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Meyer Peter and Muller

D50 (m) 0.0005 D90 (m) 0.00075 S (slope) 0.000667 γ1 SG 2.65

Inflow A (m2) Depth (m) V (m/s) R (m) Kr Sr b q

4 600 290 1.75 2.068966 1.75 86.25742 0.000273 165.7143 3.62069
8 725 344 2.16 2.107558 2.16 86.25742 0.000214 159.2593 4.552326
12 878 395 2.46 2.222785 2.46 86.25742 0.0002 160.5691 5.468051
16 1020 445 2.7 2.292135 2.7 86.25742 0.000188 164.8148 6.188764
20 1380 559 3.5 2.468694 3.5 86.25742 0.000154 159.7143 8.640429
24 1769 698 4.65 2.534384 4.65 86.25742 0.000111 150.1075 11.78489
28 3136 1056 7.05 2.969697 7.05 86.25742 8.77E-05 149.7872 20.93636
32 4240 1388 7.98 3.054755 7.98 86.25742 7.86E-05 173.9348 24.37695
36 3356 1130 7.15 2.969912 7.15 86.25742 8.61E-05 158.042 21.23487
40 1832 720 4.89 2.544444 4.89 86.25742 0.000105 147.2393 12.44233
44 1045 475 3.15 2.2 3.15 86.25742 0.000141 150.7937 6.93
48 763 395 2.39 1.931646 2.39 86.25742 0.000157 165.272 4.616633
52 625 305 1.96 2.04918 1.96 86.25742 0.00023 155.6122 4.016393
ρw 0.102

LHS RHS1 RHS2 (LHS-RHS1)/RHS2 qb (ton/s/m) qb (kg/sec)

0.000477 3.88E-05 0.116784 0.0037560365 0.0002301944 38.1465
0.000462 3.88E-05 0.116784 0.0036225348 0.0002180313 34.7235
0.000492 3.88E-05 0.116784 0.0038801532 0.0002416981 38.8093
0.000507 3.88E-05 0.116784 0.0040102366 0.000253954 41.8554
0.000539 3.88E-05 0.116784 0.004287551 0.0002807462 44.8392
0.000517 3.88E-05 0.116784 0.0040967548 0.0002622165 39.3607
0.000618 3.88E-05 0.116784 0.0049611727 0.0003494431 52.3421
0.000628 3.88E-05 0.116784 0.0050421116 0.0003580294 62.2738
0.000615 3.88E-05 0.116784 0.0049371411 0.0003469072 54.8259
0.000513 3.88E-05 0.116784 0.0040577263 0.0002584783 38.0582
0.000444 3.88E-05 0.116784 0.0034678163 0.0002042133 30.7941
0.000375 3.88E-05 0.116784 0.0028797559 0.0001545374 25.5407
0.000451 3.88E-05 0.116784 0.0035295572 0.0002096913 32.6305
0.0033681405 534.1997
Ackers and White Approach R# 200

(m) d50 0.0005 (m) d90 0.000750 Slope 0.00067 S

dgr 12.6479747001 m 2.1038 A

n 0.3829 C

Weeks Inflow (m3/sec) A (m2) Depth D (m) R (m) Width B (m) V (m/sec) q (m2/sec)
4 600 290 1.75 1.75 165.71 2.07 3.62
8 725 344 2.16 2.16 159.26 2.11 4.55
12 878 395 2.46 2.46 160.57 2.22 5.47
16 1020 445 2.7 2.7 164.81 2.29 6.19
20 1380 559 3.5 3.5 159.71 2.47 8.64
24 1769 698 4.65 4.65 150.11 2.53 11.78
28 3136 1056 7.05 7.05 149.79 2.97 20.94
32 4240 1388 7.98 7.98 173.93 3.05 24.38
36 3356 1130 7.15 7.15 158.04 2.97 21.23
40 1832 720 4.89 4.89 147.24 2.54 12.44
44 1045 475 3.15 3.15 150.79 2.20 6.93
48 763 395 2.39 2.39 165.27 1.93 4.62
52 625 305 1.96 1.96 155.61 2.05 4.02
2.65 (ton/m3) γw 1 (ton-sec/m4) ρw 0.102


U* Fgr1 Fgr2 Fgr Ggr X qt (ton/sec/m)

0.106981 4.723798 0.211200 0.997665 0.441349 0.001039 0.003761
0.118855 4.918033 0.211013 1.037767 0.489616 0.000903 0.004111
0.126840 5.042012 0.216436 1.091272 0.558120 0.000900 0.004920
0.132883 5.132670 0.219414 1.126178 0.605353 0.000884 0.005470
0.151294 5.394097 0.226383 1.221133 0.744068 0.000820 0.007089
0.174387 5.695592 0.226539 1.290273 0.854549 0.000678 0.007996
0.214725 6.167908 0.244371 1.507257 1.253777 0.000644 0.013488
0.228450 6.315965 0.247077 1.560528 1.364083 0.000611 0.014901
0.216243 6.184561 0.244203 1.510287 1.259920 0.000637 0.013519
0.178831 5.750728 0.226479 1.302420 0.874789 0.000655 0.008151
0.143530 5.286390 0.212082 1.121147 0.598420 0.000716 0.004961
0.125022 5.014225 0.198802 0.996836 0.440379 0.000696 0.003215
0.113218 4.827401 0.208560 1.006802 0.452116 0.000926 0.003720
qt (kg/sec)
15108.9585865 kg/sec
476476117985 kg/year
Life of Resirvoir

Weeks Inflow (m3/sec) Inflow (MCM) UDO (MCM) Surplus Deficit

4 600 1451.52 3976.61 2525.09
8 725 1753.92 3976.61 2222.69
12 878 2124.0576 3976.61 1852.55
16 1020 2467.584 3976.61 1509.02
20 1380 3338.496 3976.61 638.11
24 1769 4279.5648 3976.61 302.96
28 3136 7586.6112 3976.61 3610.00
32 4240 10257.408 3976.61 6280.80
36 3356 8118.8352 3976.61 4142.23
40 1832 4431.9744 3976.61 455.37
44 1045 2528.064 3976.61 1448.54
48 763 1845.8496 3976.61 2130.76
52 625 1512 3976.61 2464.61
51695.8848 Σ 14791.36 14791.36

Capacity of Resirvoir 14791.36 MCM

Half Capacity of Resirvoir 7395.68 MCM
Capacity inflow ratio 0.14
Sediment trapped efficiency 0.85
Sediment trapped/ year 405004700287 kg/year
Vol of sediments 106.98 MCM/year
Half life of resirvoir 69.13 years

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