Trends, Network and Critical Thinking

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Read early in the day: This will allow you to concentrate and retain more
information than studying later at night when you may be tired. When tired,
your concentration and comprehension will be compromised.

Read for short bursts: Try to read for 35 to 40 minutes at a time and then
take a short break. If you have this as your reading goal, it can serve as a
motivator in trying to really focus on the material at hand. Try to make these
“bursts” quality reading time.

Find a quiet location: Try to avoid your dorm room or lounge. There are too
many distractions to disrupt your focus.

Monitor your comprehension: Ask yourself every once in a while, “What

have I learned?” If you are having trouble answering this question, re-read the
material, ask a classmate, or ask the professor for some clarification.

Annotate. Be sure to underline, circle, or make general notes in the

margins. Create your own guide to distinguish between important terms or
information that you need to clarify.

Try skimming the chapter first: Take a look at the title page, preface,
subtitles, the introduction, and the chapter summary before reading the entire

Remember: College Textbooks are designed to help you by providing

Italicized Words

Bold Words

 Lists of Main Points

 Repetition of Information/Facts
 Summaries

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