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LOAMAAFAANU Transliteration, Translation and notes on Palaeography. Volume |. National Centre for Linguistic and Historical Research, te’, Aeputle of Maldives roRewoaD 354 HIS EXCELLENCY MAUMOON ABDUL GAYOOM THE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF MALDIVES ‘Though the present-day Republic of Maldives 4s a very young state, the Maldive Islands, or Dheebat al-Mahal as these islands vere referred to by ibn Battuta, is an ol@ nation at least 2,500 years 1d. According to tne well-known Norwegian Professor Thor Heyerdahi, who recently uncovered some very old Limestones with the sun-symbol inscribed on them in the island of Gan in Huvadu Atoli, the history of man on these tiny Indian Ocean islands may go as, far back as 1,500 B.C. explorer However old our civilization may be, our recorded history is not yet @ thousand years old. The Yoanaafamm or Royal Grant, presented in the following pages is certainly historical records. Though the existence of this and other loamaafaam has been known for quite some tine, this is the first time that any light has been thrown one of our oldest on the contents of this particular one. The main aifficuity nas been that the writing on — tnis Yomwafaan 1g in the ancient Maldivian script known as eveylaakuu. «Tt ts only as a result of sone painstaking work by Maldivian scholars and Professors C.D. Wijeywardane and J.B. Dissanayake of the Univer sity of Ceylon, ably assisted and supervised by Mr. Hassan Ahmed Maniku, Director of the newly-formed National Centre for Linguistic end Historical Research, that this valuable document has been deciphered at last. 1am therefore very happy to introduce for the first time the Dhivehi text and the English translation of this 800-year old Toanaafamm, While expressing my deep appreciation of the done by the two Sri Lankan Professors andthe Maldivian researchers, I trust that the contents of this booklet will pe of immense students of Naidivian history. interest to all Ise "he history of Maldives"... a subject to vhich ve are now attaching importance and much study ‘in the recent past had been undertaken. The following pages bear witness to thie. "Loamaafaanu" on "Maaloafaanu" ae it te termed in Dhéveri has held ite secrete for many centuries, but today ‘through the hardvork of the menbero of ou otaff with valu- able help froma tean of echolare fram Sri Lanka ve are able to utilise the valuable information contained in tt. I wish to thank Professor ¢.D.Mijeyawardhana and Professor J.B.Dissanayake for their help in deciphering this old docunent. Their asstetance was made avatlable through Asia Fowdation vith the kind permieston of Untveretty of Coy ton. We are adie to bring out thie book on Loamaafaanu, because of the immense help rendered by Mr, Ahmed Shafeeq and tir. ALi Najeob. These two gentlenen, while engaged in now other aotiviticn, did their beet to make thie volume a reality. As a student of Maldivian history and language, today I rejoice. For it is today that we are able to read word-toword, the oldest written record in exietance on the Maldives. It is true, the late Me, H.C.P, Bell did some work on the Loamaafaaru, but he did not go into details at that tine, There were others too, both official and private, who did hard work to "decipher" the old Loamafaaru, But success came in Little measure, Receiving inspiration from these past efforte, it te my duty today to take delight ¢ deciphering of tits very old document of Maldtvian htatory ‘The Loamaafaaru included in this book was wri tt in the reign of the great King Gadanaditya, vnose reign t gan in 1192 and lasted ? years. The Loamaafaamu my be ter as Hadhdhummathi Loamaafaanu (Dhabidhoo). Its tinguistio value and palacography ie dealt with in detailed by Professors Wijeyasardhana and Dieeanayaka in the follow ‘ing pages. Hassan Ahmed Maniiu Male’ 04 Decenber 1982 NOTES ON PALAEOGRAPHY 1. Tis docunent: which could be dated to the latter half of the 12th century A.D. is written in the seript inom as Byetla Akwu, Tn this systen of writing, vnicn ie syllabic in structure, letters ere written fron left to right, spacing of words is not observed end the writing is broken only at the end of ine, as a result of vhich a line my begin or end in the middle of a word. The soript in generel resembles that employed in contemporary Sinhalese ephigraphical records ~ e.g. the copper plate at Panakadwa of Vijayababu 1. 2. The letters represent two categories of sounds vowels and consonants. In the initial yosition, vowel sre represented, in general, by separate letters initially by fi2é (vowel-strokes). aféli my sounds ‘snd non occur either in front of or after @ consonant letter, above or belov it or on either side. When 2 consonant ie written seperately, with no _fild attached to it, it eymbolizes the consonant sound with the inberent vowel sound @ eg BD tha) Gee) (ma) 3. Inthe initial position of words, the following ‘yoowl symbole occur. They are Listed with their corres~ ponding phonological values. tna fev instances, the synbols BY, BY and Cason ana tare found to occur in non initial pom sitions too a2 in the following words: se in Pa twa Bila (ohertaa) 9B 2% Utdevatasinata) BSP UD tradavunadat) In the ron-initial position, the following fi7¢ 4 ‘The consonant, symbols thet occur in the document, (vowel strokes) are used to represent vowel sounds: ‘long with their phonological values, are Listed below! ELLE ‘sound, EXOMPLE tees : d a yaa > _ a t Bow uw 6 ; Oe GB o : oc “ Ogee w 7 e “ eR 2 a 8 ® spo D 7 t “ Per 3 a 4 ves BY & a ie 9 ° baad a ° eo 2 " . 99 at vw se » é Dm > a very y mie erat ~ 2 LEPTERS SOUNDS e 1 i v ~ . w 2 » 2 os a u 1 The synbol DY also occurs in two words which appear to be of foreign origin ~ viz O9mso98e/~ _ahaisbelu) 22h 08) (masanshri).The phonetic value of this "symbol is open to doubt. However, it appears to be a variant of the consonant sound s or s as shaishelu is fo found written as sheisslu and sashansiei as ZOD (nasanshri). In certain instanc » the following paris of con sonant symbole have been scribed in almost identical form: 9 tm ana v wp and Db) 2 wm and DB) 5. Tn the writing system, the folloving ‘consonantal strokes" are also observed in respect of consonant symbol (4) 77 thie stroke ie used to indicate the the inherent vowel in the consonant is deleted - eves: yyuae (unarasun). ‘Thus it corresponds to lon inthe thaana scripts. (ia) ‘This is used to indicate thet the ‘consonant to which it is attached is repeated. However, in the text this stroke occurs only in respect of the consonants 1 and dh - e.g. (diavtgitiat — Epenk (acsaatta), pb (rattan Hy2sob! (oudhdha ko (iii) 3 ‘This is used to indicate that the consonant to which this is attached is preceded by = nasa consonant. In the text this is found to occur only in re pect of WD (she) and} (ga) — e.g. DUO (varia) 29d argo) (iv) This stroke is used to indicate th the consonant to which is attached is preceded by consona: r. for example, % 42 (anda), By (Parma » QAeL (pwerdda) 629) (ovarga) 8 employed to denote (ohxee) () e% This stroke ‘that the consonant r- For example Be H) ceizcrat) (vi) 2% tio stroke is used to indicate ‘hat the consonant to vhich it is attached is folloved by the consonant y+ For example OyeDeH ceiranoama) vg B6) (ari) 0327 (raadya). This is the only context vhere ‘the consonant y occurs in the text. ‘This is the only context vhere the consonant y occurs in the text. 6. nthe writing systen double consonant clusters fare indicated in four vays (1) dy placing the two consonants alongside so ‘that they touch each other: For example: 22ers (mahamads) — 9G BH putvaat, (ii) wy placing one Letter above the other: eg.1 Ler bP imasin’) Tote in the tex: this occure only in relation to n. (34) by placing the stroke ‘89 shown Bey 2 Viattamna) in 5 Gi). (iv) by placing the stroke Ue delow the sews wu UFO J tarinare) Note: this occurs only in relationt to th. The doubling of a contonant is also found in ins: vances where a preceding consonant sound r occure + 6, 3B, (arama) ‘When two consonants are written slongside touching each other, the x fii denoting the vowel © in respect of ‘the second consonant is written in front of the first. e.g: LOR RQVIF (Femerafacm) t In the writing systea there are two kinds of ais similar conjunct consonant cluster ~ i.e. two consonant-letter cluster. They are written in the folloving vays. (4) ty placing the tw consonant symbols alongside so oe DPA Cariniatd $22% (ga0vai). (35) ty using a conjoint symbol ccaprising the com ponents of the two letters: e. 688 Dry (larashadtipa) that they touch each other UB (fancha) (5i2) by suing consonantal strokes as in 5 above. In the case of such conjunct consnante, the £114 representing ‘the vowel @ in respect of the socond letter de placed in front of the cluster: e.g. PUD 216% (feythaanbarunge) 2.7 0D)" (watnye) ZIM tnthye) In the case of such conjunct consonants, the Silt representing the vowel e in respect of the second letter is ‘and placed on either side of the cluster: e.g. EPrafrgd (wintrgonaage! BS IDA crinkoww) 22096 tuxendhu). ‘Tree consonant-Lettere-lusters are rare, and occur only in the word masansrii which is written in the following ways: 8 In the text it was observed thet the same vord has been spelt differently in several places. In such cases ah and @ have Deen used in free variation. For example: Wee eV GL ahatnednaon/ chad) daduiirn) masdhidu/masdhidhu) (dhakshina/dakehana) BOD /SBOD aronsiion) Dor oh gin te eere, Ans ebals 290 tan tama Gigervose abs occure in two contexts: vis (i) at the consiusion of the text ) st the ena of the proper which emmerstes the grants and ( nanes and designations of each of the signatories to the grant. This eyabol may be considered as a puncturation mark vith no phonetic value. 10. In the entire text, there ere sone instances vhere a Letter had been inadvertently onitted and subsequently written Belov the line: ea. a There are a fev instances vnich appear to be soribal errors. For instance, 2B m7 2, (ohakala) sens to be @ scrital error tor (eakala), oop ny— (diohent) tor Soa (disent) and (anueageshvana) tor WF LYIWBR (amoaageatwara) eyrrren ta ps 16, the vord B92 tarisendis written of (dkin) with the letter (se) omittes the word Plat is written orad Catan) with the letter © (10) omitted. Similarly inp. (hatatdaud ae er sahin ate: SAN Cee Wail, (The signature seal of) Dhamanad the Prosperous Hail, when twenty one years had elapsed since the great King, Sri Maaiaabaraa of the house of Tktimge, the Lord of the Lunar Dynasty be- came the King of this country,when thirty five years had elapsed since this King's nephew, the Great King, Svast Tribuoana Aditya became the King - When nine years had elapsed since this King's younger brother, the Great King, Soasti Sri Buwanabar ma became the King - When nine years had elapsed since this King's nephew, the Great King named Svasti Sri Darmananda became the King - ee ON ee SUVASTI DHARHANADITTA. DEUASUI SAM ANAL SUVASTI SRT SHOMAVANSA AADTFATHT SRT THEEMUGE SRI HAHABARANA VARASUN FUNA DESE REDAVUNADAT EKA VINSATI AUURODHUN IKITU VT KAL REDA OBLNA SIDE HIRASUNASYA BENT SUVASTI SRT TRIBLANA ADITVA NARASUN REDAVUNADAT FASHA TRINSATIAVURODHUN IKIT VT KAL NTRASUN ASVA HAL SUVASTT SRT BUVANABARANA HARASU REDA VUNADAT NUVAVANA AVURODUN TKIT VI_KAL NITRASUNASYA BENT SUVASTI SRT DHARAMMANANDA NAMWARASU NREDAVUNADAT NUVAVANA AVURODUN TKTT UT KAL HTRASUNASVA AL SUASTT SRIVAT SONANA ria D This King's younger brother the Great King, Srimat Gadanaditya, an ornament to the Lunar Dynacty, reoplendert as gold, firm as fan feala pillar, defender of the entire hun- dred thousand of islands, brilliant as the un, moon and the stars, virtuous in every manner, lord of love, mine of jewels, adorned with a crown set with gems,- On the fourth year of his becoming the sole monarch he (the Great King Gadanaditya)having destroyed the shrine erected previously by the infidel Kings on Dabudw uprooted the Buddha images, caused the infidel Kings to read the shadhat, performed the swmath rites, @stablished the sharia (laws) caused them to observe the roaia (fast), established the hanadu (prayers) caused them to worship the God and NSHOTDARANA KANAKA ROSHANA ASALSTANBA. SHAVALAKSHA DIPA RAKSHANA BADRA BANDARU BINGUNABIDYA VINO [DA SIIAKALA KALLAKA ANURACESVARA. RATUNAKARA HAN MAKUTA NANDITA SRTHAT GADANADITVA HARASUN EKA RADYA VUNADA SETARAVANA AVUROTUN DABUDUVU VATYE PURBBE KAPURU RASUN KERUVI VERTWANA BIDE BUDU U PURAT KAPURUN SHADAT KTAVAT SUNNAT KOTU PETAMABARUNGE SHERTA TIBI ALTKUN ROA ST PAT NAMADU KOTU DEVATATNATA ALTKAMLL KRANATA VIDELAT SRI MAKAVWATU PETAVBARUN DUNTE VT 10 in the five hundred eighty third year of the Great Prophet, Sri Mahammadu's Renuciation ef uhis world and A cention to Paradise,caused the foundation to be laid in the temple land (vermatiu) of Set Dabuduwu, on a suitable spot and erected a Mosque, completed it by covering it with thatch, erected a flag post, built a pulpit, and having named it wm (Friday)Mosque, built walls on the premises of the Mosque on the four sides along the boundaries which ex- isted carlicr, and beotowed to the Moeque all such things as the alms-hall ( dhanashala ) stwa (ahegabu) and the produce to the va ara right of the mosque. The line of the (Buddhiet) Sangha was abolished and the land around this place in Aba Utthara maa in Dabudkswu was caused to be levelled (atvatu kotu) of the eight geme,atumba was proclaimed the principal one DELAT_SVARGGA VADATGAT PASI SHATU TE AST AVURODUN SRI DABUDUVU VERU VATVE PALA A ASU BIHAKLI MENNERAPANT RAT WASDTOU KARAVAT PAN GESAT NIALA KOTU KAPA GASA T MUMPARU PUTVAT DUNAKEVTE NAM DIVE WASOTOU TIBL TANA PRE TIBI SUI STME SATARU Mu NU PAVURU LAGE DANASALA DEGABU MTTAK SASANA MASDIDATA VYAUTT KOTU MUDALU ANA ARA ATA DI. SAGUKULAIANU VASU WUAT PABUDUVU ABA UTURUMAGE NETHANSA EN es Le ele id Bea aah Lee ee 3 ion ce be IRR ae ee neice eee es aD OA Eee hoa a od ee aed ATUDETI GENEN ATU (BUDUVATA KULA UTA DAK The foliowing nobie clans of D “in the 1 past, such as the clan of the clan see the clan of » the clan NA UT SITRIABALAGE VASU NGE VASU PUNADUVENGE of the clan of De ae ASU HINIKGONAGE VASU DENUGE VA IGE_VASU MITAK VANSAT MISUNGE NE YANVAVT GENE IATA GENENATA DENA UYAUTT UATT ardens of the people of all these lands, the vabi contribution to those who are included RDA GEME KAIATA PAS VATI SILT GENE KAMATA DIVA VATT NITAK VATT GENENATA DAKAVAT GENEVE in the is determined 1s Follows KUNATA RASGE fo the work of ‘half the igen F NIGEUEN PUNA RATU RADVA Ut to th f half the gene and ten BANDARA. ATA NEGENA. VARU a Five wi to the work of the entire gare Having ‘hus specified these vat to the gene group, the ty and om the gene and the gene group gifts; the tax that crues to ‘The Koy: the Gove t oF the Chief Island, are given orficers of the King, having 2 entered the Atoll and gone to Dabudwnu, caused (ceremonial)drums to be beaten constantly,held sessions, sprinkled water and having entered Gam caused Shadiagitts ta he given trom the vi Mage. Set forth below are the things that are considered as mivariwaa tax due trom Dabudiwu the shares given to the Mosques in all these islands such as Gam, Ieudiwu, Wetendwu and the pagu dadu share of the hina land belonging to the very poor people living in Dabudiou in the past, to be exempted trom this tax. The entire dabudwu KAMGATYAKUN ATELU VEDE DABUDUVATA DIAME GENEN NIKME PANSHAWASA BADA BERU GASUAT BAVAT GENEPAT PENALAT GANU VEDE MINATA GENEN SHADIA DENT KOTU DABUDUVIN NEGENA NAVARUVA ATA DIN MUDALU KIAMU GAIATA TSDUVATA STTADUVATA NELENDUVATA NITAKU RATU NAS DIDATA DIN TAK PAGAT PURBBE DABUDUVU TDUNA DADU DUKPAT MINTVANUNGE LIBEKANA STNYA PAGU DADAT NITAK MATRA DABUDUVUN VIDELAT MULT DABUDUVAT ME EKPALU SULT A and Suliabédwu on the same reef and Thubiri on the same reef, the land (gadu) on the East of Krondiaou on this Atoll itself The boundaries of this gadu are: to the South, the village of Gandueu: to the North, the water's edge; to the West, the water's edge; to the East, Kudadiuou: Vadinethu, located on this Atoll itself: Thinkotubuti, located on Kelwmadulu: Vilébutt, located on Kelimadulu: Driavigilt located on Kelwmadulu: having made all these in Dhabudhwu into one island the eight Navammaa tax arising from Dabudmau (to be exempted), BUDUVAT MI ME EKPALU TUBIRTAT MI ATELU ME KRONDUVLL PURBBA DISE GADAT MT GADU THU DAKSHINA DISEN GANADUVU GEMENAT UITTARA DISEN DIASIN PASSTMA DISEN DIASINT PURBEA DISEN KUDAUYAT THU MI ATELU ME OT VADINELAT KE LUNADULE OT TINKOLUPUTTAT KELUMADULE OT VILTPUTTAT KELUMADULE OT OT AVIGILLAT NITAKA DABADUVAT EK RATU KOTU DABUDUVUN NEGENA MAVARUVA Se Lae al 14 Ay BA eee ee yee Y Doses) Having discontinued the entire du given by the former infidel Kings vihana in Dabudhwu (the dues were to the Mosque. Set forth below a1 (pagu) in Govidwu: Kandoru, lying reef as Dabuduvu; Gemenélu, lying es (mudalu) to the transferred re the protions on the same on the same reef as Dabuciwu; Maticu, lying in Kelevandiau: Medubuti, lying on the same reef as this it: lying on the same Atoll; Penbutt, self ; Fatgalubutt, on the same Atoll ATA ABA AKOTU SITAVATDI PURBBE KAPURU RASUNA ‘DABUDUVU VERATA DIN TAKA MUDALU ‘DROT KOTU BANADARA ATA BALAT GENE BANDARATN SUDDA KOTU NASDIDATA DIN EKANT GOVIDUVU PAGU KYAMU DABUDUVAT EKPARU OT KANDORAT ‘DABUDUVA 1 EKPARU OT GEMENELTAT KELEVANDUVU MADULE oT MATIDUVAT MIAT ME EKPARU OT NEDUPUTTAT MI ATELE ME OT RATGALUPUTTAT WWATELEUE ates 2a es ea ete ©. Bee bommbuti on the same Atoll; Xolikrotdan, lying on Méladwr lus Mérishindwu, lying on Maalos Modulus Kwnbutt, on Tanadwu, all these island (ratu) reefs; © boundaries of the cultivation ~ portion vwaragu) of Palugade in Kalaiduu are: to the Mast, the water's edge; to the South, the water's edge: to the West, the village of Ieudwu; to the North, the village of | Teudwu; The boundaries of the cultivation portion (va pagu) of the simiate garden also located in xalaidmu, are: to the east and south, the village of Teuduns yee ee eye Ne Bon-ra0% eh a i eo Bia ic DWoeOewgn@DnaserosBr@Ve ORME cae PENPUTTAT MYATELEME DONUNPUTTAT MILADUVUMADULE OT KOLTKROTOUVAT MA LOSUADULE OT NIRTSHANDUVAT TANADUVU NATYE OT KUMPUTTAT MITAK RATU PARU DRAGA DAT KALATDUVU TIBI PALUGAPE VYA PAGU PURBBA DISENT DIASIN DAKSHINA DISFN DTA SIN PASSIMA DISEN TSUDUVU GEMENAT UTTARA DISEN TSUDUVU GENENAT KALATOUVU ME TIBI STRIAGE VATYE VA PAGU THU PURBBA DAKSHTNA DISEN TSUDUVU GENENA To the West Xaidwu; to the North Dabudwus The boundaries of the big portion (Waa agu) of Satatv's garden also lacated in Kalaidou are: to the East, Ieudwu; to the South, the village of Gam; the West, the ageli; to the North the village of Gam the Mapita - portion of the vihara in Kalaidwu; the cultivation - portion (vyaapagu) of Tatwiade in Kalatdwus the portion located in Mapawedetage in Xalaidiau; the cultivation - portion of Marukdade located on Kalatduu; (The boundaries of this portion are:) to the East, the village of Iewkou; to the South, Kulalaavatus I PASSIMA DISEN KATDUVENAT LITTARA DISENI DABUDUVENAT KALATDUVU ME TIBI SATALA INGE VATYE MAPAGU THT PURBBA DISEN ISUDUVENAT DAKSHTNA DISEN GEMENAT PASSTHA DISEN AGELIAT UTTARA DISEN GENENAT KALATDUVU VERE MAPITE PAGAT KALA TOUVU TALUDADE VVANA PAGAT KALATDUVU MAPAUGEDATAGELT TIBI PAGAT KALATDUVU TIBT HARUKDADE VYANA PAGU PURBBA DISEN TSUDUVU GEMENAT DAKSHINA DISEN KULALA VATA ee eee? ay Co haat eee Xa) oad eee TX ee ynalae eek RSPR VE Se Bre MAP SOE Ss mata Ses 6 fae tae een ta ded esi EO a FR Rae 1 PASSINA DISEN NAKATI SADUGE PAGAT UTTARA DISEN To the West the portion of iakati Sadu;to Fo SMA CEARY.ACATOUVU HATUDT the North, the village of Ieudwu; The boundaries non reel ae a KELU TIBI GALUDUVE UYANA PAGU INU PURBBA DISEN D1) of the cultivation portion of Galudwu located Tee a pret isipuvt! Ge at the edge of Matuii in Kalaidwu are: to the East, ' a oe yaainee MENAT PASSIMA UTTARA DISEN PALATAT TMU BODU PILTAT the water's edge; to the South, the village of He a TA Tevdwu to the West and North, Palatu;... the portion Silertain's BI PAGAT MATUDI KELUME TTBI_GAMURAKTIN PAGAT PURBEA located at the edge of Natufi The village chieftaii FE TT TU AEARN KipAal 1 portion located also at the edge of Matudi the boundaries me: in, ‘SUDUVU GENENAT THT HATUDI GADU TIBI URONTSU VATYE Wi to the East, South, West and North of this portion is ST TT rae the village of TeudwujThe boundaries of the cultivation pagu of Uronéeu'e garden located on the land (gadu) of Matudi are: to the East, 18 Peek sc eee Cp Beis Bony" SD) ." Dox sy QIOY LR? VSG OMG SOS a) POSEN Tos ‘The village of Iewkwu -to the South, the portion of Feuraemi; to the West, the portion of Mapaus the North, the enclosure (Xotu) of Ratna Baderi; The cultivation portion of Lamou patun(ford) located to in Diadeu, the boundaries of this portion are: to the East, the village of reudwu: to the South, the village of Ieudwu; to the West, the vedi portion from the village of Teudaus village of Ieudwu; Dalipa'e - portion also located in Diadwu; the cultivation portion of Biaduu also located in Diadwus to the North, the the boundaries of this portion are: NI_TSUDUVU GEMENAT DAKSHINA DISEN ESURAEMINGE PAGAT PASSINA DISEN NAPAUGE PAGAT UTTARA DISEN RATA BADERTA KOTTAT DIADUVU TIBI LAMAS PATUNE VYANA PAGA I ME PAGU TMU PURBBA DISHEN ISDUVU GEMENAT DAKSINA DISEN TSUOWVU GENENAT PASST MA DISEN ISUDUVU GENEN VEDI PAGAT UTTARA DISEN TSUDUVU GENENAT DIADUVU ME TI BI DALIPAGE VI_PAGAT DIADUVU ME TIBI BIADURUDUVE UVANA PAGAT NI PAGU TMT PURBGA DI 9 aug eee ee UO heroes Pad a ed rgr ai? Pun te one or) es ES Jee Ny Qo BS ZR9OX? > ehelee ri ‘SENT ISUDUVU GEMENAT PESUNANTEN PALATAT DAKSTNA To the East, the village of Ieudwu; to SE WA SaT A the North-East, Palatu; to the South, the v: [SIA UTTARAEN TSUDUVU GEMEN VEDT PAGAT TMU KRONDUVU Allage of Teudwu, to the West and the North, SE aetna ‘the vedi portion of the village of Zeudwu; on NL TUDL 1WMT_UTTARA DISEN GEVATU GEAT PURBBA the South of Krondwu, is the point (tui) of ST ee ee which the boundaries are: to the North, houses N VELUWANDUVU DIGURE UVANA PAGAT VELUNANDUVL ME TIBT and gardens; to the East, South and West, the SCORE GEE VK water's edge; The cultivation portion of the digure : a PAGAT KELEMADULE MAKADULUDUVU TIBI DEPAGAT KELEMADULE in Velunandiwu; the cultivation portion Budaladia'e Tene garden, also located in Velunandwu; the two portions located in Mackuduludiwu in Kete Madule; the portion located in Qnadwu in Kela Nadule: 20 Sao aay The portion located in Bulevu pelimuta in Gamudiaus PAGAT GAMUDUVU BULEVU PELUNUTA TIBI PAGAT MI the boundaries of this portion are: to the East, PAGL THE PERE OLSEN GHIR o the village of Gamdwu; to the South, the portion NAT DAKSHINA DISEN NATTUGE PAGAT PASSIMA DISEN ELUPALUGE : PAGAT THU UTTARA of Mattu; to the West, to portion of Elupalu; to the'North, the village of Gamudwu; the cultivation DISEN GAMUDUVU GENENAT GALUDUVU TIBI NEVIDADE VYANA portion of Hevidade located in Galudwu;cultivation PAGAL, ME DEVIN TEES) portion on the rock (akiri) also located on this RI MATVE VA PAGAT MI DUVU ME TIBT SABIST VATYE island; the cultivation portion of Habisi's garden, WANA: PAGAT, RELIMADULE, KEBTOWNE UE also located on this island; the portion located on BI PAGAT DIADUVUNE NAKATI KITALUGE ATU TIBI PANGADAT {ébidio in Kele Maduleshalf portion (paggada) owned by LADUE lgPATAGE a2 Vakatt Kétalu in Diadwus the portion located in Datagelt Also on Diadwu; The cultivation - portion in Zaabaa's garden located in Ioudu; the cultivation portion Upuako’s Garden located in Zeudan; the half of cultivation portion of Dawatu's garden located in Ieudwu; the boundaries of this portion are: to the Bast and the South the portion from the village of Ieud«u: to the West, the portion of Denige Vattu to the North, the portion from the village of Ganiu: the pagu land 1o~ Gated in Sériatu'e Datwkubu also located in Toudwu, the Portion located in Matidwuin Kelemdulu; the portion declicated in the past in (Botumdoku) to the vihara in Dabudwwrus BI_PAGAT ISUDUVU TIBI LABA VATYE WANA PAGAT TSUDUVL TIBI UPURAKUGE VATYE VA PAGAT ISUDUVU ME TIBI DAMVATU VATVE UYANA PAGADAT MI AGU THU PURBEA DAKSHTNA DISEN ISUDUVU GEMEN PAGAT PASSINA DISEN DENTOEVATTUGE PAGAT UTTARA DISE N GAVADU GEMEN PAGAT TSUDUVU ME TTBI STRIALUGE ‘DATUKUBAT TIBI PAGUGADAT KELEMA ‘DULE MATIDUVU TIBI PAGAT BOLUNULOKUN PURBBE DABUDUVL VERATA NIETVI TA To the East, the reef of memaputt; to the North, the reef of Maamli; to the South-West, the reef of Sukulu vaduy the reef in kadutotu (ford) in Xrondwu; two portions of the shallows of this reef; the reef in xadutotu (ford)in Vadinelus the reef in Elunirilt; two protions of the shallows of this reef; the Samgalu reef at the edge of the reef of Vitiputi in Xelenadulu; the reef in Xadwotu (ford)in Eluyiri two portions of the shallows of this reef; the reef of Tinkotuputi in Kelu Madulusthe reef in Kadutotus the reef in Kadutotu (ford) in Diavigtii; KA PAGAT PURBBA DISEN NUNNAPUTT PARUVAT LITTARA DISEN MANULT PARUVAT SORUIA ‘SU KULUVADU PARUVAT. KONDUVU KADUTOTU PARUVAT NIT PARU ATPATPAGU DRAGADAT VADI NELU KADATOTU PARUVAT ELINIRTLT PARUVAT MI PARU ATPATPAGU ‘DRAGADAT KELINADU LE VILIPUTT PARU BIVUKKELE SANGALU PARUVAT ELUGRIE KADUTOTU PARUVAT MT PARU AT PATPAGU DRAGADAT KELIMADULE TINKOLUPUTT PARU DIAVIGTLT KADUTOTU PARWUAT The reef in Diguesau; two portions of the shallows of this reef; the reef in Permadenu; the deeps (biavu) 4n Kadutotu (ford) in Vadinetu; the reet between these | two; the village of Tewkou and the village of Dabudwu; from these two villages two portions of the shallows of this rect made into on kinikotu:the boundaries of Kuswbukoti in Mate Mepammare:to the Bast, the edge ©f agetu;to the South, the Sinmli portion belonging “to Kabatemi, the wite of Kronpatika valunatka of Nelendwu; to the West, Mackoté;to the North agelu; DIGURESA UPARUVAT III PARU ATPATPAGU DRAGADAT PENMADENU PARUVAT VADINELU KADUTOTU BISVAT NINE DEPARU ISUDUUU GEMENAT DABUDUVU GEMENAL ML DEGEMEN MI PARU ATPATPAGU DRAGADU EKSHAT KOTU KANT KOTU MALE HAPANNU TTB KUSUBA KOTT TMU PURBBA DISEN AGELISIN DAKSHINA DISEN NELUNDUVEN KRONPA ‘TIKA VALUNATKAIN ABT KABALENINGE SINMULT PAGAT PASSTNA DISEN WAKO See Bis seh Beer Boe : Pies oD ee 7 Soegiomare rue *@ 2 le e ca as spp Dene me pans Eee neo ‘The boundaries of Natudéreki's portion located in Mapannu are: to the East, agelus to the South, the three protions on Pasholuka Road; to the West (pelu); the butu of kadaveru;to the North, the butu of agelu; the boundaries of the back - yard portion of Mlemnwite of Bulipaamuladari in Mate Mapannu; to the North, the portion of Kitemin; to the South, the portion of matna Baderito the west, the portion of kitakalu of Biaidwu; to the North, the portion of Lokanaadeevi TIAL UTTARA DISEN AGELTAT HAPANNU TIBT NATUDIREKKAGETN PAG THT PU RBEA.DISEN AGELIAI DAKSHANA DISEN PANSHOLU KAMGATT PAGAT PELU DISEN KADA VERAT BUTU UTTARA DISEN AGELTAT BUTU MALE WAPANNU TIBI. BUDTPAMULADARIN ABI NILEMINGE GEBTLT PAGU THU PURBEA DISEN KITENINGE PAGAT DAKSHI NA DISEN TIMURATNA BADERIAGE PAGAT PASSTMA DISEN BIATOUVU 25 is Ep pe dae Ae acca AEE Ae A oa Sar ESO aed a wisi Ce eh hoe poe. LS “ee se ‘The sustenance share (bainbat) due to the KITKALUGE PAGAT UTTARA DISEN LOKANA DEVINGE PAGAT Government from Diavigiii granted by King Manabarana RANA Eee as a meritorious grant; the sustenance share RWWA. ATA KEDUNU DIAVIGILIN. BANDARA ATA VANA BAINEATAT belonging to the Royalty from Viliputi; the UILIPUTIN, RASUGE BANDA three cowrie-shares (vati) set apart for gifts of RA ATA VANA BATHBATAT DABUDUUU VEDUML BOLTN KEDUNU KATELUGA cowries in Dabudwu; Galuliputi in Mulok Atetu;the TEN AVATAR YEN two cowrie-shares set apart form the Maavaru tax LUPUTT DABUDUVU VEREN VIDE ABARKNA RASUGE BANDARA GENE ME PUTA from Dabwhou to this putt. Having examined the ATER GN Government share of King Abaraxa, given to vihara at TA DABLDUVU MAVARUVATW. KEDUNU TEVATT POLLAT TRTBUVANA ABU Dabudwus RASUGE RAUUDA ATA D/ 26 EP aCe tae tet a ee ae el) yy TIDE oT EO 5 va Sy et od ce ea) be eal ah ‘DUVU MAVARUVATNI KEDUNU TINVATI POLLAT TRIBUVANA Three cowrie-shares (tin vatubolu) se} Rade ae RASUGE KELTHADULE NEDUPUTIN from Mavaru tax from Dabudwuon account of KEDI_BANDARA ATA VANA BATNBATAT MITAKU PUREKE RUVINVE rudy of King Tribwtna; the sustenance eS MASDIDATA SUDDA KOTU DINU A share due to the Government set apart from Nedipudd, din , Zalenadulss, gr ae RIADU VATELU TOTUDUVU TIBI PURBEE DABUOUVEN LTBEKANA a 7 SEARS mE tee i. DEPAGAT PURUVE DABU all these former mefn were given to the mosque as a benefice, DUVU GENEN HALE TIBI_DEPAGU NAVALU KANAGETAUT STRVA SINA BULIST BOLT MILT WA SDIDATA ME DINU SATADUVU NATYE KALATDUVU TIBT DABUDUVEN HARUKA 27 wD Et ao Cee tet er oS eee uent ee Sa PN LA Pt Se PEAY On Okorys DU DAKSINA OISE TIBI PAGIRE VVANA PAGAT PURBBE The two portions located in Totadieu in Ania DABUDUUU VERATA VAKA NEGENA PA (elu which in the past have been receiving wabudwus the two portions located inate GU KVATT SITADUVU TIBI DEPAGAT GAM TIBI KUNAKUATYE WANA PAGAT KALADUVU TI whieh in the past have been receiving from jabudiaus all cowries were BI SAVALU VATVE UYANA PAGAT KALATDUUU TEBE PUNALADADE WANA PAGAT KALATDUVU the village of Klven to the Mosque, TIBI BILIGASKADE WAKA PAGAT OYADUVU DIGALAGE The cultivation portion of the Pagine on the RANA PAGAT DABUDUVU PANTGA Routh of Maru DE UVANA PAGAT. TSUDUVW OLTDAVIALAGE VATYE UYANA PAGAT in Katey set forth below METAR PAGUI MATIN PUL Are the portions due to the vthane in Dabuitws de (Belonging to Datwehow vihana) locat In former times: two portions located in Sitadurus tho cultivations portion in kimak'e Garden located garden located in Ketaidwus the cultivation portion of tn Gams the cultivation portion in Havalu'e taadads located in Kala: the cultivation portion of Wiligarkade located in kal ‘duu the kana portion of ton of Fantgada Digalaain Diadwu; the cultivation por In Pobuiwu; the cultivation portion of of1 pabata’ 28 , ea ae ek ae eS RB ee ena a) E ‘ were due to the vihara in Dabudwu in former BBE DABUDUVU VERATA NEGENA TAK VAKA VYAUTI. ALIKEN times are to be taken for worship, CUA TART NID SUETEAEL DUVAT KALATDUVU TIBI PALUGADE UYANA PAGAT KALATDUVU The Suliabidwu in Dabudwus the cultivation TIBI WARUKDADE UVANA EAI Sasa) eg PAGAT KALATDUVU TIBT GALADUVE VYANA PAGAT DYADUVU cultivation portion of Marwkdade located in TIBI LAWASU PATUNE VYANA PAGA Kalaidwu; the cultivation portion of Galadwe Pip ABUL TIRE AT ADTRIRVELUYAUAl paGA THOOUADLTA located in Xelendwu;the cultivation portion of MADULE KEDIKELUKURE DT MANADAT Laanasipatumu (ford) located in Diadwu; the EKIMU TIBI PURVVE DABUPUVENDADE UYANA PAGAT MITAKA cultivation portion of Adérudwu located in EKANT RATU GADU PAGUNA RAST Diadwu; two Manadu in Kedikeli Xwu in Miladwu Madutu; the cultivation portion (belonging to Dabudiwu in former times) located there itself; All these island lands (ratugadu) and shares given ‘to the Government as sustenance share of the king were given over to the Mosque as benefice. dae 2) The reefs in kadatotu, (ford) Vadinelu Bhmiritieutu, land the Shaiselu ambergris (gonakashapati) belonging to these reefs are bestowed to the Mosque. TheShatehelu ambergris belonging to the reef of the vihara and the villages Iewdwu and Dabudwu to be considered as one, and to be divided equally between them. The ‘Slistenance shares of lands (gadu) and portions (pau) in Govidwu solely, were ordered to be given to the Mosque for all such things as the supply of thatch, “oil for the lamps, rice for the consumption, GE BANDARA ATA VADUNA BATHBATI BANDARATN SUDDA KOTU MASDIDATA DING ELIMIRTLT ‘SUTE VADINELU KADUTOTU PARUVAT NIT PARUTA ATUT ‘SHATSHELU GOVAKASHAPATT MASDI DATA STTUVAT DINU VERESU PARATA ATVI SHATSHELU GOWAKASTAPATI ISUDUVU GEMENAT ‘DABUDUVU GEMENAT DEGEMENA EKSHAT KOTU BASAT GANNAT KOTU MITAK EKANT GOVTDU VU GADUPAGU BATMBATI MASDIDU SANA PAN GEAT VETTELAT SADAKA SADULAT MA by Malim and the person in charge of the Mosque, (mudim. The ?inmalands of the impoverished people from the vihara in former Dhabudhivu should be left to remain as finnaand bestowed upon them without hindrance. Set forth below are the alu (persons) assigned to this dama (religion): Patterisiria's people living in Dabudwu; Kalwtitia's people also living in this island, Semda's people living in Sultabidwu; Aidiga's people, also living in this island; the mother-and-three-children (tivmat) living in Vadinetu LIM MUDTMUN.KANA BOGAA THI EMNEKA MAKEMUATU NIAT KOTU DINU PURVU DABUDUVU VERU WANIN KREN EKASART_DADU DUKPAT MINIVANUNGE STNNA SINA MULTST KULA DADUVAGU ELU STNNA VINATA HE TIBENI KOTU NIROVUMISENA STTUVAT DINU MT DARMMA ATA SITUVT ALU KVAML DABU DUVU TDINA PATTERT SIRTAGE KADIVARUNAT MI DIVU ME KALUNELLAGE KADIVARUNAT SULU ABT ‘DUVU SANDAGE KADIVARUKAT TMI DUUU ME ATDIGAGE KADIVARUNAT VADINELU BUNDA TINUAT A ee eee DrOwP te esr ta eS te BAe eke et Dye 31 Aivaki of this village itself; Pammesia's people Living in Keluhou- Potpakumalia'e people living An Ratpandwu; Satya's people living in Pinkotuputt, Devata's of the same village Burokieudea's people in Medeputi; Kuiaketta'e people of the same vi- Linge; Matia'e people in Matidwus Kunekineria'e People of the same island; Diguetka'e people of the fame island; Rakieividia and mother-and-five-children (paumat) of véliputt; MI_AGEME ATRAKKAT KELUDUVU TOUNA PARUVESYAGE KADIVARUNAT RATPANDT UU TOUNA POTPAKMAL LAGE KADIVARUNAT TINKOLUPUTT BUNDADI 'SATYAGE KADTVARUNAT MI DUVU ME DEVALAGE KADIVARUNAT HEDEPUTT BUROKT SUDEAGE KADIVARUNAT MTDUVLI NE KUDAKETTAGE KADIVARUNAT MATIDUVU MALLAGE KADIVARUNAT MTOTUU NE KUNTKINERT AGE KADIVARUNAT MIDUVU ME DIGUSTKAAGE KADIVARUNAT VILIPUTT RAKAT STRINTA ao Fores ad ake Y ~ Aiea Sa ee ae ponent Cy x os nae Seen = Seach iN 8 este) ce a Malasika and their gusati; Berulu Mala'e people of the same island; the-mother-and-five-children of Kudakasalu; Sanda's two-children (de-dari) in Muloku; Siridiopdia's people in Uigalu; Bandasivu's mother-and-four-children (Satzru mau) of the same island; Striadisema's mother-and-five-children of the same island Xitiperu of this island;Goi of this island Aipin of Dabidwu itself; mother-and- child (deme) of Podivekka of this island Danaetmuabut of Kalatdwu; all these alu (persons)are (assigned ‘to the Mosque) DIAT A PASHAUNAT MALUSTKAT MIUN GUSATI MIDIVUME BURULU MALAGE KADIVARUNAT ME DIVUME STRIADIREKKA PASUMAUNAT KUDAKASALU TINMEUNAT MULOKU SANDA’DEDART NAT UIGALU STRIDI PODIAGE KADIVARUNAT MIDIVUME TDUNA BUNDADT STRTA SATARAMAUNAT MIDUVUME STRT ADISENNA PASUNAUNAT ATDUVUME KITTPERU MTDUVU NE GOT DUVUDUVUNE ATPIN MIDIVUNE PODIREKKA DENAT KALATOUVU MA DANASTRU UBUT MITAK ALUN MASUDA (One sheet is probably missing here in the Loamaafaanu) 33 RR Ces a eae ene eee eee tee ae ae eee EN oo NACo SE ee eo a a het Neier Ses eet Cease ae ‘ EO mena eas Che eer aad Bee ah>.g Bross mince PX aias (Incomplete) former mdm having caused to be PURVUE RUDINUE AGELT NELAT HIAGE AGELT DEKELATA MINNA DEKODU VENT MASDIDU shown Lo the people the lands of the mosque; having BPMN eet is raisin who clin trees to VATI. EREMA GENENATA ERE DAKVANT_KOTU DABADUUU RAVALT MULL STPAT PUKAANA PIRTHINT draw toddy that the thatehing of the Mosque should tonded to by them by supplying cadjans. Having KENAKUNT KREWA ASARAKDANA EKT PENT KADA MASOTOU PAN ved the te GE SANA DATA ERE DAKVANT day fast (diearoda) and having BN het citer, turd navine toarowed upon KOTU DISA ROOA STPAT RIADI KOTU ATSINA GEVEN JASDTDU Harve TBA the momque (the great king Sri Gadanaditya decrees as i follows) To the Great King Sri Gadanaditya and his lineage T SRI GADANADITYA MARASUNAT MI RASUNGE GOTRAT UBRAME HSH LINANEUADINT tnd to WII those kings who have converted you to the Muslim voligion and thus stabilized (this religion) to A1h auch « » I bestowed (this mosque) in order that (he merit in transferred to them. 34 Having ordered that the five ned of cowries formerly taken from the poor people (dugapatin) living in Dabudiwu should not be taken; Having bestowed without hindrance to the Mosque (it is decreed that) any person who misappropriates anything out of the income given to the Mosque or any King who violates this order shall be consi- dered a traitor to the Almighty God [SARUKULA TAK RASUNAT NITAK UPASAKA VARUNGETA DARKWA ATA DENALLA KASA LU SADAKA DENT KOTU DABUDUVU TOUNA DUGAPATIN KREN PURBBE GANNA PAS MEDI BOLT NUGATA LITT KOTU NIROVUMTSEN SUTTAI MI MASDIDATA DINT EKANT GOVT DUVAKU_ALAKPAGA KUNTKAT GENE NI MASDIDU BIDE NASHANA KREWEVI ESINTA KULA KOMME KULA RASAKUN DEVATATNATA DROIVANT KOTU MINNAINT ‘SRI GADANADTTVA As great King Gadaadity2 spoke thus, Padiata (pandit) bearing the title Suiubizatiee of the clan of tperudwun, named Diniourieiré Porolmaana this. wrote Tokaniga mahakaraga cartrinadu take (in Devanagari script) to this document: (witness) 1, Senevivat- Minister, (Commander-in-Chief) of the name Budisiru of the Peet clan of Peotnduven, 2. Famitiadari- Minister, (Treasure) of the name Aisiru, of the Vtwu clan of Kendwen, 3. Mapasagin~ Minister, of the name Zabiru; of the clan Kelaimovan, 4. Ariangai~Minister, of the name Babiri of the Pestndwwen, MARASUN DIDALIN TI PERUDUVUNAGE VAS SUOUBTRATT SEN PROKHANA PATADA. ANE PINISURT STRU NANT PADIATA LT LOKARAGE NAWAKARAGK ‘SARTNNADA —LAKA PESUNDUVENGE PESTPUNA VASUI BUDISTRU NAM SENEVIRASTM MASANSHRT UTTRT ASU KENDUVENGE ATSTRU PAMULLADARTAWASANSHRT KELAT MOVAN VAST BA BIRU MAPASAGIN MASANSHRT. PESENDUVENGE PESIPANA VAS BABURU NAM ANTANGAT By tae Celt te nek nee cael Re aes oye seas: 0 aie A adveee Bere VOOMBr-BS OG 2 m9 Sr Por oO we aaa Le eal es =e ee Dor N SAT Pere AS Ae e ae 5. Danadanaika-Minister, of the name Malusiru, MMASANSHRT —ISDUVELALUGE MALU STRU DANDANATKAMMASANSHRT ete anbeiail KANADLMAGE 6. Valwnatka- Minister, of the name Satieirwatita ASU SATISTRU PATIKA VALUNATKATHUASANSHRT TRUNUVAOTT of the clan of Kamadimaa. VASURRETISE RI Mae) 7. Ratnabaderi- Minister, of the name Kétisiru, RATNABADERTMMASANSHRT UTURU ASU SHADISTRUME NATKATM of the clan Immmaoti a eS 8. Menatka- Minister, of the name Shadisiru, [SADISURU NAM MARADATNNASANSHRT SAGRASU VASU DETSURU of the clan of Vaturu. WAU RULERS ey 9, Maaraadain- Minister, of the name Sadiewu, MMASANSHRT SAGRASVASU RAKTSTRU NAMU UITPEDTARTNMASHANSHRT of the clan of Mulok. SO a 10. Koteribaderi- Minister of the name Deteuru SATISTRU NAM PADTARTHMUASANSHRT of the clan of Sagrasu 11. Utpediarin- Minister, of the name Rakisiru, of the clan of Sagrasu. 12, Pediarin- Minister, of the name Satieiru of Stvadivu Kalu (clan)

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