Convention Center

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Exhibition design is a broad subject with a rich history to
it. It is a discipline often overshadowed in pure minds by the exhibit
themselves and, is for this reason often taken for granted. For
although it is the exhibits that people go to see, it is more often
the presentation- the dramatic lighting, the simple explanatory
graphics, the design logic of the display modules that conveys the
story in a way that we can understand and that creates a memorable
effect. Exhibition organizers are constantly looking for new and
exciting ways to attract more visitors and have been very quick to
recognize the enormous scope for the creative presentation techniques.
Today’s exhibition reflects a much greater sympathy between exhibits
and presentation, and testifies to the skills of the graphic
designers, exhibition contractors and interior architects
involved. The great exhibition in London Hyde park in 1851, exposition
of 1925 the worlds fair, Disneyland and Disney world, traveling
funfairs and local agricultural shows are all familiar examples of
exhibition design, even though they are very hugely in scale and

Exhibition and exposition are the public displays of industrial

or commercial products or of fine arts. Although the terms are used
interchangeably, in strict usage an exhibition is a display of such
products or arts for a short period; an exposition is for a longer
period and usually on a larger scale. Both exhibitions and expositions
may be regional, national, or international, and may show only the
products of a single industry, such as furniture or leather, or all
products of human endeavor. Such displays have their origin in the
large commercial fairs, once common in Europe, to which every kind of
merchandise was brought to be sold. It was discovered that exhibitions
stimulated sales, and arrangements were ultimately made to exhibit
merchandise not for immediate sale but for purposes of advertising
and promotion.
The first such exhibition was held in 1756-1757 in England by
the Society of Arts, which exhibited all the entries and awarded
prizes for the best English manufactured products.

Beginning with the latter half of the 19th century, three types
of exhibitions and expositions became prominent.
- The first was the industrial exhibition, devoted to
the stimulation and progress of a specific industry or to all the
industries of a specified country or area.
- A second type of exhibition, particularly popular in
the U.S., was regional and was dedicated to the commemoration of a
historical event.
- The third type, the universal exposition, was
international in scope; it was sponsored by a national government and
displayed a wide variety of products.

During the 20th century international exhibitions, popularly

called world's fairs, have become elaborate showcases for
technological and cultural developments as well as manufactured
products. Usually well subscribed by exhibitors and showing visitor
attendance into the millions, such exhibitions often have had an
important social and economic impact on the country or its vicinity
in which they are held. In 1923 the International Bureau of Expositions
was established in Paris to control the frequency and supervise the
operations of international exhibitions. About 70 member nations, not
including the U.S., have voluntarily agreed to abide by the decisions
of the bureau.


From the establishment of the exhibition ground on the Bhrikuti
Mandap by H.M.G. of Nepal and as before in the form of social kind
like “hatt- bazaar” and “Mela Paat” lots of cultural street programs
occurs on an open Dabali. This was a process of beginning of exhibition
in the context of Nepal. But today lot of media development or need
of centers is more demanded for the demonstration of new technologies
as well. With the growth of trade and economy of the country, in the
recent years, fairs, expos and even small exhibitions have become one
of the popular means of trade promotion and awareness schemes. Perhaps
understanding this need the exhibition hall at Bhrikuti Mandap saw
its dawn. Because this exhibition hall is the one and only hall for
such a purpose, most of the exhibition and expositions take place in
this particular hall. This hall houses about 15 exhibitions in a year,
ranging from flowers, garments, foods, books, engineering, materials,
trade fairs, to even auto shows. Among these there are a few major
exhibitions which take place on a regular basis and which have
established a strong mark among the public. But since Bhrikuti Mandap
cannot fulfill all the requirements for an international level of
exhibition, BICC (Birendra International Convention Center) is also
used as the exhibition space and even is used for several cultural
shows and concerts.

It is known to us that Kathmandu has the diversified field of
culture, trade and industry. The native industry and products has not
much market in the country and the need of the modern age is not
fulfilled by the products manufactured within the country. But the
art and craft of the country is the natural skill of the people living
here and due to the lack of good marketing and exhibitions it is also
in the degrading state. For the enlistment and preservation of such
native industry, art and craft, exhibitions of such product and skill
should be organized to enhance its usability.

And on the other hand the modern needs are imported from the
foreign country every year. Each year new kind of products are imported
but because of the lack of good marketing and exhibition, the actual
need of the people is not identified and each year the business is
degrading day by day. So to enhance and to develop the current trend
of business and trade, exhibition and exposition are required to
understand the needs of the people and help in limited imports.

So it is true that for the development of the trade of the

nation, the facilities of the exhibition center plays a vital role.
People living in urban area wish to buy new, latest and higher quality
goods according to their ability where as manufactures and suppliers
are also very impatiently willing to sell their products. Not only
concentrated towards domestic market, numerous international
suppliers are also very interested towards Nepalese products and wish
to sell their production in Nepalese Market also. So, they are seeking
for such kind of exhibition centers where any standard of people can
feel comfortable, more facilitate and suitable as well.

Exhibition centers play an essential role in the development of

the nation. So permanent exhibition centers should be established
where special big events like international exhibitions, Expos, Trade
fairs etc could be organized. The center should be sustainable
extending its future. The sustainable program could be forwarded by
introducing cinema, restaurant, kiosk, shops and entertainment parks.

Exhibition center is not a completely new public architecture as

it has already been introduced as the Bhrikuti Mandap. But several
problems are seen in Bhrikuti Mandap these days. Only one hall is
being used for the exhibition. Moreover some other logistics
facilities that should be provided by such exhibition halls is lacking
in Bhrikuti Mandap. Due to this reason BICC and other hotels are being
used for international events which ultimately come out to be
expensive, opposite to the real need and also looks like as if done
forcefully. So I want to design an exhibition center here
in Kathmandu which will provide both permanent and temporary
exhibition spaces for the exhibits.

It is now clear that exhibition and exposition are essential for
the promotion of development activities of the Nation. Though the
different private sectors are now exhibiting the various products of
agricultural goods, Handicrafts, textile & garment, machinery and
other consumer good and services; the lack of appropriate space and
other facilities and services the foreign exhibitors and visitors are
not much interested to participate in such exhibitions.

So the aim of this project would be to create a completely

facilitated exhibition complex where one could exhibit the products.
The aim of the project is also to make the complex work autonomously
being independent within it. This project gives complete exhibition
background for each and every field of interest and helps the nation
in the economic and physical development.

The main objectives are:

- To provide a perfect exhibition complex to exhibit the wide range
of industrial products and other associated activities.
- To promote and support the different fairs and exhibitions of the
market of the import and export regarding international business.
- To design a center which will act as a landmark
- To provide a support background to uplift the development
interaction with traders, industries and the government.
- To provide a best stage for exhibiting the traditional culture, art
and craft.
- To provide a space and platform for conducting seminars and meeting
regarding the national and international products.
- To provide the additional modern function of the society such as
cultural shows, restaurant and concert areas with in its premises
- To provide a area for exhibiting products such as

· Garment, textile and fashion wears

· Book and educational fairs
· Art and craft exhibitions
· Technological exhibitions
· Building materials and home appliances
· Machinery products
· Agricultural and Floricultural products
· Automobile exhibition
· Food festivals, cultural programs and other entertainments.

For any project to be carried out the first step would be the
selection of proper methodology. The proposed methodology for the
project is as follows:

1. Theoretical Understanding and data collection

The required information for the project is gathered through the
literature review of books, reports, articles, research works, surveys
and other related documents regarding the data for the project. In
the process of information collection required data are also revealed
and analyzed. If needed survey work is also done for data collection.
The theoretical understanding of the project is carried out to know
related issues of the project. For such understanding the literature
review and case studies helps a lot.

a) Literature Review
To understand the different aspects and the value of the project book,
articles, project works, documents etc related to the project is
studied carefully. From the study we understand what to know more from
the case studies and what is required for the project.
b) Case studies
The case studies in the different aspect of the project help to solve
the problems in the project. There are different issues like
landscape, form, spatial organization, structure and even sometime in
these types of project the crowd which may be the major factors of
the project can be studied to get the desired output for such a
function. These issues would be dealt in case studies and literature
review. The proposed case studies for the projects are
i. Understanding Exhibition Spaces
ii. Crowd Management
iii. Long Span Structures
iv. Study of one identical building

2. Project review and Requirement Analysis

In the process of requirement analysis the project is reviewed
through the collected information and data. After certain case studies
and literature review the requirement of the project is formulated.

3. Site Selection and Analysis

Knowing the scope of the project and formulated requirements the
proper site for the project is selected. If the site is already
proposed then the site should be analyzed carefully that if the site
meets its parameters according to the requirement or not. Besides this
the feasibility of the site should be analyzed through the perfect
study of site access, connectivity, orientation, views, services,
present vegetation and site condition. The following aspect of the
site can be analyzed as required:
· Land use
· Physical Characteristics
§ Landform
§ Soil
§ Vegetation
· Existing condition and boundaries and infrastructures
· Surrounding environment and views
· Access
· Historical Significance of the site (if any)
· Climatic Analysis
· Vernacular response
4. Site Planning
5. Design Work
6. Detailing
7. Final Drawing and presentation

The final output will include:

· Necessary Design Drawing
· Model of the project
· Final report

Case study
The more we study the more we learn. And thus starting any building
design it is necessary to identify the requirements, feasibility,
problems and even the solutions. Case studies help to clarify the
project and provide the guideline for the design as well as the
counterpart for design problems. Case study has been done in the
following centers:
· Bhrikuti Mandap Exhibition Hall
· BICC (Birendra International Convention Centre)
· Pragati Maidan, Delhi
· Food Court, Blue Bird Mall
· Auditorium/ Conference Hall (Russian Culture Center)

Ø Bhrikuti Mandap Exhibition was studied to understand the scenarion of

exhibition hall in the context of Nepal, since it is the first and
only exhibition hall of Nepal.
Ø BICC was studied to understand the requirements of conference, meeting
and exhibition in national and international level.
Ø Pragati Maidan in Delhi was studies for its planning and its
Ø Supporting component like food court will also be incorporated in
the City Exhibition Center, so for this the food court of Blue Bird
Mall was studied.
Ø Auditorium of Russian Culture Center was facilitated one and had the
appropriate number of seats, unlike in BICC which had many seated
auditorium. So the auditorium and conference room of
the Russian Culture Center was studied.

The below listing is the spatial requirement of the project. Beside
these requirements there are other aspects also such as planning
requirement and architectural requirement.
The different requirements for the project are listed in the table

S.No Requirement (functional spaces) No. Area (m2)

1. Entrance foyer 125
2. Exhibition Halls
Hall 1 (electronics display etc) 1 1500
Toilet, stores 1 30
Hall 2 (vehicle display, Machinery, etc) 1 3500
Toilets, Stores 2 60
Hall 3 (art and craft, books) 1 2500
Toilet, store 1 30
Exhibition Gallery 1 500
3. Conference Hall
Conference hall for 100 persons 2 300
(@1.5m2 per person)
Lounge 1 75
Toilet 1 20
Store 2 40

4. Seminar Hall
Lecture room/ Seminar Hall for 50 person 2 100
(@ 1 m2 per person)
Toilet 2 40
Lounge 1 60
Store 2 40
5. Food Court
Food court for 150 person 1 300
(@.6 m2 per person)
Kitchen (@5 m2 per kitchen)

6. Auditorium
Auditorium for 200 1 300
(@1.5m2per person)
Toilet 2 40
Office 1 25
Storage 1 20
Green Rooms with toilet 2 60
7. Administration
Reception/Lounge 1 50
Director’s room 1 25
Manager’s room 1 25
Pantry 1 25
File store room 1 30
Toilet 1 20
8. Public Services
Mini Printing Press 1 75
Mechanical Room 1 100
Repair and maintenance 1 50
First Aid Center 1 75
Staff rooms 1 25
Security 1 25
Toilets for public services 20
9. Amphitheatre
For 200 persons

Site area calculation:

Built up area= 10210 m2
Circulation space=30% of 10210= 3063 m2
Total Built up area =13273 m2
Site area= 65 ropani

Zoning Requirements
Planning Requirements
The overall planning of the whole premise must be in consonance
with the natural setting with functional spaces inside the complex.

· The structures are to be positioned in the site with due regard

· their inter-relationship
· mode and frequency of use
· need for segregation or integration with other buildings
· ease of accessibility

The different functional structures should be carefully and

thoughtfully handled to create an environment most suitable for
exhibition and recreation. The zoning of the different functions is
expected to be completed creating

· exhibition spaces
· conference spaces
· parking spaces
· Commercial spaces
· recreational spaces
Besides the exhibition complex the open ground are provisioned for
open to sky exhibitions.

Qualitative/Architectural Requirements
The aesthetic value is a must from the architectural view point.
The overall look of the center should reflect the modernity. The
final output complex will be modern since the function inside the
complex is of modern age reflecting modernism. Since the complex has
the key concept of exhibition, the building should itself look like
an exhibit performing the theme “Building as a sculpture”.

It will be tried that different functional structures will

have different outlooks and at the same time the blocks may have to
be linked on the basis of functionality. The detailing; architectural,
furniture, etc; should be responsive to the architectural character
of the modernism.

Site analysis
1. Site Location: The site is located in a quiet developing area, in the
eastern side of Madhyapur Thimi, kamerotar, Ward number 13. It lies
in the nearest boundary area of Bhaktapur and Kathmandu. This site
has a lot of potential values like high accessibility from all parts
of Kathmandu valley urban area and more approachable. This site has
been chosen for the City Exhibition Center because it is located at
such an area which is very much in developing process, has lot of
potential. At this location, the center can be a venue for a day
outing and also can act as a landmark.

2. Site characteristics: The

site is more or less rectangular in shape. The site is simply a plain
land with no contours, although it is elevated 2m from the ring-road.
Currently this area has been used as a play area for the children.

3. Access and
approach: Approachable from the Ring-road. The site is accessed
through busy and traffic loaded Arniko Rajmarg. The Arniko Rajmarg
serves and as an important “link road” between the traffic arteries-
the ring-road and the airport road. The site is 4 km away from
Koteshwor, 4 km away from Bhaktapur and 6.5 km
from Tribhuvan International Airport.

4. Surrounding Environment: As the site is located just adjacent to the

busy Arniko Rajmarg, environment is quiet busy throughout the day.
Following features and building can be found around the site.
 A petrol pump and a wood mill very near to the site
 Residential buildings and Balkumari Colony found on east
 Ceramic industries to the northern side
 Tuberculosis hospital, Arun Cinema, Nursing campus are also located
near to the site

5. Bye- Laws: As per the bye-laws of Madhyapur Metropolitan City, the

site lies in the agricultural zone and institutional zone. The site
is surrounded by quiet greenery zone, industrial areas and residential
areas. The design will be much under the bye-laws, on the consideration
of future expansion. Regulation followed in this project are:
Set back: 25 m from the center of the ring road
Ground coverage:

6. Vegetation: The surface of the land is plain without structure. The

site is not being used for cultivation presently, and thus contains
very little vegetation only towards the periphery of the site.

Exhibition center is more important to a country like Nepal and
for its further development. Exhibition means not only the new and
advance technology but also the good platform to show real meaning of
culture and preserve it. It is the good way to bring together the
development of modern technology as well as culture. Hence to revive
the culture and expose the quality of products introducing on open
market, definitely Exhibition is necessary and so is the exhibition

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