Assessment - VictorVilarubia S40068834 InformationAndCommunication 1

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Assessment 1
Written or Oral Questions
1. Draft and review a communication management plan for a project you have just completed or plan to complete including all modifications, changes and
improvements. (10 marks)
2. Identify the project management information system you used or might use during this project and suggest ways it could be improved. (10 marks)
3. What alternative communication methods and media applications could you use during your project that you might not already have considered? Why did you
not consider them previously? (5 marks)
4. Select a specific/appropriate information and communication processes to be used in a project of your choice. Write a detailed communication management
plan which specifies exactly how communication will take place across the project and throughout your team’s hierarchy. (10 marks)
5. Create a project information system and test it to ensure that it will work – and be useful – for the project that you are working on. This system should be able
to store, retrieve and organise information, and must be easy to use by all members of your team. (10 marks)
Total Marks: 45


I have been working as a Project Supervisor for a Data Collection project in Chatswood in which I have been responsible to responding to inquiries from contractors related to a specific project or
service provided such as workload, opportunities, difficulties related to the tool, payment, registration and application to the project. Resolving problems from internal stakeholders through email
chains, phone and in person communication, that relates to project status, potential risks affecting the recording sessions, workload, payment, access permission, budget tracking and general
question regarding the recording session.

Responsible for advising the senior management team in order to review the project’s forecast as it did not seems to be an accurate estimative on the number of recording sessions held per week,
which resulted in the implementation of a more accurate forecast based on new estimative provided.

The communication of all the responsibilities mentioned above has been completed through a Communication Management plan established internally that requires their attention and
implementation of decisions.

Target audience Key messages Communication methods Responsible Deadline: Date completed
Contractors • We want to ensure • Letter to manager of • Debbie – Site • 31 August 2019
the message is being each contracting Manager
delivered; organisation advising
• We want our on the
contractors to communication
understand and feel changes
comfortable with the • Notice on website • John – IT Manager • 15 September 2019
message passed. • Focus on face to face • Charlie – Operations • 30 September 2019
communication Manager
• Article in external • Alice – Public • 3 October 2019
newsletters Relations Manager
• Advertisement in • Alice – Public • 11 October 2019
local paper Relations Manager
• Improve the • Meeting face to face
communication in order to create a
• Victor – Senior
between Project better-quality
Project Managers Project Manager • 3 October 2019
Managers and Key relationship with the
Stakeholders key stakeholders


The most important responsibility I have is deconstruct obtained data on a regular basis whilst reporting outcomes through Project Daily Log, Google trackers, Ampersand and meetings to the
Project Manager, which includes reporting and analysing the data collected, status on the coordination of the remote team of quality checkers.

Presenting to the Project Manager potential limitations to be considered during the timeline of the project such as: having only one location available to execute the recordings within the time
frame given by the client and the budget available.

The PMIS used in the project has been SAP, AMR and Oracle, as part of the organisation and being engaged in the project in a daily basis, I believe we could have it improved by:

1. Provide training to the staff prior to the commence of the project;


2. Understand the limitation of the resources being used;

3. Have a “Plan B” in place;
4. Have a very good engagement and plan with the IT and Software engineers’ team.


In the project were used project reports such as:

- Short, medium and long-term estimation of the project’s budget;

- Qualitative and quantitative risk analysis report through Confluence embracing potential technical difficulties, participant refusals to sign the Participation Agreement, bad quality
equipment or background noise during the recording session;
- Report resources needed as well as track them (people, hardware’s, space to accommodate the session and time);
- Daily Log updates monitoring the schedule of participants, resources, risks, budget, quality, benefits and stakeholder satisfaction through Microsoft SharePoint and OneDrive;
- Reporting the project’s deliverables (gender, age, city, language, id) through Google tracker to the Project Manager;

From my point of view, the project in general had an elevated number of face to face meetings, conferences and were not used as it should, time
and quality wise. I believe we could have been proactive and think about the issue before it happens instead of spending a couple of hours a day
trying to understand the problem and how to fix it. For the next project I would strongly suggest the Project Managers to zoom out the project
scope and consider all the possible situations so we can address it in a face to face meeting prior to the project execution.


We will be increasing some technological solutions, such as: using computerised systems, software and telecommunication devices; using technology to record and generate ideas and using
computerised systems, software and telecommunication devices to communicate to each other.

Communication methods:

• Reading Body Language (Nonverbal Communication)

• Written Communication
• Verbal Communication

Communicate with our staff

Part of clear goal-setting relies on effective communication with the team

Focus area: Communication

Goal: Increase team’s satisfaction

Responsible Measure of Result (how

Objective Strategies Activities Resources & Support Time line
employee success did you go?)

• Clear and • Determine current • Audit the • Budget of Victor Folco Vilarubia 6 Weeks; until end • Survey and TBD
effective quality of candidates daily $150,000 to (HR Manager) of September. questions
communication communication and to select the best search and hire during the
between the to hire the best ones; 150 customer after-process
150 employees people within the • Establish the service officers to ensure
communication field process, employees
payment and were happy
contract for the with the
new hires. process.
• Train all the • Find the best agency • Search on Google • Budget of $10,000 Thais Freitag (HR From September to • Survey after TBD
employees in the market to Market for to pay for the Manager) October. the training
provide an Effective companies that agency; with the
Communication offers training; • iPads for the possibility to
training • Quote price, training; rate from 0
duration and • Food and drinks. to 10.
feedback of


As part of a technology company we were able to design our own project information system called “AMR” which is used for our speech recording
projects storing the speech data, as well as organizing the data to be displayable to various teams and key stakeholders.

This data is being used by the client to train and develop artificial intelligence algorithms behind voice recognition technologies.

AMR has been a great success at our operational side because it integrates different stakeholders to have visibility of the progress, quality and status of our sessions, it helps the process to be
smoother, faster and simpler.

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