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Submitted to the A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technological University

in partial fulfillment of the requirements
for the award of the degree of

Bachelor of Technology



MAY 2019

Project report submitted in partial fulfillment for

the award of the degree of Bachelor of Technology
in Mechanical Engineering
of the A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technological University

under the guidance of

Mr. Vishnu A.R

Asst. Professor, ME

done by

Aswin Pradeep
S. Hariraj
Jobin Mathewkutty
Joseph K Thomas

MAY 2019

Department of Mechanical Engineering


This is to certify that the project entitled “MULTIPURPOSE AGRO MACHINE” is a bonafide
report of the Project done by ASWIN PRADEEP (Register Number: CMA15ME015),
S.HARIRAJ (Register Number: CMA15ME022),JOBIN MATHEWKUTTY (Register Number:
CMA15ME031),JOSEPH K THOMAS (Register Number: CMA15ME034) under our
supervision and guidance, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of Degree of
Bachelor of Technology in Mechanical Engineering from Carmel College of Engineering &
Technology , Alappuzha for the year 2019.

Mr.Abin Jacob Mr. Vishnu A.R Dr Jayaprasad G.

Project Coordinator (Guide) Head of the Department

Asst.Professor Asst.Professor Dept. of ME
Dept. of ME Dept. of ME
Multipurpose Agricultural Machine 2019


Apart from the personal effort and steadfastness to work, constant inspiration and
encouragement given by number of individuals several as the driving forces enabled us to
submit this thesis in present form. Inspiration, guidance, direction, co-operation, love and
care- all came in our terms. We are deeply privileged to evince a word of thanks to
everyone who played a positive role in the completion of our project. With the grace of
God Almighty, we have been enlightened and to complete our project successfully.

We sincerely thank Dr. Jayaprasad G (Professor and Head, Department of

Mechanical Engineering, CCET Punnapra) for his valuable guidance and instructions that
paved the foundations for a successful completion of project work. We express our sincere
gratitude to Dr. Paul K. Mathew (Principal, CCET Punnapra),Fr. Bijo Mattaparambil
CMI, (Director, CCET Punnapra) and Fr. Mathew Arekalam, CMI, (Chairman, CCET
Punnapra) for providing good facilities and proper environment for developing our project
work and to do it in the required way.

We render our esteemed gratitude to our project coordinator Assistant Prof. Abin
Jacob, (Department of Mechanical Engineering, CCET) for his valuable suggestions for
project work. We take this opportunity to express our deep sense of gratitude to our internal
guide, Assistant Prof. Vishnu A.R, (Department of Mechanical Engineering, CCET) with
able guidance, endless patience, help, constructive criticism and affectionate attitude made
us on the project suggestions and fore thoughts. We are highly obliged to them for the
cordial atmosphere in which they guided us throughout the period of project work.

We cannot pay debts to our parents, brothers and sisters whom they gave us in the
form of encouragement and blessings in our lives.

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Multipurpose Agricultural Machine 2019


Agriculture has been the backbone of the Indian economy and it will continue to remain so for a
long time. Agriculture is a branch of applied science. Agriculture is the science and art of
farming including cultivating the soil, producing crops and raising livestock. It is the most
important enterprise in the world. Over the years, agricultural practices have been carried out by
small-holders cultivating between 2 to 3 hectare, using human labor and traditional tools such as
wooden plough, yoke, leveler, harrow, mallet, spade, big sickle etc. These tools are used in land
preparation, for sowing of seeds, weeding and harvesting.
Modem agricultural techniques and equipments are not used by small land holders because these
equipments are too expensive and difficult to acquire. By adopting scientific farming methods
we can get maximum yield and good quality crops which can save a farmer from going bankrupt
but majority of farmers still uses primitive method of farming techniques due to lack of
knowledge or lack of investment for utilizing modern equipment. The use of hand tools for land
cultivation is still predominant in India because tractors require resources that many Indian
farmers do not have easy access to. The need for agricultural mechanization in India must
therefore be assessed with a deeper understanding of the small holder farmer‘s activities. There
is huge gap in technology adoption and Implement used with small and marginal farmers.

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Multipurpose Agricultural Machine 2019


Figure No. Name Page No.

3.1 Mahindra YUVO tractor 9

3.2 Bullock draw ploughing 10

3.3 Iron plough 10

4.1 Fabricated model 11

4.2 Plough 13

4.3 Leveler 14

4.4 Seed sower 14

4.5 Cutter 15

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Table No. Name Page No.

1.1 Global ranking of India in 5

farm production and

6.1 List of materials and 17

their cost

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Chapter no. Title Page no.

Acknowledgement i
Abstract ii
List Of Figures iii
List Of Tables iv
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Main Features Of Indian Agriculture 2
1.2 Major Challenges Faced By Indian Agriculture 4
2 Literature Review 6
3 Theoretical Study 9
3.1 Traditional Methods 9
3.1.1 Tractor Drawn Equipments 9
3.1.2 Advantages Of Tractor Powered Equipments 9
3.1.3 Disadvantages Of Tractor 9
3.1.4 Animal Drawn Equipments 10
3.1.5 Advantages Of Bullock Powered Equipment 10
3.1.6 Disadvantages Of Bullock Powered Equipment 10
4 Design And Fabrication 11
4.1 Fabricated Model 11
4.2 Features Of Our Equipment 12
4.3 Parts 13
4.3.1 Plough 13
4.3.2 Leveler 13
4.3.3 Seed Sower 14
4.3.4 Cutter 15
5 Working Principle 16
6 Result And Analysis 17
6.1 Material And Cost 17
6.2 Application Of Our Equipment 18

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6.2.1 Ploughing Operation 18

6.2.2 Seed Sowing 18
6.2.3 Leveling 18
6.2.4 Cutting Operation 19
6.3 Advantages Of Our Equipment 19
7 Conclusion 20
References 21

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Agriculture has been the backbone of the Indian economy and it will continue to

remain so for a long time. A man without food for three days will quarrel, for a week will

fight and for a month or so will die. Agriculture is a branch of applied science. Agriculture

is the science and art of farming including cultivating the soil, producing crops and raising

livestock. It is the most important enterprise in the world. Over the years, agricultural

practices have been carried out by small-holders cultivating between 2 to 3 hectare, using

human labor and traditional tools such as wooden plough, yoke, leveler, harrow, mallet,

spade, big sickle etc. These tools are used in land preparation, for sowing of seeds,

weeding and harvesting.

Modem agricultural techniques and equipments are not used by small land holders because

these equipments are too expensive and difficult to acquire. By adopting scientific farming

methods we can get maximum yield and good quality crops which can save a farmer from

going bankrupt but majority of farmers still uses primitive method of farming techniques

due to lack of knowledge or lack of investment for utilizing modern equipment.

The use of hand tools for land cultivation is still predominant in India because tractors

require resources that many Indian farmers do not have easy access to. The need for

agricultural mechanization in India must therefore be assessed with a deeper

understanding of the small holder farmer‘s activities.

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Multipurpose Agro Machine 2019

There is huge gap in technology adoption and Implement used with small and

marginal farmers. Sustainable improvement in the livelihoods of poor farmers in

developing countries depends largely on the adoption of improved resource conserving

cropping systems. While most of the necessary components already exist, information on

the availability and performance of equipment is lacking and effective communication

between farmers and agricultural research and development department is unsuccessful.


(i) Source of livelihood:

Agriculture is the main occupation. It provides employment to nearly 61% persons

of total population. It contributes 25% to national income.

(ii) Dependence on monsoon:

Agriculture in India mainly depends on monsoon. If monsoon is good, the

production will be more and if monsoon is less than average then the crops fail. As

irrigation facilities are quite inadequate, the agriculture depends on monsoon.

(iii) Labor intensive cultivation:

Due to increase in population the pressure on land holding increased. Land

holdings get fragmented and subdivided and become uneconomical. Machinery and

equipment cannot be used on such farms.

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Multipurpose Agro Machine 2019

(iv) Under employment:

Due to inadequate irrigation facilities and uncertain rainfall, the production of

agriculture is less; farmers find work a few months in the year. Their capacity of work

cannot be properly utilized. In agriculture there is under employment as well as disguised


(v) Small size of holdings:

Due to large scale sub-division and fragmentation of holdings, land holding size is

quite small. Average size of land holding was 2 to 3 hectares in India while in Australia it

was 1993 hectares and in USA it was 158 hectares.

(vi) Traditional methods of production:

In India methods of production of crops along with equipment are traditional. It is

due to poverty and illiteracy of people. Traditional technology is the main cause of low


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1. Stagnation in Production of Major Crops: Production of some of the major staple

food crops like rice and wheat has been stagnating for quite some time. This is a

situation which is worrying our agricultural scientists, planners and policy makers. If

this trend continues, there would be a huge gap between the demand of ever growing

population and the production.

2. High cost of Farm Inputs: Over the years rates of farm inputs have increased. Farm

inputs include fertilizer, insecticide, pesticides, HYV seeds, farm labour cost etc.

Such an increase puts low and medium land holding farmers at a disadvantage.

3. Soil Exhaustion: Soil exhaustion means loss of nutrients in the soil from farming the

same crop over and over again. This usually happens in the rain forest.

4. Depletion of Fresh Ground Water: Most of the irrigation in dry areas of Punjab,

Haryana and Western Uttar Pradesh was carried out by excessive use of ground


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Table 1.1: Global ranking of India in farm production and productivity

Crop Production Productivity

rank rank
Paddy 2 30th
Wheat 2nd 22nd
Maize 7th 35th
cereals 3rd 36th
Groundnut 2nd 40th
Rapeseeds 3rd 28th
Pulses 1st 44th
Potato 4th 26th
Fruits 2nd -

Vegetables 2nd -

Small and marginal farmers have limited resources especially in rain-fed regions where only

animal power is used resulting in low productivity. Though agricultural production is high,

per hectare productivity is much lower than world average. There is an urgent need to

increase productivity.

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1. Blackmore S (2007)

A systems view of agricultural robotics .This research paper presents design and

development of Agricultural robotics. In this they present objective of seed planter

machine design, factors affecting seed emergence, some mechanisms. The basic objective

of sowing operation is to put the seed and fertilizer in rows at desired depth and seed to

seed spacing, cover the seeds with soil and provide proper compaction over the seed. The

recommended seed to seed spacing and depth of seed placement vary from crop to crop

and for different agro-climate conditions to achieve optimum yields. From this we know

that mechanical factors effects on seed germination like uniformity of depth of placement

of seed, uniformity of distribution of seed along rows.

In this power transmission mechanism, seed meter mechanisms, weeder mechanism etc.

The working as machine is pushed; power wheel is rotating which transmit power to

weeder through chain and sprocket mechanism. Now cam is mounted on sprocket shaft

which push weeder towards downward direction. Once weeder is penetrate in soil and

during backward stroke flapper is opened so seed get separated from weeder and inserted

in weed. From this we get idea that if we use the belt having small holes with defined

thickness then it is beneficial for our project. As our multipurpose vehicle is only for

using of chain drives is useful.

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Multipurpose Agro Machine 2019

In this paper authors draws our attention towards the performance factor of a power

tiller. Among those demand for light weight power tiller was sought out most. Fuel

efficiency and field capacity such parameters are also discussed. We take those points in

consideration while designing a sustainable multifunctional agricultural vehicle.

2. Srinivasan R.Zanwar, R.D.Kokate (June2012)

This research paper presents design modification in multipurpose sowing machine. In

this they present that for sowing purpose we import the machinery which are bulk in size

having more cost. To prevent this they design multipurpose sowing machine which

consists of hopper, seed metering mechanism, ground wheel, power transmission

system, seed distributor, and tiller. In this they design model on PRO-E software.

Actually the working is very simple as the tiller rotates it directly transmit motion into

ground wheel which directly connected through main shaft. A main shaft has a disc with

scoops inside the hopper. When the ground wheel rotates the main shaft also rotates with

the help of power transmission system. The scoops collect the seed from hopper and

leave it inside the seed distributor. The tiller is having very good contact with ground.

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In this papers authors have used certain multipurpose machine with help of this paper

we were able to derive our attention to broader way also how attachments can be

used for making a model more useful in efficient and sustainable way.

3. Van Henten et al. (2002)

Another harvester robot was developed by to harvest cucumber. In general, the

drawbacks of these autonomous robots are that they are not designed to work in soft

soil with heavy loads and with different tools (multipurpose).

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3.1.1 Tractor drawn equipments

Fig 3.1 Mahindra YUVO tractor

Source :

3.1.2 Advantages of Tractor Powered Equipment

 Time consumption is very less.

 Operation is easy.

 Most suitable for larger fields.

3.1.3 Disadvantages of Tractor.

 Costly, High initial cost (6 to 8lakhs), high maintenance cost (diesel cost)

and service cost for replacing and repairs of the parts.

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Multipurpose Agro Machine 2019

 Tractor wheels will destroy furrows. Produces large amount of clods, hence

clod breaker has to be used.

 Requires skilled person. The handling of tractor in an agricultural field is

comparatively difficult than conventional technique.

 Once the crop is germinated tractor has no further use in cultivation process.

3.1.4 Animal Drawn Equipments

Fig 3.2 Bullock draw ploughing

Source :

Fig 3.3 Iron plough

Source :

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3.1.5 Advantages of Bullock Powered Equipment

 Low cost.

 Suitable for all types of agricultural operations.

 Flexible to changes; the irregular paths can be created according to

requirements of the former.

3.1.6 Disadvantages of Bullock Powered Equipment.

 Consume more time.

 Difficult to cultivate large areas

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The purpose of this project is to provide farmer with multipurpose equipment which

implements all the scientific farming specifications and technology to get maximum yield

and good quality crops by reducing investment and number of labor.

There are many tractor powered equipment which are suitable and economical only for

more than 5 acres of land. There are many hand pulled equipments which are only suitable

for gardening purpose. Our objective of making equipment is suitable for 1 acre to 3 acres

of land it is both economical and modernized with scientific methods. Majority of the

Indian formers are the land owners of 1 to 3 acres. Hence it is most suitable for Indian

economy and farming techniques.


Fig 4.1 Fabricated Model

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Fig 4.2 Fabricated Model

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 Multipurpose, can perform cultivations operations such as ploughing, sowing,

leveling and cutting operation.

 Multitasking, in one assembly of the equipment it performs sowing, and leveling.

 The Successful implement of scientific farming with our equipment will lead to

higher yield and better quality of crop.

 Applicable for all type of seed to seed cultivation.

 Sequential spacing of seeds will reduce the wastage of seeds and helps in the best

utilization of the field and reduces the thinning and filling effort.

 Number of workers required is reduced excessively, which in turn reduces labor


 Variable with dimensions and farming specifications

 Adopted scientific farming and Precision forming technology.

 Our equipment is completely flexible for easy assembly anddisassembly.

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4.3.1 Plough

 The plough is connected to a shaft welded to the frame through a lead screw and a bolt.

 Here the plough rotates about the lead screw controlled manually using a lever.

Fig 4.3 plough

4.3.2 Leveler

 A Sheet metal Plate is used as mud closer and leveler.

 The long bolt and nut is used for leveler up & down movement.

 The Leveler is not powered, instead it is fixed to required level initially.

 The leveler closes the soil in the sowed soil & levels the land.

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Fig 4.4 Leveler

4.3.3 Seed sower

 For seed sowing mechanism, we have used a funnel which is connected to a pipe

through a tube.

 The tube is connected to the pipe using a T-joint.

 Also the pipe is provided with two holes opposite to each other so that the seed

falls at an interval through the two holes.

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Fig 4.5 Seed Sower

4.3.4 Cutter

 The height of the grass cut may be fixed by the design of the mover, but generally

is adjustable by the operator.

 The blades may be powered by manual force, with wheels mechanically connected

to the cutting blades or it can be connected to a high power motor to get the

required speed.

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Fig 4.6 Cutter

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The land to be cultivated is selected and the excess weeds and plants are removed from the

land by cutting it using the cutter fitted to the machine. After cutting the plants, the wastes

are removed from the field. The power required for these actions are collected from a 6V

5AH battery connected to the machine. The motion of the cutter is equipped from a 1000

RPM motor whereas the linear motion of the machine is achieved by connecting two 30

RPM battery each to both the front wheels. After the preparations are complete, 3 processes

take place at the same time, i.e Plowing, Seeding and Leveling. During plowing the

cultivator bars are lowered as they touch the ground and plowed. Simultaneously seeds are

sowed to the ground by the rotational motion of the pipe. This rotational motion of the pipe

is due to the rotating wheels in the rear as the pipe and the wheel is connected to each other.

A hole is drilled at the center of the pipe on both sides opposite to each other to which

another pipe is connected for the travel of the seed. Now the sowed seed is covered by the

sand using a leveling bar welded to the frame at the back side of the machine

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 The main material used is steel bars from which the frame is constructed.

 An aluminum sheet is used as a platform for the battery and switches.

 A 6V battery is used for the proposed prototype.

 Two different motors – two 30RPM motor and a 1000RPM motor are used based
on their application.

Table 6.1 List of materials and their cost

Sl no Item Quantity Cost

1 DC motor 3 540
2 Battery 1 700
3 Cutter 1 350
4 Steel Bar - 500
5 Aluminum sheet 1 250
6 Pipes - 50
7 Spray paint 1 160
8 Nuts and bolts - 100
Total 2650

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Multipurpose Agro Machine 2019

Raw material cost = Rs 2650

Labour cost = Rs 2000

Total cost = Rs 4650


6.2.1 Ploughing operation

A Motor shaft is welded to a bolt, & a lead screw is also welded to a bolt, by

this arrangement the rotary motion of the motor is converted into linear motion of the lead

screw. As the cultivator is welded to the lead screw, it is lowered down, soil is digged to

1.5 mm.

6.2.2 Seed sowing

A ladle is used for Seed storage, We have provided hole to the hallow cylinder

which is coupled to the motor shaft, where the funnel is placed above it, As the motor is

switched on, the hallow cylinder tend to rotate which makes the seeds fall on the

cultivated field making consistent gap between seeds.

6.2.3 Leveling

A Sheet metal Plate is used as mud closer and leveler. The long bolt and nut is

used for leveler up & down movement. The Leveler is not powered, instead it is fixed to

required level initially. The leveler closes the soil in the sowed soil & levels the land.

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Multipurpose Agro Machine 2019

6.2.4 Cutting operation

The height of the cut grass may be fixed by the design of the mower, but generally

is adjustable by the operator. The blades may be powered by manual force, with

wheels mechanically connected to the cutting blades or it can be connected to a high

power motor to get the required speed.


 Includes scientific forming techniques.

 Sequence spacing seed sowing machine has more advantages than regular

seed sowing machine.

 A single seed can be placed in the desired spacing, so that the wastage of

the seeds will be reduced. This will reduce the thinning operation during

the germination time.

 Suitable for all types of seed to seed forming.

 Low cost, it‘s the lowest priced multipurpose agricultural equipment ever built.

 Multitasking, Both sowing and fertilizing is done simultaneously.

 Initial investment is less and maintenance free.

 Reduces labors because of automation

 Reduces time consumptions, since it is a three row operated equipment

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Practically our mini harvesting equipment can be used for ploughing, sowing, leveling

and also used for grass cutting purposes. All the parts are connected in such a way that

in every stage of agriculture the equipment can be rearranged or easily assembled with

fasteners to required length and specifications of field operation.

Our team has successfully combined many ideas from various fields of mechanical

engineering and agricultural knowledge to improve the yield and by reducing the labor

effort and expenses. The whole idea of mini harvesting equipment is a new concept,

patentable and can be successfully implement in real life situations.

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operation of Agriculture, International Journal for Scientific Research &
Development, Vol. 6, Issue 02 .

2 CHHIDDA SINGH, 1983, Modern Techniques of Raising Field Crops,

Oxford & IBH Publ. Co., 1st edition, 1983.

3 GOPAL CHANDRA DE, 2008, Fundamentals of Agronomy, Oxford & IBH

Publ. Co., 19th edition, 2017.

4 RATHORE, Techniques and Management of Field Crop Production,

Agribios, 12th Edition, 2014.

5 MM PANDEY (2008), Indian Agriculture – An Introduction, Fourth Session

of the Technical Committee of APCAEM, Issue 01, pp 1-39.

6 LIVESTOCK CENSUS REPORT, 2003. Dept. of Livestock & Animal

Husbandry, Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India.


RUNOV (2005), Robotic agriculture – The future of agriculture mechanism,

Agro Technology, European Conference on Precision Agriculture 2005, Issue 01,

pp. 621-628

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8 R. EATON, J. KATUPITIYA, S.D. PATHIRANA (2008), Autonomous

farming: Modeling and control of agricultural machinery in a unified

framework,15th International Conference on Mechatronics and Machine Vision in

Practice, Vol 8, Issue 1 - 4.

9 SHRINIVAS R. ZANWAR, R. D. KOKATE (2018), Advanced Agriculture

System, International Journal of Robotics and Automation (IJRA), Vol 7 No 3, pp

23683-23685 .

10 BLACKMORE S. (2007), A Systems View of Agricultural Robotics, Precision

Agriculture conference, Wageningen Academic Publishers, pp. 23.

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