Market Plan

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VR Psychological Health Treatment Centre (VR Mind Care)

Teacher Name: Dr. Samar Rahi

Submitted By: M. Farhan Ayaz
Roll No: E18MBA085
Course: MBA (Banking & Finance)
Section: B&F(B)
Samester: 2nd
Topic: Marketing Plan
Table of Contents
VR Psychological Health Treatment Centre (VR Mind Care) ...................................................................................01
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY........................................................................................................................................03
CURRENT MARKETING SITUATION: .................................................................................................................03
PRODUCT REVIEW: ...............................................................................................................................................04
Segment Needs and Corresponding Features of VR Mind Care ................................................................................04
Features of VR Mind Care to Solve above Causes/Segments ...............................................................................05
PROS AND CONS OF VIRTUAL REALITY: .....................................................................................................05
Pros: ...................................................................................................................................................................05
Cons: ..................................................................................................................................................................06
DESCRIPTION OF BUSINESS ................................................................................................................................07
Business Proposal: .................................................................................................................................................07
Business name: ...................................................................................................................................................07
Types of business: ..............................................................................................................................................07
Slogan: ...............................................................................................................................................................07
MISSION ...................................................................................................................................................................08
GOAL& OBJECTIVES .........................................................................................................................................08
STRUCTURE ........................................................................................................................................................08
INDUSTRY ...........................................................................................................................................................08
MARKETING PLAN ................................................................................................................................................08
MARKET SIZE .....................................................................................................................................................08
TARGET AUDIENCE ..........................................................................................................................................09
COMPETITORS ....................................................................................................................................................09
SWOT ANALYSIS OF THE COMPANY ................................................................................................................09
MARKETING STRATEGY ......................................................................................................................................10
Pricing ....................................................................................................................................................................10
Promotion ...............................................................................................................................................................10
Place .......................................................................................................................................................................10
MANAGEMENT PLAN ...........................................................................................................................................10
Organization Chart: ................................................................................................................................................10
OPERATIONAL/ACTION PLAN ............................................................................................................................11
BUDGETING ............................................................................................................................................................12
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENTS....................................................................................................................12
The global market for Virtual Reality (VR) in Healthcare is projected to reach US$3.8billion by
2020, driven by technology advancements in healthcare IT expanding applications to diverse
medical disciplines, and increasing demand for rehabilitation and simulation training.

We are offering a new generation of Real Time Interactive based on Virtual and Augmented
Reality to assist patients with psychological or physical challenges including mental illness,
emotional disorders, Autism, and others, as Hemiplegia and hemi neglect. We are looking
forward to revolutionizing the rehabilitation therapies by offering a complete packaged solution.
The offerings will be accessible for patient of all ages and will offer to the therapist an
automated process for decision-making.

Our business model based on several revenue channels, which can be worked simultaneously.
Company’s strategy is to examine each channel individually in order to determine which ones
are the most beneficial. The revenue channels aren’t contradictory one to another and
nevertheless, can be found as a complementary product to each other. Product Channel: In
order to use the product, the customer will have to purchase its parts: Tablets or head set
(including weights) and biofeedback sensors. Service Channel: The Apps will be offered in a
Freemium Platform to be used by private physiotherapist as part of the medical treatment and
service to the customer or in Home personal use.


In Pakistan, mental disorders account for more than 4% of the total disease burden, with the
mental health burden higher among women. It is estimated that 24 million people in Pakistan
are in need of psychiatric assistance.
However, allocated resources for the screening and treatment of mental health disorders are
not enough to meet the increasing needs. According to WHO data, Pakistan has only 0.19
psychiatrists per 100,000 inhabitants, one of the lowest numbers in WHO Eastern
Mediterranean Region, and in the whole world.
Today’s we are living in the modern age of society. The world is growing day by day in the field
of technology and introduces or discovers new inventions in different fields like (medical,
agriculture, IT and etc). But in the growing world health issues is increases same like as
technology. The most probable health issue is psychological health issue.

There are several psychological problems that VR Psychological Health Treatment Centre
(VR Mind Care) offers to solve which are following.

a) Depression
b) Suicidal feelings
c) Self-harm
d) Personality disorders
e) Fear (specially in children)
f) Physical symptoms (eating disorders)
g) Emotional symptoms

Segment Needs and Corresponding Features of VR Mind Care

Mental health problems can have a wide range of causes. It's likely that for many people there
is a complicated combination of factors – although different people may be more deeply
affected by certain things than is a mixture of biological, psychological and
environmental factors. There are several causes/segments of these problems which are given

a) childhood abuse, trauma, or neglect

b) social isolation or loneliness
c) experiencing discrimination and stigma
d) social disadvantage, poverty or debt
e) bereavement (losing someone close to you)
f) severe or long-term stress
g) having a long-term physical health condition
h) unemployment or losing your job
i) homelessness or poor housing
j) being a long-term career for someone
k) drug and alcohol misuse
Features of VR Mind Care to Solve above Causes/Segments
There are many solutions available to overcome these mental disorder issues. But we use
unique way to overcome these problems. We use Virtual reality technology and applied to the
patient in the presence of their psychiatrist. The psychiatrist counseling their patient and helps
to overcome the problem.

a) Use VR glasses and provide the environment as per the choice of the patient.
b) Use natural and historical places in virtual world who were never seen before.
c) Use virtual games.


Virtual reality is a technology based on idea of immersing into the reality artificially not naturally.
Finally, VR becomes a reality but there are some Pros and Cons of it. Some of the major pros
and cons are listed below:


 Better than reality

Visuals seen in visual reality are far better than reality. Virtual reality technology is used in video
games and user gets a feeling that he is in another world. In video games by VR game
controller, transmission of vibrations and also other sensations has been done. The use of
sound and graphics in video has been incorporated into VR. Moreover, it gives a good gaming
experience to the user. Also, users can also get real experiences in gaming such as user
fighting with zombies.

 Used in various fields

Due to its extensive features, virtual reality has been used in different fields such as in military,
education and health care. It adds the more dimensions in various fields. Virtual reality used in
aviation and architecture for viewing the final product.

 Users have awesome experiences

Users have tremendous experiences in using virtual reality. The VR technology makes users
feel that they experience the real locations and hearing the real sounds and seeing the real
things. Many people have the feeling to use more and more virtual reality technology. It is highly
reckoned by the disabled people. Because using virtual reality they can explore the real world.
Films which are produced for VR gives the permission to the audiences to view the whole
surroundings in each and every scene. Thus, it creates interactive viewing experience for the

 Gives detail views

Virtual reality gives a full and detailed view of a place. For example, virtual reality makes
tourism sites more interesting and easy. It gives the detailed view of a place where you want to
visit. So viewers can plan their trip by seeing the real locations of that place. Moreover, users
can also see the important landmarks as well important places in which they are interested to

 Connects with people

Virtual reality gives the chances to communicate with the people you don’t know in your real
life. It helps in forming the new relationships in a more efficient manner as compare to the real
life. Users came to know about different types of people and get connected with them.

 Effective communication

One of the main pros of Virtual reality is effective communication. Users can communicate with
each other and thus enjoy the conversation between them. It gives a new experience of
communicating with the people.


 High cost

One of the main cons of virtual game is that it's not possible for everyone to afford it. It is too
costly and people who cannot afford these will be left out from using this technology.

 Communication should not be replaced for group of people

Another con of virtual reality is that communication using this technology should not be replaced
for group of people. Additionally, there would be susceptible to dishonesty.

 Feeling of worthlessness

The users of virtual reality many times get a feeling of worthlessness. They feel that they are
escaping from the real world and sometimes this feeling is proved to be very dangerous for
 Users addict to the virtual world

The users get addicted to the virtual world and navigate the non-virtual environment. This
addiction can cause various health issues to them.

 Technology is still experimental

Though the virtual reality technology is used in various fields but is still experimental. It is not
being accepted or fully developed. The VR has many cons due to which it is not acceptable

 Training in VR environment is not real

Another con of virtual reality is that a person who has been trained in VR environment may do
well in that environment, but he cannot perform well in the real world. Hence, it will not give the
same results in real life situations as compare to Virtual Reality environment.

We are going to launch VR psychology for health and mental disorder’s solutions. Our aim is to
rehabilitation the health of sick persons .In Pakistan there is not enough Psychological Health
Centre to improve the health of patient with better and economical technology so we are going
to launch through proper ways.

Business Proposal:
Business name:
VR Psychological Health Treatment Centre (VR Mind Care)
Types of business:
We Care with Technology

We are offer amazing capabilities in the world of medical training, where simulations of life and
death situations can provide a safe space for real-world learning.

Our aim is working on setting industry standards for the meaningful use of immersive
technologies. We are committed to creating and sustaining the conditions that enable all
healthcare practitioners to facilitate the transformative power of VR to improve patient care

The structure of the organization is based on partnership.

Through VR we solve & care the patient problems with better technology and less pain. In
Pakistan there is no such as industry or technology for improvement of health, so this industry
has a bright future in Pakistan.


We create the awareness by giving free consultation in different areas, Special Education
Schools etc. To expand the clientele base, advertisement will be placed on different online
forms and through outdoor mediums.

The market (remedy with VR) of this technology is very big in Pakistan because it’s a new one.
Common mental health problems have been identified in both rural and urban populations.
Depressive and anxiety disorders are high, followed by bipolar, schizophrenia, psychosomatic
disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder.
Forming a massive proportion, 57.9% of the population in Pakistan is comprised of young
people. These youngsters are an asset to Pakistan however, their problems are widely
overlooked. An alarming increase of mental health problems among the young-population is
sadly the most neglected area in health-care field. Out of three individual everyone is suffering
from common mental disorder. The real agony lies in the insensible social stigmatization of
mental health problems in our country.
Approximately, 15000 suicides have been recorded and majority of such cases are of
individuals under the age of 25. It can be clearly said that the government’s role towards the
regulation of health system has been ineffective and fragile after observing the reports of World
Health Organization.

Still there is no competition in Pakistan.


• Less operating cost.
• Elaborated marketing plan. Funds to be spent on advertising.
• Selection of a proper location to set up the business.

• Unawareness

• Increasing demand for health at low cost.

• The industry is characterized by rapid growth and development at a global level.

• Competitors come up with better technology in future.

Low cost strategy and it’s depend upon the condition of patients. We will use different pricing
strategies for our different condition patients.

Our company will use multiple source of advertisements but as our budget is limited, we will
select the most suitable mediums and places to promote rather than using 360-degree
promotion. We will target health conscious people through fitness magazines and arrange free
seminars on colleges, universities and special education system. We will display billboards on
prominent places to increase awareness of our brand.



Organization Chart:




Trainees Medicine Boy Helper


VR clinic required proper knowledge about equipment’s and adopt best management practices.
With the development of biometric sensing devices, virtual reality and other immersive
technologies can now provide many types of sensory feedback retraining and education
relevant to treating psychiatric illnesses. The merging of immersive technology with the biology
of sensation allows behavioral shaping and conditioning procedures specifically targeting
symptoms unique to each patient. The Virtual Reality Clinic bridges evidenced-based
behavioral psychotherapies, clinical research, and medical technologies to treat a varying
spectrum of psychiatric conditions. The VR Clinic incorporates the most current and emerging
methods of virtual and augmented reality treatments into traditional cognitive behavior and
mindfulness- based therapies, taking a holistic, customized, and personal approach to each
patient. We will charge per patient according to the condition but minimum Rs.5,000/- The
medicine and visit their own place will be charged separately and per visit will be Rs.10,000/-
In the Start we need 1 million minimum budget to start up these Project, which is also included
the Advertisement expenses, office rent and salaries of employees almost of the 6 month
budgeting with nil cash flow. For this we need following equipment’s.


 VR Headsets— HTC Vive Headset
 Oculus Rift Headset
 Computer
 VR Controllers
 Headphones
 Headset/Controller Covers
 Charging & Docking Stations
 Cleaning Equipment
 VR Zoom
 Furniture
 Operating room table
 Surgical and Exam Lights.
 Stretchers and Stretcher Accessories.
 Cushions and Mattresses.

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