National Register of Citizens of India

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National Register of Citizens of India

The National Register of Citizens (NRC) is a register maintained by the Government of India containing names & certain
relevant information for identification of Indian citizens of Assam state. The register was initially, specifically made for Assam
state. However, on 20th November 2019, Home Minister Amit Shah declared during a parliamentary session that the register
would be extended to the entire country. Amit Shah has clearly indicated that NRC to be applied National wide and no person of
any religion should worry. [1] The register was first prepared after the 1951 Census of India and since then it has not been updated
until recently.[2][3][4]

The North-East Indian state of Assam has become the first state in India where the updating of the NRC is being taken up to
include the names of those persons whose names appeared in the NRC of 1951 and is still alive; and/or of their presently living
descendants who have permanent residence within the state.

However, due to an amendment carried out in the Indian Citizenship Act, 1955, the State Register of Citizens for the state of
Assam, which forms a part of the National Register of Citizens, has also been held to be legal to contain the names of all persons,
whose names appeared at least in any of the Electoral Rolls published for any of the then assembly constituencies within the
territorial limits of present-day state of Assam up to midnight of 24 March 1971 and also of descendants of such persons
presently having permanent residence within the state. A person residing in the present state of Assam is also eligible to get his or
her name entered in the register, if he or she holds and submit to the registering authority any of certain specific documents issued
up to midnight of 24 March 1971 against his or her name or in the names of his or her ancestor which would prove the holder's or
ancestor's presence within the territorial limits of the present day state of Assam. This is a peculiar situation in which any person,
who has entered into the territorial limits of the present day state of Assam up to the midnight of 24 March 1971 from the
neighboring country Bangladesh, or any of the person's descendant, can claim to be an Indian citizen of the state of Assam
throughout India by dint of presence of his or her own self or of ancestor's, within the territorial limits of the present day state of
Assam only but no other Indian states for that matter. In case of descendants, they further have to hold and submit to the
registering authority another specific piece of document proving his or her blood relationship with a person whose name did
appear in NRC, 1951 or in any of the said Electoral Rolls or whose presence in the territorial limits of the present day state of
Assam is ascertainable with prescribed specific documents.

The process of updation of state's part of NRC in the state of Assam started in the year 2013, when the Supreme Court of India
passed an order for its updation. Since then, the Supreme Court (bench of Chief Justice of India Ranjan Gogoi and Rohinton Fali
Nariman) has been monitoring it continuously. The entire process is conducted by Mr. Prateek Hajela,[5] an officer from the
Indian Administrative Service cadre, who has been designated as the State Coordinator of National Registration, Assam and is
carried out under the monitoring of the Supreme Court of India which has been holding time to time hearing on representations
made to it by various interested parties & stakeholders in Assam.

Purpose of NRC
Role of the Supreme Court of India
Guidelines for NRC Update
Publication of Final NRC
Creation of additional Foreigners' Tribunals & Construction of Detention Camps
Controversy on Final NRC
Eligibility Criteria
Beginning of the Update Process
Setting up of an Innovative Technical Mechanism
Setting up of NRC Seva Kendras (NSK)
Publication of Legacy Data
List A Documents
List B Documents
Distribution and Receipt of Application Process
Distribution of Application Form (May 2015)
Guidelines to fill up the Application Form
Receipt of Application Form
Receipt of Application Form offline at the NRC Seva Kendras (NSKs)
Online Application
Verification Process
Office Verification
DOCSMEN - Document Segregation and Meta-Data Entry
Field Verification
Family Tree Matching Technique
Publication of Part Draft NRC
Steps implemented to Check Name in Part Draft NRC
Visiting Designated NSK
Online Publication on the website
Toll-Free Helpline Facility
Pre-registration SMS Service
On-Demand SMS Service
Post Publication of Part Draft NRC
Complete Publication of Draft NRC
Receipt and disposal of Claims and Objections
Innovative Use of Technology: Barriers and Strategies
Publicity Measures Undertaken to Empower the Public about NRC
Grievance Redressal Mechanism
Awards and Achievement
See also
External links

Purpose of NRC
The purpose of NRC update in the state of Assam is to identify Indian citizens from among all the present residents of the state
thereby leading to identification of illegal migrants residing in that state, who entered into it after the midnight of 24 March 1971.
However the fate of those who would not be able to get his or her name entered in the register is now a matter under judicial and
legislative consideration and more or less uncertain. On 3 September 2019, the Bangladesh Nationalist Party, a major opposition
party in Bangladesh, expressed its view that the people excluded from the National Register of Citizens (NRC) in Assam might
be sent back to Bangladesh.[6]
During 19th and 20th centuries, Colonial Assam (1826–1947) witnessed intermittent migration of populace from rest of the
provinces of British India in the aftermath of the Yandabo treaty (signed on 24 February 1826) which brought the region under
the control of British. The liberal attitude of the Colonial authorities encouraged the migration of peasants from Bengal to Assam
in search of fertile lands.[7] As early as 1931, C.S. Mullan, the Census Superintendent in his census report stated:

Probably the most important event in the province during the last 25 years- an event, moreover, which seems
likely to alter permanently the whole feature of Assam and to destroy the whole structure of Assamese culture and
civilization has been the invasion of a vast horde of land-hungry immigrant.[8] (Politics of Migration by Dr.Manju
Singh, Anita Publications, Jaipur, 1990, Page 59)

This migration surged, especially that of Hindu Bengali people, from East Pakistan (presently Bangladesh since 1971) after
India's independence & subsequent partition into two separate countries namely the Hindu dominated India & Muslim dominated
Pakistan. Following the Partition of India, Pakistan consisted of two isolated land masses, Pakistan to the west of India and East
Pakistan, to the East. Demarcation was loose and without any robust physical barrier or fencing between East Pakistan & India.

Post Partition, East Pakistan suffered from political turmoil & witnessed civil unrest which finally led to a civil war & separation
of East Pakistan from Pakistan and a new country Bangladesh came into being consisting of all the geographical area of erstwhile
East Pakistan. There occurred mass exodus of population from the war-torn regions into the Indian side and most of these
refugees never returned. Excerpts from the White Paper on Foreigners' Issue published by the Home & Political Department,
Government of Assam on 20 October 2012 – Chapter 1, Historical Perspective, section 1.2 reads:[7]

Following Partition and communal riots in the subcontinent, Assam initially saw an influx of refugees and other
migrants from East Pakistan. The number of such migrants other than refugees was initially reported by the State
Government to be between 1,50,000 and 2,00,000 but later estimated to be around 5,00,000.[9]

Even after the end of civil war & formation of Bangladesh, migration continued, though illegally. The Government of India
already had in its stock of statutes, the Immigrants (Expulsion from Assam) Act, 1950. This act came into effect from 1 March
1950 which mandated expulsion of illegal immigrants from the state of Assam.[10] To identify illegal immigrants, the National
Register of Citizens was prepared for the first time in Assam during the conduct of 1951 Census.[11] It was carried out under a
directive of the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) by recording particulars of every single person enumerated during that Census.
Practical implementation of the act was difficult & the measures taken under this act proved ineffective largely due to the vast
stretch of open border between the countries and illegal immigrants pushed out of India at one point of it could easily infiltrate
again at some other unmanned point.

The issue of illegal infiltration was becoming formidable problem in the state of Assam as migrants enjoyed political
patronage.[12] The Registrar General of Census in his report on 1961 Census assessed 2,20,691 infiltrators to have entered

In the year 1965 the government of India took up with the government of Assam to expedite completion of the National Register
of Citizens and to issue National Identity Cards on the basis of this register to Indian citizens towards identification of illegal
immigrants. But in 1966 the Central Government dropped the proposal to issue identity cards in consultation with the
Government of Assam, having found the project impracticable.

In a notification issued by the Government of India in the year 1976, the State government was instructed not to deport persons
coming from Bangladesh to India prior to March, 1971.
Thus between 1948 and 1971, there were large scale migrations from Bangladesh (then East Pakistan) to Assam.[14]

Given this continuing influx of illegal migrants from Bangladesh into Assam, suddenly a group of student leaders in 1979 came
out in fierce protest demanding detention, disenfranchisement and deportation of illegal immigrants from Assam.[15] They cited
unexplained surge of electors in the voter lists for the assembly constituencies in certain pockets of the state, specially in those
under then undivided Darrang District of Assam & elsewhere in the districts of lower & central Assam, for which they suspected
large scale entry of names of foreigners or illegal migrants in those lists. The events quickly developed into a mass movement
which came to be known as Assam Agitation or Assam Movement led by All Assam Students’ Union (AASU) and All Assam
Gana Sangram Parishad (AAGSP) and lasted 6 years.[16] Reportedly considered by various intellectuals and media forums as one
of the largest mass movement in the history of the world led by students’ union, this six-year-long agitation left behind thousands
of bleeding hearts, empty wombs, and bloodstained fields. The movement culminated in the signing of a landmark Memorandum
of Settlement (MoS) - the Assam Accord, between the agitating parties & the Union of India on 15 August 1985,[17] at the behest
of then Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi in New Delhi.

The Accord ended the agitation[18] but could not end the illegal migration. Further it had a negotiated defect which called for 1
January 1966 to be the precise date based on which the detection illegal immigrants in Assam would take place and thus
ironically allowing Indian citizenship for all persons coming to the territorial limits of the present day state of Assam from
"Specified Territory" (East Pakistan, presently Bangladesh since 1971) prior to that date. Along with came a new Illegal Migrants
(Determination by Tribunal) Act, 1983 which described a controversial procedure to detect illegal immigrants and their expulsion
from the state of Assam. Indian citizenship act, 1955 was accordingly amended almost immediately to incorporate provisions by
dint of the accord. The act further specified that all persons who came to Assam between to 1 January 1966 (inclusive) and up to
24 March 1971 (midnight) shall be detected in accordance with the provisions of the Foreigners Act, 1946 and the Foreigners
(Tribunals) Order, 1964. Name of foreigners so detected would be deleted from the Electoral Rolls in force. Such persons will be
required to register themselves before the Registration Officers of the respective districts in accordance with the provisions of the
Registration of Foreigners Act, 1939 and the Registration of Foreigners Rules, 1939. Foreigners who came to Assam on or after
25 March 1971 shall continue to be detected, deleted and expelled in accordance with law.[19]

Role of the Supreme Court of India

The process of detecting and expelling immigrants suffered from teething problems for a considerable amount of time. In fact, the
first attempt of systematically detecting foreigners by updating the National Register in Assam was through a Pilot Project which
was started in 2 circles (referred to as Tehsil in some states), one in Kamrup district and another in Barpeta district in the year
2010, which had to be aborted within 4 weeks amidst a huge law and order problem involving a mob attack on the Office of the
Deputy Commissioner, Barpeta that resulted in police firing killing 4 persons.[20] For a long time, since the bitter experience in
the pilot project, NRC update was considered almost an impossible task by the government agencies.

However, the task was again finally taken up at the behest of the Supreme Court of India’s order in the year 2013 in regards to
two writ petitions filed by Assam Public Works and Assam Sanmilita Mahasangha & Ors.[21] wherein the Supreme Court, headed
by the bench of Justice Ranjan Gogoi and Justice Rohintan Fali Nariman, mandated the Union Government and the State
Government to complete the updation of NRC, in accordance with Citizenship Act, 1955 and Citizenship Rules, 2003,[22] in all
parts of Assam. Pursuant to the directive of the apex Court, the Registrar General of India via its notification Number S.O. 3591
E dated 6 December 2013 notified commencing of NRC updation.[23][24]

Since then, the Supreme Court of India has been closely monitoring the process and holding regular hearings on representations
made to it by various interested parties & stake holders.

To make the process of NRC update smooth, the Supreme Court in its order dated 21 July 2015 passed the following directions:
We make it clear that complaints with regard to any obstruction in the matter of preparation/update of NRC by
any person or authority may first be brought to the notice of the Court appointed Committee and the said
Committee, upon due enquiry, will submit necessary report to the Registry of this Court where after the same will
be brought to notice of the Bench.

We expect all authorities to act faithfully and diligently to carry out their assigned tasks to ensure smooth
preparation of NRC and publication thereof within the schedule fixed by us. This is in reiteration of the mandate
contained in Article 144 of the Constitution of India. It is not necessary for us to emphasise that any person found
to be creating any obstruction or hindrance, in any manner, in the preparation of the NRC would be subjected to
such orders as this Court would pass in such eventualities.

In reference to Article 144 of the Constitution of India, all authorities, civil and judicial, in the territory of India shall act in aid of
the Supreme Court. Article 142 of the Constitution of India further stipulates that the Supreme Court in the exercise of its
jurisdiction may pass such decree or make such order as is necessary for doing complete justice in any cause or matter pending
before it, and any decree so passed or order so made shall be enforceable throughout the territory of India in such manner as may
be prescribed by or under any law made by Parliament and, until provision in that behalf is so made, in such manner as the
President may by order prescribe and subject to the provisions of any law made in this behalf by Parliament, the Supreme Court
shall, as respects the whole of the territory of India, have all and every power to make any order for the purpose of securing the
attendance of any person, the discovery or production of any documents, or the investigation or punishment of any contempt of

Guidelines for NRC Update

The NRC is updated as per the provisions The Citizenship Act, 1955[25] and The Citizenship (Registration of Citizens and Issue
of National Identity Cards) Rules, 2003 (As amended by 1. G. S. R. 803(E), dated 9 November 2009 (with effect from
9/11/2009.), Ministry of Home Affairs (Office of Registrar General, India), Order No. S.O. 596(E), dated 15 March 2010,
published in the Gazette of India, Extra, Part II. No. 504 S.3(ii), dated 16 March 2010 p. 1.). As per the two statutes, the
eligibility status would be ascertained based on the NRC, 1951, Electoral Rolls up to 1971 and in their absence the admissible
documents up to 24 March (midnight) 1971.

The mechanism adopted to update the NRC 1951 has been developed from scratch owing to the fact that there is no precedence
of such a mammoth task ever undertaken in India or elsewhere that involved identification of genuine citizens and detection of
illegal immigrants using technology since it involved data of over 3 crore people and over 6.6 crore documents. The guidelines
under which NRC Update has been taken up is as follows –

The process of NRC Update is divided into the following phases:

1. Publication of Legacy Data

2. Distribution & Receipt of Application Form
3. Verification Process
4. Publication of Part Draft NRC
5. Complete Publication of Draft NRC
6. Receipt and Disposal of Claims & Objections
7. Publication of Final NRC
Publication of Final NRC
The Final NRC has been published on 31 August 2019 after completion of all the statutory works as per various standard
operating procedures. As per a press release[26] by the SCNRC, a total of 3,30,27,661 persons applied to the registering authority
through 68,37,660 application forms and out of which 3,11,21,004 persons were found eligible for inclusion of their names in the
final NRC leaving out 19,06,657 persons, who were not included and shall have to approach a Foreigners' Tribunal with an
appeal against non-inclusion if they so desire.

Creation of additional Foreigners' Tribunals & Construction of

Detention Camps
On May 30, 2019, the Government of India passed a Foreigners' (Tribunals) Amendment Order 2019, which allows all states &
UTs within the union of India to constitute their own Foreigners' Tribunals, earlier unique to the state of Assam only, to address
the question of citizenship of a person. The amendment empowers district magistrates in all states and union territories to set up
Foreigners' Tribunals to detect foreigners.[27] Following the Amendment, the provincial Government of Assam has initiated the
process of establishing 400 additional Foreigners' Tribunals out of which 200 are made functional since beginning of September,
2019. The Government of the state is also set to construct ten more detention camps besides six already in place in anticipation of
the possible requirement to house large number of illegal foreigners who may be declared as such by the Foreigners' Tribunals.
The first such new exclusive detention camp is under construction in the district of Goalpara in lower Assam at cost of around Rs
460 million and a capacity to hold only 3000 persons.[28]

Controversy on Final NRC

As soon as the final NRC was published on 31 August 2019 at 10 AM on completion of the updating the NRC,1951 at all the
local, tehsil & district level offices created for the purpose, controversy regarding its correctness set in and even some lawmakers
openly came out criticizing the document.

A sitting M.L.A of Assam belonging to the political party All India United Democratic Front (AIUDF) representing the
Scheduled Caste-reserved constituency of Abhyapuri South in lower Assam, having found himself out of the NRC, reportedly
expressed that thousands of genuine Indians, especially Bengali Hindus, have been left out of final NRC, and as many illegal
foreigners have made into the final list.[29]

The Assam Public Works (APW), the original petitioner in the Supreme Court which led to the updation of the National Register
of Citizens six years ago, said the final NRC turned out to be a 'flawed document' because its prayer for re-verification of the draft
list was rejected by the apex court. The NGO also wondered whether the software used in the updation exercise was capable to
handle so much data.[30]

Eligibility Criteria
Who are eligible for inclusion in the updated NRC?

Persons whose names appear in NRC, 1972

Persons whose names appear in any of the Electoral Rolls up to 24 March (midnight), 1971.
Descendants of the above persons.
Persons who came to Assam on or after 1 January 1966 but before 25 March 1971 and registered themselves in
accordance with the rules made by the Central Government with the Foreigners Registration Regional Officer
(FRRO) and who have not been declared as illegal migrants or foreigners by the competent authority.
People who are original inhabitants of Assam and their children and descendants who are citizens of India
provided their citizenship is ascertained beyond a reasonable doubt by the registering authority.
‘D’ voters can apply for inclusion of their names in the updated NRC. However, their names will be finally
included only when the appropriate Foreigner Tribunal declares them as non-foreigners.
Persons who can provide any one of the documents issued up to midnight of 24 March 1971 as mentioned in the
list of documents admissible for citizenship.
All Indian Citizens including their children and descendants who have moved to Assam post 24 March 1971
would be eligible for inclusion in the updated NRC on adducing satisfactory proof of residence in any part of the
country (outside Assam) as on 24 March 1971.
All members of the Tea Tribes shall be covered under ‘Original inhabitants of Assam’ category provided for under
Clause 3(3) of the Schedule of The Citizenship (Registration of Citizens and Issue of National Identity Cards)
Rules, 2003.
All such original inhabitants shall be included on the basis of proof to the satisfaction of the Registering Authority.
On the establishment of the citizenship of such persons beyond a reasonable doubt, their names shall be in the
updated NRC.

Beginning of the Update Process

Updating the National Register of Citizens (NRC) in the state of Assam is the most extensive citizen engaging exercise
undertaken in any Indian state, perhaps the first of its kind even globally, that touches the lives of every resident of the state. Once
Registrar General of India appointed Shri Prateek Hajela as the State Coordinator for the project, an innovative and a highly
structured plan was put in place to carry out the process of NRC update.

Setting up of an Innovative Technical Mechanism

For development of transparent and efficient systems to implement the sensitive and challenging job of NRC Update, large scale
IT deployment became inevitable. NRC update project in Assam has set a new paradigm in residents’ data collection, processing
and management of the data so collected, document scanning, verification and digitizing. Development of over twenty large
custom software applications, over 2500 digitization hubs and a state of art Data Centre, and extensive manpower involvement
(involving over 30,000 government officers and 10,000 contractual/ outsourced staff) was set up to take on the process of NRC
Digitized Legacy Data Development (DLDD) was Correction of e-Form 1 data (e-Form 2X) was
1 designed and developed by Guwahati-based IT 8 designed and developed by Guwahati-based IT
firm Bohniman Systems Pvt. Ltd. firm Bohniman Systems Pvt. Ltd.
Offline Application Form Receipt (e-Form 1) was Verification Teams' Report Generation was
2 designed and developed by Guwahati-based IT 9 designed and developed by Guwahati-based IT
firm Bohniman Systems Pvt. Ltd. firm Bohniman Systems Pvt. Ltd.
Computerized Family Tree-Manual Family Tree
Online Application Form Receipt was designed Match (e-Form 3) was designed and developed by
3 10
and developed by IT firm Wipro Infotech Ltd. Guwahati-based IT firm Bohniman Systems Pvt.
Offline-Online Application Form Receipt was Combined Verification Report (CVR) generation
4 designed and developed by Guwahati-based IT 11 (e-Form 4) was designed and developed by IT firm
firm Bohniman Systems Pvt. Ltd. Wipro Infotech Ltd.
Document Segregation and Metadata Entering Recommendation of Circle/Tehsil Officer on claim
5 (DOCSMEN) was designed and developed by IT 12 of applicants was designed and developed by IT
firm Wipro Infotech Ltd. firm Wipro Infotech Ltd.
Approval of Deputy Commissioner/District
Digitization of Field Verification Result (e-Form 2
Collector/ District Magistrate on claim of applicants
6 FVR) was designed and developed by Guwahati- 13
was designed and developed by IT firm Wipro
based IT firm Bohniman Systems Pvt. Ltd.
Infotech Ltd.
Map based display of performances at Software for transliteration of data digitized in
district/circle/NSK/village level was designed and English to Bengali and Assamese was designed
7 14
developed by Guwahati-based IT firm Bohniman and developed by Guwahati-based IT firm
Systems Pvt. Ltd. Bohniman Systems Pvt. Ltd.

After successful setting up of a team and a foolproof technical system, the entire process of update came into play.

Setting up of NRC Seva Kendras (NSK)

In order to aid and assist the public in enrolling themselves in the NRC update process Information and communications
technology (ICT) enabled Help Desks named as NRC Seva Kendras (NSKs) were set up across the state[a]. NRC Seva Kendras
(NSK)were set up in each district of Assam; each NSK covering an approximate of 2,500 households[b]. NSK acts as epicentre
for all the NRC activities starting from assisting the public in searching the Legacy Data, distribution of Application Form,
receipt of Application Form, carrying out all the data entry work, displaying of Draft NRC and so on.Each NSK is equipped with
sophisticated software for Legacy Data Search in three languages, namely English, Assamese and Bengali & besides that,
adequate hardware such as computers, scanners, & furniture are made available for public convenience.

Some of the rules pertaining to NSKs are such - The Application Form can be submitted only in the designated NSK that covers
applicant's present address. The designated NSK shall receive Application Form only from the villages/wards earmarked under
it[c]. Officials of the designated NSK will visit the address given under "Present Address" to conduct verification of applications
received from areas covered under that particular NSK only.

Publication of Legacy Data

To claim eligibility for inclusion in NRC the applicants had to prove their residence in Assam (or in any part of the country) up to
24 March 1971. As per statutory requirement, the NRC authorities had to publish copies of NRC 1951 and Electoral Rolls of all
years up to 24 March 1971 (collectively named as Legacy Data). Easy accessibility of these documents was the key to ensure
effective public engagement in the process. About 6.26 lakh pages of such old documents were available across the state, but
most of those were in poor condition as can be seen in the image of Original NRC 1951. It would not have been possible for the
public to search for their names in the heaps of dilapidated documents. To address this concern, NRC authority decided to digitize
and develop the legacy data and make it available in the easily searchable format. 2.01 crore records were digitized and were
assigned a Unique "Legacy Data Code" from 6.26 lakh pages of such legacy documents. All these pages were then converted into
images through photographic scanning and assigned unique image IDs and linked to the 2.01 crore records for preserving the
database, establishing the unique identity of records and producing true copies of Legacy Data for publication. The data was
transliterated to make it search enabled in Assamese, English and Bengali. Out of the total 8 crore words found in the Legacy
Database, an "Assam Data Dictionary" was prepared with 24 lakhs unique words. 25 GB of SQL database and 240 GB image
files were installed in a short span of 10 days in 5000 laptops spread over 2500 NRC SevaKendras (NSKs) specially set up for
free search and issue of Legacy Data. Legacy database was also made available on the public domain through NRC Website.
Issue of 77 lakh Legacy Data Codes in NSKs and 68 lakh through the web in a period of 6 months proved to be the game-changer
in NRC update. Out of 68.23 lakh Application Forms received from the public, 95% applicants submitted Legacy Data as
supporting document to prove their claim for inclusion in NRC. This indicates to the indispensability of Legacy Data
development exercise which set the ball rolling for NRC update

Two set of documents had to be furnished by the applicants for inclusion in the updated NRC. They are -

List A Documents
List B Documents

List A Documents
For inclusion of names of any person in updated NRC, the applicants must produce any one of the following List A documents
issued before 24 March (midnight), 1971 where the name of self or ancestor appears (to prove residence in Assam up to 24 March
(midnight), 1971):

1951 NRC
Electoral Roll(s) up to 24 March (midnight), 1971
Land & Tenancy Records
Citizenship Certificate
Permanent Residential Certificate
Refugee Registration Certificate
Any Govt. issued License/Certificate
Govt. Service/ Employment Certificate
Bank/Post Office Accounts
Birth Certificate
Board/University Educational Certificate
Court Records/Processes
Further, the following two documents are also accepted as supporting documents if accompanied by any one of the documents
listed above:

Circle Officer/GP Secretary Certificate in respect of married women migrating after marriage (can be of any year
before or after 24 March (midnight), 1971)
Ration Card issued up to the midnight of 24 March 1971 can be adduced as supporting documents

List B Documents
If any of the documents of List A is not of the applicant himself/herself but that of an ancestor, namely, father or mother or
grandfather or grandmother or great grandfather or great grandmother (and so on) the applicant then have to submit List B
documents to establish relationship with such ancestor, i.e., father or mother or grandfather or grandmother or great grandfather
or great grandmother etc. whose name appears in List A. Such documents shall have to be legally acceptable document which
clearly proves such relationship. The applicants must produce any one of the following List B to establish the linkage:

Birth Certificate
Land document
Board/University Certificate
Bank/LIC/Post Office records
Circle Officer/GP Secretary Certificate in case of married women
Electoral Roll
Ration Card
Any other legally acceptable document

Distribution and Receipt of Application Process

For the convenient update of NRC, the application process was facilitated to the public in both online and offline modes. People
opting for the offline mode had to visit their nearest NSK for filling up and submission of their application forms. The NSKs
received applications from 9 AM till 6 PM, sometimes till late hours depending on footfall of the public. Every applicant received
a photocopy of his/her entire form submitted along with an acknowledgement receipt containing a unique Application Receipt
Number (ARN) issued against the form.Three Model Seva Kendras were also set up in Guwahati in the line of Passport Seva
Kendras which are models of excellent public service delivery. The model NSKs will continue as a Permanent Enrolment Centre
for continuous update even after publication of NRC.

For the Online mode of application, NRC online form was made available to the public. People opting for online mode had the
option of submitting the form via their smartphones and tablet devices as well, in addition to accessing the form via a
desktop/Laptop. It is to be noted that the online form issued is unique in nature, owing to the fact that it was designed to collect
data for the entire family in average 24 fields and 2-3 pages of scanned documents and one photograph for each person. (Average
family size for Assam is 5 members per family). Further, tools for cropping, rotation, compressing conversion photos (including
JPG to PDF) were also integrated for smooth processing of the online applicants.

The online process was also made convenient for applicants who lacked access to stable internet connection; preventing them
from going through with online application process uninterrupted. This was done by integrating an innovative offline-online
facility of form receipt, which allowed offline filling up of Form and online submission as and when network connectivity is
available. To add value to facilities provided, map-based tools such as Know Your NSK, and Know Your Ward were developed to
ensure a trouble-free application submission experience.

Distribution of Application Form (May 2015)

Distribution and Receipt of Application Form took off initially on 9 May 2015 with a trial run of the NRC Application Receipt
Software at Chandrapur 3 NSK under Chandrapur circle of Kamrup Metropolitan. For this purpose, a limited number of
Application Forms was invited. Soon after, the Application Receipt phase was launched in May 2015 and the online submission
facility was launched on 22 June 2015. A huge pool of human resources was trained and engaged to ensure smooth and fast-
paced implementation of the process within the set time period of 31 August 2015.

Application Forms were distributed house to house by government functionaries in the entire state and could be collected by the
applicants from the NRC Seva Kendra's (NSKs) in case it was lost or damaged. Facility for online download from the NRC
website was also made available. One Application Form per household is distributed,
which has the provisions to provide details of up to six (6) members. For families with more than 6 members, additional forms
were issued. One could also take a Xerox copy of the form themselves. Application forms were made available in Assamese,
English, Bengali and Bodo languages.

Guidelines to fill up the Application Form

The guidelines of form fill up were made available in the form of instruction sheets distributed during the Community Awareness
Meetings. That apart video tutorials for each side of the Application Form, Side A, B, C and D were developed and made
available online as well as distributed in the form of CDs in each district at the capacity building meetings. Applicants could also
call NRC toll-free helpline number 15107 (from Assam) and 18003453762 (from outside Assam) or visit their designated NSKs
for any assistance required in filling up the Application Form. To know more about the process of how to fill up the application
form, see the video at which was made available for the applicants.

Receipt of Application Form

The process of Application Receipt was implemented through two platforms – the Offline at the NSKs and Online through the
NRC website. For the first time ever a unique combination of offline and online technique, namely e-Form was also launched,
which played an important part in reaching out to the rural population of the state.

Receipt of Application Form offline at the NRC Seva Kendras (NSKs)

The NRC Seva Kendras (NSKs) served as the Application Receipt Centre. On receipt of a duly filled in Application Form along
with required documents, the NSK operator handed over a printout of the scanned copy of the Application Form along with a
summary of documents submitted by the applicant as Acknowledgement Receipt bearing an Application Receipt Number (ARN).
In order to fulfil this requirementof offline receipt of Application Form, a software module called NRC Application Receipt
Software was installed on each NSK laptops for smooth operations of the Application Receipt phase.

Online Application
Enormous IT enablement was done for citizens through the Online Receipt of Application Forms, which was made available
through the internet at the website of and could be accessed from anywhere in the world. All that was
required was online registration by the user/applicants by using a mobile number (within India) or an email address (outside
India) to which a One Time Password (OTP) is sent. Citizens were facilitated with the luxury to submit their Application Forms
with tools for cropping and rotating of photographs, scanning and image conversion tools of the documents that they uploaded
from the comforts of their home. The Online Application Form was a perfect replica of the Physical Form with the same data
fields. The online application enabled an autosave option, which meant that the user need not fill the form at one go and could
submit the form at his/her own convenient time. Apart from being user-friendly, it saved a lot of time in comparison to the
lengthy process of physically queuing at the NRC Seva Kendras.

In short, the online receipt of application forms allowed the user to submit their registration details online, submit their NRC
Application Forms online and finally generate their Acknowledgement Receipt Number on successful submission of the forms

A first of its kind combination of the online and offline facility was introduced for benefit of the rural public. The application was
introduced at a later stage and could be accessed through any Government authorised Common Service Center (CSC)/Arunudoy
Kendra. The Common Services Centres are being operated by the Village Level Entrepreneurs (VLE) who ensure the percolation
of the National e-Governance Plan at the grass root level. In total 1148 SAHAJ Arunodoy Kendra's have been rolled out so far in
the State of Assam, out of mandated 2833 Centres to July 2009), Cyber Cafes, any friend or internet access point for uploading
photos and supporting documents. The e-form was made available at the NRC Assam website from 6
August 2015 onwards, through which anyone could download the e-form or copy in pen drives from the CSCs. One could easily
fill up the e-form online or offline as per their convenience from literally anywhere.

The last date of receipt of Application Form was 31 August 2019.

Verification Process
The sole objective of the verification process is to ensure that no ineligible person gets entry into the updated NRC and that no
genuine person is left out form the NRC. The verification process consists of the following steps:

Office Verification
The process of office verification focuses on establishing the authenticity of the documents submitted by validating the same with
issuing authority. As per Citizenship Rules, verification is a multistage process involving house to house verification and
document verification that involves comparing documents submitted (to trace particulars or linkage up to the aforementioned cut-
off date) with the backend available with issuing authorities of such documents. Each of 6.6 crore documents such as Electoral
rolls, land records, birth certificates, university certificates, bank documents, post office documents, passports etc. belonging to
about 3344 different categories of issuing offices, in addition to over 71,710 schools, had to be sent to its issuing offices to check
authenticity of such documents.

DOCSMEN - Document Segregation and Meta-Data Entry

The only way of accomplishing the verification task was to set up a specialized mechanism equipped with the best of IT-based
workflow management system to send the documents to the respective backend authorities (offices from where the document was
issued) through the development of specialized and sophisticated software named as "DOCSMEN – Document Segregation and
Meta-Data Entry". The DOCSMEN software is used for feeding information about documents such as destination, document
code, metadata and then slicing as per document details for electronic sending to various destinations inside and outside Assam. It
may be added that during Application receipt, the same Application Form and its supporting documents were scanned in a single
PDF and the PDF was then sliced in Application Forms, supporting documents based on their page numbers. This software is
installed in over 6000 standalone laptops deployed in NSKs and circles and the data is then uploaded into a central database for
further processing. A special utility is used at central Data Centre for generation of documents in lots (a set of 50 documents) of
the same category from same issuing authority but received from varied sources/across the state. This enables systematic sending
of documents to issuing offices for backend checking. For example, for the State Board of Education, any lot would contain only
the document of a particular year and examination centre irrespective of the location where such documents were submitted. As
such, each of the 6.65 crore documents is packed into lots of 79534 issuing authorities for sending electronically to such issuing
authority. This bespoke software handled robust data and enabled processing of crores of documents in a systematic format that
enabled completion of verification of 4.52 crores of documents in a span of 8 months. Without a state of the art Document
Management System, it would have taken years to achieve such kind of progress.

Field Verification
The process of field verification through the house to house visit to over 68 lakh applicants was also made systematic through the
computerized generation of pre-filled Verification Teams Report (VTR). VTR is a single page document generated using digitized
Application Form data for each applicant that is to be verified by the verification team. VTR serves two purposes – first by
making the job of Verification Teams easy by providing prepopulated data related to applicants systematically in one page where
the Teams have to record the result only in "Yes"/"No" format. Additionally, the VTR also indicated the fields in which the
applicants have not provided full detail in their Forms so that the Verifying Officers can complete those during field verification.
The second purpose served by VTRs is to allow quality checking of the first round of application form data digitization done by
operators. As VTRs are taken to field for the recording of results, the VTRs get a chance to correct any digitization error and take
the second opinion on the spelling of names, surnames etc. directly from the applicants.

The process of field verification focuses on establishing if the document submitted actually relates to the applicant/member or
not. Field verification further establishes an identity of the applicant/member and authenticates his/her linkage claims.
Family Tree Matching Technique
In the list of unique initiatives undertaken, a major innovation is the generation of Computerized Family Tree. This technique is
used to find out if the Legacy Data published by NRC authority has been misused by an imposter. As the Legacy Data has been
digitized and each record is assigned a unique number, it is possible to find out a list of users of one particular Legacy Data and
then cross check this computer-generated list with actual family members declared beforehand in a form named "Manual Family
Tree". Imposters often "adopt" a person in whose name legacy document is available and then get linkage documents prepared
accordingly to establish this relationship. Some of the documents used by imposters are not even forged, such as electoral rolls,
which are issued without checking the authenticity of particulars. For this reason, it is found that the document verification
process itself is not a foolproof process in finding imposters. As such this technique of comparing Computerized Family Trees
(CFTs) with Manual Family Trees (MFTs) would be the most accurate method to determine the authenticity of claims of the NRC

Final eligibility for inclusion of names is determined only if the results of all the three verification process -field verification,
office verification and Family Tree Matching- are found positive. As mandated in the Citizenship Rules, 2003 all cases, after
ascertaining final eligibility at LRCR level, is referred to the DRCR for his/her approval before publishing the Part Draft NRC
and Complete Draft NRC.

Verification of Family Tree commenced on 15 February 2018 in Assam. Applicants whose family tree details mismatch with
other members of the family will be called for family tree verification. Mismatches arising due to giving nicknames in family tree
details, name/ surname changes due to marriage, missing out names of all family members due to lack of knowledge or
ignorance, etc., will be corrected during these proceedings.Applicants will receive Letter of Information (LOI) delivered at
their households by NRC field level functionaries. Details of date, time and venue will be mentioned in the LOI. However, those
who receive this letter should not think their application is considered doubtful or will lead to exclusion from NRC. It is an
opportunity to ensure Legacy of each genuine citizen is protected from being misused by any unauthorized person to wrongfully
enter NRC.

It is to be noted that a few applicants whose names are already included in Part Draft NRC may also receive an LOI. In such
cases, they need to appear and testify to stop people from misusing their Legacy Data mischievously.

Publication of Part Draft NRC

The first part of draft NRC, known as the Part Draft NRC has been published on expiry of midnight of 31 December 2017 by the
Office of the State Coordinator of National Registrar (Assam) in all the villages/wards where the Application Forms were issued
and received. The total number of people included in the Part Draft NRC is 19010932 member out of 3.29 crore applicants. The
rest of the names are under various stages of verification, and the entire process will be completed once the verification of all
these names has been done.

Steps implemented to Check Name in Part Draft NRC

Following facilities were made available for the general public to check their name in the Part Draft NRC:

Visiting Designated NSK – Until 31 January 2018

Online Publication on the website
Toll-Free Helpline Facility
Pre-registration SMS Service
On-Demand SMS Service

Visiting Designated NSK

– Until 31st January 2018
All the applicants could visit their respective NSKs after the expiry of midnight of 31 December 2017 to check their names in the
Part Draft NRC. This offline facility was available from 1 January 2018 to 31 January 2018 at all the 2500 NSKs across Assam
on all working days.

Online Publication on the website

All the applicants could check their name in the Part Draft NRC online. An ARN Based Search in Part Draft NRCportal was
created where one could check their eligibility status in the Part Draft NRC by logging in to the following Search portal and enter
their 21 digit ARN:
All the above ARN Based Search in Part Draft NRC portal were hosted on the following websites:
However, the online search facility was discontinued on 5 February 2018.

Toll-Free Helpline Facility

Calling on NRC's 24/7 toll-free numbers – 15107 (within Assam) and 18003453762 (outside Assam) could also enable a person
to know his/her inclusion of name in the Part Publication of Draft NRC.

Pre-registration SMS Service

Prior to the publication of Part Draft NRC, pre-registration facility was initiated for applicants to receive automatic SMS update
on their inclusion of names in the Part Draft. To pre-register, an applicant was required to type ARN <space>21 digit ARN
number and send an SMS to 976555655, 9108464438, or 9108464450. This pre-registration facility was made available from 6
a.m. onwards of 28 December 2017 till 6 p.m. of 31 December 2017. On successful pre-registration, one will receive the status
of their inclusion of name; Member ID wise in Part Draft NRC after the expiry of midnight of 31 December 2017. Example of
Sample Status: Member ID 1, 3, 5 included. Member ID 2, 4 pending for verification for ARN 101884857638456272891 – PART

On-Demand SMS Service

The facility to receive status on the inclusion of name via SMS continued in the form of On-Demand SMS service post
publication of Part Draft NRC for the first two weeks of January 2018. The service has been discontinued thereafter. Availing of
On-Demand SMS Service required an applicant to type ARN <space>21 digit ARN number and send an SMS to 976555655,
9108464438, or 9108464450 (similar to that of pre-registration facility).

Post Publication of Part Draft NRC

A total of 19010932 names of applicants have been included in the Part Draft NRC out of a total of 3.29 crore applicants. The
names of remaining applicants will be included in the Final Draft NRC if found eligible after entire verification process is
completed. Also, names of applicants who submitted GP Secretary Certificates haven't featured in the Part Draft NRC as their
verification was on hold until the ruling of Supreme Court on 5 December 2017; stating that GP Secretary certificates can be used
as a valid identity document for claiming citizenship. Therefore, verification of applicants who submitted GP Secretary
Certificates has been resumed after the publication of Part Draft NRC; and if found eligible, will be included in the Final Draft
NRC in Assam.

Complete Publication of Draft NRC

The Complete Draft NRC was published on 30 July 2018 consisting of names of all those persons who have been found eligible
after the entire verification process was completed.

Receipt and disposal of Claims and Objections

Applicants who did not find their place in the Final Draft NRC could once again furnish any of the 15 admissible documents to
prove their eligibility. They could either submit the same documents that they had submitted during the application or can submit
any fresh documents. The process of filing Claims and Objections began from 25 September 2018 amidst all anxiety for some
and amidst all eagerness for others. Applicants had to fill up the Claim Form and submit to the NRC Seva Kendras where they
have applied earlier during the Application Phase. The process of submitting Claims and Objections began from 25 September
2018 and continued till 31 December 2018 as per the Supreme Court's order. The disposal of claims and objections was then
carried out with the objective that the process of claims and objections is fair and transparent and provides reasonable opportunity
to all concerned.

Innovative Use of Technology: Barriers and Strategies

Extensive use of IT was developed and deployed to use in the NRC process. Some of the major breakthroughs in the IT usage are
listed below:
Barriers Strategies
The first and the
biggest barrier was
that there was no
precedence until the Several brainstorming sessions were undertaken with stakeholders for suggestions,
date of any other consultations with IT pundits, the launching of pilot exercises of various processes and
project that was to implementation of sophisticated software to gauge the magnanimity of the exercise and
decide the future of volume of transaction that is required to be done in due course of time.
the state - its
residents in terms of
the status of "citizen".
Tracing linkage of all
residents up to the
The tracing of linkage was made possible by digitisation and development of Legacy
cut-off date of
Data and publishing the Legacy Data to make it available to the people of Assam. To
24thMarch (midnight),
know more, see Publication of Legacy Data.
1971 has been the
biggest challenge.
Application Form
Submission by the
public in place of the
Facility for offline/online submission of Form and extensive capacity building exercise to
house to house
enable public to fill up the form on their own. To know more, see Distribution of
enumeration and
Application Process.
building capacity of
the public to correctly
fill up the form.
Verification of
documents with the Development of sophisticated customised software known as "DOCSMEN – Document
backend for Segregation and Meta-Data Entry" used for slicing and segregating about 6.6 crore
establishing documents..
Ensuring that the
Legacy Data easily
In order to ensure that the Legacy Data is not misused by any imposter to claim inclusion
made available by
in NRC, an innovativeFamily Tree Matching Technique is used.
NRC Authorities is
not misused
As the law provides for the DRCR to vet each and every case before publishing the NRC,
a software has been prepared to make this provision implementable. The verification
process being multi-stage, poses a requirement for developing a complete performance
report card to display the performance of each applicant across parameters such as
house to house verification, document backend verification, family tree match result,
Vetting of each case
matching of photo submitted in the Form with the actual person etc. to enable taking the
by the Deputy
final call on his/her eligibility for inclusion. The Local Verification Officer designated as
local Registrar also need to capture the verification results received from various issuing
Registrar of Citizen
authorities. Consequently,the software has been developed for generating Combined
Registration (DRCR)
Verification Report and recording the final recommendation of the local Registrar based
on one's performance across parameters. As per statutory requirement of taking the final
decision on the eligibility of applicants by the Deputy Commissioner/District Collector
designated as District Registrar, the recommendation of the Local VerifyingOfficers
designated as Local Registrars are required to be referred to the District Registrar.
Setting up of state-of- A state-of-the-art Data Center was established in the office premise of the State
the-art Data Center at Coordinator, NRC at Guwahati. Some of the highlights of the Data Center were:
office premise of the
State Coordinator, In-Box Fluid Solution (Rittal from Germany)
NRC at Guwahati.
Only installation in India and 2nd globally

11 Blade Servers, 3 Rack Servers (40 TB) – in High Availability Mode

Automatic temperature control, CCTV and inbuilt Security Alarm System

Fire Proof, Oracle OVM (Virtual Machine Manager) 26 Virtual Machines

Virtual Tape Library

Hyper V installed

50 MBPS main link from BSNL and redundancy from Trans Virtual

A huge volume of data has been transmitted from state to field (district/circle/NSK level)
and again from the field to state. Various medium of data transmission has been used
Proper connectivity
such as third-party media (pen drive/hard disk), FTP (File Transfer Protocol),
had to be ensured
internet/MPLS. NRC project has put Assam State Wide Area Network (ASWAN) and
from NRC Data
NICNET to its maximum use for the purpose of sending documents to districts and circles
Center to field offices
for verification and for uploading the results of verification to the central server. ASWAN
like CRCR and
connectivity is utilized to connect 114 circles to State Data Center and for remaining 43
DRCR and also to the
circles, services of BSNL have been procured. NICNET connectivity at district offices was
System Integrator
leveraged to connect to the State Data Centre. In the process, the existing infrastructure
Data Entry Centre
and efficiency of ASWAN and NICNET have been strengthened. Data synchronization of
from remote areas to state data centre can be counted amongst the record-setting
accomplishments of the project.

Without extensive IT deployment and development of bespoke solutions like digitized legacy data development, document
segregation and metadata entry, micromanagement and business development tools for daily appraisal of the performance of 2500
centres (NSK), 157 Tehsil offices and all districts, implementation of this Supreme Court-monitored project would not have been
possible within short timelines. No other IT project of this scale has been implemented in Assam that covered 100% households
in the state.

Publicity Measures Undertaken to Empower the Public about

Considering the sensitivity of the matter and the magnitude of the project, it was important to reach out to the public in a
meticulous way and ensure complete public awareness. For this, a strategic information dissemination and communication plan
was adopted. A 360 degree IEC and media campaign was designed and implemented for generating awareness and dissemination
of information to target audience across Assam/India/Globally through the following platforms:

Community Level Meetings (CLMs): At the grass root level, community awareness meetings were conducted
across the state. The meetings were addressed by DRCR, CRCR, and LRCR at various levels.Trained Master
Trainers were appointed to educate and engage the public on all matters relating to NRC: from the introduction of
the concept of ‘What is NRC?’ to the significance of NRC in everyone's life, how to search for Legacy Data, filling
up of Application Forms, and checking their names in the Part Draft NRC.

Leaflets: Various kinds of leaflets were distributed at various CLMs and other public gatherings. These were also
circulated through the official NRC website and social media platforms.

Video Tutorials: Tutorials were made available through the official website and social
media platforms like Facebook,Twitter and YouTube.

Field Level Speakers (FLS): This mode of communication was used to reach out to people living in rural and
remote areas as well as those living in hilly and riverine areas. It was also used extensively during special
mobilization drives in a phased manner of the NRC update process.

Print Media: Print Advertisements were developed in 4 languages – English, Assamese, Bengali and Bodo for
information circulation through all leading newspapers.

Electronic Media: Various Audio Visual productions in local languages were produced and telecast on different
Television Channels, Radio stations and screenings in various movie halls across Assam.

Social Media: Optimum use of social media and SEO was done for corresponding with the public, and
information was distributed through infographics, creative and informative videos. Print Advertisements, Leaflets
and Electronic Media commercials were also published for increasing reach to people.

NRC Website: A complete ICT driven and user-friendly portal, the NRC website has been the official platform for
all matters pertaining to the subject. An exhaustive literature on NRC is made available besides several citizen
centric activities to educate the public and inform them about all latest developments.

Grievance Redressal Mechanism

For active public participation, a one-stop Grievance Redressal System ( was developed and
implemented through which the complaints/grievances related to NRC can be addressed.

Awards and Achievement

The project NRC Update in the state of Assam bagged 1st Prize in the "Digitizing India" Awards by CNBC-TV 18 and Cisco and
adjudged as the best project in the category of "Digital Innovation in Citizen Services (eGovernance)". The project also roped in
the Best Project of Wipro (the System Integrator for project NRC) in India and Middle East region in 2015-16 out of over 30,000
other projects.

See also
Citizenship Amendment Bill 2016
The Foreigners Act, 1946
Indian nationality law
Illegal Migrants (Determination by Tribunal) Act, 1983
Illegal immigration to India
Refugees in India

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21. "Couple who set NRC ball rolling" (
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22. The Citizenship (Amendment) Act, 2003 (
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doi:10.1080/14631369.2019.1629274 ( ISSN 1463-1369 (ht

External links
Assam NRC 2019 Final List Tomorrow: Here Are The Steps To Check Your Names (

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