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1. Enumerate the method of tunneling in Hard Rock.

2. Enumerate the methods which can be adopted while tunneling in hard strata. Expalin full face
method with neat sketch.

3. State the advantages of constructing shaft in tunnel work.

4. Write down various method used for removal of Muck.

5. Define the following terms-

(a) Faces of Attack

(b) Mucking

6. Write short notes on following

(a) Stepping & Raising

(b) Classification of shaft

(c) Protection of shaft opening

(d) Timbering & Pumping

7. Explain with neat sketch the sequence of tunnel lining.


1. What is the objective of providing proper ventilation to the tunnel interior during construction?
Give the requirement of air also.

2. Explain the process of mechanical ventilation. Explain its working with neat sketch.

3. Name the factors which affect the length of tunnel which natural ventilation would suffice.

4. What are the effects of dust inhalation in tunneling.

5. Discuss well point drainage system with neat sketch.

6. Name the two operations which are involved in the drainage of tunnel.
7. Write a brief note on placing concrete for lining tunnel.

8. Write a short note on formwork for concrete lining.

9. Why drilling in rocks are required?

10. Name the different types of drill used for rock drilling.

11. Write & Explain various types of drilling pattern.


1. Distinguish between natural & artificial harbours. How an artificial harbour could be made to
provide safe anchorage.

2. Define a harbor & explain its necessity.

3. Write down various requirement of Ports & Harbour.

4. What defects generally are noticed in the design of many harbours.

5. Define a port. Differentiate between Port & harbor.

6. Give the classification of port.

7. Draw a neat sketch of typical artificial harbor.

8. Define break water & give their classification.

9. Write critical note on the failures of Break water

10. Compare Mound & wall type break water.

11. Write a short note on the following.

(a) Dock

(b) Lock

(c) Ebb Gate

(d) Wet Dock & Dry Dock

12. Explain the following –

(a) Quay

(b) Bulk Head

(c) Jetty

(d) Wharves

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