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Wind data:

Sensor #1: On Gantry Crane, in Container Terminal

An app talks to the sensor and dumps raw data to DB. The DB has just one table -
it's what you see in attached file wind_data.xlsx (small sample from a simple
SELECT * FROM WindData, there is one row/reading every 2 sec, thousands per day). I
guess we can (apart from the visualisation) create an API for this.

I don't know if the value on field/column "speed" is in Km/h or m/sec! I vaguely

remember having a disagreement on this with the colleague that had installed the
sensor and handed me the task of visualising. In the visualisation app, even my
comments are half and half :-)

I'm converting that value to Beaufort scale, based on the sample function in this

See the visualisation here:

(yes, the "arrow" may seem slightly counter-intuitive, seems to show the opposite
direction than what you'd expect, I'll analyze this in person in Valencia in May!)

Sensor #2: On rooftop of Technical Services building

Data is downloaded manually, on a daily basis. We will work out a way, to leave the
downloaded file in a public repository for you to pull.

The raw data is text, in CSV format. See file met_stn.txt

In file met_stn_notes.txt, I explain the format � what the columns mean. It

features 4 �channels� for the different measurements it holds. One channel, one
reading (value).

Not entirely sure why we ended up with two separate wind sensors. But they are both
useful in terms of Health&Safety: if wind or temperature go above a certain level,
operations stop.
Air quality:

I may have referred to this as �meteo station� in previous documents, I was

corrected by the Health&Safety colleague that this is NOT accurate. It�s an
analyzer � four analyzers, to be correct. See our D3.3 p.13,14 (to understand what
I�m referring to).

The analyzer sends data directly to the logger website � we get the data by logging
in and downloading the data in CSV format, static file. We obviously can�t give you
the credentials for the site, but even if we did, it doesn�t have an API, you�d
have to download the data manually anyway. It has a form to specify datetime range,

Anyway, the data comes in a file like the attached air_qty.csv. This is obviously
too much data/columns, so I�m also attaching air_qty.xlsx, after importing it to
Excel to make it more human-friendly. In the xlsx file, I have marked with yellow
the columns that (according to Health&Safety colleague) are not useful/utilized
anywhere. Also, I�m attaching the file air_qty_notes.txt explaining the columns.
The idea is that in one file ALL data is entered, and each measurement occupies
about 6 columns. If you notice carefully the headers and cross-ref with my notes, I
think you�ll understand the idea.

Again, we will work out a way, to leave the downloaded file in a public repository
for you to pull.

Spatial data:

The attached ThPA_noise_metering_points.kmz has pointers to locations where noise

is measured. These are not from Google or anything, it�s work done by ThPA people

Also, from all geo data in SHP format, in, and a full version of our
geo data in DXF format, in (courtesy of Eirini). We believe you�ll
find what you want in those two, otherwise just ask something more specific.

Open data:

As far as I could tell when going through the sites to compile that list I gave you

unfortunately you are right. And I did note this, most (all?) is indeed static
files, no API or anything...

This site:

shows live data. I don't see anything for API call, but parsing the HTML could work
- there's tools for that (like Unix's curl)

Also, check this one:

This uses Google Maps API and they haven't adapted to last Summer's change of
policy, but still works. Close the first popup, zoom in to Thessaloniki, click on a
meteo station, it loads a full screen with live data. But I wouldn't know if one
can automate this to get the data from an app.

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