Dairy Chemistry

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arr nica @ L: L TePIC? CHEMISTRY OF CREAMING PROCESS ee ns 1 * Geamirg 4 Milk: * Because f the cligferene ir erst betsesn roi tk plasma ard fat globules, te globules fret hb xise- Property 7s of grat importoria because of £6 cause creaming eluxing keepiey enables mille fo be Separaled +07 creamand Keim mi lk- fa colel ig usually oleterrnine 4y fee fatinin” ja vex COMmplee lin M0) Ths TRe creaming in ‘ floceulahon of He gels by 297 of crygghbutns C predominartty jmauneg be unto ah birds of Lippoprokins- Tn Ke cold, ¢ oglbulis precipi lal. se ashes, asin pet giobules Cat a al aaa es of port Hocextotion) nto foirly Ga propitatd by He Hacry [ke 5° ’ covered’ got globules Bape ; loge procul ioly * pbuh, large focuses nse raph culef overtke smoller ons ard srgh tA Gg pl posh In thls 4 Folloutt are ee an Ke Kaw tithe: ture.” - be. oe a) occurs ef 376: Ja cobler Ke milk, He quicker js Ke creaming 'S- cous ard unth Lactation a concankathon of agglibinin varies amerg stoge- fe. high in coloshums, regligble in tate Sactah@ oe tee $ecauss smati globule have Jar, OS Ap ohehnin” Fu fce asa ant amipuanly ,ased Richer Ke The big hey e b+ content of mm &, Ha. Puick “ena, "S because formation of locales 2s OW Be 0 hile at Tow Jemperofura Servou. a . Baregahe NPA posoble explarahe i¢ that Of Ke numge Bdlehoin cave formed coumy a clot rear ° etre parhcles- © Kew ming > ny 4 Magy stores tha ability f bhccalates 4 E . 99°90 bs B48 Ht CUictooates aggluhon from tha. 5: Aptahrs I™ pairs 7 Meat feather of mille can mochvale apolshein Tice “tb? precisely porslioh the insohuhi lizaben [hy clanirter~ anew) af the immunoglobulin: Heoheg for 90.3 at 72 has 0 hed, 79% causee FSS fess earning ard EC opten lead fy comphele Petivotion- > Hommegenizaton mere si agg lutian, also of tales, Pisce exifieat tha fay glob ley bong proent> Sealine seeaeeee - Se eee manu { Mth 12 an emulsipat callord of tiqued butter fet gl i stspersd anthin a water based festa - it Pet plobules i > Neary att op He far in-milk rs 27 separale smatt glebuler amie 2 ee an of tn water emulsion + 7 milk fat globules vagy io uameler forn abe ot 40 [Stim ard are Hue chorockrnet by nr stibuhon » Excr fat gebuler of mitk u sureuncted ly surfoca Layo membrane” - Ger Layer compass vowous compen enctuclig sally ais, ehvobrokee, Me mayer purction fe prwet He fet alerutes from cvaleoerce . SHI the globules can aggrg chs (7 voriows seuss mae i aes j Sekimnhin ard flotation vetoaty | vy - d2 6-8) 53 (stokes Law IZ uw AE ambient Lemprrotire of 5% o> Bum Cp - 9.) = (978 - fora) ee G2 Cre pean o 7 kglas j —kifrring | q © formentahon a4 eaam «with He dlesrable PW eof usher SPE en ate a °b Shephacaces’ cremon'5 » ¢ Ceara ei fy rovenun Leu .olessroniuun ate Used. str LochS Stage on ea 7 hin stages: stage at eer oe Mesh ftarer stoanpel occ { y FE fovee Be evelopment ocuurs bead pt OS -9-t- ' emperakire during wpening, fre mere a He ta Havere devetopment setahie facil produch™- Fre cas | fc hs fd smaller extent G Haceh/ (biauty) aa fo + 2b acete ond propionic act - Fa average nommt content of taut o were? cream buffer (3 8S ppm anol rarely ove ee Ae, tof cream is alse nowr pipenig. ard His is fhe mest pre consuming she The cxeom can be erther applied bf grad ile Ory ‘oe separake fom cohol milk hy dhe butler merneapech red, cA S C10 ows) or Jd be cower pll 26 + Tha ona Abe! apr, not ardl® - The vxnow 4, egoled ond keopt 0 9 ponattaral celery? jwok voters tke fot caricn! "8 anatyead ard if Mecersoy adjusted edd valet ws sere , S nate Ht is ancealty cone GP Ede BBS ox PLE” Tha high lemporahire th reected bp cteshaye easyme atoms Hat would impair He kesping quality of He buttery terry 2ed an + Tle shag shim milk fon the separate 4 por catled hefere berpg pumped to storage: + seoeally conanke led ard cbied* Reus mille Ract cream L Aetivery separaten ope Slerm midk oheage + paskurizahn paskesrieatin - Storage Stosder cettare inoclation 2h ed Sere Eraporotin and claps og exyshallioden Charming Baller milk _ Gatler ae shorege blorking and eathng + 1? pastexaiaahon pos Graperotion & ses wrod iad tishibudion * ‘ Buller Mating procs ——_ ot netirercrner step" Popering re . . \ Step 4 Ageing acd Crgettionlen, E gece! 10° pega + Wo Aaguire yp with conheliet caning wad Kept to | erysterl lina. sere tare (fie pogo” factor such a the corpo? The ophrum semb? fre Trot ese 5 joe The tore vequired +3 orl ote aerol or erhance Heveur” ske S* Aurnireh p enam consi Mf agit of 2 Se yrget Mae eorotetien 4 peish Cot yeast 24h) rh Cen nay hades sootum 4 Chum until the fet globules eat here proud beger ad untlea cecohely complete peparohor of ft ard SPUD occ” fed To te Merny process, Me encom #5 violenthy agit! eso mins yp break Jobo pe por globules causing 7 por | ao info baller -Grors. while He fe conkt ob fre \ Coneining Gd (butler roi It) decreas | Creom —> butley + baler a7 Ike opr Path fempoake~ «gsc fom He 27 gonk, He cam +4 pumbst fo te Aun er confinuces butler moker Proup? BP head exhort, ‘ahem carg tf fe We raged fernposahere Cabin! cylindrical conical souetn 20S amthour! car pgwation of butter churns “ eueaning = He efecto Permbl- Hah coving and aghG femph quire aS ae period, yield loge pet joss in biMes rH Bu, ge a Soff gray kxkie Imprper exrling and agung of Ha Cao oSeesnt atlas Ha bef be suppicentty Geliol ancl Hx fot (275 2h bullermiix nil be excesgve,and Ke buffer abtaind wall hare an wnsabsfortry, weal backy' e 7 coolig and ageirg bmbt fralergs pa chusenirg peed P42 an tot [os50, prduca o frm holy, that haz a sobsfethoy Pending ep copacif,. | NG bh obnemally tau fempt and ageing nesr Hat Jenfi ao Re fat Globules 40 focawn so fiem that hey bers : erher ‘ | 9g doug Aurming ly wth ctipficrtty , Huez the chusniry Prcen 44 prolonged: Bute, become tro byte - * skp 4 Klecking sird Sapp | Te ooking of the batt. A clone ke folorig rere : for Ke posi + dlerking haps fo cbfon a bomegenou blend of beater granules, * watt, and satt- + Forms 4 continuous §e4 phace containteg a Ly adap! <3 waky hse -CDunieg workig, fat charge from globular + fot Mater troplete Aerators in we art Pel be vivbk 6+ | tn properly worked buffer.) ‘ aes Tnfiluences fe choroctensfice by ehich the proctu ch 1 ts EG such 09 210° taste, peeping. quality, appeoran: + Sat ip wed fo imprre fe flaver a fhe Abebfyctfe | EES © Ahora ll Sar tesa 4 ; ‘ Mati aye ne eae har 06 ~ Jom) air per 100g Bo. _ br i vit as ib was shoilage and oridahva poly ‘Opecta Me pervty ff bufler, mieroleral Overworke: ae ete, buffer wl! pe tr pntte or greay anperding o sete a pot ts Karel ov sagt: Some wat, may Ge added po Cprtahize fe mets Ue Conkst Preise conkel ef comprviion is auental macineim yieldl * sie frchoging: Of 13 enit operaten fo proleel the butter lured prann} ond sforage* canrenvoes ourreR cHueN. ce oe Hed wrth ne BE Seam ‘de pal Jota enue "9 sie pos beaters Kal are obsver Ay a youable SP ro af ea nver ier Ake place 27 fas cysindle, anol wlan prick buler milk posh er foe AOS cai) the bullet Gas fakes place ”~ poute - yectotio! chilled butler ithe - Le 4s Re workit9 f Ye, baller commene en tha AI MF sechon fa ccreca ,cohich also converys of fo Pha ext chee: 0 on feov'9 He wark section, the butler poss © pormegh 2 cn) C2 channel 50 frat wy ay remanihg pull milk IS removed- 2 Tonect a after sods, He bullr roy be Zen aecor snoring. Hes Ame by foo rows of cegustable. high pres te ozs tes’ (Rs water pressura Is $0 high tat tke bbe & ze butter Is bnken fon into grows aro! milk foltels are effoctiefy removed) * G7 : by moans 2+ Me tid section a the workng cptincls ts connected 4 vacuum pump: Here, it ss possible # reolate fhe ovr content 54 tha baller fo the same level as conventionatly Kut) buler - I Tn He final or mising section, te buffer posse a sevia of perforaléol ckiske ard shor wheels. Jhere ub olsoan injetey for ral adjushment 06 the eater, conker Cone regulated, te wall, conkrt of the butter serials by t48 Ness tHant?-1+/-. us Tk pinichee! butler rs olischarged i o Cees Sibben farm from the enol nozzle He wiackine and Hen info He packaging vnif oe Th ” a. oe ZOO Og Cream Charm D y 3 fe raining —> Buller enh v8 ' Batley Crean Fist lev hI bachyg [Deering Duties rh’ Tlorked GuTTex Grown) Beaord bbaghing Revita mith Solids” Balter grains [mora }> Paixing Finished butter Fg- Continua ys butler Churening Proce nh Gatinee®: —-—— Buller Yield Coleutotions- (Pde, repro: fat Separation ‘cher @ fom fn Hse ; Peat & ahere, he sepratif E> skim fet as fo Yy Fin > SE potas te Yaz » & hprtk v7 jfrak—at Initial mi [fk fet en Ha sfilin- fet Content ond repdtua | oe == . “ L Ascuring rhruan operation of Ha eeparctr, fhe prnepal ‘ catoorining foot of fot Lomh fo He aftr LIVE Size ~ L Maddern separatrs achiewe a skim fot eanlent of 0 04 ~- oa OF percent 4 @ Gunning Egpcony Eq) It mpresents b7 seporakd fiom cram (from buftex,) & = 1- fbn fe Tom = butler milk fat as percent “70: Fe = cram fat as prt Lifer . Maximum aceptable, fat loss 40 bu fermile is about oF +t of chumed fat corresponclirg 70.9 chung et por of 92° 3% of 7” fot recovered 77 Aa butter: cnurning ecto ¢s highest tn carb months and lowest “42 Sumner reonths~ - fas foysei oe Aygher (7 npered buffer clue fo a reshuckmieg of Fert] C possibly rnvoluirg crys Mizakoy B hugh meitiog riglyceniddes on the surfoce of globules) ° 6 fe chomig temp? 44 foo high, churning eccuP more. quickly, but gel fet laws 0 buffer ralk increases” uous chur, assur «S S. Creare Fen contin’ e I9EL- 99927, * humning epticeny should b \s © Composition Overrun: eee H represents exha materials io butler than bulter prot: +}, Composition over nu > Cyov- fat 22 belt) eG Y fot on oiler @ gun cwrw: of mproek He eater prot of mabvicls abtained .0n butter after churtG ° sh charm over vans (lg butte’ mate - og fol CTL, = tg fat churned @ fackage fill centeal pockage. fi] t= Chased ein = renal) x 007 normal at fm accobtable varge foe 2S Ag bufler ble “4 ° quer fill Overpill of 45% yams £1 aooul ost: other fotos aplety yd cue fo ee butler Cimpapery worked) kage bee fo monsture Joss,’ averted & lair aed wap + Loss of butler yemnank on prcesyg eguiprrent’ 2 Or, @ plant ownul Part Lory eo plant overran os He sun of seporeh, chomnirg , cornpoaihen ever) ard pactage fill optics | © The. theoretical max opp cendas value ahe as Geliowa? | Separatan gp teny 98 8 Charming ef LF 39°60 Gmpon tia overray 29°30 pe chage overfill a20 \e Phese Valles pan bo eed fo frectict yy. ROA Wield bull; per 4g of milk or keg of milk Jot yeeotvet Examples {6 te fet A. in ctipforant® prachens 6 mille [milk chervahve We as fellows: rt (3-9-7), skim milk Coas-y) | cram (80), bulfer Ik Co) are buffer COL S1), Han He epficionie, oul be a0 follows’ & = 1-gos “(77 ] - [Hy] | } Ines =f> POPE buen, sep C10 - 9.5 ¥ Com Bes typ 5 If vead Ob Grilk Ie tet. 58 ty sien he eet 72 beg o& putes, eke an prockuced from fake. Ths 4s He Heoreticas yietd Tbe mass hatence Jar shows that 98.63 fof the fot ended up <4) He buffer ONG. of Ma fot ercletf up «> ep Prlh ret B38 oy tha pad en skin eneled Thus, churn gvergun = (4:92 ~ 3:9) 39 > [2r@3}). baved en no fazses- Ranvioliiy 4 i otrd oils - ig Et ard «lf ewolergoes fever charges apn 27g shrage: ¢ nolep hic appass Kanciobiy Lait fo be Ha Aobgedive op ee Gb ferur qualify ¥ fred «ree me mmunly foe proripat fypet 6 rancroltly @ Oriclotive (due # a presphewe og ger) CB Hyctroly he ( tee % bpobe? mets) @ Fepenic foro Co ag Horse _ Rogue for @ ovrdetie Kenedy * - og§ pores che X, adoration or preexidatien - Unsakected! folly avels are He contal bey compere 7 auteridotion as ax vepy pre aTack Enygen 70 Frm pecoridés, check Laker en break ‘down (nk odor component Unsaturated FAY auds - ekic, Liaolex, "nokre Te pt product of catlafien «1 27 Pee ike ecleclens,, but ahich bcoles Loon fo smaller prekeculte whos peace we tO fewer : - Re aprermedtakes ar be frome ether by He PIRMAG free oO classical free pechanicn (abe occur elAbs @ phororrclatr ech OLner (a * Beehtt peute (abich whlivies Lipoorty 9 ALIS og alt woutes 23 Npid Bychepersioe Y 9 by Plas “tv. “Un ‘ \ Laolical voult clo stical free fils: Ti aaleceart of \ .eg- metal 1078; Lyghh cat) aval - hon (0°03) . opber (0 ioe Se de atavapd inh free. S94 > Fe altoor @ Tearnipahen ° i> Initiakm = (©) Pepagoton ‘ Tpihotion, : Ih / jolant + ba polly ax pu Laotident 5 ptt H RH a ON 1 Mychogen is aabshocltl from the pally acted te yield a free reclicol = Fe hydagen 4 remored from the carbon next a dleubhle bard under influsnce of prooxtdod- Wi) Pepagehen . Chain reaction occu * Pe yectical carbines osith oxygen to form perxy- fre Ost (Rost) - os ec R0,* ifselp can abstect tydragen from another ansetet mofocule to frm [yield « Rydroperoxioe (ROH) and a ned fre racticl, us starting a chain xb. + The proc vacticat R* will forther reack oth Xyjoer to fam a Lupid peryy fea radrcas CROX) ohich o7// aguo react with fet molecule. fe gire a bydrapenree RoOH and a free vodleal R*. RX4O,—> Ro* Cperoxy Fee reoticas ROX 4 RH—> ROOH + R* Fz, ‘ ° hydroperyde (hee moticod G) Termination » Fe seth brpagehag Rk can be stepped by berminak reactions - where Ayo racktal combire 70 give prwoluch which ont fed the prpegetig reachns as thom ole Fhe rect) reaches tf He prea radicals emong Kensdity des yied pa- reachre poduck ore shown befon)- eak uonesa3i4, Rg | Stable froduch* a n ROY —> (RG)0 RE RE ee unstable and are rapt leken ole The Kyetra feroxielas an very into vaotous end proctuc® eed aa aldohpt atechel and hydrocarbons: Mrese oe sespan sible fo the nad characer of feed falt aero! plctohy te oleic ceva octal, 2 -dsconal, acraral feranaly 2 octane, 2-4 ceca kreral Linolesse act separ, o-fpenfol, a-<, Asptodirerat, ghexanal Linoleic aciel » 2aso- octalienat 2g - decaultenal, Saorerat Mrackuten'e ert — potanat, 2 ached, @ Phofeorlolation . induced by Lght fg state off onyger~ banana + caused reactvify of a7 €xcr Singlet oo8 oe t L Gpowd she OO) el ager # CU: s oo 0, Cisco Ames mere reoctire Hok?Q). under tha rnptecon® censihzes melocwles mis coositioer achat” “y yah » _sansih2et (2) # wee (t) 2 enerh normal HY9 ne a ry * Rytad perrxiclis” > sensitizer ~ cplerPhy!!, myoglehing ciboftovio, heavy melas. +f aqost are tyee ID consi fizerf * - Sengtizer ser” 4 2 —> sent’ L 3 fhe singlet onygen aan mock bret . on HOF sina Seg with UFAS- 'O, 4 RH —> Rood Ww + Care fensicls can quanth He reachor that eppechioty compe fro He single oxygen ancl bring it back namaf shots Erxymotic youks + > sesponsible en3yme 3 Lpooygenase + Mffennt fom Lipae enzyme " Liperygenase, ax Uroleac oeid onyge cxsclorectudto® A er. big U teua in veg. ard and animal wttt cxihises dinolec aeiels 1 beychroperoxtts (oe fe oleic acto) + They aie a metallopmlen eth CR) in it ache enker- * Fix ensymes are activated by bydrepenxide ancl Ha reachin pathway alsscys inctuaa the migabin of clewkle benef in order fo yietol a Conjegaled system, hich ois n @ Ayctroperaxicte- oma Gn be Iniftalid ‘een 2n the absone of hycke peronsls eas 29 Precead af Lr Jemporatints and fork te Bi + Tae types of Lpooxygenare Te a a i aed + Tyre IC > Soybeans 5 Oxiclize bots FFA Sones 9 he omtdites carotensicts anol chlorephyH fy colores pate > flor beackiny. Mydralyfie Roncictéhy clue to morshire and fen. - Mirdvelysis of fel mh ematt molecular FP> ropmsibhe fe Charedctenishe “ranad flavers: geohe > &-@ voapy 4+ %o0-~ lp - caused by endigewss ant mivrthinl Lipdyhe 3 pre, uonesasiiya pnrrtox PANT o x Conko! of pel and eit rancrdily 45 aairly relatid wy te yantidity caused by auoyidabre, ovinng prem fre ex rowl tn parheular. se Oniola five rancidify can . minioing tho oxposure ob onpgen and metals be adophd by : fet ard cil to sKhera eeghhs | aanifabon . maintaiing : moinfoining geod Tage ve gan ines ! ae U8 chain ~ broali9 antler E ” GAL oe either initiation or hala prapagerer x Jk antioxidont work &y blocking fhe reaction awd LEPE \ only <7 whe carduchon plas: oni hema by oo anh oxictonls aork can OF Meron a) Rot AH —> RQHTA™ z Won- Ractical stable podact AX + ROX —> PSA A+ Ax — A--4 @ Frample of hain breaking anhoxicdanhs are: Q@ GHA- Butylated Hychory arisdle @® BHT- Buty lated Hydeory Tihiene- @ rbHa- Teta} Bubylaleo Hydroey Fee. QW @® Poy - Propyl allah i U Use timib > yop- wape_]. @ Example of preventive an Poxtelan & - Ghie aed, Phosphons act Ascorbic acd: a ty Mt MN Wt 4% MENA ae ape? 2 Ef © Some anhoyidant tan absoh UV M0 = carbon black ~ Phony! saelirylate Myc hoxy honzophenene ‘ pe Nate motioxiolant - Tamaty seed oi ( ~ pesme, orf fempoh C permen fed soybean feo) wi}: % - Ce bran off 4 - Focophoray d - alcohol evkack of von'eus peda. 1 » 3ESemem - Grape s0ed of / of + An anhoxidant cannot r_antiexidant cannot Loprove the flaver of poor quale pobsforls. » Tope the ot th ont Hah © tn which oyrolahive ran och ty fas obcoly Prouent microbral decay’ + Prouvert hyclopshe ran vd ty, Prevent Lefonic rancobily Prevent flavor xeverssen , 0 Rely On, emer af HOA velome the reget! é both prethdbs’ conn’ tethoct : ona TS) stati art" Surface. ¢ mie method was olevelope of fo mee t tamidah ° s/he prvetuchon Be 2 bale oes ae hansfer ints balance fanile an! purport further fo. ADP keot ashing 77 vapew separate : ext followed Qy fl ¢ wepakd 40 7 deat @ A ; at exchanper (ssi) na hts i fing dn ssHe ancl pioshieg ave peelues fhe motshna bevel Grhee then pase! wil be remomr” five stages repolus % Uraugh carb lorifier eghere clan fred Ghee stored for filling ore! pockiny* tone and Goling Og Ghee Peake sa jerpertent cotoee ok Guo higher vain Sire Are temperate of clarificahen gives the bettu J! é fy high Phosphosiards comlent Phanormencn * comple ‘ ee nplebely setae en cooling to peep igh Ambh, in couse the ‘ 7 he fomaton of large, coarse gains susperctad escrelo& ow tn otustr % hii: aa wo aguid phase The proces oystallizoton 1s iniheted exith the Konsation of ia ate nuclelr Rate of carling cheng ‘ < nuctects — frmaten: paca 6 le ca wake Cot fhe. vate of 31) encowraga fo clores ped) : ne . ater. qroeckaten, ghee Ehetld be clorify Sh noo. fours fre and agen ws nepured! olen a Fide te fom do fom smalkr gvanuler ce : The forty greseclar form assumed by thee & prmonsy pie oP cortorn conkat of. glycestde of higher merry sekiated foTly aed’ especially palmbe ard stone: ud ke muple ghee ROWS precterninand granictaher wen can pret ghee. * — uolesae Buller orl le . + Butler ol Cme 2 04r) and Anlydreus rath Ritmecort) + Arhycievs Butlermilk means He folly proctucl ctenived exsluvirely fae: onilk ard/er poctuct ebtural fom milk by means f proces @ ehich results in almost petal removal of water aro milk solids ne Be Te shall have pleasant darcte ancl rover free from pf etm and rarcretity it shail be free from vegetable olf fol ovat booty fet, mineral oils, acted flares and any other substones bene? te milk: OF may contain peraited fred achive such 22 artcnsdart ascery/ seorale (sO my bg rormun), pb, Ety) Catale C few ppm 220A) ancl BHA C’*Sppm) - Prockuct dlescriphen Accorctag to Fre/ tho AMP shold! eaten 922 Kade Requirement of thigh Grade 6ulfer of/: BE chentd be pure Stoble agunst cxrota hin, Maske canknt sheulctnot ex » Rectuct Geudihare clase polled. afer ig et frm cow milk fot ancl white pith arecn *rge fem bupfelo mith fof Jt gheuts hare choractewshe olan smelt - Jt Grould howe fine crystalline focksrt Shoitd be paces én opoqueg ard Led aur, mashne franimigrion pockages ceed OLY Men, “RTE ty, NOE Megs ty, % TN a a) OF, 4 3 Br 7 Me - en fot ,) paw can l 3s v paslesmeatn + ss Lp sof 60C : far Contrifugu Sepr? L cream FST: pt J phase Reversal 7 Homegen'2 Contripigal Concon tater Concentali Geom (99ST fll hee in PHE at 9%'c 4 98'C. pete heatmet (me Zot) Lv Butler OFF CaaS far) Ace] foraton - Sheep booty fut RM fr caw ghea — 28 6 OT BOY = palin aM vole of bupfals ghee - 3)-46 iy + Vegetable onil fat and formal booly fat ote + cont of + Kecrogenahed fats (areurdnid) + eetton seed of/ 20 & iss ghan’> Ut ‘phigh fe d- eaetke tha fad + Fpgorite of poem folly 2° Ge cH,0ce-Fy 2 H + 31,0 R,- GOH _> Rn cvot a ence 3 HOH R,- coor Hoch + cHOH Ra- UtH af re ile Grlyeeal FFA a Sme commn stluratd Patty acicls No ct caren Falty acral . Butyste caprac Capyle Copnic laure Mynshe Palmite Stevie” -Khoa wb a mi | entinuses boiling ia cane COMPA steel! vesset fp rere mcichae ad He pee oe : en he rarge of oe (tafe Hl he gold Javed arteined f $5 Hn Accoreting fo he Prevention eb Actuthatin (PFA) Tretia (199 wules, fammevial Rhea ohich Uy obbnined from cow buttets apg milk oo a combin of oF pan diel or goat a cheep) desvicatien ancl haviag rot fest _ Chemical Aspe dering Moree HOE Process: msture, 26-37 7 fF, 79-20% prow”: b content ( Araga, of 4 2e02) Y= Khoa contains 45-207. 7™ arash foctse and Be- 38% 9 The milk ts subjected * har cAsmita hOGA manufockue of Khor cohth jnitiates phy Ro- ard shyrudtad prope resuliag 2 Characterishe sensory, Fextuat activity, nates in Khoay = Tha condinuous heating sill reduce water voweus milk enzymes ane ofeskoy pathagenic at epolove mefs apart fran clesoble fevers and fextare and esogulown - fe heotig procesé promotes He aonatarahon of milk footers ane Ke process -t8 patted eee SONG ncorperotion of UT by continuous shrorG Caindky ef: at- 200). Tha clisruphen of pet geo paambrone ard gubsegent ytt? dot account fe He 628% of potas fF eee : VGSTUS agteten cluwing heating hi ay free Khoa OCH? } | ” ap alk ( Greph.and Guepta, 4506) peng gredual heating Of moitk, Interackens fake place be q ap seine 25%, casein- whay protein and axsen - lactose Caanikan efvat LFI4) + - Ke Khoa poctuced using Biffle Pi Me and wee eth high fore celiol II! hare move beaten coke 1y fhe enol prooluct and Hut 4 clus fo Millard broming ( Gp thwal ard Bhovelasen, 1990). = Potter et at{'992) hay inveotigeted khoa mricrestructiure. using Scanning eleehon microscope Csem) ard revealeo thos Khoa camhists of large, poke aranutes made up of porheally posed ese miscelles ano nen-ris cellar protein. ae ee has ~ Thy alse chseoved reduction ch gize ef protein granules ans! pler- panier Specs cdurig coorling or ag! taht ef Khoa monusfa cterng process and +t also resulted sn amount of ff plobuldy membrana frachens Tupe_.of Milk Buppato milk st generally wood insteact of ead mille fer Khoa 5 aera as ole fo its Migh geld, sigter body and greoth fextura- The Khoa manufecliured from wo milk hove aby surfcs, yellow cole cheky ard sarcly eekite ( Pal, ard Cripta, 1929) + Amount o, * An optimum ameunt % free fr @ necessary for of Gratte bocky at tex heal Prpeties of Khoa (Begho Regorhsa, 1932) Total _solt'el fuel: Tiere £5 @ significant positive eavreka hry be? solid level mik anol ingtumentas Koreness gummiaesa and cheuwint& of Khor C Cmpta et of 139: niaking of Khoa” Ths farmohmo] Lowe lactose exystals ean + alerting of TOI he reoluced Hough worling af Khag, when compared fo un~ worked anol working resulls 4h no Percetved sandiness upon sforage. fer sgh 002 : > un BE Aighee Retoatt FA a: packet Khoa & 200 suscee?! : Hus gerd ne Sip aur and Bad oss ad- ber See OM they cane rad TF 2) Te parent anal vecknet mols 2 gheutsl be apatied!’ e nitialis gaor SG 4 Khoa? fhe miebrat quatiby aeteriorett UT sterage a produchon bme and it coin grosally 5 and marleetiag Lone sdéntifiew _ Tha main Crkcal Cono) pont far the ale os airtel! peckageg: Ths propiem can be Sched a changing the packaging material 70 ™ es atlorss pres at 0K” reolucd Me miereh ie LCM 2000) stn afoth jal pok em Which chatertovaten HEo ene Khoa and adversely agfets fhe storage of Khoe CGoshir eat: toad Aclaifion of Potassium sorbate eppectively improves te tcf St Knca at ppgher fempr wp hh 40 obits (Tha ond Verma 1399) | - BHA ad OHT can pent fe ran crete ty at high Ampt 4 (Berman ard Salaniya, 003) - g g & a *y fs ‘ g - j £ vone PANEER ar Gaood- quatity buppate mi Sk Filkahon a Standadcizaten [ fat SNF £:1-65 wsigg bubiale stim milks Heahg Care, smid ae (70'0) Acidihen af cecgutent (2° citic actol solh oF ve" ae AG Fill separated oct), ee fer (0 mine bt Drah ef whe Dred _ pressing He coagutem after filleg /? muslin det Perera of blocks and eulhig into desired Grwe- Tmmersen of pore broces in chilted! wal (4%). op wale aot wiping surface: droinnd 5 "G a 4c: powearS aad sforoge Frown euasem FF manupature of panes, I _ Gaguont - ethic act, Bache acd, fo foie piles oad = empention Fal - 92-25). profein - (6-18 )> Lactse — 20° DIG ~ milel acictie Plater corth ctiphtly sweet taste and a sot Pheaine., and compact tertre. Phayncckaméca! changes dering panter matupactere ; 34 The caagulahon proce 6s ts congelere fo be a consequane of te Cemical ard physical choages 2 casen bwught abot by the combined enficete ef heal and aed - TRS pheromenin involves He pomater ef lege shuchual agit) of cesein fram the normal callerdal digpersien of uscrele ease miste In whith mit fet and coagtaked serum pokey get entrapped along with seme why ~ Dunag His stage, He proper charges Mat Sele. pLoce encluole : pp Bagressire removal of ficaleium phosphale 07 the gurfoce of eoteen casen and i Convers info orem ocateium phosphate and Acluble caleiu7 sa oe > page sbre vemeral, oh caletum from calcium Ayer ea fe foom soluble, Sout and free Carel” = tthen He pt of Phe mille syske crops, the collerclas becsme vgoetechic ( ne nef charges becorne SP fo form Zanker ior". ~ Under such ciceamsiance the cuspersicn £8 70 (orge shble, tHe casern gets precipitated aval forms @ coagelin» j ~The bychation and steric repulse betoeen encoin euecelles ee recteccten rectucd by aco frahen fo pootyete hy orvop ha bee interactions resulicg 2 the cougutahen of casein micelle - ~ Jeo efeteic. preeiprehen of easen may be enctuad bq PRR actelitin of ceeur as 1 incense, He Curl 26th by providigg ‘closer ancl more aburclant linkage betrcer casein Serkat micelles” - gas mechons™ ey @ cnctal wole tn fhe rranufe tee op supere quality paneer fron buittele mith eomat S2MPe fe cow onsth ehaum ecntent of bupfale mith is higher compared Fe mri. which reoults 20 great, Linkages beth cosen micelles wohich é fun results 42 fm bedy and chsed Avkurco} panes, fon butte erik vie Coos milk + - Devetopment of typical rheslogical chaaorenrshe of Pare wk fo. Sie: ft. preponderant nal Savage: 2. : , pokin- prokin inkractey » oy ng @, = “eo Ate te, % PN ly 2 eet Fe %. 1 Png Qe, 2 + by sulbhyctry! 5 & The Bp gockglebn gisulphicle jabercharge ; y fe e980 gage y prose Be? at BSC acten befveer - Inter efecke, as evreloned by ESC, L0wahgG fo desnaasing fo 760 OF more am v0perls re he complex 50 (os ADD also oto inkree fp bs abe fo 1 Prysig cheoicak charge cceuning eb milk fot fee prepaatan 4 Paneer . = Fhe pluyyiochemical propertios of, mil fot show som nota vaniahen depending upim factors filer - method of manufactur age and carctiten of sree ; = species; breed, erdlivideralty of animal, stage of La tahom pumber of Laclatin - 46250 of fe year, fenityy ond fed of one: peroct esith Types of Fanger @ Gmertonal perce” Preparoten of conventional Paneer is an old aga practi. eshich gener, acbpted fy baloals in ths Chen aud Fert. Far prpan”™) of wis fpe of panes, ponerally buptele milk having 2 fi ? SME roto of 121-65 15 prfeued- Such poneer es quila wh sx rod content * —— @ Low fot Paneer: oo tket by tialth conscious pesple - ; oS panes oe Reaearch Lnshihile, Komar fas been pranugoctvay ! gy si ow) fat Paneti @ thas fw as 3°/ a : oar fegert of Gu fat milk ih aopcotin, 5 ot son ee é me iS iinproved & eG oe: oy Bally aterg nth > shim mitk paneer and tot fat parver having [31 ang zu}. : rehuchi or, in oof x ou ively on clay matter. are avellabl én wecken ere he | reopecti : 4 cert 3¢ arashic curtet brett 7 the De reduction an rile produchen, whrtad etome fhe s0a6eel wo TE ov from ci th poudes an G 2 of Pane ae wce b otecelop pores and a fat sute~ roprpicd, teaboulryy hao bee” cevclaped fr quality pone fren ohele Ath fron sMP ard butter a! | @ Beray Hber enniched tow fat paneet + Low fof paneer wvth jmproved quality an Hees ef. Hemegenieed mi lk Coa) imprared He yretd enol eygarchp tc Prpeties % paner - 006 postre , milk with high acidity ret suitable Pr pares. OMe and sherghs 4 cocgutant ~ Tortora Tartovte oad ging best result: - OC acl IK os Wkly coef: © aie content arot tus yretd of panen olccrene? evr tey act end (ess ar os Nn CA220) r} nae: shegth dhe Soa ah. ae rE Coe? - Paneer fram Go con ke imprard wth aoctolih C62 in milk brite te tte eoagatoton Eas G Raat heater af rib ard cxogatotien Leary — wil mos _ | ~ 2 Whey perokin, : | metas colleicas calcium phestapt. es Sofubsit hy - AAG He me Ts ; * ‘Teeo1 and | ~ books ant ‘ile? Merefore ieced - heme fom 60 wm 04’ : ; CP Seeriaaes mye ‘from $3 7 Une of e229%ha ty dempr Sey # ee Ponce lire gar i sep ater ied = ew kin Bane ere oe S. ON Bae Ce soy 8 Oeehé \R » Cheese kas been made 7 mek tttenves from andint mer chau 6 a anilk concenitale, He Cage golicts of eilich ennd moinly of frztein, actualy casein ad fet The pepiclual sigs 1s called whey - . As a. fhumb aul, tha eodUn and fel 2 He milk are eoncartott appar: 19 bmes ap product” ord ard semi hard (md fypes cheese Te meostue conten ef te cheese serves * astrge? yatee cobegenes Mich a fad (toa maishye), 4e7- ford ad AU SEE: Gach categy 48 aistrgusted “2 numer Of chara Bert JhCL puch aa yruckare ( texkr, pocty), fave? an appenrwe DMA yesul from Fhe chow ¢g bacteria a7 MePuANT ee enploved: Boceaned cheese 48 7 Laat treated product posed on clit types of chee of YOY age acemting ft FA 0 faHo Creda no A BCE) + nhhgy eee ds a. fpe F Aene predamnagy proceed #0 Nay and Sweden ate hp acordity 7% ene[iwe Bo aree ge follows: : “te eomeen bello of pbhey Aeee Ore products obtel by ey sae ans Hs moriieg ob concerted whey, with a ote me oassnen h elk and rok fot paver at aroma typical of product of outured oe, Locke adel and a4 predtes gproadls, ant mince readily orth other frods- fhe baggest cheese eer made Was Castor harat enady bong rs1go gy: CE was pooduad se Januopy 1964 tha 0)/5c@n or Frurdotn to be cniibitee oS Ha By oy pigs Work" 2 tak 45 (fron Ay poreluce * z hn 1994 same Raves found 4 hase sin bin porate : nae ender Jb was afters 2000. yess A HGR S te be an unrivalked aebicooy + ‘ Sees cee of pocduct 7 hie, op sewed Uk 0 btotneg: cud thal of Pl i a ext aoemot Ha whey poker casein BP ssh s pleryy pe motevel * math, cote oS J Pe ay butte mse cram anys. i @ ro koh i gi) ate party sinned _ fer gupable 79 wat GH, f < g | Phrough Ae actin °6 a has peoulting p27 eh Sug toby tial olan “ne _ wlatan ° milk ct F ; ques iovolongy EP 7 cae Calle oi Oo, pich give O° ont podut eo = a chamkal and og” eh orectensHé physical , eal syskmised under crown picoton f chose. Sowe - + Coden Aiertorig spo fone, Seaced As) Degmhor : Q 11 Guede aipered chasse 8.4 chasse shih is net ready fr conpumphion sheriy after manfactsre bub atch rust be BUS fa such fine, at such fempeatue ond uncle such otter crn tm 25 anit resuct to He necenay brockamtas art figuicot Aor. characteusfigg “Pha hse’ ” - Mold cemed ap pnorttd vipers) chane ti a cvrecf cherce “7 which ee curing kar been actompucied partial(y by F- cleveloprict of characerste metlel grwth throughtus the. tolerter anda on He grrfrce of chase? 1-2 Uncured , unrigersd or fregh Chase 4 o cheese obeh reacly far ennemehen oe stot affe. manatackie , i ee q Chass fre ahen of chees® 1° Ton T if Phe fe att Tom (Tt me the pooh phrase FoR Tho 2° phrooe fnacee ~ ‘ fa cares «1S 7 tn the plongnotin — accowcbag +0 3 _— Prin cipal ces . é a Charen —- Exkuhore 260 High fat Sharnon ACs 49-56 Harel 2 a. t+ Cured of Vipe. 54-63 : 2 J 4s. 60 Fact fx © Mainty hee Seami- har 25-49 Median fat E) memny ink ne somi soft fem . to-2$ how fat a Mould cured 7 a 2 sogt e wee, a “re 8 © manly purpose G@ manly saber ©) Cocerd o¢ unvpens Yo pFrE epcase perankye of motte of tha_chaso® K 10D Tafal ceight of caseae~ wh of far in . aah fot perantage on oly bans ve v FOe = FRA choked of the heerd ete Fatal eworgAt of cheese were Af of fad oe chasoe » Br cence or unrpenad cheer, pulk shot! he paskun zeal: —Examelat } tyes cwoarn FOR THERA | Foon £: 1> Parmeseoo ast qor ( Eeko fod > ont 3st it. eee Amel poy Emmenthal ast shh hard } Hol we) Gyre yere ase ere eos bow 2) Cheklor Sue 50 @ Gronks ast s? | Semi hort @ lake ast st ee &®D Havorh ast e | gant storalenet ee @® Bluse chero® sot ey : Ge ae es | Semigatt--: ©. ested 710 iS } : sgott 4.2°95.-™ Pace — Bpnons ee in nico fi) Oe poh”? in ordel Foot a 4 [a shanctardirah [surplus crea t Gu eee Favor eaTlert rpms} | _ Dishibuhon : Bt cendltnabin psaibrens (asen) = F én ine a2 3 aoa (not es Ho kbow aluseugs em s pe. a0 = if Other ophens = rennet "Mec Sage ear racher : ee iran re of backnié milk to Aecse y jo wt chesse vot Cree bering of, Pee mth pec tve | S caterare Pierce. eeltpetre 1 f parm starter boctena, appapee Renat is 2 esagelent gute tatpng of 4/ains feared) wrety, laperding 7 fre andlor prot molars | ted bey tO yo tues of bese Heat - ccaldig. curecty wl chee pe Cliection of Ue fee pre pREHVG presey ad f regu red » brine salting: pe cAertetor chews + Keeley followed by milling. olting. nee ow prererg. . Frmet, pressesl anc! acthel chase te mpering worm sforoge fe reguned Hire: Thermiseton “cb ISS C phospholne ++) _ Heat beatmedt 6S te inhibot pysehmphic bactero - RELAIS SPP and Lipase ( bitter took) - reteuse proteszes Bechet gehen permatic contrifuge fo remove bacteria ond Hair spores-(2r6769 0) Two type > Foo phone bevrofges Tee euttet 1> tr bectoegeG Os) for back free milk (> One = phos’ bactapuge ~ omlyene ope pachshugett free milk: 9 Fe ete > pactofugate sett ord efleLd + He bettors of, coo hifege Micraplhahan Usually O2micm pore nr. fr wale 4 3 OR + 14 mica for milk bratrent SS i EY A, “Qe ~ ~ 4 10, In Mog “2, q 4, at, ple Mba ON. oo heen, 1 k in Kease ‘ wr pt pastes 7 “ on eae 22 9D pe OPP) an my Renn . oe ete (KO & nlaw0z) are m pele CCachs) and Sm col form + Oars ar%e- Caletum Crim ‘ ve Linke agate . he 1. Subshhets of Galt pete a6 /ysoryme ~ eee . are fesse fete + cusectam phosplatr «£ pevnified > jo-20g |g RO pie Seg sfarter cunfore “J |S ese poineipts Sorted castterrt > mesophilic [20 #2 9? : brofie retotien, > Tharmephilic. (46) es Cijceh vt aS pratuthen of boche acid ane! arent campoure’ a 6 in eace @ ae havin vifies in rounol 278 p>» CO, case =f chesse having ce) apie juny Garter bypat af chame> ag: Gevsig. Mamehes?- mesophilic cuttere ant qrophic : manthal, Cris yere fron Th eo cieaikitehe>

actie psinuple of rennef 1s Phe ectots hon of renner te mule- > comgulahen takes place Shvty after Conversion ep casein fo parocasei under Ma inftane rena presente of catesum fend: the me dempz acilify and ealhar = > preciprtohen of peracasen “a 2 eshole perceak beng geverrcl by > cptimum lem b? fr rennehrs 40% 5 Kennat 41 erhocked from He ehomachs of momg aaiees 4+ [0000 - {1 19000 2 one part rennet can coagulate poor: prow of rule: at a0'e for 3S minutes comiinehion ef 2b eo sheonger OF shang rennet Bevire anol perenne weanel 2 (50550, 30770)" powder fan & peemaly (207 Renret 49 seguid Renneb as Saubshliele of Anat Rennet 4 Plant mitk oleh enayme aoe -s Iq prokea la BC aad casuid erkoched fom faker ¢ © cour free ulphsededt Gut fo ik can por wie $F agferent gens APR Rae * fog) : pus religion ») A for © CAG) aaah ot Fae alomarcte , Fieus_covics (bed on > recrepoes IN aka® _ cleselegs bites fer ee , ‘4 clensng eu™S: . ! snconee) > Oter > Bramegin & inane congue Sunt acd neler an carried > Serca cheene from shes milk by porteagese Microbsel Ghaymel Fomee, + Sheotrcocess Lg vefat ers B: mesettbcxices sab ted fg ) Faperg ihe nicer’ Micrecocus cm seo lyheus as Aobh Ia Ae gated : o g on perbancon + Baelly cer GB. prlymyre neal ad | Se ag eo" - Raverz Ott. aembibeperg yt 2 ty dat 7 & n~ @ Filly acid Laifng ~~ rl and mela chatn Ay aerds a Lens . 7s | a \ Lipare ) ee 7p? iY a S- hychany folly aces aj a ae » arate ) ee 1F ) ¢ [Ta 5 Lo Sod via \ a \ a . \ f | ‘ro okachon E | F duc of Fever conpourds fiom pally its i Bg cheere mponig b (© Pwteolyes | qi > Mash lepatant Or compke ; S 2 pattem of porokeo lyn arree wd also wed fee de j a f index of Chere aipenns Y of hat: ‘nh? Sea ficontty conbrbaks pwards we helo of pot i doeteire andl flovoa 1” Chev : i feck cay hue fo brenedowon § Profen nehoork, and amino group reouting 27 fen = Sophenitg % and rutmee carboxyl Ding rie oO, So water BD Formation hy poptctes ond f= caine acide contibals fra cheese Haver” fo reactions bee oe = The amine aces OF he “gansaminahisn, deaminatn, decarbory hha aa gughsiiade ee | vege yy day sft UO heb (LE achvityl . feo rf aortic. camped < Haro’, phenylalanre, ty . 1 byphophan ate be ah generate prgectat Yor come core Prodehnis 19 cablyud by proleee ard pephiclass 2 Gler, (ovr Sout Fepageiet + rai . staster LAS Non starter LAs: + Seemdory dan ters( Pr camembesh_ ir Camebert here ov P- acquetati sin Bue Chet) E Ass °gnalt ard Medium pephdle contrllls Po a boty Hover £2 } mary chest ‘ > bitter fook: > Shat , dydrephole pepbrdie Sweet flover (Gry, ser, Tv, Ala, Pro) Seve C ths, Cyl, BP patter (Arg, Met, Val Leu, Pkt, Tye, Tle, hp) 5 29K Lage cand small palypenkts a Player an che - : t Sera pots Starte and Non staster proteases se ese « Neher achvitye Satt Ma LO thee: SS oe me FG . festor potential > Mille = 4150mV" +e S&, sient re ee i bs fla Cope > freuttotre of cbligel: anatrobes” > Haat — Preudemaras Brverrmachetor: Ltt, aoe Freton affecting Reorat cael ? mMuk eempostion D « Renner Grgusotin ine. Atcroaes with foroten conte a he erge G 279% . paki n den 3%: ptaght snereore je geaton foe - minim proten ented 25-40 24 pecatoly fo oRnr ee reed ae fire + Crowne to for overt ave et oe > Heat frente? of mile: : = fas leariration He yrclecees coleian proplate preeraltetea ot emesmivert clecreare to PM _ Mag ete epee Perit eshey prot” Cf tachslobt) ppbertell Cane fe oteponiton & nseleble calcium prifoece lentes fe recuctren On fhe enentohon of nohire wteatlee,, CALLA phn pert see Ahe or cezgohin aeornt 9cue” fri 2nense ~ bel the - cphrum (Go + aed of 30> ster eer ath hen capes each fos Kcoow?, emed acl - Lee Jo ~ 48 tind = pee! porihyeon antes Aayctralyng profestye) LARBY PS: Conch of cotciun i fed ? Seal oh fas enymahe ony tae: Col, 2 ead Been tnaaned Ca come Sy benfyrser’. + inagee calerum ton ton ech 9 increme aq fe conch Gf eater aot cron ret 2 encemfat deseoe i PT pawl g % ; ey gy hb 1 O27 pectuce hy pty ceed ae Changes ole pperrg o veo Dr NGLAO? Gd Ltt th cml engine on be Ca-D-La ta95¢ 3 aalel & Closta clam fp tyrobedynem 2 Le LAB 5 Lactose » EO g botale Us pale ) pretabet tr er Pescbuet Goch e fete’ eaclale” pt. Hor Lact . of A pale x C82 Harel fer pa» At byhy ee H+ cach He peso Prapraibacteer freuen acto&, C4 ont 4d 9 heeleps ich) 2 Lacks proper’ favor of ele Ak co, @ rank pempennbt fr we forrotion 'T Eramertol haste Lops lars - Fatty carol whi) — EM erin - TMackskers ah acre + frie! compe” medium and mein choinfelhy efter ~ Nik fot eapethal for ftarer olevetpres. - fet urcfergees ontelahve 4 bydr hte p dagracitig hed a fo Kuse 5 bydrohtie (clue dr too ladon potent) - Lpapes kycbrolye te diglycardes ~ Sources of Ligue pt - raThe Cp An 32) ~ Kennet _ Spark. eutees ~ shirt, dyads : - Ceoperow Aipawe (1 || facdel detlanatty) - Facton atfctng quality of ther Type mak Cond mu lk— meist sur} AQ yetter Coby s bLetky onan 4a y . Retin ard rrultly ache ylave mare Awhbe bupere Keli Kan term ugfele buf feb) bod kady, came texte, whi clr at A™ee tenfure “Suh ay Red, come ad les sheng + © || Goku - Aeeyer pelos and ensettele for Lx Gova_peph Quality 7 mill. (|| PP feud - 35-7 fr 0 ST fox Boff nese Kap aSS hed bool & ears. kextme Aealan Doel — 9°°iPy Aileen. Aecely ® - ly > che All, foots nbd guest moles | Antdittion of Sntjeel for asogella. Dp BE andl 04 eon ee aa Obl: Settee ¥ and welling te ef oe ae Uae Tyee tune aud, Lacth act “0 Ann thy HT Jacke cod — produces granular, chhang 3.646990, —~——— Ginc ocd ~ pashy lerhas > Sarcleah ae Blut wl) f one aad 9 ravagella, . —_ Sn oly (091 2) 2 geod qudbly hang 7 Coleium octal: — longtt_coty, spt body , demsoth \ kekots of [eoreer pare 5 garde, area ji = _ so Jaane per = [Lew ced (0A) » Sop becty, smenth dntud, 3 rasegefly a 2 ensuttable fer parde, yee cohmun s (os th 25) cibic tw loka" peel 2 te bath ramylla pot eee Cofeum Ae $a? 3 net gabspecky quathy an plover Cee “9 oe 3 || Quonhx + ! jen ey pork ——__ | hese Yloves—___ | ine acids 7 ation, dsarnin2 wine fh 2 - 2 eg walk y 4am [een ay ea 2:5 395 leche eS 7 6 hp ar cAALQCHEUSAC ya ant og fe® charac he | po aie f speedo duce pod — $0 “SO 7pm ophmun Netiod of Bxing eshainyy Decayed Shainin 2 ait od seers beh te Laken poeta master, yretd recy $ wife seelrets om (owieh frees « Framing recommancted Fr Buffete rth! Detoy oa Set of Kat pvalmart x D> tly _pokan saalinoin of abae Ye joo ep prced, Brit on vafoldiny of stay a pots Fake pean felleesd beg egPoten | a cachatubrn Aows Rokr revista Jy a clanah iter and it us ywprtd Hal SCG kenbl saroters, att be Shy prot, Save OS RS -3- of > mwshrort w Powceecl MK RNa Deal i Min consent Gyre) Fie clehydratid, povielerad proctuct obtaineA frm cos er hap felo ee ” tk of a milk of o mirkene, of Mertof is called mitk fade feet sfenclanctorc/ for whale rath onsets p 7 moisture — BST Lf a Milk fat - Ren co 3 Potein — $347 a Aci = PT Dk pons 5 Solubs hify - 5 -1-C spray aed), & 8S 1: (Roller, Labect) Eve 6 Totet phi count- 7 59600 pergay me . 7 coliform — Nil per ob 9°00" c Nepat Fonctarel fee cummed rilk Ponder a L wioistre - #57 keg a pailk fe SEIS iene 3 pra - F 346 wh? ge Aaclily ~ afer tom s- Sofubiltly ~ 45% oo Grasleoy, 485% Che chied) inc “TPC sp 50,00D Pra” ah F calefoom ~ Nill per ol g' if : : } “shelf Lippe ol copole milk #8 6 menth, roitk fod 48 ponder eee efeoge with @ exnsequant aradual teferine oreichises Cum Jk can be up % ayer en paste’ _ shelk Aibe of Bens Ser Uses of lk Pow T fecombsnaken of alk he | pacitie in bakery ?®. 1 Ee es ve 27 abe 7 OTe of eggs bad ae + milk chocofte 20 chucotate confectionary. co ieee poshi es 2 incerperaticn in sau ege” - as shasta of mothers mnie An baby fee ~ dee Owom jae yog eat : > anlmat milk nee a Md me, 0 » (by : Man lo Me, Sey, 204 Rey ty My nt ca, Q¢ > L 2 le gS A SOs oO peparetien 6 quately powers cuncfes, vaceei) rutk pode” F proclsce high aration ferkeas peace sed Heco® energy inc bdreseal _ ntethats pee fe A frecrne obrying f? : eyape » net tt ighty porwer quatily frat freatmont m aceount of inten, Be Roller dvging water an free fora betvre, Fhe pe E soltels ate eva borate, 4 1 velahrelg quit a » anolen valu (me ~ 4S Jones IS} chage : The excess 1 Co Spoy agpay - ahetes in fhe olny : arelstege: wales 2 Me pores end capil of the solid particle, 43 also evap + changes Hat takes lace from Legeurif alk % chy protuct Ae wterstve conlent s Fem 84% Cae r0:99) 207 9% me.aweos) + He solrd changes fo olust Bi Removal of Hisselved gases’ Cc: lactse becomes erthe amorphous or party ouptalhine oO Casein micall®, olay pokens , fat 20 globulor ard nor forms. Ait a gphurscal cous - The ft poten ard air a olaspersed en amhinuvd planed amaphous Lacks? et ye augpaert care 2hocttal be Laken fo profeat Lhem Poradily , righ forpoakie of sfucge and He om clete OVA PD proce Are accalerakt ody global changes of Ble of He Inyng Bopleh: a4 . Aromiug pure paatr on 2 leap} chamber 26 ho poatercropler fp reach He er belo kmpe es iG a ols at We hempe eee presence aeyma Her th te aropheb_ howove, abl an enormes olipferane” TM at coeppiuad of wal, ckecrer7@ substen holy with Inca Cig mate cooled Acer AMEN: fhe vaponi2gin wa ign rear ky Sbured Loon" zo the eng aropla, emp? quilrzaten occu 2 fess Hon 1” loms” ie Me cone a tail EES ee ee ar Trenefore, ere ie ? sf Ss fa Aopen coe, Hee Seaton Grey on mars’ Fre croplet of SOL LD an, Ho et, ee a r + oe ai 15 ONG Jha anspet of He chien conve wototire velocity 26 abo escentaly °F an ocr as® ano We heunvetely Ho of droplets 0G and the ey: aw kemb= he . Dong eloying fas ak snoutnel” Wiese mes ail og pes? i 1 ain Ma onging ers acento” ob vacume tr occ apfer the walk Coneenka bon gration” ee ny end ple 7 % ob grower! sprms rapioly fed deers ae an lh ye ine feat peanced wh. 4 # cen ney a hagher de chyng eb pa shenger te effet c - A aye cuter fog wate fransprt fy the vole of clergy Preaeree o Tarif, rong graven oF i peo bind of mind tf formed and beeauee of Mut phwed deren conseteager THs fempe con. wise aynifrorty 23 te ey a ctyiad mahereh argue Me ir fern, wth dy cukr Byer becaur Pee were Guth lempr ~ Ia other wants, He cleckome “7 fempr neottee super of % anoplot caused bf eanrseunb ber fea Auot * ep erzady Becoms far smattea becose Me vapon'2a ten eae es oe Bacau femps egualireoton happens very guile, He whee Anyirg albrwpitt 7a concen hain _giactionts are nat of (as rater wa. phe “y cuter. Lazer op Me freplt secon pus firm ord ee ginagy® Thal catwoes the cbepied tr rest forther sghrnlage + T- a rear by fem vaewole ar hy becormry bmpled’ fepectelly Lov wort o> of He portlet, - so culled ne oacks moy be ‘ a raver releation 3 wale achych , 3 froma rekerhon + Fhe otnping lraple Loses seme of «8 mnerstore L Rossuer, wb fer tess Hon expect. SP Ke gollownty eorchitins er cugguren ctor ef fore compels ae ee cue Lage op He dapet oer vere pt Giang ak eas wale, conta tan He Mfter cecteret 2% pete Ha grater melo 7746s Whi Bal atonal cern pracce SIA Pe oe ahih He fe“ we oo ropes He cuter Layer fem oh Ba a) lserey owe ohm Om et deg :§ gotkly _ igh fembt 2 solid wd poms ae ~ Frrahen of vecusle ctirnnishes arerra rele Ba epevaly -E Fee s | kaw cracks dectip 2 Ae porhles art the vases OTE a % ntact cite He suroudleg 2 y = Dissolees railk powder ¢] 2 se be Hover compoures pod ols > eeaperatin. A poke! For ~ gactenes Foon oy & bi a which are aimak abst 47 & ~ ge ue oO ify: re Due to v7 four ae emknt * f he fllooTG also elecr2nos . Te heygrescoplelf Pe we peo en RLLZEr ee « Dftecsion CeO FR hegre one see es mite Pe 1 stasis decseases fem Opprx milk powes atth F math percentege Stay, “ey “&, “ton ing, eof KT porwrders 5? . thy) , Fee ef @ Due fo erhomely 0 mpcishne eae (anal, ach falls any types of microbial achvity en3y) bs Leprol anol 2 - @ Mejor changes Hal toe place ome cue pe Lipid component ‘ while manifedeop © me ality of ih ek ee pom nT ange lp of mith poudes are abo mayor focter —™ BS klar. activity Cae) * a | The aloe 36 cohole mith feuder as compared fo shim meee 1 ef the sam water conka is cacoed by Me fat not affects + behty pouty kas a slighty alipfred fien Hat of SMP becaua iy Ay pocluct he selubte conshhuets (especially sugar and fel) decrease a semewhat fess Man case Thea és only Prue, 23 fog ao att Lackse és amorphous, which offen ctoeonst apply fe hay powder ~ S ie, au coomes ; adserphon of ratty rectuced if. Lactse o Pe wake b abect 0-5. a4 He fowler at fear tok aa Cystelline Lactose binds eda hes, why the usual oven—hyrey math stimaLe of 0. content inchuda Me ' el me ae fe belle ob Me water of COT Mizahen 1 f foe exctuoley the water, | CrysPllized tpetone - + Fle chetenoohen OER ang Hat js also OCS may be shong Shee Jie eactoze! ge forte Jesen > Motus. Ie8y Sette ney fap + Con heelep seme burnt fi Coles, paver and off (Quer charactorShc. <| Pees quatify rite isnot Aeswatehe fo precluce. good qutlte prshers, of vecuen aprot Some feat tonb may be removed oluuvig Me couse «m aepi79+ but not alateyy Avotity cheacly developed 2 the milk Pi be rekained 2 he . ahrch Sp negara inept, Fi aly fel thn fo ae: SF Hon o15 (hache ace): and re powls Shot exceat, yer. ((mere tn voller Han £2 spoved) tcichaprcant vesethel: Pig, longterm sterge enn lead fo effet Pa}et reachens @ Liped oxisohar {pt apucafrn. 3 it jeods ha post op fit, ad frely peared fel loisy oft aver x1 a mayer storage oufer ¢ fort exam Pood and ore lec fot ook of en Gunes accent fo a fessor oiled <3 NE, wer! separated rok pooidles ‘ aaditon f YF + JKe chemical hag? sosutt from 1a ee bance of O74 Cian poconteles ahich can he eaprated © chemical ears” E oe s +n He cxictahen of pnegen’s, roup £1 P fer fable nt allace ary opeh Ve point 6 OO) bien ote elt : poorest peroxisee [als forms vowioua atdehytes kechag® arof pick empart Ae enpleaaet pavers * fo hack pests 0) at artoretont an be inn pe 0 BHALOHT ae pon cclify Cee odo and fawn" Jia ausfr camprerols > avid forr - fokn Hae 2 rarer fr octene -3- of > mushoo7 ar “A ~s - pil eee 5 ae YS an ha bytes 4 be Ie, ee pic, ald LA to aepoly Ae ony oe may be aired shelf fron rl F creeped i en fn fa pre! otter foams aakesarenn avd , cher ane - deoviteed 24 Sale ox mosh gpacade aly ee also be? fon @ eigh Hembh hearer! > quality fhe powder: g2-2c —> imprwes Ha 27°? —> snvaawes the shop tipe #0 23 Ama- » Femation of free sulflayday| grup ebreh fraction a ootioxicod ard poly He pretuchen pha’ ral. te Lipase engyme (rt Ihe co rirewmbes) and ohse eos He yrtomin contort oleding shrage atin 1 enth Abereaeey Qe) 4 witht ao- . [aa S _ Atoox Millord Ren Gulable me BAS 4y. QO Pahig in. [ner Geo + SC huctng He 0, with IORI gases Liles _ ped Fi olf be te F100 anon mee Ply > etctctien of Arbeyidon’ > 2 ooh several mots ~ AABN ete ae - canot ob became 2-6 Cony fer yrene wee te O0KF 06 Wt of for \ Noo obhydt @ 4d Je0 tactose (Millard Rx n) Arkin~ - pch ferr paien ard dacose prdkas we siele slave Saal ws loss $ olelgt (fy mnostty en foller ped Ponds: mt ‘oles! Haver brown cusco kre Bt a &mpr sad roel spray Her powders: « coreg + by aphected by Ag ‘cat maskin herels ( Sh fr 4h fr 7 ¢ _compou Jave been recagnred 29 reachon at 2reludig- furanies, Lactre, pysazia ey, pyres, aeety! pyre» amide, pyri nt, ecinaa Grapevine coarbexylt Act, aceforo- 2 fF 9-heptaners, paltol Ie + glusy = aminoace lepers * wipe fe Posres of Willard Reh, He clecsatne of antno-N s chesoly retaaid fo moume 10 combine! repr, we) DLO Ef) prof t, tnvware color arya rohuung > «9 paver — O oxyg? Absaphen end C% ponder ard qdecrcare ~7 ole bit abrby tap 22 vetorcdicg Hs, 2 ache -SH gaup seve ad nalaral Laat indaod brow" ~ Soot bisufe guipr Liortas and faratdahie also nbn t breigg ay milk High as Ne ee an Birnpler WAN0 Gash Keer, pelP t 1 Lntrocluchen and Developmen’ + 1309- Nicholas App ccervaten of mitk by condenes He milk 809- Nickel. Apperts pas iy nae E milk, by condensing Te im fo open vessellat B Yad of iis expinat wcdame , peared tne, Kee bottles ard coited rgehty ard He Fn van batd an tot well kath for tee hours: + Cigeg ~ 34) - Amenen, Gail Bowlin“ The fother ef He process of 17k A gorparnted endensrg: . el eter exoperation milk whe in 18S6 fern beth us and england a2 beat metod preervaten of milk: = Tohn- Beg Meyenbery (sexiss)- cevelped a base prneeple fr ta fhe press of preseri unsweetened cards ed milk by heat steniheaton; ied sac process of Mat chars lies of lk, under pressurs of @ fem? nof excechig Nec Cin 188s oF 1289), Henced Candenseol milk pi produced y condensing the ile in the vacurm pans ex vacuum evaporator under Grail Gorden pocess ard stesilizoten #3. dene hy ska urdler pressure 9 stolen emémcy He principles rokseduced by John: Berg Meyendey 2 Definite: ee abiamed by evapora hg ae of conclensed will are He procuctt the woter of hole milk oF or portly shinee mifk with er usthout thre addition °, or. vechensef condensed mille. cordenseal pith > refs tp ful cream S refers f fall encom ensto eekned condlensed ilk = Evaperakol mile > _» Seveetencd condensed skim mille ay re fess fo concenseq stumnmeol milk actoleal esith sygor: a Unsweeterrea! condensed oe ahi ye the iy fide ey i nef adeled sugar The raho of condented milk solids ts Las for ee" peduch and 1:3 for sweeknad condensed ee : “2g. nen 4 Mey 5 y cherdard Ge Tbe of ri’k fat Total colds Sgr. CO Eimpontcl mith £F8 £asds ¢ 20:0 1 @ eqpontad Skin milk & Sueek ae) Concent otk 4gel 43L az YOY. , Zyolys, @ stimmed Swockeral om yos 4267 0 ey. @ party seeds” 33s ents 2 40r- and storcg® of @* seted 24 nranugechere, packaging cordlensea! milk : Recaiving milk Flkaten [Clanficahen (38 60%) Standardization Ferewormi a ol Pe heateg (115-1186 ]a0 Hold) Aachen fon oh neg Gondersigg Ca5' t) Hemogenrahe ies te, anol crysfallreatien shrege (ov) Jk ( Bischayer fem vacum bal osc Condensed m v : quickty creed 2 30° 4 Seadsa with ol -o-37 sedue aad Goa caving Ft heur- + LOL shreg ched Temps of Ite 7 continued unl packager wv shrepy Wethod 6 Moanepature and! skrage of evaporated tlh: fod mith firah@n clanificahen (as-¢0°9) Stondarciza hea enord p proreakeg CME - etc [ate held) emeporotn Cred gato ps — 1 a penegea ; 2 pat SO EG cso ss ae Ga 4 pilot shail Jrzahen Test" 4 eee shetlizah™ (te- nge/ismen) Gly (274-3? “o) + sneer said Cs-1s%) moe > 7 ky are SON are i s\ MeBOG AE mille? shewtet be. cbbained fom heathy anirals ander SS sankey conc: ten - milk shoukd be free fom any chemical rosictiees, sant bohcs, posheicte eectec and metal ae - should be clean, sweet ard free femexkaneras matty + shot have tow bacterial toacl and pres fm high eid olecelopre 2° Fitkation/ Clemficatien + uses mmore usble fereign matter (fe prevent consuner complaints) = Mile is pre-heated fe (35-qoi) & inceace eppcieny of He operahen- ~ Zakir cevled te preceme the quatify 3 Stanclorlzahen + ~ clome tp conform He Legal stanclards en Me finishel peat ts ~ SmpleBd tree 2 - Kaho of fat and ene #8 mantund at 12-46. 2 Establish tha otesred abe of Super Fo milk Solicls Pryecth He c3oncnhahon ef Be Barishol folb bp He clear percentage of fofel sells» L- Freorring [bre-keating : ~ Meatng of bille price constentry - © OBechver: 2 Ti ansude Hat He nthe 1 fea fom any mofo achive ensymer 3 Je ensure aninttrigled boiling a> the vecem fans 2 Te prevent Bijertionable : agi Wokenty 5 Ad: pint had fra ola! = Varies fambr tne profiles are woecd - 82 © OFC feeFIS minus 7 - Ne PSC fer OS 5 mins 1s Be for Ne- Hotel Rash. - Epuipment ured ore- Tebalor Heat oxcharyera- clouble tube ow shett- foe bead ex, Jone yo esmer o @ Aciotsten of Seger: _ » > Actetact fer Ha purpese > sarin i coe epee acaaaed sites Pie Syger we beet sey coved dy woot ‘i WS Fe - Com SYIUP sotte’S, plUeme at akc hee cor iy Se 2S forant x apts 2 > Amount of, actctiton anges fray avo ert in He i shal froduet which rmapures ig fo 20 tion milk bess =) Mighhy regiacel a wats conc t) of é2e-% Cy of : | eke arneaat not enly ensures pore petal apart . pier biok™. }reaits erent, bot alse prvet ager exystallize > Hunziker ody fanzike Wvecated 9 Seger Katie Cougar © Conclensing - ° Sailing the stordarctéxcd milk ances pastel yacenn at ke fenbe, Ft te elesinet canch obtunct » Games cut 0n omg ep foct Cvaprt Aavontager > economy > raprotity of eer he Calce eneron Of veces AT of peraten oxen Be > peneton eee > pruant frm contced Preven arc! on be magnet milk eo ‘ ung. ort © piven bie QD romegereer ye homegenized poe ee : ensures HE uniform doatera ond. peduee: POR SPE mina ANT PO oy wed? uve ele nee peube s9° omega zane son bs 2? He ecard SIEGE and pon egher:! ’ @ Te. is pable #0 LeLOY Ha tonctargsr 06 TI* pap ele LY gush 20" cs fos Tal chescotora her) = provents He objectionable KIT eteposihen + Role} lack3€, \ ee as 7 Lacpose re prevent 2D cngstals 2” s ce cathy jerk, ond am eothinens grt eb sandiness ony “hy 0 Mog My, ye mene . ant eT abe (300), only & Loetose pyc uncle opLimer? camper cha bus | pout syste ta jiuh peccl moun berone of Me om tt as 2 slow proceak © ce in He 8 bron ROG AE vs . solable (EF Ladtese anhydry veatnabin of x MP connaaes ig te os fo a (ese goluble a: hy 0. # spices * The ces Buy fe proce a can Aas 1g yisonty which reduces aoe ee ong teeger ba te ; sad fe Sag Se fallizate 26 9% pects bey Me, sake duction of pe for aboed a1 . Apter Sect! , He é. 30 i Mid be cetlka how with yoreu ag tation apter & : hee raplly cookd po prot fempeatus fer PO A2gG* + Seeking repress fo He ppprockuch nr fre poweter pom abehing Hee coo" process jo prev’ puetei for exystallizah a” ey Smmenty vacd seads ore! ae taetese Ryde , Re oe fally yy mil or “sweetendl contac mille fom P é + Bres of sees ‘Aud pass wrrugh xD mesh, AUP oe ifs Ye concarhahin of OL fo os 4+ of corclanse? ey 375-SUDg§™ pear (oTO 4g 6 onigprat oS roilk. «Uf nov: fat dey clk f canderseol le id 2°97 used, conch Shou be cloubled «The cecols rust be clissolved )7 smalt amount of condense! snilk and tan acded 40 he Lateh uniter, vigorous gitar fos un frn cuskibuton of . « Ropict cxystallreaton helps £9 prmahen of dexger aumbet ee expt - POG 7 emooth kereture to the ante ed oe fencer stood ceviiag poroctuces amolier musrmber of large” oystalp hich froctuus 4 earialy fexture or eb “punin® « After weeds are otsspersed, cooling of the produ continual still #0 aete, which shottd Folea eek te Bee . (an fur eanligg <6 com PLR 70 13-19% Unth eendn eed agitation: . pea note of comptes fomokon 1 ceaboled ky Ka amount é pana, quriber of nucle, total solic! in mille fem 4 bh anol veseofys nor £ Uigerous agrtotm uring ling hoo hgh impertonte dea salt of ph inclaa enguniag unifim ant inwter oryptale 20 . mat nied La be Oupbatlizakon te bath syskn ara! forced cogstaliizaten, ereliag te resumes! ankle, ble, ants frat wmpl “4 = Alles seeking canstan? agtahon. 25 ee ae eae Yea chsel Amiokon i Quenya sued fre anrotun One hour of 7g. ern He poroctuch is Acady fer fockagry: Fe esvliny, Galeh, ernhnunds combined Gale ad OnTintes ard vacuum cn be ued @ Fathas' can be packed 40 berek of vorous #74, mums & 2 tere a fembt (0) cavers lee Lines oy HO 77 anol (00: ver fo v a af pecs &y Ah lyethe @ shrge: Sheuted be sre Or fro canctin ess of pocuct and suger separate: be: below S07 fp preeert geiege ans aol Bahl” prpockerrucal Jopores ok changes’ vier nal OO f claw’ rasp tite @ Milerd Reb 2 Fee High tobe Od he g ‘and shonng Ct? OF erillavel Kx : gives Ae ies Fe bron ooh viseority “* yneren2et" ca a vein exam’ 2 tb > vseonly 4 Mutt be hath + gone orkert FUR aw fant shbiliby - peent sha bslity 06 617 Jest Hoomogenizn her and jeret corer vesaoby | tenes, 11 may fem ae Lrg ee prekushiy At muct bepee a way may mest Stim prokind 7 = won - °° TY 2 eg6ect of Stabnlization SS) 8 ptfert of homegentrosn Gearung: + €ef2eb oy con & Loeers Ged + BUGh increare of calereun phtophat Cor ferrraten of protein chongo Coz gf rene © equilibria chores” s osmohe prowua, raring point olepresma, 60") clei canduchvity density and kefvochre one onl heat emnduchviky olecranes ” + The visconfy inereaves and He Lagee become mon Neatentez ard tp golicl- Like > Flo cleg ture coepty vo in mule to 16'S gin gee 4 wale beng, PO ond char, See point eksaher, inde NG2T% aoe op water oleareoves form appro: ona ees niles saith dal

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