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Def.: Le temperement represente la disposition naturale de la

personne ou combination de né/naissance des traites/characteristiques
mentales et emotionelles.
Le temperement est la base biologique sur laquelle l’homme/la
personalite se forme, se developpe et ....(creshte)
Le fondateur de la theorie de temperement est considere le
physicien grueque de l’Ancienne Hippocrates. Il (states) que les
hummanes sont distinctives(fs) [due to] la correlation de quatre liquides
principaux : sangre, phlegme, [black] bile noire/fiere, [yellow] bile,
pancreasul ?. Mais la premiere typologie du temperament a ete elaboré
par Claudius Gaulin, a physician roman. En accordance avec ces
scientists le type du temperement est [depends of] la predominance d’un
liquid dans l’organisme hummain. Ces sont les types suivants :
- Sanguine (chaud, [pleasant]) – sangre
- Phlegmatique (slow-moving, apathetique) – phlegme
- Melancholique (depressé, triste) – black bile-fierea
- Cholerique (quick to react, hot tempered) – yellow bile
From a historical perspective, Galen’s four humors could be
considered the equivalent of a modern four-factor model of personality.
The temperament basic peculiarities:
- Sensitivity
- Reactivity
- Activity
- Plasticity and rigidity
- Rhythm and reactions
- Extraversion and introversion
- Emotional arousal

Types of temperament
Sanguine – a person with a manifest mental activity, who reacts very
quickly. He changes his mind very often, he gets relatively easy through
failure, hardworking, balanced, sociable and communicative, he is very
energetic, mobile, with very expressive movements and mime. He is
extravert, people-oriented. He has a strong attention, thus he is very
productive doing his job only if he is interested in this job, otherwise he
becomes bored. Usually he is joyful and lively.
Phlegmatic – consistent, stands for stability, calm, rational, curious,
observant, patient, monotonous. Phlegmatic type is charactarezid by
rigidity, low sensibility, weak emotivity, slow tempo of movements,
introversion. His actions, movements, speech, gestures, mime are
calculated, thought and kept under control. His actions and behaviour
are characterized by discipline and order. He goes very hard through
new situations, he doesn’t like to spent/consume his forces in vain, he
needs an “impulse” in work, hardly passes from one situation to another,
indeed he has a very calm state even in highly critical situations. Usually
he is stuck/closed in himself, less communicative and oriented to past.
Choleric – ambitious, leader-like person. He has a lot of aggression,
energy, passion, charismatic, has a strong will. He can quickly fall into
deep depression because of a failure or setback. He is very hardworking,
impetuous, spontaneous, impulsive, inpatient. He is task-oriented
Melancholic – sensitive, fundamentally introverted, thoughtful, shy. He
is perceived as very pondering, considerate and very cautious. He is
susceptible to depression and moodiness, perfectionist, independent.

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