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Does technology change people?

Technology has been in a dynamic change since day one. It is so powerful that it has
forever changed our lives by making it a lot easier and more convenient. With just one click, we
can connect to almost anyone to wherever they are whenever we want to. Every day, new
technology regularly changes our lives by always putting it to a higher level. Nowadays
everyone uses technology so it makes sense to say that without technology in our lives, life
would be very difficult. The technology that we have has brought us many great things. Indeed,
technology has been responsible for creating surprising stuff, which literally means that
everything can be done with a single click of the finger.
However, up to know constant debate has been going. People argued whether technology
is a boon or bane. Technology has changed people, which is a fact. Technology is like a weapon
that becomes a friend or an enemy depending on how people will use it. The generation that we
have today has become too reliant to technology. Instead of reading a real book, people prefer to
download the electronic copy of the book, even newspapers are available online, and will indulge
in reading the said material for hours setting aside the danger of the radiation coming from the
Technology has changed us people. Way back 1990s, people could live without having
their gadgets around them at all times, but we cannot say that to our present time. Almost
everyone has become addicted to gadgets. Also, the generation right now has become more
aggressive when it comes to acquiring the up-to-date technologies, an example will be the new
models of iPhone. You can also see groups of friends dining out but they are not talking to each
other because they are too busy with their phones. People also has become a lot lazier. Instead of
waking from one place to another, let us say it is only 50 meters away from his current location,
he will rather ride a vehicle because he views it as too tiring to walk that far. When it comes to
school works, technology does not actually make us dumb. More likely it makes us reliable on
instant internet access.
Having said all of these, I do believe that technology has changed people. This is not
because technology was designed to change us, but because we allowed this to happen. We
allowed technology to take over our lives and become too dependent on the available technology
that we have right now. The practical applications of science that we were supposedly used to
raise the quality of our lives, we are now using it to destroy what we have now.
Should K-12 be continued?
The K to 12 program was implemented due to the fact that Philippines is one of the only
three countries nationwide that practiced 10 years in basic education. Experts viewed this policy
as a critical milestone in the education system of our country in giving Filipino students a higher
quality of education. The K to 12 is designed to enable graduates to join the workforce after high
school or prepare them should they choose to enter college.
The government has actually allotted varying budgets through the years. The approved
budget was always far from the proposed one. This actually hinders the expected outcome of the
policy since little support has been given to the education sector. Constant issues have hounded
the K to 12 policy; ranging from the lack of training for teachers, lack of classrooms and books,
wrong information in newly printed books, etc.
In my perspective, the policy should be continued and must undergo a review. The
government must also identify the success indicators of the policy. The K to 12 policy actually
gives us the chance to be globally competitive by allowing students to master the basic education
for 12 years. The investment that the country has made in our education system is a needed one
and we must not turn our back to this fact. The said policy will also be the key to the nation’s
development. Though the government encounters many struggles as it implements the policy
over several years, it is an important improvement since increasing the quality of our education is
essential to our nation's success.
As a student under the K to 12 policy, I can actually say that it has prepared me to enter
the labor force. With the new program, we can specialize in a field that we are good at and
interested in. As a result, upon graduation we will have the specific job-related masteries we
need even without a college degree. When we graduate from high school, we will be 18 and
employable, adding to the nation’s manpower. In addition, Filipino graduates will be
automatically acknowledged as professionals overseas because we are following the international
education guidelines as practiced by all countries. There will be no need to study again and
spend more money in order to qualify for international standards. With a K-12 education,
Filipino professionals who aspire to work abroad will not have a hard time getting jobs in their
chosen field. Furthermore, they will be able to help their families in the Philippines more with
remittances, property purchase, and small businesses.
The K to 12 curriculum has its good and bad side. It is actually a good program with a
bad start. Instead of stopping the policy, let it run its course. While doing so, have the
government to review the program so that necessary changes and adjustments will be done to the
curriculum for the benefit of the future Filipino generations.
Should Marcos be buried in the Libingan ng mga Bayani?
It is with great dismay that the late Ferdinand E. Marcos was buried in the Libingan ng
mga Bayani. In my opinion, he does not deserve to be buried in the said memorial. Marcos
caused Martial Law in the Philippines which saw the most atrocious crimes and human rights
abuses the Filipino government itself did to its citizens. Some people who went missing during
that time were never found by their families and people who were tormented and had loved ones
killed during that time still suffer from the non-recognition of these faults.
His family has not even once acknowledged the crimes they committed against the
Filipino people and are, in fact, still in positions of power. The money they stole from the
government’s funds has not yet been fully recovered. The economic effects of the debts he
acquired during his time will have to be paid for by future generations of Filipinos. His invented
military service that gives him the eligibility to be buried at the Libingan ng mga Bayani has
been debunked by historians as fabricated.

Also, the Marcos family has already signed an agreement with the Ramos administration
that clearly stated that he should be buried in Ilocos. The late Ferdinand Marcos’ right to be
buried at the national cemetery has been “waived” due to his heirs’ agreement with former
president Fidel Ramos in 1992. The deal permitted the family to bring home to the Philippines
the remains of the exiled president as long as it would be brought straight to Ilocos Norte without
military honors. It also specified that he would not be buried at the national shrine. They
disobeyed this by keeping Marcos’ preserved body in a luxurious mausoleum when they could
have just obeyed and spared the costs because they feel authorized to the privilege.

Technically speaking, hero’s burial for the late dictator contradicts the 1987 Constitution,
which is an “anti-dictatorship constitution.” It “amounts for a total denial of the abuses
committed by the Marcos regime.” It violates sections 11 and 13, Article II, of the Constitution,
which mandates the state to uphold human rights by educating the youth. It defies Section 17,
Article VII, which calls for the faithful execution of existing laws, such as the law creating the
national pantheon for Presidents, National Heroes and Patriots (Republic Act 289) and the
Martial Law Victims Reparations Law (Republic Act 10368).

It is pretty evident that these arguments were futile because Marcos has been buried in
the Libingan ng mga Bayani. But a lot of Filipino people know that he does not deserve to be
buried alongside the Filipino people who sacrificed their lives for the benefit of the Filipino
citizens; for those who selflessly devoted their lives to improve the quality of the Filipinos’ way
of living. He might be buried among the heroes but he will never be one of them. That is a fact
that no one can take away.

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