Activity 2 Chemical Kineticsnew

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of the reaction.

We will investigate four

of five factors that can be controlled to
ACTIVITY 1: Chemical Kinetics
affect the rate of a chemical reaction.

Materials/ Ingredients
The purpose of this lab is to examine the
(1) Spot plate Mg ribbon Zn metal
rate of a first order chemical reaction at
two different temperatures to determine (3) 250-mL beaker 0.03% H2O2
the rate constant of the reaction at each
temperature. From these values, the 0.1 M FeCl3 (1) Thermometer
activation energy (Ea) can be 1 table NaHCO3 3 M H2SO3
determined. It is important to know the
activation energy for a reaction because 6 M CH3COOH 6 M HCI
the reaction cannot take place if this 6 M H3PO3 3 M HCI
activation energy is not present.
10-mL test tube 0.1 M Fe(NO3)3
0.1 M KNO3 0.1 M NaCl
0.1 M MnCl2 0.01 M KMnO3
Chemical kinetics is the study of
chemical reaction rates, how reaction 0.1 M KMnO3 3 M H2SO3
rates are controlled, and the pathway or 0.33 M H2C2O4
mechanism by which a reaction
proceeds from its reactants to its Procedure:
products. Reaction rates vary from the
very fast, in which the reaction, such as
the explosion of a hydrogen/oxygen III. DATA AND RESULTS
mixture, is essentially complete in
A. Nature of reactants
microseconds or even nanoseconds, to
the very slow, in which the reaction, Spot H2S CHC HCl H3P
such as the setting of concrete requires No. O4 OOH O4
years to complete. The rate of a A-1 4SE It Still =
chemical reaction may be expressed as a 3M C didn’t visible
change in the concentration of a reactant H2S04 dissolv
as a function of time-the greater the e well
change in the concentration per unit of A-2 22S Some Others =
time, the faster the rate of the reaction. 6M EC of the turn
CHC molar half
Other measurable parameters that can
OOH dissolv
change as a function of time in a e
chemical reaction are color, temperature, A-3 1 It Mg =
pH, and conductivity. The parameter 6M SEC dissolv ribbon
chosen for following the rate of a HCl e very compl
particular reaction depends on the nature fast etely
disslol E. Concentration of Reactants
A-4 9 It Some = KMNO4 1nKMNO4 In
6M SEC slowly of Mg Rate
HPO4 dissolv ribbon 33 1.66x10^4 0.45-
e dissolv MH2C2O4 0.80
e 2 KMNO4 1.39x10^4 0.14-
3 H2SO4 3.58x10^4 0.30-
B. Effect of temperature
33 MH 5.99x10^4 0.04-
Beake Ice Bath Rm 70 3.22
r No. Temp degre
. e
B1 Slightly A reaction between NaOH and
dissolve phenolphthalein was carried out at two
B2 It slowly different temperatures to obtain
dissolve absorbance readings at different time
B3 It intervals. The absorbance readings were
dissolve used to calculate the rate constant, k, at
d fast each temperature. The slope of the best-
fit line for each graph was equal to –k.
C. Effects of Concentration The rate constant at 273 K
was .0365/minute, and the rate constant
Test tube No. 1M HCl- 3M
HCl-6 M HCl at 295 K was .163/minute. The rate
T1 The formation of constants were then used to calculate Ea,
the bubbles is which was 45,500 J. The graph of the
slow on the metal solution, at room temperature seems as
(7 mins) if it has a high correlation coefficient, so
T2 Slightly fast the data seems reliable. The graph of the
formation of solution at 273 K seems to have a lower
bubbles on the correlation coefficient, which is
metal (41 sec.) probably because of error in this lab.
T3 Rapid formation The first error could have been the
of the bubbles on temperature of the solution in the ice
the metal (10.36 bath; without a thermometer, there was
sec.) no way of knowing if the solution was
actually the same temperature as the
D. Effects of Catalyst surrounding ice bath: 273 K. If the
solution were warmer than desired, it
would mean the rate constant is higher
than it should be. This is a non-systemic
error and it could have been avoided by
using a thermometer to make sure the
solution was at the desired temperature.
Another non-systemic error is that even
though the cuvette was wiped off when university-of-miami/chemistry-
it was taken out of the ice bath, it is laboratory-i/mandatory-
inevitable that some condensation assignments/chemical-kinetics-lab-
formed on the outside of the cuvette. report/1070570/view
Although this error was minimized
because the lower of two readings was
recorded, the existing condensation still
refracted the photons away from the
instrument’s detector, causing it to be
higher than it should be. Finally, a
systemic error was that when the cuvette
was put into the spectrophotometer, the
absorption reading fluctuated greatly.
Since these trials were timed, once a
number was shown for a few seconds
without changing, that number was
recorded. Despite these possible errors,
the data seems pretty reliable.

In conclusion, this experiment is
conducted to determine the rate law of a This is to certify that the following
chemical reaction using the Method of student participated in doing this written
Initial Rates. And determine the report, entitled “Chemical Kinetics” that
activation energy of the reaction by will be passed on June 15, 2019.
finding the value of the rate constant, k,
at several temperatures. And also to
observe the effect of a catalyst on the ________________________
reaction rate. Concepcion, Rose Anne C.

Litan, Jacqueline Syra B.
Dela Cruz, Ruel

Lelis, Jasnald

Gavilan, John Andre

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