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Science Technology and Society


Coverage :1.4d-1.4g
Identification/fill in the blank
1. Which Greek island was the center of the Minoan civilization?
2. The Minoan culture flourished during the 3rd and 2nd millennium
BCE. What archaeological period does this correspond to?
3. It is the capital of Crete.
4. The ruins of a number of multi-functional architectural complexes
have been excavated on the island. What is the best known of these
5. It is the Minoan script writing system.
6. He was the son of Zeus and Europa. In Greek mythology, he
constructed a labyrinth in Knossos.
7. Around 1100 BC, transition from bronze age to ______ is one of the
major turning point in the history.
8. He was a classical Greek philosopher credited as one of the founders
of Western philosophy, and as being the first moral philosopher of
the Western ethical tradition of thought.
9. He is called as the father of philosophy and taught that the nature of
was compose of or convertible into water.
10.He argued that the matter composed of countless tiny particles.
11.Taught that the nature was a mixture of four elements fire, water,
air, and earth.
12.The father of Greek medicine.
13.He taught that diseases have natural causes and that somehow the
human body is capable of healing or repairing itself.
14.Prescribes the physician’s ethical responsibility is still made by
today’s doctors.
15.He laid down the first medical theories based on scientific
experiments made from dissecting animal corpses.
16.One of the greatest philosophers in 300 BC and engrossed in many
areas of science.
17.They were the first people to separate mathematics from purely
practical uses by developing systematic methods of reasoning based
on mathematical measurements.
18.Based on earlier works of _____, ______, ______, and other Greek
mathematicians, geometry has been perfected by 300 BC as a single
logical system.
19.Once a principle of ______ is proved, it remained true for all time.
20.He discovered the laws of lever and pulley that resulted in the
invention of simple machine.
21.He invented the science of hydrostatics, the measurements and use
of water power.
22.He developed pulley and a drilling system which pumped out ships
and drained the Nile delta’s flooded fields.
23.He made a planetarium powered by water to demonstrate the
movement of sun and planets.
24.What is the meaning of “Eureka!”?
25.It contained the accurate locations and measurements of the
heavenly bodies that the Greeks observed.
26.He is one of the greatest astronomers of ancient times.
27.Ptolemy wrote _______ wherein he presented his ideas and
summarized those of the earlier Greek astronomers about the
28.Also called as the earth-centered theory.
29. The Persians were conquered and ruled first by the ___________.
30.Under his leadership, the Persian tribes rebelled against Medes.
31.When did Cyrus the Great died?
32.The son of Cyrus the Great that conquered the Egypt.
33.In just 25 years, the Persian empire was established bordered by
________ in the east and ______ in the west.
34.What’s the Persian road called?
35.In 330 BC, the Persian empire was invaded after _________ was
defeated by ___________.
36.Where is Asia minor located today?
37.What is Alexander the Great greatest contribution to world
38.He is the young great nephew of Julius Caesar.
39.He ruled the western province of Roman Republic.
40.The former lieutenant of Julius Caesar that ruled the eastern
province of Roman republic.
41.His victory marked the end of Roman republic and the beginning of
Roman Empire.
42.Rome’s first and greatest conqueror.
43.______ excelled in architecture and engineering but their
contributions to theoretical science was practically nil.
44.The two (2) major fields that the romans made their unique
45.The use of _______, ________, and _______ widely copied since
the 18th century in European and American public buildings.
46.Recognized as the most gifted and cultivated of all emperors.
47.Constructed in 126 AD that stands as one of the world’s greatest
domed building.
48.Located at the top of Pantheon and served as its central light source.
49.Rome’s stage for individual gladiatorial contests which held 50,000
50.Rome’s principal stadium where chariot races and gladiatorial fights
were held.
51.The installation of public toilets throughout the empire was one of
his greatest contribution.
52.Public urinal in Italy is called as _________.
53.He transferred Roman empire’s capital from Rome to
54.Where is Byzantium now located?
55.Historians called the Eastern Roman empire as ________.
56.It is called as the new Rome in the east.
57.Constantinople attained its height of power during the reign of
58.It is Byzantine’s principal Christian religious center.
59.Who invaded Constantinople in 1453?
60.The ______ was a 40,000 seated ancient Roman stadium for horse
racing and chariot racing.
61.The Muslim Turks declared Constantinople as their capital and
renamed it as _____.
62.The fall of Constantinople in 1453 marking not only the downfall of
Byzantine empire but also the end of ________.
63.The revival of learning and classical knowledge known as ______ in
64.The transfer of Capital created a new blend of ____________
65.Where is Istanbul located today?

1-5. Give the five (5) outstanding achievements of Darius I.
6-8. The Big Three of Greek Philosophy.
9-10. The two (2) prominent leaders that Octavius defeated and made him as the
sole ruler of Roman world

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