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Tutorial for Chapter 4


1. Describe how a semiconductor diode is formed?

2. By using an appropriate diagram, briefly explain the condition of a diode in forward-biased and
reverse-biased region.
3. Describe in your own words the meaning of the word “ideal” as applied to a device or a system.
4. Explain the construction of Schottky Diode and how the “surface barrier” is created?
5. List FIVE (5) applications of Schottky diode.
6. What is the difference between photodiode compared to conventional p-n junction diode?
7. Explain the working principles of a photodiode in terms of minority carrier.
8. Explain how the photodiode is used in industrial application.
9. Explain the special operation condition of a Zener diode compared to normal diode.
10. Determine the temperature coefficient of a 5-V Zener diode (rated 25 ᵒC value) if the nominal
voltage drops to 4.8 V at a temperature of 100 ᵒC.
11. Electrical characteristic of a 10-V Zener diode at 25 ᵒC ambient temperature is shown in Table 7.1.
At what temperature will the Zener diode have a nominal voltage of:
a. 10.25 V
b. 10.75 V
Table 7.1

12. Referring to Figure 7.2, determine the nominal voltage of a 3.6-V Zener diode (rated 25 ᵒC value) at
100 ᵒC with a current level of 1 mA.

Figure 7.1

Tutorial for Chapter 4

13. For the zener network in Figure 7.2,

Figure 7.2

a. determine the range of RL and IL that will result in VL being maintained at 10V.
b. determine the maximum wattage rating of the diode.

14. For the series diode configuration shown in Figure 7.3, determine:
a. VDQ
b. IDQ
c. VR
d. RD
e. the equivalent circuit.

Figure 7.3
15. Determine the current, I for each of the diode configuration below:


Tutorial for Chapter 4



16. Determine the level of Vo foe each networks:


17. Determine the Vo1 ande Vo2 for the networks:


Tutorial for Chapter 4

18. Determine Vo and I for the networks:

19. Determine the Vo and ID for the networks:

20. Determine the Vo and ID for the network:

21. What is rectification and why it is so important in daily electronic applications.

22. With an aid of diagram, explain the rectification process for half-wave rectifier.

Tutorial for Chapter 4

23. By assuming an ideal diode, determine vi and id for the circuit shown in Figure 7.4.

Figure 7.4
24. By assuming the diode is an ideal diode, sketch the output voltage and determine the dc level of the
output of the circuit as shown in Figure 7.5.

Figure 7.5
25. By using an appropriate diagram, explain the working principle of Bridge-type Full-wave rectifier.
26. Determine the vo, dc level of output voltage and sketch the output waveform of the rectifier as shown
in Figure 7.6.

Figure 7.6
27. Sketch the vo waveform for the circuit shown in Figure 7.7 and determine the dc voltage available.

Figure 7.7
28. What is the purpose of clipper circuit?
29. Determine vo for the circuit shown in Figure 7.8(a) and (b).
Tutorial for Chapter 4

Figure 7.8
30. Determine vo for circuit in Figure 7. 9 (a) and (b).

Figure 7. 9
31. Explain the function of clamper circuit?
32. Sketch vo for the circuit in Figure 7.10(a) and (b).

Figure 7.10

33. Referring to Figure 7.11, answer the following questions:

a. Calculate 5τ
b. Compare 5τ to half the period
of the applied signal.
c. Sketch vo.

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