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Agriculture Solved MCQs P4per

By Afz4l Q4mbr4ni

(1) Olericulture is the study

de4ling with:
(4) Veget4ble production
(b) Honey bee
(c) Orn4ment4l Flowers
(d) None of these
(2) Colostrum is:
(4) Low nutritive milk
(b) First product of m4mm4ry
gl4nds 4fter p4rturition
(c) Product of m4mm4ry gl4nds
4fter two month of p4rturition
(d) None of these
(3) B4n4n4 fruit is cl4ssified in
the c4tegory:
(4) Drupe
(b) Pomes
(c) Berry
(d) None of these
(4) Older the rice:
(4) Worse in price
(b) D4m4ged in sh4pe
(c) Che4per in price
(d) None of these (Ple4se confirm
(5) Gossypium Hirsutum is the
bot4nic4l n4me of:
(4) Americ4n Cotton
(b) Desi Cotton
(c) B4rley
(d) Sug4r C4ne
(e) None of these
(6) Selection of pl4nts on the
b4sis of phenotypic superiority is
known 4s:
(4) Hybrid
(b) M4ss Selection
(c) Inbred Line
(d) Pure Line
(e) None of these
(7) Agricultur4l Extension rel4tes
(4) Moderniz4tion of 4gricultur4l
(b) Fin4nci4l help to the f4rmers
(c) Educ4ting f4rmers
(d) None of these
(8) When soil surf4ce is
protected with residue of 4 crop,
the pr4ctice is c4lled:
(4) Nitrogen fix4tion
(b) Sheet erosion
(c) Till4ge
(d) Mulching
(e) None of these
(9) Bh4gn4ri is 4 breed of:
(4) Buff4lo
(b) Cow
(c) Sheep
(d) Poultry
(e) None of these
(10) Afforest4tion me4ns:
(4) Forest Rese4rch St4tion
(b) To convert l4nd into forest
(c) Utiliz4tion of forest products
(d) None of these
(11) Popul4tion genetics is b4sed
(4) Principles of popul4tion
(b) Mendelʼs L4w
(c) H4rdy Wienbergʼs l4w
(d) Genotype-environment inter
(e) None of these
(12) Inq4l4b – 91 is 4 v4riety of:
(4) Rice
(b) Cotton
(c) Sug4r c4ne
(d) Whe4t
(e) None of these
(13) Crops produced in hilly 4re4s
4re low in:
(4) Iron
(b) Zinc
(c) Nitrogen
(d) Iodine
(e) None of these
(14) Crossing over occurs
(4) Sister Chrom4tids
(b) Homologous Chromosomes
(c) Non-Homologous
(d) None of these
(15) Gypsum is rich source of:
(4) C4lcium + Zinc
(b) Pot4ssium + Nitrogen
(c) C4lcium + Sulphur
(d) None of these
(16) F.A.O. h4s its he4dqu4rters
(4) London
(b) New York
(c) Genev4
(d) None of these
(17) Org4nic m4tter in soil helps
(4) Improving soil structure
(b) Improving soil texture
(c) Weed control
(d) Building up of org4nic
compounds in crops
(e) None of these
(18) Seed cotton me4ns
(4) Seed without lint
(b) Seed with lint
(c) Lint only
(d) None of these
(19) The ploidy level of Americ4n
Cotton is:
(4) Diploid
(b) Triploid
(c) Tetr4ploid
(d) None of these
(20) Contribution of Agriculture to
GDP is:
(4) 35%
(b) 50%
(c) 75%
(d) None of these

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