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Moodle2Word Questions – Kejuruan TR template

[Category name]

Question 01 (MC)
Mikrokontroller keluarga ATMEL bekerja pada level tegangan…… MC
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
A. 5 VDC 100
B. 5 VAC 0
C. 9 VDC 0
D. 12 VAC 0

E. 12 VDC 0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 02 (MC)
Memory 1 GB sama dengan…… MC
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
A. 0,1024 Mbytes 0
B. 1,024 Mbytes 0
C. 10,24 Mbytes 0
D. 102,4 Mbytes 0

E. 1024,0 Mbytes 100

General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 03 (MC)
Keunggulan rnikrokontroller ATMega8535 dalam susunan arsitekturnya adalah .... MC
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
A. Mempunyai I/O 0
B. Mempunyai memory intemal 0
C. Tidak rnempunyai memory internal 0
D. Mempunyai DAC dan ADC internal 100
Tidak mernpunyai ADC dan DAC
E. 0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 04 (MC)
Mikrokontrol keluarga ATMEL tipe ATMega 8535 memiliki fitur-fitur khusus yang
memudahkan dalam penggunaan, salah satunya adalah ADC yang berfungsi MC
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
Mengatur kecepatan putaran motor
A. 0
Mengubah tegangan analog
B. 100
menjadi data digital
C. Mengatur kecepatan timer 0
D. Tempat menyimpan data 0

Mengubah data digital menjadi

E. 0
tegangan analog
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 05 (MC)
Konversi bilangan biner 101101 (2) ke desimal = ……….. ( 10 ) MC
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
A. 45 100
B. 46 0
C. 47 0
D. 48 0
E. 49 0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 06 (MC)
Yang bukan termasuk bagian dari Arsitektur Mikroprosesor adalah .... MC
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
A. I/O 0
B. Driver 100
C. ROM 0
D. CPU 0
E. RAM 0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 07 (MC)
Konversikan bilangan desimal ke biner 65 (10) = ...... MC
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
A. 1000001 (2) 100
B. 1000011 (2) 0
C. 1000111 (2) 0
D. 1001111 (2) 0
E. 1011111 (2) 0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 08 (MC)
Salah satu syarat terjadinya elektro magnetik pada rangkaian magnet memerlukan .... MC
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
A. arus i 0
B. resistansi 0
C. emf = volt 0
D. Kerapatan arus (a/m2) 100
E. mmf = ampere lilit 0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 09 (MC)
Mikrokontroller tipe ATMega 32 adalah mikrokontroller yang memiliki Port I/O
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
A. 2 port 0
B. 4 port 100
C. 8 port 0
D. 16 port 0

E. 32 port 0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 10 (MC)
Jenis pemrograman dengan menggunakan kabel serial, disebut juga pemrograman
jenis ……
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
A. RS 123 0
B. RS 485 0
C. RS 232 100
D. RS 422 0

E. RS 462 0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 11 (MC)
Tegangan maximal dari IC CMOS adalah…… MC
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
A. 5 volt 0
B. 9 volt 0
C. 12 volt 0
D. 15 volt 0

E. 20 volt 100
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 12 (MC)
Tegangan listrik memiliki Simbol ...... dengan satuan …… MC
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
A. I , Volt 0
B. V, Volt 100
C. I , Ampere 0
D. Ampere , I 0

E. Volt, V 0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 13 (MC)
Komponen elektronika yang dapat pembatas/penstabil tegangan adalah…… MC
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
A. Dioda 0
B. LDR 0
C. LED 0
D. Photo dioda 0

E. Dioda zener 100

General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 14 (MC)
Sedangkan komponen yang bersifat induktif adalah…… MC
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
A. Lilitan 100
B. Kapasitor 0
C. Transistor 0
D. Resistor 0

E. Transformator 0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 15 (MC)
Setelah PCB tergambar jalur rangkaian yang kita buat dengan spidol pemanen atau
sablon selanjutnya kita larutkan dengan ....
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
A. Asam Klorida 0
B. Natrium Klorida 0
C. Ferri Clorida 0
D. Nitrat 0
E. Ferichlorida 100
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 16 (MC)
Jenis sensor yang digunakan untuk mengubah energi sinar langsung menjadi energi
listrik adalah....
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
A. fotovoltaic 100
B. piezoelectric 0
C. thermistor' 0
D. thermocouple 0
E. LDR 0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 17 (MC)
Nilai Resistor dari 5 Gelang ini “ Ungu – Hitam – Hitam – Perak – Emas adalah …… MC
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
A. 0,7  100
B. 7 0
C. 70  0
D. 700  0

E. 7 K 0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 18 (MC)
Garis putus-putus dengan ketebalan garis 1/2 tebal garis biasa. Garis ini digunakan
untuk membuat batas sesuatu benda yang tidak tampak langsung oleh mata adalah MC
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
A. Garis gambar 0
B. Garis bayangan 100
C. Garis hati 0
D. Garis ukuran 0

E. Garis potong 0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 19 (MC)
Ukuran kertas gambar A5 menurut standar isometric adalah…… MC
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
A. 105 x 148 mm 0
B. 148 x 210 mm 100
C. 297 x 420 mm 0
D. 420 x 597 mm 0

E. 597 x 841 mm 0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 20 (MC)
Tegangan yang keluar pada I/O PLC adalah …… MC
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
A. 5 VDC 0
B. 5 VAC 0
C. 12 VDC 0
D. 24 VDC 100

E. 24 VAC 0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 21 (MC)
Cara lain untuk memprogram PLC adalah dengan memasukkan fungsi – fungsi
gerbang dengan sebuah alat yang portabble. Alat tersebut disebut ?
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
A. Programmer 0
B. Downloader 0
C. Program loader 0
D. Console 100

E. Mikrokontroll 0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 22 (MC)
Pada PLC, bagian output nya adalah berupa kontak normally open, apakah maksud
dari normally open?
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
A. Pada waktu bekerja, open 0
B. Pada saat aktif, kontaknya terbuka 0

C. Pada saat tidak aktif, kontaknya 0

D. Pada saat tidak aktif, kontaknya 0
E. B dan d benar 100
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 23 (MC)
Kita dapat memprogram PLC dengan bahasa berupa simbol-simbol kontak, simbol-
simbol tersebut disebut dengan?
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
A. Ladder diagram 100
B. Bahasa C++ 0
C. Simbol 0
D. Tabel mnemonic 0

E. Tabel kebenaran 0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 24 (MC)
Dalam pemrograman PLC, CLEAR RESET adalah perintah …… MC
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
A. Menghapus program pada PC 0
B. Membuat program diPLC 0
C. Membuat program RUN 0
D. Menghapus program di I/O 0

E. Menghapus program pada PLC 100

General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 25 (MC)
Mesin yang digunakan untuk menghaluskan permukaan, membuat alur, roda gigi, dan
bentuk lain yang diinginkan sesuai dengan kemampuan adalah....
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
A. Bor 0
B. Gerinda 0
C. Bubut 0
D. Frais 100
E. Las 0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 26 (MC)
Perkakas tangan yang digunakan untuk membuat ulir luar yaitu.... MC
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
A. Cap 0
B. Tap 0
C. Snei 100
D. Bubut 0
E. Bor 0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 27 (MC)
Untuk menghindari agar gram atau serbuk hasil gerinda tidak menyebar sebaiknya
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
Tutup roda gerinda dan kaca
A. 100
B. Penahan serbuk gerinda 0
C. Tutup mesin gerinda 0
D. Kacarnata pengaman 0
E. Baju tahan api 0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 28 (MC)
Logam Nonbesi artinya tidak terdapat unsur besi dalam logam tersebut. Yang
bukan termasuk logam nonbesi ialah……
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
A. Baja 100
B. Nikel 0
C. Seng 0
D. Perak 0

E. Alumunium 0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 29 (MC)
Logarn ferro berikut ini yang mempunyai kandungan karbon 0.008% - 2.0% adalah . .
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
A. Besi tuang 100
B. Besi tampa 0
C. Baja 0
D. Nikel 0
E. Tembaga 0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 30 (MC)
Fungsi dari pengatur tekanan udara adalah…… MC
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
A. Untuk menjaga tekanan kerja 100
relative konstan
B. Untuk menyalurkan udara 0
C. Untuk memaksimalkan tekanan 0
D. Untuk memindahkan tekanan 0

Untuk meminimalkan dan

E. 0
memaksimalkan tekanan
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 31 (MC)
Fungsi dari penyaring udara bertekanan adalah…… MC
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
Untuk memisahkan udara kotor dan
A. memisahkan air yang 100
B. Untuk memisahkan minyak dan 0
C. Untuk membuang kotoran 0

D. Untuk memisahkan debu dan 0

E. Untuk menyimpan udara kotor 0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 32 (MC)
1 Pascal sama dengan tekanan vertical sebesar 1 Newton pada bidang 1 meter
persegi dan setara dengan……
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
A. 10.000 kPa sama dengan 14,5 psi 100
B. 1000 kPa sama dengan 14,5 psi 0
C. 100 kPa sama dengan 14,5 psi 0
D. 10 kPa sama dengan 14,5 psi 0

E. 1 kPa sama dengan 14,5 psi 0

General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 33 (MC)
Ukuran tangki udara bertekanan tergantung dari…… MC
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
Volume udara, pemakaian, ukuran
A. saluran, Jenis dan penurunan 100
B. Kecepatan udara , tekanan, ukuran 0
dan jenis
C. Jenis udara, tekanan dan ukuran 0
D. Berat jenis, ukuran dan volume 0
E. Kelembapan udara dan tekanan 0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 34 (MC)
Untuk tekanan udara menurut efisiensinya pada bagian control adalah…… MC
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
A. 1 bar 0
B. 2 bar 0
C. 3 bar 0
D. 4 bar 100

E. 5 bar 0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 35 (MC)
Pencemaran lingkungan yang diakibatkan oleh system pneumatic adalah…… MC
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
A. debu dan besi 0
B. air dan udara 100
C. suara bising dan kabut minyak 0
D. Kayu dan logam 0

E. Plastik dan kaca 0

General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 36 (MC)
Menurut konstruksinya silinder kerja tunggal dapat melaksanakan berbagai fungsi
gerakan seperti……
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
Menjepit benda kerja,
A. memotong,mengeluarkan, 100
mengepres dan mengangkat
B. Memutar, membalik putaran, meng 0
ungkit, membelokkan benda kerja
C. Lurus, membalik benda kerja, 0
memindah,memotong, mengebor
D. Mengebor miring, melubangi, 0
memutar dan mengepres.
E. Atas , bawah, miring dan mendatar 0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 37 (MC)
Rumus untuk menentukan gaya piston suatu benda adalah…… MC
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
A. F=Axr 0
B. F=AxP 100
C. F=IxV 0
D. F=RxI 0

E. F=WxZ 0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 38 (MC)
Ada dua jenis rangkaian pencekikan aliran udara untuk silinder kerja ganda…… MC
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
A. Pencekikan udara masukan dan 100
B. Pencekikan udara kanan dan kiri 0

C. Pencekikan udara langsung dan tak 0

D. Pencekikan udara timbal balik 0

Pencekikan udara bertekanan dan

E. 0
tak bertekanan
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 39 (MC)
Fungsi dari katup 2/2 adalah…… MC
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
Untuk menutup sinyal dan bisa
A. melepaskan udara pada posisi 0
Untuk menutup sinyal dan tidak bisa
B. melepaskan udara pada posisi 0
Untuk mengalirkan sinyal dan tidak
C. bisa melepaskan udara ke atmosfer 100
pada saat posisi tertutup
Untuk mengalirkan sementara
D. sinyal dan tidak bisa melepaskan 0
udara pada saat posisi tertutup
Untuk menutup sementara dan
E. tidak bisa melepaskan udara pada 0
saat terbuka
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 40 (MC)
Yang bukan termasuk tindakan yang tidak aman yaitu…… MC
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
A. Memakai peralatan tanpa menerima 0
pelatihan yang tepat
B. Memakai perlengkapan alat 100
Bersendang gurau, tidak
C. konsentrasi, bermain-main dengan 0
teman sekerja atau alat
perlengkapan lainnya
Sikap tergesa-gesa dalam
D. melakukan pekerjaan dan 0
membawa barang berbahaya di
tenpat kerja
Memakai alat atau peralatan
E. 0
dengan cara yang salah
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 41 (MC)
[Question text] MC
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
A. 100
B. 0
C. 0
D. 0
E. 0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 42 (MC)
[Question text] MC
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
A. 100
B. 0
C. 0
D. 0
E. 0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 43 (MC)
[Question text] MC
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
A. 100
B. 0
C. 0
D. 0
E. 0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 44 (MC)
[Question text] MC
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
A. 100
B. 0
C. 0
D. 0
E. 0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 45 (MC)
[Question text] MC
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
A. 100
B. 0
C. 0
D. 0
E. 0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 46 (MC)
[Question text] MC
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
A. 100
B. 0
C. 0
D. 0
E. 0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 47 (MC)
[Question text] MC
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
A. 100
B. 0
C. 0
D. 0
E. 0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 48 (MC)
[Question text] MC
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
A. 100
B. 0
C. 0
D. 0
E. 0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 49 (MC)
[Question text] MC
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
A. 100
B. 0
C. 0
D. 0
E. 0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 50 (MC)
[Question text] MC
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
A. 100
B. 0
C. 0
D. 0
E. 0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.


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