20 - Discretionary Admission in The AY 2019 2020 of PhiLSAT Examinees 45 55 Rating Score PDF

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‘goxLeoucAnon voA80 Ghrruieemece ne LEB MEMORANDUM ORDER oann No.20, series of 2019, ween ‘Sobect. DISCRETIONARY ADMISSION IN THE AY 2019 T0 2020 OF EXAMINEES WHO [RATED BELOW THE CUT-OFF /PASSING SCORE BUT NOT LESS THAN 4596 IN ‘THE PHILIPPINE LAW SCHOOL ADMISSION TEST ADMINISTERED ON APRIL. 7.2019 Inaecordance with Section 7, subparagraphs (0, (6) nd (e) of Republic Act No. 7662 entitled the Legal Education Reform Act of 1993, and pursuant tothe Resolution approved by the Legal Education Boar (LEB) during ts 111% Bn Bane Meeting on May 3,207, he following editonal ules relative tothe eligblty requirement for admission tothe basie cours faking and passing the Philippine Law Schl Admision Test (PhLSAT) within 2acalemi/school years before admission, are hereby promlgted: 1. Ratonale Republic Act No. 10533 ented the Enhanced Basie Eduction Reform Act of 2013 tended basic eduction in the country to twelve (12) years As a result ofthe Sn Implementation of tls law, very few are expocted wy graduate from college in the ‘Academic Years (AY) 2019 to 2020 and 2020 to 2021, In turn, envolinent inthe firsifreshman year ofthe basi lw cours santcpated to substantially decline inthe AY 2020 t0 2024 and 2021 to 2022 fr lack fresh graduates from feeder alege programs. ‘To ushion the impactofthe anticipated decline in enrllmentinthe basilaw course, Jaw schools god standing shall be allowed te option to exercise greater atte inthe admission ofrst/reshman year students inthe basi aw course nthe 1" Semester of the AY 2019 to 2020 consistone with thelr academic freedom as institution of higher learning and seeordance vt ths Lit Memorandum Order (EBMO}, 2, Hxaminees Qualified for iseretonary Admission Examinees inthe PRILSATadministored on Api 7, 2019 who obtained filing rating but not below forty-five percent (45%) are quslifed for admission et regular firs freshmen students nthe basic law course the 1" Semester of AY 2029 to 2020 at the discretion of law sthools in good standing when authorized by the LEB in wetng pursuant tothe qualifeations and candltons set forth nthe scceeding provisions ofthis LEBMO. For purposes of tis LEBMO, a "regular stent” stall mean a student who i allowed to continue enrolment up to gradation, unless dlequalified by the seademi, ‘iscplinary and nancial regulations ofthe law school, Application for Weitten Authorization aw schools in good standing and agreeable with the conitons set forth in this LLEBMO intending to admit examines qualified fr discretionary admission parsaat to Section 2 above shall file with the LEB an application for Special Government Pormit/Autharzaton on or before the start oftheir academic years ‘The aplication shall be signed underoath bythe Presdent/Chef Executive Oficer ortiead ofthe higher education institution to whichthelaw schol ta comnponent of The pplication shal cotain the allowing representations bythe law school ‘The starting day of AY 2019 to 2020 ofthe lav schoo, and the lst day ofthe ‘enrolment period inthe basielaw course for 1* Semesta ofthe AY 2019 t 2020; by. Tha its intending t admit examinees qualified for discretionary admission ‘pursuant to Satin 2 of LEBMO No 20, Series of 2019 as reyulatfst/freshmen ‘Students inthe base Iaw course nthe 1s Semester of AY 2019 t9 2020, «Tha tisalaw choolin good standing in accordance with Secon 4ofLEBMO No, 29, Series of 2013, 4 Tat ithas no incurred a zero percent (096) paring rate for new or fist-ime

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