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1. Why do we study human behaviour?

Answer: We need to study Human Behaviour so that we can communicate , act righteously ,make good
decisions and be positive on different circumstances we encounter in our daily lives .Also, studying Human
Behaviour can help us to have a good and harmonious relationship with others or colleagues.

2. What is Personality ? Why is culture considered the matrix of personality?

Answer: The term “personality “ is derived from the Latin word “persona” which means a mask.According
to K. Young,”Personality is a patterned body of habits,traits ,attitudes and ideas of an individual,as these
are organised externally into roles and statuses and as they relate internally to motivation ,goals and
varuous aspects of selfhood.”G. W.Allport defined it as ‘a person’s pattern of habits,attitudes and traits
which determine his adjustment to his environment.”

As for me,Culture is considered as the matrix of personality because culture has a major impact
that affects the personality of the person. His beliefs, customs and religions depends on the culture he’ve
grown up with.

3. Give the 3 determinants of personality and discuss the importance of each.

Answer: The three determinants of personality are :

3.1 HEREDITY - The heredity factors plays a very important role as the major determinants and
factors of personality. Heredity factors are the one’s that are determined at the time of conception. These
factors not only affect the physical features of a person, but the intelligence level, alternatives, gender,
temperament, various, inherited diseases and energy level, all get affected by them.

3.2 ENVIRONMENT -Among the factors that exerts pressures on our personality formation are the
culture in which we are raised ,our early conditioning, the norms among our family,friends and social
groups etc.

3.3 SITUATION - Situational Factors Although these factors do not literally create and shape up
an individual’s personality, situational factors do alter a person’s behavior and response from time to time.
The situational factor can be commonly observed when a person behaves contrastingly and exhibits
different traits and characteristics.
4. Discuss briefly the environmental factors and their impact on personality development of the

Answer: First and foremost ,the factor that influences the personality development of a child is his
family.The type or kind of experiences he received from his family during his childhood will play an
important role in the development of his personality.In the same manner with the economic and social
condition or status of the family.It will also considered as contributing factors in his personality

5. Do you “Work to Live” or “Live to Work?” Is there a difference ? Explain.

Answer: I think there is a difference. As for me I go for “Work to Live”. Basically I need to work to meet the
demands and needs of our everyday life. But if we come to think of it there is a half of me that I “Live to
Work” .As I understand in a deeper manner, this is the situation that where we realize the value and
purpose of our existence in this world. What are the things that can we contribute, give and share as a
human being to others and influence them in a good way.This maybe the reason why I choose to be a

6. Discuss theories on motivation.

Motivation Theories

A. Traditional Theories

A.1 Fear and Punishment Theory

* Managers developed a strategy of forcing people to work by threatening to punish or dismiss them or
cut their rewards if they did not work well.
*This philosophy is characterized by thinking of aggressiveness and authorities managers
*Their was a tight control and rigid supervision over workers.

A.2 Reward Theory

*This theory tried to establish a direct relationship between direct relationship between efforts and
*Bases of Piece rate system of Wages
*Based on the standard manager should decide on degree of rewards and penalties

A.3 Carrot and Stick Theory

*This theory suggest a combination of both rewards and penalties for motivation
*This is based on the strategy of putting carrot in the front of the donkey and hitting it with the stick
from the behind so it has to run
*Carrot refers to the incentives
*Stick refer to the penalties
B.Modern Theories
B.1 Maslow’s Hierarchy Needs
*Abraham Maslow is well renowned for proposing the Hierarchy of Needs Theory in 1943
*He considered an individual’s motivation behaviour as a predetermined order of needs.

B.2 Herzberg Hygiene Theory

*In 1959, Frederick Herzberg, a behavioural scientist proposal a two-factor theory or the motivator-
hygiene theory.
B.2.1 Two –Factor Theory (Fredeick Herzberg)
B.2.1.1 Hygeine Factors
Hygeine factors are those job factors which are essential for existence of motivation at
Hygeine factors are also called as dissatisfies or maintenance factors as they are required
to avoid dissatisfaction.These factors describe the job environment/scenario.
Means of Hygeine Factors
•Company policy and administration
•Interpersonal Relationship
•Working Conditions
•Job Security

B.2.1.2 Motivational Factors

The motivational factors yield positive satisfaction.These factors motivate the emplyees for
a superior performance.
These are factors involved in performing the job.Employees find these factors intrinsically
Means of Motivators
•Sense of Achievement
•Growth and Promotional Opportunities

B.3 MC Gregors Theory X and Y

In 1960 , Douglas Mc Gregor formulated Theory X and Theory Y suggesting two aspects of human
behaviour at work.
B.3.1 Theory X –The assumption that employees dislike work are lazy,dislike responsibility and
must be coerced to perform.
B.3.2 Theory Y- The assumption that employees like work,are creative,seek responsibility and
can exercise self-direction.
B. 4 “Z” Theory
Theory Z is a management concept that looks at motivating workers.It is benefit to managers and
business owners as it describes the main advantages,drawbacks,success factors and case evidence from
some of the market leaders.
B.5 Vroom’s Expectancy Theory
Assumes that behaviour results from conscious choices among alternatives whose purpose it is
to maximize pleasure and minimize pain.Vroom realized that an employeee’s performance is based on
individuals factors such as personality , skills, knowledge experience and abilities.

B.6 Three Need Theory

B.6.1 Need for Achievement-The drive to excel,to achieve in relation to a set of standards,to
strive to succeed.
B.6.2 Need for Power- The need to make others behave in a way that they would not have
behaved otherwise.
B.6.3 Need for Affiliation – The desire for friendly and close interpersonal relationships.

7. What is the importance of good human relation atmosphere in a working environment ?

Give a specific example.

Answer: Having a good human relationship atmosphere in a working environment is a vital part in
everyones’ career. It is defined as relationship with or between people particularly in a working place.It can
be in company,different agencies or government.One example that can be cited in this situation is the
current situation happening is in the City of Manila.Metro Manila right now is experiencing a major
rehabilitation and the result of it is already visible to the eye and cannot be denied the fact that it is indeed,a
successful one as of now.Why? Because the people working on behind the rehabilitation has one main
goal.They understand each other’s interest and they work as in one to achieve their ambition or desire that
is to bring back the Beauty of City of Manila.

8. What is communication? What are the characteristics of communication in an organization?

Answer: Communication is the activity of conveying information.Communication has been derived from
the Latin word “communis” meaning to share.In words of Louis-“Communication is the sum of all things one
person does when he wants to create understanding in the minds of another.It involves a systematic and
continuous process of teling,listening and understanding.”Communication may be defined as
giving,receiving or exchanging information,opinions or ideas by writing speech or visual means so that
material communicated is completely understood by everyone concerned.
9. A. How would you distuinguish the difference between a leader and an authority figure? Give an

Answer: I believe in the saying that in order to become a good leader he should become a follower.For
me,a true a leader knows how to handle and deal his members without using any harsh words to do the
task to be done. He is open in any suggestions and opinions. He knows how to listen.If these qualities are
within the leader , the members itself feels the willingness and enjoyment in the working place. While
authority figure is the commander in chief,as we say in layman terms. Members and colleagues are just
oblige to do the task just because there is a need to obey not because they want to.They accomplished the
task with a heavy-heart into it.
Example,in our profession.There so many paperworks to be done but here is your principal (leader)
that shows as an good example on how to deal with these paperworks in a positive way.He himself
contributes and do his share to make the paperworks be easier for his subordinates.While here is the
authoritarian leader where instead of making the work be easier ,he himself add and the burden to his
subordinates and put pressure on it.

B. Explain the statement:

“A man who commands efficiently must have obeyed other in the past.”
For me, it means that the man who is now a good leader was once a good follower in the past..

10. Can you think of traits which can be used as an acronym for LEADERSHIP. Start with L to stand
Life,E, A,etc.

L –ogical
E- nthusiastic

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