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The Liberal Euthanasia Laws of Belgium and

Netherlands: A critical analysis of the extension of

Euthanasia rights to minors
-Ahmad, Md Sabeeh

On October 25 2001, the Belgium senate approved the proposal of de-criminalizing
Euthanasia: 44 votes went in favour, 23 were against and 2 absentees. On 16 May 2002 the
Belgian lower house endorsed the proposed bill: 86 votes in favour, 51 against with 10
absentees. And thus, the Belgian Act of Euthanasia, 2002 came into being.
At the time of the act being introduced it clearly stated that the patient subject to
euthanasia must have attained the age of majority or is an emancipated minor 1. But 12
years later the Belgium government decided to amend the existing law and introduced a no
age barrier for an individual subject to Euthanasia. What made the Belgian amendment a
subject of controversy and sharp criticism was the fact that even its neighbour Netherlands
(the first country to legalize Euthanasia) did not allow Euthanasia to be performed under the
age of 12. The liberal attitude of the Belgian government was questioned, deliberated and
multiple conclusions resulted.
It was on February 13, 2014 that Belgium became the first country in the entire world to
extend its already legalized euthanasia rights to minors of all ages. Three children have since
been euthanised. Netherlands did it before Belgium but not for minors below the age of 12.


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