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Asyfa Dianningrum (15/383126/PA/16786)

2. Deny Permana (15/383128/PA/16788)
3. Epilia Rifa Indrianti (15/377981/PA/16456)

English Task

The Electric Motor

Task 1

Room has the most items are bath room (a water pump), aquarium (water cleaner), family
room (air conditioner, kitchen (mixer, blender)

Task 2

a) What electric motor are used for: Paragraph 1

b) The commutator: Paragraph 6
c) Why he armatures turn: Paragraph 5
d) Electromagnets: Paragraph 2
e) Effects of putting magnets together: Paragraph 3
f) The armature: Paragraph 4

Task 3

Picture 1(B)

When current flows , the armatures becomes an electromagnet. Its north pole is attracted by
the south pole and repelled by the north pole of the field magnet.

Picture 2(A)

The armature turns a quarter of a turn. Then electric contact is broken because of the gap in
the commutator, but the armature keeps turning because there is nothing to stop it.

Picture 3(C)

When a universal motor is run on direct current, the magnetic poles in the armature change
while those of the field magnet remain constant.
Task 4

Component Function

Component C. converts electromagnetic energy to rotation

Armatures E. support the drive shaft

Brushes F. supply current to the armature

Commutator D. rfeverses the current to the armature

Drive shaft A. tranfers rotation from the motor

Field wings B. create an electromagnetic field

Task 5

1. Field magnet
2. Armature
3. Commutator
4. brushes


1. field magnet 2. armature

3. commutator loop of wire

4. brushes

Task 6

A. A transformer consist of two coils, primary and a secondarand a secondar. The

coils are wound on a former which is mounted on a core. The coils is composed
of a number of loops of wire. The core are made up of thin pieces of soft iron. U
and T-shaped piece are used. The former is placed on the leg of the T.
1. Transformer
2. Coil primary
3. Coil secondary
4. Core
5. Loop of wire
6. T-shaped
7. U-shaped


2. coil 3. coil
primary secondary

5. loop of
4. core 6. T-shaped 7. U-shaped

Task 7

1. Screwed : (Of a bolt or other device) having a helical ridge or thread running around
the outside.
2. Soldered: join pieces of metal with solder.
3. Attached: Joined, fastened, or connected to something.
4. Wired: Making use of computers to transfer or receive information, especially by
means of the Internet.
5. Bonded: (Of a thing or things) joined securely to another or each other, especially by
an adhesive, heat process, or pressure.
6. Glued: Fasten or join with or as if with glue.
7. Riveted: Join or fasten (plates of metal) with a rivet or rivets.
8. Welded: Join together (metal parts) by heating the surfaces to the point of melting
with a blowpipe, electric arc, or other means, and uniting them by pressing,
hammering, etc.
9. Brazed: Form, fix, or join by soldering with an alloy of copper and zinc at high
10. Nailed: Fastened or constructed with nails.

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