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Erikson’s 8 Stages of Psychosocial Development

Erik Erikson adopted the belief from Sigmund Freud that development is characterized
by series of stage related conflicts between two perspectives you believe that you must
hold both perspectives in order to achieve identity strength which he defined as virtues.

The first stage related conflict in Erikson theory is TRUST VS MISTRUST in often occurs
between zero one eighteen months during this stage and invent must depend on their
parents or primary care takers for basic things such as food water shelter and emotional
needs to survive children who can depend on their parents for these needs can trust or
count on them well those who can't may have difficulty trusting others now in later and
develop Erickson believe that children who learn to trust their care takers developed the
virtues hope where they view the world as good place where people can be trusted.

The second stage conflict of Ericsson's theory is that AUTONOMY VS SHAME and doubt
in a curse from ages two to four during this stage children learn to do activities on their
own without the help of their parents for example children learn to go to bathroom on
their own or learn to dress themselves here it's you get upset with their children doing
these activities on their own may have children who struggle to be self sufficient later
on in their development.

However parents who let their children solve problems on their own when they're ready
for that we'll have children who have the confidence to do things on their own later and

Erickson define the virtue for stage two as will or the child's ability to express his or her
self by doing things on their own.

The third stage conflict in Erickson's theory is an INITIATIVE VS GUILT and tends to
occur between five and eight years of age during this stage children take a step from
spontaneously doing things on their own just setting goals and working toward them
little Johnny may want to learn how to ride a bike because he wants to be able to write
down a big hill in this neighborhood Erickson argued that many children early childhood
like Johnny engage in risky behaviors when they set goals.

When Johnny tries to ride down the hill falls on his bike you get hurt he feels guilty that
he did not successfully make it down the big hill without falling you may go home and
act aggressively toward his parents because he was unable to achieve this goal Erickson
argued that children early childhood can often engage in aggressive behaviors toward
their parents and others because they are upset with not reaching your goals he defined
the important virtue of this stage is purpose or having a goal or reasons for performing
certain behaviors.

The four stage conflict in Erickson's theory is INDUSTRY VS INFERIORITY anchors from
ages nine to twelve during this stage children are more receptive to feedback from
adults about their competence and begin comparing their achievements and abilities to
peers for example children learn whether they are more attractive a better athlete or a
more secure your student then the other children in the class they may discover things
that they are good at and should pursue as a hobby.

Children who receive negative feedback from adults compared to other children may
view themselves as less competent which may lead them to have a negative view of
about their ability and not challenging goals that require them to perform their best
however children who received positive feedback from adults in comparison to peers
tend to have confidence they need to pursue goals that they need to be successful later
in their development.

The fifth stage in Erickson's theory is IDENTITY VS ROLE CONFUSION an Ericsson

believe that a curse from thirteen to nineteen years of age however Erickson did state
that this stage is often pro long during this stage adolescents are setting boundaries
with hair and such as having their own private lives with friends and romantic interest
they're also searching for placed within a dull society which can include a search for an
occupation gender political views and religion during this search children may often
experiment with different identities and viewpoints in order to find their true identity.

The six stage of Erikson's theories into INTIMACY VS ISOLATION and a curse from ages
twenty to thirty nine this stage involves finding a true romantic or internet partner in
contrast to living alone.

A.K.A. isolation as such Erickson define the virtue for this stage is love because
ultimately the stage involves finding love.

The seven stage of Erikson's theories is GENERATIVITY VS STAGNATION and occurs

during ages forty to fifty nine when thinking about this stage think of generativity as
generation because Erickson defined generativity as giving back to the future generation
this can involve starting a family raising children caring for aging parents contributing to
society for your career is in being a supportive friend and family member the virtue of
this stage just care because Erickson believe that success in middle adulthood is about
providing care to the important relationships in their lives it's just parents and children
as such you believe that not having these important people to care for or not having the
means to do so can lead an individual to fuel nonproductive or stagment.
The eighth and final stage of Erikson's theories is EGO INTEGRITY VERSUS DESPAIR and
a curse after age sixty in this stage older adults look back on their life and reflect on
whether they lived a happy and productive lives adult feels good about their experience
in life tend to have a lot of experience to draw upon to help and support others in their
life which is why Erickson to find the virtue of this stage is wisdom, older adults who are
satisfied with their lives tend to be happy while others you felt like they didn't live the
life that they want it may feel sad and depressed.

Now let's review Erikson's stages.

Stage one is TRUST VS MISTRUST and a curse from zero to eighteen months zero to two
years and the virtue for this stage is hope.

Stage two is the AUTONOMY VS. SHAME and doubt and a curse often in ages two
through four and the primary virtue is will.

Stage three is INITIATIVE VS. GUILT and occurs in ages five to eight the primary virtue
is purpose.

Stage four is INDUSTRY VS. INFERIORITY and occurs during ages nine to twelve the
virtue for this stage is competent.

Stage five his IDENTITY VERSUS ROLE CONFUSION and occurs between ages thirteen
and nineteen the virtue for this stage is fidelity.

Stage six is INTIMACY VS. ISOLATION and occurs between ages twenty and thirty nine
the virtue for this stage is love.

Stayed seven is GENERATIVITY VS. STAGNATION and occurs between ages forty to
fifty nine the virtue for this stage is care.

The eighth and final stage is EGO INTEGRITY VS. DESPAIR and occurs in ages sixteen
up the virtue for this stage is a wisdom.

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