Ejercicio - Diseño y Análisis de Experimentos

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- The data were obtained in an experiment to determine to what extent changes in “draw ratio” affected
the yarn breaking strength in an experimental synthetic fiber. Draw ratio determines the tension applied
to the yarn as it is spun. Three spinnerets (I, II, III) were employed in this experimental program. Each
spinneret supplied yarn to an individual bobbin, and thus three bobbins were obtained each time the
machine was doffed. (to “doff” a spinning machine is to replace completely wound bobbins with empty
bobbin spools.) At any given time three different draw ratios were being tested: usual(A), 5% increase (B),
and 10 % (C). At each doff the draw ratios were interchanged according to the plan. Check the residuals
and determine if real differences in yarn strength occur when the draw ratio is changed. (5 points).
A 19.56 B 23.16 C 29.72 B 23.24 C 23.54 A 18.75
B 22.94 C 27.51 A 23.71 A 16.28 B 22.29 C 28.09
C 25.06 A 17.70 B 22.32 C 18.53 A 19.89 B 20.42

C 23.98 A 20.46 B 19.28 A 16.65 B 22.69 C 24.94
A 15.33 B 23.02 C 24.97 B 18.96 C 24.19 A 21.95
B 24.41 C 22.44 A 19.23 C 21.49 A 15.78 B 24.65

2.- An machine was used for testing the wearing quality of types of cloth and it possesses the feature that
four pieces of cloth may be compared simultaneously in one run of the machine. The response is the
weight loss in tenths of a milligram suffered by the test piece when it is rubbed against a standard grade
of emery paper for 1000 revolutions of the machine. Specimens of the four different types of cloth
(treatments) A, B, C, D whose wearing qualities are to be compared are mounted in four specimen holders
1, 2, 3, 4. Each holder can be in any one of four positions P 1, P2, P3, P4 on the machine. Each emery paper
sheet a, b, g, d was cut into four quarters, each of which was used to make one observation.
Determine the ANOVA and interpret it. (5 points)

P1 P2 P3 P4 P1 P2 P3 P4
R1 aA1 bB2 gC3 dD4 R1 aA1 bB2 gC3 dD4
320 297 299 313 285 280 331 311
R2 bC4 aD3 dA2 gB1 R2 bC4 aD3 dA2 gB1
266 227 260 240 268 233 291 280
R3 gD2 dC1 aB4 bA3 R3 gD2 dC1 aB4 bA3
221 240 267 252 265 273 234 243
R4 dB3 gA4 bD1 aC2 R4 dB3 gA4 bD1 aC2
301 238 243 290 306 271 270 272

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