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ljkol; HISTORY




BENAZIR BHUTTO, a name of immense glory and plight side by side. Two times seated the
most privileged position of Pakistan, that is the Prime Minister of this country, the first lady of
the Muslim World to garner this privilege, left her luxurious life in London and packed her way
back to her Motherland. Turbulence came her way but defiant she was because she felt the pain
of the common men of her country. But unfortunately she was destined to a horrific and hideous
assassination or end. In October 2007, she decided to come back and continue her struggle for
the populace of Pakistan.10th of October 2007 marks the day when she landed on the land of her
heart, Pakistan. The country that gave very bitter memories to her but despite of the bitterness it
still was the country of her heart. Donning green and white dress, depicting her love for the flag
and in general for the country, she cried and raised her hands up towards the sky, to show her
gratitude to Allah for making her see this day when she is back among her own people. The
supporters of PPP were so fuelled up to receive their leader. There was a sea of people on her
way back from airport to her abode. She was been told about the precarious security situation for
her in Pakistan but she was defiant to come back. Her supporters were all along her and the
cavalcade took so long to proceed. But just as the procession was proceeding, two bombs went
off, turning a welcome procession into the plight groaning and mourning of the supporters of
PPP. Killing more than 300 supporters of Benazir, this welcome became the altar for the
deceased supporters. The day had a very gloomy end. She came back in a bid to regain the power
in the upfront election. After spending some two and a half months in meetings and other staff,
on 27 December 2007, she proceeded to the place of her assassination,a place which witnessed
her last sighs and breaths. An unblest ground that already had got its land red by the pious blood
of the first Prime Minister of Pakistan, Liaquat Ali Khan, once again was on the lookout for
another dreadful incident and killing. She was very thrilled to see her people in Rawalpindi after
ample days of deprivation and banishment from her people. She was very stoked after addressing
a huge procession in Rawalpindi, was marking her way back towards her vehicle, as she got
inside she could not resist but to come out of the roof hatch of vehicle to answer the love of her
supporters, but to her dismay she was shot by a teenage boy and followed by a bomb blast.
Mourning and groaning a speck of light was destined to the sheer darkness, the hope of people
was crushed to pieces, with a sigh of woefulness, the BIBI of the people of Pakistan was


This caused the outbreak of riots and rampage in all the corners of the country. The severe rage
among the people put everything that came their way to fire. The whole country was mourning.
Everyone who heard this news was crying as if he has lost his own beloved. This incident is
instilled so vividly in the minds of every Pakistani that its memories still haunt our minds and the
bloody history of our Country. The people were utterly stunted and shocked that they found it so
hard to overcome this loss.

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