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‘Course Design and Evaluation Kode MK : SIG.B.16 for English Department Students reece TUM eee ol 4 Drawing trom our own experiences and practicing tip from many brillant educators, we do Re eS ee are learning at Pamulang University. / ‘ = a 4] Course Design and Evaluation OBJECTIVE OF THE COURSE, ‘At the end of the course, the students should be able to design ‘an English Course either for General English (GE) or English for Specific Purposes (ESP). Designing General English Course is much easier than ESP one because there are a lot of published materials (books) sold in bookstores, Course Design and Evaluation Section 1: Courses in English Language World Im this global world there are two main types of English courses: General English (GE) and English for Specific Purpose (ESP). These English courses can ‘be conducted either for short tems or ong terms. Of course, they are based on the students" level and their needs either for general or specific needs. 1. General English (GE) Most of General English courses consist of three basic distinctions: beginner, intermediate, and advanced. Broadly speaking, beginner are those who on't know any English and advance students are those whose level of English is very high. These advanced students ean communicate both in writing and speaking fluently. Advanced level students can stuly English in English speaking countries, such as in America, Australia, and United Kingdom especially for Post Graduate Programs. In Indonesia for example, there are many G-E courses that are conducted at LIA, ILP, and at other language centers and institutions. The course program ‘can vary from course to course. Courses conducted are like false beginners for ‘hose who can’t really use any English. Elementary studemts are no longer beginners and are able to communicate in a basic way, For example, they ean do interaction in a simple way. Pre-intermediate students know basie stractures and lexis of the language. Intermediate students are fluent in using English in authentic context such as tlking about daily lives, social issues, and daily conversations. Upper intermediate students have extended knowledge of grammatical ability and skill use. However, they are not as fluent as advanced students who are very good st grammar and all language skills: listening, speaking, reading. and writing. Course Design and Evaluation ‘The following diagram shows the different levels in sequence: beginner intermediate be 6-@- 8-2-8 —@ fie toetiey pe «ue oyun wai iam ‘These levels ranging ftom A (elementary level) to C2 (advance) Enelish ‘Teachers or course designers should know the students’ Tevels to see their abilities (AI atthe lef and C2 atthe right) these ae language competency levels defined by the Council of Europe and the Association of Language Testers of Europe (ALTE). Placements tests have to be done to see students levels 2. What is FSP? ESP has operated in a variety of many ways round the world, People lear English because of scientific, technical and econamie activites on an itemational seale. In this context people do not learn English for pleasure, but because the key tothe intentional network, business and commerce. ‘The growh of ESP, then, was brought about by a combination of particular needs and developments in the fields of linguistics and educational language teaching for specific needs of leamers. ESP covers three main ‘contexts: English for Science and Technology (EST), English for Academic Purpose (EAP), and English for Occupational Purpose (EOP). Register analysis ‘of special language in EST, EAP, and EOP are not the same. Based on the work of Strevens (Holliday, Melntosh and Strevens, 1964)) and Swales (1971) on concept of special language: register analysis, they state: Course Design and Evaluation “Electrical Engineering constituted a specific register Aiferent from that of say Biology for General Enalish * (quoted in Hutcinson and Waters, 1087-9) The FSP course will succeed if the earners ate provided with the restited competence they require (Widdowson, 1983). Business and women use English for selling bt their products, mechanies used English to read instion mamas a seeretary needs English to talk on the phone and to entertain guests at her office. Managers need English for negotiation and foe meeting and discussion ESP has developed at diferent speed in different countries, The development of EST is the key in ESP development hecause of technology and telecommunicaton. So, talking about computer science means deaing with the Janguage of computer such as using specific registers which are different form that of, sy, hotels and restaurant or of General English LEAP course, learners sty English for Academic study such as sty English st English Deparumeat of the Faculty of Leters. EAP students study FAP syllabus related to Grammar knowledge, language skills, linguistics, and iterate English for Occupational Purpose (EOP) i English language used at job settings, for example English for manogers, hotel and wourim, English for ealth and English for secretary. Definition of ESP can be deserihed asthe following: 8) ESP is oot matter of eaching ‘specialised varieties’ of English. The fact that Ianguage i used fora specifi purpose doesnot imply tht its special frm othe language, diferent in kind from other forms. Certainly, thee are some features which can be identified as “typical” of a particular context of used and which, therefore, the learner i more likely to meet in the target situstion. ‘But these differences should net be allowed 1 obscure the far larger area of common ground that underlies all English us, and indeed all anguage use. {Course Design and Evaluation b) ESP is not just a matter of Science words and grammar for Scientists. Hotel “words and grammar for Hotel staff and so on. When we look at tree, we see the leaves and branches, but there is much mare to the tree than just these — ‘much of it hidden from view inside and beneath the tree. The leaves do not just hang in the ait: they are supported by complex underlying structure. In the same way there is much more to communication than just the surface feature that we read and hear. We need to distinguish, as Chomsky did with regard to grammar, between performance and competence, that is between ‘what people actually do with the language and the range of knowledge and abilities which enable them to do it (Hutchimson and Waters, 1981), ©) ESP is not diferent in kind from any other form of language teaching, in that it should be based in the first instance on principles of effective and efficient Jeaming. Though the content of leaming may vary there is no reason to suppose that the processes of learning should be any different for the ESP Jeamer than for the General English Leamer. There is, in other words, no such thing as an ESP methodology, merely methodologies that have been applied in ESP classroom, hut could just as well have been used in the learning of any kind of English ‘So what is ESP2 Having stresses the commonality of language and learning, how does ESP differ from other forms of ELT? To answer this, ESP must be seen as an approach not as a product, ESP is not a particular kind of language or methodology, nor does it consist of a particular type of teaching material. Understood properly, itis an approach to language learning, which is based on leamer need. The foundation of all ESP is the simple question: Why does this leamer need to Team a foreign language? From this question will flow & whole host of further questions, some of which will relate to the leamers themselves, some tothe nature of the language the leamer will need to operate ‘Some to the given learning context. But this whole analysis derivers from an {initial identified need on the part of the leamer to leam a language. ESP, then, is Course Design and Evaluation ‘an approach to language teaching in which all desision as to content and method ‘are based on the learner's reason for learning ‘Analyses derives from an initial identified need in the part of the leamer 1 lear a language. ESP then, is an approach to language teaching in which all, decisions as 10 content and method are based on the leamer's reason for Tearing ‘Task 1. In group of five write about the key language of meeting elated 0 asking and giving opinions, agree and disagreeing. 2. What differences would you expect 10 find between an EOP course and an PAP course for doctors? In what ways do you think occupational and seademic needs differ? 3. Why does ESP course focus on leer needs?

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