidently operationally feasible because the proposed web based system is a good
solution maker of the existing problem and specific solution will work in the existing system and
produce a good environment towards the user and also it is plat form independent.

10.4 Political Feasibility

The web based vehicle insurance management system for Abay insurance S.C does not have any
relation with the political views of the country, its main target is only bearing in mind to help or
support its customer in a comfortable and easy way therefore the proposed system is not directly
related to the political views of the country.

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11. Conclusion
As a conclusion after finishing the system, it will perform all things those were listed above will
be surly done with high performance and quality. Additionally the system will be precious by the
customers or insured ones and the stake holders because of its high performance and usability as
a result of its fastest response per limited time and its ease way of interaction with the customers
and stakeholders respectively.


[1] [A."cornell university," 19 03 1993. [Online]. Available:

[Accessed 25 02 [Accessed ]1994].

[2] Alibrhami, "Economic feasiblity," in ornell university, 2000.

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