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Angelica Colontonio

Anna Oliveri
Jessica Persky
Julia Dobel
Alba DeLeon

-Roles? Who is on the Bilingual Education side? English Only? Moderator?

Moderator: Angelica; Bilingual: Julia and Alba; English: Anna and Jess

--Research Bilingual Education and English Only. Identify 3 pros for each, and 3 cons for each.
PROS of Bilingual Education:
❖ Keeping the language can help students later be employed as a bilingual worker. Jobs can
be found in schools, hospitals, TV broadcasting systems and are in heavy demand.
❖ Cultural diversity in the classroom can expose other students to the ELL students native
language and expand the horizons of students from different backgrounds.
❖ There is no reason to dismay and discard another language, since the United States does
not have a language and we are a melting pot, as long as the student also learns English,
there is no reason to push aside gaining knowledge and expanding a student’s horizons.

CONS of Bilingual Education:

❖ Students are not as exposed to English as much as they could be with English-only
❖ Word and phrases could be inconsistent in the two languages - thus confusing the
❖ Prevents student involvement in local culture by remaining focused on primary language.

PROS of English Education:

● One language that everyone can speak and understand
● English only encourages problem-solving growth
● Helps students develop strong listening skills
CONS of English Education:
● Learning the grammar when speaking english as a second language is extremely difficult
● English is the hardest language to learn.
● Students may feel uncomfortable in the environment, distracting them from education

--Identify 3 key points you will discuss in your opening for Bilingual Education. Briefly
describe why you believe the key points are relevant/appropriate for the debate. Do the
same for English only.
Bilingual Education Opening:
★ Having two bilingual presenters, that team makes a heavy statement into why it is so
important to keep both languages for future employment opportunities and cultural
diversity in the classroom.
★ It is a way for children to immerse themselves in a new language while also staying tied
to their roots. The connection is vital for children to feel comfortable in an entirely new
environment, language, and culture.
★ Education is not just about the learning itself, it is also about how they feel when they
learn. That feeling of comfort is important to making education successful, especially for

--Create 3 questions the English Only side will ask the Bilingual Education side during the cross
examination. Also vice versa.
❖ What are the benefits that students will have in the future if schools had bilingual
❖ How would schools implement bilingual education in the classroom?
❖ Do you think it will be hard for students with lower reading levels to learn 2 languages at
the same time, and how would you help lower level students become proficient in both
❖ Why do you think there should only be english spoken in the classroom, and do you think
that having a separate spanish/italian/french/german/etc class is enough for students to
learn a second language?
❖ What are the benefits of having an english-only curriculum?
❖ How would you fully assess the needs or skills of a student that doesn’t speak english?
--Identify 3 key points you will address in your closing statements for both English Only and
Bilingual Education.

English only
● How do you think you can improve English only education?
● English is a universal language and most countries teach English in schools.
● English is the language we all communicate on a day to day basis so it is important for all
students to have the same level playing field of English.

❖ Connect our personal stories from elementary school to the main points we brought up:
cultural diversity in the classroom (or lack thereof), building an environment of
inclusivity (how we experienced that), and ease of learning the new language with old
one still present.
❖ Having Bilingual education in the classroom makes all students feel inclusive, and it
wont make students feel ashamed of their culture.
❖ Even if the education is not completely bilingual education, at least teachers and students
would be more open-minded to students speaking their own language in the classroom to
help students make connections between their knowledge and what is being taught in the

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