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Service Quality of Pharmacies in Candon City

Dagsi, M., Fontanilla, R., Galigaro, C., Guerrero, J., Lai, S., Orpilla, C., Querubin, K.

Published by the Department of Education on August 2017

100 participants from Candon city national high school were surveyed for this study. Using the SERVQUAL
model, the respondents were asked to rate the pharmacists they encountered based on: assurance,
empathy, reliability, responsiveness and tangibles.

Assurance: knowledge of the pharmacist and staff regarding their products and the service they deliver

 It has an overall mean score of 4.07, a high score for this section. This implies that the employees
are knowledgeable about their products and the services they offer

Empathy: scopes to the interaction between the service provider and the customer

 With a score of 4.01, this testifies that employees are giving full attention in listening and
understanding the request and the services that the customers are asking them to provide.

Reliability: refers to the dependability and accuracy of service based on what is promised to the customers

 With an average mean score of 3.96, this section has a high satisfaction rating. This implies that
the services being provided by the pharmacist are fulfilled and are satisfactory

Responsiveness: is about the willingness of the service provider to help and deliver service to their

 A high quality of mean score 4.01 is recorded for this section. The pharmacy employees are eager
to provide, respond and communicate with their customers

Tangibles: refers to the physical representation of pharmacists in the pharmacy. It is not limited to the
pharmacist only but also includes the facilities, equipment and other personnel in the establishment.

 Having an acquired value of 3.94, the tangible section has the lowest satisfaction rate. This implies
that the personnel and appearance of the establishment may not be suitable and may be disliked
by the customers for their own personal reasons.

Comparison of Service Quality

 There were no significant differences among the quality of services among the domains with the
significance level of p-value of 0.1732 @ 0.05. This implies that the needs and standards of the
customers are met by the pharmacies.
 It can be concluded that pharmacies in Candon City provides high quality services as they were
able to provide the needs of their customers.

Pharmacists play an important role in maintaining the provisions of good quality pharmaceutical services
which in return, results to the continual progress of the pharmacies they belong to. Maintaining the
service quality is essential to meet the customer’s expectation and to become economically competent
in the business. Healthcare services that they provide must be in compliance with the standards
provided by the authorities. In conclusion to that, maintaining the provision of good quality
pharmaceutical services helps the pharmacies to be in its continual progress.

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