Indian Kings Roleplay Rules

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Read all of the rules carefully. Claiming ignorance of these rules is not allowed
and will result in a permanent ban.
1 � Be respectful of others in the community; personal insults or verbal attacks
outside of role-play (RP) are strictly prohibited!
2 � RP that violates the Youtube or Twitch Terms of Service (ToS) and Rules of
Conduct (RoC) is strictly prohibited:
3 � Any player caught harassing or bullying another player on the server, or
outside of the server but in relation to their presence on the server, will be
permanently removed and barred from the current and any future whitelists.
4 � Your first action in any disagreement should always be to try to RP it out. If
that doesn�t work and you have a problem with another player, handle it privately,
rather than having an open argument on the radio/in chat in the game or in a
Discord. If the player has broken a rule, file a report.
5 � Speaking poorly of others on streams, in chats, or elsewhere will not be
tolerated. If you have an issue with someone, submit a report. You are representing
IORP when you�re on our servers.
6 � Do not message admins directly for general questions. We have a FAQ for
reference and a Discord where you can ask for assistance (#in-game-assistance for
IN-GAME HELP REQUESTS ONLY, and any of the general channels for general help). You
MAY message admins for issues you�d like kept private, and for rule clarifications.
7 � If an admin contacts you to discuss a timeout, the ban will not be lifted
(regardless of its initial duration) until you have spoken to the admin. If an
admin contacts you to discuss a rule break and you do not acknowledge the message
with a response, you may be timed out until you do so.
8 � When you applied to IORP, you signed up with Discord as part of the process.
It�s required that you edit your nickname on the IORP Discord server to �Steam Name
You Applied With (Current Character Name)� so that it�s easier for people to
contact you. Additionally, this will allow admins to find you quickly in the event
a report is filed against you. If the admins are unable to contact you, we will
have no other recourse than to take appropriate actions against you, as we will
only have one side of the story. If your Steam name is the same as your character
name, you must still follow this rule.
9 � You must stay in character at all times on IORP servers. This means no going
out-of-character (OOC) on the radio/in-game chats, as well. Message people on
Steam, Discord, or other methods if you need to, but keep it all in-character (IC)
when playing on IORP.
10 � DO NOT broadcast music to the server using the internal VOIP unless agreed
upon by all present parties.

1 � Treat all members with respect.
2 � Update your name to the proper format.
3 � Do not dm admins unless they explicitly say it is ok.
4 � Do not tag admins without reason. (Asking general questions is not a reason)
5 � Do not bring character bashing/salt into the discord. Either dm the people
directly or file a report.
6 � Harassment, abuse, hate speech or any kind of discriminatory speech will not be
7 � Racial and offensive slurs will also not be tolerated, both of which (6 and 7)
will result in a ban.
8 � Offensive/nsfw names and avatars are not allowed and will result in a warning.
9 � Advertising of any sort will not be tolerated. The exception being the #IORP-
stream-roster channel. Or given explicit permission from an admin.
10 � Do not spam the bot. He has feelings too ya know.
11 � Admins have the final say in what is allowed. They have the right to remove
posts as they see fit.
12 � If you disagree with an admin�s decision you can appeal on discord #Appeal
Report Section
13 � You must follow Discords ToS �
The admins have the final say in any situation, and all rules are subject to
change. When the admins review a situation, more than one opinion is used.

1 � Respect others at all times. Racism, hate speech, rape, and sexual harassment
are not allowed.
2 � NO ERP (Erotic Roleplay) on the server
3 � Do not grief others. Griefing is the act of intentionally angering or
irritating another player with malicious intent. Example: Consistently stalking a
player to force RP.
4 � AGE REQUIREMENT: IORP age requirements for our servers. For GTA, you must be 15
years old.
5 � No PD baiting. Value for your life/freedom and strive to not get caught in a
crime. Jail/ Fines are not to be treated lightly.
6 � Do not glitch any elements of the game or use exploits.
7 � Snipers and/or revolvers are only allowed to be used on vehicles.
8 � Vehicle repairs are not to be used from inside a car during any chase by either
party, criminal or PD. You must be clear of any situation before starting repairs
unless standing outside the vehicle.
9 � You must never go into an apartment to avoid consequences or advertise
�loitering parties.� There is zero tolerance for wasting server slots and looking
to circumvent server rules.
10 - PD Rules: These rules will be given to you when you are accepted to the PD
role and they are to be treated as official server rules.
11- You cannot use animal peds on the server. Your clothing can only be changed at
the clothing store.
12 � SERVER RESTARTS/CRASHES: You may not use a server restart or crash to gain
You may not use a server restart or crash to escape an RP situation you were in
before the restart/crash. You must wait for the other players to reconnect, and
then continue the RP.
13 � MICROPHONES AND CHAT: A microphone is required to play on IORP. If your mic
breaks, find a reason your character is suddenly mute (a sore throat is a good
reason to not log in!) and exit the situation as gracefully as you can.
14 � External communication � The moment you connected to IORP server, you MUST
mute or close your external VOIP connection.
Metagaming is the use of out-of-character (OOC) knowledge someone would have no in-
character (IC) knowledge of. Stream sniping occurs when you have a player�s stream
open and use the information you see there (whether to find, harass, spy on them,
or otherwise interact).
15 � Stream sniping/stalking and metagaming IS NOT TOLERATED. Do not act on
information obtained through any means other than direct RP:
You must keep the information you have learned via watching streams and reading
discussions separate from your character�s knowledge.
You may not use in-game automated notifications (death messages and tribe/clan
logs, etc.).
16 � TERMINOLOGY: You may not skirt the OOC rule by saying things like:
in GTA: that you have a bodycam (your stream), that you will go to City Hall or the
FiB, as in �I will report this to the FiB/City Hall,� or �I�ve talked to someone at
City Hall and they said I can do this,� etc.
in any games: referring to �the land of Discordia� or any other names for Discord,
referring to the gods constantly, as in �the gods made him to go sleep permanently�
when referring to a banned player, or �the gods can hear us,� etc.
This ruins immersion for everyone present and for viewers. If you need to say
something to someone OOC, DM the person � don�t interrupt the RP. If someone else
goes OOC, do not further compound the immersion break by going OOC yourself to tell
them off or try to help them out. Just report the rule break and move on.
17 � RULESPLAINING: Do not explain the rules in character. �You�re not really
valuing your life right now�, �I have a gun to your head, ahahahaha. This guy.�.
There are better ways to handle this, �I�m gonna shoot you in the head if you keep
moving�. Report people who break rules and people who don�t value their life �
shoot them, then report them. Do not ruin your RP experience for people who break
the rules � admins will sort them out.
18 � You must value your life and the lives of others. For example, do not attempt
to draw a weapon while being held at gunpoint or carelessly injure NPCs. You may
not run at someone with a melee weapon if at gunpoint � you may only defend
yourself at a realistic distance.
You must value your life and the lives of others (not at the detriment of your
If you have a gun to your head and you run away � this is a serious violation of
this rule.
You must comply to reasonable demands if your life is under threat � by weapons or
There is a value of freedom � once physically attacked you have the right to defend
yourself or run for safety.
Furthermore, value of freedom should be considered when fleeing from robberies,
however there is a reasonable point where value of life trumps value of freedom.
IE. Multiple officers with guns pointed on you and positioned around a car you are
trying to steal, if you drive away and don�t surrender. You are not valuing your
Powergaming is the process of gaining an advantage in a RP scenario, either by
using in-game mechanics or RP, to give the other players involved no opportunity to
interact or defend themselves. It gives the other people involved in RP no option
but to lose.
19 � Powergaming of any form is prohibited.
Examples include but are not limited to:
Constantly speaking over players and not allowing them to speak or defend
Robbing Players without giving them an opportunity to speak or defend themselves.
Putting someone in a position and not allowing them to have a way out.
Using a hostage to power game through game content. Heists/Robberies.
20 � RDM (Random Death Match) is never allowed. Conflict must be initiated either
verbally, through texts, or ads.
The only exception to the rule applies to Store Robberies, Bank Robberies, and
Heists. In these 3 scenarios both parties will assume gunfire will happen without
verbal, text, or ad communication. Read PD rules carefully.
21 � Ads are to be the last resort for initiating conflict and only used when all
other options have been exhausted.
22 � Gunfire that does not injure or down a player is not considered RDM. Example:
Shooting at the ground in front of a Player�s feet to get their attention.
23 � Teleports (Enter/Exits) � cannot be camped. You must let people grab the
nearest cover and have time to respond to any threat. You cannot mow someone down
or kidnap someone at a load in point.
24 � You may have a maximum of 8 people when engaging in group conflict. The only
exemption for this rule is after someone has been captured and there is no genuine
chance for their rescue. You may bring them to other players if it furthers story
and the initial conflcit has subsided.
25 � Do not continually hit the same group over and over again. This can be
considered power gaming. Slow burn the story.
26 � You must have a reason for group conflict � there needs to be an option for
the other group to get out of the conflict. A reasonable amount of money for tax,
territory etc� Ordering a group to fold or completely cease operations is power
gaming if pushed.

Admin mediation is available if needed for degrading group conflict scenarios.
These must be followed for any robberies, as the culprit or responding officer.
27 � PD must immediately identify themselves when arriving on scene and attempt
verbal communication before firing their weapon.
Criminals MUST be in the immediate area for this to apply to them.
Police and Criminals must be set to Shout. (Press Z to toggle voice modes).
This is in effect from the moment the Robbery/Heist is started until either
The Criminals involved are arrested and/or
The Criminals involved escape.
28 � PD will assume that suppressive shots will be fired at them without verbal
communication from Criminals.
29 � PD and Criminals are allowed to return fire with the intent to injure/put down
once they receive suppressive fire from each other.
Criminals and PD must be given an opportunity to take cover if loading in an entry
point before firing. Example: Police take the elevator in FIB � the criminals must
not camp the load in point. They may not fire suppressive rounds until they�ve been
given the chance to get cover.
Do NOT attempt to pull out a weapon, raise your weapon, or shoot if a Player has
you at gunpoint. Example: Criminal runs out of Store, weapon in hand, into a PD
Officer who has his gun pointed at him. At this point, the Criminal is NOT allowed
to raise his weapon and attempt to shoot because it is not valuing life.
30 � Criminals are NOT required to use verbal communication before firing at PD.
However, they must use suppressive fire if they choose not to verbally communicate
first. Suppressive fire means firing shots at PD with the intent to push them back
into cover without injuring them. Give PD the opportunity to take cover, react, and
fire back before shooting with the intent to down the PD Player.
Suppressive Fire Examples:
Shooting at the feet of PD
Shooting the car doors and hood of a PD car
Shooting at the side and tail of a PD chopper.
31 � DO NOT log out in the middle of combat, i.e. combat logging.
32 � Do not go to the barbershop with the intent to drastically change your
appearance if wanted by PD. Examples of what is NOT allowed: Changing your face,
eyebrows, hairstyle, age, etc. Examples of what IS allowed: Dyeing hair, putting on
a painted mask, shaving beard off, etc.
33 � You cannot complete any heist with more than 4 people involved in the heist
(Banks, Jewelries.etc) and store robberies max up to 3. This allows counter play to
the police.
34 � You cannot knowingly coordinate heists to start at the same time. Give at
least 10 minutes between completion of heists. (This meta is terribly unfair to
35 � The Police Lockup, IAA Databank, Pacific Standard Bank and the FIB Building
are all considered hostile robberies. If robbing these locations you SHOULD expect
a gunfight. If trying to run with a weapon � police may use force. If trying to
escape in a vehicle � police may use force. It should be expected that the police
will breach these locations.
36 � Do not park vehicles inside of a heist building with the intent of escaping
through the doors � this is unrealistic. (IE. Motorcycle in a store robbery.)
Please read this rule carefully. It is different from other servers.
Incapacitated � meaning that you see the text to call an Ambulance or click E to
respawn. You are downed.
ALSd � This means you clicked E to respawn or the timer expired and you respawned
at the hospital.
37 � If you are incapacitated you MUST NOT remember key details about anyone that
was involved in your incapacitation in the situations directly preceding that.
There is no time requirement on this, this rule includes up to the point you were
lured, captured or brought to the point of your incapacitation.
You may remember small details � make/model/color of the vehicle that drove you.
You can remember the why and how � what the reason was and where it was done, but
not who did it. IE. Jareen Radnus killed you for snitching on him about stealing
Mary Jane cookie�s and he then threw you off the dam. You remember someone threw
you off the dam for snitching. �
You can remember what someone was wearing, their build and gender, if applicable.
38 � If ALS�d you do not remember anything leading up to your death.
39 � If killed from explosions or falling from great heights. Players can be
revived but must not remember anything leading up to your death.
40 � The downed player must speak or emote to EMS/PD to indicate they want to be
revived or ALSed. Example �/me no pulse� tells PD/EMS to not revive and �/me weak
pulse� tells PD to revive them.

This applies to PD, but they are NOT required to RP a limp or severe trauma that
causes them to go off duty unless they choose to. This means higher-ranked PD
officers cannot force others to go off duty due to injury � that is a violation of
rule 50.
41 � EMS/PD will not revive downed players until they indicate that is what they
42 � The LSPD can charge/arrest Players for crimes committed before they respawned.

CRIMINALS This means you cannot respawn and claim memory loss to keep PD from
charging you with crimes. Get creative: Use masks, different voices, different
outfits, different vehicles, change your license plates, etc. if you want to
conceal your identity and not have a paper trail lead back to you.
CRIMINALS You must wait 1 hour before re-engaging in the conflict that caused you
to be downed/respawn.
We ask you use common sense: If you are shot multiple times, fall off of a
building, or go down in an explosion then do not re-engage even if it�s been 1
hour. RP serious injuries.
Examples of what is NOT allowed:
Respawn and then immediately drive a car to pick up your wanted friend who you just
attempted to rob the bank with
EMS revives PD Officer who then immediately starts chasing the Criminal(s) who
escaped a Robbery.
43 � If you want to claim having a bomb vest or having an explosive please have an
explosive to show this. There needs to be counter play for the other side.
44 � Sniper rifles and/or revolvers must not be used on players and primary
function should be to disable vehicles.
45 � You may take hostages at the scene for robberies � but cheesing hostages
(making job calls or abducting random people at central garage) for the sake of
winning a heist is against the rules.
The only exceptions to this is if a hostage scenario is providing story � meaning
you are RPing out a full scenario with them and it�s a part of a larger RP.
You are strictly forbidden from using friends or fake hostages. This is a minimum
72 hour ban.
Also it is worth noting � if you are unreasonable with hostages the police WILL
BREACH AND SHOOT YOU. They have an obligation at a certain point to save the
hostages life when it feels like criminals are being unreasonable and that there
life is in danger � if you try to leave with a hostage from a scene you are likely
to be met with force due to this.

46 � Do not speak If your injuries would cause you to be unconscious. Wait until
EMS arrives to emote (/me) your injuries.
47 � Logging out while down and waiting for EMS is prohibited.
48 � Do not call �headshots� or say what another character�s injuries are.
49 � Use discretion with accidental death or knockouts.
50 � PD can say they were hit in their Body Armor when downed in gunfights
(regardless of where shot or how many times shot), so that they can stay on duty to
keep all server content open.
51 � You must RP out your injuries appropriately. If you have been downed (Needed
resuscitation by PD/EMS) in a situation where you were attempting to inflict harm
on another � you must RP out your injuries and not re-engage in conflict for at
least an hour. This is especially important in gangland style executions � you must
take the consequences of your actions

52 � You must not reverse a permadeath where Los Santos Medical writes a death
certificate and/or autopsy. If you wish to bring back a permadeath�d character (One
which is recorded), you must have admin approval and properly fix the paper trail
so that there a no other adverse consequences to other parties. You must also not
continue former conflicts from before the death � you must start fresh. YOU ARE
Medical Professionals: You must determine in an OOC DM that someone is choosing the
route of a permadeath and understands that this rule exists before writing a death
certificate or autopsy.
Law Enforcement: You must not investigate a murder unless there is a death
certificate or autopsy.

The admins have the final say in any situation, and all rules are subject to
change. Additionally, admins may decide to take action over something not listed
here. When the admins review a situation, more than one opinion is used.

There comes a time when everyone in Los Santos gets injured and requires medical
treatment, and today is your lucky day. Congratulations, and welcome to the world
of Medical RP!

Medical RP is a voice and text-based roleplay that adds a bit of depth to both your
injuries, as well as your treatment. It allows for levels of detail not normally
found in a roleplay server. By utilizing the /me and /do functions of the text chat
in the top left of the screen, the injuries received and treatment performed are
only limited by that of your imagination. There are some who aren�t quite familiar
with how any of this works. Therefore, we hope this guide provides you with a
resource to refer back to when you decide to give your character more than just a
stubbed toe or simply �being downed�.
Medical RP is a tennis match of call and response. City employees, be they police,
or medical staff, will ask you via voice to explain your injuries. If you decide to
remain conscious, you can verbalize what is wrong, but only to a certain extent.
For instance, you would know that you have been shot, or stabbed, but would have no
idea if any internal organs were damaged, or if you were suffering from any
internal bleeding. This is when Medical RP becomes an extremely useful storytelling

Below is a sample scenario of how it works, from start to finish.

In this scenario you are a criminal who was engaged in a firefight with LSPD and
have been downed with significant injuries. When the scene is clear, a first
responder will approach you to assess your injuries.

In this case, medical personnel will be BOLD BLUE, and the patient will be BOLD

�Hello, can you hear me?�

Here you decide if you are conscious or unconscious. If you are conscious, continue
to respond over voice and engage the first responder to address your injury.
Otherwise, it�s time to use text for your side of the RP.

If conscious...

If unconscious...
�Yeah, I can hear you.�

/me is unconscious
�Okay good, my name is Dave Evans with EMS.
Is it okay for me to help you?�

�Not getting a response,

checking for a pulse.�
�Yes, thanks.� continue to step 3

Next, decide if you�re alive... continue to step 2

If you are unconscious, you will also need to decide on having a strong,
weak, or no pulse.
Remember that a no pulse indicator�s next step is usually associated with a
permanent death.

/me pulse is weak

�Ok, we got a weak pulse here. Let�s figure out these injuries.�
Time for you to let the person looking you over know what it wrong, and how severe
the injuries are. This is your responsibility, not the first responder. Leaving
injury diagnosis up to the staff treating you would mean that they were powergaming
your injuries. They are only there to provide treatment options, not to decide what
is wrong with you.

Unconscious Response:
/me has three gunshot wounds, no exit wounds visible. 1 in the abdomen, 1 in the
chest, and 1 in the right shoulder. Significant blood loss present.

Conscious Response:
�I got shot. I think there�s one there in my stomach, another in my chest and maybe
one more on my right shoulder. Don�t think the bullets made it out and I am feeling
really faint, like I�ve lost a lot of blood.�

At this point, EMS should attempt to stabilize you, meaning they will �revive� you,
but only for purposes of transport, and to avoid being �ALS�d.

�ALS� is when your character respawns at the hospital after not being resuscitated,
costing you all of your inventory and all of the cash in your pocket.

�Going to apply some quick clot to slow this bleeding and temporarily bandage the
wounds for transport. Let�s get them to Pillbox ASAP.�

You do not have to go to Pillbox. While it may be strongly encouraged by first

responders, you are never obligated (unless you were brought there unconscious).
Just remember to RP your injuries appropriately!

On-scene stabilization is complete and you will now be transported from the scene
of injury to Pillbox Hospital for further treatment. When EMS attempts to move you
into the ambulance, you may be required to physically walk your character over to
the vehicle and also walk out of it and into the hospital upon arrival. Treat this
as being brought in by EMS on a stretcher for RP purposes.

EMS will never perform surgery at the scene of an incident. That is the
responsibility of the doctors on duty.
If no doctors are on duty, you will be relegated to �Pillbox Doctors� and treatment
is now in your hands through text RP.

Fast forward through the ambulance ride, you are now at the hospital being
transported to a bed. To make things easier for everyone involved, please use E to
lay down on bed. Flopping is incredibly distracting and disruptive, DO NOT USE M.

You will now be assessed by one of the doctors on-duty. The EMS will provide the
doctor with as little or as much detail about your injuries as you�d previously
given them.
The level of detail, at every stage of this process, is entirely up to you. So
here�s the rest of the medical process for once you�ve arrived at Pillbox.
Whether you�re conscious or not, the doctor on duty will engage in RP exchange
through voice, just like EMS. When they are treating an unconscious individual, the
Doctor will still vocalize their medical process. So, make sure to pay attention as
they are going to be prompting you for information during this time.

�Hi, I�m Dr. John. Let�s get some imaging to see where these bullets are and if any
internal damage is present.�

/me all 3 GSWs bullets remain and need to be carefully removed. No organ damage or
complications appear.

�Ok, looks like we can get to these bullets. Cleaning the area and applying some
lidocaine before extraction.�

At this point, bullet removal and final treatment can go in a variety of ways. To
keep things simple, you can allow the doctor to complete the work without
additional complications, or you can throw a curveball.

If you want to complicate things a bit, here�s what that might look like:

�I�ve got the forceps gripped on the first bullet; extracting now.�

When a doctor pauses at this type of vocal queue, it allows you to add in those
complications to the procedure if you so desire. If it makes sense for you, go

/me the bullet comes out easily, but reveals that it nicked a vein and bleeding has
increased substantially. Vitals are beginning to drop...

If we continue down this path, we could see how the procedure gets messy and allows
for deeper medical roleplay. For the sake of length to this guide, we�ll stop that
part of the example here, but know that there are dozens of options when it comes
to medical roleplay.

�Looks like we�ve got all bullets removed, entry wounds sutured and our patient�s
vitals look stable.�

If you�ve been unconscious during the entirety of the procedure, you can choose to
wake up at anytime, provided you aren�t currently sedated. A doctor might say
�Let�s give some time for the sedative to wear off.� to indicate that it�s safe to
�wake up.�

Now continue to use voice exchanges to wrap up your medical RP.

The doctor may explain your injuries and treatment completed once you�ve woken up
or are ready to ask questions. They will provide you with �after-care instructions�
and anything else to help bolster the roleplay aspect of your injury.

As there is no current billing or medical records mechanic on the new framework,

the rest of your exchange should be fairly straight forward. Yay, medical insurance
is here?!?!


Be precise and detail your injuries to maximize RP. i.e. Don�t answer with /me has
multiple gunshot wounds
Don�t answer with /me has 45 gunshot wounds. That�s not realistic and would take
forever to treat.
Don�t use your phone during treatment. It breaks immersion and disrespects the
other players.
Keep things realistic. We will not reattach severed heads, or anything to that
Think about your medical status. i.e. If you have a breathing tube down your throat
you shouldn�t be talking.
Consider long term injury impact. If you broke your leg, maybe use an injured walk
Lower your VOIP to a whisper when in the back of the hospital. Yes, even if you�re
just there visiting a friend.
We�re here to roleplay, please be considerate and respectful when interacting with
medical staff & others.
�Pillbox Doctors� are invisible NPCs to take care of injuries when no player
doctors are on duty via text RP
Framework issues can sometimes make things weird. Do your best to suspend disbelief
when that happens. i.e. If you see someone 10 feet away and an EMS is reviving the
�air� in your eyes.
EMS are not Doctors. They are not trained to do surgery and are not permitted to
attempt it; they will call for �Pillbox Doctors� if a player doctor is not
available to treat you.
Remember there are server rules about deaths & memory if you were downed!

If you decide to kill off your character, you must confirm it with the medical
personnel present through a direct message to the player on discord. The only
individuals who can officially declare a death is a first responder (if death is
obvious) or a doctor. Only a doctor can sign off on a death certificate and/or
autopsy for the purposes of roleplay.

Declaring a death with a �Pillbox Doctor� is acceptable, but the information still
needs to be sent to a player doctor. Anyone with EMS role can provide an official
death certificate to you.


EMT/Paramedic: Usually first on scene once police have cleared the location. They
will stabilize and transport.

Doctor: Responsible for full medical treatment of physical injuries. They are
capable of performing surgery and prescribing medication.

Therapist: A specialization of a doctor that has qualifications to provide mental

and emotional therapy. They also respond to 10-96 calls with PD and can supply
Psychiatric Evaluations for court. You can book time with an in-game therapist

Head exploded = game crashed / disconnected
Inside my head/meditating/taking a piss/anything that involves doing something by
yourself during a conversation = AFK or non-responsive in game
Hit the __ muscle = press the __ key
Eyes fucked up = seeing things that aren't visible to other people (i.e.
Spider on your foot/need to jump = animation is bugged for other players
Take a nap = reconnect to the game (usually to get rid of a bug)
Go to sleep = logging off
On the train = in queue to get into the server
County 1/2 = Server 1/2
Months (prison sentencing) = IRL Minutes
Years (prison sentencing) = IRL Days
Headache = lag
Locals = NPCs
High Command = Admins (used by Police)
Government = Admins (used by non-police)
Tsunami = server reset
Scuffed = fucked up (usually bugged due to someone's connection to the server)
The Nines = 9999 days in prison (basically life sentence, or stuck there
Psychiatrist/Mental Evaluation = To be reviewed by admins to decide if the player
will be banned from the server
ICU = "Dead" or unconscious indefinitely (can be brought back)
Perma = Permanent death - no coming back (must use /suicidepill or something like
Look through your eyes = go to first-person view
Brain = PC (in reference to getting a new one, or the current one having problems)
Voices inside your head = Twitch/Youtube chat
Surveillance footage = Twitch/Youtube video clips (unless referring to jewelry
store/gas station camera footage)
Voicebox = mic settings, usually in reference to being too loud/quiet
Right brain = right click (usually as advice to re-enter the game with right click
after alt-tabbing to avoid punching nearby players)

The admins have the final say in any situation, and all rules are subject to
change. Additionally, admins may decide to take action over something not listed
here. When the admins review a situation, more than one opinion is used.

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