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ESL with Florina : http://floricams.wix.


Read the following text:


Driving is an important part of people’s lives, especially when they live in a big city like
Montreal. David has been driving for 5 years and enjoys going to work by car. It isn’t always
easy however, because he often gets stuck in traffic. Also, sometimes he has to deal with
pedestrians who do not follow the traffic rules and who cross the street against a red light.
There are drivers who run a red light, as well. Driving can sometimes be chaotic, especially at
rush hour.

One time, when he was a new driver, David got into an accident. The accident wasn’t
serious. It was a fender-bender, but he was shaken and thought that he would never drive again.
He was going home from work on a dark evening in December. The streets were icy and it was
snowing, which means that visibility was low. He was on the highway when all of sudden
another driver cut him off. David panicked thinking he was going to hit the other car and so he
slammed on the brakes. His car skidded and he crashed into another car in the next lane.
Fortunately, the other driver swerved and managed to avoid a serious collision. Since the
accident, David has been very cautious when driving in bad weather conditions and sometimes
avoids driving altogether if he finds someone to carpool with in the winter.

Speeding is a traffic offence in Canada and drivers who drive over the speed limit can
get a fine and up to 7 demerit points. David avoids speeding and most importantly never drives
after he’s had a few drinks. Drunk driving is a criminal offence and if caught, drivers can lose
their license. One thing that David absolutely hates about driving is when drivers get road rage.
He doesn’t understand such anger and thinks that people should just relax and be polite with one
another. However, that’s easier said than done and when going to work by car, David is
prepared to face all kinds of challenges.

1. With a partner, write a definition for the following words:


Low/poor visibility

To skid

To swerve

To carpool

Road rage
2. Answer the following questions:

a. Does David enjoy driving to work?

b. When did David get into an accident and why?

c. What did David do to avoid the accident?

d. Is drunk driving a traffic offence in Canada?

e. Does David get road rage?

f. Why does David think that driving is chaotic?

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