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Continuous beam analysis by three moment method SSE-EXCEL-SECTION

Ref: W. Fisher Cassie 1966 The auther will not be responsible for any uses of this software!

1. Inputs Pattern loading pair span 1

code= 1 1=unfactored, 2=ACI, 3=EC unpair span 1
fm= 1 redistribution factor to support moment =0.85 to 1 two-adjoin span loading…=(no-1) 2
full live load: 1
span no. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 total cases= 5
L= 4 5 4 span's length of beam no span= 3 >=2
Uniform load
g= 3 5 1 t/m =uniform SW+dead load g (+-) gg= 1
q= 2 2 0.5 t/m =uniform live load q gq= 1
Point load 1
G1= t =point dead load
Q1= t =point live load
a= m =axis of point load 1 from nearest left support
Point load 2
G1= t =point dead load
Q1= t =point live load
a= m =axis of point load 2 from nearest left support
End coup of moments
Cw= -6 t.m =factored coup moment at left support
Ce= t.m =factored coup moment at right support
sign clockwise = positive
Moment on support with redistribution in t.m:
Mw= -12 -10 t.m, w=west
Me= -12.5 -10 t.m, e=east

-3 Moment
-1 Point: -6 -12 -10
1 1 -1.5 0.08 -6.7
2 0.73 7.78 -4
7 3 0.76 10.6 -2
9 4 -1.4 8.6 -0.7
11 5 -5.8 1.72 -0
15 6 -12 -10
-1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ymax= 15
xmax= 13
BMD, unit t.m

Min for graph Mmax for graph

-6 -13 -11 -6 -7.8 -7.3
1 -3.45 -0.7 -7.3 1 -1.1 1.6 -4.4
2 -2.23 4.95 -4.9 2 1.63 8.96 -2.2
3 -2.34 7.09 -3 3 2.12 11.5 -0.7
4 -3.79 5.77 -1.6 4 0.38 9.17 0.23
5 -6.57 0.84 -0.6 5 -3.6 2.1 0.45
6 -12.6 -11 6 -7.8 -7.3
2. Design:
row/col= 68 3
Coef= 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Coef of live load pattern

pu= 5 7 1.5 t/m =factored uniform load

a= 4 5 4 m =length of pu =L
Shear on the left and right of beam:
Va= 10 17.5 3 t =q.a(2L-a)/2/L
Vb= -10 -18 -3 t =-q.a^2/2/L
Mpu =if(x<=a, Va.x-pu.x^2/2 , -Vb.(L-x))

1 5.556 12.2 1.67

2 8.889 19.4 2.67
3 10 21.9 3
4 8.889 19.4 2.67
5 5.556 12.2 1.67

A(M) 26.67 72.9 8 area =(Va.a^2/2-pu.a^3/3/2)-Vb.(L^2/2-L.x+a^2/2)

xw= 2 2.5 2 m =(Va.a^3/3-pu.a^4/4/2)-Vb.(L^3/6-L.x^2/2+a^3/3)
xe= 2 2.5 2 m =L-xw
-6.Axw/Lw= -80 -219 -24
-6.Axe/Le= -80 -219 -24
-Σ6Ax/L= -299 -243 -24
Ignore error cells

Cw= -6 t/m =factored coupe moment

Ce= t/m =factored coupe moment
1 -5
2 -4
3 -3
4 -2
5 -1

A(M) -12 area =(Va.a^2/2-pu.a^3/3/2)-Vb.(L^2/2-L.x+a^2/2)

xw= 1.333 2.5 2 m =(Va.a^3/3-pu.a^4/4/2)-Vb.(L^3/6-L.x^2/2+a^3/3)
xe= 2.667 2.5 2 m =L-xw
-6.Axw/Lw= 24
-6.Axe/Le= 48
-Σ6Ax/L= 24
Ignore error cells

Pu1= t/m =factored point load 1

M.Pu=if(x<=a,Pu.(L-a)x/L; Pu.a(1-x/L)


A(M) area =Pu.(L-a).a^2/2/L+Pu.a(L/2-a+a^2/2/L)

xw= ##### #### #### m =Pu.(L-a).a^3/3/L+Pu.a(L^2/6-a^2/2+a^3/3/L)
xe= ##### #### #### m =L-xw
Ignore error cells
Pu2= t/m =factored point load 2
M.Pu=if(x<=a,Pu.(L-a)x/L; Pu.a(1-x/L)

A(M) area =Pu.(L-a).a^2/2/L+Pu.a(L/2-a+a^2/2/L)
xw= ##### #### #### m =Pu.(L-a).a^3/3/L+Pu.a(L^2/6-a^2/2+a^3/3/L)
xe= ##### #### #### m =L-xw
Ignore error cells
Load calculation parameter can be added below this row
-Σ6Ax/L= -275 -243 -24

Result interpretation
Mw= -12 -10
Me= -12.5 -10
-12 -10
1 -2.08 -12 -8.3
2 -4.16 -12 -6.7
3 -6.24 -11 -5
4 -8.32 -11 -3.3
5 -10.4 -10 -1.7
6 -12.5 -10
1 0.556 12.2 1.67
2 4.889 19.4 2.67
3 7 21.9 3
4 6.889 19.4 2.67
5 4.556 12.2 1.67

Min for graph

-6 -13 -11
1 -3.45 -0.7 -7.3
2 -2.23 4.95 -4.9
3 -2.34 7.09 -3
4 -3.79 5.77 -1.6
5 -6.57 0.84 -0.6
6 -12.6 -11

Mmax for graph

-6 -7.8 -7.3
1 -1.07 1.6 -4.4
2 1.634 8.96 -2.2
3 2.118 11.5 -0.7
4 0.38 9.17 0.23
5 -3.58 2.1 0.45
6 -7.84 -7.3

Axis 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
4 9
1 0.667 4.83 9.67
2 1.333 5.67 10.3
3 2 6.5 11
4 2.667 7.33 11.7
5 3.333 8.17 12.3
6 4 9 13
Draw support symbol
4 9 13
4 9 13
0.001 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Matrix to calculate M
Matrix L= 4 18 5 Matrix Ax/L= -275
5 18 4 -243
4 8 -24

6 3

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
M2= -15 -12 -12 #### #### #### #### #### ####
3 -10 -11 #### #### #### #### #### ####
4 2.28 #### #### #### #### #### ####
5 #### #### #### #### #### ####
6 #### #### #### #### ####
7 #### #### #### ####
8 #### #### ####
9 #### ####
10 ####
Ignore error cells

Envelop Mredist
pair span
-6 -11 -10
1 -3.45 1.57 -7.3
2 -2.23 8.96 -4.9
3 -2.34 11.5 -3
4 -3.79 9.17 -1.6
5 -6.57 1.98 -0.6
6 -10.7 -10

pair span
-6 -9.8 -7.3
1 -1.07 -0.7 -4.4
2 1.634 4.95 -2.2
3 2.118 7.09 -0.7
4 0.38 5.77 0.23
5 -3.58 0.97 0.45
6 -9.76 -7.3

Adjoin suppor2
-6 -13 -9.5
1 -1.55 0.05 -6.8
2 0.684 7.86 -4.6
3 0.693 10.8 -2.8
4 -1.52 8.88 -1.4
5 -5.96 2.1 -0.5
6 -12.6 -9.5

Adjoin suppor3
-6 -11 -11
1 -3.43 1.6 -7.1
2 -2.18 8.89 -4.4
3 -2.28 11.3 -2.3
4 -3.7 8.89 -0.9
5 -6.46 1.6 -0.1
6 -10.6 -11

-6 -7.8 -7.8
1 -2.97 0.84 -4.9
2 -1.28 6.05 -2.6
3 -0.92 7.79 -0.9
4 -1.89 6.05 0.05
5 -4.2 0.84 0.36
6 -7.84 -7.8

-6 -8 -7.4
1 -3 0.81 -5
2 -1.32 6.12 -3.1
3 -0.99 7.96 -1.7
4 -1.98 6.33 -0.7
5 -4.31 1.22 -0.1
6 -7.97 -7.4

-6 -8 -7.4
1 -3 0.81 -5
2 -1.32 6.12 -3.1
3 -0.99 7.96 -1.7
4 -1.98 6.33 -0.7
5 -4.31 1.22 -0.1
6 -7.97 -7.4

-6 -8 -7.4
1 -3 0.81 -5
2 -1.32 6.12 -3.1
3 -0.99 7.96 -1.7
4 -1.98 6.33 -0.7
5 -4.31 1.22 -0.1
6 -7.97 -7.4

-6 -8 -7.4
1 -3 0.81 -5
2 -1.32 6.12 -3.1
3 -0.99 7.96 -1.7
4 -1.98 6.33 -0.7
5 -4.31 1.22 -0.1
6 -7.97 -7.4

-6 -8 -7.4
1 -3 0.81 -5
2 -1.32 6.12 -3.1
3 -0.99 7.96 -1.7
4 -1.98 6.33 -0.7
5 -4.31 1.22 -0.1
6 -7.97 -7.4

-6 -8 -7.4
1 -3 0.81 -5
2 -1.32 6.12 -3.1
3 -0.99 7.96 -1.7
4 -1.98 6.33 -0.7
5 -4.31 1.22 -0.1
6 -7.97 -7.4

Full q
-6 -12 -10
1 -1.52 0.08 -6.7
2 0.729 7.78 -4
3 0.76 10.6 -2
4 -1.43 8.6 -0.7
5 -5.85 1.72 -0
6 -12.5 -10

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