Compre Exam POSC 2014

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Republic of the Philippines




Name: ________________________________________________________Date:_________

A. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Encircle the correct answer. (50)

1. It refers to the agency through which the will of the people is expressed, formulated and

a. state b. government c. executive d. parliament

2. The legislative branch of the Philippine government is composed of two chambers, it is a

____________ legislative.

a. parliament b. unitary c. unicameral d. bicameral

3. The fundamental law of land as act as the manifestation of sovereignty.

a. ordinance b. constitution c. law d. rules

4. The father of American constitutionalism and the ideas of separation of powers.

a. John Locke b. Karl Marx c. Thomas Hobbes d, Montesquieu

5. The first written constitution written by the Filipinos patterned in the Cuban Constitution. It is
used by the Emilio Aguinaldo in establishing the first Filipino republic.

a. 1935 Constitution b. Biak-na-Bato Constitution c. Negros Constitution d. None

6. The judicial power in the Philippine government is performed by the _______________.

a. Barangay c. Congress d. Supreme Court d. Senate of the Philippines

7. The Senate of the Philippines is composed of how many members?

a. 12 b. 30 c. 24 d. 15

8. A process by which people delegate their sovereign power to specific person and will act as
their representative.

a. war B. elections c. lawmaking d. referendum

9. It is a decision making organization, usually associated with national government that has the
power to enact, amend and repeal laws.

a. executive b. legislative c. judiciary d. government

10. A social science that deals with the study of power and state, its functions, processes and
public policy.

a. Sociology b. Ethics d. Biology d. Political Science



11. Which of the following rules is adopted by the Philippines in determining the limits of its

a. 3-mile limit rule b. 12-mile limit rule c. Archipelagic Doctrine d. law

12. The ability to achieve desired outcome using various means.

a. Power b. influence c. force d. sovereignty

13. Part of the state which includes land, water and air space.
a. Territory b. constitution c. accretion d. government

14. A government by the people, for the people and to the people.
a. dictatorship b. democracy c. republican d. federal

15. A theory that holds that the state is a divine creation and the ruler is ordained by God to
govern the people.
a. Social Contract b. Divine-Right Theory c. Kinship Theory d. Force Theory

16. It is a social science that deals with the origin, evolution, structure and activities of society.

a. Ethics b. Psychology c. Sociology d. Philosophy

17. The first form of government characterized by the absolute power of kings and queens.

a. monarchy b. parliamentary c. presidential d. unitary

18. Which of the following is not considered as inherent power of the state?

a. taxation b. eminent domain c. police power d. declaration of war

19. A system of government wherein powers of government are divided between the national
government as the central source of power and local government as receiving end.

a. Unitary b. federal c. centralized d. A and C

20. The following are social contract theorist except for one.

a. John Locke b. Karl Marx c. Thomas Hobbes d. Montesquieu

21. The three basic rights of the people are right to life, liberty and _______________.

a. property b. pursuit of happiness c. revolt d. none of the above

22. What is the difference between a Senator and a Member of the House of Representatives?

a. A Senator is elected at large by qualified voters, whereas a member of the House of

Representatives is elected in his/her district.

b. Although both are legislators, a senator is concerned with the national interest of the
people, while a member of the House of Representatives is concerned only with the regional
interest of the people.



c. A senator is trained to be the future leader of the country, whereas a member of the
House of Representatives is not.

d. All of the above

23. The head of the government in a parliamentary system.

a. President b. King c. Emperor d. Prime Minister

24. Scope of political science that focuses on the role of civil society, mass media and religion
and its effects to politics.

a. Political Theory b. Political Dynamics c. Ethics d. Public Administration

25. The Malolos Constitution was drafted and written by ____________________.

a. Apolinario Mabini b. Jose Rizal c. Emilio Jacinto d. Pedro Paterno

26. Power based on laws.

a. Authority b. Influence c. Power d. Force

27. It is the actual management of the affairs of the government based on laws.

a. Geopolitics b. Public Administration c. Political Theory c. Ethics

28. It is a broader term than government; it refers to the various ways through which social life is

a. governance b. legislation c. autonomy d. socialization

29. It signifies that government should have three branches (legislative/executive and judiciary)

a. checks and balances

b. democratization
c. separation of powers
d. vote of no confidence

30. In a parliamentary government, the parliament can decide to expel the prime minister by:

a. general elections
b. vote of no confidence
c. veto power
d. impeachment

31. A branch of social science that studies proper accumulation of scarce resources to society’s
unlimited needs and wants.

a. Economics b. Political Economy c. History d. Sociology

32. What is the significance of the archipelagic principle of territory?

a. It prevents the danger of having open seas right at the center or our territory.
b. It welcomes other nations to enter into our territory without much requirements.
c. It opens our doors to enemy warships or other foreign vessels and have friendly ties with them.
d. All of the above



33. What are some of the measures employed by the Government to safeguard the State
against military dictatorship?

a. By vesting upon a civilian the highest authority in the land, the Presidency.
b. By making the President the Commander-in-Chief of the AFP.
c. By giving the President and the Congress the power to determine the military budget and define
the national policy on defense and security.
d. All of the above

34. Which of the following explains the principle of the separation of the Church and State?

a. No law shall be made respecting an establishment of religion.

b. No public money or property shall ever be used for any religious denomination.
c. The Church must not interfere with the affairs exclusively for the State.
d. All of the above

35. What is social justice?

a. Giving equal opportunity to all, rich and poor alike.

b. Giving preferential attention to the less fortunate.
c. Eradicating poverty through the abolition of private property
d. Getting some from the rich and giving the same to the poor.

36. It is a form of government in which the control of national and local affairs are exercised
by the central or national government.

a. Republic b. Unitary c. Federal d. Parliamentary

37. This principle holds that no man is above the law, so that every man, however high or
low, is equal.

a. Rule of the majority b. Rule of Law c. Democracy d. Constitution

38. Although the Preamble is not an essential part of the Constitution, why is it advisable to
have one?

a. It could be a source of private right enforceable by the courts.

b. It sets down the origin and purposes of the Constitution.
c. Aside from (b), it may serve as an aid in the interpretation of the Constitution.
d. All of the above

39. What is meant by a bicameral legislature?

a. It means that the Congress is composed of two House of Representatives.

b. It means that the Congress is composed of two chambers: Senate and House of



c. It means that the legislative power, the authority to enact and promulgate laws, is vested in the
Congress of the Philippines.
d. All of the above

40. What is that group of provisions that deal with the framework of the government and its
powers, and defining the electorate?

a. Constitution of government
b. Constitution of liberty
c. Constitution of sovereignty
d. All of the above

41. It is the Constitution drafted by a Constitutional Commission created under the Article V
of Proclamation No. 3 issued on March 25, 1986 which promulgated the Freedom
Constitution following the installation of a revolutionary government through a direct
exercise of the power of the Filipino people.

a. 1986 Provisional Constitution

b. 1987 Constitution
c. 1973 Constitution
d. 1935 Constitution

42. When the president dies, is permanently disabled, is impeached, or resigns, the Vice-
President becomes President for the unexpired term. However, if both the President and
Vice-President die, become permanently disabled, are impeached, or resigned, the Senate
President shall act as President until the President or VP shall have been elected and

If the Senate President becomes disabled, who will succeed?

a. The Speaker of the House shall become the President.

b. There will be a special election specifically conducted for the filling up of the vacant offices.
c. The Senate President shall submit to the Congress a declaration of his disability, then a Senior
Senator will be the acting President.
d. The Speaker of the House shall act as President until the President or VP shall have been
elected and qualified.

43. This Constitutional principle signifies that all persons subject to legislation should be
treated alike, under like circumstances and conditions both in the privileges conferred and
liabilities imposed.

a. Due process of law

b. Equal protection of laws
c. Security in one’s person, house, papers, and effects
d. National integrity



44. The revolution that dismantles the monarchy as an ideal form of government.

a. Spanish Revolution
b. French Revolution
c. German Revolution
d. None of the above

45. The Philippine government is _____________________

a. federal and parliamentary

b. democratic, republican, presidential and unitary.
c. parliamentary and monarchy
d. presidential and federal

46. The most powerful branch in the Philippine government based on the 1987 Philippine

a. executive b. legislative c. judiciary d. assembly

47. The following are characteristics of a monarchy except

a. Based on religion b. hereditary c. democratic long-life rule

48. The course description of POSC 1013.

a. Political Government with Philippine Constitution

b. Politics and Government with Philippine Constitution

c. Politics and Governance with Philippine Constitution

d. Philippine History and Government with Philippine Consitution

49. The following are territorial disputes or conflict the Philippines is facing with except

a. Sabah and our Historic Right

b. Panatag Shoal
c. Spratly’s Group of Islands
d. Marianas Trench

50. The following are paramount consideration in creating foreign policy except for

a. Territorial integrity
b. national interest
c. self determination
d. economic development



B. True or False (50)

1) The legislative department of the Philippine government is composed of two chambers.

2) In a presidential government, separation of powers and check and balances is not
3) Preamble is derived from the Latin word preambule which means forever.___
4) Territorial seas is the part of the sea extending 24 nautical miles from the baseline.____
5) Article 1 of the 1987 Philippines Constitution is entitled National Territory.____
6) Governments can be viewed territorially and functionally._____
7) Internal waters are parts of the sea within the land territory._____
8) Sovereignty is the supreme authority to govern.____
9) Senators and congressmen are lawmakers.____
10) The Philippines declare wars as an instrument of national policy ____.
11) Military authority is supreme over civilian authority. ____
12) The state shall have no official religion but religious test are allowed. _____
13) Foreign policy is the basic direction underlying the conduct by a state of its affairs to other
states. ____
14) The State shall create policies necessary in solving problems of mass poverty. ___
15) The State recognizes the role of the youth and women in nation-building. _____
16) Responsible Parenthood Act or RH Law is an example of a law recognizing the important role
of women is Philippine society. ____
17) Political rights are natural rights. ____
18) Statutory rights are promulgated by the legislative department. ____
19) The President of the Philippines can run for re-election. ____
20) The leader of the House of Representatives is called Speaker of the House. _____
21) The Senate of the Philippines cannot approve treaties. ____
22) Search warrant: persons/Warrant of arrest: things. ____
23) Search warrant and warrant of arrest must be issued upon probable cause. _____
24) The right to privacy is defined as the right to be left alone.
25) The House of Representatives is composed of congressman from the district and party-list
groups. ____
26) The power of the purse (budget power) is vested on the executive department. ____
27) The appointing powers of the President can be checked by the legislative department through
the Commission of Appointments. _____
28) The freedom of speech, expression, and of the press implies the right to freely utter and
publish whatever one pleases without prior restraint. _____
29) Senators can be elected twice. _____
30) The term of office of a congressman is three years. ___
31) The Supreme Court is composed of 14 associate justices and 1 chief justice._____
32) The right to vote (suffrage) is also an obligation. _____
33) The right of the people to information is essential to combat graft and corruption.___
34) In parliamentary system where the monarch is the ceremonial head of the state while the
head of the government is almost always a member of the legislature. _____
35) The existence of bill of rights is a manifestation of a democratic state. _____
36) The people has the right to revolt against an oppressive and tyrannical government. ____
37) Archipelagic doctrine is approved by the UN through UNCLOS. _____
38) The power of impeachment is vested on the legislative department. ____
39) The President is the highest officer of the AFP. _____
40) Decisions made by the Supreme Court becomes part of the law of the land. ____
41) The prime duty of the government is to serve and protect the people. _____
42) Taxation is an inherent power of the State. ______
43) The state shall pursue an independent and nationalist foreign policy. ____
44) The Preamble sets the direction of the government. ______
45) The state recognizes the role of the family as a basic social institution. _____
46) The Vice-President can be re-elected. ____
47) A legislative body with single chamber is unicameral. _____
48) An accused has the right to adequate legal assistance.
49) The state shall promote right to health and right to a balanced and healthful ecology.
50) Forever exists. ______




1. _______________ A proposed law.

2. ___________is a form of government in which political power is exercised by a majority of the
3. ___________ is form of government in which the control of national and local government is
exercised by the central government.
4. ____________The supreme law of the land serves as a written guide of government.
5. Government can be viewed territorially and ______________.
6. ______________the concrete activity that reproduces a formal or informal organization. If the
organization is a formal one, governance is primarily about what the relevant "governing body"
7. __________________ Rights possessed by every citizen without being granted by the State.
8. __________________It signifies that government should have three branches namely the
legislative,executive and judiciary.
9. ____________________Powers each branch has that allows them to check up on the other
10. The branch of government hat executes or enforces the law. ______________
11. The chief executive of the Republic of the Philippines. _______________
12. Lawmaking powers in the Philippines is designated to the ___________________ and
13. _____________is a decision-making organization, usually associated with national government
that has the power to enact, amend and repeal laws.
14. _________________is the current Speaker of the House of Representatives.
15. The right of the accused not to be a witness against himself is called _____________
16. An order to produce the body of a missing person issued by the court. _____________
17. A ____________ is a member of a democratic community who enjoys full civil and political rights.
18. Acquiring citizenship is through voluntary and ___________________ method.
19. Blood relationship as basis of citizenship is called ___________
20. SALN means ___________________________________________________________.
21. The _____________ is the system of courts that interprets and applies the law in the name of
the state.
22. The right and obligation to vote is called _________________.
23. The current Executive Secretary is _________________________________.
24. Reclusion perpetua means _________________.
25. The President is ___________________ of the Armed Forces of the Philippines.
26. The three inherent power of the state are ___________, eminent domain and taxation.
27. The President has power over national and _________ government units.
28. The accused has the right to have a ____________, impartial and public trial.
29. The official residence of the President is on ________________________________.
30. The power of the President not to signed/approved a law passed by the legislative department.
31. A legislative body with single chamber. ___________
32. A theory of state that focuses on environmental issues. _____________
33. The age requirement of an individual who wants to be a President. _____
34. The power of the president to declare martial law is part of his/her ____________ powers.
35. SONA means ________________________________
36. A process by which people delegate their sovereign power to specific person and will act as their
representative. ______________
37. A social science that deals with the study of power and state, its functions, processes and public
policy. _____________________
38. Legitimate power. ______________
39. The ability to ability to achieve desired outcome using various means.___________
40. The roots of political science. ___________________
41. A branch of social science that studies proper accumulation of scarce resources to society’s
unlimited needs and wants.________________
42. It is a social science that deals with the origin, evolution, structure and activities of



43. A social science concerned with the ‘good’ and bad aspects of human actions. ____________
44. It is the soul of the state. It is the machinery that terminates the conditions of anarchy or
45. A state theory of state asserts that the women are marginalized in the state affairs. ________
46. An element of the state that distinguishes it from all other associations of human
47. Subject description of POSC 1013: _________________________
48. Name of your municipal/city mayor: __________________________
49. Name of your district congressman. ________________________
50. MTRCB means _______________________________________________.

MODIFIED IDENTIFICATION: identify what theory of the state is used in the statements.
Using the following symbols:

DR= Divine Right CT= Conflict Theory SC= Social Contract FT= Feminist Theory

1. The power of the monarchy is from a Supreme Being. ____

2. Governments create and implements laws for the benefit of the ruling class. ____
3. The state as a Leviathan._____
4. It argues that the role of the state in individual’s life is absolute._____
5. Women are marginalized in political affairs because male dominates the political sphere of the
society. ______
6. The participation of the poor in politics is limited because of economic inequality.____
7. Creating laws that is equally beneficial to both male and female._______
8. The individual is an important part of state affairs; state must provide them access to social
9. All law and policy created by the state should consider the different interest of people.____
10. A state is ruled by the economic superpowers leaving state policies self serving to their

“Paano mo malalaman kung hindi ka magtatanong? Pero andami-dami nating nalalaman kahit
hindi tayo nagtatanong. Paano ka pa magtatanong kung alam mo na ang sagot. Pero paano ka
magtatanong kung hindi mo alam kung ano ang iyong itatanong? Paano mo sasagutin ang
tanong sa iyo kung hindi mo alam ang isasagot? Paano ka sasagot kung hindi mo alam ang
tanong. (Kunsabagay, sa buhay na ito, madalas, tama ang sagot, mali nga lang ang tanong).”
― Eros S. Atalia




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