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suspending them from the top of his quiver, hastened to the chamber
of Psyche, whom he found asleep. He shed a few drops from the
Cupid and Psyche bitter fountain over her lips, though the sight of her almost moved
him to pity; then touched her side with the point of his arrow. At the
Lucius Apuleius touch she awoke, and opened eyes upon Cupid (himself invisible),
which so startled him that in his confusion he wounded himself with
A certain king and queen had three daughters. The charms of the two his own arrow. Heedless of his wound, his whole thought now was to
elder were more than common, but the beauty of the youngest was so repair the mischief he had done, and he poured the balmy drops of
wonderful that the poverty of language is unable to express its due joy over all her silken ringlets.
praise. The fame of her beauty was so great that strangers from
neighboring countries came in crowds to enjoy the sight, and looked Psyche, henceforth frowned upon by Venus, derived no benefit from
on her with amazement, paying her that homage which is due only to all her charms. True, all eyes were cast eagerly upon her, and every
Venus herself. In fact Venus found her altars deserted, while men mouth spoke her praises; but neither king, royal youth, nor plebeian
turned their devotion to this young virgin. As she passed along, the presented himself to demand her in marriage. Her two elder sisters of
people sang her praises, and strewed her way with chaplets and moderate charms had now long been married to two royal princes;
flowers. but Psyche, in her lonely apartment, deplored her solitude, sick of
that beauty which, while it procured abundance of flattery, had failed
This homage to the exaltation of a mortal gave great offense to the to awaken love.
real Venus. Shaking her ambrosial locks with indignation, she
exclaimed, "Am I then to be eclipsed in my honors by a mortal girl? Her parents, afraid that they had unwittingly incurred the anger of
In vain then did that royal shepherd, whose judgment was approved the gods, consulted the oracle of Apollo, and received this answer,
by Jove himself, give me the palm of beauty over my illustrious "The virgin is destined for the bride of no mortal lover. Her future
rivals, Pallas and Juno. But she shall not so quietly usurp my honors. husband awaits her on the top of the mountain. He is a monster
I will give her cause to repent of so unlawful a beauty." whom neither gods nor men can resist."

Thereupon she calls her winged son Cupid, mischievous enough in This dreadful decree of the oracle filled all the people with dismay,
his own nature, and rouses and provokes him yet more by her and her parents abandoned themselves to grief. But Psyche said,
complaints. She points out Psyche to him and says, "My dear son, "Why, my dear parents, do you now lament me? You should rather
punish that contumacious beauty; give your mother a revenge as have grieved when the people showered upon me undeserved honors,
sweet as her injuries are great; infuse into the bosom of that haughty and with one voice called me a Venus. I now perceive that I am a
girl a passion for some low, mean, unworthy being, so that she may victim to that name. I submit. Lead me to that rock to which my
reap a mortification as great as her present exultation and triumph." unhappy fate has destined me."

Cupid prepared to obey the commands of his mother. There are two Accordingly, all things being prepared, the royal maid took her place
fountains in Venus's garden, one of sweet waters, the other of bitter. in the procession, which more resembled a funeral than a nuptial
Cupid filled two amber vases, one from each fountain, and pomp, and with her parents, amid the lamentations of the people,
ascended the mountain, on the summit of which they left her alone, from waiters or servants, and covered with the greatest delicacies of
and with sorrowful hearts returned home. food and the most nectareous wines. Her ears too were feasted with
music from invisible performers; of whom one sang, another played
While Psyche stood on the ridge of the mountain, panting with fear on the lute, and all closed in the wonderful harmony of a full chorus.
and with eyes full of tears, the gentle Zephyr raised her from the
earth and bore her with an easy motion into a flowery dale. By She had not yet seen her destined husband. He came only in the
degrees her mind became composed, and she laid herself down on hours of darkness and fled before the dawn of morning, but his
the grassy bank to sleep. accents were full of love, and inspired a like passion in her. She often
begged him to stay and let her behold him, but he would not consent.
When she awoke refreshed with sleep, she looked round and beheld On the contrary he charged her to make no attempt to see him, for it
near a pleasant grove of tall and stately trees. She entered it, and in was his pleasure, for the best of reasons, to keep concealed.
the midst discovered a fountain, sending forth clear and crystal
waters, and fast by, a magnificent palace whose august front "Why should you wish to behold me?" he said. "Have you any doubt
impressed the spectator that it was not the work of mortal hands, but of my love? Have you any wish ungratified? If you saw me, perhaps
the happy retreat of some god. Drawn by admiration and wonder, she you would fear me, perhaps adore me, but all I ask of you is to love
approached the building and ventured to enter. me. I would rather you would love me as an equal than adore me as a
Every object she met filled her with pleasure and amazement.
Golden pillars supported the vaulted roof, and the walls were This reasoning somewhat quieted Psyche for a time, and while the
enriched with carvings and paintings representing beasts of the chase novelty lasted she felt quite happy. But at length the thought of her
and rural scenes, adapted to delight the eye of the beholder. parents, left in ignorance of her fate, and of her sisters, precluded
Proceeding onward, she perceived that besides the apartments of from sharing with her the delights of her situation, preyed on her
state there were others filled with all manner of treasures, and mind and made her begin to feel her palace as but a splendid prison.
beautiful and precious productions of nature and art. When her husband came one night, she told him her distress, and at
last drew from him an unwilling consent that her sisters should be
While her eyes were thus occupied, a voice addressed her, though brought to see her.
she saw no one, uttering these words, "Sovereign lady, all that you
see is yours. We whose voices you hear are your servants and shall So, calling Zephyr, she acquainted him with her husband's
obey all your commands with our utmost care and diligence. Retire, commands, and he, promptly obedient, soon brought them across the
therefore, to your chamber and repose on your bed of down, and mountain down to their sister's valley. They embraced her and she
when you see fit, repair to the bath. Supper awaits you in the returned their caresses.
adjoining alcove when it pleases you to take your seat there."
"Come," said Psyche, "enter with me my house and refresh
Psyche gave ear to the admonitions of her vocal attendants, and after yourselves with whatever your sister has to offer."
repose and the refreshment of the bath, seated herself in the alcove,
where a table immediately presented itself, without any visible aid
Then taking their hands she led them into her golden palace, and As she leaned the lamp over to have a better view of his face, a drop
committed them to the care of her numerous train of attendant of burning oil fell on the shoulder of the god. Startled, he opened his
voices, to refresh them in her baths and at her table, and to show eyes and fixed them upon her. Then, without saying a word, he
them all her treasures. The view of these celestial delights caused spread his white wings and flew out of the window. Psyche, in vain
envy to enter their bosoms, at seeing their young sister possessed of endeavoring to follow him, fell from the window to the ground.
such state and splendor, so much exceeding their own.
Cupid, beholding her as she lay in the dust, stopped his flight for an
They asked her numberless questions, among others what sort of a instant and said, "Oh foolish Psyche, is it thus you repay my love?
person her husband was. Psyche replied that he was a beautiful After I disobeyed my mother's commands and made you my wife,
youth, who generally spent the daytime in hunting upon the will you think me a monster and cut off my head? But go; return to
mountains. your sisters, whose advice you seem to think preferable to mine. I
inflict no other punishment on you than to leave you for ever. Love
The sisters, not satisfied with this reply, soon made her confess that cannot dwell with suspicion." So saying, he fled away, leaving poor
she had never seen him. Then they proceeded to fill her bosom with Psyche prostrate on the ground, filling the place with mournful
dark suspicions. "Call to mind," they said, "the Pythian oracle that lamentations.
declared you destined to marry a direful and tremendous monster.
The inhabitants of this valley say that your husband is a terrible and When she had recovered some degree of composure she looked
monstrous serpent, who nourishes you for a while with dainties that around her, but the palace and gardens had vanished, and she found
he may by and by devour you. Take our advice. Provide yourself herself in the open field not far from the city where her sisters dwelt.
with a lamp and a sharp knife; put them in concealment that your She repaired thither and told them the whole story of her
husband may not discover them, and when he is sound asleep, slip misfortunes, at which, pretending to grieve, those spiteful creatures
out of bed, bring forth your lamp, and see for yourself whether what inwardly rejoiced.
they say is true or not. If it is, hesitate not to cut off the monster's
head, and thereby recover your liberty." "For now," said they, "he will perhaps choose one of us." With this
idea, without saying a word of her intentions, each of them rose early
Psyche resisted these persuasions as well as she could, but they did the next morning and ascended the mountain, and having reached the
not fail to have their effect on her mind, and when her sisters were top, called upon Zephyr to receive her and bear her to his lord; then
gone, their words and her own curiosity were too strong for her to leaping up, and not being sustained by Zephyr, fell down the
resist. So she prepared her lamp and a sharp knife, and hid them out precipice and was dashed to pieces.
of sight of her husband. When he had fallen into his first sleep, she
silently rose and uncovering her lamp beheld not a hideous monster, Psyche meanwhile wandered day and night, without food or repose,
but the most beautiful and charming of the gods, with his golden in search of her husband. Casting her eyes on a lofty mountain
ringlets wandering over his snowy neck and crimson cheek, with two having on its brow a magnificent temple, she sighed and said to
dewy wings on his shoulders, whiter than snow, and with shining herself, "Perhaps my love, my lord, inhabits there," and directed her
feathers like the tender blossoms of spring. steps thither.
She had no sooner entered than she saw heaps of corn, some in loose But Psyche, in a perfect consternation at the enormous work, sat
ears and some in sheaves, with mingled ears of barley. Scattered stupid and silent, without moving a finger to the inextricable heap.
about, lay sickles and rakes, and all the instruments of harvest,
without order, as if thrown carelessly out of the weary reapers' hands While she sat despairing, Cupid stirred up the little ant, a native of
in the sultry hours of the day. the fields, to take compassion on her. The leader of the anthill,
followed by whole hosts of his six-legged subjects, approached the
This unseemly confusion the pious Psyche put an end to, by heap, and with the utmost diligence taking grain by grain, they
separating and sorting everything to its proper place and kind, separated the pile, sorting each kind to its parcel; and when it was all
believing that she ought to neglect none of the gods, but endeavor by done, they vanished out of sight in a moment.
her piety to engage them all in her behalf. The holy Ceres, whose
temple it was, finding her so religiously employed, thus spoke to her, Venus at the approach of twilight returned from the banquet of the
"Oh Psyche, truly worthy of our pity, though I cannot shield you gods, breathing odors and crowned with roses. Seeing the task done,
from the frowns of Venus, yet I can teach you how best to allay her she exclaimed, "This is no work of yours, wicked one, but his, whom
displeasure. Go, then, and voluntarily surrender yourself to your lady to your own and his misfortune you have enticed." So saying, she
and sovereign, and try by modesty and submission to win her threw her a piece of black bread for her supper and went away.
forgiveness, and perhaps her favor will restore you the husband you
have lost." Next morning Venus ordered Psyche to be called and said to her,
"Behold yonder grove which stretches along the margin of the water.
Psyche obeyed the commands of Ceres and took her way to the There you will find sheep feeding without a shepherd, with golden-
temple of Venus, endeavoring to fortify her mind and ruminating on shining fleeces on their backs. Go, fetch me a sample of that precious
what she should say and how best propitiate the angry goddess, wool gathered from every one of their fleeces."
feeling that the issue was doubtful and perhaps fatal.
Psyche obediently went to the riverside, prepared to do her best to
Venus received her with angry countenance. "Most undutiful and execute the command. But the river god inspired the reeds with
faithless of servants," said she, "do you at last remember that you harmonious murmurs, which seemed to say, "Oh maiden, severely
really have a mistress? Or have you rather come to see your sick tried, tempt not the dangerous flood, nor venture among the
husband, yet laid up of the wound given him by his loving wife? You formidable rams on the other side, for as long as they are under the
are so ill favored and disagreeable that the only way you can merit influence of the rising sun, they burn with a cruel rage to destroy
your lover must be by dint of industry and diligence. I will make trial mortals with their sharp horns or rude teeth. But when the noontide
of your housewifery." Then she ordered Psyche to be led to the sun has driven the cattle to the shade, and the serene spirit of the
storehouse of her temple, where was laid up a great quantity of flood has lulled them to rest, you may then cross in safety, and you
wheat, barley, millet, vetches, beans, and lentils prepared for food for will find the woolly gold sticking to the bushes and the trunks of the
her pigeons, and said, "Take and separate all these grains, putting all trees."
of the same kind in a parcel by themselves, and see that you get it
done before evening." Then Venus departed and left her to her task. Thus the compassionate river god gave Psyche instructions how to
accomplish her task, and by observing his directions she soon
returned to Venus with her arms full of the golden fleece; but she precious commodity. Then she returned the way she came, and glad
received not the approbation of her implacable mistress, who said, "I was she to come out once more into the light of day.
know very well it is by none of your own doings that you have
succeeded in this task, and I am not satisfied yet that you have any But having got so far successfully through her dangerous task a
capacity to make yourself useful. But I have another task for you. longing desire seized her to examine the contents of the box. "What,"
Here, take this box and go your way to the infernal shades, and give said she, "shall I, the carrier of this divine beauty, not take the least
this box to Proserpine and say, 'My mistress Venus desires you to bit to put on my cheeks to appear to more advantage in the eyes of
send her a little of your beauty, for in tending her sick son she has my beloved husband!" So she carefully opened the box, but found
lost some of her own.' Be not too long on your errand, for I must nothing there of any beauty at all, but an infernal and truly Stygian
paint myself with it to appear at the circle of the gods and goddesses sleep, which being thus set free from its prison, took possession of
this evening." her, and she fell down in the midst of the road, a sleepy corpse
without sense or motion.
Psyche was now satisfied that her destruction was at hand, being
obliged to go with her own feet directly down to Erebus. Wherefore, But Cupid, being now recovered from his wound, and not able longer
to make no delay of what was not to be avoided, she goes to the top to bear the absence of his beloved Psyche, slipping through the
of a high tower to precipitate herself headlong, thus to descend the smallest crack of the window of his chamber which happened to be
shortest way to the shades below. But a voice from the tower said to left open, flew to the spot where Psyche lay, and gathering up the
her, "Why, poor unlucky girl, do you design to put an end to your sleep from her body closed it again in the box, and waked Psyche
days in so dreadful a manner? And what cowardice makes you sink with a light touch of one of his arrows. "Again," said he, "have you
under this last danger who have been so miraculously supported in almost perished by the same curiosity. But now perform exactly the
all your former?" Then the voice told her how by a certain cave she task imposed on you by my mother, and I will take care of the rest."
might reach the realms of Pluto, and how to avoid all the dangers of
the road, to pass by Cerberus, the three-headed dog, and prevail on Then Cupid, as swift as lightning penetrating the heights of heaven,
Charon, the ferryman, to take her across the black river and bring her presented himself before Jupiter with his supplication. Jupiter lent a
back again. But the voice added, "When Proserpine has given you favoring ear, and pleaded the cause of the lovers so earnestly with
the box filled with her beauty, of all things this is chiefly to be Venus that he won her consent. On this he sent Mercury to bring
observed by you, that you never once open or look into the box nor Psyche up to the heavenly assembly, and when she arrived, handing
allow your curiosity to pry into the treasure of the beauty of the her a cup of ambrosia, he said, "Drink this, Psyche, and be immortal;
goddesses." nor shall Cupid ever break away from the knot in which he is tied,
but these nuptials shall be perpetual."
Psyche, encouraged by this advice, obeyed it in all things, and taking
heed to her ways traveled safely to the kingdom of Pluto. She was Thus Psyche became at last united to Cupid, and in due time they
admitted to the palace of Proserpine, and without accepting the had a daughter born to them whose name was Pleasure.
delicate seat or delicious banquet that was offered her, but contented
with coarse bread for her food, she delivered her message from
Venus. Presently the box was returned to her, shut and filled with the
taglay niyang kagandahan ay nakapag-asawa na ng hari at
namumuhay nang masaya sa kani-kaniyang palasyo. Naging
CUPID AT PSYCHE malungkot si Psyche sa kaniyang pag-iisa. Tila walang nais
Noong unang panahon, may hari na may tatlong magmahal sa kaniya.
magagandang anak na babae. Ang pinakamaganda sa tatlo ang
bunsong si Psyche. Labis siyang hinahangaan at sinasamba ng
kalalakihan. Sinasabi nilang kahit si Venus, ang diyosa ng
Nabahala ang magulang ni Psyche. Naglakbay ang haring
kagandahan, ay hindi makapapantay sa ganda nito. Nalimot na rin ng
ama ni Psyche upang humingi ng tulong kay Apollo. Hiniling niyang
kalalakihan na magbigay ng alay at magpuri sa diyosa. Gayundin,
payuhan siya ni Apollo kung paano makahahanap ng mabuting
ang kaniyang templo ay wala nang mga alay, naging marumi, at unti-
lalaking iibig sa kaniyang anak. Lingid sa kaalaman ng hari naunang
unti nang nasisira. Lahat ng papuri’t karangalang dapat sa kaniya ay
humingi ng tulong si Cupid kay Apollo. Sinabi niya ang kaniyang
napunta na lahat sa isang mortal. Nagalit si Venus at inutusan niya si
sitwasyon at nagmakaawang tulungan siya. Kaya sinabi ni Apollo sa
Cupid, ang kaniyang anak upang paibigin si Psyche sa isang
hari na makapangangasawa si Psyche ng isang nakakatakot na
nakatatakot na nilalang. Hindi na niya naisip ang maaaring maidulot
nilalang. Pinayuhan niya ang hari na bihisan ng pamburol si Psyche,
ng kagandahan ng dalaga sa kaniyang anak. Agad tumalima si Cupid
dalhin siya sa tuktok ng bundok at iwan nang mag-isa. Doon ay
at hinanap ang nasabing babae. Umibig siya kay Psyche nang
susunduin siya ng kaniyang mapapangasawa na isang halimaw, isang
nasilayan niya ang kagandahan ng dalaga. Tila ba napana niya ang
ahas na may pakpak.
kaniyang sariling puso.

Labis na kalumbayan ang baon ng hari sa kaniyang

Nang makauwi si Cupid, inilihim niya sa kaniyang ina ang
pagbabalik sa palasyo subalit agad pa rin siyang tumalima sa payo ni
nangyari. Labis namang nagtitiwala si Venus at hindi na rin nito
Apollo. Ipinag-utos niyang bihisan si Psyche ng pinakamaganda
inusisa ang anak. Nanabik ang diyosa ng kagandahan sa
niyang damit. Pagkatapos mabihisan si Psyche, ipinabuhat ng hari
kahihinatnan ng buhay ni Psyche.
ang anak na parang ihahatid sa kaniyang libingan papunta sa tuktok
ng bundok. Habang naglalakbay sila, nagluluksa ang lahat sa
maaaring mangyari kay Psyche. Sa kabila naman ng mabigat na
Gayunman, hindi naganap ang inaasahan ni Venus. Hindi sitwasyon, buong tapang na hinarap ng dalaga ang kaniyang
umibig si Psyche sa isang nakatatakot na nilalang o kahit kanino. kapalaran. “Dapat noon pa ay iniyakan na ninyo ako. Ang taglay
Ang isa pang nakapagtataka ay walang umiibig sa kaniya. Kontento kong kagandahan ang sanhi ng panibugho ng langit,” sumbat niya sa
nang pagmasdan at sambahin siya ng mga lalaki subalit hindi ang kaniyang ama. Pagkatapos nito ay pinaalis na ni Psyche ang
ibigin siya. Ang kaniyang dalawang kapatid na malayo ang hitsura sa
kaniyang mga kasama at sinabing masaya niyang haharapin ang tainga. Nang marinig niya ang tinig ng lalaki, nawala ang lahat ng
kaniyang katapusan. takot na kaniyang nararamdaman. Sa kaniyang paniniwala, hindi
halimaw ang lalaki kundi isang mangingibig at asawang matagal na
niyang hinihintay.
Naghintay si Psyche habang unti-unting nilalamon ng dilim
ang buong bundok. Takot na takot siya sapagkat hindi niya alam
kung ano ang naghihintay sa kaniya. Patuloy siyang tumatangis at Isang gabi ay kinausap siya nang masinsinan ng lalaki.
nanginginig sa takot hanggang sa dumating ang malambing na ihip Binalaan siyang may panganib na darating sa pamamagitan ng
ng hangin ni Zephyr. Inilipad siya nito at inilapag sa isang damuhang dalawa niyang kapatid. “Darating ang iyong mga kapatid upang
parang na kasinlambot ng kama at pinahalimuyak ng mababangong magluksa sa lugar kung saan ka nila iniwan,” wika ng asawa.
bulaklak. Napakapayapa ng lugar na tila nawala ang lahat ng “Subalit huwag na huwag kang magpapakita sa kanila sapagkat
kaniyang kalungkutan. Nakatulog siya sa kapayapaan ng gabi. Nang magbubunga ito ng matinding kalungkutan sa akin at kasiraan sa
magising si Psyche sa tabi ng ilog, natanaw niya sa pampang nito iyo,” habilin ng lalaki. Nangako naman si Psyche na tatalima sa
ang isang mansiyon na parang ipinatayo para sa mga diyos. kagustuhan ng asawa.
Nagmasid-masid siya at labis ang kaniyang pagkamangha sa
kagandahan nito. Yari sa pilak at ginto ang mga haligi, at ang sahig
ay napalamutian ng mga hiyas. Nag-aalinlangan niyang buksan ang Kinabukasan, narinig ni Psyche ang panangis ng kaniyang
pinto subalit may tinig na nangusap sa kaniya. “Pumasok ka, para sa
mga kapatid. Labis na naantig ang kaniyang damdamin sa kanilang
iyo ang mansiyong ito. Maligo ka, magbihis, at ihahanda namin ang pagluluksa. Nais niyang ibsan ang kanilang kalungkutan at patahanin
piging para sa iyo. Kami ang iyong mga alipin,” wika ng mga tinig. sila sa pag-iyak. Hanggang sa maging siya ay umiiyak na rin.
Kinagabihan ay inabutan pa siya ng kaniyang asawa na umiiyak.
Sinabi ng lalaki na maaari na niyang makita ang kaniyang mga
Nalibang si Psyche sa mansiyon, kumain siya ng masasarap kapatid subalit mahigpit pa rin ang kaniyang babala. “Sige gawin mo
na pagkain. Buong araw siyang inaliw ng mga musika ng lira at ng ang iyong nais subalit parang hinahanap mo ang sarili mong
mga awitin ng koro na hindi niya nakikita. Maliban sa mga tinig na kapahamakan,” wika ng lalaki. Pinayuhan siya nang masinsinan na
kaniyang mga kasama, nag-iisa siya sa mansiyon. Subalit sa hindi huwag siyang pabubuyo kaninuman na subuking sulyapan ang
maipaliwanag na dahilan, batid niyang sa pagsapit ng gabi ay mukha ng lalaki. Kung mangyayari ito, magdurusa si Psyche sa
darating ang kaniyang mapapangasawa. Lumipas ang maghapon pagkakawalay sa kaniya. “Nanaisin kong mamatay nang isandaang
nang hindi niya namamalayan. Pagsapit ng gabi nangyari nga ang beses kaysa mabuhay nang wala ka sa aking piling. Pagbigyan mo
inaasahan niya. Naramdaman niya ang pagdating ng lalaki. Tulad ng lang ang kaligayahan kong muling makapiling ang aking mga
mga tinig hindi niya ito nakikita. Bumulong ang lalaki sa kaniyang
kapatid,” buong pagmamakaawang hiling ni Psyche. Malungkot na
sumang-ayon ang lalaki.
Kinabukasan, muling dumalaw ang dalawang kapatid na
may nabuo nang malagim na balak sa kanilang bunsong kapatid.
Nag-usisa sila nang nag-usisa hanggang malito na si Psyche sa
Kinaumagahan, inihatid ng ihip ng hangin ni Zephyr ang kaniyang mga pagsisinungaling. Napilitan siyang sabihin ang
dalawang kapatid ni Psyche. Hindi magkamayaw sa iyakan at katotohanang bawal niyang makita ang mukha ng kaniyang asawa at
yakapan ang magkakapatid. Walang mapagsidlan ang nag-uumapaw hindi niya alam ang anyo nito. Ikinumpisal ng magkapatid na alam
nilang kaligayahan. Nang pumasok na sila sa mansiyon labis na na nila noon pa
pagkamangha ang naramdaman ng magkapatid. Sila ay nakatira sa
palasyo subalit walang kasingganda ang mansiyon na ito. Nag-usisa na ang asawa ni Psyche ay isang halimaw batay sa sinabi ng orakulo
sila kung sino ang napangasawa ni Psyche. Tulad ng kaniyang ni Apollo.
ipinangako inilihim ni Psyche ang tunay na pagkatao ng asawa. Nang
matapos na ang pagdalaw ng kaniyang mga kapatid, dumakot si
Psyche ng mga ginto at hiyas upang ibigay sa kaniyang mga kapatid. Nagsisisi sila kung bakit nila ito inilihim kay Psyche. Binuyo
Ipinahatid niyang muli ang mga kapatid kay Zephyr. Labis na nila si Psyche na dapat na niyang malaman ang katotohanan bago
pangingimbulo ang naramdaman ng mga ate ni Psyche sa kaniya. mahuli ang lahat. Mabait lamang daw ang kaniyang asawa ngayon
Ang kanilang kayamanan ay hindi maihahambing sa kayamanang subalit darating ang araw na siya ay kakainin nito.Takot ang
kanilang nakita sa tahanan ni Psyche. Binalot nang labis na inggit
nangibabaw sa puso ni Psyche sa halip na pagmamahal. Ngayon
ang kanilang puso na humantong sa pagpaplano nila ng lamang niya napagtagni-tagni ang katanungan sa kaniyang isip. Kaya
ikapapahamak ng kanilang bunsong kapatid. pala pinagbabawalan siyang makita ang hitsura ng kaniyang asawa
sapagkat halimaw ito. At kung hindi man ito halimaw, bakit ito hindi
nagpapakita sa liwanag? Magkahalong takot at pagkalito ang
Noong gabi ring iyon, muling kinausap ng lalaki si Psyche. naramdaman ni Psyche. Humingi siya ng payo sa kaniyang kapatid.
Nagmakaawa siyang huwag na muling patuluyin sa kanilang tahanan Isinagawa na ng nakatatandang mga kapatid ang masama nilang
ang kaniyang mga kapatid. “Tandaan mong hindi mo na ako balak. Pinayuhan nila si Psyche na magtago ng punyal at lampara sa
makikitang muli kapag binali mo ang iyong pangako,” masidhing kaniyang silid. Kapag natutulog na ang kaniyang asawa sindihan
paalala ng kaniyang asawa. “Bawal na kitang makita, pati ba naman niya ang lampara at buong tapang niyang itarak ang punyal sa dibdib
ang mga mahal kong kapatid?” pagmamaktol na sumbat ni Pysche. ng asawa. Humingi lamang daw si Psyche ng tulong at nasa di
Muling pinagbigyan ng lalaki ang asawa na makita ang kaniyang kalayuan lamang ang dalawa. Kapag napatay na ni Psyche ang asawa
mga kapatid. sasamahan siya ng kaniyang mga kapatid sa pagtakas. Iniwan nila si
Psyche na litong-lito. Mahal na mahal niya ang kaniyang asawa
subalit paano kung halimaw nga ito? Nabuo ang isang desisyon sa
kaniya. Kailangan niyang makita ang hitsura ng kaniyang asawa.
Mawawala na nga ba siya sa akin nang tuluyan?” wika niya
sa kaniyang sarili. Inipon niya ang lahat ng nalalabi niyang lakas at
nagwikang “Ibubuhos ko ang bawat patak ng aking buhay upang
Sa wakas, nang mahimbing nang natutulog ang lalaki, hanapin siya. Kung wala na siyang natitirang pagmamahal sa akin,
patiyad na naglakad si Psyche patungo sa pinaglagyan niya ng maipakikita ko sa kaniya kung gaano ko siya kamahal.” At sinimulan
punyal at lampara. Kinuha niya ang mga ito. Sinindihan niya ang ni Psyche ang kaniyang paglalakbay.
lampara. Dahan-dahan siyang lumapit sa kaniyang asawa. Laking
ginhawa at kaligayahan ang nag-uumapaw sa kaniyang puso nang
masilayan niya sa unang pagkakataon ang hitsura ng kaniyang
asawa. Hindi halimaw ang kaniyang nakita kundi pinakaguwapong Sa kabilang banda, umuwi si Cupid sa kaniyang ina upang
nilalang sa mundo. Nang madapuan ng liwanag ang kagandahan ng pagalingin ang kaniyang sugat. Isinalaysay niya sa kaniyang ina ang
lalaki ay tila ba mas lalong tumingkad ang liwanag ng lampara. Sa nangyari. Nagpupuyos sa galit si Venus at lalong sumidhi ang
labis na kahihiyan at kawalan ng pagtitiwala, lumuhod siya at pagseselos niya kay Psyche. Iniwan niya si Cupid nang hindi man
binalak na saksakin ang sarili. Nang akma na niyang itatarak ang lang tinulungang gamutin ang sugat nito. Determinado si Venus na
punyal sa kaniyang dibdib, nanginig ang kaniyang kamay, at nahulog ipakita kay Psyche kung paano magalit ang isang diyosa kapag hindi
ang punyal. Ang panginginig ng kaniyang kamay ay kapwa nagligtas nasiyahan sa isang mortal. Patuloy na naglakbay si Psyche at pinipilit
at nagtaksil sa kaniya. Sa pagnanais niyang pagmasdan pa ang na makuha ang panig ng mga diyos. Siya ay palagiang nag-aalay ng
kaguwapuhan ng kaniyang asawa, inilapit niya ang lampara at marubdob na panalangin sa mga diyos subalit wala sa kanila ang nais
natuluan ng mainit na langis ang balikat nito. Nagising ang lalaki at maging kaaway si Venus. Nararamdaman ni Psyche na wala siyang
natuklasan ang kaniyang pagtataksil. Lumisan ang lalaki nang hindi pag-asa sa lupa o sa langit man. Kaya minabuti niyang magtungo sa
nagsasalita. kaharian ni Venus at ialay ang kaniyang sarili na maging isang
alipin. Sa ganitong paraan ay umaasa siyang lalambot din ang puso
ni Venus at huhupa rin ang kaniyang galit. Nagbabakasakali rin
siyang naroon sa kaniyang ina si Cupid. Sinimulan na niya ang
Sinundan ni Psyche ang asawa subalit paglabas niya, hindi paglalakbay.
na niya nakita ang lalaki. Narinig na lamang niya ang tinig ng asawa.
Ipinaliwanag nito kung sino siyang talaga. “ Hindi mabubuhay ang
pag-ibig kung walang tiwala,” wika niya bago tuluyang lumipad
papalayo. “Si Cupid, ang diyos ng pag-ibig!” ang naisip ni Psyche. “ Nang dumating si Psyche sa palasyo ni Venus, humalakhak
Siya ang asawa ko. Ako na isang hamak lamang ay hindi tumupad sa nang malakas ang diyosa. Pakutya niyang tinanong si Psyche,
aking pangako sa kaniya. “Nagpunta ka ba rito upang maghanap ng mapapangasawa? Tiyak
kong ang dati mong asawa ay wala nang pakialam sa iyo, sapagkat gintong balahibo ng mga tupa sa tabi ng ilog. Ang mga tupa ay
muntik na siyang mamatay dahil sa natamong sugat mula sa mababangis at mapanganib. Nang marating ni Psyche ang ilog,
kumukulong langis na dulot mo. Isa kang kasumpa-sumpang natutukso siyang tumalon at magpalunod na lamang upang matapos
nilalang. Kailanman ay hindi ka magkakaroon ng asawa kung hindi na ang kaniyang paghihirap. Nakarinig siya ng tinig mula sa
ka daraan sa butas ng karayom.” Sinabi ng diyosa na tutulungan niya halamang nasa tabi ng ilog. “Huwag kang magpapakamatay. Hindi
si Psyche sa pagsasanay. Ibinuhos niya sa harap ni Psyche ang isang naman ganoon kahirap ang ipinagagawa sa iyo. Kailangan mo lang
malaking lalagyan na puno ng iba’t ibang uri ng maliliit na butong maghintay ng tamang panahon upang makakuha ng gintong balahibo
pinaghalo-halo niya. Inutusan niya si Pysche na bago dumilim dapat ng tupa. Pagsapit ng hapon ang lahat ng tupa mula sa malalabay na
ay napagsama-sama na niya ang magkakauring buto. Agad lumisan halamanan ay magtutungo dito sa ilog upang magpahinga. Magtungo
ang diyosa. ka sa halamanan at doon ka kumuha ng mga gintong balahibong
nasabit sa mga sanga.” Sinunod ni Psyche ang payo ng halamang
nasa tabi ng ilog. Umuwi siya sa kaharian ni Venus na dala ang mga
Tinitigan lamang ni Psyche ang malaking tumpok ng mga gintong balahibo ng tupa.
buto. Napaka-imposible ng ipinagagawa sa kaniya ng diyosa. Nasa
ganitong pagmumuni si Psyche nang pagmasdan siya ng mga
langgam. Kung ang mga mortal at imortal ay hindi naaawa sa kaniya, “May tumulong sa iyo!” sumbat ni Venus kay Psyche.
hindi ang maliliit na nilalang. Nagtawag ang mga langgam ng “Hindi mo ginagawa nang mag-isa ang mga pinagagawa ko sa iyo.
kanilang mga kasama at sinimulan ang pagbubukod-bukod ng mga Hindi bale, bibigyan kita ng pagkakataong patunayan na sadyang
buto. Agad natapos ang gawain. Pagdating ni Venus, hindi siya mapagkunwari kang may mabuting puso at magaling.” Itinuro ni
nasiyahan sa kaniyang nakita. Sinabi niyang hindi pa tapos ang mga Venus sa malayo ang itim na tubig ng talon. Binigyan niya si Psyche
pagsubok ni Psyche. Binigyan niya si Psyche ng matigas na tinapay. ng praskoat pupunuin ito ng itim na tubig. Nagtungo si Psyche sa
Sinabi rin ng diyosa na sa sahig siya matutulog. Inisip ng diyosa na ilog ng Styx. Nakita niyang malalim ang bangin at mabato. Tanging
kung pahihirapan at gugutumin niya si Psyche mauubos rin ang may pakpak lamang ang maaaring makaigib ng tubig. Sa lahat ng
nakaiinis nitong ganda. Samantala, tiniyak ni Venus na hindi kaniyang pagsubok, ito na ang pinakamapanganib. Tulad ng
makalalabas si Cupid sa kaniyang silid habang pinahihilom nito ang inaasahan may tumulong kay Psyche. Isang agila ang dumagit sa
kaniyang sugat. Nasisiyahan si Venus sa magandang takbo ng mga praskong tangan ni Psyche at lumipad malapit sa talon. Pagbalik ng
pangyayari. agila, puno na ng itim na tubig ang prasko.

Kinaumagahan, isang mapanganib na pagsubok ang Hindi pa rin sumusuko si Venus sa pagpapahirap kay
ipinagawa ni Venus kay Psyche. Pinakukuha niya si Psyche ng Psyche. Ayaw niyang magmukhang tanga sa harap ng madla.
Ipinagpatuloy niya ang pagpapahirap sa kawawang mortal. Binigyan Sa mga panahong ito ay magaling na si Cupid. Sabik na
niya si Psyche ng isang kahon na paglalagyan niya ng kagandahang siyang makita ang kaniyang asawa subalit ibinilanggo siya ng
kukunin ni Psyche mula kay Proserpine, ang reyna sa ilalim ng lupa. kaniyang ina. Mahirap bihagin ang pagmamahal. Kaya humanap si
Inutos ni Venus na sabihin ni Psyche na kailangan niya ito sapagkat Cupid ng paraan upang makatakas. Nakita niya ang bukas na bintana
napagod siya sa pag-aalaga ng kaniyang anak na maysakit. Katulad at doon siya nakatakas. Nahanap niya agad si Psyche malapit sa
ng mga nauna agad tumalima si Psyche. Dala ang kahon, tinalunton palasyo. Agad niyang pinawi ang pagtulog ng asawa at agad sinilid
niya ang daan papunta sa kaharian ni Hades. ang gayuma sa kahon. Bahagya niyang tinusok ng kaniyang busog si
Psyche upang magising. Pinagalitan niyang muli ang kaniyang asawa
dahil sa pagiging mausisa nito na humantong muli sa kaniyang
Tinulungan siya ng isang tore na nagbigay sa kaniya ng kapahamakan. Sinabi niyang magtungo si Psyche sa kaniyang ina at
ibigay ang kahon. Dito na magtatapos ang pagpapahirap ng kaniyang
detalyadong hakbang patungo sa kaharian sa ilalim ng lupa. Una,
kailangan niyang pumasok sa isang butas na lagusan patungo sa ina.
ilalim ng lupa sa tabi ng ilog ng kamatayan. Kailangan niyang
sumakay sa isang bangkang ang bangkero ay si Charon. Kailangan
niyang bayaran ng pera si Charon upang siya ay makatawid. Masayang nagtungo si Psyche sa palasyo samantalang si
Makikita na niya ang lansangan patungo sa palasyo. Sa pintuan ng Cupid naman ay lumipad patungo sa kaharian ni Jupiter, ang diyos
palasyo may nagbabantay na isang asong tatlong ulo. Kapag ng mga diyos at tao. Hiniling niya na tiyaking hindi na sila
binigyan ng cake ang aso ito ay magiging maamo at papayag nang gagambalain ng kaniyang ina. Pumayag si Jupiter.
magpapasok sa palasyo.

Nagpatawag si Jupiter ng pagpupulong ng mga diyos at

Nagawa lahat ni Psyche ang ipinaliwanag ng tore. Pinaunlakan din ni diyosa kasama na si Venus. Ipinahayag niya sa lahat na si Cupid at
Proserpine ang kahilingan ni Venus. Agad nakabalik si Psyche nang Psyche ay pormal nang ikinasal at wala nang dapat gumambala sa
mas mabilis pa kaysa kaniyang pagbaba. Gayunman, nasubok muli kanila maging si Venus. Dinala ni Mercury si Psyche sa kaharian ng
ang karupukan ni Psyche. Sa paghahangad niya ng karagdagang mga diyos. Dito iniabot ni Jupiter kay Psyche ang ambrosia , ang
kagandahan upang umibig muli si Cupid sa kaniya, natukso siyang pagkain ng mga diyos upang maging imortal. Naging panatag na rin
kumuha ng kaunting ganda sa loob ng kahon. Nang buksan niya ito, si Venus na maging manugang si Psyche sapagkat isa na itong
tila walang laman subalit nakadama siya ng matinding panghihina at diyosa. At kung maninirahan na ang manugang sa kaharian ng mga
agad nakatulog. diyos, hindi na muling makagagambala si Psyche sa pagsamba ng tao
kay Venus.
Ang pag-ibig (Cupid), at kaluluwa (Psyche) ay nagkatagpo
sa likod ng mapapait na pagsubok sa kanilang pagsasama ay hindi na
mabubuwag kailanman.

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