Pepsi Internship Report Pakistan Multan

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Shamim & Co


Submitted To: Dr. Muhammad Imran Hanif

Submitted by: Nageena Hassan
Student I.D: MBA(HR)-16-28
Session: 2016-19
Submission Date: 02-09-2019



Nageena Hassan
Shamim & Co

Beverage industry in the whole world is very well established industry and the same case in
Pakistan. The major beverage companies are Pepsi Cola and Coca Cola and the emerging
beverage industry is Amrat Cola. The Pepsi Cola is the market leader in the Pakistan as well
as in the Asia but Coca Cola is the market leader in the whole world. These industries
develop their own marketing strategies to meet the requirements of their respective target
market. As for as the Shamim & Co. beverage in Multan is concerned, it creates its monopoly
in its target market, which is based on Multan, Rahim Yar Kahn and the sub areas of these
cities. Shamim & Co. beverage successfully fulfill the requirement of its target market.
Shamim & Co. beverages believe in departmentalization in their office works and therefore
they establish different department to achieve their respective tasks. There are different
departments in the Shamim & Co. beverages like human resource department, management
information system department, key accounts department, sales department, marketing
services department and marketing department, audit and taxation department, TOT
department, purchase department, production department, finance department, store
management and shipping department.

Each department is running under intellectual managers and their respective team of
assistants. Human resource department in Shamim & Co. has the major function is to manage
the workforce. Recruitment and promotions are also done by this department. Personal record
of each employee is maintained by this department. In this record each and every thing about
the employee is recorded. This record is maintained both by manual system and
computerized system. Employee selection, employee appraisal and leave records are also the
part of this department’s work. Different motivational tools for the employees are also
managed by this department. The sales & marketing department in Shamim & Co. performs a
very vital role. This department is very strong. It manages all the sale force. Mr. Aamir
Hameed is the G.M of Marketing and sale department. He is very experienced person and he
manages all the sale force in a good manner. The G.M give monthly, quarterly, semi ann He
adopts the policy that they hire the experienced person for the manager level jobs and fresh
MBA’s for the officer’s level jobs. The distribution system as well as the supply system of
Shamim & Co. is very effective and very strong. That’s why Shamim & Co. market shares

Nageena Hassan
Shamim & Co
are above 80%. The Shamim & Co. employees build very strong relationship with the
customer. Company also gives incentive and bonus to the employees on achieving their
targets. The marketing department makes the advertising of all the new promotion, launching
and re launching of brands. The marketing department is just perform the BTL (below the
line) marketing that include the banners, counters, billboard, wall chalking, paints and
promotion of the PCI ads.

The Key accounts department is basically works on the conversion of the Coca-Cola point
into the Pepsi Cola points. The main focus of this department is to convert the Coca-Cola
point on the basis of low cost and using their personal abilities and personal relations. They
attract the Coca-Cola points by giving deep freezer or visi cooler, through trade payment &
advance payment, by offering a big amounts discounts and different schemes and including
their names in the lucky Draw.
The TOT department is work on the issuance and repairing of the deep freeze and visi
coolers. This department is established before three years. First this department work under
the SIS department. This department major focus is on the philosophy “COLD IS SOLD”.
The TOT department work very effectively. When all the documents of agreement are
completed, then their first priority is to ensure the very soon delivery. This department work
throughout the year but the season of issuance deep freezer and visi cooler.
Market Research & sales information system is a very important department for any firm.
This department aims to keep current records of each and every outlet of the franchise.
Through this system, management comes to know about the market share, name & address of
each outlet, TOT details, publicity position, Discount Verification.

Nageena Hassan
Shamim & Co

All praises to Almighty Allah alone, the Most Merciful and the most compassionate In
completion of this work I am thankful to Almighty ALLAH, as I firmly believe, without his
gracious help; this accomplishment would not have been possible.
Last but not least, all admirations for my parents without them I will be nothing. Words are
very few to express enormous humble obligations to my affectionate Parents for their prayers
and strong determination to enabling me to achieve this job. Then I cordially thank people at
Pepsi Limited who convey me knowledge in such a way that make internship experience
very interesting for me. There given corporate exposure will always be step of success for me
in my practical life.
I am also indebted Dr. Muhammad Shaukat Malik (Head of Department of Institute of
Banking and Finance) and to my project advisor Asst. Professor & Internship
Coordinator Dr. Muhammad Imran Hanif IBF, BZU Multan for his instruction as well as
service over the whole course of period. I tried my level best to prepare this report with high
level of accuracy but no one claim to perfect other than ALMIGHTY ALLAH.
I am also indebted to specially Name (Branch manager of Pepsi, Multan) for allowing to me
to do my internship and also providing me necessary assistant and guidance.

Nageena Hassan
Bahauddin Zakariya University Multan

Nageena Hassan
Shamim & Co

1.EXECUTIVE SUMMARY...................................................................................................6
2.1 FORMATION OF PEPSI COLA INCORPORATION....................................................9
2.1.1SETUP OF PEPSI COLA........................................................................................10
2.2 Introduction to Shamim & Co. (Pvt) Ltd Multan...........................................................10
3. Vision.....................................................................................................................................1
5.MANAGEMENT OF SHAMIM AND COMPANY.........................................................15
5.1 MANAGEMENT HIERARCHY...................................................................................16
6.1 PRODUCTS...................................................................................................................17
6.1.1 Brands introduced in Pakistan.................................................................................18
6.1.2 Pepsi marketing phraseS.........................................................................................18
6.1.3 Pepsi LOGOS..........................................................................................................18
6.1.4 COMPLETE PRODUCT LINE OF SHAMIM & CO............................................19
6.1.5 BRAND PORT FOLIO...........................................................................................20
6.2 PRICE............................................................................................................................23
6.3 PLACE...........................................................................................................................24
6.4 PROMOTIONS..............................................................................................................26
6.4.1 Point of Purchase Promotions.................................................................................26
6.4.2 Personalize Marketing.............................................................................................26
6.2.3 PEPSI Culture.........................................................................................................26
6.2.4 Competitors.............................................................................................................27
7.Learning as Student Internee.............................................................................................27
7.1 Fields of Activities.........................................................................................................28
7.2 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT..........................................28
7.2.1 Recruitment Procedure............................................................................................28
7.2.2 Process of Recruitment and Selection Chart...........................................................28
7.2.3 Career Path..............................................................................................................30
7.2.4 OBSERVATION & SUGGESTION........................................................................31
7.2.5 My activities............................................................................................................32
7.3 Management Information System.................................................................................32
7.3.1 Plant Efficiency System..........................................................................................33
7.3.2 Sales & Distribution System...................................................................................33
Nageena Hassan
Shamim & Co
7.3.3 General Ledger System...........................................................................................34
7.3.4 Payroll SysteM........................................................................................................34
7.3.5 Future Plans.............................................................................................................34
7.3.6 My activities............................................................................................................34
7.3.7 Suggestions.............................................................................................................35
7.3.8 MANAGEMENT HIERARCHY............................................................................36
7.4 MIS SUB SECTIONS....................................................................................................37
7.4.1 Information Cell and Reporting Section................................................................37
7.4.2 Reports/Information provided to sales staff/Distributor.........................................38
7.4.3 Internal Audit Section.............................................................................................38
7.4.4 Reporting Section....................................................................................................39
7.4.5 Losses Report..........................................................................................................39
7.4.6 TOT verification......................................................................................................41
7.4.7 My activities............................................................................................................41
7.4.8 Suggestions.............................................................................................................42
7.4.9 Flow of information Chart......................................................................................43
7.5 Finance department........................................................................................................44
7.5.1 Managements Accounts Department.......................................................................44
7.5.3 My Activities...........................................................................................................46
7.5.4 Problem...................................................................................................................46
7.6 Coordination Accounts department................................................................................46
7.6.1 My Activities...........................................................................................................47
7.6.2 Suggestions.............................................................................................................47
7.7 Customer Service Department:......................................................................................47
7.7.1 My activities............................................................................................................47
7.8 MARKETING & SALES DEPARTMENT...................................................................49
7.8.1 OBJECTIVE OF MARKETIND DEPARTMENT.................................................49
7.8.2 Marketing Operation...............................................................................................49
7.8.3 Marketing strategy..................................................................................................50
7.8.4 MARKET DEVELOPMENT.................................................................................51
7.8.5 OUTLET.................................................................................................................51
7.8.6 Competition Activity Monitoring............................................................................52
7.8.7 PUBLICITY MANAGEMENT..............................................................................52
7.8.8 Publicity verification...............................................................................................53
7.8.9 Special Assignments................................................................................................54
Nageena Hassan
Shamim & Co
7.8.9 Merchandising (Display).........................................................................................55
7.8.10 Presentation...........................................................................................................55
7.8.11 My activities..........................................................................................................56
7.9 COLD ASSETS Department..........................................................................................57
7.9.1 TOT Issuance..........................................................................................................57
7.9.2 Chiller Injection......................................................................................................58
7.9.3 Physical Verification...............................................................................................58
7.9.3 TOT Workshop........................................................................................................59
7.9.4 Types of Freezers....................................................................................................59
7.9.5 I learnt in this department.......................................................................................59
7.10 KEY ACCOUNT DEPARTMENT..............................................................................60
7.10.1 Trade Payment.......................................................................................................60
7.10.2 Advance Payment..................................................................................................60
7.10.3 My Activities.........................................................................................................60
7.11 SALES INFORMATION SYSTEM............................................................................61
7.11.1 Market Share.........................................................................................................61
7.11.2 Publicity Management...........................................................................................63
7.11.3 Discount Verification.............................................................................................64
8 FINANCIAL ANALYSIS....................................................................................................64
8.1 LIQUIDITY RATIO’S...................................................................................................64
8.2 Current Ratios................................................................................................................65
8.3 ACID- TEST RATIO......................................................................................................66
8.4 TIME INTEREST EARNED.........................................................................................67
8.5 DEBT RATIO’S:............................................................................................................68
8.6 D/E RATIO:...................................................................................................................69
8.7 ASSET MANAGEMETNT............................................................................................70
8.8 TOTAL ASSET TURNOVER........................................................................................71
8.9 Inventory Turnover.........................................................................................................72
8.10PROFITABILITY RATIO’S:........................................................................................73
8.11 RETURN ON ASSET’S...............................................................................................74
8.12 NET PROFIT MARGIN..............................................................................................75
9 Swot analysis........................................................................................................................76
9.1 STRENGTHS.................................................................................................................77
9.2 WEAKNESSES.............................................................................................................78
9.3 OPPORTUNITIES.........................................................................................................78
Nageena Hassan
Shamim & Co
9.4 THREATS......................................................................................................................79
10 Suggestions.........................................................................................................................79
11 Comments...........................................................................................................................80
12 REFERENCE......................................................................................................................80


2. Introduction to Shamim & Co. (Pvt) Ltd Multan

Nageena Hassan
Shamim & Co
Shamim & company (Pvt.) Ltd. is a franchise of “Pepsi Cola International”. The company
established in 1964. Mr. Allah Nawaz Khan Tareen was the founder of the company and also
chairman. It is a great pleasure of “Shamim & Company” that it was Second Beverage
Company of Pakistan that time, and this time one of famous Beverage Company of South
There are 9 franchise of Pepsi cola international in Pakistan, Shamim & co. is one of them
that is situated at District jail road Multan. Other franchise of Pepsi cola are situated in
Lahore, Faisalabad, Karachi, Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Gujranwala, Sakhar, Peshawar and
Baluchistan that are describe above. The company was started 1 st production in 1967 that
time brand was 7-up 270 ml that is why it is also known as 7-up factory. It is deal in CSD
(carbonated Soft Drinks).Pepsi cola international franchise Shamim & company covering 11

Shamim & Co. Multan has very committed staff and this is the reason that it captures more
than 80% share of market share. Company has now serviced new experienced & competent
sales staff & increases this share to 90% and above.
Depending on the potential of the town we have one and more than one distribution in each
town. At this time four distributions are working in Multan. Sales supervisor, sales officer is
responsible for all the activities of the entire distributor. He looks after the stock availability
possibility and all the routes covered by the salesman of that distribution. Salesman training
is also a main responsibility of sales supervisor.
Company has invested too much money in shape of coolers, visi coolers, counters and cabin.
These are offered to those shops which are producing good sales to promote sales.
All the services matters of coolers and maintenance and look after of these assets are also the
responsibility of our sales force.
Every salesman the distribution network is covering a specified area in which all the points
and shops are listed in a “Route Card” salesman is bound to fill that.

Background of Pepsi

Nageena Hassan
Shamim & Co
Pepsi is a carbonated soft drink produced and manufactured by PepsiCo. The drink was

first made in the 1890s by pharmacist Caleb Bradham in New Bern, North Carolina. The

brand was trademarked on June 16, 1903. There have been many Pepsi variants produced

over the years since 1898. In 1893--Caleb Braham, a young pharmacist from New Bern,

North Carolina, begins experimenting with many different soft drink concoctions; patrons

and friends sample them at his drugstore soda fountain with the name of "Brad's Drink.

It was first introduced as "Brad's Drink" in New Bern, North Carolina in 1898 by Caleb

Bradham, who made it at his pharmacy where the drink was sold. It was later named Pepsi

Cola, possibly due to the digestive enzyme pepsin and kola nuts used in the

recipe. Bradham sought to create a fountain drink that was delicious and would aid in

digestion and boost energy. In 1903, Bradham moved the bottling of Pepsi-Cola from his

drug store to a rented warehouse. That year, Bradham sold 7,968 gallons of syrup. The next

year, Pepsi was sold in six-ounce bottles, and sales increased to 19,848 gallons. In 1909,

automobile race pioneer Barney Old field the first celebrity to endorse Pepsi-Cola,

describing it as "A bully drink...refreshing, invigorating, a fine bracer before a race". The

advertising theme "Delicious and Healthful" was then used over the next two decades. In

1926, Pepsi received its first logo redesign since the original design of 1905. In 1929, the

logo was changed again. In 1931, at the depth of the Great Depression, the Pepsi-Cola

Company entered bankruptcy - in large part due to financial losses incurred by speculating

on wildly fluctuating sugar prices as a result of World War I. Assets were sold and Roy C.

Megargel bought the Pepsi trademark.

Nageena Hassan
Shamim & Co
Eight years later, the company went bankrupt again. Pepsi's assets were then purchased by

Charles Guth; the President of Loft Inc. Loft was a candy manufacturer with retail stores

that contained soda fountains.

He sought to replace Coca-Cola at his stores' fountains after Coke refused to give him a

discount on syrup. Guth then had Loft's chemists reformulate the Pepsi-Cola syrup formula.

On three separate occasions between 1922 and 1933, the Coca-Cola Company was offered
the opportunity to purchase the Pepsi-Cola company and it declined on each occasion.

Shamim & Co was established in 1967 under a franchise agreement with 7-UP to bottle 7-Up
Soft Drinks. During 1973 Shamim & Co. Pepsi Cola Multan started to bottle Pepsi cola as
well. This was the first Pepsi franchise in Pakistan.
Since 1967 we have managed to grow rapidly and hold a commanding market share which
has made us one of the premier bottling companies in the region. Our products are
manufactured under strict quality control and conform to international quality standards set
by Pepsi co. We have an extensive network of Distributors and well-trained sales staff to
market and distribute our products in whole of the southern Punjab, a territory that covers
almost 150,000 Sq.k.m. we cater a population of over twenty million people through more
then 22000 outlets out of which 14,000 are exclusively Pepsi cola sellers. We provide a
complete business package to our retailers including horizontal and vertical bottle coolers,
point of purchase advertising, cash credit, etc.
Shamim & Co. Pepsi Cola Multan is currently enjoying above 80% market share in the
franchise which is the highest for any Pepsi Cola Franchise in the world. We were declared
“Bottler of the Year” in the region for outstanding performance. We plan to continue with our
business traditions in the future.

Pepsi Shamim & Company (Pvt) Ltd
Factory District jail Road Multan

Nageena Hassan
Shamim & Co
Tel :( 061) 4515037
Fax :( 061) 4586644

3. Vision

The vision statement is “we were number one, and we will be number one”. Their

collective success depends on their healthy balance strategies the organizations needs and

the needs of their employees and their families


Nageena Hassan
Shamim & Co
To be the world's premier consumer Products Company focused on convenient foods and

beverages. We seek to produce healthy financial rewards to investors as we provide

opportunities for growth and enrichment to our employees, our business partners and the

communities in which we operate, and in everything we do, we strive for honesty, fairness

and integrity.”

Goals of Pepsi
The goals of Pepsi are:
• To manufacture high-standard products.
• Promoting products to the highest extent.
• Producing large volume to achieve production cost economies.
• Enabling quality products to be sold out at obtainable prices.
• To provide the online facility in every department.
• To achieve the goals which are in profit terms.
• Make best efforts to win the trust and confidence of its customers.
• To offer the varieties of services to meet the requirement of domestic as wellas foreign
• To adopt modern industrial techniques.
• Efficient in providing evening time facilities.
• To get all the departments computerized.


PepsiCo has also developed its culture among children and Next Generation is its Slogan.
Now Pepsi has become the need of everyone and it is only possible due to its strong
Other Two ways that Pepsi cola is used.
 BTL (Below the Line)
 ABL (Above the Line)

Nageena Hassan
Shamim & Co
In Below the line company use advertising tools such as bill board, outdoors, banners and
above the line company use electronic media, print media, radio. Shamim and company use
below the line strategy. Above the line strategy is use in upper Punjab.

Departments of Pepsi
1. Human Resource department
2. Finance Department
3. Sales Department
4. Operation Department
5. Production Department
6. Cash Department
7. Research Department
8. I.T Department

Scope of Shamim & Co.

At the heart of PepsiCo is Performance with Purpose our goal to deliver top-tier financial
performance while creating sustainable value for all stakeholders. We believe that delivering
for our consumers and customers, protecting our environment, sourcing with integrity and
investing in our employees are not just the right thing to do, but that these actions also
position PepsiCo for long-term, sustainable growth. In addition, we are proud of our market
leading brands, but also attach great value to growth opportunities and personal development.
Next to working with inspirational and creative colleagues we offer sufficient training
opportunities to give our professionals the opportunity to achieve great results. At PepsiCo
we know an informal working atmosphere and we embrace everyone’s input and ideas. No
day is ever the same and you will constantly be challenged to bring out your best!

Nageena Hassan
Shamim & Co

Pepsi Organogram

Nageena Hassan
Shamim & Co


Brand Packing Unit Volume

Pepsi 250 ML 24 bottles per case 250 ML per bottle
1000 ML 12 bottles per case 1000 ML per bottle
1500 ML(PET) 6 bottles per case 1500 ML per bottle
300 ML 12 bottle per case 300 ML Per bottle
500 ML 6 bottle per case 500 ML per bottle
Pepsi Diet …………….. ……………….. ……………….
7 up 250 ML 24 bottles per case 250 ML per bottle
1500 ML(PET) 6 bottles per case 1500 ML per bottle
1000 ML 12 bottle per case 1000 Ml per bottle
300 ML 12 bottle per case 300 ML Per bottle
500 ML 6 bottle per case 500 ML per bottle
7 up free ……………… ……………… ……………….
Mirinda 250 ML 24 bottles per case 250 ML per bottle
1500 ML(PET) 6 bottles per case 1500 ML per bottle
300 ML 12 bottle per case 300 ML Per bottle
500 ML 6 bottle per case 500 ML per bottle
1000 ML 12 bottle per case 1000 ML per bottle
Mountain Dew 250 ML 24 bottles per case 250 ML per bottle
1500 ML(PET) 6 bottles per case 1500 ML per bottle
300 ML 12 bottle per case 300 ML Per bottle
500 ML 6 bottle per case 500 ML per bottle
Sting 250 ML 24 bottle per case 250 ML per bottle
Sting 500 ML 12 bottle per case 500 ML Per bottle
Slice juice 240 ML 24 bottle per case 240 ML Per bottle

Nageena Hassan
Shamim & Co


A product is anything that can be offered to a market to satisfy a want or need and a service is
an act or performance that is essentially intangible and does not result in the ownership of
anything. What products or services have to be offered to the target market depends on the
market requirement and also the organization’s profits. The organization will offer those
products and services, which result in maximum profits and minimum costs


 Pepsi cola
 Pepsi Diet

 7UP

 7UP free

 Mirinda

 Mountain Dew

 Sting

 Slice juice


Nageena Hassan
Shamim & Co

Nageena Hassan
Shamim & Co


The head office is situated in New York (USA) with units operating in different
regions of the world. These are called Business Units and Pakistan is in MENAPak
(Middle East, North America and
Pakistan). The head office of MENAPak is situated in Dubai (UAE). The local head
offices for each country are situated in the respective capitals .







Nageena Hassan
Shamim & Co









Marketing is the task of creating, promoting and delivering goods and services to consumers
and businesses. Organizations identify and profile distinct group of buyers who might prefer
or require varying products and marketing mixes. The customer seeks for value and
satisfaction. The organizations can increase the value of the customer offering in several
ways e.g. raising benefits, reducing costs etc. marketing mix is a set of marketing tools that
the firm uses to pursue its marketing objectives in the target market. These marketing tools
are known as 4 ps of marketing. These four marketing tools are viewed as 4c’s by the

4 P’s 4C’s
Product / Services Customer Solution
Price Customer Cost
Place Convenience
Promotions Communication

To identify the customer needs and fulfilling hem is the basic objective of an organization.
Shamim and Co Bottling Company provides a winning combination of products and services
Nageena Hassan
Shamim & Co
to its prime customers. PepsiCo is one of the world leading companies, which ensures
complete security, and reliability in all transactions.


The Pepsi logo has changed many times over the years. Here's a chronological history of the
various logos.



An important part of product planning is branding, the procedure a firm follows in

researching, developing and implementing its brands.
Nageena Hassan
Shamim & Co
As already noted, a brand is a name term design or symbol that identifies the products of a
seller or group of seller.
There are four types of brand designation.

“Brand name is a word, letter, group of words or letters that can be spoken. Pepsi-cola has
introduced its product lines under the same brand name that is PEPSI”.
“Brand mark is a symbol, design, or distinctive colouring and lettering that can not be
Trade character is a brand mark that is personified.
“A trade mark is a brand–name, brand mark or trade character or combination there of, that is
given legal protection”.
So that trade mark of the Pepsi can be a symbol or the brand name ie Pepsi.
According to Pepsi-Cola, branding is very necessary due to following reasons.
Pepsi-cola products can easily be identifiable than that of their competitors. A customer can
order a product by name instead of description. Customers are assured that they are
demanding a certain level of quality product and people believe that they are getting the
comparable quality. If the same brand is recorded. They believe that the well branded legally
protected product is directly identified by the customers and leave the positive good image in
customer mind. They believe that well branded product is a well known product. Branding
the product is necessary to build the long lasting image. In consumer mind so as the people
become brand loyal. They say that 95% of the customer are brand loyal. They believe that
they enhance their product prestige and social visibility through brand name. And
furthermore they are enhancing this social visibility through sales promotion techniques by
highlighting the brand –name of Pepsi. Due to the brand–name, Pepsi –Cola has built a good
and remarkable image in consumer mind. So people feel less risk at the time of purchasing
the Pepsi-Cola products and towards it people show the positive and favorable attitude.

Nageena Hassan
Shamim & Co
Even for there all products their brand name is same but they believe that branding
segmented the markets by creating tailored image.

It is second important tool of marketing mix because it plays a major role in determining the customer’s choice. Also it is the only marketing
tool that results into revenue. The customer makes a comparison between the prices offered by other companies and PepsiCo and then
selects the most suited offer. Following is the list of prices of different products.

1000ML OF EACH BRAD Rs. 40
250 ML STING RS.20
500 ML STING RS.45
240 ML Slice Juice RS. 15
Shamim and Co Bottling Company normally uses on going price strategy by seeing its major
competitor Coca Cola besides this company also uses Discount price strategy during special
occasions. Like Ramzan offer.

The location of the organization plays a vital role in making its operations profitable. If the
organization outlets are located in some near markets then it will be very easy for it to attract
people. Therefore Shamim and co has most of its outlets at places where it can reach its
targets customer easily. Following are the major areas which come under operations of
Shamim and co:

 Multan
 Sahiwal
 Muzafar Garrah
 Lodhran
 Bahwalpur
 Bahawal Nagar

Nageena Hassan
Shamim & Co
 Rahim Yar Khan
 Pakpattan
 D.G Khan
 Khanewal
 Vehari

PepsiCo is actively participating in promotion of its products and services through
advertisement and other promotional schemes. PepsiCo spends a major portion of its budget
on advertising.

 Coca cola is one of the major competitors

Fields of Activities

Shamim and Co Bottling Company is the franchise of Pepsi Cola International. It performs
all the operations through its different department, only company receives Concentrate (basic
formula) from Pepsi cola international and remaining other activities are performed by the
company itself. Following are the major departments of Shamim and Co
 Customer service department
 Shipping Department
 Marketing and sales department
 Cold assets department

Nageena Hassan
Shamim & Co
 Key accounts department


Major sources of potential job candidates are
 Newspaper Adds
 Internal Search Advertisement
 Employees Referrals (Permanent Employees of SCL)
 Manager’s Recommendations


CV acceptance Qualification

Written Test If Qualified RJP

Demand generation
By respective dept Experience

3rd Interview 2nd Interview 1st Interview

Panel interview By Manger of By team tracking Manger

With GM Respected Dept

Final Selection Joining

Nageena Hassan
Shamim & Co
The candidates are selected on the basis of
 Written Test

 Interview by HR Manger

 Interview by Concerned Department Head

 Final Interview by MD/Director

Interviews for worker level job where qualification and skill requirement is low, this formal
procedure is not adopted rather candidates abilities are fledged by department head and sent
to factory manager for approval. Orientation is the introduction of new into his or her job &
the organization.


General Manager

Assistant General Manager




(Up level) exective

Nageena Hassan
Shamim & Co



Management Information System

In today's fast moving business environment, organizations are rapidly moving towards
computerization and information systems. In this era of rapid and frequent changes, it
provides current, reliable and accurate information to the management. This information is
very useful in decision-making. Information systems are generally defined as the systems that
provide regular and current information to management for decision-making. MIS
department of Shamim and co is playing a vital role in this regard. MIS is now the back bone
of the whole system of Shamim and Co. The department is working with a small setup &
satisfying the information requirements of the organization with a smart staff and developed
setup, the department has eliminated much workload, paper work and saved a lot of precious
time. The MIS department is currently performing its day-to-day operations as well as
involved in software development. It also provides technical assistance and training to other
departments. At the time oracle 8.0 is in execution. All computers in the Department are
networked by LAN (local area network) the department has licensed software working.
The following systems are working in the department..
The system is designed to keep current information about what is going on in production &
plants. The system is helpful in getting production figures and reports about line utilization,
line efficiency, mechanical efficiency, employee code, name, basic salary, allowances, tax,
net pay and any other adjustments supplied by time office.
The most comprehensive system of MIS is sales and distribution system. It incorporates
 Sales system

Nageena Hassan
Shamim & Co
 Cash system
 Shipping system
 Post mix system
 Load report ( dealer wise, depot wise )
 Settlement sheet ( dealer wise, depot wise )
 Shipping shift summary
 Daily liquid out report
 Agent wise load out summary
 Agent wise sales summary
 District wise sales summary
 Computerize sales statements
 (monthly, semi annually, annually)
 Cash report
Filled inspection, breakage, actual production, paid time, stoppage, production time etc
General ledger system of Accounts is on line from IST July, 2000. The system logs all
accounts and shows balance sheet & profit & loss statement incorporating every transaction.
The output of the system is pay slips and payroll report at the end of month. Payroll report
incorporates. All these reports are extremely important in the day-to-day operations of the
above mentioned departments. In addition, customized reports can be obtained as required.
The system is implemented at each depot as well.

The main employees of MIS department are following:

Mr.Rizwan Zafar
Assistant Manager
Monitoring the operation cell
Mr. Muhammad Mazhar.

Nageena Hassan
Shamim & Co
Monitoring the information cell
Mr. Muhammad Yasir.
Monitoring the SOS (secondary operation sales) cell
Monitoring the Distributors Accounts section
Mr. Muhammad Ali.
Monitoring the Internal Audit Section




Internal Operation
Audit Cell

Nageena Hassan
Shamim & Co

This cell is established to facilitate the stake holders.

Information cell interact with Area Sale Managers ,Distributors to provide them information
about their Empty In. Empty out status , their cash balances their incentives , Discounts
claims each and every kind or information they provide them which are related to their

Information cell collects information from operation Dept. Local Dept., Distributor
Accounts Dept., Internal Audit section, Reporting section and all sources of MIS Dept.
Through Termite and Microsoft Excel which are shared in all cells of MIS Dept. And
communicate to stake holders through telephone, E-mails, and Fax according to situation or
when they demand.

Internal audit section is section which checks and verifies all the tasks and activities of the
MIS department. Means in this section they reconcile the all kinds of reports which are made
on Termlite and reconcile these reports of M/S EXCELL.
Internal Audit Techniques
Internal audit section is working with the process of Inspection, Observation, Enquiry
and computation. Then reporting and filing.
Reporting section interact with internal departments of the company Several reports have
been made which are explained under, and forward these reports to Accounts, Admin. Sales
and finance for further processing because MIS department is directly relate with sales
Reports of reporting section
Following are the reports of reporting section:
Daily sales loading report

Nageena Hassan
Shamim & Co
In daily sales loading report department keep the record of sale to distributors that how much
quantity has been sold to distributor brand wise.

Daily sales comparison

Reporting cell make this report to compare the sale of current day with the same day of last
year to calculate the growth rate.
Company has a policy to compensate with distributors some portion of breakage, burst, and
leakage of bottles. Reporting section makes the losses report of Distributors to give them
some portion of losses with the approval of higher management authorities of the company.
Target Projection Monthly/ Periodically
Reporting section mostly works on growth calculation, Ratio analysis of sales with the sale of
pervious year so in this section they give the targets with the instruction of sale department
and makes the proper reports of target achievements of distributors.
One page loading projection report
This report keeps the record of given targets and achieved targets of the distributors with
values and percentage.
Daily, MTD/Loading
This is report is updated on daily basis in reporting section. This report shows the record of
loading/sale from the start of month to current date.
Year to Date sale/loading report
This report is same like MTD loading report but here loading is recorded from stating of year
to current date.
Sales/Loading record& Analysis
In this report reporting section analyze the sales growth in percentage we can say ratio
analysis of the sale of distributors. They calculate the growth with the formula of
= current year sale - pervious year sale *100
Previous year salesOperation cell
The following functions are monitoring in operation section.
Monitoring the primary sales

Nageena Hassan
Shamim & Co
Empty in
Empty out
Losses issues
Brakeage issues
SOS deals with Trade offering Tools (TOT). T.O.T. means list of items available in a shop,
which helps to sell our product conveniently on priority basis. It is one of the major
investments being made by the company. T.O.T. management completely depends upon the
Sales force. The factors to be considered are
Data collection about the sale, volume, growth, profitability, size and place of the shop
Record of all the T.O.T. given to the shopkeeper.
Deep Freezer
Visi Cooler
Ice Chest
Monthly claims verification
Discount verification
Checking all the equipment time by time any removing their complaints


Finance Department

Department H R Department

Nageena Hassan
Shamim & Co

Cash Department Research & SIS Department

Sales & Marketing Department

Finance department
This is one most important departments of this organization. This department made the
financial plans of the organization, they analyze their resources and then concise other reports
and gives the whole budget the organization can afford. Mr.Sohail Butt is general manager

Nageena Hassan
Shamim & Co
and looking after these departments. The departments which come under Finance department
 Managements Accounts Department.

 Coordination accounts departments.

 Banking and insurance department.

 Supply chain management department.


This department is working very efficiently under the leadership of

CH. TAHIR AMEEN. He is a manager of this department.
This department is very well established, having devoted workers.
The basic function of this department is to get data from production an MIS department to
prepare report.
 Daily stock position

 Ammanat Comparison Report

 Filled Stock position

 FIFO implementation Report

 Daily raw material yield report

 Daily production Losses Report

 Daily CO2 Production Report

 Labor Cost Tracking Report

 Shift wise record of daily transactions is maintained.

 Reconciling physical stock with MIS reports

 Posting on balance sheet register

Nageena Hassan
Shamim & Co
 Maintenance of stock FIFO system

The whole company’s function depends upon the reports generated by this department.

Coordination Accounts department

Mr. Khuram Shahzad is assigned the task of payment in the form of voucher.
The payments make to facilitate the customer and Employees. These department payments
on the basis of Banners, posters, signings, gifts, discounts, schemes counters and general and
department expenditure. These payments subtracted from annual expenditure and Publicity
Customer Service Department:
This is not a separate department rather it is headed by the head of Sales Capability
For the customer service and relationships the department has hired a new category of
employees, named as “Customer Representatives (CR)”. Their duty is to go with the
salesman in the vehicle and watch and note down all the activities of salesman. He also takes
feedback from shopkeeper and consumer. He maintains a separate record of sale and reports
it at the closing of the sale to the distributor and SCM. Further he has to check the freezers of
the shops, whether the shopkeeper is selling the Pepsi product or any other brand in Pepsi’s
freezer. In addition to this, the CR has to do the merchandising of Pepsi brands in the visi
coolers and make the visibility of every brand very clear.
Shipping is a very critical area for any beverage organization. It serves the role of coordinator
or middleman between production and sales. Ensuring appropriate quantity and on time
availability of empty & liquid stock is utmost important. This is a complete chain or cycle
and any weak link, bottle neck or disturbances will slowdown the whole operations.
The Shipping System of Shamim and Co is responsible for the management of the
Following tasks:
 Shipping is responsible for managing the empties that are required for production.
 Shipping is responsible for receiving the liquid clearance from excise to dispatch it
further to Depots & distributors or parties.
 Shipping is also responsible for maintaining proper stock of liquids and empties as
they appear in the liquid and empties stock register, so as the stock appears in the
Nageena Hassan
Shamim & Co
registers, it should also be physically present in the depots.
 The management of other empty stock is also the responsibility of Shipping
Department and its exchange is especially important in this case.


Sale and Marketing is the most important department of any beverage company. To boost the
sales and profit, this department should be properly planed and managed. Shamim and Co
PVT has a very aggressive and hardworking sales and marketing department. Due to its
efforts the company has got the first position in 1993 throughout the Pakistan.

 Increase brand awareness and loyalty among the target audience through optimal use
of resources.
 To improve the marketing share by improving visibility
 To improve the BTL planning and execution(Budget signage quality)
 To retain market leadership
 To improve store branding and merchandising activities
 Facilitates sales by accurate and response

Marketing Department

(Marketing strategy) (BTL budget planning (Merchandising and staff

And execution) management)

BTL Execution and planning

 Central workshop (base)

 BTL execution process
 Existing vendor setup
 Budget planning
Nageena Hassan
Shamim & Co


 Established the strategy in which type of market enter and increase the market share.
 Use best way of advertising and awareness to customer about brands or products.
 Make strategy to increase sales of the company


The first and the most basic job of the sales and marketing department are to plan, develop
and make targets. They make strategies to achieve those targets and develop the market.
Especially sales people are assigned monthly, quarterly, annual targets of the liquid sale. The
following major factors are considered in this respect.
 Collection of all the data about each and every distributors/ outlets, about its sale,
volume and growth.
 Finding the gaps in the market where there is a potential (New Accounts
 Finding the points where competitor is strong and how we can break this point.
 Location of non-traditional shops where potential is available for the beverage.
 Different offers must be given to break the competitors point or win the mix point.

Outlets play an important role in strengthening the market. By monitoring them you can build
your market, have their loyalty and increase your sale. Sales persons continuously visit
outlets, listen their complaints and satisfy their needs and requirements. They must have
information about each and every outlet, its growth, and volume. Proper is maintained to get
the feedback from the shopkeepers

Nageena Hassan
Shamim & Co
On the market side the sales people gather information and on the basis of this information
they further plan and improve their strategies.
 Checking of the designated area, its sale, volume and growth.
 Calculation of daily sales achievements on monthly target basis
 Location of the poor performance factors and analyzing their cause
 Finding their solution and getting the approval for its execution.
 Planning for a schedule for the designated area.
 Visiting the area according to the plan and reporting it to the higher management
To promote the image of the company and its products, publicity is a major tool. Publicity
plays an important role in the promoting the image in the consumer's minds. Publicity
involves Banners, posters, signings, gifts and schemes. Publicity budget is spent by focusing
the followings.
 Location of the area.
 Arranging the sources and requirements and making priority lists
 Carefully arranging the publicity execution.
This activity is based on research and marketing people usually perform this activity. It is
basically checking the each and every shop and gets information that what the shopkeeper is
selling and keeping in the shop regarding beverages. This activity is performed in the form of
teams. Structure of the teams is as follows:
 Team Leader (Marketing & Research Executive MRE)

 Team Members (Marketing & Research Offices/Supervisor)

The following activities are present in EDS:

 Market Visit (Data Collection about Shops)
 Data Analysis
 Report Preparation

This activity involves the following tasks to be performed by the marketing department:
Nageena Hassan
Shamim & Co
 Counters

 Wall Chalking

 Cabins

 Plastic Sign Board

 Road Boards

 Simple Boards

 Pan flex
Shamim & Company (Pvt) Ltd. Multan is very conscious about the development and growth
of its employees especially the sale force. They have designed an 8 step process for proper
guideline of their sales team just to make their sales calls effective and result oriented.

There steps are as follow:

 Preparation
 Greeting
 Stock Checking
 Merchandising
 Presentation
 Order taking
 Curb side de-briefing evaluation
 Administration

 To know the result of target and sale
 Get the route card to check the vehicle loading and SKUs

 To meeting with ASM and SO

It includes greetings and hand-shake. Greet the customer by name & he will be delighted
should be keep in mind of every person involved in sales.
Stock Checking (Stock Availability Store Checking)
This includes all the goods is dealing in this will help us to know about his financial worth
patented and clientage. Check the available SKUs in the store. Focus increases the sale of the
Nageena Hassan
Shamim & Co

 Display of Visi Cooler
 Display outside shop
 Availability inside Deep Freezers
It is the most important job to be performed by our sales force.
 Policy
 Scheme
 Product availability
 Total sales tack
Order Taking
 Taking Order from shopkeeper
Curb Side De-Briefing
Evaluation of the shopkeeper’s performance (in term of sales) is noted and compared to his
previous performance.
 Cash
 Empty
 Sales figure entry
 Infection of stock
Company desired to increase its market share from 80 % or above. This is only possible if we
 Retain our exclusive point
 Explore new points
 Increase sales of points
 Increase stock at mix points
 Conversion of coke points
 Elimination of B- Brands

Nageena Hassan
Shamim & Co

COLD ASSETS Department

TOT’s means list of items available in a shop, which helps to sell our product conveniently
on priority basis. It is one of the major investments being made by the company. TOT’s
management completely depends upon the Sales force.

The main work of this department is to maintain the record of freezers and visi coolers. This
department was come in to being 2009.Before; this was work under SIS department. To
supply the deep freezer visi coolers to the shops, canteen and all the point of Pepsi in their
core function.
 Data collection about the sale, volume, growth, profitability, size and place of the
 Record of the entire TOT’s given to the shopkeeper.
 Further plan for the injection of TOT’s
This department has two sub-departments:

 TOT Issuance

 TOT Workshop

The duties of TOT Issuance are:
 Chiller Injection

 Physical Verification

 Schedule Census/Tracking

 Handover

This is the first step of TOT department. The demand of freezers generated by sales officers
is notified by this department. After a certain amount of demand, the TOT department gets
the full documentation of all the requiring shops and verifies it. After verification of

Nageena Hassan
Shamim & Co
documents the head of TOT department, Sir Omer gets the signature of GM and issues the
After the issuance of freezers, the MEM goes himself to the market and verifies from the
shops either they have got the freezers on right time or not. If there is any complain then the
MEM calls back his subordinates and try to eliminate the problem.
Schedule Census/Tracking
In tracking process the sales officer notes down the regular sales of shop. He also checks the
functioning of freezers and write down about their performance. If any freezer is out of order,
he recommends it to be repaired.
If a shopkeeper switches to Coke or any other competitors brand, then he has to return his
freezer to the company. Then the representatives of TOT department picks up that freezer
from that shop and hand over it to any other shop where it is demanded.
The duty of this department is to repair the out of order freezers. This department is dealing
with the shops of only Multan base. The shops outside the Multan base are handled by
outsourcing. For inside complaints, the company has launched a UAN number, when shop
keeper calls on this number for his complaints; the office note downs the name of shop, deep
freezer number and name of distribution. The office allot a complain code to the shop keeper.
And send a team to the shop. If the problem is minor then the team repairs the freezer at the
spot, otherwise the team picks up the freezer and takes it to the workshop. For outside the
Multan base, the company has agreement with distributor and local mechanic who repairs the
freezer of the shop and gets payment from the company.
There are two types of freezers:
 Deep Freezers

 Visi-Coolers
Deep Freezer is available in three sizes:
10 CFT: It has the capacity to keep 8 to 10 crates of bottles.
12 CFT: It has the capacity to keep 12 crates of bottles.

Nageena Hassan
Shamim & Co
15 CFT: It has the capacity to keep 15 crates of bottles.
Similarly, Visi-Coolers are also available in three sizes:
250 SAX: It is small single door cooler.
400 SAX: It is large single/double door cooler.
1000 SAX: It is large double door cooler
 Dealings with shopkeepers to giving deep freezers or visi coolers.
 After dealing verification
 Documentation filling
Key accounts department convert the coke point in to Pepsi point on the basis of
incentive and refrigerator.
They convert this point on following basis
 Discount
 Given chiller and deep freezer
Here it is must to explain these two terms:
Payment is given by the company direct to the shopkeeper. Company gives a specific amount
to the shopkeeper for establishing their business. When the shopkeeper purchase the stock of
the company, then discount is not given to the shopkeeper, so the amount of discount is
charged by the company, so in this way company charge the entire amount which is given to
the shopkeeper.
Company gives the total amount to the distributors. So distributors give some stock of the
company and some amount to the shopkeeper to start their business. So the discount is not
given to the shopkeeper and this discount is charged by the company.
The conversion of the point is depends on the worth of the points. Because if you convert a
point, but this point not sale your brands very well, so the company not get the benefits of
Through this system, management can come to know

Nageena Hassan
Shamim & Co
 Market Share
 Publicity position
 Discount verification
The system is designed in such a way that reports can be obtained about each and every
 Distributor & area wise
 Route wise
 District wise
The system is useful in accessing market & investment position in each area.
Research Assistant Manager (Saeed Bhutta) analysis is a proprietary methodology developed
to help share determine whether their sale should go the market & new competitive products
in this market. This analysis allows research supervisor to go into the market, identify the
components that establish market share, and determine which of those like availability,
Chiller, Empty stock in order to improve their share position. Research supervisor analysis
the market & visit the shops, they analysis and click’s on there checking share format after
the completion of sample size; they come back and submit these checking format to the
Computer Section. Here information feed in the computer program and generate the result in
the form of Share Summary.
Market Category

 Main
 Side

 Village

 Captive

Main Market: These are main road, high volume market, wagon stands, and commercial

Side Market: These are colonies, mohallah, entrails, links road, side road.

Nageena Hassan
Shamim & Co
Village Market means village sides, small areas

Captive Market means parks, cinema, canteen, institute, govt. offices, kutchary, and courts.

Market Sample Size:

 Main Market 40 % of Total Sample

 Side Market 25% of Total Sample

 Village Market 20 % of Total Sample

 Captive market 15% of total sample

Market Share

Company set market share on following basis

 Floor stock
 Chiller stock
 Fresh Stock
But the company mostly focuses to set the market share on the basis of sale. Currently the
market share of Shamim and co is more than 80% and Pepsi cola in Pakistan market share is
approximately 75%

To promote the image of the company and its products, publicity is a major tool. Publicity
plays an important role in the promoting the image in the consumer mind. Publicity involves
Banners, Posters, Signings, gifts and schemes. Publicity budget is spent by focusing the
 Location of the area
 Arranging the sources and requirements and making priority lists
 Carefully arranging the publicity execution

Nageena Hassan
Shamim & Co
The SIS department also verifies the discounts that are give by the distributors. When
distributors give the discount to the shopkeeper’s then they claim this discount from the sales
department. The sales department gives this responsibility to the SIS department. The field
supervisors visit the market and verify from the shopkeeper that they are benefited from the
discounts or not. When SIS verifies then they sent back these claims to the sales department
and then sales department return the claims of the distributors.



I worked with Madam Arshial Yawar in this department. She helped me out to learn, how
they select and hire new employees. I also learnt how they are managing all departments.
And I work in employee selection process and also involve in test and interview session.
I Worked in MIS Department
Due to closing date of month Malik Kamran MIS manager Shamim & co just tells me
working of this department as like keeping the record of all management and employee,
record of distribution monthly sale, market share etc. And I prepared load report and shipping
I have also observed the behavior of MIS employees are really hardworking and cooperative.
There is a friendly atmosphere in this department. Seniors are very cooperative and take care
of juniors. In MIS I studied the basics of sale system. I have also studied the load report,
breakage, and daily liquid out report. How they manage the inventory.

What is the process of primary sales and how they makes a distributors invoice.
What is the process of secondary sales and how they make secondary data sheets.

I have also observed the behavior of MIS employees are really hardworking and
cooperative. there is a friendly atmosphere in this department. Seniors are very cooperative
and take care of juniors. I learned the measurement of bottles liquid.(incentives).I learned
different reports like losses report, production report, throughput report, estimation stock
report etc.I also studied the Procedure of different taxes implied.I observed the procedure of

Nageena Hassan
Shamim & Co
all reports to E-mail the MD.I worked Mr. Khalid and learned the all reports related to the
accounts management department.
How do transfer the stock from factory to godown.I studied the reports of syrup.(use in
production) to calculate what is appropriate stock level in a depot, when liquid should be sent
and in what quantity. In this department I have studied the budgeted for publicity and general
I make publicity bill on the basis of location and make a voucher of employees TADA
I work one week with CR merchandising the chiller and deep freezer of Pepsi. Pepsi stock
setting procedure I was follow as like left to right means high sales to low sales .I was go to
the shop and check the Pepsi stock and set these stock.
I work in marketing and sales department three weeks. One week I work on root wriding
check the supply gap of Pepsi stock and merchandising the visi cooler and deep freezer. And
2nd week I work on promotion activities. The work which was assigned to me was to do the
promotion of “Pepsi Promotion with Shahid Afridi”. This is a campaign initiated by Pepsi in
collaboration with Shahid Afridi to hunt for talented cricketers in almost every city of
Pakistan. For this purpose; we were transformed into teams and provided with promotional
material, which include:
 Posters 18*23 size
 Buntings
 Mobiles
 Tapes
My Duties

Our work was to go in all the Pepsi Points and decorate the shop with posters and buntings.
And 3rd week we are visit the main outlet of Pepsi like food festival, CSD, fresh life etc. And
check the demand of Pepsi in the market and perception of customer about Pepsi brand. To
check the pricing competition in the market, to ensure that the customers are benefited with
the schemes & discounts given by the company .In this week two days we are work on sale
of the company to make the bill of shopkeeper, get order and delivery of products.
I work with key accounts executive Mr.Muhammed Hassan we are go the shop asked to the
shopkeeper about their work and shop condition .How shop well work or sale of beverage
Nageena Hassan
Shamim & Co
like Pepsi or coke. Then we are consult to shop keeper to sells the Pepsi product, and tells
them the discount of company that’s company will giving.

My Projects
Total’s policies for employees


Loan for total’s employee is always available from company whenever they need it.

Loan is given to all level of employees and to all the designation in the company.

Loan is given according to the employee’s salary and they can take loan up till the amount of
three base salary.

They need to return loan within the duration of 2 years.

For the employees working with us for 5 years or more , total have extra fund account which
include 10% of their salary in fund every month and they can use this fund anytime they


Total provide an health/insurance card worth of Rs.500,000 to all the employees

This insurance card is valid in all the allocated hospitals of Pakistan.

Other than this insurance card employees are provided with the nominal amount of 10,000 to


Total is very concerned about safety of its employees.

As minimum as field employees total have allotted 1300cc cars which is currently Suzuki
swift .

All manager level are provided with a 1800cc cars that is Honda city.
Nageena Hassan
Shamim & Co
Above manager level till executive level and BODs are facilitated with Honda civic


Total almost do not terminate their employees or els they have very minimum list of actions
on which an employee from total will be terminated.

Total urgently terminate an employee only if he is found theft or any fraud with the company.

Other than this total give all the relaxation to the employee.

UBL Policies For Employees

1. UBL CashPlus ( Personal Loan Facility)

• UBL cashplus is a unique term loan financing product which offers you features, options
and flexibility.

• They give loan to every level of employees and he should also be permanent.

• Different loans for grades of employess with required markup.

2. UBL Medical Policies

• The Bank Gives medical insurance to its employees and their family.
• Every Year they gives 400,000 for medical Insurance.

• They allocate medical cards to their employees only use in the Hospitals.


• Just For Vise President & District level of Employees.

4. UBL Termination Policies

Nageena Hassan
Shamim & Co
• Urgent Termination is done due to Fraud or corruption.
• If anyone shares his ID with somebody then he or she is terminated immediately.

• Due to Money Laundering or Fake Account is also terminated immediately.

• Without any reason the holidays terminated immediately.

• Terminate immediate due to the use of a customer care account.

• Because of the misuse of the bank money it is also terminated.

• Anyone has an illegal transaction from employee ID, due to its terminate immediately.

• Somebody has put an attendance on the ID of the other employee, hence also terminate.



• SM food policy for giving loans to our employees include all the workers working in SM
foods for 3 years and more is applicable for applying loan .
• The amount of loan is equal to the amount grade salary of the employee.

• SM foods offer gratuity fund that an employee can use at anytime.

• SM foods only give loan within the payable amount an employee can pay.


• SM foods offer an insurance card for each of its employee that they can use that anytime
in the ospitals allocated by the company.
• This insurance card are different the amount for each level of employees i.e:

• For labor level of employee this insurance card is worth of Rs.150,000

• For officer level it is worth of Rs.200,000

Nageena Hassan
Shamim & Co
• For management level it is worth of Rs.300,000

• This insurance card can be used for employee himself and his wife and child


• As we SM foods do not work with daily wagers so it has all its permanent employees
• SM foods provide a bike facility all the order brokers (which they own after working
hours as well)

• SM foods also provide fuel for order brokers depending on their work load.

• For management level and executive level SM foods provide 1.8cc cars.


• Termination policy of SM foods is the same as in the law of the country that is according
to the ordinance act . 1968
• SM foods have the authority to urgently terminate an employee found in any kind of
theft, fraud and misconduct with the company.

• Other than these company give time and watch out an employee to make him stay in the

Nageena Hassan
Shamim & Co


These ratios are important in measuring the ability of a company to meet both its short term
and long term obligations.

Working Capital

Working capital is an indication of the short – run solvency of business

Working Capital = C.A – C.L.

Year 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

CA 343179640 390387892 468465470 562158564 674590277
CL 280253635 326286103 375229018 431513371 496240376
Working Capital 62926005 64101789 93236452 130645193 178349901

Nageena Hassan
Shamim & Co

Current Ratios
C. A
Current Ratio = C. L

Years 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

CA 343179640 390387892 468465470 562158564 674590277
CL 280253635 326286103 375229018 431513371 496240376
Ratio 1.2 1.2 1.25 1.30 1.36

Nageena Hassan
Shamim & Co

This ratio is like the current ratio but excludes current assets such as inventories and prepaid
expenses that may be difficult to quickly convert into cash.
Quick Ratio=Quick Assets / Current Liabilities

Years 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

CA 42218250 49449960 57856450 67692050 79876619
CL 280253635 326286103 375229018 431513371 496240376
Q Ratio 0.15064301 0.151554 0.1541897 0.15687127 0.16096356


This is the most common measure of the ability of a firm’s operations to provide protection
to the long-term creditor.



YEAR 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
EBIT 13130022 15544100 18432038 21643604 25539453
Exp 1644312 1061878 1536003 1812483 2138730
TIE 8 15 12 11 12
Nageena Hassan
Shamim & Co

This ratio measures what portion of a company’s assets is contributed by creditors.

YEAR 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
TD 281275235 327307703 376403858 432864437 497794102
TA 385165619 439795604 527754820 633305785 759966942
Ratio 73% 74% 71% 68% 65%

Nageena Hassan
Shamim & Co

This ratio indicates the extent to which debt is covered by shareholders’ funds. It reflects the
relative position of the equity holders and the lenders and indicates the company’s policy on
the mix of capital funds.

D/E = TD / TE
YEAR 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
28127523 32730770
TD 5 3 376403858 432864437 497794102
10389038 11248790
CE 4 1 151350962 200441348 262172840
D/E 2.71 2.9 2.5 2.2 1.9

These ratios are important in measuring the efficiency of a company
Day’s sales in receivable Shows both the average time it takes to turn the receivables into
cash and the age, in terms of days, of a company's accounts receivable.

Nageena Hassan
Shamim & Co
Gross Re ceivables
Days sales in receivable = Net Sales / 365

YEAR 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

A/R 16881442 15527617 20156759 23180273 26657334
Sales 849952926 885258201 1062309841 1274771809 1529726171
DSO 7 6 7 7 6


A company's effectiveness is generating sales revenue from investments back into the
company. The higher the Total Asset Turnover is the more effective use of the company's
investments. Total Asset Turnover can be very useful if you watch what actually makes up
the Total Assets of the company.
A company with low inventory and strict credit policies to keep Accounts Receivable low
will help the Total Asset Turnover look even better. Of course it depends on all of the
company's Total Assets.

YEAR 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
Sales 849952926 885258201 1062309841 1274771809 1529726171
TA 385165619 439795604 527754820 633305785 759966942
TAT 2.21 2 2 2 2

Nageena Hassan
Shamim & Co

Inventory Turnover

This ratio measures the number of times merchandise is sold and replaced during the year

Inventory turnover: Cost of goods sold/ Average Inventory

YEAR 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

CGS 587227740 644574970 741261215 852450397 980317957
Inventory 300961390 340937931 388669241 443082935 505114546
ITO 2 1.9 1.9 1.92 1.94

Nageena Hassan
Shamim & Co
Profitability Ratios show how successful a company is in terms of generating returns or
profits on the Investment that it has made in the business. If a business is liquid and efficient
it should also be Profitable.


The Return on Equity of a company measures the ability of the management of the company
to generate adequate returns for the capital invested by the owners of a company. Generally a
return of 10% would be desirable to provide dividends to owners and have funds for future
growth of the company

ROE = N.I / C.E

YEAR 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

NI 11485710 14482222 18102777 22628471 28285589
CE 103890384 112487901 151350962 200441348 262172840
ROE 11% 13% 12% 11% 11%

The Return on Assets of a company determines its ability to utilize the Assets employed in
the company efficiently and effectively to earn a good return. The ratio measures the
percentage of profits earned per dollar of Asset and thus is a measure of efficiency of the
company in generating profits on its Assets.


Nageena Hassan
Shamim & Co
YEAR 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
NI 11485710 14482222 18102777 22628471 28285589
TA 385165619 439795604 527754820 633305785 759966942
ROA 3% 3.30% 3.40% 3.60% 4%


The Profit Margin of a company determines its ability to withstand competition and adverse
conditions like rising costs, falling prices or declining sales in the future. The ratio measures
the percentage of profits earned per dollar of sales and thus is a measure of efficiency of the


YEAR 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

NI 11485710 14482222 18102777 22628471 28285589
Sales 849952926 885258201 1062309841 1274771809 1529726171
NPM 1.35% 1.64% 1.70% 1.80% 1.85%

Nageena Hassan
Shamim & Co

Swot analysis

Nageena Hassan
Shamim & Co

SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. Strengths and
weaknesses are internal to the organization and represent its culture while opportunities and
threats correspond to the environment outside the organization. Strengths are those qualities
which distinguish or give an edge to the organization over other organizations. A SWOT
analysis is a subjective assessment of data which is organized by the SWOT format into a
logical order that helps understanding, presentation, discussion and decision-making. The
four dimensions are a useful extension of a basic two heading list of pro's and con's.

 High brand image and customer loyalty
 Pepsi is currently the market leader with more than 80% of market share
 Effective and efficient management of distribution channel allows Pepsi Multan to
cover a huge geographical area.
 On site training of 4 to 6 months enables plant engineers to manage plant operations
effectively so that machine downtime is reduced to minimal.
 Pepsi provides its own transport to distributors to cover those geographical areas
where competitors are not distributing their products because of difficulties to reach
 Strong coordination between different departments
 Strong distribution network
 Strong sales & marketing department
 They have their own R&D department which is responsible for conducting market

Nageena Hassan
Shamim & Co
 Their plants are capable of producing round the clock.
 They offer attractive margins to the distributors, so distributors are willing to carry
PEPSI brands
 They provide direct delivery on CSD department.
 They offer attractive margins to the distributors, so distributors are willing to carry
PEPSI brands

 Supply Gap stock is not provide on the time
 Poor feed back from employees
 Loading and unloading of trucks can take place only in the night because of the law
permitting trucks to enter into urban areas only in the night.
 Factory is located in the residential areas with no proper parking arrangements for its
 Communication can only take place in a formal communication path which leads to
delay in decision making.
 No involvement of lower level subordinates in decision making.
 Record keeping is mostly done manually.

 Provide awareness to customer on time to time
 Because of high customer loyalty and brand image new brands can gain customer
preference very soon.
 There is high market growth opportunity
 They are planning for new production plant which will increase production capacity.
 Expanding markets through its strong advertisement
 Training of sales officer and salesman
 There is high market growth opportunity
 There is a continuous threat from Coca Cola and other new entrants.
 Empty glass bottles can be used by other parties to sell their drinks in PEPSI bottles.

Nageena Hassan
Shamim & Co
 Low graded PEPSI is also available in the market.
 Increase in competition
 Coca- Cola is on its way to get market share.


 Privatization policy and deregulation.
 Impact of subsidized credit affecting and NCB’s.
 Employment practices, Unions, Associations.
 Political Interference and harassment.
 Incidents of high taxation on banking industry.

 Constraints in mobilization of public savings because of inflation.
 Staff cost.
 Operating cost.
 Bad debts
 inflation

Nageena Hassan
Shamim & Co
Social & Cultural
 Inadequate human resources.
 Cultural strain to savings.
 Defaulter’s lobby.
 Declining education and work ethics.
 Inadequate accountability.
 Adequate empowerment.

 More adaptive to new technology
 Credit Risk Management System is used
 Lease Management System is used


 The entrance of every department must have proper reception to deal the visitors.

 The problem of printers in MIS department must be solved.

 Internet facility must be provided to every employee in Finance and MIS department.

 Drink (Pepsi) should be provided to employees of MA and MIS department at least one
time a day on daily basis.

 Lunch should be free for employees.

 Proper arrangements about the cleanliness of food should be done at the canteen.

 Supply chain department should be white washed properly.

 Steps should be taken to ensure cleanliness in each department. Each department should
be well decorated.

 The role of HR Department should be enhanced and its function should be increased to
all major departments.

 Transport facility should be provided to employees. It will act as a motivation tool and
will ensure in time presence of employees in respected departments.

 Proper culture about internship should be developed and proper arrangements about
internees should be developed so that internees can get proper knowledge about almost
every department in the company.

 To increase the motivating of employees.

Nageena Hassan
Shamim & Co
 Given incentive to the key accounts executive on the basis of conversion of coke point in
to Pepsi point.

 Assessing current human resource standards & generating human resources inventory.
 Assessing future human resources needs by organization’s strategies & future programs.
 At the moment, HR department is itself facing staffing problem & it seems to be
 For the medical bills and small loan employees need to get managing director’s approvals
and then pass through a long procedure. It should be simplified. Department heads
should be authorized to approved loans and medical bills up to a certain amount.
 Computer & job related aptitude test should also be made part of selection tests to have
better job personality fit.
 Performance appraisal has only once but it was a useless exercise because its results were
not used in future planning or changes. Performance appraisal should be conducted:
 To know development & training needs of employees.
 To get performance feedback.
 Anticipate direction for future performance
 To change/ compensation system.


Pepsi is a major organization that has spread its operations all over the country. All the
practices and procedures have been adopted after careful review by financial experts from all
over the country. Taking this into account,it would be very difficult for a student to give
suggestions. However, I would like to give some suggestions which would not be of technical
nature. On the basis of daily observations I would give some suggestions which if
implemented would prove beneficial for the Pepsi and industry will be able to work more

Following are the suggestions for pepsi.

 Pepsi should emphasis on their weakness and after sometime their weakness will become
their strength.

Nageena Hassan
Shamim & Co
 More incentives and promotion opportunities should be provided to employees of
organization so that employee become motivated and work wholeheartedly.

 By job rotation training can be provided to all employees. In this way every employee
will have knowledge and experience to do others employee work which will be beneficial
for the pepsi. For example if one employee of the bank face some emergency situation
and becomes absent then other employee of the able will be able to do his or her work. In
this problem will be resolved.

 Scholarship programs should be provided to employees who want further study so that
they can better professionals and qualified employee.

 Employees should be provided more computer training.

 More innovative products should be introduced. Such products should be introduced that
give more profit to customers because customers are more attracted towards these

 Proper marketing should be done. As we know that marketing play an important role in
achieving organization goals efficiently and effectively. pepsi should focus on marketing
sector so that products can be introduced to customers in a proper way.

 Pepsi should invest more in technology sector which will be beneficial for the bank.

 Document procedure should be reduced. When a customer comes in a bank for opening
of account then he or she has to sign at 8 to 9 places on account opening form which is
annoying for the customer.

 Industry of pepsi should be renovated properly because in some branches furniture is

obsolete and AC is not working properly.

 In some branches of Pepsi there is shortage of staff members. There are only few
employees and they have to do a lot of work which reduces efficiency of employee.


In this entire period of internship I have understand a lot about banking activities which will
help in improving my professional skills .In this pepsi I practically implement the knowledge
which I gained from the teachers. Working environment in an organization is totally different
from the environment for which students are usually used to. I learned that how to adjust
myself in working environment and how to work in that environment. On the basis of daily

Nageena Hassan
Shamim & Co
observation, I have come to the conclusion that working environment is good, staff is very
cooperative and helpful to each other and they maintain professional environment in the
bank. Management of the bank is very strong.

Pepsi is one of largest industry of Pakistan .In industrial sector it has a good reputation.
Customer and Employee of bank are two main parts of pepsi. If employees of pepsi are
satisfied then they will be able to satisfy the customer and when customer is satisfied then he
or she will have positive word of mouth regarding bank and will bring more customers to the
pespi .So keeping these things in view management of bank should satisfy and retain its
employees. Management of the bank is in safe hands and working efficiently for betterment
of pepsi.

In this modern era there are a lot of financial institutions that are working side by side. So in
order to survive in the market pepsi must introduce new and innovative products to attract
more customers. Pepsi is a well-known industry in Pakistan and it has done a lot of work in
strengthen corporate and retail banking sector in Pakistan. It is progressing day by day and its
progress is not a result of one day. It is opening new branches all over the Pakistan and is
providing better services to its customers.

Pepsi is making progress by leaps and bounds. Overall the performance of is good and it is
working efficiently and effectively for development of Pakistan.

Nageena Hassan
Shamim & Co

Nageena Hassan
Shamim & Co

Nageena Hassan
Shamim & Co

Nageena Hassan
Shamim & Co

Nageena Hassan
Shamim & Co

Nageena Hassan
Shamim & Co

Nageena Hassan
Shamim & Co

Nageena Hassan

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