Fitting in Reading Comprehension Exercises Writing Creative W 77745

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Fitting In

When you travel it’s important to abide by the local rules and customs. As we say the UK, “When in
Rome, do as the Romans do.” Many tourists fail to blend in when they go abroad. In fact, they stick
out sore thumbs and may even get on people’s nerves.

You have to watch your P’s and Q’s in the UK. If you don’t say please and thank you you’ll end up
ticking people off. You can overstep the mark if you start asking personal questions. You shouldn’t
brag about your achievements or wealth either. If people may think you’re a Flash Harry or a show
off they’ll give you the cold shoulder.

No-one will bat an eyelid if you burp in China. If you do it in other countries you’ll get told off.
However you’ll fall out with people if you whistle. It’s considered rude.

If you want to fit in when you visit Spain you should dress up. The grungy look doesn’t go down well
over there.

Greetings are another potential minefield. If French people greet each other with two kisses. In the
UK and America people are more likely to shake hands.

If you do put your

foot in it don’t
w o rr y. H o p e f u l l y
your hosts will
re a l i s e y o u ’ re
f o re i g n a n d t u rn a
blind eye.
Phrasal Verbs Idioms
be accepted notice
_________________ ________________________________
go un-noticed pay no attention
_________________ _________________________________
follow (the rules) difficult situation
_________________ _________________________________
shout at you make a faux pas
_________________ _________________________________
angry/ make someone angry someone who brags
_________________ _________________________________
argue/ end a friendship someone to brags about money
_________________ _________________________________
finish be polite
_________________ _________________________________
dress elegantly do the same as the locals
_________________ _________________________________
dress in casual clothes be totally different
_________________ _________________________________
go too far
it’s not accepted
exclude somebody
annoy somebody


When you travel it’s important to abide by the local rules and customs. As we say the UK, “When in
Rome, do as the Romans do.” Many tourists fail to blend in when they go abroad. In fact, they
stick out sore thumbs and may even get on people’s nerves.

You have to watch your P’s and Q’s in the UK. If you don’t say please and thank you you’ll end up
ticking people off. You can overstep the mark if you start asking personal questions. You shouldn’t
brag about your achievements or wealth either. If people think you’re a Flash Harry or a show off
they’ll give you the cold shoulder.

No-one will bat an eyelid if you burp in China. If you do it in other countries you’ll get told off.
However you’ll fall out with people if you whistle. It’s considered rude.

A lot of offices in the UK have dress down Fridays. If you want to fit in at a Spanish office you
should always dress up. The grungy look doesn’t go down well over there.

Greetings are another potential minefield. In France people greet each other with two kisses. In
the UK and America people are more likely to shake hands.

If you do put your foot in it don’t worry. Hopefully your hosts will realise you’re foreign and
turn a blind eye.
Phrasal Verbs Idioms
Be accepted = fit in Notice= bat an eyelid
Go un-noticed = blend in Ignore = turn a blind eye
Follow (the rules) = abide by Difficult situation= minefield
Shout at you = tell you off Make an embarrassing error= put your foot in it
Angry/ make someone angry= Someone who brags= a show off
tick off Someone to brags about money = a Flash Harry
Argue/ end a friendship= fall out Be polite = watch your P’s and Q’s
Finish = end up When you travel behave the same as the locals =
Dress elegantly = dress up When in Rome do as the Roman’s do.
Dress in casual clothes = dress Be totally different = stick out like a sore thumb
down Go too far= overstep the mark
It’s not accepted = It doesn’t go down well
Exclude somebody = give someone the cold shoulder
Annoy someone = Get on someone’s nerves.

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