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Constitution & Bylaws

Of the


Article 1

Name and Status

Section 1.1 This organization shall be known as the Parish Youth Apostolate - Music Society or
PYA - MS. The name shall not be changed without the agreement of 2/3 of the members.

Section 1.2 PYA - MS is a non-profit arts organization serving for the 6pm regular
Monday,Tuesday and Thursday masses and 4pm regular 5th Sunday mass of San Agustin
Parish Church, Valencia City, Bukidnon.

Section 1.3 PYA - MS Choir is a group of individuals with the gift of music, may it be through
singing or through playing different musical instruments; who are interested in the performance
of good choral music through a program of regular rehearsals and trainings.

Article 2

Purpose and Objectives

Section 2.1 The purpose of this organization are to serve God through music, the church
through leading the people in singing during mass; and the community through special projects
that will promote camaraderie and good will.

Section 2.2 The objectives of the group are:

To engage the members in activities that will help them grow spiritually
To promote a deeper understanding of the Word of God through praise and
To promote the standards of music among its members
To promote musical appreciation among members and the general public
To accept and receive grants or subsidies to meet the objectives of the group
To engage in fundraising activities as deemed necessary in order to meet the goals of
the choir
To facilitate projects that will help the community in any way possible.
Article 3

Eligibility and Membership

Section 3.1 Membership to choir is open to all singers who are atleast 16 years old. The
Executive Board may make exceptions to this guideline on an individual basis. Singers must be
able to sing tunefully. Individuals who play musical instruments can also be members depending
on the need of the group. The Executive Board may terminate a membership in the case of
unseemly conduct.

Section 3.2 Membership shall be granted to any such person who has passed the 2-month
probationary period which includes attendance, trainings, and rehearsals. They are not allowed
to sing within the given period. The Choir Master can allow a trainee to sing during Communion
part only so long as the trainee can.

Section 3.3 A weekly due of 10.00 shall be collected from each member to be used for music
sheet reproduction.

Article 4

The Executive Board and Officers

Section 4.1 The Executive Board consists of the following:

The Choir Master / Conductor – this person shall have the responsibility of directly
coordinating with the director. He/ She shall be responsible of choral practices and trainings.
This person shall teach the choir with the basics of music, from reading notes to singing them
right. The choir master shall be the one to make recommendations if a trainee passes the
probationary period or not which shall be approved by the adviser and the director. The Choir
Master is the head of the group. In the event that the Choir Master must leave the choir, he/she
must inform the Executive Board and Officers as early before the date they must leave as
possible. It is also the responsibility of the head, in the event of such a situation, to assist in
finding a new conductor.

The Choir Adviser – serves primarily as advisor to the Officers, making recommendations on
whatever aspects of the choir he/she sees fit, and can assist in choral activities.The adviser
shall also have the responsibility of being available for personal consultation by any member of
VOP. In the event that the adviser must leave the choir, he/she must inform the Executive Board
and Officers as early before the date they must leave as possible. It is also the responsibility of
the adviser, in the event of such a situation, to assist in finding a new adviser.
The Choir Director – This person shall have the responsibility of musically directing the choir,
the finding of additional musicians, as needed, for the choir to learn the current music from, and
special choir tasks. The director will also have the responsibility of directing the choir at
concerts, scheduled appearances and masses. He/She will be the one responsible in checking
all technicalities before the mass including but not limited to the sound system, microphones,
speakers, and instuments. In the event that the director must leave the choir, he/she must
inform the Executive Board and Officers as early before the date they must leave as possible. It
is also the responsibility of the director, in the event of such a situation, to assist in finding a new

Section 4.2 The Officers are the following:

President – presides organization meetings; coordinates the organization’s activities; ensures

that the constitution is faithfully executed; communicates with the Choir Master on all choir
activities; oversees the officers to ensure the whole program is functioning smoothly;
coordinates with the Cathedral Music Ministry when necessary; ensures that the Treasurer’s
books are audited after the books are closed for the year; and has the authority to obtain
assistance from outside of the organization if necessary.

Vice-President – assists in all presidential duties; assumes the duties of the President in the
President’s absence; fulfills assignments as directed by the President; serves as the
Chairperson of the Finance Committee and the Nominating Committee; serves as the Business
Manager of the group

Secretary / Treasurer – takes minutes of all minutes and keeps it in record; manages choir
correspondence as directed by the President; updates and maintains contact information of all
members; maintains accurate financial records using standard accepted accounting procedures,
receives all income of the choir and manages expenses; collects weekly due of 5.00 per

Public Relations Officer – assists the President in the schedules and activities of the
organization; coordinates with the members with regard to rehearsals and trainings scheduled;
this person shall have the authority to request additional help from the members of the choir for
issues related to their position; coordinates with the President and Vice-President in promoting
the choir to hire new members; looks for venues of training and rehearsals when needed

Librarian – keeps copies of music sheets and song books; serves as the Associate Musical
Section 4.3 The Special Officers and Members are the following:

Associate Trainer – is usually a person who is not a member of the group but is requested by
the Choir Master to assist him/her in training the group; assumes the responsibility of the Choir
Master in his/her absence; The Associate trainer can make recommendations to improve the
choir’s performance; can propose Musical pieces to be performed by the choir for masses and
other functions

Voice Leaders – appointed by the Choir Master; they assist the Choir Master during training
and rehearsals. One Voice Leader per voice (Soprano, Alto, Tenor and Bass); they are
responsible of monitoring the performance of the trainees and giving recommendations to the
Board if the trainee should pass or not

Article 5

Elections and Terms of Office

Section 5.1 Election of Officers will be held annually at the General Meeting in December.

Section 5.2 The Executive Board cannot be replaced unless the board member resigns

Section 5.3 No salaries will be given to ALL members of the Executive Board and officers

Section 5.4 Officers may be impeached for failure to perform the required duties, for
inappropriate behavior, or for ineffective performance. The issue to impeach an officer must be
brought in a regular meeting and shall be discussed. Following the conference, a meeting will
be held with the Executive Board and Officers and the subject to discuss the issues brought
forth. After the meeting has taken place, the topic of the officer’s impeachment must be placed
on the agenda of the next regular meeting and shall be voted upon by the members. An officer
may be impeached by the vote of at least 2/3 of the attending members

Section 5.5 Any officer who wishes to resign must inform the Executive Board in black and
white to be put on agenda for the next regular meeting

Article 6

Section 6.1 The Executive Board and the President have the authority to call upon meetings

Section 6.2 Assemblies are defined as follows:

Regular Practices – every 1st and 3rd Saturday of the month @ 730 PM.
Vocal Trainings – every 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month @ 730 PM
Major Practices – an important assembly in preparation for an activity. Members are expected
to substantiate punctuality. Information of schedule of major practices shall be disseminated by
the President
Regular Meetings – done after the rehearsal and mass
Section 6.2 Any member who accumulates more than five absences shall be subject to a
council deliberation

Article 7

Financial Matters

Section 7.1 The Treasurer assists the President in preparing the budget and in financial policies
and plans. All records of expenditures shall be accounted. They are responsible for ensuring
that the expenditure of the funds are justified, that accurate record of all accounts is undertaken,
and that expenditures are authorized within the minutes of the meetings

Section 7.2 There will be instances that the choir receives monetary support from the church
they serve, funeral services and the like. 10% shall be deducted before the money is being
divided equally to the attending members. The 10% shall be put into records as an additional
fund submitted by the attending members ONLY.

Article 8


Section 8.1 Revising of the Constitution and By-Laws shall be made with the majority vote of
the members at regular scheduled meeting. Amendments shall take in effect after an approval
of the Executive Board and Officers.

Article 9

Section 9.1 These bylaws will be read for acceptance by the entire membership each year. A
copy should be provided by the Secretary to new members for understanding.

Article 10

Violations and Penalties:

Section 10.1 Absences without valid reasons. if a member commited a 3 absences without
valid reason or permission will undergo disciplinary action from the adviser and sanctioned of 50

Section 10.2 Disobedience of the Constitution and by laws

if a member disobey the constituion and bylaws of the PYA-MS will undergo deliberation
of the board and disciplinary action from the spiritual director.

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