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Directions: Match column A with the correct answer on column B, write only the letter of answer on the blank

provided at the right side of the test paper.

Column A

1. a great example of classic that blends a

great deal of individual effort pitted
against both natural and human

2. author of the "story of keesh"

3. where did keesh lived?

4. I, we you he, she, it, they who

5. Me, us you him, her, it, them whom

6. My, mine, our, ours your, yours their,

theirs whose

7. They demonstrate (or indicate): This,

that, those, these

8. They introduce a dependent

(subordinate) clause, which gives more
information: who, whom, which, that.

9. These begin questions: Who, Which,

What, Where, How

10. a word that is used in place of a noun

or another pronoun

11. Who is this author of To Build a Fire Column B

12. describes, clarifies, or gives more detail
about a concept.
a. Exposition
13. The arrangement of events in a
narrative--its structure. _____ almost b. story of keesh
always centers around some form of
conflict. c. Jack London
14. Problem development; character d. Possessive pronouns
15. Main character
e. Objective pronouns (personal)
16. Characters introduced
f. Subjective pronouns
Choose the correct item: (personal)
1. He (correct, correctly) defined the terms. Theg.answer
sounded (correctly, correct).
h. Relative
2. She (quickly, quick) adjusted the fees. She adapted (quick, quickly) to any situation.
3. He measured the floor (exact, exactly). They proved to be (perfectly, perfect) (exact,
exactly) measurements.
4. The stillness of the tomb was (awfully, awful). The tomb was (awfully, awful) still.
i. Demonstrative
j. Pronoun
k. Jack London
l. Modifier
n. Rising action
o. Protagonist
p. rim of the polar sea

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