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The effect of the world cup 2022 on Qatar’s economy

Qatari government continuously seeks to diverse the economic growth and one of the
ways is hosting international events and conferences. The World Cup is one of the important
global events that have an impact on economic of the hosting country. Although there was a
lot of doubts from some that Qatar could not hosts this global event especially after the
economic blockade imposed by: Saudi Arabia, UAE and Bahrain. Since most of the projects
were monitored by Saudi Arabia and UAE. The Qatari government rectified the situation and
contracted with other suppliers and contractors to continue implementation of the projects. It
is expected that Qatar will make a significant economic gains from hosting this event.
The main factor is the Qatari GDP will shows a noticeable rises. The increases in GDP
of Qatar means that there will be increases in productions, incomes, and expenditures.
According to World Bank reports: “The economy is expected to expand by 3% over the medium
term, helped by continued investments related to hosting the football world cup.” The hosting
country will be able to produce more and increase the GDP, which mean that the consumption,
investment, government purchases and net exports will increase. The average of consumption
will increase as there will be many tourists who will attend this event. As the number of the
tourists increase it will be noticed that the number of spending on goods and services will
increase. In addition, the investments in Qatar will increase.
By hosting 2022 Qatar will attract many local and international companies to invest in
different new projects. Many local firms will open to provide the local market with required
supplies that be used to finalize the projects. These companies will have a chance to increase
their production. The number of production will be changed in 2022. Moreover, the
government purchases will shows increases as well. They will focus on to spend more
percentage of the growth on related projects such as; stadiums, hotels and infrastructures. They
need to pay salaries of workers who will hired to implement these projects.

Unemployment Rate:
Unemployment is one of the major problems that effects any economy. There are
three types of unemployment: Frictional, structural, and cyclical. It’s clearly known that the
unemployment rate effected by the business cycle, as it increase in recession and decrease in
expansion. The Trading Economics reported about the unemployment in Qatar that,
“Unemployment averaged 0.93 percent from 2001 until 2019.” The unemployment rate in
Qatar has record a highest rate in fourth quarter of 2010 and lowest rate at first quarter of
2017. In Figure (1) it shows that the unemployment rate is stable until 2019 in average 0.10.
it is expected that with the increasing of GDP in Qatar the unemployment rate will fall down.
The firms will hire more people to implement the new projects. As there will be many
opportunities of jobs for people especially for entrepreneurs contribution in establishing
starts-ps. The firms will offer higher wages than the market wages. The higher wages motive
the workers to be more productivity.

Figure 1: unemployment rate of Qatar

Inflation Rate:
One of the facts in economic that the percentage of prices increase from year to year.
The rises in price level is result of increase in the cost of product or increase in the quantity of
GDP demand. The inflation average does not affect the ability of goods and services’
production. Inflation affects the distribution of incomes. Some people may affected more
than others. Some people find that their incomes rate is raising faster than the inflation rate,
so the purchasing power is rising. Some other finds that their incomes rate is raising lower
than the inflation rate, so the purchasing power is falls. The people with fixed incomes such
as; retired workers they usually affected more than from inflation, because it reduce the
purchasing power of the payment.
Figure 2: Inflation rate

The figure (2) shows the average of inflation over last 10 years in Qatar. The chart
shows that the average of inflation rate in 2018 is 0.23 percent. It’s expected that the inflation
rate in 2022 will increase in Qatar, as the quantity demand in GDP will increase. There will
be increase in the number of tourists, which leads to increase in demand and productivity, so
the price level will increase.

Qatar Population:
Currently Qatar’s population is at 2.639 million people with only 10% constituting for
Qatari’s and the remaining 90% expats. Qatar’s government is estimated to spend $200
billion for many infrastructure, housing and expenses made for the FIFA world cup players
and the immense number of foreigners it will continue to attract.

Government spending is a component of aggregate demand. since the Qatari
government is spending a lot of money of the development for the FIFA world cup 2022. An
increase in government purchases will shift the aggregate demand curve to the right. This
rightward shift in aggregate demand will cause an increase in the real GDP. The economy will
have risen in quantity of demands and suppliers. When the number of quantities increase it will
help to reduce the number of unemployment, as there will be new projects that create
opportunities to hire more people.
As firms and workers adjust to a higher price level, this causes a shift in the SRAS to
the left since prices and the price level increase. Resulting in an equilibrium point above the
previous equilibrium with a higher price level.

1. Aggregate demand = aggregate supply = Long run aggregate supply

(producing at capacity) => point A
2. Increase in government purchases -> increase in aggregate demand ->
AD curve shifts right => point B
3. As firms and workers adjust to a higher price level, this causes a shift
in the SRAS to the left since the price level increases.
This results in the intersection of AD, AS and LRAS with a higher price level.

To Further discuss this study and the economic effects of hosting the 2022 World Cup
in Qatar. This section will analyze how the developments and preparations made in advance
of the World Cup have a substantial positive effect on both short-term and long-term growth
for the economy.
To start, one characteristic of Qatar’s economy is its intense use of its labor force as
the unemployment rate in 2009, when Qatar was selected to host the Cup, was 0.31% which
is remarkably low (The Global Economy, n.d.). As we have discussed, we would expect the
unemployment rate for Qatar to substantially decrease in the years up to the Cup, due to an
increased demand for developmental projects and a high need for labor. The unemployment
rate in Qatar decreased quite dramatically between 2011 and 2018, from 0.56% to 0.14%
(The Global Economy, n.d.). This correlates directly with Qatar’s increase in government
spending which almost doubled from $15.29 billion in 2009 to $28.39 billion in 2018 (The
Global Economy, n.d.). Furthermore, capital investments have rapidly increased from $42.02
billion in 2009 up to $74.46 billion in 2017 (The Global Economy, n.d.). These factors are a
result of Qatar’s plans to develop it’s infrastructure and tourism facilities to meet the
expected demand (Henderson, 2014); which is why the construction sector in Qatar saw an
average 18% growth per-quarter since 2012 until 2019 (Fattah, 2019). In general, what we
are seeing is, again, demand-pull inflation as the heavy investment has vastly increased
aggregate demand, whereas the aggregate supply is lagging. The inflation rate of -4.88%
increased quite rapidly up 3.2% in 2014 (Statista, n.d.), however, the rate has decreased to
0.23% which is most likely caused due to the fact that a majority of the development and
infrastructural construction has been done (Fattah, 2019). This is consistent with Qatar’s
exports which saw a tremendous decrease in 2014 from $140.23 billion to $85.2 in 2017.
Overall, the effect of hosting the World Cup has been significant as Qatar’s GDP has
increased from $97.8 billion in 2009 up to $192.01 billion in 2018 (38% of which is
investment) which is an almost doubling of the country’s GDP which will no doubt reap
long-term benefits through the work of the multiplier effect and infrastructure investment
(Hurley & Solow, 2018).

Figure 4: The GDP of Qatar over the years.(The Global Economy, n.d.)
The projections of the GDP after the 2022 Games:
The projected gross domestic product (GDP) of Qatar is relatively higher, and the
trend is expected to be on the rise even after the games are over. In 2022, the games will
create a boom in the economic activities, with the country registering high numbers of
tourists, who will bring a significant amount of income to the country’s economy (Deliga,
2019). Like any other mega-event, the FIFA World Cup games in Qatar will push the GDP of
the country to a higher value. Even with other mega-events having turned to cause a less
significant increase in the GDP of host nations, the GDP of Qatar will significantly be high,
at least compared to years from 2007 (Deliga, 2019). Even after the end of the games, the
GDP is likely to remain up. This probably because of the increased publicity of the nation
through the mega event and the economic developments that are associated with it. There is
an expected increase in investment in the country, a high number of tourists revisiting Qatar,
and an increased rate of employment with continuous improvement in the living standards of
the citizens of the nation (Deliga, 2019). Since these are some of the factors that contribute
towards the growth of a country's GDP, it is, therefore, reasonable to argue that Qatar's GDP
will maintain high consistency in its growth.

Figure 5: The GDP of Qatar, before and after 2022. Retrieved from

Furthermore, the expected benefits from hosting the World Cup will be not only from
the event itself but also due to the potential for marketing Qatar’s tourism sector. Tourism
increased in Qatar from 1 million in 2007 to 2.8 million in 2014 (Henderson, 2014). The
expected number of tourists is forecasted to reach over 3.5 million after the World Cup and
potential 7.4 million by the year 2030 (Henderson, 2014). As we can see there is a lot of
potential for economic growth to be attained from the development of the service and sports
sectors. Investments in service facilities and 12 stadiums to be ready by 2021 can help
diversify Qatar’s economy and move it away from its current dependence on petroleum and
gas and instead towards its service, tourism and sports industries (Willis, 2004). Finally,
inflation for Qatar is forecasted to reach a steady level of 2% by 2022 and 2023, up from its
current level of 0.23% (Statista, n.d.). Needless to say, there is clear potential and expected
growth that can be reaped from the current development plans and investment that Qatar has
put into its infrastructure, service, and sports industries and so we can expect growth to be
particularly centered around these industries in both the short- and long-term.

This section will analyze Brazil’s economy before the FIFA World Cup 2014. Brazil
was confirmed as host in 2007, were the economy was performing satisfactorily. The GDP
growth was 6.1% and inflation averaged about 3.6%, according to the international Monetary
Fund. In 2008 the country’s economy was affected by financial crisis. The government
expenditures continued to rise and so did the inflation. The Brazilians became furious with
the costs generated by the World Cup by 2014. The population opinion was negative even
with the high expenditure the event generated but the government believes that the World
Cup 2014 was success.
This section will discuss the economic impact on Brazil after hosting the FIFA World
Cup 2014. FIFA reported in June 10,2014 that the Brazilian government spend USD 15
billion with the World Cup (FIFA,2014). Later on, Federal Court of Accounts of Brazil
(TCU) published the country totalized USD 9.63 billion on expenses related with the mega-
event in December 2014.
A study conducted by the Economic Research Institute Foundation (FIPE) determined
that the World Cup would inject USD 13.43 billion in the overall Brazilian economy. The
tourism sector estimation for alone was expected to be around USD 3 billion, generated by
the 3.7 million domestic and foreign tourists during the event (Joao Saldanha Open Media
Center,2014). Moreover, same study estimated that the World Cup created close to 1 million
jobs, of which 710,000 were permanent jobs and 200,000 temporaries. The total amount,
approximately 50,000 workers entered the tourism sector directly (Joao Saldanha Open
Media Center,2014).

Figure 6: Brazil GDP Growth Rate

Figure 7

Vicente Neto, President of Embrasure (Brazilian Tourism Institute), revealed that

hosting the cup was essential to put the country on the international spot. Between 2003 and
2013, Brazil “climbed 10 positions in the ranking of the International Congress and
Convention. Association (ICCA), from 19th to 9th in the world in number of conferences and
conventions hosted. The total number of events held in Brazil increased from 62 to 315 (and
the number of cities hosting events increased from 22 to 54) during that period, the result of a
decentralization policy adopted to attract international events” (João Saldanha Open Media
Centre, 2014).
The government also believes the World Cup enabled the small businesses to earn
USD 223 million during the event and with the infra-structure construction (EMBRATUR,
The reports published by the government do not mention how those numbers were
calculated, so it is important to take into consideration there might be calculating the gross
direct impact of the infra-structure investments and consumption by the tourists, without
accounting for how the locals reallocated their leisure spending. As nicely written by Peeters,
Matheson, and Szymanski, “most of the spending by local residents on the sporting event
does not generate new economic activity but simply reallocates spending within the

South Africa:
This section will analyze the economic impact of the changes that occurred in the
Republic of South Africa (RSA) from 2004, after RSA was assigned the bid to host the
World Cup, and the years following the event. I will discuss how the economic activity for
the World Cup changed certain economic indicators for South Africa and the overall changes
that occurred as a result of RSA’s actions.
The economic changes that occurred between 2004-2010 were quite substantial as
they took the form of a large number of investments, heavy infrastructural changes for
tourism facilities, private and public partnerships to adequately meet the supply of equipment
and resources, future income for similar events after the Cup and the potential for marketing
opportunities (Thornton & Feinstein, 2003). This is supported by the GDP change from 2004-
2010: from $228.59 billion (2004) which increased consecutively up to $375.35 billion in
2004 (The Global Economy, n.d.). Furthermore, capital investments almost doubled from
$42.21 in 2004 to $73.24 in 2010 (The Global Economy, n.d.). Finally, the unemployment
rate markedly shows how the demand for jobs increased as the rate decreased from 29.58% to
24.69% (The Global Economy, n.d.). This all represents demand-pull inflation as the
unemployment rate decreased as the demand surpassed supply (due to heavy government
spending) and the inflation rate increased remarkably from a record-low of 1.43% in 2004
steadily up to 4.26% in 2010 (Statista, n.d.). All these changes accrued accumulatively in the
years up to the World Cup, indicating the strong positive effects that it had on the economy;
over $750 million of benefits were created for households, of which $228 million was
received by lower-income families (OECD Observer & Nene, 2013). Furthermore, over
100,000 jobs were created in construction (Sport & Recreation South Africa, 2012).
With regards to the changes after 2010: in 2011 tourism grew by 3.3% (SATSRU,
2012) and GDP increased by 10.9% (The Global Economy, n.d.). The unemployment rate did
not significantly change between 2010 and 2012, however, exports increased from $82.6
billion to $107.41 and $126.85 million respectively, which may potentially be related to the
increased economic partnerships that were developed through the World Cup preparation
(The Global Economy, n.d.). All this evidence and data clearly seem to point to the fact that
the economic impact of the investments and development that were made for the World Cup
have positively affected the economy of South Africa, and this is partially due to the
“multiplier of the direct spending” that helped allow South Africa to reap large benefits from
its investments (Makgabo, 2006).

Figure 8: Detailed GDP of South Africa before and after the FIFA World Cup 2010
(The Global Economy, n.d.)


In conclusion, with these three case studies, we have observed a few similarities and
trends that were a direct result of hosting the World Cup. Firstly, the level of unemployment
in the years up to the event itself decreased quite substantially due to the sudden influx of
demand for changes to infrastructure and tourism facilities. The jobs that were created were
not just temporary as the long-term demand for jobs in the service sector and tourism sector
increased in each of these countries. Furthermore, we also can see the trend that the heavy
capital investments and government spending has had in producing demand-pull inflation.
The inflation rate gradually increased, while unemployment fell and each countries’ GDP
increased by a substantial amount, which was sustained even in the years following the
World Cup. As we saw with South Africa, the tourism industry grew by 3.3% in the years
after the Cup and it maintained its increased GDP. Brazil increased its socio-economic
standing with the world and created over 700,000 permanent jobs. And, currently, the data
for Qatar all seem to point towards the same conclusion, as we are seeing the same indicators
that both Brazil and South Africa had. Overall, the economic effect of the World Cup on
Qatar is expected to be even more pronounced due to the tremendous increase in its GDP that
occurred as a result of its current preparation for the Cup and the projections for its GDP after
the Cup are expected to be sustained, if not higher. With all of this in mind, it seems to be the
case that hosting the World Cup creates a lot of potential for a country to differentiate its
industries and to develop its infrastructure and service sectors, and as such, it paves the way
towards providing substantial growth for a nation.
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