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Infancy and Toddlerhood 0-2

Language development from single words to combine words, can do simple
questions and short sentences
Babies understand the world through senses and motor actions
They think that objects do not exist if they do not see them.
By the end of infancy a child that objects continues to exist even when they cannot
be seen.
Pays attention to faces
Learning to distinguish right from wrong
Early Childhood to 2-5
Able to use simple reasoning to figure out how things work and why things happen
Able to work out logical problems only if create examples are given/only able to
understand familiar situations or concrete examples
Knows their name and their sex
Can remember past events
Middle Childhood 6-12
Developing fundamental skills in reading, writing and calculating
Developing concepts necessary for everyday
Language development
Can tell time
Can remember multiple tasks
Adolescence 13-18
Reach high level of abstract thinking and problem solving
Developing community consciousness and concern for well-being of others
Increase in self-knowledge personal Philosophy begins to emerge
Thinks of leaving home for college or employment
Achieves masculine and feminine role
Achieving mature relationship
Early Adulthood 19-30
Start to achieve goals
Has acquire expertise in education
Starting an occupation
Idealism gives way to realistic pragmatism
Has a reflection on world view
Has a civic responsibility
Living with a partner
Starting a family
Having children
Middle Adulthood 30-60
Crystallized intelligence is at its peak
Fluid intelligent is at its peak
Achieving adult social and civic responsibility
Satisfactory career achieved
Accepting the physiological changes of middle age
Numerical ability and perceptual speed declines
Late Adulthood 61- up
Speed of processing generally declines
Memory retrieval skills decline
Wisdom increases
Strategy training and physical activities can improve cognitive functions
Adjusting to decrease of strength and health
Adjusting to retirement and low income
Adjusting to death of spouse

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