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Case reports are very useful for a doctor who discusses unknown diseases that can make a doctor's

quality improve, anf if you write the case report on cv it will be impress any cv, and please ask your
counselor because the counselor always has interesting cases to discuss, then make sure you look
for sources of literature in pub med, medine, then to make sure you find the correct literature don't
forget to check popular journal reports that are not indexed in pub med

And how to write down that cases ?

1. Introduction
Summarize the case into a sentence and why the report is important
2. Case report
the title must be general, avoiding unnecessary details, only mentioning the important
positive and negative findings of each part of the critical assessment
3. discussion
the stage where you explain to the reader why the case is interestingly important, and enter
the amount of literature related to the case
4. summary points
several journals made a brief conclusion
5. abstract and refference
after done the main body, then you will write summarize report presentations and messages

after you done the case report ussualy the case report will be denied, but don’t worry because there
are many of journal website that can accept your case report.

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