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Experiment No.


1. Objective(s):
This activity aims to introduce the use of hand auger for obtaining disturbed soil samples and the
standard method of storage of soil for future laboratory use.

2. Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs):

The students shall be able to:
• understand the standard procedure in soil sampling and handling
• perform the soil profiling as observed from the results of the experiment

3. Discussion:

The simplest method of soil investigation and sampling is through the use of auger borings. This method is
applicable for retrieving disturbed soil samples that are to be tested in the laboratory to further determine
its engineering properties. However, it is important to be reminded that improper handling and storage of
the sample can compromise the integrity of the soil investigation conducted.

A standardized labeling of the sample is beneficial as the soil sample, in general, is handled by different
personnel in the field investigation and in the laboratory. It is important that all pertinent data observed on
the field are to be written down in the sample label in addition to the primary record book of the site
engineer. The data in the sample label will direct the laboratory personnel in finalizing the borehole log
which is to be counterchecked by the site engineers’ primary record book.

4. Resources:

1. Soil auger
2. Spade or shovel
3. Moisture tight sample containers
4. Pans

5. Procedure:
1. Clear the area of grass and vegetation where the sample is to be obtained. Create an alignment
of three (3) boreholes that are about 3.0 meters away from each other.
2. With the use of soil auger, the soil is bored until desired depth is reached. After a half (0.50) meter
advancement, withdraw the auger to the hole and remove the soil for examination and testing.
Record the depth and the observations on the soil sample retrieved.
3. Seal the soil sample in a moisture tight container and label appropriately.
4. Extract again the soil in the succeeding borehole advancement until a depth of 2.0 to 3.0 meters
is reached.
5. Repeat procedures 1 to 4 for Borehole no. 2. Draw the stratigraphy of the site to determine the
geometry of the soil layers.

Course: Experiment No.:
Group No.: Section:
Group Leader: Date Performed:
Group Members: Date Submitted:
1. Instructor:

6. Data and Results:

Borehole No. 1
Depth Description
0.00 to 0.50
0.50 to 1.00
1.00 to 1.50
1.50 to 2.00

Borehole No. 2
Depth Description
0.00 to 0.50
0.50 to 1.00
1.00 to 1.50
1.50 to 2.00

Borehole No. 3
Depth Description
0.00 to 0.50
0.50 to 1.00
1.00 to 1.50
1.50 to 2.00

Borehole Location Map:


7. Conclusion:

8. Assessment (Rubric for Laboratory Performance):


1 2 3
I. Laboratory Skills
Members do not Members occasionally
Manipulative Members always
demonstrate needed demonstrate needed
Skills demonstrate needed skills.
skills. skills
Members are able to Members are able to set-up
Experimental Members are unable to
set-up the materials with the material with minimum
Set-up set-up the materials.
supervision. supervision.
Members do not Members occasionally Members always
Process Skills demonstrate targeted demonstrate targeted demonstrate targeted
process skills. process skills. process skills.
Members follow safety
Safety Members do not follow Members follow safety
precautions most of the
Precautions safety precautions. precautions at all times.

II. Work Habits
Members do not finish Members finish ahead of time
Management / Members finish on time
on time with incomplete with complete data and time
Conduct of with incomplete data.
data. to revise data.
Members do not know Members have defined
Members are on tasks and
their tasks and have no responsibilities most of
have defined responsibilities
Cooperative and defined responsibilities.
the time. Group
at all times. Group conflicts
Teamwork Group conflicts have to conflicts are
are cooperatively managed at
be settled by the cooperatively managed
all times.
teacher. most of the time.
Clean and orderly
Messy workplace during workplace with Clean and orderly workplace
Neatness and
and after the occasional mess during at all times during and after
experiment. and after the the experiment.
Members require Members require
Ability to do Members do not need to be
supervision by the occasional supervision
independent work supervised by the teacher.
teacher. by the teacher.
Other Comments/Observations: Total Score
(Total Score)
Rating= ×100

9. References

Murthy, V.N.S. (2011). Textbook of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering . Singapore: Alken

American Society for Testing and Materials (1999). Standard Test Method for Penetration Test and Split
Barrel Sampling of Soils(D-1586). Pennsylvania: ASTM International

Experiment No. 2

1. Objective(s):
The activity aims to impart the standard preparation of disturbed soil samples.
2. Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs):
The students shall be able to:
• prepare disturbed soil samples for future laboratory experiments.
• distinquish unacceptable practices in preparation of soil samples

3. Discussion:

The method of dry preparation of soil samples is used to prepare soil samples in various laboratory
experiments such as moisture content determination, particle size analysis and in determination of
Atterberg limits. It is proper that the samples be prepared in an orderly manner to avoid compromising the
results of the laboratory experiments because of errors in the preparation. Proper preparation also will
allow sufficient amount of samples for each laboratory experiment.

4. Resources:

1. Triple Beam Balance

2. Oven with temperature control
3. Pans
4. Standard Sieves #4 and #10
5. Rubber Mallet or Rubber-covered Pestle
6. Mortar and Rubber Pestle
7. Trowel
8. Sample Splitter

5. Procedure:

1. Allow the soil sample recovered from the field to dry thoroughly on room temperature. Using a
mortar and pestle, break up the aggregations thoroughly. Select about 75 grams of the sample for
the conduct of moisture content determination.
2. Separate the test sample using Sieve No. 10. Break up again the soil fraction retained in Sieve #
10 to break the grains thoroughly. Separate again the grinded soil into two fractions using Sieve
3. Determine the weight of the fraction retained in Sieve #10. Wash the soil fraction of all fine
material, dry and weigh. Record the mass as the mass of the coarse material.
4. After being washed and dried, sieve the coarse the material using the Sieve No. 4 and record the
mass retained.
5. Thoroughly mix together the soil fraction passing Sieve No.10 on the previous sieving operations.
Using a sample splitter, select a portion of approximately 120 g for the Particle size analysis.
Select a portion passing Sieve # 40 of approximately 200 grams in determining the soil constants.

Course: Experiment No.:

Group No.: Section:
Group Leader: Date Performed:
Group Members: Date Submitted:
1. Instructor:

6. Data and Results:

Sample # Weight (g) Purpose Description

Particle Size
2 Soil Constants

7. Conclusion:


1 2 3
I. Laboratory Skills
Members do not Members occasionally
Manipulative Members always
demonstrate needed demonstrate needed
Skills demonstrate needed skills.
skills. skills
Members are able to Members are able to set-up
Experimental Members are unable to
set-up the materials with the material with minimum
Set-up set-up the materials.
supervision. supervision.
Members do not Members occasionally Members always
Process Skills demonstrate targeted demonstrate targeted demonstrate targeted
process skills. process skills. process skills.
Safety Members do not follow Members follow safety Members follow safety

precautions most of the
Precautions safety precautions. precautions at all times.
II. Work Habits
Members do not finish Members finish ahead of time
Management / Members finish on time
on time with incomplete with complete data and time
Conduct of with incomplete data.
data. to revise data.
Members do not know Members have defined
Members are on tasks and
their tasks and have no responsibilities most of
have defined responsibilities
Cooperative and defined responsibilities.
the time. Group
at all times. Group conflicts
Teamwork Group conflicts have to conflicts are
are cooperatively managed at
be settled by the cooperatively managed
all times.
teacher. most of the time.
Clean and orderly
Messy workplace during workplace with Clean and orderly workplace
Neatness and
and after the occasional mess during at all times during and after
experiment. and after the the experiment.
Members require Members require
Ability to do Members do not need to be
supervision by the occasional supervision
independent work supervised by the teacher.
teacher. by the teacher.
Other Comments/Observations: Total Score
(Total Score)
Rating= ×100
9. References
Murthy, V.N.S. (2011). Textbook of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering . Singapore: Alken

American Society for Testing and Materials (1998). Dry Preparation of Samples for Particle Size Analysis
(D-421). Pennsylvania: ASTM International

Experiment No. 3

1. Objective(s):
The activity aims to impart an alternative method for preparation of disturbed soil samples.
2. Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs):
The students shall be able to:
• prepare disturbed soil samples for future laboratory experiments.
• distinguish standard practices in preparation of soil samples

3. Discussion:

The method of wet preparation of soil samples is an alternative method used to prepare soil samples in
various laboratory experiments such as moisture content determination, particle size analysis and in
determination of Atterberg limits.

For cases wherein removal of fine-grained soil that are attached to coarse particles is difficult, wet
preparation is more appropriate than dry preparation. This is also applicable for coarse-grained particles
of the sample are soft and pulverize readily.

4. Resources:

1. Triple Beam Balance or Digital Weighing Scale.

2. Oven.
3. Pans with at least 300 mm f and 75 mm deep.
4. Standard Sieves #10 and #40.
5. Funnel.
6. Filter Paper

6. Procedure:

1. Allow the soil sample recovered from the field to dry thoroughly on room temperature. Using a
mortar and pestle, break up the aggregations thoroughly.
2. Select about 120 grams of the sample for the conduct of particle size analysis. For the
determination of Atterberg limits, set aside the soil fraction passing Sieve No. 4 and weigh about
150 grams of the sample. Select a portion of about 50 grams for the determination of moisture
3. Separate the material set aside for the Particle size analysis into two portions using Sieve #10.
Set aside the portion passing Sieve #10 as washing is to be performed on the portion retained
4. The portion retained is to be soaked in a pan until particle aggregations become soft. Place the
Sieve #10 on a clean pan. Allow the soaked soil with water to flow to the sieve until the height of
the water is about 12.7 mm above the mesh of the sieve. Crumble any lumps observed on the
sieve using the thumb or the fingers. Transfer the washed material on a clean pan before placing
another increment of soaked material into the sieve.
5. Dry the materials retained on Sieve #10 and add the material on Procedure no. 3. Set aside the

material for use in the Particle size analysis.
6. Remove most of the water in the washings by allowing it to pass through a funnel fitted with a
filter paper. Remove the moist soil in the filter paper and allow to dry at a temperature not
exceeding 60oC. Combine the soil with material obtained in Procedure No. 3.

Course: Experiment No.:

Group No.: Section:
Group Leader: Date Performed:
Group Members: Date Submitted:
1. Instructor:

6. Data and Results:

Sample # Weight (g) Purpose Description

Particle Size
2 Moisture content

7. Conclusion:

8. Assessment (Rubric for Laboratory Performance):

1 2 3
I. Laboratory Skills
Members do not
Members occasionally Members always demonstrate
Manipulative Skills demonstrate needed
demonstrate needed skills needed skills.
Members are able to set- Members are able to set-up the
Experimental Members are unable to
up the materials with material with minimum
Set-up set-up the materials.
supervision. supervision.
Members do not Members occasionally
Members always demonstrate
Process Skills demonstrate targeted demonstrate targeted
targeted process skills.
process skills. process skills.
Members follow safety
Members do not follow Members follow safety
Safety Precautions precautions most of the
safety precautions. precautions at all times.
II. Work Habits
Time Management / Members finish ahead of time
Members do not finish on Members finish on time
Conduct of with complete data and time to
time with incomplete data. with incomplete data.
Experiment revise data.
Members do not know Members have defined Members are on tasks and have
their tasks and have no responsibilities most of the defined responsibilities at all
Cooperative and
defined responsibilities. time. Group conflicts are times. Group conflicts are
Group conflicts have to be cooperatively managed cooperatively managed at all
settled by the teacher. most of the time. times.
Clean and orderly
Clean and orderly workplace at
Neatness and Messy workplace during workplace with occasional
all times during and after the
Orderliness and after the experiment. mess during and after the
Members require Members require
Ability to do Members do not need to be
supervision by the occasional supervision by
independent work supervised by the teacher.
teacher. the teacher.
Other Comments/Observations: Total Score

(Total Score)
Rating= ×100
9. References
Murthy, V.N.S. (2011). Textbook of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering. Singapore: Alken Company

American Society for Testing and Materials (1999). Wet Preparation of Soil Samples for Particle-Size Analysis and
Determination of Soil Constants (D-2217). Pennsylvania: ASTM International

Experiment No. 4

1. Objective(s):
The activity aim to orient the students the concepts involved in the extraction and preparation of
undisturbed soil samples.
2. Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs):
The students shall be able to:
• Understand the principles regarding the extraction of undisturbed soil samples.
• Acquire engineering judgment in deciding when to extract undisturbed soil samples in a soil
• Understand the importance of achieving an undisturbed sample to represent the condition of the

3. Discussion:

Sample disturbance is attributed to be caused by the thickness of the sampler and its diameter. A sampler
with a bigger diameter will minimize the disturbance during extraction. Meanwhile a relatively thick
sampler would cause sample disturbance. It is important to minimize sample disturbance as it could
influence the result of certain laboratory experiments.

4. Resources:

1. Thin-walled sampler
2. Spade or shovel
3. Hand auger
4. Hydraulic jack
5. Paraffin wax

5. Procedure:
A. For extraction of undisturbed soil sample
1. Select a site which is predominantly clayey. Clear the site using a spade or a shovel. Using a
hand auger, drill the soil until the required depth is achieved to begin the sampling.
2. Lower the thin-walled sampler to the bottom of the borehole and apply a continuous pressure
to advance the sampler in a rapid downward motion.
3. Determine the length of advance. Minimize the length of advance to about 10 to 15 diameter
of the tube.
4. Carefully withdraw the sampler from the soil formation as to minimize disturbance of the
sample. The tube can be slowly rotated to shear the material at the end of the tube, and to
relieve water and/or suction pressures and achieve a better recovery. For soft soil formation, a
delay before withdraw of the sampler (typically 5 to 30 minutes) may improve sample
5. Measure the overall sample length. Seal the lower end of the tube using a paraffin wax.
6. Repeat procedures 1 to 5 until 3 samples are obtained.

B. For removal of undisturbed soil sample

1. Using an especially made hydraulic jack, extrude the sample in a swift, continuous speed.
2. Record the observations in a field log book.

Course: Experiment No.:

Group No.: Section:
Group Leader: Date Performed:
Group Members: Date Submitted:
1. Instructor:

6. Data and Results:

Sample # Length (cm) Weight (g) Description


7. Conclusion:

8. Assessment (Rubric for Laboratory Performance):


1 2 3
I. Laboratory Skills
Members do not Members occasionally
Manipulative Members always
demonstrate needed demonstrate needed
Skills demonstrate needed skills.
skills. skills
Experimental Members are unable to Members are able to Members are able to set-up
Set-up set-up the materials. set-up the materials with the material with minimum

supervision. supervision.
Members do not Members occasionally Members always
Process Skills demonstrate targeted demonstrate targeted demonstrate targeted
process skills. process skills. process skills.
Members follow safety
Safety Members do not follow Members follow safety
precautions most of the
Precautions safety precautions. precautions at all times.
II. Work Habits
Members do not finish Members finish ahead of time
Management / Members finish on time
on time with incomplete with complete data and time
Conduct of with incomplete data.
data. to revise data.
Members do not know Members have defined
Members are on tasks and
their tasks and have no responsibilities most of
have defined responsibilities
Cooperative and defined responsibilities.
the time. Group
at all times. Group conflicts
Teamwork Group conflicts have to conflicts are
are cooperatively managed at
be settled by the cooperatively managed
all times.
teacher. most of the time.
Clean and orderly
Messy workplace during workplace with Clean and orderly workplace
Neatness and
and after the occasional mess during at all times during and after
experiment. and after the the experiment.
Members require Members require
Ability to do Members do not need to be
supervision by the occasional supervision
independent work supervised by the teacher.
teacher. by the teacher.
Other Comments/Observations: Total Score
(Total Score)
Rating= ×100

9. References
Murthy, V.N.S. (2011). Textbook of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering . Singapore: Alken

American Society for Testing and Materials (2000). Thin-Walled Tube Sampling of Soils for Geotechnical
Purposes (D-1587). Pennsylvania: ASTM International

Experiment No. 5

1. Objective(s):
The activity aims to impart the manual and visual procedures for soil description and identification
prior to detailed site investigation.
2. Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs):
The students shall be able to:
• understand the soil parameters that are being understood through the conduct of the experiment
• conceptualize a procedure for conduct of initial investigation on a site proposed by the instructor

3. Discussion:

It is common in engineering practice that site investigation is under time constraint and engineering
decisions are need to be made even before the release of the results of laboratory experiments. To aid the
engineer in his judgment, visual and manual procedures are proposed which allows gathering of reliable
data in the shortest time possible.

4. Resources:
1. Erlen meyer flask with diluted Hydrochloric acid
2. Pan
3. Sieve #40
4. Spatula
5. Procedure:

1. For every defined soil layer in the boring test, get a representative soil sample to be subjected for
visual examination.
2. Examine the soil if it is fine-grained or coarse-grained. A coarse-grained soil is abrasive in texture
and does not exhibit any interparticle attraction A fine-grained soil is smooth in texture and exhibits
interparticle attraction. . Observe if it exhibits the property of a peat soil. Peat soil is a problematic
soil which is composed primarily of vegetable tissue in various stages of decomposition and
usually in dark brown to black in color with organic odor.

For coarse-grained soil

1. Describe the angularity of the particles if it is angular, subangular, rounded or subrounded.
Angular particles have sharp edges and relatively plane sides with unpolished surfaces. If the
particles are similar to angular particles but have rounded edges, classify as subangular. Rounded
particles have smoothly curved sides and no evident edges. Subrounded particles have have
nearly plane sides but have well-rounded corners and edges.
2. Describe the color and the odor of the soil. Color and odor are important in identifying presence of
organic soil shown by presence of decaying vegetative material. Through the smell, presence of
petroleum and various chemicals can also be identified.
3. Describe the moisture content of the soil. If the soil is observed to be dry to the touch, note as dry.
If the soil is damp however, no visible water is found, classify as moist. Presence of visible water

especially if the soil is underneath the water table will classify the soil as wet.
4. Determine the presence of calcium carbonate as a cementing agent in the soil through the use of
dilute hydrochloric acid (HCl). Describe if the reaction is none, weak if limited bubbles are present
or strong if violent reaction is observed.
5. Describe the cementation of the soil. Soil that breaks easily with little finger pressure is classified
as weak. If considerable pressure is needed, classify the soil as moderate. Should the soil not
break under finger pressure, the cementation of the soil is strong.
6. Repeat until 4 samples are obtained.

For fine-grained soil

1. Select a representative sample and remove the particles that will not pass Sieve #40. The
specimen is to be tested for dry strength, dilatancy and toughness strength.
2. For the dry strength, select a material that will allow it to form into a ball of about 25 mm in
diameter. Add water if necessary. Then, divide it into three (3) portions and form it into a ball of 12
mm in diameter. Allow it to dry to the sun or air dry. Test the dry strength of the ball by crushing it
in between the fingers. Classify the dry strength as None, Low, Medium, High or Very High.
3. For the dilatancy test, select a material that will form the soil into 12 mm ball. Add water if
necessary until it has a soft but not sticky consistency. Using a spatula, smoothen the ball in the
palm of one hand. Shake the soil by striking the side of the hand against the other hand several
times and note the reaction of water on the surface of the soil. Squeeze the soil and note if the
water disappears. Note the dilatancy as None, Slow or rapid.
4. For the toughness test, select a portion of the specimen wherein the soil is to be rolled into
threads 3 mm in diameter. Fold and reroll the sample until the soil is about to crumble at a
diameter of about 3 mm. Note the pressure required to roll the thread as Low, Medium or High.

Course: Experiment No.:
Group No.: Section:
Group Leader: Date Performed:
Group Members: Date Submitted:
1. Instructor:

6. Data and Results:

Coarse grained soil

Description Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3 Sample 4
Moisture content
Reaction with HCl
Fine grained soil
Description Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3 Sample 4
Dry Strength

7. Conclusion:

8. Assessment (Rubric for Laboratory Performance):


1 2 3
I. Laboratory Skills
Members do not Members occasionally
Manipulative Members always
demonstrate needed demonstrate needed
Skills demonstrate needed skills.
skills. skills
Members are able to Members are able to set-up
Experimental Members are unable to
set-up the materials with the material with minimum
Set-up set-up the materials.
supervision. supervision.
Members do not Members occasionally Members always
Process Skills demonstrate targeted demonstrate targeted demonstrate targeted
process skills. process skills. process skills.
Members follow safety
Safety Members do not follow Members follow safety
precautions most of the
Precautions safety precautions. precautions at all times.
II. Work Habits
Members do not finish Members finish ahead of time
Management / Members finish on time
on time with incomplete with complete data and time
Conduct of with incomplete data.
data. to revise data.
Members do not know Members have defined
Members are on tasks and
their tasks and have no responsibilities most of
have defined responsibilities
Cooperative and defined responsibilities.
the time. Group
at all times. Group conflicts
Teamwork Group conflicts have to conflicts are
are cooperatively managed at
be settled by the cooperatively managed
all times.
teacher. most of the time.
Clean and orderly
Messy workplace during workplace with Clean and orderly workplace
Neatness and
and after the occasional mess during at all times during and after
experiment. and after the the experiment.
Members require Members require
Ability to do Members do not need to be
supervision by the occasional supervision
independent work supervised by the teacher.
teacher. by the teacher.
Other Comments/Observations: Total Score
(Total Score)
Rating= ×100

9. References
Murthy, V.N.S. (2011). Textbook of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering . Singapore: Alken

American Society for Testing and Materials (2000). Standard Practice for Description and Identification of
Soils by Visual-Manual Procedure (D-2488) . Pennsylvania: ASTM International

Experiment No. 6

1. Objective(s):
To introduce to the student the procedure in determining the weight-volume characteristics of the soil.
2. Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs):
The students shall be able to:
• connect the relationship of water content, unit weight, void ratio and degree of saturation.
• describe methods in determining water content, unit weight, void ratio and degree of saturation.

3. Discussion:

The determination of water content, unit weight and void ratio is an important requirement in laboratory
tests and is part of the test included in more elaborate tests. Water content is an important measure in the
compaction of soil. In order that correct water content is obtained from a soil sample, several samples at
different points must be taken. They are then mixed and the water content is then obtained from this soil

Various methodologies have been devised to determine the unit weight of the soil in the field such as
calibrated bucket method, nuclear method to name a few. For determination of the unit weight in a
laboratory setting, paraffin wax can be used in determining the unit weight. The paraffin coating applied on
the soil will allow determination of its volume as it is submerged in water.

The specific gravity of the solid grains of the soil is an engineering parameter which is dependent on the
mineralogy of the soil and the structure of its solid grains. Upon determination of the specific gravity, the
void ratio and degree of saturation of the soil can then be determined mathematically.

4. Resources:

1. Tin cup
2. Triple-beam Balance
3. Oven
4. Pycnometer
5. Bunsen burner
6. Paraffin wax

5. Procedure:

Note: For this experiment, coarse-grained soil sample is to be utilized to expedite the oven-drying of the

Water Content Determination

1. Weigh a tin cup including its cover; identify the cover and its lid. Determine the weight of the tin

2. Place a representative sample of wet soil in the cup. Determine the weight of wet soul and tin cup.
3. Place the sample in the oven for at least 3 hours.
4. When the sample has dried to constant weight, obtain the weight of cup and dry soil
5. Compute the water content. The difference between weight of wet soil plus cup and weight of dry
soil plus cup is the weight of water (W w). Also compute the weight of dry soil (W s).
6. To determine the water content ().

 = Ww/Ws x 100

7. Repeat until three (3) trials are achieved. Determine the average moisture content.

Unit Weight Determination

1. Trim a sample of soil to about 1 ½ inches diameter and 2 to 3 inches long. Surface should be
smooth and rounded. Weigh to up to the nearest 0.1 gram.
2. Cover with a thin coating of paraffin and weigh again. Compute the volume of paraffin from weight
of paraffin. The specific gravity of paraffin is about 0.9
3. Immerse the coated sample in water in the graduated cylinder and determine its displacement.
The volume of the sample is the volume of the water displaced minus the volume of the paraffin.
4. Compute the unit weight in grams/cu. cm.

• The volume of the paraffin is equal to the weight of paraffin used to coat sample divided by the
density of paraffin. Density of paraffin is 0.90

Wt. of paraffin = Wt. Soil coated with paraffin – wt. of soil uncoated with paraffin

• The volume of the paraffin—coated sample is equal to the weight in air minus the weight in water,
(express the weight in gm)
• Wet density of soil = wt of soil g/cc or kg/m
vol of soil

Specific Gravity Determination:

Calibration of Pycnometer
1. Transfer carefully the 25 gm sample to the calibrated bottle and add distilled water until about ½
full. Care must be exercised so as not to lose any of the soil in the transfer.
2. Expel the entrapped air by boiling gently for at least 10 minutes. Roll the bottle occasionally to
facilitate the removal of air.
3. Cool the sample to room temperature or to a temperature within the range of the calibration curve
of the bottle used.

Determination of Specific Gravity

1. Fill the bottle with distilled water to the calibration mark as discussed in step 2 from calibration of
2. Dry the outside of the bottle, as in step 3, pycnometer calibration.

3. Weigh the bottle with water and soil, and record as W b.
4. Read and record the temperature of the contents to 0.1 °C, as in step 5, pycnometer calibration.
5. Repeat procedure for at least 3 trials.

Note: An alternative heating device that can be used is an electric plate stove with wire gauze.

Gs = G t (Ws)
W s + Wa – W b


Gs – Specific gravity
Gt – Specific gravity of distilled water at the temperature when
Wb was obtained (refer to Table A)
Ws – Weight of oven-dried sample
Wa – weight of bottle + water (from calibration curve)
Wb – weight of bottle + soil and water

Determination of Void Ratio and Degree of Saturation:

The void ratio can be determined from the formula shown below:

e= wGs (1+w) - 1

The degree of saturation can be determined from the formula shown below:

S = Gs/e

Course: Experiment No.:
Group No.: Section:
Group Leader: Date Performed:
Group Members: Date Submitted:
1. Instructor:

6. Data and Results:

Moisture Content Determination

Description Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3
Wt of tin cup (Wc)
Wt. of tin cup + Wet Soil (Wc+ws)
Wt. of tin cup and dry soil (Wc+dc)
Wt. of water (Ww)
Wt. of dry soil (Wds)
Water Content ()

Unit Weight Determination

Description Description
Wt. of soil (Ws) Wt. of paraffin (Wp)
Wt. of soil and paraffin Volume of paraffin (Vp)
Volume of soil+paraffin Volume of soil (Vs)
Unit weight ()

Specific Gravity Determination

Description Description
SG of distilled water (Gt) Wt. of bottle + water (Wa)
Wt. of oven-dried Weight of bottle + soil +
sample (Ws) water (Wb)
Specific gravity of soil (Gs)

Determination of Void Ratio and Degree of Saturation

Void ratio
Degree of Saturation

7. Conclusion:

8. Assessment (Rubric for Laboratory Performance):


1 2 3
I. Laboratory Skills
Members do not Members occasionally
Manipulative Members always
demonstrate needed demonstrate needed
Skills demonstrate needed skills.
skills. skills
Members are able to Members are able to set-up
Experimental Members are unable to
set-up the materials with the material with minimum
Set-up set-up the materials.
supervision. supervision.
Members do not Members occasionally Members always
Process Skills demonstrate targeted demonstrate targeted demonstrate targeted
process skills. process skills. process skills.
Members follow safety
Safety Members do not follow Members follow safety
precautions most of the
Precautions safety precautions. precautions at all times.
II. Work Habits
Members do not finish Members finish ahead of time
Management / Members finish on time
on time with incomplete with complete data and time
Conduct of with incomplete data.
data. to revise data.
Cooperative and Members do not know Members have defined Members are on tasks and
Teamwork their tasks and have no responsibilities most of have defined responsibilities
defined responsibilities. the time. Group at all times. Group conflicts

Group conflicts have to conflicts are
are cooperatively managed at
be settled by the cooperatively managed
all times.
teacher. most of the time.
Clean and orderly
Messy workplace during workplace with Clean and orderly workplace
Neatness and
and after the occasional mess during at all times during and after
experiment. and after the the experiment.
Members require Members require
Ability to do Members do not need to be
supervision by the occasional supervision
independent work supervised by the teacher.
teacher. by the teacher.
Other Comments/Observations: Total Score
(Total Score)
Rating= ×100

9. References
Murthy, V.N.S. (2011). Textbook of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering . Singapore: Alken

American Society for Testing and Materials (2000). Standard Test Method for Determination of Water
Content of Soil by Direct Heating Method (D-4959) . Pennsylvania: ASTM International

American Society for Testing and Materials (2002). Standard Test Methods for Determination of Specific
Gravity of Soil Solids by Water Pycnometer (D-854) . Pennsylvania: ASTM International

Experiment No. 7

1. Objective(s):
The activity aims to impart how the moisture content influences the behavior of fine-grained soils.
2. Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs):
The students shall be able to:
 understand the concept of Atterberg limits and how it influences the behavior of the soil.
 determine the liquid limit, plastic limit and shrinkage limit of the given soil sample.
 describe the relationship of liquid limit and plastic limit in soil identification.

3. Discussion:
The liquid limit and plastic limit are used internationally for soil identification, soil classification and for
strength co-relation. It is also helpful in determining consolidation and settlement of soil. The liquid limit is
arbitrarily defined as the moisture content at which a soil pat placed in a brass cup cut with a standard
groove and dropped from a height of 1cm will undergo a groove closure of 12.7mm after 25 drops.

Plastic limit is the moisture content at which soil threads start to crumble when rolled to 3mm diameter
threads. The difference of the plastic limit and liquid limit is the plasticity index. This is the range of water
content wherein the soil will act like a plastic.

The shrinkage limit is the moisture content wherein the volume of the soil will cease to reduce in relation to
reduction of moisture content. Shrinkage limit is important in earthworks for predicting the shrinkage and
swelling potential of soil.

4. Resources:

1. Liquid limit device with groove tool

2. Tin can
3. spatula
4. Triple beam balance
5. Soil oven, pan
6. Shrinkage dish
7. Paraffin wax with sewing thread
8. Spring balance

5. Procedure:

Liquid Limit Test

1. Prepare at least 250g of representative air dry soil sample passing the no. 40 sieve. Pulverize this
soil sample. Be sure to break all lumps to elemental particles.
2. Prepare at least 3 moisture tin cans. Mix the prepared sample with a small amount of water. Mix
the sample of soil thoroughly until it becomes uniform and consistent in appearance (no lumps). A
major source of error is poor mixing.
3. On the liquid limit device cup, place an amount of sol. Smooth the pat surface. Using the grooving
tool, cut a groove at the middle.

4. Fasten the brass cup to the hinge of the liquid limit device.
5. Using the 1cm. block at the end of the grooving tool, adjust the height of the fall to exactly 1
centimeter. Height of fall is very critical and as little as 0.1cm can affect the liquid limit by several
6. Prepare 3 different consistencies of soil based on the number of blows in the liquid limit device:
25-35, 20-30 and 15-25 blows. This is done carefully by adding water to the soil.
7. Mix the soil sample until the consistency would require 25-35 blows to close the groove for about
12.5 mm. Take moisture content near the groove using 30g of soil to determine the moisture
content by placing in the oven. Keep the temperature at 105 oC.
8. Add additional water to test the remaining consistencies of soil. Repeat procedure 7.
9. Draw the flow curve wherein the data is recorded with the water content in the domain and the log
N in the abscissa. The water content that would require 25 blows to close the groove is the liquid
limit of the sample.

Plastic Limit Test

1. Take a sample of about 100 grams..
2. Start rolling the soil between the finger and the glass plate with adequate pressure to form a soil
thread approximately 3mm with 80-90 strokes per minute. When the diameter of the threads of
soil becomes 3mm, break the threads in smaller pieces, reform into a ball and re-roll. Continue
this re-balling and re-rolling until threads crumble under pressure and soil can no longer be rolled
into threads.
3. When the threads crumbles at a diameter greater than 3mm this is satisfactory to define the
plastic limit.
4. Place the crumbled soil in a tin can until a weight of about 30grams is achieved. Do this until two
(2) samples are achieved. Place it in an oven to oven dry. Maintain the temperature at 105 oC.
5. After determining the moisture content, determine its average. The result is the plastic limit of the

Shinkage Limit Test

1. Weigh the shrinkage dish (Wsd). Fill the shrinkage dish with water and weigh again (W sd+water).
Determine the volume (V) by getting the difference of W sd+water and Wsd and divide it by the unit
weight of water.
V = (Wsd+water - Wsd) / w

2. Grease the inside surface of the shrinkage dish. Place a small portion of the soil pat and carefully
tap the dish to allow the soil pat to flow at the edges. Repeat again until the whole shrinkage dish
is filled. Strike of the excess soil using a straight edge. Record the mass of the soil and dish.
3. Allow the soil to dry into the air until its color turns from dark to light. Oven dry the sample to the
oven kept at 105 oC. Record the mass of the soil and shrinkage dish. Determine the weight of the
dry soil (mdry). Determine its moisture content.
4. Securely tie the soil pat in a sewing thread. Immerse the soil in molten wax. Allow the wax coating
to cool. Determine the mass of the soil with wax (m dry+wax). Determine the mass of the wax (mwax).
Determine its volume by dividing the mass with the unit weight of the wax (V wax).

Vwax = (mdry+wax - mdry) / wax

5. Using a spring balance, determine the mass of the soil and wax in air (m swa). Immerse the soil and
wax in water and determine its mass in water (m sww). Determine the volume of the wax and soil
using the formula:
Vsoil+wax = (mswa-msww)/w

6. Determine the dry volume of soil (Vd) by the difference of the Vsoil+wax and Vwax.
7. Calculate the shrinkage limit of the soil using the formula:

SL = w – (V-Vd)w/ms

Course: Experiment No.:
Group No.: Section:
Group Leader: Date Performed:
Group Members: Date Submitted:
1. Instructor:

6. Data and Results:

Determination of the Liquid Limit

Description Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3
Range 15 – 25 20 – 30 25 – 35
No. of Blows
Wt of tin cup (Wc)
Wt. of tin cup + Wet Soil
Wt. of tin cup and dry
soil (Wc+dc)
Wt. of water (Ww)
Wt. of dry soil (Wds)
Water Content ()
Liquid Limit

Flow Curve

Determination of the Plastic Limit
Description Sample 1 Sample 2
Wt of tin cup (Wc)
Wt. of tin cup + Wet Soil (Wc+ws)
Wt. of tin cup and dry soil (Wc+dc)
Wt. of water (Ww)
Wt. of dry soil (Wds)
Water Content ()
Plastic Limit (Average)

Determination of the Shrinkage Limit

Description Data Description Data
 Volume of Volume of Wax
Shrinkage Dish
Weight of Shrinkage Mass of dry soil and wax
Dish (Wsd) (mdry+wax)
Weight of Shrinkage Volume of wax (Vwax)
Dish and Water
Volume of Shrinkage
Dish (V)
Volume of Soil
 Water Content mass of the soil and wax
in air (mswa)
Wt of tin cup (mc) mass of soil and wax in
water (msww)
Wt. of tin cup + Wet Soil volume of the wax and soil
(mc+ws) (Vwax+soil)
Wt. of tin cup and dry Volume of Soil (Vd)
soil (mc+dc)
Wt. of water (mw)
Wt. of dry soil (mdry) Shrinkage Limit (SL)
Water Content ()

7. Conclusion:

8. Assessment (Rubric for Laboratory Performance):


1 2 3
I. Laboratory Skills
Members do not Members occasionally
Manipulative Members always
demonstrate needed demonstrate needed
Skills demonstrate needed skills.
skills. skills
Members are able to Members are able to set-up
Experimental Members are unable to
set-up the materials with the material with minimum
Set-up set-up the materials.
supervision. supervision.
Members do not Members occasionally Members always
Process Skills demonstrate targeted demonstrate targeted demonstrate targeted
process skills. process skills. process skills.
Members follow safety
Safety Members do not follow Members follow safety
precautions most of the
Precautions safety precautions. precautions at all times.
II. Work Habits
Members do not finish Members finish ahead of time
Management / Members finish on time
on time with incomplete with complete data and time
Conduct of with incomplete data.
data. to revise data.
Members do not know Members have defined
Members are on tasks and
their tasks and have no responsibilities most of
have defined responsibilities
Cooperative and defined responsibilities.
the time. Group
at all times. Group conflicts
Teamwork Group conflicts have to conflicts are
are cooperatively managed at
be settled by the cooperatively managed
all times.
teacher. most of the time.
Clean and orderly
Messy workplace during workplace with Clean and orderly workplace
Neatness and
and after the occasional mess during at all times during and after
experiment. and after the the experiment.
Ability to do Members require Members require Members do not need to be
independent work supervision by the occasional supervision supervised by the teacher.

teacher. by the teacher.
Other Comments/Observations: Total Score
(Total Score)
Rating= ×100

9. References
Murthy, V.N.S. (2011). Textbook of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering . Singapore: Alken

American Society for Testing and Materials (2000). Standard Test Methods for Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit
and Plasticity Index of Soils (D-4318). Pennsylvania: ASTM International

American Society for Testing and Materials (2002). Standard Test Methods for Shrinkage Factors of Soils
by the Wax Method (D-4943). Pennsylvania: ASTM International

Experiment No. 8

1. Objective(s):
The activity aims to introduce to the student the method of conducting a mechanical grain size analysis of
a soil and presenting the resulting data.
2. Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs):
The students shall be able to:
 determine the grain size distribution of the soil.
 determine the soil classification of the sample based from USCS method.

3. Discussion:

A grain size analysis is performed in the laboratory for the purpose of determining the grain size
distribution of the soil. In reporting the results of this test, the common practice is to express the total
weight finer than a given size, as a percentage of the total weight of the soil. The most direct method for
separating the soil particles into various size fractions is by the use of sieve.

The results of a given grain size analysis are usually presented in the form of grain size distribution curve.
The percentage of material finer than a given size, P, is plotted as the ordinate in a natural scale and the
corresponding particle diameter, D in mm, as the abscissa in a logarithmic scale. The slope of the curve is
indicative of the grading. The more uniform the particle size; the steeper is the slope of the curve. A
vertical line represents a soil whose particles are all of the same size. Well-graded soils or those whose
particles distributed from coarse to fine have S-shaped curves that extend several cycles of the
logarithmic scale. The advantage of plotting a semi-log scale is that materials of equal uniformity are
represented by curves of identical shape whether the soil is fine-grained. The curve is also used to
interpolate values of p (percent finer) corresponding to sizes different from the sieve openings.

The Unified Soil Classification System is a soil classification scheme to determine the group name of the
soil to further determine its engineering properties. This is useful in correlating the behavior the behavior
of the soil based from its group description.

4. Resources:

Sieve Test.
1. Set of Standard Sieves.
2. Oven with temperature control.
3. Balance.
4. Pans.
5. Pair of tongs.
6. Manual or Mechanical Sieve Shaker.
7. Mortar and Pestle.

Hydrometer Test.
1. Balance, sensitive to at least 0.10 gram.
2. Mechanical Stirring Apparatus and Dispersion Cup.

3. Hydrometer, heavy and calibrated for soil.
4. 1-liter graduated cylinder.
5. Thermometer.
6. Set of Standard Sieves.
7. Water Bath of constant temperature.
8. Oven with temperature control.
9. Beaker, 400 ml capacity.
10. Timer or Stopwatch.
11. Sodium Silicate.
12. Distilled Water.
13. Drying Pans.
14. Dessicator

5. Procedure:

Sieve Analysis
1. Each group will obtain exactly 500g of oven-dry soil from the bag of stock material. Use sampling
or sampling splitter.
2. If the samples contain appreciable gravel, very few fines or if at the discretion of the instructor,
washing is to be omitted. Otherwise place the test sample on the no. 200 sieve and wash the
material through the sieve using the tap water until the water is clear.
3. Carefully pour the residue, using the back-washing, into a large weighed dish and let it sit for a
short period of time until the top of the suspension becomes clear. Then, place the dish and
remaining soil-water suspension in the oven for drying.
4. On the following day, weigh the oven-dry residue. (Omit this step if you do not wash). Then run
your sample through a stack of sieves from top down.
5. Place the stacks of sieves in a mechanical sieves shaker (if available) and sieve for 5 to 10
minutes until the top few sieves can be removed from the stack. If there is no mechanical shaker,
shake by hand for about 10 minutes. Do not shake in a defined pattern.
6. Remove the stack of sieves from the shaker and obtain the weight of material remaining on each
sieve. Sum these weights and compare with original. Loss of weights should not exceed 2%,
otherwise repeat the sieve test.
7. Compute the percent retained on each sieve by dividing the weight on each sieve to the original
sample weight Ws.
8. Compute the percent passing or percent finer by starting with 100 percent and subtracting the
percent retained on each sieve as a cumulative procedure.
9. Prepare a logarithmic log of percent finer versus grain size.
• If less than 12% of the soil sample passes the number 200 sieve, compute Cc and Cu and
show in the logarithmic graph.
• If more than 12% of the soil sample passes the number 200 sieve, conduct a hydrometer

Cum. % retained = Total mass retained from largest sieve to current sieve/ Total mass of sample
% finer = 100% - Cum. Mass retained

Preparation of Sample for Hydrometer Test
1. Weigh about 50.0 gram of the air-dried sample (100 grams for sandy soil). Place in a beaker, fill
with distilled water to about half-full and allow to soak for at least 18 hours.

Note to Instructor: In performing 5 this test, prepare the said sample a day before the testing

2. After soaking, add 20 ml of sodium silicate as a deflocculating agent, then wash the contents into
the dispersion cup. ( A liter can be used as dispersion cup)
3. Determine the zero correction of the hydrometer. A positive correction (+) is achieved wherein the
reading is between zero and 60. A negative correction is a reading less than zero.

B. Hydrometer Test
1. Transfer the mixture to the graduated cylinder and add more distilled water to bring the water level
to the 100-ml mark.
2. Place the cylinder in the constant temperature bath. In the absence of the constant temperature
bath, you may use an electric plate stove set at the minimum heat (Luke warm) with wire gauze
underneath. Stir the suspension frequently to avoid settlement of the particles.
3. Remove the cylinder from the water bath or from the improvised bath as soon as the temperature
of the suspension and the water bath are the same. Shake thoroughly the mixture for 1 minute by
turning the cylinder upside-down and back, using the palm of the hand as the stopper. The soil
should not stick to the bottom of the cylinder when upside-down.

Note: Care should be exercised in this operation. The cylinder shall not reach temperature
intolerable for handling of the apparatus.
4. Replace the cylinder in the water bath, insert carefully the hydrometer in the suspension and start
the timer.
5. Take hydrometer readings after ½, 1 and 2 minutes without removing the hydrometer from the
suspension. Read the hydrometer at the top of the meniscus formed around its stem. Repeat the
shaking and reading procedure until a consistent set of readings are obtained.
6. Restart the test tube but this time take readings after 2, 5, 15, 30, 60, 250, and 1440 minutes.
Insert carefully the hydrometer about 15 to 20 seconds before each of these readings. Dry the
stem of the hydrometer before insertion. It should be removed carefully and placed in a cylinder of
distilled water after each reading.
7. Determine the equivalent values for Tables 1, 2, 3 and 4 for all hydrometer readings conducted.

a.) Take the temperature of the suspension immediately each hydrometer reading and record.
b.) Between hydrometer readings, cover the top of the cylinder to minimize evaporation and prevent
collection of dust or dirt from the air.

8. After the final reading, wash the suspension on a no. 200 sieve. Dry the fractions retained and
perform the sieve analysis using no.40, 60, and 200 sieves.


Particle Size Diameter (D):

K = derived from Table 2
L = derived from Table 3
T = elapsed time in minutes

Corrected Hydrometer reading (Rc):

Rc = Ractual – C0 – CT

Ractual = actual hydrometer reading
C0 = zero correction
CT = correction factor due to temperature as shown on Table 4

%Finer (P):

P = Rc () / Ws
Rc = corrected hydrometer reading
 = correction factor from Table 1
ws = mass of soil sample (g)

Adjusted percent fines (Pa):

Pa = P x F200
F200 = %finer than sieve 200

Table 1: Values of  vs. Specific Gravity of the Soil (taken from ASTM D422)

Specific Gravity Correction Factor
2.95 0.94
2.90 0.95
2.85 0.96
2.80 0.97
2.75 0.98
2.70 0.99
2.65 1.00
2.60 1.01
2.55 1.02
2.50 1.03
2.45 1.05

Table 2: Values of K vs. Specific Gravity of the Soil (taken from ASTM D422)

Table 3: Values of Effective Depth L vs. Hydrometer Reading (taken from ASTM D422)

Actual Effective Actual Effective Actual Effective Actual Effective
Hydromet Depth, L Hydromet Depth, L Hydromet Depth, L Hydromet Depth, L
er er er er
Reading Reading Reading Reading
0 16.3 16 13.7 32 11.1 48 8.4
1 16.1 17 13.5 33 10.9 49 8.3
2 16.0 18 13.3 34 10.7 50 8.1
3 15.8 19 13.2 35 10.6 51 7.9
4 15.6 20 13.0 36 10.4 52 7.8
5 15.5 21 12.9 37 10.2 53 7.6
6 15.3 22 12.7 38 10.1 54 7.4
7 15.2 23 12.5 39 9.9 55 7.3
8 15.0 24 12.4 40 9.7 56 7.1
9 14.8 25 12.2 41 9.6 57 7.0
10 14.7 26 12.0 42 9.4 58 6.8
11 14.5 27 11.9 43 9.2 59 6.6
12 14.3 28 11.7 44 9.1 60 6.5
13 14.2 29 11.5 45 8.9
14 14.0 30 11.4 46 8.7
15 13.8 31 11.2 47 8.6

Table 4: Correction Factors due to Temperature

Temperature oC Correction Factor, CT Temperature oC Correction Factor, CT

15 -1.10 23 +0.70
16 -0.90 24 +1.00
C -0.70 25 +1.30
18 -0.50 26 +1.65
19 -0.30 27 +2.00
20 0.00 28 +2.50
21 +0.20 29 +3.05
22 +0.40 30 +3.80

Soil Classification using USCS Method

Determine the %gravel, % sand, %silt and clay of the sample. Determine the value of the
uniformity coefficient, Cu and coefficient of concavity, CC. For fine-grained soil using the formula:

Cu = D60 / D10

Cc = D302 / (D10 x D60)

Course: Experiment No.:

Group No.: Section:
Group Leader: Date Performed:

Group Members: Date Submitted:
1. Instructor:

6. Data and Results:

Sieve Analysis of Coarse-grained Soil

Sieve No. Mass retained Cumulative Mass Percent Finer


Hydrometer Test Method for Fine-grained Soil

Elapse Temp Actual L (from K (from D CT a (from Corrected % Finer Adjusted
d Time Hydro. Table 1) Table 2) (mm) (from Table 4) Hydromet (P) % Finer
(min) Rdg. Table 3) er

Hydrometer No: Specific gravity:

Weight of soil sample: Zero correction:

% Gravel: ___________ Cu: ___________

% Sand: ___________ Cc : ___________
% Silt: ___________
% Clay: ___________

Particle Size Distribution:

7. Conclusion:

8. Assessment (Rubric for Laboratory Performance):

1 2 3
I. Laboratory Skills
Members do not Members occasionally
Manipulative Members always
demonstrate needed demonstrate needed
Skills demonstrate needed skills.
skills. skills
Members are able to Members are able to set-up
Experimental Members are unable to
set-up the materials with the material with minimum
Set-up set-up the materials.
supervision. supervision.
Members do not Members occasionally Members always
Process Skills demonstrate targeted demonstrate targeted demonstrate targeted
process skills. process skills. process skills.
Members follow safety
Safety Members do not follow Members follow safety
precautions most of the
Precautions safety precautions. precautions at all times.
II. Work Habits
Members do not finish Members finish ahead of time
Management / Members finish on time
on time with incomplete with complete data and time
Conduct of with incomplete data.
data. to revise data.
Members do not know Members have defined
Members are on tasks and
their tasks and have no responsibilities most of
have defined responsibilities
Cooperative and defined responsibilities.
the time. Group
at all times. Group conflicts
Teamwork Group conflicts have to conflicts are
are cooperatively managed at
be settled by the cooperatively managed
all times.
teacher. most of the time.
Clean and orderly
Messy workplace during workplace with Clean and orderly workplace
Neatness and
and after the occasional mess during at all times during and after
experiment. and after the the experiment.
Members require Members require
Ability to do Members do not need to be
supervision by the occasional supervision
independent work supervised by the teacher.
teacher. by the teacher.
Other Comments/Observations: Total Score
(Total Score)
Rating= ×100

9. References
Murthy, V.N.S. (2011). Textbook of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering . Singapore: Alken

American Society for Testing and Materials (1998). Standard Test Method for Particle Size Analysis of

Soils (D-422). Pennsylvania: ASTM International

Experiment No. 9

1. Objective(s):
The activity aims to introduce the concept of compaction and the relationship of moisture content
to the dry unit weight of the soil.
2. Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs):
The students shall be able to:
 Connect the significance of compaction test in other properties of soil.
 determine the relative density of soils by compaction test.
 describe the use of water in relation to the dry density of the soil.

3. Discussion:

Soil Compaction is generally the cheapest method of improving the engineering properties of the soil. In
compaction, the soil solids are forced to a tighter state in order to achieve a higher unit weight and reduce
the air voids.

The process of compaction is better understood by comprehension of the behavior of a soil mass under
compaction. In a dry condition, the frictional resistance of the soil would resist granular rearrangement;
therefore, the compacting force is not quite effective. Introduction of a lubricant such as a predetermined
amount of water is mixed, would then be absorbed by soil particles, forming minutely thin and coherent
water films around the particles. In this condition, the soil particles will readily move closer together under
the compacting pressure due to the lubricating effect of water and reduced frictional resistance. When a
certain amount of water, called the optimum, has been added, the compacting force completely
overcomes the frictional resistance and maximum density of the soil mass is attained.

4. Resources:

1. Compaction mold and hammer

2. Moisture sprayer
3. No. 4 sieve
4. Rubbed tipped pestle
5. Scoop
6. Spatula
7. Large mixing pan
8. Balance
9. Drying oven

5. Procedure:

1. Weigh the empty mold.

2. Obtain a 6 lb. representative specimen of the soil sample to be tested. Break sample with the use
of rubber pestle and pass through No. 4 sieve.
3. Form a 2 to 3 inch layer using the soil passing though No. 4 sieve.
4. Press soil until it is smooth and compact it with a specific number of evenly distributed blows of

the hammer, using a one foot drop. Rotate the hammer to ensure a uniform distribution of blows.
5. Repeat the same procedure for the second and third layers seeing to it that a uniform distribution
of blows.
6. After compaction of the third layer the soil should be slightly above the top rim of the mold.
7. Remove the collar and trim off the soil from the top of the mold. Tart trimming along the center and
work towards end of the mold.
8. After the soil has been made even with the top of the mold and all base soil cleaned from the
outside, weigh the cylinder sample to 10 lb.
9. Remove the soil from cylinder and obtain a representative sample of 50gm for a water content
determination. The water content sample should be made up with specimens from the top, middle
and bottom of the compacted soil.
10. Break up by hand then removed from the cylinder and remix with the original sample and raise its
water content by 3% by adding water to the sample with sprayer. Mix the soil thoroughly. By
weighing the sprayer before and after the spraying, the amount of water added is known.
11. Keep repeating the procedures for 5 to six times until soil is sticky. Use 3% approximate water
12. Compute dry density of each sample and plot the compaction curve. Determine the Optimum
Moisture Content of the sample.

Course: Experiment No.:
Group No.: Section:
Group Leader: Date Performed:
Group Members: Date Submitted:
1. Instructor:

6. Data and Results:

Determination of Optimum Moisture Content

Description Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3 Sample 4 Sample 5
Weight of mold
Weight of mold
+ compacted
soil (Wm+s)
Weight of
compacted soil
Volume of Mold
Wet Unit
Weight ( wet)
Wt of tin cup
Wt. of tin cup +
Wet Soil
Wt. of tin cup
and dry soil
Wt. of water
Wt. of dry soil
Content ()
Dry unit
weight ( dry)

Compaction Curve:

7. Conclusion:

8. Assessment (Rubric for Laboratory Performance):


1 2 3
I. Laboratory Skills
Members do not Members occasionally
Manipulative Members always
demonstrate needed demonstrate needed
Skills demonstrate needed skills.
skills. skills
Members are able to Members are able to set-up
Experimental Members are unable to
set-up the materials with the material with minimum
Set-up set-up the materials.
supervision. supervision.
Members do not Members occasionally Members always
Process Skills demonstrate targeted demonstrate targeted demonstrate targeted
process skills. process skills. process skills.
Members follow safety
Safety Members do not follow Members follow safety
precautions most of the
Precautions safety precautions. precautions at all times.
II. Work Habits
Members do not finish Members finish ahead of time
Management / Members finish on time
on time with incomplete with complete data and time
Conduct of with incomplete data.
data. to revise data.
Members do not know Members have defined
Members are on tasks and
their tasks and have no responsibilities most of
have defined responsibilities
Cooperative and defined responsibilities.
the time. Group
at all times. Group conflicts
Teamwork Group conflicts have to conflicts are
are cooperatively managed at
be settled by the cooperatively managed
all times.
teacher. most of the time.
Clean and orderly
Messy workplace during workplace with Clean and orderly workplace
Neatness and
and after the occasional mess during at all times during and after
experiment. and after the the experiment.
Members require Members require
Ability to do Members do not need to be
supervision by the occasional supervision
independent work supervised by the teacher.
teacher. by the teacher.
Other Comments/Observations: Total Score
(Total Score)
Rating= ×100

9. References
Murthy, V.N.S. (2011). Textbook of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering . Singapore: Alken

American Society for Testing and Materials (2000). Standard Test Method for Laboratory Compaction
Characteristics using Modified Effort (D-1557) . Pennsylvania: ASTM International


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