Participation Rubric - AWESOME!

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Your participation in class will be graded according to the below rubric.

This rubric below explains the

characteristics of four different levels of student participation in the classroom:

Leaders: 9- 10 points
In addition to all that participants (see below) contribute, leaders consider themselves responsible for
making the classroom experience more interesting, engaging, and relevant. They demonstrate a
consistent effort to get the most out of class and try to encourage other students to do the same.
Leaders are part of the teaching process in the class because they value sharing what they know in a
positive constructive manner. Leaders are diplomatic and creative, and demonstrate genuine concern in
the entire learning experience for everyone.

Participants: 7.7- 8.7 points

Participants actively participate in classroom discussions and activities and take initiative to contribute
by answering questions, asking questions, and making contributions to small group and large group
activities in class. Participants follow instructions and do what is expected of them. Participants are part
of the positive action in class.

Spectators: 6.5-7.6 points

Spectators listen in class and attend to activities, but do not actively participate, involving themselves
only passively in what's going on. Spectators do not initiate with comments or questions, and do not
volunteer or even respond all that thoughtfully to invitations to participate constructively. Spectators do
not take away from the quality of class but they do not add anything either.

Detractors: 0-6 points

Detractors not only do not participate constructively in the discussions or activities in class, they also
distract others from participating constructively as well. Detractors undermine their own success and
the success of others who want to learn with their distracting behavior that ranges from falling asleep in
class to making inappropriate comments as well as many other negative behaviors. Detractors make
class less enjoyable for everyone and are part of the problem in class, not the solution.

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