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Learning Activity – 2nd Shifting

Name : Basilio, John Raphael M.

2B - MT

I. Describe briefly the objectives of the Purple Expose’ project (not more than 5 sentences).
- The objectives of the Purple Exposé project are the activities that the faculty is offering. These
activities and policies create awareness among students wherein it can bring positive outcomes
in the future. It also shows how the Faculty of Pharmacy’s system works to showcase their
management transparency. Moreover, it also aims to not only provide activities and policies for
the sake of just having but it also college students of the faculty experiences that make them
further understand the faculty. Lastly, it also aims to enhance the students’ knowledge,
craftsmanship and being that would make them resilient in the future and all of their

II. Among the hashtags used by the Faculty of Pharmacy, which would you prefer and why?
- The hashtag that I prefer the most is the #ChooseHappiness because I think that to achieve and
be successful in all aspects of life, I must see to it that I am happy in what I do. This feeling of
happiness would make me more passionate that may result in a “NOWAYBUTUP” outcome.

III. In the seven (7) directional areas, choose the top three (3) areas that would help you in
being “life learners” even after you have finished your degree. State your reason why for
- Out of the 7 directional areas, the 3 areas that I think can help me in being a “life learner” even
after I finish my degree are: Thomasian identity, public presence, and internationalization.
Thomasian identity because being a Thomasian means being an individual that is not only settling
of what I only know but an individual that craves learning not only in the 4 walls of the university
but also outside the university. So this entails that if I truly find my Thomasian identity, then it is
safe to say that I advocate a life full of learning. Second is the public presence because having a
public presence would not only help inspire others but also be inspired to other individuals in the
community and learn lessons that can only be taught outside the university. Lastly,
internationalization because going international means the desire for learning not only locally,
but also having experiences and learning new ideas of non-Filipinos that would widen my
perspective in all aspects of life.

IV. Which of the purple banner projects appeal to you the most? Why?
- The project that appealed to me the most is the Project #nowaybutup. This project piqued my
interest because it can help me be the best Thomasian medical professional. Not only that, but it
could also help me to achieve my goal to be in the top percentile that could help influence my
medicine application and as well as my reputation as a future medical professional.
V. Which of the purple banner projects would be least relevant for you? Why?
- The project that appealed to me the least is the Purple Card because I think it is not necessary for
professors in the Faculty are transparent enough to make us see the breakdown of our grades
and as well as there is an existing application in IOS and also in android that students used to view
their grades.

VI. Among the projects of the Department of Medical Technology, which would make you most
involved and why.
- The project of the Department of Medical Technology that would make me most involve is the
MT-LEAP because it would further help my preparation for the licensure exam. Not only that, I
can say that it could push me to be in the top percentile in the licensure that would be a great
help in my reputation as a future medical technologist as well as my application in medicine.

VII. Which description/definition of the purple banner projects was authored by Mrs. Vargas?
(just guess).
- Among the definition of the purple banner projects, I think Mrs. Vargas authored the PROJECT
Filename: Learning Activity.docx
Template: /Users/johnraphaelbasilio/Library/Group
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Creation Date: 10/28/19 11:40:00 AM
Change Number: 2
Last Saved On: 10/28/19 11:40:00 AM
Last Saved By: John Raphael Basilio
Total Editing Time: 0 Minutes
Last Printed On: 10/28/19 11:40:00 AM
As of Last Complete Printing
Number of Pages: 2
Number of Words: 679
Number of Characters: 3,214 (approx.)

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