Chapter III D

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Design Standards and Specifications

The design and computations regarding the structural analysis shall be in

accordance with the National Structural Code of the Philippines 2015. For concrete, the

following parameters and constants shall be used in analyzing the proposed structures of

the project:

Compressive Strength (f’c) = 28 MPa

Maximum Allowable Stress (fy) = 420 MPa

1. Load Calculation

1.1 Dead Load

Dead loads consist of all construction materials incorporated into the structure

including walls, floors, roofs, ceilings, stairways, built-in partitions, finishes, cladding

and other similarly incorporated architectural and structural items. For design purposes,

minimum values of dead loads are provided on Tables 204-1 and 204-2 of NSCP 2015.

1.2 Live Load

Live loads are the maximum load expected by the intended use and occupancy of

the structure. For design purposes, the minimum values of uniform and concentrated live

loads are provided on Table 205-1 of NSCP 2015 while the minimum values of special

live loads are provided on Table 205-2.

1.3 Wind Load

Wind loads are the loads on a structure arising from the impact of wind on it.

Buildings and other vertical structures shall be designed and constructed to resist these

loads as specified and presented on sections 207A through 207 F of NSCP 2015.

For the first step in wind load analysis, the occupancy category of the building or

structure shall be determined through Table 103-1. On this table, structures are

categorized into 5, namely: (1) Essential Facilities, (2) Hazardous Facilities, (3) Special

Occupancy Structures, (4) Standard Occupancy Structures, and (5) Miscellaneous

Structures. Functions of each category are indicated on the table.

Knowing the applicable occupancy category, the second step is to determine the

basic wind speed (V) in accordance with Section 207A.5.

The third step is to determine certain wind load parameters that should be

considered in the calculation of wind loads. First is the wind directionality factor (K d). It

shall be determined from Table 207A.6.1 which defines the directionality factor for

different structure types. For each wind direction, the exposure category of the structure

shall be determined in accordance with Section 207A.7. The wind speed-up effect shall

also be included in the calculation of design wind loads using the topographic factor

(Kzt). If site conditions and locations meet all the conditions stated on Section 207A.8.1,

topographic factor can be determined using the equation,

Kzt = (1 + K1 + K2)2 (Eq. 207.8A-1, NSCP 2015)

where K1, K2, and K3 are given in Figure 207.8.1 of NSCP 2015

If site conditions and locations do not meet all the conditions stated on Section

207A.8.1, Kzt = 1.0.

Another wind load parameter to be considered is the gust effect factor (G or Gf).

It shall be determined in accordance with Section 207A.91. This section states that for a

rigid building or other structure, a gust effect factor of 0.85 is permitted.

Determine also the enclosure classification in accordance with Section 207A.10.

In this section, buildings are classified into three, namely: (1) enclosed. (2) partially

enclosed, and (3) open. Based on enclosure classification, internal pressure coefficient

(GCpi) shall also be determined from Table 207A.11.1.

After determining the wind parameters, the fourth step is to determine the velocity

pressure exposure coefficient (Kh or Kz) in accordance with Table 207B.3-1. Shown in

this table are the velocity factor coefficients on elevations from the ground level of the

structure with respect to the exposure classification.

The fifth step is to determine the velocity pressure (qz) evaluated at a certain

height. In accordance with Section 207B.3.2, it can be determined using the equation,

qz = 0.613 Kz Kzt Kd V2 (Eq. 207B.3-1, NSCP 2015)

where V is in m/s

The sixth step is to determine the external pressure coefficient (Cp or Cn) in

accordance with Figures 207.B.4-1, 207.B.4-2, 207.B.4-3, 207.B.4-4, 207.B.4-5,

207.B.4-6, and 207.B.4-7, as applicable.

For the last step of wind load analysis, the design wind load (p) shall be calculated

using the following equations as applicable:

p = qGCp – qi(GCpi) (N/m2) (Eq. 207B.4-1,NSCP 2015)

p = qGfCp – qi(GCpi) (N/m2) (Eq. 207B.4-2,NSCP 2015)

p = qh GCn (N/m2) (Eq. 207B.4-,NSCP 2015)

1.4 Seismic Load

Another type of load to be considered in the design analysis of structures is the

earthquake load. According to Section 208 of NSCP 205, structures should be able to

resist seismic ground motions.

Like in the wind load analysis, the first step in the earthquake load analysis is the

determination of the occupancy category of the structure in accordance with Table 103-1.

Knowing the applicable occupancy category, the second step is to determine the

seismic importance factors (I, Ip) which shall be determined from Table 208-1. This table

defines the seismic importance factor for different occupancy categories.

The third step is to determine the soil profile type of the site. Table 208-2

provides the different soil profile types and their respective soil profile names and

average soil properties.

Determination of the seismic zone in accordance with Section the

fourth step. The section states that the Philippine archipelago is divided into two seismic

zones only, Zone 2 and Zone 4. Knowing the seismic zone, determines the seismic zone

factor (z) from Table 208-3.

The fifth step is the determination of seismic source type from Table 208-4.

Indicated on this table are the seismic source description and seismic source definition of

each seismic source types. Three seismic source types are present on the table.

For the sixth step, the proponents considered the condition on Section,

which is the determination of near source factor for sites under seismic zone 4. From
Tables 208-5 and 208-6, the near source factors, Na and Nv, shall be determined with

respect to the seismic source type.

With respect to soil profile type and seismic zone factor, the seventh step is to

determine the seismic response coefficients, Ca and Cv in accordance with Tables 208-7

and 208-8 respectively.

The eighth step is to determine the seismic force amplification factor (ꭥ o) and

numerical coefficient (R) from Table 208-11A. Determine also the total seismic dead

load (W) and the structure period (T) in accordance with Sections 208.6.1 and

The ninth step is to compute for the total design base shear (V) using equations

208-8, 208-9, 208-10, 208-11 or 208-15, as applicable. The equations are as follows:

For the total design base shear:

𝐶𝑣 𝐼 (Eq. 208-8,NSCP 2015)

𝑉= 𝑊

These total design base shear need not exceed:

2.5𝐶𝑎 𝐼 (Eq. 208-9,NSCP 2015)

𝑉= 𝑊

However, it shall not be less than:

𝑉 = 0.11𝐶𝑎 𝐼𝑊 (Eq. 208-10,NSCP 2015)

Furthermore, for seismic zone, the total base shear shall also not be less than:

0.8𝑍𝑁𝑣 𝐼 (Eq. 208-11,NSCP 2015)

𝑉= 𝑊
For the tenth step, determine the distribution force, Fx and Ft, using equations

208-6 and 208-16. The vertical distribution 𝐹𝑥 is given as:

3𝐶𝑎 (Eq. 208-6,NSCP 2015)

𝐹𝑥 = 𝑊
𝑅 𝑖

Moreover, the concentrated force 𝐹𝑡 shall be determined by the equation:

𝐹𝑡 = 0.07𝑇𝑉 (Eq. 208-16,NSCP 2015)

Then, calculate the design storey shear (Vx) in accordance with Section next the reliability/redundancy factor (ρ) using equation;

6.1 (Eq. 208-20,NSCP 2015)

𝜌 =2−
𝑟𝑚𝑎𝑥 √𝐴𝐵

Lastly, calculate the design earthquake in accordance with section 208.6.1.

1.5 Load Combination

Since various loads may act on a structure simultaneously, load combinations

should be evaluated to determine the most critical conditions for design. The following

are the combinations of factored loads:

1.4 ( 𝐷 + 𝐹) (Eq. 203-1, NSCP 2015)

1.2 ( 𝐷 + 𝐹 + 𝑇) + 1.6( L + H) + 0.5(𝐿𝑟 𝑜𝑟 𝑅) (Eq. 203-2, NSCP 2015)

1.2 𝐷 + 1.6(𝐿𝑟 𝑜𝑟 𝑅) ) + (𝑓1 𝐿 𝑜𝑟 0.5𝑊) (Eq. 203-3, NSCP 2015)

1.2 𝐷 + 1.0W + 𝑓1 𝐿 + 0.5(𝐿𝑟 𝑜𝑟𝑅) (Eq. 203-4, NSCP 2015)

1.2 𝐷 + 1.0E + 𝑓1 𝐿 (Eq. 203-5, NSCP 2015)

0.9𝐷 + 1.0W + 1.6H (Eq. 203-6, NSCP 2015)

0.9𝐷 + 1.0E + 1.6H (Eq. 203-7, NSCP 2015)


D = dead load

E = earthquake load

F = load due to fluids with well-defined pressures and maximum height

H = load due to lateral pressure of soil and water in soil

L = live load except roof live load, including any permitted live load reduction

Lr = roof live load, including any permitted live load reduction

R = rain load on the undeflected roof

T = self-straining force and effects arising from contraction or expansion resulting

from temperature change, shrinkage, moisture change, creep in

component materials, movement due to different settlement or


W = load due to the wind pressure

f1 = 1.0 for floors in places of public assembly, for live loads in excess of 4.8kpa

and for garage live load or

= 0.5 for other live load

2. Design Procedures for Slab

Slabs shall be designed in accordance with NSCP 2015 wherein the slabs are

classified into two types; one-way and two-way slabs. If the ratio of short span and the

long span slab is less than 0.5, the slab is considered a one-way slab. On the other hand, if

the ratio is greater than 0.5 then the slab is a two-way slab. After determining the type of

slab to be designed, the following procedures shall be used:

2.1 One-way Slab

For the design of one-way slab, the first step is to determine the minimum slab

thickness (h) in accordance with Table 407.3.1.1. The table discusses the minimum slab

thickness for each support condition of the slab to be designed.

Then, for the second step, calculate the total factored load coming from the slab-

weight and other applied load using,

𝑊𝑢 = 1.4 ( 𝐷 + 𝐹) (Eq. 203-1, NSCP 2015)

𝑊𝑢 = 1.2 ( 𝐷 + 𝐹 + 𝑇) + 1.6( L + H) + 0.5(𝐿𝑟 𝑜𝑟 𝑅) (Eq. 203-2, NSCP 2015)

𝑊𝑢 = 1.2 𝐷 + 1.6(𝐿𝑟 𝑜𝑟 𝑅) ) + (𝑓1 𝐿 𝑜𝑟 0.5𝑊) (Eq. 203-3, NSCP 2015)

𝑊𝑢 = 1.2 𝐷 + 1.0W + 𝑓1 𝐿 + 0.5(𝐿𝑟 𝑜𝑟𝑅) (Eq. 203-4, NSCP 2015)

𝑊𝑢 = 1.2 𝐷 + 1.0E + 𝑓1 𝐿 (Eq. 203-5, NSCP 2015)

𝑊𝑢 = 0.9𝐷 + 1.0W + 1.6H (Eq. 203-6, NSCP 2015)

𝑊𝑢 = 0.9𝐷 + 1.0E + 1.6H (Eq. 203-7, NSCP 2015)

For slabs built integrally with supports, the third step is the calculation of factored

moment (Mu) as stated and permitted on Section 407.4.2.

The fourth step is to determine effective depth (d1 and d2) which can be acquired

using the equation,

d1 = h – cc - 1⁄2 (reinforcement bar diameter)

d2 = h – cc - (reinforcement bar diameter) - 2(reinforcement bar diameter)

where d1 is the distance of the reinforcement from the extreme compression fiber

to the centroid of the reinforcement of short span and d2 is the distance of the

reinforcement from the extreme compression fiber to the centroid of the reinforcement of

long span.

Then, for the fifth step, solve the value of Rn using the formula of the nominal or

design moment,

Mu = ØRnbd2

Ø represents the strength reduction factor which shall be determined from Table 421.2.1

and b is the 1-meter strip.

Having the needed values, the sixth step is to solve for the required steel ratio ρ

using the equation,

0.85𝑓’𝑐 2𝑅𝑛
ρ= [1 − √1 − ]
𝑓𝑦 0.85𝑓′𝑐

The resulting value of ρ must be less than the maximum steel percentage, ρmax,

which can be acquire using the equation,

0.75 (0.85)ß𝑓’𝑐 600

ρmax = [ ]
𝑓𝑦 600+𝑓𝑦
and must be greater than the maximum steel percentage, ρmin, which can be

acquire using the equation,

1.4 √𝑓′𝑐
ρmin = or[ ]
𝑓𝑦 4𝑓𝑦

The seventh step is to determine the required steel area, As, using the formula:

As = ρbd

Having the required steel area, determine on the eight step the required spacing of

reinforcement (S). This can be calculated using the equation,

S = 𝐴𝑑 𝑏/𝐴𝑠

where Ad is the actual reinforcing bar area and b is the 1-meter strip. Spacing of

main bars (S) should not be greater than doubled slab thickness or 450 mm. For the

spacing of the reinforcement to be used, select the smallest value among S, 3h or 450


2.2 Two-way Slab

Like in the design of one-way slabs, the first step in the design of two-way slabs

is the determination of the minimum slab thickness (h). This shall be determined by

dividing the perimeter of the panel by 180. In accordance with Section 408, the minimum

slab thickness for slabs without drop panel is 125 mm and for slabs with drop panel is


The second step is to calculate the total factored load coming from the slab-

weight and other applied load using:

𝑊𝑢 = 1.4 ( 𝐷 + 𝐹) (Eq. 203-1, NSCP 2015)

𝑊𝑢 = 1.2 ( 𝐷 + 𝐹 + 𝑇) + 1.6( L + H) + 0.5(𝐿𝑟 𝑜𝑟 𝑅) (Eq. 203-2, NSCP 2015)

𝑊𝑢 = 1.2 𝐷 + 1.6(𝐿𝑟 𝑜𝑟 𝑅) ) + (𝑓1 𝐿 𝑜𝑟 0.5𝑊) (Eq. 203-3, NSCP 2015)

𝑊𝑢 = 1.2 𝐷 + 1.0W + 𝑓1 𝐿 + 0.5(𝐿𝑟 𝑜𝑟𝑅) (Eq. 203-4, NSCP 2015)

𝑊𝑢 = 1.2 𝐷 + 1.0E + 𝑓1 𝐿 (Eq. 203-5, NSCP 2015)

𝑊𝑢 = 0.9𝐷 + 1.0W + 1.6H (Eq. 203-6, NSCP 2015)

𝑊𝑢 = 0.9𝐷 + 1.0E + 1.6H (Eq. 203-7, NSCP 2015)

For the third step, compute the slab moments using the moment coefficient table

which shows the relationship of span ratio to the moment coefficient depending on the

case where the slab is continuous on whichever side.

The fourth step is to determine the effective depth (d1 and d2) can be acquired

using the equation,

d1 = h – cc - 1⁄2 (reinforcement bar diameter)

d2 = h – cc - (reinforcement bar diameter) - 2(reinforcement bar diameter)

where d1 is the distance of the reinforcement from the extreme compression fiber

to the centroid of the reinforcement of short span and d2 is the distance of the

reinforcement from the extreme compression fiber to the centroid of the reinforcement of

long span.

Then, for the fifth step, solve for the value of Rn using the formula of the nominal

or design moment,
Mu = ØRnbd2

Ø is the strength reduction factor which shall be determined from Table 421.2.1 and b is

the 1-meter strip.

Having the needed values, the sixth step is to solve for the required steel ratio ρ

using the equation,

0.85𝑓’𝑐 2𝑅𝑛
ρ= [1 − √1 − ]
𝑓𝑦 0.85𝑓′𝑐

The resulting value of ρ must be less than the maximum steel percentage, ρ max, which can

be acquire using the equation,

0.75 (0.85)ß𝑓’𝑐 600

ρmax = [ ]
𝑓𝑦 600+𝑓𝑦

and must be greater than the maximum steel percentage, ρmin, which can be

acquire using the equation,

1.4 √𝑓′𝑐
ρmin = or[ ]
𝑓𝑦 4𝑓𝑦

The seventh step is to determine the required steel area, As, using the equation,

As = ρbd

Having the required steel area, determine on the eight step the required spacing of

reinforcement (S). This can be calculated using the equation,

S = 𝐴𝑑 𝑏/𝐴𝑠
where Ad is the actual reinforcing bar area and b is the 1-meter strip. Spacing of

main bars (S) should not be greater than doubled slab thickness or 450 mm. For the

spacing of the reinforcement to be used, select the smallest value among S, 3h or 450


3. Design Procedures for Beams

For the design of beams, determine first the design moments (Mu) of the critical

beam at end 1, at midspan and at end 2. Factor this moments using the load combinations

presented in Section 3.3 of NSCP 2015. Adapt the maximum design moment.

The second step is determining the effective depth (d) which can be acquired

using the equation,

d = h – cc - (Ø rebar) - (Ø stirrups) - (reinforcement bar spacing)

For the third step, determine if the section is singly or doubly reinforced. The type

of reinforcement can be determined as applicable on the following conditions:

a. If ØMn(max) is greater than Mu, the section is singly reinforced.

b. If ØMn(max) is less than Mu, the section is doubly reinforced.

Ø for beam is equal to 0.90. Mn(max) is the ultimate nominal moment than can be acquired

using the equation,

1 𝜌𝑚𝑎𝑥 𝑓𝑦
Mn(max) = ρmaxfybd2[1 − 𝑥 ]
1.7 𝑓′𝑐

where b is the width of the beam and ρmax can be computed using,

0.75 (0.85)ß𝑓’𝑐 600

ρmax = [ ]
𝑓𝑦 600+𝑓𝑦
The fourth step is to determine the number of reinforcement. If the beam is singly

reinforced, determine the number of reinforcement by first calculating the design strength

(Rn) of the beam using the equation,

Mu = ØRnbd2

Next, determine the percentage of steel required using the equation,

0.85𝑓’𝑐 2𝑅𝑛
ρ= [1 − √1 − ]
𝑓𝑦 0.85𝑓′𝑐

The resulting value of ρ must be less than the maximum steel percentage, ρ max,

which can be acquire using the equation,

0.75 (0.85)ß𝑓’𝑐 600

ρmax = [ ]
𝑓𝑦 600+𝑓𝑦

and must be greater than the maximum steel percentage, ρmin, which can be

acquire using the equation,

1.4 √𝑓′𝑐
ρmin = or[ ]
𝑓𝑦 4𝑓𝑦

Compute the required steel area, As, using the equation,

As = ρbd

Then, determine the required number of reinforcement (N). This can be calculated

using the equation,

N = 𝐴𝑠

where Ad is the reinforcing bar area.

However, if the beam is doubly reinforced, first calculate the nominal resisting

moment of the beam due to the resistance of the compression concrete and the balancing

tensile reinforcing (Mn1) and (b) the resisting moment of the beam due to the nominal

moment capacity of the compression steel and the balancing amount of the additional

tensile steel (Mn2). Shown in Figure 15 is doubly reinforced beam broken into parts.

Figure 15. Doubly Reinforced beam Broken into Parts

To calculate the resisting moments, determine first the value of As1 using the


As1 = ρmaxbd

Then, determine the resisting moment Mn1 by substituting the resulting As1 to the


𝑎 𝜌𝑓𝑦𝑑
Mn1 = As1fy[𝑑 − 2] wherein a = [0.85𝑓′𝑐]

The next step is to determine the resisting moment Mn2 by subtracting Mn1 to Mn

which is equal to

.Then, the area As2 is to be determined by the equation,

Mn2 = As2fy[𝑑 − 𝑑′]

After finding the As1 and As2, check if the compression steel yields

Ey < E’s

𝑓𝑦 0.003(𝑐−𝑑′ ) 𝑎
wherein Ey = 𝐸 and E’s = where c = ß
𝑠 𝑐

Determine the area of the compression steel (As’) and the area of the tension steel

(As) using the equations,

𝑀 𝑛2 𝐸′𝑠
As’ = 𝑓′𝑠(𝑑−𝑑 ′ ) wherein f’s =

As = As1 + As2

Then, determine the required number of reinforcement (N). This can be calculated

using the equation,

N = 𝐴𝑠 /𝐴𝑑 for tension steel

N = 𝐴𝑠 ′/𝐴𝑑 for compression steel

where Ad is the actual reinforcing bar area.

The fifth step is to determine the stirrups spacing. Stirrups are required when
maximum factored shear (Vu) is greater than Ø𝑉𝑐 . The design shear strength of

concrete (Vc) is determined using the equation,

Vc = 0.17λ√𝑓′𝑐𝑏d

To determine the stirrups spacing (S), calculate first the nominal shear strength of

stirrups (Vs) using,

𝑉𝑢 +Ø𝑉𝑐
Vs =
The resulting Vs is substituted to the equation,

𝐴𝑣 𝐹𝑦

to obtain the stirrups spacing. Av in the equation is the cross-sectional area of

shear reinforcing in the flexural member.

4. Design Procedures for Columns

Column which is subjected to maximum axial load is designed to prevent the

structure from being subjected to becoming a soft-storey structure. The first step in the

design analysis is to determine the maximum axial load (Pu) from the dead loads, live

loads and seismic loads. Factor the load through the load combination presented in

Section 3.3 of NSCP 2015.

The second step is to determine the required gross area (Ag) that can carry the

maximum axial load. Use the equation,

Pu = 0.8ϕ [0.85𝑓 ′ 𝑐(𝐴𝑔 − 𝐴𝑠 ) + 𝐴𝑠 𝑓𝑦 ]

wherein ϕ = 0.65, and As is the area of steel which is assumed to be 1% to 6% of

the area of concrete (Ag).

For the third step, determine the required number of reinforcement (N). This can

be calculated using the equation,

N = 𝐴𝑠 /𝐴𝑑

where Ad is the actual reinforcing bar area.

Lastly, the spacing of the lateral ties is the least value obtained from the


a. 16 (rebar diameter)

b. 48 (lateral tie diameter)

c. least lateral column dimension

5. Design Procedures for Column Footing

Foundation provided beneath the column or called as column footing should be

designed enough to support the load coming from the column. For the design analysis of

column footing, the first step is to determine the allowable bearing capacity of the soil

(qa). This can be obtained through the principles of soil mechanics.

The second step is to determine the nominal moment capacity (Mn) and the

nominal load (Pn). Use the equations,

Mn = ∅

Pn = ∅

where Ø = 0.90. While, Mu and Pu is the maximum factored moment and load.

For the third step, calculate the effective soil bearing capacity (qe) given by the


qe = qa – (h x γc) – (soil height x γs)

wherein γc is the concrete unit weight and γs is the soil unit weight. The unit

weight of concrete is 23.5 kN/m3.

The fourth step is to determine the dimension (b) of the footing. Substitute the

resulting qe to the equation,

−𝑃𝑛 6𝑀𝑛
qe = -
𝑏2 𝑏3

The fifth step is determining the shear strength (Vu). This is determined by the


Vu = 2 (qu) (x) (B) - for wide beam shear

Vu = Pu - F - for punching shear

wherein bearing pressure for strength design (qu) is determined by dividing the

factored load (Pu) to the footing area (Afg) and load F is calculated by multiplying qu to

the column area. x is given by the equation,

1 1
x = (footing dimension) - (column dimension)
2 2

Then, for the sixth step, compare the maximum shear strength (Vu) to the shear

strength of concrete (Vc). Shear strength of concrete is given by the equation,

Vc = 0.17λ√𝑓′𝑐𝑏d - for wide beam shear

Vc = 0.1λ√𝑓′𝑐𝑏𝑜 d - for punching shear

where b and bo are the footing and column dimensions respectively.

Depth of footing is adequate for wide beam shear and punching shear if shear

strength of concrete (Vc) is greater than the maximum shear strength (Vu).

The seventh step is to determine required area of steel. First, determine the

designing moment (Mu) using,

Mu = ( 2 )quL

wherein L is the footing length.

Then, solve the value of Rn using the equation,

Mu = ØRnbd2

Solve the required steel ratio ρ using the equation,

0.85𝑓’𝑐 2𝑅𝑛
ρ= [1 − √1 − ]
𝑓𝑦 0.85𝑓′𝑐

The resulting value of ρ must be less than the maximum steel percentage, ρmax,

which can be acquire using the equation,

0.75 (0.85)ß𝑓’𝑐 600

ρmax = [ ]
𝑓𝑦 600+𝑓𝑦

and must be greater than the maximum steel percentage, ρmin, which can be

acquire using the equation,

1.4 √𝑓′𝑐
ρmin = or[ ]
𝑓𝑦 4𝑓𝑦

Determine the required steel area, As, using the equation,

As = ρbd

Lastly, determine the required number of reinforcement (N). This can be

calculated using the equation,

N = 𝐴𝑠 /𝐴𝑑
where Ad is the actual reinforcing bar area.

6. Design Procedures for Material Recovery Facility

Material recovery facility is designed to receives, separates and prepares

recyclable materials and to provide an area for composting biodegradable wastes. In

order to find the dimension and height of the facility, the volume of recyclable and

biodegradable waste generated per day should be determine.

To be able to find out the volume generated per day, the projected waste must be

determined first wherein the total capacity of the proposed project is multiplied by the

waste generation rates. The waste generation rates estimate the amount of waste created

by residences or businesses over a certain period of time. According to Material

Recovery Facility Toolkit (2013), the estimated per capita waste generation rates

observed in rural and urban areas in the Philippines are 0.3 kg/capita/day and

0.7kg/capita/day, respectively.

This projected waste generation will be multiplied to the percentage of waste

composition of the municipality to ascertain the mass generated for recyclable and

biodegradable wastes per day. This waste composition is influenced by factors such as

culture, economic development, climate, and energy sources. Furthermore, composition

impacts how often waste is collected and how it is disposed.

Lastly, volume will now be determined through the ratio of the mass generated

per day and the assumed density of the wastes.

Based on the computed volume, determination of the proposed dimension for

Material Recovery Facility is now possible.

7. Design Procedures for Water Tank

The elevated water tank is designed for the purpose of providing storage of water

for drinking and cleaning purposes as well as for fire suppression purposes.

For the design of the elevated water tank, the required volume capacity of the

tank (V) should be determine. This is computed by multiplying the total number of

consumers to the total water consumption daily. According to Batas Pambansa 220,

twenty percent (20%) of average daily demand and an additional 20% for fire

suppression will be the capacity of the water tank.

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