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Greta Ross: Marion Quintana

Jake Rosso:Sebastian Simanca

Mr. Duncan:John Diaz

Mrs. Sanders:Vanesa Soto

Mr Ross:SebastianSimanca

Carol Sanders:Lorena Salazar

Tony Duncan:Jorge Alzate

Mr sanders: Jonh Diaz


Friend of Carol (Angelina):Angie Lorena

Journalist:Janeth Gómez


Secretaryde Greta:Janeth Gómez

Secretary of Airplane: Angy Vargas

Friends:Jorge, Janeth, Angy Vargas

Coming to England

Scene number 1

Carol and Angelina


C: - Good morning
- How are you today?

A: - I’m fine and you


My name is carol

A:My name is Angelina Brown

Are you from England?

C:No, I am not, I am from Hong Kong; But in this moment I’m living in England, my father is a
businessman and my mother is a secretary.

A:What is your favorite music?

C: I like pop music- the rolling stones, David Bowie, and Jake Rosso was my favorite.

A: Jake Rosso was my favorite too.Pitiful that he died in a car accident

C:I have hundreds of pictures and photos of him on my bedroom wall.

A: What about your life in hongkong.

C: it is a very long history, once a time when I lived in hongkong with my family, my father come
at home and he said to me.

Scene number 2in the house

Carol and her Father


F: Hello baby,How are you?

C: Hello dad, I am fine

F:I have to tell you, I will travel tomorrow morning

C:Yes, dad, Why?

F:I have a businesstrip to Australia

C:Ok dad, I will be very sad.

When are you coming home?

F:In two weeks.

(Two weeks after)

Scene number 3

Carol, Carol´s mother, journalist, secretary of the airport


- News: Good afternoon, Dear viewer of the last hour news; the plane that covered the
route from Australia to Hong Kong has had a terrible accident. Everybody in the plane has

C:!oh no! Everybody have died in the airplane

By phone

C: Hello

S:Hello, principal office of the airport

C:Miss please tell me, if Misterr. Sanders Was in the airplane that has the accident?

S:Not, I don´t Know the names of all the passengers.

C: Thank you


Scene number 4

Carol and Mother of Carol


C: Mom, came home quickly

M: Why?

C: Dad has died in an terrible accident of airplane.

M:!Oh no¡

I'm coming
Scene number 5

Carol, Mother of Carol and secretary of airport


M:Good afternoon

S:Good afternoon

M: We come because we listened about accident in the news.

S:Sorry, everybody on the plane have died

C: ! It is not true¡

My father has died, my father nooooo, nooo

‘’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’ why why

Scene number 6



C:I wanted to died, too.

Scene number 7

Carol and mother of carol


C. Why did it happen to him?

- Why do the best people died?

- Jake Rosso, My father

M: I don’t know Carol

Scene number 8

Carol and Her Mother


M:Carol why don´t you return to school? And, I do not like your friends. They are bad people

C: They are exciting persons and I like them

M:They do dangerous things.

Scene number 9

Carol, police and Friends of Carol.


P: go, move, move,

What happen?

Scene number 10

Carol and Mother


M: what am I going to do with you, Carol?

C: I am sorry

M: We’ll go back to England. You can Find a new college over there.

C: I want to forget, What’s happened and to be a new person.

A month later

Scene number 11

Carol and mother of Carol.


C: I am pleased to be in London

M: you need to find a new college, Carol and I need a job.

C: What about this?


For the summer months

On a small private island in Scotland.

Live with the family in a big house.

Interesting work and good pay

for the right person.

Phone Greta Ross. Telephone number 071…

M: well, that is interesting. It’s a beautiful country, carol, and you can go to a college there in the

Scene number 12

Mother of Carol, Greta Ross


M: Good evening

G: Good evening

M: I call for the advertisement on the newspaper

G: Come and see me tomorrow. Come to the savoy Hotel at eleven o’clock

Scene number 13

Mother of Carol and Secretary of Greta Ross


M: please, Greta Ross?

S: one moment. She is on the second floor, Mrs. Ross will see you now

Scene number 13

Mother of Carol, Greta Ross


Carol and mother of Carol and Greta Ross

M: This is my Daughter, Carol

G: Hello Carol

C: Hello Miss Ross

M: Carol is eighteen years old. Can she come with me, perhaps she can help in the house or in the
garden. She likes gardening. She is studying farming at college.

G: Perhaps. There is a small farm on the island.

C: I would like to work on the farm.

G: How long did you live in Hong Kong Mrs. Sanders?

M: For seven years. My husband died in a plane crash last year.

G: Where did you live before Hong Kong?

M: We lived in India for three years.

G: Please wait here for a minute, Mrs. Sanders. I want to make a phone call.

I think I have found someone. She has a daughter, but the girl can work in the garden or on the
farm…Don’t worry, they have been away from England for ten years… It will be all right, I tell you…
Don’t Worry.

- You have got the job

M: thank you.

The island

Scene number 1

Mother, Carol and Greta Ross

C: Scotland is a very beautiful place

G: You are goingto be my husband’s secretary

- He is a businessman, but he never leaves the island. He does all his work by telephone and
letter and computer. He invests money in companies, all over the world.

C: Do many people live on the island?

G: not many, you will meet them soon

C: Greta Ross is very young, mother.

Is her husband young too?

M: how can a young man buy an island? Is he very rich?

Scene number 2

Mother, Carol, Greta Ross and Tony


G: this is Tony. He works for Mr. Ross

T: Hi

- There are dangerous rocks around the island.

- A lot of them are under the water and you can't see them. I have to be careful. but the
rocks keep other boats away, and that pleases Mr. Ross

C: Why?

T: Mr. Ross doesn’t like visitors to the island.

Scene number 3

Mother, Carol, Greta Ross and Tony, mother of Tony


G: This is Mrs. Duncan, Tony’s mother.

- She’s the housekeeper and her husband is the gardener. Mrs. Duncan Will take you up to
your rooms. I’m going to tell Mr. Ross you have arrived.
C: is that Mr. Duncan?

- It is a beautiful house and a beautiful island.

Scene number 4

Mother, Carol, Greta Ross and Tony, mother and father of Tony


M: What happened to Mr. Ross’s last secretary?

Mrs. Duncan (Lorena V): She is in hospital. She’s going to be away all summer

C: Isn’t Mrs. Ross lonely here?

Mrs. Duncan (Lorena V): No, she likes painting a lot. She has a room upstairs and goes there to
paint. She is very good. Sometimes she goes different places on the island to paint pictures.

Scene number 5

Mother, Carol, Greta Ross, mother of Tony Mr. Ross


G: Mr. Ross wants to see you and your daughter now, Mr. Sanders. Follow me please.

- Mr. Ross is talking to a business friend in New York. Please, sit down.

Mr. Ross: I´m pleased to meet you, Mrs. Sanders. I need some help with my work. My secretary is
in hospital, and there’s a lot of work to do. Sometimes you’ll have to work late at night, because of
time differences in New York and Tokyo, Is that all right?

M: yes, that’s right

Mr. Ross: Can you use a computer?

M: yes

Mr. Ross. Good, is this your daughter?

M: yes, this is Carol

C: hello
Mr. Ross: Greta says you like gardening. There’s a big garden here, so you can help Mr. Duncan.
And there’s a farm. Dan and Stella Parks live in the farmhouse and work on the farm. You can help
them, too. We have some animals. Some sheep, a few cows and chickens. And there’s a horse
called Smoke, hi is grey like his name. Can you ride?

C: Yes, I can ride a horse

Mr. Ross: You can ride Smoke around the island, if you like

C: I’d like that, thank you.

Mr. Ross: and we grow vegetables and fruit.

M: Carol will enjoy working on the farm. Won’t you, Carol?

C: Yes

The Photograph

Scene number 1

Mr. Duncan, Dan Parks, Carol

In the garden.


Mr. Duncan:you are a good gardener

C: I have always liked gardening,But I am studying at college to be a farmer.

Mr. Duncan: Dan And Stella Parks were very friendly.

Dan Parks: You can work on the farm for the next three days. Mr. Duncan says you are a good
gardener. Are you a good farmer, too?

Scene number 2


C: Who was that? Was it Mr. Ross?, and Which room was it?
Scene number 3

Carol and mother


M: Mr. Ross works hard, He invest money in many companies and countries. But it is not his

C: It is not.

M: no, it is his wife is money. And she bought the island. It is her island, her house, her farm.
Everything belongs to her.

C: How strange. But why does Mr. Ross always look sad. And why does he never leave the island?

M: I don’t know, he says he likes it here and likes working on his farm. It is strange, I know.

Scene number 4

Mr. Duncan and Carol.


Carol look at a big house and decides to take a photo of him(Mr. Ross)

Mr. Duncan: Give me your camera.

C: What’s wrong?

Mr. Duncan: Never take photographs of Mr. Ross

C: Hey! What are you Doing, you will spoil my film.

Mr. Duncan: Sorry. But not pictures of Mr. Ross. He does not like people to take pictures of him.

Scene number 5

Mother and Carol


C: he spoiled my film.
M: I don’t understand. Why did he do that?

C: I don´t know. But there is something strange about Mr. Ross

Scene number 6

Greta Ross and Carol.


C: Where does that door go?, I haven't seen it before

Perhaps it is the door to that room.

G: what are you doing!, that room is private.

C: I am sorry, I did not.

G: stay away from there.

Scene number 7

Mother and Carol


C: what is behind it?, is it a secret?

M: I don’t know, It does not matter Mr. Ross can have locked rooms if he wants them.

C: I think he does have secrets; there is something strange about him.

M: stop playing detective, Carol.

The locked room

Scene number 1


In the Hall

C: Somebody isn’t sleeping, Which room is that?

Scene number 2


Near the secret door


C: somebody’s moving about in the locked room, who is it?

- Itis Mr. Ross?

- What’s was he doing in that room in the middle of the night?

Scene number 3


Carol back into the room


C: he’s coming along here; I must get back to my room

Mr. Ross: Who’s that?

Scene number 4


Carol in the room


C: now I know how to get into the locked room

But what’s in there?

Scene number 5
Carol, Mrs. Duncan

Carol having breakfast


Mrs. Duncan: You sleep all right last night, Or did the storm wake you up?

C: I sleep well

C: Where’s Mrs. Ross Greta

Scene number 6

Carol, Mrs. Duncan

Carol having breakfast


C: Perhaps she’s going to Edimburgo

A dead man

Scene number 1

Carol and Jake Rosso

In the room secret


C: no. It’s not true. Mr. Ross is… Jake Rosso.

R: No.

C: I don’t believe you

R: you have to believe me

C: who is that, if it’s not you?

R: it`s Jake Rosso. He was… my brother.

C: that’s not true. I don’t believe you. Listen, Jake Rosso was my favorite singer. I had hundreds of
photos of him. I still have all his records. I love him. Do you understand? Thousands of people
loved him.

R: he’s dead

C: no you’re Jake Rosso! You look different now, yes. You’ve short hair, you’ve got a moustache
now, and you wear glasses. But you’re… Jake…Rosso. You were my favorite pop star, so I know. He
doesn’t know to do. He knows don’t believe him, and he’s afraid.

R: it was you in the passenger last night, wasn’t it?

C: yes.

R: I was wrong to give your mother a job, I thought it was ok because you came from Hong Kong.
And I needed help with my work. I needed a good secretary.

C: does your other secretary know who you are? Do the other people on the island know. What’s
he going to do?

R: ok you’re right. i… I am Jake rosso

C:I know it

R: can you keep a secret? A very important secret?

C: Yes, I can keep a secret. The other people on this island are my family, your family?

R: yes, my reall name is James Duncan, and Mrs Duncan are my father and mother. Tony is my
younger brother, and his wife, Lisa, is my secretary. It is she who’s in hospital.

C: and Dan and Stella parks?

R: my mother’s sister and her husband

C: but what are you doing here on this island?

R: I’ll tell you, his sat down on a chair and took a guitar in his hands, but he didn’t play it, you were
right. I was a famous pop star, I was very rich, and I had a beautiful wife. But things when wrong

C: How?

R: I took drugs, I drank a lot of alcohol. I got drunk and crashed cars. I did stupid, terrible things. I
knew it was wrong but I couldn’t stop doing it. I was… Crazy, for a time.

C: I can understand that, I’ve taken drugs, too.

R: you have.
C: yes. After my father died, I was very unhappy and things went wrong for me too. But go on with
your story.

R: one night. I was driving my car. I was drunk and- and I hit somebody. A young girl, She.. died. I
killed her.

C: Oh no

R: Yes, She was fifteen years old. I wanted to die, too. The money didn’t matter anymore. Nothing
mattered any more.

C: what did you do after the accident?

R: I drove on in the car. I didn’t stop, and I didn’t tell the police. I had killed someone and I was
afraid. So I made a plan. Jake Rosso had to die, too. It was the best thing to do. An so….. I “killed”

C: But you are still alive.

R: My family know I am alive, but now other people know. But now you know.

C: How did you do it?

R: I told my family about my plan and I told Greta, my wife. Af first they didn’t like it. But after a
long time, they said OK. Then I faked the car crash.

C: faked it?

R: yes, he said. I put some of my things in the car. A guitar, and some clothes. Then I pushed my
car over a cliff and burned it. The police found the burned car and thought I was dead. Everybody
thought I was killed in the car crash.

C: but you faked the crash, I said.

R: yes.

C: what did you do then?

R: my family hid me away for months. I tried to change into a different person- shorter hair, a
moustache, quiet suits. All my money went to Greta and she changed her name to Ross. I told her
to buy this island. Now I invest her money. The money that was mine. And now I’m James ross.

C: What about Jake Rosso? I asked.

R: JAKE Rosso took drugs, he said. Jake Rosso got drunk and crashed cars. He killed a young girl, so
he had to “die”. I can never forget the girl. I think about her every day.

C: and that’s why you always look so sad.

R: I need to remember my old life, and what Jake Rosso was like. I’m never going to sing again and
I’m never going to take drugs. But I need this room, to remember.

C: I am not going to say anything. I won’t tell my mother, I won’t tell anybody.

R: I think you understand.

C: I do. I’ve done bad things. I want to forget them, too. I needed to get a way, to hide, too. That’s
why we came to England, to begin a new life. Yes, I understand


Jonh Díaz

Sebastián Simanca

Vanesa Soto

Angy Lorena Vargas

Jorge Álzate

Janeth Gómez

Marion Quintana

Lorena Salazar

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