Language Assessment Report

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Mekar Arum High School

This Research Paper Submitted to Fulfill the Requirement of Accomplishing the

Final Test of Language Assessment

Written by:

Kevin Reynald







Human is a most advanced creature on Earth, they are able to do

uncountable things; way more than the rest species living on it. One of those
things is communicating, which human always do every day. In case of the way
how they communicate, there are two ways to do so: verbal and non-verbal
communication. To make it functionate, one of elements should be included is
language. Language is the core system of communication used by particular
community or people.

English as lingua franca has been uniting civilization around the world in
one language. It spreads information rapidly, revolutionize technology
sustainably, developing human ability, also what makes it all; the way people
communicate. Every country has uniqueness of English accent and its language
role (first, second, or foreign) from one to another. Nevertheless, English has
actual standards to determine someone’s proficiency in the end, which is
implemented to most of country, in spite of what role it takes on.

One of countries using English today is Indonesia. Although English is

categorized as foreign language, it contributes to developing human resources in
term of language proficiency and capability to compete each other. In case of
competing, government intends to increasing quality human resources in order to
preparing MEA; one of the most challenging situations ahead. To do right so,
necessity of correct recipe in education and training are incredibly determined.

Formulating correct recipe / formula for education in Indonesia is a high

prioritize to begin with, followed by preserving the right path to endure this
immense competition in line (MEA). Precise formula is undoubtedly necessary to
generate excellent outcome. the better they are, the better result can be. Speaking
of which, the examples of formulas mentioned above are syllabus, lesson plan,
teaching program, and assessment indeed.

1|Language Assessment
In accordance to this subject, assessment is important to show how far a
learning process could achieve. Supported by McNamara and Roever in Hamied
(2010: 99) that “language testing has a real impact on real people’s lives, and we
cannot cease our theoretical analyses at the point where the test score is
computed”. Moreover, Norris in Hamied (2010: 113) notes that language
assessment is way more than simply giving a language test.

To acknowledge this concept, the writer intends to research the importance

of assessment, its correlation to learning, and what factors can affect the quality of
a test. In this case, English is the subject purposed.

2|Language Assessment

Review of Related Literature

2.1. What is Test and Assessment?

Test is something that could make students scared, especially at the end of
academic calendar. The reason can be traced from both internal aspect such as
students’ anxiety and proficiency; to external aspect such as classroom condition.
Furthermore, many people still have a stigma that test determines the grades of a
students. In fact, test is the smallest part of learning. To make it comprehensible,
these explanations hopefully help to define what test and assessment is.

2.1.1. Definition of Test

Brown (2004: 3) define that the simplest term of test is a way to measure
someone’s ability, knowledge, or performance in particular subject. In education
practice, a test can be conducted usually at middle or end of a semester. Whenever
students answer a test, the teacher subconsciously appraise students’ performance
/ effort.

Other than that, test is a part of assessment, a method specifically. Brown

(2004: 3 – 4) mentions several definitions of a test. They are:

a. Test is method that requires performance of test-takers

b. Test must measure test-takers’ ability, skills, or proficiency
c. Test measure an individual’s ability, knowledge, performance
d. A test measures performance in particular competence
e. A test measures a particular domain

To put it simply, test is a part of assessment that assessors have to take for
measuring how far learning process could achieve, and test-takers have to take to
measure their achievement or proficiency in time.

2.1.2. Definition of Assessment

Assessment is a process that covers wider domain, including tests. Written

work (e.g. essay) is a form of performance that can assessed by self, teacher, or

3|Language Assessment
even peer-students. Meanwhile, reading and listening needs some special
requirement to judge by the teachers (Brown, 2004: 4).

2.1.3. Type of assessment

Brown (2004: 5) mentions several categorizes of assessment:

1) By its formality, they are:

a. Informal assessments including comment and response, coaching and

feedback to the students. For example, giving “Nice job!” as a
b. Formal assessments are systematic and planned sampling techniques
constructed by teacher to appraise students’ achievement. Portfolio and
exam can be counted as it.

2) By it functions, they are:

a. Formative assessments which focuses on evaluating students in the

process of their competencies and skills.
b. Summative assessments which focuses on how well the students has
accomplished objectives

3) By its common terminology, they are:

a. Norm-reference test, which test-taker's score is interpreted to a mean,

median, standard t-deviation, and / or percentile rank.
b. Criterion-reference test, which designed to give test-takers “feedback".

In this research, the writer was using formative assessment that aims to
measure what students have grasped and typically occurs at the middle course or
unit of instruction, also the writer used the achievement test for observation. The
achievement tests are limited to specific subject addressed in curriculum within a
particular time allocation.

This assessment is considered as a pre-test. Pretest is a test to evaluate the

preparedness of students for further studies1. It is used to qualify the knowledge of
students with different learning style and educational background. Specifically,


4|Language Assessment
pre-test indicate how the students learn the subject yet help teacher to evaluate
teaching method that might to change in time.

2.2. Multiple-choice items

Multiple – choice items, which may appear to be the Simplest kind of item
to construct, are extremely difficult to design correctly (Brown, 2004: 55). This
method offers time-saving scoring procedures, but designing the items may cost
teachers’ time to tempt the possibility of items difficulty.

Brown (2004: 56) describes several important terminologies of multiple –

choice items:

1) Multiple – choice items are all receptive, or selective response; items in that
the test – taker chooses from a set of responses rather that creating a response.
For example, true / false questions and matching lists.

2) Every multiple – choice item has a stem and several options or alternatives to
choose from.

3) One of those options is the correct response; whereas the others serve as

2.3. Reading

“In foreign language learning, reading is likewise a skill

that teachers simply expect learners to acquire. Basic, beginning-
level textbooks in a foreign language presuppose a student's
reading ability if only because it's a book that is the medium.
Reading, arguably the most essential skill for success in all
educational contexts, remains a skill of paramount importance as
we create assessments of general language ability (Brown, 2004:

Brown (2004: 186) also mentioned several genres of reading, they are:

a. Academic reading, articles and textbooks for example

b. Job – related reading, documents and reports for instance

c. Personal reading like novels or stories.

5|Language Assessment
In, addition, Brown (2004: 189) categorize several types of reading,

a. Perceptive reading
b. Selective reading
c. Interactive reading
d. Extensive reading

2.4. Writing

English is obviously used by worldwide population, from young ages to

adult. Consequently, English learners have to know Latin alphabet. Many
beginning – level English learners, from young children to older adults, need basic
training in and assessment of imitative writing: the rudiments of forming letters,
words, and simple sentences (Brown, 2004 :221). In accordance with this
research, writing work is related to essay. Essay is an analytic or interpretative
literary composition usually dealing with its subject from a limited or personal
point of view2.

Brown (2004: 219), categorize several genres of writing form, they are:

a. Academic writing, papers and reports for example

b. Job-related writing, advertisement and manuals for instance
c. Personal writing like letters and messages

In addition to that, Brown (2004: 220) also categorize several types of

writing, including:

a. Imitative writing
b. Intense writing
b. Responsive writing
c. Extensive writing

This research uses selective reading and responsive writing for test.
Selective reading is category that is largely an artifact of lexical, grammatical, or


6|Language Assessment
discourse features of language. Whereas responsive writing requires learners to
perform connecting sentences into a paragraph, yet creating a logically connected
sequence of two paragraphs may be used.

2.5. Descriptive text

Descriptive text is a text which explain or describe people, animal, or

things within the form, characters, amount, etc. The purpose of descriptive text is
to explain, describe, or express people or something3. Also, these are the
characteristics of descriptive text4:

a. Verb to be (am, is, are)

b. Using simple present tense
c. Focus into one object

Descriptive text also has specific structure5, that is:

a. Identification, an orientation within the general description of the topic.

b. Description, the particular characteristic whose each topic has.

2.6. Essay

Essay is an analytic or interpretative literary composition usually dealing

with its subject from a limited or personal point of view6. Brown (2004: 50) gives
an example for writing an essay for low – intermediate test-takers as write a one-
paragraph story. In this subject, the essay is formed in a dialogue text which is
composed in Indonesian curriculum.


7|Language Assessment
2.7. Dialogue

Dialogue or conversation is a spoken communication that occurred

between two or more persons to discuss something important or not in one
encounter7. There are several dialog classifications in English8, including:

a. Structural Conversation, or grammar specification for simpler term. The

examples are tenses, nouns, adjectives, etc.
b. Functional Conversation, intended to form someone’s ability to
functionate language to its existence. Formal conversation is the example
to do so.
c. Situational Conversation, intended to form someone’s ability to recognize
specific functions in communication related to its situation. Informal
conversation is the example to do so.


8|Language Assessment


3.1. Research Method

In order to find out the data of students’ score in English formative test, this
research used qualitative descriptive. It is a one of many methods for conducting
research in many disciplines, psychology, social sciences, and education indeed.
This type of method has begun to popularize in 2nd language teaching and
learning. An interest has motivated on this method due to the complexity of the
recognition of 2nd language teaching and learning. To simplify its complexity,
depth analysis and understanding individuals’ behaviors and experience, instead
only examine learning tasks in general and what factors that affecting (Nassaji:

Bogdan & Bilken (2007) state that qualitative research is purposed want
to know where, when, how and under what circumstances behavior comes into
someone. In addition, the main objective of descriptive research is to describe a
phenomenon and its characteristics in form of data. To gather the data, the
researcher used a survey in form of question sheet, as supported by Gall, Gall, &
Borg (2007) mention that the most common tools in qualitative research are
observation and survey. Both of tools are able to describe participants’
characteristics (skills, performance, etc.) of individual or group and physical
environment (school) in specific occasion.

3.2. Participants

One of important elements of research study is participants, which divided

into sample and population. A sample is the representative part from a group
which information is gathered. Otherwise, population is a group of individual
persons from which samples are taken for measurement, which the result of data
hopefully represented to. In this research, writer chose to use population of tenth
grade science-one students as participants.

9|Language Assessment
To collect the research data, these common approaches can be applied to
qualitative research9:

1. Direct interaction with individuals on a one to one basis

2. Or direct interaction with individuals in a group setting

Hall’s study in Khuder & Harwood (2015), divided writing process into
test and non-test type. In this case, researcher chose the test type as an instrument.
The test itself consists of 20 multiple choices and 3 essays explicitly, which the
best score could be up to 100 and the lowest is potentially zero.

The test had given to tenth grade science-one students in Mekar Arum High
School. There are 36 students in total, unfortunately 3 students were absent, so
there were 33 students participated on this study. Each participant had 60 minutes
to answer the test.

3.3. Data analysis

Data analysis is the process of evaluating data using analytical and logical
reasoning to examine each component of the data available.

The analysis of data in modern science involves the application of

various statistical techniques, such as correlation, regression,
analysis of variance (ANOVA), t-tests, and chi-square tests. These
techniques provide a way of drawing inductive inferences from
data and distinguishing any real phenomena or effects from
random fluctuations (Shamoo & Resnik, 2009: 69).

Savenye and Robinson in Begum and Ahmed (2015) state that qualitative
research data analysis includes statistical procedure, analysis often becomes an
ongoing process where the data is collected and analyzed almost synchronously.
Indeed, researcher generally analyze for patterns in observations through the
entire data collection phase.


10 | L a n g u a g e A s s e s s m e n t
3.4. Procedure

Because the research conducted with Magang III simultaneously, special

exception is considered in time. These are certain steps to conduct this research:

a. Fulfill the requirement to participate in Magang III.

b. As the internship began in Mekar Arum High School, writer was assigned
to teach tenth grade science-one students by tutor teacher.

c. The following five weeks, writer had taught about introducing yourself,
congratulating others, and expressing intention.

d. Before the sixth meeting, writer asked permission to hold a test to tutor
teacher informally.

e. After the permission granted, the test could finally hold at tenth grade
science-one class.

f. After the test, writer scored the test within a week.

11 | L a n g u a g e A s s e s s m e n t
Chapter IV

Finding and Discussion

4.1. Discussion

Table 4.1. down below is explaining about the Table of Specfication (T.O.S.)
including: material, cognitive level, and indicator.

Cognitive level
No. Material Total
C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6

1. Fact identification 1 1

2. Explaining information 1 1

3. Category of character 1 1

4. Fact identification 1 1

5. Additional fact 1 1

6. Determining message 1 1

7. Word reference 1 1

8. Jumbled sentences 1 1

9. Correct statement 1 1

10. Statement by motive 1 1

11. Meaning of word 1 1

12. Speaker response 1 1

13. Correct statement 1 1

14. Meaning of sentence 1 1

15. Dialog prediction 1 1

16. Wrong statement 1 1

17. Word reference 1 1

12 | L a n g u a g e A s s e s s m e n t
18. Statement by data 1

19 Completing sentence 1

20. Fact by data 1

21. Simple dialogue 1

22. Simple dialogue 1

23. Simple dialogue 1

Total 5 5 6 3 1 3 23


1. Students are able to identify a fact in the passage

2. Students are able to identify explain an information in the passage
3. Students are able to categorize the characteristic of speaker in the passage
4. Students are able to identify a fact in the passage
5. Students are able to correlate between facts in the passage
6. Students are able to determine the meaning of in the passage
7. Students are able to find out the wrong word preference
8. Students are able to rearrange the jumbled sentences
9. Students are able to choose the correct statement in the dialogue
10. Students are able to choose the correct statement based on speaker’s motive
11. Students are able to choose the correct meaning of word in the passage
12. Students are able to determine speaker’s response towards the occurrence
13. Students are able to choose the correct statement in the dialogue
14. Students are able to choose the correct meaning of statement in the passage
15. Students are able to predict the following spoken dialogue
16. Students are able to deselect the wrong statement
17. Students are able to find out the correct word reference
18. Students are able to analyze which one is the correct plan in the passage
19. Students are able to complete a sentence in the dialogue
20. Students are able to analyze which one is the correct data in the passage
21. Students are able to create a simple dialogue about introducing yourself

13 | L a n g u a g e A s s e s s m e n t
22. Students are able to create a simple dialogue about congratulating and
complimenting others
23. Students are able to create a simple dialogue about expressing intention

4.2. Index of Difficulty

Khan, Ishrat & Khan (2015: 179) explain that Facility Value (FV) or Index
of Difficulty (ID) and is a measure of how easy or how difficult a question which
is given to students, the higher the FV / DI, the easier is the question is. Arikunto
in Fajar Furqon (2013) classifies a value around 0.500 is measured to be ideal, 0.3
to 0.7 would be considered as acceptable Furthermore, Arikunto in Fajar Furqon
(2013) also use this following formula to calculate the index of difficulty of an
item. In accordance to this study, this calculation measure multiple choice items

𝐵 P = Facility / Index of difficulty

B = The number of correct answers

JS = The number of students taking the test

To measure essays, writer used this modified method to match the value

𝑡𝐵 P= Facility / Index of difficulty

tB = Students’ accumulated score in an item

max B= All students’ maximum score

4.3. Discrimination Index

Khan, Ishrat & Khan (2015: 179) explain that Item Discrimination (ID) or
Discrimination Index (DI) determines the significance of a question to
discriminate between a higher and a lower ability student.

14 | L a n g u a g e A s s e s s m e n t
This study is able to find out the DI in multiple choice items by conducting
this calculation:

1. Arranging students’ total score and dividing the score into three groups in by
equal size (top thirds, middle thirds, low thirds).
2. Discarding middle thirds to find out the most powerful test items in
discriminating between high and low ability.
3. Counting the number of students in the upper group who answer each item
correctly, and counting the same with lower group.
4. Subtracting the number of correct answers in the upper group with the lower
5. Dividing the total correct answer by half of total participants in upper and
lower group combined.

This following formula is used to calculate the discrimination index of an


DI =

(Brown, 2004: 59)

However, to calculate the DI of essay items, writer modified the formula

to match the value above:

DI =

After collecting the test result, classification of index of difficulty and

discrimination index would be applied to the table below.

Furthermore, writer used this formula in scoring this test:

Score = (total multiple-choice correctness × 10) + ((total essay score × 3))

within the minimum criteria of mastery learning for tenth grade is 75.

4.4. Test result

Table 4.3.1 and table 4.3.2 on next page shows the result of the test given:

15 | L a n g u a g e A s s e s s m e n t
Table 4.3.1 Result of the test (1 – 10)

Question no.
No. Name Ttl
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Adam Pratama 8
2 Adhitya Pratama 6
3 Adriawan Rustama 5
4 Anggi 7
5 Arya Eka Putra 8
6 Desi Cahyati 8
7 Destiana Eka 10
8 Egi Liana Ruslam
9 Enrico Haqqiawan 10
10 Falak Agung
11 Farhan Taufik 8
12 Fariza Agnia 7
13 Faulina 4
14 Feni Fauziah 5
15 Fikri Muhamad
16 Indri Yani 7
17 Jihan Rafifah 7
18 Linda Herawati 4
19 Moch. Tegar 6
20 Mochamad Faiz 8
21 Muhammad Afif 7
22 Muhammad Syihab 7
23 Putri Kensila Alifaf 5
24 Raihan Rafli M. 8
25 Randi Putra 5
26 Risma Laisya 7
27 Rosa Agustina 7
28 Shalum Adhila 7
29 Shelva Noupirra 6
30 Sindi Gandari 6
31 Siska Hadiyanti 7
32 Shifa Dwi Febriani 7
33 Vana Jelita 8
34 Wanda Husna 10
35 Wulan Julfiani 5
36 Zahra Hasna 8
Total correctness 33 28 31 18 25 30 21 33 11 25

16 | L a n g u a g e A s s e s s m e n t
Table 4.3.2 Result of the test (11 – 20)

Question no.
No. Name Ttl
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
1 Adam Pratama 7
2 Adhitya Pratama 5
3 Adriawan Rustama 4
4 Anggi 3
5 Arya Eka Putra 7
6 Desi Cahyati 5
7 Destiana Eka 7
8 Egi Liana Ruslam
9 Enrico Haqqiawan 7
10 Falak Agung
11 Farhan Taufik 4
12 Fariza Agnia 7
13 Faulina 4
14 Feni Fauziah 4
15 Fikri Muhamad
16 Indri Yani 4
17 Jihan Rafifah 3
18 Linda Herawati 2
19 Moch. Tegar 5
20 Mochamad Faiz 7
21 Muhammad Afif 7
22 Muhammad Syihab 5
23 Putri Kensila Alifaf 5
24 Raihan Rafli M. 7
25 Randi Putra 2
26 Risma Laisya 7
27 Rosa Agustina 6
28 Shalum Adhila 7
29 Shelva Noupirra 3
30 Sindi Gandari 7
31 Siska Hadiyanti 3
32 Shifa Dwi Febriani 3
33 Vana Jelita 3
34 Wanda Husna 7
35 Wulan Julfiani 2
36 Zahra Hasna 5
Total correctness 29 11 18 19 20 17 29 13 12 17

17 | L a n g u a g e A s s e s s m e n t
Table 4.3.2 Result of the test (21 – 23)

Question no.
No. Name Ttl
21 22 23
1 Adam Pratama 8 4 12
2 Adhitya Pratama
3 Adriawan Rustama 3 3 6
4 Anggi
5 Arya Eka Putra 9 7 16
6 Desi Cahyati 8 8
7 Destiana Eka 9 9 10 28
8 Egi Liana Ruslam 0
9 Enrico Haqqiawan 5 7 12
10 Falak Agung 0
11 Farhan Taufik 9 9 18
12 Fariza Agnia 9 9
13 Faulina 5 3 6 14
14 Feni Fauziah 8 4 12
15 Fikri Muhamad 0
16 Indri Yani 0
17 Jihan Rafifah 0
18 Linda Herawati 0
19 Moch. Tegar 0
20 Mochamad Faiz 7 4 11
21 Muhammad Afif 7 3 10
22 Muhammad Syihab 3 3 6
23 Putri Kensila Alifaf 0
24 Raihan Rafli M. 5 3 1 9
25 Randi Putra 3 3
26 Risma Laisya 8 3 11
27 Rosa Agustina 8 1 9
28 Shalum Adhila 8 2 10
29 Shelva Noupirra 3 3
30 Sindi Gandari 2 2
31 Siska Hadiyanti 8 2 10
32 Shifa Dwi Febriani 3 3
33 Vana Jelita 10 3 13
34 Wanda Husna 8 9 9 26
35 Wulan Julfiani 0
36 Zahra Hasna 7 7
Total score 163 75 30

18 | L a n g u a g e A s s e s s m e n t

No. Name
MC Essay Accumulation
PG x3 Essay x4 /3 Score
1 Adam Pratama 15 12 45.00 16.00 61.00 TL
2 Adhitya Pratama 11 0 33.00 0.00 33.00 TL
3 Adriawan Rustama 9 6 27.00 8.00 35.00 TL
4 Anggi 10 0 30.00 0.00 30.00 TL
5 Arya Eka Putra 15 16 45.00 21.33 66.33 TL
6 Desi Cahyati 13 8 39.00 10.67 49.67 TL
7 Destiana Eka 17 28 51.00 37.33 88.33 L
8 Egi Liana Ruslam 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 TL
9 Enrico Haqqiawan 17 12 51.00 16.00 67.00 TL
10 Falak Agung 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 TL
11 Farhan Taufik 12 18 36.00 24.00 60.00 TL
12 Fariza Agnia 14 9 42.00 12.00 54.00 TL
13 Faulina 7 14 21.00 18.67 39.67 TL
14 Feni Fauziah 9 12 27.00 16.00 43.00 TL
15 Fikri Muhamad 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 TL
16 Indri Yani 11 0 33.00 0.00 33.00 TL
17 Jihan Rafifah 11 0 33.00 0.00 33.00 TL
18 Linda Herawati 6 0 18.00 0.00 18.00 TL
19 Moch. Tegar 11 0 33.00 0.00 33.00 TL
20 Mochamad Faiz 15 11 45.00 14.67 59.67 TL
21 Muhammad Afif 14 10 42.00 13.33 55.33 TL
22 Muhammad Syihab 12 6 36.00 8.00 44.00 TL
23 Putri Kensila Alifaf 10 0 30.00 0.00 30.00 TL
24 Raihan Rafli 15 9 45.00 12.00 57.00 TL
25 Randi Putra Pratama 7 3 21.00 4.00 25.00 TL
26 Risma Laisya 14 11 42.00 14.67 56.67 TL
27 Rosa Agustina 13 9 39.00 12.00 51.00 TL
28 Shalum Adhila 14 10 42.00 13.33 55.33 TL
29 Shelva Noupirra 9 3 27.00 4.00 31.00 TL
30 Sindi Gandari 13 2 39.00 2.67 41.67 TL
31 Siska Hadiyanti 10 10 30.00 13.33 43.33 TL
32 Shifa Dwi Febriani 10 3 30.00 4.00 34.00 TL
33 Vana Jelita 11 13 33.00 17.33 50.33 TL
34 Wanda Husna 17 26 51.00 34.67 85.67 L
35 Wulan Julfiani 7 0 21.00 0.00 21.00 TL
36 Zahra Hasna 13 7 39.00 14.00 53.00 TL

19 | L a n g u a g e A s s e s s m e n t
Table 4.3.2 Classification of the test

Item Number Index of difficulty Difficulty degree

22, 23 0.00 – 0.30 Difficult items

4, 7, 9, 12, 13, 14, 15, 0.31 – 0.70 Moderate items

16, 18, 19, 20, 21

1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, 0.71 – 1.00 Easy items


The result of calculation shows that 9 items were categorized easy, 12

items were also moderate, and 2 items were counted as the difficult ones.

Table 4.3.3 Classification of discrimination power index

Discrimination Index Interpretation

≤ – 0.01 Worst
0.00 – 0.20 Poor
0.21 – 0.40 Moderate
0.41 – 0.70 Good
0.71 – 1.00 Excellent

Table 4.3.4 Classification of discrimination power index

Items DI score Classifications

1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, 0.00 – 0.20 Poor

12, 14, 17, 19, 23

4, 7, 13, 16, 18, 20, 21 0.21 – 0.40 Moderate

9, 15 0.41 – 0.70 Good

The result of calculation shows that 13 items were considered as poor, 7

items were moderate, and only 2 items were counted as good to determine
students’ reading and writing skills.

20 | L a n g u a g e A s s e s s m e n t


Based on the result that the writer found only 2 students passed this test,
while 31 students failed to reach the minimum criteria of mastery learning (75).
There must be any reasons that can be assumed following the result: 1. English
material that they should learn is not very comprehended, basically they have to
learn more to do right so, 2. Time allocation was too short to answer essay due to
lack of the items answered, 3. Logical thinking that may be seemed
underdeveloped because incorrect answer come from rational thinking questions,
4. English reading and writing proficiency that could be still poor due to
incapability to understand questions statement, 5. The questions were too hard to
completed by tenth grade students.

In spite of the conclusion that reading and writing proficiency of tenth

grade science-one students are still very poor by statistic, the writer has to
understand that participants are still young and unpolished yet, so they have to
learn more. Also they have potential to master all the subject matters (introducing
yourself, congratulating and complimenting others, and expressing intention) and
other English subjects they could get forward.

Other than that, there are couple of suggestion that all parties should pay
attention to. The teacher has to increase reading and writing proficiency for
students, while English vocabularies surely will support it. Students must learn
way harder than this and “stay hungry” for knowledge. Otherwise, writer should
consider students’ English proficiency and time allocation in making test in the
future. Hopefully, this research has benefit for all sides.

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